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The influence of Learning Styles on Student Attitude and Achievement

in Physics
I Putu Eka Putra Sanjaya

Student attitude and achievement in physics may be significantly influenced by

different learning styles. Every student has a different learning style, there are three types of
learning styles based on individual modalities used in information processing (perceptual
modality). Visual Learners, auditory learners, and kinesthetic learners.
Auditory learning style is a style of learning that focuses on the sense of hearing to
understand and remember the information obtained. The characteristics of learning styles of
auditory, among others, the first able to remember the good explanation of the teacher in front
of class, or materials discussed in the group / class, secondly, are listeners eminent means
children easily master the creative / songs in television / radio, thirdly, are likely to much
Visual learning style is a style of learning that is more focused on the sense of sight to
be able to receive the information obtained. The characteristics of the visual learning style
among other things first, tend to see attitudes, movements, and lip teacher was teaching.
Secondly, not a good listener when communicating. Thirdly, when the user gets to do
something usually will see more friends and then he himself who acts
Kinesthetic learning style is a style of learning that requires the individual concerned
to touch something that gives certain information so that he could remember. As for the
characteristics kinesthetic learning style among other things first, touching everything
encountered, including the current study. Secondly, difficult silent or sit still, always wanted
to move. Thirdly, do everything possible active hands.
Learning Styles is considered to have an important role in the process of teaching and
learning activities. Students are often forced to learn in ways that are less suitable and
acceptable for them will possibly hinder the learning process, especially in the case of
concentrate while absorbing the information provided. In the end it will also affect the student
attitudes and achievement have not been up as expected
Students should be able to recognize its learning style by recognizing the self-concept
associated with learning difficulties experienced by, for example, if it includes typical
individual or can socialize in meeting the learning needs and so forth. Due to recognize their
own learning style of the student is able to determine how or what the optimal way of
learning for him. Teachers should notice to students' learning styles are different during the
learning process. Because it can help and facilitate teachers in determining appropriate
teaching methods and the delivery of material that can be accepted by the students. So
students with different learning styles can also building student attitude and achievement.

1. De Porter, Bobbi, dkk. 2000. Quantum Teaching. Bandung: Kaifa
2. Gunawan, Adi W. 2006. Genius Learning Strategi. Jakarta: Pustaka Utama
3. Hidayana, Herma. 2009. Effect of Learning Styles for Student Achievement Class X SMK
Negeri 2 Balikpapan. Thesis, Department of Management, Faculty of Economics, University
of Malang.
4. Robert & Dyer. 2005. The Influence of Learning Styles on Student Attitudes and
Achievement When an Illustrated Web Lecture is Used in an Online Learning Environment.
Texas A & M University, University of Florida. 46, 1-3

Cara belajar yang dimiliki siswa sering disebut dengan gaya belajar atau









bagaimana ia menyerap, dan kemudian mengatur serta mengolah informasi.

Terdapat tiga gaya belajar seseorang yaitu visual (cenderung belajar melalui apa
yang mereka lihat), auditorial (belajar melalui apa yang mereka dengar) dan
kinestetik (belajar melalui gerak dan sentuhan), (DePorter & Hernacki, 2002:
110-112). Meskipun gaya belajar yang dimiliki berbeda-beda, namun tujuan yang
hendak dicapai tetap sama yaitu guna mencapai tujuan pembelajaran dan















memaksimalkan gaya belajarnya karena mereka belum menyadari gaya belajar

yang mereka miliki. Hal tersebut terbukti dari masih adanya siswa yang
menyibukkan diri sewaktu guru menerangkan pelajaran. Sementara siswa
mempunyai gaya belajar yang berbeda-beda. Ada siswa yang bisa belajar
dengan efektif jika dia belajar dengan mengandalkan penglihatannya, ada juga
siswa yang belajarnya akan efektif jika dia belajar dengan mendengarkan, selain
itu ada siswa yang belajarnya efektif jika dilakukan dengan kegiatan praktik.

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