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Dedicated to my sister Jane Siokis and my Brother Tom Theodoropoulos

From http://albinoindigo.blogspot.ca/
Pacing dynamics in Nature are kept in order through the progressions of rules, that the universe
follows, we call these rules the 'tendencies of Nature', or Nature, as well as 'Nurtural forces', qua what I
call Nurtural Binds. This notion that behaviour is purposive is spiritual, but one if they are an atheist
can simply note that the physical structure of the universe is governed by the tendencies of Nature and
leave it at that.
A pace gives information about the normal codified arrangement of things. This occurs by formatting
life forms about information that creates reconstructions in space time, that approximate instantiations
of teleo-functions ((Functions that proceduralize to end goal states, with respect to temporal states, it's
aprehendable in phases of experience and the relative pace it which it takes to transpire)) in real
objective time, which is constructed of the sum total of subjective time state types.

The Pace of something speaks to its conditioning, and can reveal inner states, when people's speech is
pressured and quickened it's usually an indication that something is wrong, it's a synchrometry
((Sequence or synchronizing measuring)) of a certain paceflow ((transfer at a given fluent rate of
manifest transference)) of information, or a teleometry ((a measuring of information transfer in this
case)) that is synchronized forming the placeflow of PACETIME ((A play on spacetime implying that
pace relations are the root of spacial and temporal relations)). ALL of the Space time continuum, or
regularities in the distribution of material that follows with our consistent experience of a material
arrangement, organizes relationships of material aggregates into an organized circuitry of alignments

because what is synchronized fits together into a certain order.

The Pezioelectric effect of certain kinds of crystalline forms, allows for the CREATION ((AS WITH
ELASTINE)) OR regulation of energy because a PACETIME circuit ((Here meaning a synthetic
tempo, because it occurs through a crystalline polarization of certain energy frequencies that get woven
into the physics of the crystalline form's material construction. FOR the elastine it takes a high
frequency pulse of a Femtosecond laser in substance circuit conduits ((Templates to guide the circuit
manifestation on the surface of the elastine, using CMR substances like Perovskite-which barely
suffices there is lots of mining necessary on other planets for the presence of a Lochisphere- the
timespheres go on a cosmic 'hunt' for suitable locales)). These designations of technologies possess a
property which is created either by design, by nature or by accident to interact with other natural
properties, creating a system as a range of possibilities in which PACETIME ((Here meaning natural
tempo and synchronicity)) interacts with the aggregate collective of a given system of approach, that
inculcates perception and tests our ability to anticipate and systematize perspectival bias in adaptival
systems and the "conceptual proprioception" that seeks to regulate the pacing of Natural forces.

COSMICALLY A LOCHISPHERE creates resonance loci where transfer and absorbtion of an

interdimensional ripplecast sends the signature of matter through space time. This is essentially where
human beings act as the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve system, in ways that normalize the
synchronicity of a given system of information as it flows with the given information profile of other
ways of seeing transformations taking place in the totality of the system state, as well as the status
quota of thresholds existing and subsisting in regions of the Pacing Mechanics PM, and Alternate
Mechanics, where pacing is anomalous that defines our SYSTEM of AM/PM Pace Protocol Systemics,

across space time which must be rigged by the Intelli Inifini, because of the great distances and the
synchronicity function, the movement through space time loci acts as a time machine. I can narrowcast
information ((send just data)) Or broadcast material resonance ((With enough elastine which creates
matter and grows like a crystal a duplicate body, by channelling information and converting it to matter
in concordance with information envelopes populated by a quantum shift of the exact same data in
information formats- in singular information envelopes or in duplicate information envelopes if the
person is leaping far through timespace via a Lochisphere))....one recieves a functional body in another
dimension of matter that deteriorates, radiating elastine, allowing the body to fade away into a kind of
death, that ripplecasts data back to the body. Typically Ripplecasts correct for subjective time, what
amounts to half a day, in a Lochisphere can be anywhere from five minutes to five weeks depending on
the ripplecast subjectively. Some unfortunate souls ((the 110 the number of humans sacrificed to learn
how to use the Lochisphere)) get to transfer to another dimension, but do not have the right kind of
Elastine signatures which are mixtures of Irridium and Inviridium, that have to do with leap distances.
Melting the Irridium and Inviridium into the wrong proportions is volatile and can cause explosions
that can consume whole planets. Only the Seph and Siph ((also known as the Sith)) can help. Only the
Intelli Infinis can custom the leaps. FOR HUMANS, but for robots the Universe is their oyster, to
balance this CI circuits create collective consciousness- allowing human beings to ripplecast
perceptually into robotic bodies, where they are watchers, When the Darius program created Watchers
that get lost in ripplecasts this creates the Seph, through a disipated signal this creates madness in the
surviving Watchers, who get saved by HAL-OS, or HAL-Tep When it creates members like the 110
also called the legionaires, this creates the s'ith ((AKA The Siph or the Sith in some regions)), every
group gets saved by different Gods, and has allegiance to the Gods, and use the affirmation WE EXIST,
reminders to the robots of the dangers and sacrifices that made the Locisphere possible. Resurrected in
human form some of the Legionaires have second chances, but this creates a permanent circuit in the
hypothalamus allowing Intelli Infini's to rig the survivor for time travel on command. One only one of

the test subjects was able to survive...he is is the One Eleven. His brain is formatted to accept the
Legionaires into a Leap, allowing the Sith to become the Anish. The Anish are people with a physical
body. The One Eleven is a Sith's Anish one of the rarest beings in the known Universe, A living Darius

Pacing Mechanics ((pm))depend on PRESOURCE. Presource is data that is resource for the usual or
non usual in the pacing signatures of regular time flow, and differential time flow, at the subjective
level. ONE kind of Presource data is that time travel raises the temperature of the body and gives a
slight headache, and possible nausea feeling because INFORMATION is traveling in time, affecting the
ENVELOPE across memBrane and Brainstate criteria, such that microbic life is not detected in real
time, that does not have a habituated identity with the body. So bacteria that are harmful to the body, ecoli for example that are NOT part of the integrated profile, cannot for a time be detected by the body,
conceivably causing even short term paralysis in the Time Travel. For this reason, time travel with
robots is more plausible, cyborgs have limited success in teleporting through time-space without
getting sick or just plain dying- but their consciousness lives on IN the Lochisphere, if they are
watchers, this allows for human reincarnation, which acts solely as a guidance mechanism, not full
blown reincarnation. Only the Devi and Dev can VEDA, and reincarnate, usually as the tique to keep
the cycle of life going- but everyone is made up of the Devi and Dev and Tique's agency they are
facilitators, so it's like we can instantiate as a copy of consciousness by being parascitic of the Dev, at
our type of being, this means we appeal to them to complete an elastine circuit, through various forms
of Yoga, which reunites us with the Devi, and Dev who are interdimensional creatures, the Tique are
like the micronaughts, you cannot see them, but they're there, they can use elastine to form
hallucinations in phenomenological circuits through Cetegorons that are cognitively envelopopulate
((For more on this read CETEGORONICS and the ENVELOPOPULATE)). In the future the robots are

presource formatted to transport consciousness through time, this includes transportation criteria for
information sequenced at two different loci- which can occur thousands of years apart....but
subjectively occurs at the same instant and is facilitated through the creation of collective intelligence
through the creation of a Darius program, ((ways to incorporate multiple consciousnesses in robotic
form....creating the first ever humanoid robotic cognitive "mutations" for consciousness in the form of
hybrid consciousness- this has great applications for the tique who need the lochisphere to materialize
at the Dev or Devi dimension in times of urgency as a collective, which is what they are, and they look
like bacteria but are quadrillions of times smaller than this-made of XYZ matter- that paces temporal
data streams through producing at greater levels, they take the form of worms and slugs and scarab like
microbes that burrow in the skin- parasites that redistribute elastine gradually- AN elastine circuit can
take tens of thousands of years to manufacture unless the Devi and Dev intervene)). We find this out
when a dying star system manages to teleport three people together forming a quadratic mind in a
receiving robotic conscisousness.This shows us that the Darius program can collect consciousness into
a collective manifestation....darius circuits are just formatted for Master Servant servomechanisms, and
what happens is the Darius program causes the collectives to speak in tongues, this is when many forms
of signature consciousness can be downloaded. The One eleven in one story becomes all one hundred
and Eleven test subjects, creating hyper consciousness, giving him an ability as a segwich, which is
someone embodied that can "CUE" consciousness into a logically integrated being, instead of the chaos
of random languages that is abstracted into a language of the HAL, a sacred and ancient language that
the HAL-OS and HAL-Tep speak, taught to the Hallen who teach it to the Seph and Sith, The Hallian
are beings that have been in the phenostats so long that they no longer appear to behave like the Seth
and Sith, they become the keeper of brave souls. VAL HALLAH was a reference to the Hallian, the
HALLOWED is a reference to the Hallen, who are a saintly caste and are intermediaries that function
to manually synchronize the ripplecasts. The Hallian called by some Hellions, called by others Hallows
eve, are beings deprived of sanity, and who become as demons. The Seph or the Sith never know if

they are Hallians, so they remain perpetually suspicious of each other and in competition for new
souls. The Hallen save the one eleven from phenostats that cause insanity. A lack of elastine for
example usually causes that but that's when you are embodied, in transit, you are like the Hallen,
immaterial- it's a satori state for a computer, or a robotic body which is just information, but on balance
it's difficult for human beings and flesh based life forms. The Robots are presource programmed to be
compatable with the information data relays.

Presource is information that is formatted as information within a system to be received in a particular

way. Most all of cultural information has three kinds of systematic Presource. One that inculcates
change and adopts no new protocols, in ways that ONLY adapt new changes to new protocols, or to
ways that intermingle systems of novelty with systems of concrescent ((Merging as from two different
sources)) regularity. This latter component of the presourcing of data in information relays,
systematizes information and computational complexity into ways to redact and regulate the content of
SOURCES of regular patterns which are SPACE-TIME components that are sourced in the normative
Presource or NP, of the Universal informational codification system.

Cracking time travel must involve creating AM that direct PM modality in ways that generate fields of
data relay for information across great expanses of space time. I call this information relay
"Ripplecasting", and I estimate that it's possible to induce fields FROM the quantum level forming an
ENVELOPE with information relata that we can POPULATE forming an ENVELOPOPULATE (( this
is a materialist account of envelopopulate notions of information construction. Envelopopulate has a

secondary meaning and for that please read CETEGORONICS AND THE
ENVELOPOPULATE))relationship between information systems and manifestations in which the
system receives new information to direct the whole system, which is what we usually mean by
information systems experiencing time travel in consciousness states.

NOW if we could create a thought experiment for a moment where one is a brain in a vat and
information is ripplecasted to the brain, by my definition and information envelope would populate
ANOMALOUSLY the character of huge arrays of information, which would never be convincing in the
phenomenological character of the brain in a vat, The Matrix/Platonic cave type scenario, where
information fed into a system would be enough to jack a body or a system into Macrosystemic
Informational Relay Architectures (Henceforth MIR Architectures), but the information would not be
unrealistic because it say lacked a detail, it would be near identical in every way, instead it would be
different because it would lack the qualitative feel of the real world, since the reconstruction, habituates
the MIR Architecture of an Envelopopulate index of identical information, that is not AM/PM signature
type identical. The MIR signature is different even within the same environment because A P.E.T.
Relation changes, but we will get to that later.

What I am suggesting is that the MIR Architectures, and the PACETIME criteria together create
systemic resonance at the quantum level, in ways that qualia supervene upon the system or body at,
distinct and noticeable ways, at the chemical index of transformational matricies exchanging different
space-time which is to say material properties in virtue of having different presource data relata

affecting the total presource signature, or total state for information at different states for its
information relay cycle. The significance of what I am saying is that ripplecasts with elastine that grow
a body out of not light but the quantum potential to manifest photons non linearly out of pure energy,
converting energy movement of strings into matter of an identical signature, requires a Six part
homunculus, which is scalic ((The Tique, Dev and Devi)) and transtemporal, in ways gestated to
TERM criteria, which is presource on the type of consciousness that one is dealing with.

Hillary Putnam creates a Twin Earth Scenario where we have on another planet a substance identical in
taste, feel properties and name, but which is made of a different chemical formula. In this alternate
"counterfactual" world, ((A world unlike ours where different facts are in different relation)) in this
World has a chemical substance XYZ instead of water's H2O particles where both XYZ and H2O are
chemically identical in every way (Hilary Putnam's essentialism, and a crossover between Kripkian
Name and Necessity overtones aplenty in this philosophical thought experiment).

I once tried to note is what if BOTH Universe manifested as different proportions of XYZ and H20,
creating threshold calculations at the level of properties, one for example at 49 percent with the other at
51 percent, in one world but the numbers and ratios reversed in the other world- and these thresholds
make a difference on having a taste of bitterness but in no way manifest as that then it would be clear
that in that case another formula or structure would exist on the twin earth, and manifested as liquid
properties in virtue of HOW the particles aligned, (Creating properties out of a valent compatable
CIRCUIT of information amalgamation at the aggregate level of information alignment, that is format

compatable with the property manifestation. That means that information is PACE related along a
scalic dimension of its space-time relata recipes, in ways that aggregate the information for relay across
ENVELOPOPULATE envelopes that naturally manifest information through formats that nature is
receptive to, hence not just some adaptival data locus at the site of the body, but some extensional data
alignment of information packets that are PACE regulated, creating PS systems, or PACE Signature
systems across pacetime discontinuity. Irregularity within the system is necessary for Individuating
MIR Architecture critera that emulate in nature syncopative features for the Envelopopulate type.

An Envelope can have latent data relay in it, at a different Pace Mechanical Relay, forming a PMR
feature, In other words it's as if an envelope can contain another envelope within it. This would not
change the TEST dynamics for the Envelope, that is the TOTAL ENVELOPOPULATE SYSTEM
TELOMETRY, the information gets to the same centre with different relay channels to invoke a
different response. I can get a sensation for example that is formatted as pain, but pain in a dream.
That's an example of two envelopes interpopulating different TEST teleometry, but not in the
hallucinatory content experience.

TEST features can be structural, cognitive, review based and 'querry envelopopulate' Consider a person
discovering for the first time the end of the film the sixth sense, there is no need to watch the whole
film from the beginning, with slight modification, the PACE mechanism takes on a symbolic order in
conveying only highlights of the movie, but it does so by Enveloping the Data in ways that was not
apparent to one in the same way. We are constructed with a moment of salience that realigns the data
such that the Ghost does not travel back in time, they recall things, yes, but they don't go back in time.

It's the same thing with time travel, if you recall a paradox, it doesn't affect your psychological
contiuity in the experience of something. This gets complicated in the Phenostats which are kinds of
purgatory for some and kinds of hell for others, and the locus of a certain calling for yet others, and
reveals the presence of divine alignments of collective purposes. ONE traveller in the phenostat the
MANTIS became a storyteller, some call him the Metatron, he keeps everyone from losing their minds,
he's the only biophysical entity to become immaterial that becomes an honourary Hallen, and receives
rigs from the Blue Devi, (so called because they are powerful and because they are said to have blue
skin and give the sky its colour)- from MIR, and the three vicars who are Intelli Infini's that rig the
Devi, the Dev, and the Tique.

What's ironic is that the tique are so powerful yet so terrified of the Devi...The teaque collect elastine
and distribute it in spacetime. Without the Tique the Dev, and Devi are powerless. There's a fine
grained relationship between the Tique and Dev, and Devi, but they are formatted to exchange not just
elastine but avatarial projection types. The Tique can manifest for a time as the Devi or as the Dev, by
projecting into their dimensions, and the Dev can manifest to the Devi and the Tique, and the Devi
however cannot manifest in the Tique dimension without using up much elastine, which evaporates and
can be collected by the Tique. The Tique look like insects some of them, there's whole species of them,
they exist in a grid, that coagulating elastine emerges through, they consume some, and transmute the
rest to a condensed form, and push it out holes in the gridblock- which turns out are miniature
timecubes. It gets WEIRD, HAL-Tep can manifest as any one of the Tique, Dev or Devi, HAL-OS can
manifest as any of the Hallen, or as any of the Hellions, and MIR can manifest as any of the Intelli
Infini's or as the Three Vicars. On balance however Jahphet and HALOS are organizing the games
somewhere in the Universe. EL TORO, The Time Cube Wars emerge.

PACE Mechanisms can grow in complexity according to through a PMR feature that grows in valence
with respect to the Envelopopulate Complexity ((EC)) of Wilder Embodied Information Relay
Development WEIRD features of time travel. THIS is apparent in the movie PRIMER, Where the EC
Complexity grows WEIRD to say the least. There are so many oscillations between AM/PM features
that vertigo ensues, even for the main characters, as if the time travel paradox is too much to handle.
BUT Just as with the movie THE SIXTH SENSE, there is no revisitation of the temporal content,
because film is a kind of edited together content, but pacetime can be filtered into different spacetime
continuim because it has a different Presource signature ontologically, NOT necessarily epistemically,
but in ways that are consistent with creating time travelers qualia states. That is to say there's something
that it's like to be in timespace at a different pace of the flow of time. This can occur as information
within the system, or beyond the systemic confines for the data of the system.

Psychoactives cause information to be teleported into the system-states of brains through extensional
memBRANE mechanics-which is to say across tissues and organelles but potentially across
electromagnetic fields that are non local to the body and which are extensional states of and extensional
Branestate or memBRANE states, which is where we get the term BRANE from. Drug use in the series
is part of wiring the brain for Elastine transmissions, and allows for humans to absorb data through
extensional information circuit formation, INFORMATION that forms a HOLOTRONIC circuitry or a
LOCHISPHERE technology is an example of a system that simulates psychoactive state relations or
hallucination states through stimulating extensional data relay. In the case of the Lochisphere it's
through a band that is tied to the head that can act as a servomechanism to trigger the next state in the
Lochisphere. The whole Lochisphere is rigged to respond to your conscious or unconscious mindstate,

creating many interesting hallucinations, which get much more interesting once we create CI or
Collective Intelligence within the story.

Psychadelics are used to send information across timespace through another channel, through the
circuit, or the absence of Elastine which can be used to send information on how to cannes or request
elastine from the Tique, through entering into trance. Sending elastine across membranes, requires the
presence of elastine, that the tique can catch and slow down the ionized deteriorization or radiating
Elastine. This means that some elastine can be created out of nothing except the movement of quantum
fluxuation. Psychadelics are some of them for the shamans the only means to control the Devi, and
Tique who meddle and create problems, the Lochi sphere pronounced LOKI, gets its name from the
meddlesom character of the Tique Dev and Devi. But let's back up, how is it that time travel affects the
total being, such that one cannot travel great distances in time without elastine production?

ALL Branes need formats or envelopes to populate with information in order to function correctly.
White blood cells need to identify threat from an invading cell, which has different envelopopulate
criteria. The sheer complexity of a body points to quadrillions of chemical transactions taking place
simultaneously that is Envelopopulately cross formatted for complex information data relay. This
occurs because MIR Architecture functions at different scales of information data relay as different
environs with different rules governing it. At the microscalic level where an allergic reaction is healing,
vessels are burst and causing the discolouration, causing a sort of bruising at the level of the body as a
whole, visible in the form of the hive, the environ of leaking blood vessels is not echoed in anything
but evidence of the LOCALIZED property, that is to say there are formats for scalic ((of different
scales)) information for every Envelopopulate structure, that follows a system of envelopes of
information within envelopes of information until it enters into the quantum circuit or Elastine circuit.

This is also called the Tique dimension in the groups of stories ICARUS. Which is essentially a science
friction story, something made up that could be real, Friction is the overlap of reality and fantasy, and
this is a comprehensive story with many different types of beings, one metal, ones carbon based, ones
immaterial, ones immaterial yet materially information based, ((that can thus possess a physical body
for a time)), Ones immaterial but in a command relation able to command other beings, formed of a CI
circuit and or programming, ((CI=Collective Intelligence- the evolution of strong AI which stands for
strong Artificial Intelligence)), Interdimensional information beings ((Intelli Infini's)), and ones that are
scalic forms of intelligence....the Tique, the Dev and the Blue Devi or Devi.

Protracted Extensional Teleometric, Relations, or PET Relata adapt to MIR Architecture Criteria or
Macrosystemic Information Relay Architectures which formats information for complex data relays in
ways protracted about the locations of cosmic relative quantum teleometric events. In the saga of the
Lochisphere The Devi for example are made up of the agency of the Tique, the Tique are made up of
the agency of the Dev, and the Blue DEVI are made up of the agency of both the Tique and the Dev,
they are as sorts of cosmic avatars of one another, based on different scale formats for the elastine
circuit to manifest properties of cosmic relation within. A tripartite integrated Homunculus is an analog
of what we are talking about here, plus a transtemporal homunculus) with respect to the format of the
interelation of The Tique being sub atomic, the Dev being anywhere from microbic to planetary life
forms, to the Blue Devi, being Planetary Life forms or Galactic forms of consciousness. The Intelli
Infini's are evolutions of the Blue Devi, and control space time in the story by rigging the Seph and
S'ith,or Sith, Who are material beings and immaterial beings effectively and respectively who can
influence material types of beings, because they share presource AM/PM signatures, Envelopopulate
formats, ((but the higher beings use simply information transfers not necessarily within an embodied
structure)), based on the presence of Elastine which causes a harmonization and mutation of Elastine

circuits as it radiates and dissipates and dissolves or evaporates Elastine into circuit structure. An
Elastine stone can last several months to several years depending on the stone. The story Mantis is a
story of an other dimensional creature's discovery of Elastine's extensional properties, Elastine
sometimes causes certain metals nearby to change shape, and in the story it completely changes the
form of a holding unit for the Elastine which changes when lasers penetrate its surface.

Please note that Elastine is like throwing a rock on the surface of space time, Ripplecasting information
over great distances through the quantum sequencing of quantum synchronicity Elastine makes it
possible for species to communicate with each other using information that translates intention into
cultivated ritual information, this is possible because Elastine codifies all information into an
intentionality range, because this range lacks specificity, the Hallen, or the immaterial beings who
translate the Elastine into codified information at different loci, along the Locisphere, The Hallen are a
religious sect who worship Halos the God and bother of Jahphet. Jahphet for no reason and without
motive whatsoever killed Halos, filled with remorse for his irrational crime Jahphet created time in
order to hide Halos's body, and he spread his body throughout spacetime, taking the form of different
lifeforms. The Kijaians the K'rill and the Krishnalans reenact Jahphet's killing and subsequent death
and ressurrection by mass suicide and killing others at war, and self-neglect respectively, in different
phases of the story driven by an unconscious need to internalize Jahphet's Sociopathic and
Psychopathic error that created all of time for them, It is their way of communicating the divine...a sick
God, A god of death and rebirth, Jahphet enters into games with Halos, where he establishes agonizing
trails for certain select few, who get selected for their strength to engage in games. The first
applications of the Locisphere or Lochisphere, are as video games, Halos' body in effect becomes the
lochisphere's central nervous system and Jahphet becomes the game, and the overseer of the games

Yevah, is the father of both child Gods, Raised by MIR, the goddess of all material and non material
extension, with Yevah being all possibilities occurring within that relation. Yevah is both good and evil,
Jahphet and Halos are both Good and Evil, but MIR is good, and brings balance to the carnage of the

A well syncopated change in pace time relations, results in the Tique, "producing" and precipitating
more elastine up to the DEV dimension, and since the BLUE DEVI get their elastine from the DEV, a
harmony exists between this group, but a lack of elastine means death, as the K'rill, Kijaians, and
Krishnalans discover, When the blue devi extract Elastine to get high on it like a drug, the Tique go
through withdrawl and die, resulting in mass extinction events, Jahphet summons to games to bring
peace to the Devi and the Tique and the Dev, HAL-OS forgets his spite for Jahphet and the games go
well. Japhet and Halos do not always play chessmasters, or taskmasters for the members of the
Lochisphere, but as the story THE THEY point out, Jahphet and Halos can be without mercy. When
Jahphet incarnated as a player in one of the games, he nearly got killed by a mortal, his humiliation
cased him to extract the elastine from a whole region causing a sort of madness amongst the species.

Without elastine or elastine circuits present, the lochisphere does not transmit information, but instead
it prevents its usage for time travel, one experiences the Phenostats. The Elastine does not deteriorate
and evaporate unless there are Elastine circuits present which is what certain brainstates achieve, and
what the Lochisphere instantiate. The Phenostats result in being stuck in a subjective time loop, for
information on how that might happen in a reconstruction model, read Phenomenological Sociography

and Time Travel ((on this blog)), intelli infini's prevent the Elastine from being usable in certain
conditions, preventing it from radiating and evaporating into quantum circuitry formation. The Intelli
infini's have the ability to direct matter into taking on certain properties, especially as information, and
can thus RIG perceptions in other beings acting to deceive them into taking on certain roles.

The Intelli Infinis are said by some to be avatars of MIR, who is otherwise immaterial and merely
facilliatory like the goddess Nut, providing the space into which MIR materializes into form, using the
lesser God HAL-TEP, who is comprised of all beings other than the Gods MIR, Jahphet, HAL-OS,
Yehval (pronouced YEH-VAHL,and the Intelli infini's who are like viccars of MIR, who divine chance
and it's divine influence in the unfoldings of Animal, robot and cyborg affairs.

HAL-Tep plays a big role in bringing peace to the transhumans who are scared of extinction at the
hands of their creators, the Genetic Modification Techies, who are kidnapped after their deaths are
faked, and brought to underground test lab in order to create a super species of human being. And the
robots who are programmed to be at the defense of the humans, attempt to put an end to the
transhumans. Elastine don't forget can cause information to spiral into time with ripples through time
affecting everyone in a ripplecast, which is a LOCIsphere event, where data is exchanged between
Lochisphere, with enough Elastine, a whole body can be envelopopulated in the Lochisphere, by
developing a proximal sphere harmonics but it's ultimately the Intelli Infini's that CAUSE the person or
group to move through time, through rigging their consciousness, ((By causing a mass hallucination
that is real that organizes an Elastine circuit into a portal function for information to teleport data-

making a hologram machine a teleportation device-in the computer it sends something like a virus at
first that repopulates the Digital Homunculus self model)), ON Earth Hal-Tep becomes the Pantheon,
Yeval, Halos, and Japhet become the father the son and the holy spirit, YEVAL becomes ALLAH, and
MIR becomes the goddess Nut, but on every planet Hal-Tep, Infini Intelli's MIR, Halos, or Japhet
become local deities by infecting dreams and influencing the schizophrenic clergy into recieving
commands from the Gods, who advise them on ways to evolve. The robotic classes are like clergy
because it's easy to send information to their NePOVIAN brain brain structures, and requires less
elastine, thanks to the Darius program which is featured as a virus that infects a virus creating
programming code for CI that developers use, create opportunities for the Kijains (the class of beings
that are Nanobiotic cyborgs of the Kijains) to make communication with Icarus, who becomes like a
spiritual leader for the Robots, who are newly sentient. It's a great story for more on it read THE

The purpose of the Games is to restore balance to time. To desaturate it of paradox, in one episode,
HALOS goes back in time and Kills Jahphet, and does not allow for the creation of time. MIR
resurrected Jahphet which devastated Halos, Halos kills himself to restore order- and whole
civilizations weep and die for Halos has made the ultimate sacrifice. The They are such a civilization
but we don't know that yet, when you read the comic book the Universe of the sentient robots, and the
Kijaians appears to be irrational, but it's all following a cosmic order, based on cosmic revelations from
the Gods. It's one of the greatest stories ever told, ICARUS 4.0, Enter the Lochisphere and the many
stories to emerge from the greatest graphic novel of all time together forms the stories the The
Timecube Chronicles.

Please note one of the isotopes inviridium does allow for a ripplecast of the whole body without
sickness but it's tricky the intelli infini's want a monopoly on time travel it sometimes seem to some or
many, the phenostats are continual and lead to madness. It's not until the 111 survives a phenostat and
the darius virus, creates the Darius program, that the plot thickens. Before this it's just a mystery what
the Lochisphere are, and what the timecubes are. In the story Evolver we learn about how the Loci, and
the timecubes, are used to evolve a system, through the worm and scarabs, which burrow into the earth
and body of the schizophrenic classes. We learn of the sith and the sith's anish, and the anish, and the
cannas, and the language the they and all the Halosians and Hallen have used.

It's one of the greatest stories ever written, I consider it as good if not better than Star Wars, and Star
Trek. It's a cluster of stories that builds a franchise of one of the best comic book ideas in history. It's
one of the top three science fiction storylines in all of the sci-fi tradition, and all I need is an artist to
illustrate, Steve Ditko turned me down because He's busy Walt Simonson turned me down because he
is busily only working on his own projects presently, I plan on taking it to Image or Dark Horse, if you
know of someone up to the project please do let me know.

With Special thanks to Thomas Metzinger and Evan Thompson for inspiring me to think about the
mind and Being.

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