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Communication and Crisis Paper

Courtney Temple
October 11, 2015
Mrs. Dr. Monique J. Williams

Communication and Crisis Paper

A crisis situation reports indicate that the water supply is contaminated with a life
threatening biological agent in several towns and this department is handling the emergency
crisis with this situation. Our department is handling the communication method of handling this
crisis and informing the public of this threat and the steps they need to take to protect themselves
and their families. Communication in this crisis will be crucial to keep the public calm and to
present the information they will need. The media is a major source that our department is using
to get our message out to the public. However, our office must be careful to prevent the media
from creating a panic.
Our department will be coordinating with the Emergency Operations Center, The State
Emergency Management Center, Department of Health Services, Department of Natural
Resources, state, and local police officials and the volunteer organizations. The uses of these
internal departments will coordinate the information that will be release in this crisis situation.
Updates from state and local police, firefighters, and the National Guard will keep this
department updated on the current developments that is occurring in the affected areas. Our
departments will coordinate all communications so information is correctly given to departments
and news releases to the public. This will control and give this crisis situation the effective
outcome and keep fear at a minimum ("Wisconsin Department of Military Affairs Division of
Emergency Management," 2013).
The state government notification will be to our office when they have requested
emergency assistance from the federal government. Communications with all federal government
specifically FEMA, Federal Emergency Management Agency and NEMA, National Emergency
Management Association is directed through this office. Our department is coordinating the
efforts of all agencies to administer effectively aid to the public.
Communications between government and state agencies are the key to a successfully
handled crisis situation. Federal governments are not allowed just to step into a state crisis
situation. The state must make an official request to the federal government to receive federal
agencies to intervene and render assistance. In the situation with Hurricane Katrina,
communication between local, state, and federal governments completely broke down which
cause catastrophe to occur in the crisis situation. Guidelines are firmly in place with our water
contamination procedures. Our department will be in direct contact with state officials at every
juncture of this crisis situation. Our crisis plan has taken into consider the possibility of the
breakdown of communication, transportation, supplies, and manpower are at the ready if the

Communication and Crisis Paper

water crisis should become out of control and the public needs emergency help. In the wake of
Hurricane Katrina, the crisis center emergency plans is now updated and a revised plans to
include the contingency plan to make all federal, state, and local personnel available to response
to this crisis ("The Katrina Breakdown," 2011).
All press releases, news interviews, and messages are scripted in our office and will
customize each incident and area of occurrence along with the recommended action and shelters
for the public to use, along with the local and toll free numbers for the affected public to contact
to receive additional information and instructions. Our message needs to be short but needs to
include all the appropriate information. Our department has elected one spokesperson who will
be responsible for make all television and radio reports to the media ("7 Tips for Delivering
Effective Emergency Notification," 2013).
The information department is setting up our website to include all necessary information
pertain to this crisis. A team of public relations people is online with all affected areas giving out
needed information and reassuring the public that the situation is under control and all necessary
steps were taken to resolve this crisis. Our website has posted links to all the volunteer
organizations to the American Red Cross and The Salvation Army for the public to contact for
immediate needs such as food and bottled water ("7 Tips for Delivering Effective Emergency
Notification," 2013.)
The technicians have set up for all our mass communications methods that include text,
e-mailing, voice, social media, radio communications, and connects to all mobile emergency
units. These communications are tied into together so every agency is aware of the situation that
is developing ("7 Tips for Delivering Effective Emergency Notification," 2013.)
The advantages of communication in any crisis situation to maintain control of the
situation and inform both inside departments, local, state, and federal agencies, and the public is
the ultimate goal in a crisis situation. Giving the public and private sectors a succinct explanation
of what went wrong and the steps we are taking will help to contain the situation will help to
maintain calm and control of panic. Our concern for the publics health and safety will be the
number one priority. In ensure the public that we are taking all necessary steps to control and fix
the problem will be in our delivered in our communications. Showing the public that we are
confident and in control of the situation is also an advantage in excellent communication ("How
to Communicate in A Crisis," 2010.)
Another area of communication we are responsible for are the scientists and public
workers in the field containing and fixing the contaminated water supply. Keeping open

Communication and Crisis Paper

communication with these workers will also give us a status report of the severity of the
contamination. This information is necessary to help resolve this crisis.
A disadvantage that our office is preparing for are the potential for disruption in our cell
phone and social media communications. Another potential problem that can occur is overload of
the 911 system. Overloads can also occur in our social media with the disruption of IP address
and servers overloading with excessive actively. An old traditional way of communication is to
use ham radio operators. Emergency ham radio operators are in place and have had extensive
training in dealing with all types of emergency crisis (Goslow, 2005.)
As the saying goes its all in the wording. Mistakes in the Three-Mile Island incident
were in the communication wording that the facility official used in its releases to the officials
and the public. Generalization in the severity of the crisis can have a serious and disastrous
outcome. In a crisis situation, keep the explanations simple and with language that the majority
of people will understand. Frighten people will overreact to any information and pick up on any
negativity shown by all public officials. Reassuring the public is another obstacle to be
concerned about. People do not always believe when a crisis has passed. Communications in the
reporting will help people to realize when the crisis period has passed. However, over reassuring
the public can lead to a negative reaction to a crisis situation. People can read into officials
expression and body language when there is still concern over a situation ("The Communications
Failures Lessons of Three Mile Island," 2009.)
As mentioned earlier, the use of technology in our communications will help to resolve
this situation and to care for the public. Broadcasting health messages to the nation for
precautions the public may need to take and symptoms of the biological agent is another form of
communication used to benefit the public. Our department will put all medical information
regarding this biological agent on our websites and make the information available to the public
and private sectors. All hospitals and the medical community are aware of the water
contaminated biological agent and to take measures for the treatment of the public. The medical
community is using all of their knowledge and technology to care for the effect people and to
take all actions to treat and help prevent sickness or death (du Pre, 2004.)
Social media is the forum that the public will use to communicate in any crisis situation.
Our people are monitoring all forms of social media to determine the mindset and attitude of the
public. In past crisis situations, the news media was reporting the unfolding events as they were
happening and officials did not take notice of the reaction to the public. They missed many signs
of problems unfolding in the nation that could have been acted upon and dealt with. Our plan is
to keep our eyes and ears open to the mood of the nation to prevent any rise in public panic. New

Communication and Crisis Paper

technology is emerging every day and emergency management is staying connected to that new
technology. Public emergency workers will use the new technology to utilize lifesaving
information to protect and help the public who is affected ("Communities of Interest Emergency
Communications," 2013.)
Our office spokesperson will hold a news conference with the media daily to report the situation,
progress, and official reports to public. The state and local police, along with our office will
make the determination if additional news briefs are required.
Our office will take every step available to communicate to all agencies, the departments
in this organization, and to the public the necessary information to control and deal with this
water contaminating biohazard agents. Our communication methods will educate the public and
keep in contact with all agencies in the ongoing situation. Our emergency crisis plan is in place
and all employees are trained to utilize the plan to its fullest potential during this crisis. The
design is to save lives.

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