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Time - WordPress theme documentation

Version: 3.8
Created: 29 November 2015
Website: http://themeforest.net/item/time-responsive-wordpress-theme/5736361/
Demo: http://themes.kubasto.com/time/

Table of contents
1. Introduction
2. Installation
2.1. Theme installation
2.2. Example content
3. Working with the theme
3.1. Updating theme
3.2. LayerSlider
3.3. Classic slider
3.4. Super Tabs
3.5. Portfolios
3.6. Shortcodes
3.6.1. hr
3.6.2. mark
3.6.3. dc
3.6.4. tooltip
3.6.5. font
3.6.6. icon
3.6.7. button
3.6.8. quote
3.6.9. list
3.6.10. message
3.6.11. rating
3.6.12. social_buttons
3.6.13. search
3.6.14. contact
3.6.15. columns & column
3.6.16. tabs & tab
3.6.17. toggles & toggle
3.6.18. posts
3.6.19. page
3.6.20. portfolio
3.6.21. media
3.6.22. bricks
3.6.23. slider
3.6.24. scroller
3.6.25. super_tabs
3.7. Custom page template shortcodes
3.7.1. content
3.7.2. section
3.7.3. section_posts
3.8. Custom pages
3.9. WooCommerce
3.10. WPML
3.11. Predefined colors for use in shortcodes
3.12. Image sizes for use in shortcodes
4. How to create a page like ...?
4.1. Frontpage 1
4.2. Frontpage 2
5. FAQ
5.1. Why I see blank page or/and error message after activating the theme?
5.2. Is ... plugin supported?
5.3. How to add icon to a menu?
5.4. How to add my icons, so I could use them with the [icon] shortcode?
5.5. How to change settings (border, hover effect, FancyBox) of a specific image?
5.6. How to make images in a gallery link to pages I want?
5.7. How to add video to a slider?
5.8. How to change names of sidebars (Alpha, Beta, etc.)?
5.9. Comments are not displaying under my post/page/portfolio/gallery, why?
5.10. How to add breadcrumbs?
5.11. How to configure Twitter widget?
6. Advanced customization
6.1. Translating theme
6.2. Custom fonts
6.3. Child themes
6.3.1. Main stylesheet
6.3.2. Theme Options
6.3.3. Filters

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6.3.4. Reseller mode

7. External resources
8. Changelog
9. Thank you

1. Introduction
Time is a responsive WordPress theme, which means it adapts to the device on which it's presented. It's fluid - it stretches to fit user's display unless it reaches max width (which you
can specify yourself). There is also one threshold width, where mobile version is activated. Play with your browser's window width to see how it works.
The theme cares for your content so it looks great on all versions, but you can also decide to show part of a content on some versions only, and hide on others (read more in the
chapter about media shortcode).
Time has a lot of features, and most of them are intuitive to use, but if you need a deeper insight, this is the documentation prepared for you. Thanks for buying and enjoy :)

2. Installation
2.1. Theme installation
Standard WordPress method:
Downloaded theme form your ThemeForest account ("Installable WordPress file only"), and upload it using Appearance / Themes / Install Themes uploader. Accept suggestion
about installing LayerSlider Time Theme edition plugin if you want to use layered sliders feature on your site.
Done. Open the Theme Options page and start working with it.
FTP method:
Upload just the contents of the time folder to the wp-content/themes folder on your server.
Activate the theme through the Appearance / Themes menu in WordPress. Accept suggestion about installing LayerSlider Time Theme edition plugin if you want to use layered
sliders feature on your site.
Done. Open the Theme Options page and start working with it.
Important note: Theme registers a few image sizes and supports Retina (high quality images for high-density displays). So if you already have images in Media Library, they
probably won't be suitable for the theme's needs. You can easily fix this by rebuilding images using Regenerate Thumbnails plugin.
Enjoy your new theme!

2.2. Example content

If you wish to have the same content I've created for the theme's demo site, you can perform a few steps to achieve similar effect. Unfortunately, export/import process in WordPress
in not complete, so the package I provide is a full WordPress installer with implemented demo content. It guarantees almost 1:1 copy of the demo site (notice, images are replaced
with placeholders due to license limits). It's NOT a demo content which you can import to an existing WordPress installation, so make sure you install the package in a
different place then your production site, to not replace it.
1. Make sure you have at least version 5.3 of PHP on your server. If not, try to switch to PHP 5.3 in your hosting panel settings or ask your hosting provider to do it.
2. Unzip the wordpress_demo_setup.zip file from the demo folder and upload the unzipped content to your FTP server (notice, the package includes massive amount of
files (about 37 000), so it might take some time to upload to your FTP server. If your hosting panel has some kind of browser file manager, you can try to upload the zipped
archive and perform the unzipping directly on your server - it would reduce time of the operation significantly).
3. Perform a regular WordPress installation process.
4. Log in to your WordPress dashboard and visit Settings / Permalinks (to refresh rewrite rules).
Done - your demo site is ready.
Notice 1: You might notice some elements of the site (WordPress, plugins or even the theme) might not be up to date, but you can update them to recent versions with no worries.
Notice 2: After installing the demo site, you'll find a Time demo plugin installed. It's used to present some theme features which normally can't be used together on a site (for
example completely different headers on different pages). You can deactivate/remove the plugin. Also, there is some extra code pasted in Theme Options / Advanced, which is used
for some demo tweaks as well. You can also remove it.

3. Working with the theme

3.1. Updating theme
If you want to be noticed about theme updates, you need to paste your purchase code to the Theme Options / System / Purchase code field (in the xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx format). You can find your purchase code in your ThemeForest.net account (Downloads tab, select Download / License certificate & purchase code next to the
item). From now on, you'll be noticed about updates in the WordPress admin area, and you'll be able to perform seamless updates there.
If you want to perform theme update, the old method, you can do that by downloading theme files from ThemeForest.net and uploading all files to your server replacing the old ones.
No data or settings will be lost (unless you've made some custom changes to the files by yourself before).

3.2. LayerSlider
You can create sliders in the LayerSlider section. It's quite intuitive, but time-consuming. You can import my demo slides, to learn from examples (import the layerslider.json
file from the sample_sliders folder).
If you want to have Retina-quality slides, you need to remember about one trick: use double size images, but divide their sizes by 2 in their width and height fileds.

3.3. Classic slider

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Create a regular gallery of images, which you want to be slides. Optionally, specify Caption in each image properties. After creating the gallery, click on it in the visual editor and
select Custom galleries / Slider shortcode, so it wraps the gallery.
If you want images in the slider to link to custom URLs, place the links in Description fields of each image of the gallery.

--- WordPress gallery comes here --[/slider]

3.4. Super Tabs

Create a regular gallery of images, which you want to be tabs. In each image properties specify Title, Caption and paste a link you want the tab to direct to, to the Description field.
After creating the gallery, click on it in the visual editor and select Custom galleries / Super tabs shortcode, so it wraps the gallery.

3.5. Portfolios
Main thing to remember while creating portfolios is to specify parent of each portfolio item, so there is a hierarchy (parent portfolio and child portfolio items). Follow the video tutorial
below to learn how to create a portfolio:

If you want to create more portfolios, and you want to have different layout of each, you need to use the Portfolio / Advanced shortcode instead of Portfolio / Simple, and modify it's
parameters according to your needs. Full list of parameters is in the chapter about portfolio shortcode.

3.6. Shortcodes
If you are not familiar with shortcodes, they are extra magic spells to use in text which can for example add a special highlight, button or message box. You just start with the opening
shortcode, put some text or other stuff inside and write the closing shortcode at the end (some shortcodes dont need the closing tag - for example horizontal lines). For example:

[message]This is message box[/message]

will give this result on a page:

Most common shortcodes can be selected from the dropdown menu of the content editor like this:

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Usually a default shortcode values are OK, but you can change its parameters if you need. For example:

[message closable="true"]This is message box[/message]

will give this result on a page:

So if you want to use their full potential, read the descriptions and all parameters below:

3.6.1. hr

Horizontal line. It's as wide as the area you place it in.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet enim. Etiam ullamcorper. Suspendisse a pellentesque dui, non felis.
Maecenas malesuada elit lectus felis, malesuada ultricies. Curabitur et ligula.

3.6.2. mark

Text highlight. By default, leading color is used for that, but there is also a yellowish to choose.



Allowed values

Default value


Background color of the highlight

none, yellow



Lorem ipsum [mark color="yellow"]dolor sit[/mark] amet enim.

3.6.3. dc

Drop cap. First letter of the word will be affected.


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[dc]Here[/dc] we go. Let's start with images.

3.6.4. tooltip

Tooltip. You can specify direction of it, fade effect or not, and HTML tag for the content if you need.



Allowed values

Default value


HTML tag around the text of the shortcode content.

[HTML tag]



Text to display in the tooltip.




Direction of the tooltip.

nw , n , ne , w , e , sw , s , se


Fade effect for appearing/disappearing of the tooltip.

true , false



[tooltip title="I'm a tooltip" fade="true"]Move your mouse here.[/tooltip] Sapien ...

3.6.5. font

Custom font. You can specify any number of custom fonts in Theme Options / Fonts, and then use them with a shortcode.



Allowed values

Default value


ID name of the custom font created in Theme Options / Fonts / Custom.




HTML tag around the text of the shortcode content.

[HTML tag]



Class of the tag.




Additional style of the tag.




[font id="my-custom-font" tag="p"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet enim.[/font]

3.6.6. icon

You can use vector icons (list of available vector icons), which can have any size and color, or graphic icons, which are updated to the data/img/icons folder of the theme (by
default, there are 4 icon packs, each in a separate folder).



Allowed values





Color of the icon. It can be leading color, predefined color, or any CSS stylesheet color. If none specified,

none, color ,


text color around the icon will be used. Matters only for vector icons.

[predefined color] ,

Name of the icon. For vector icons, use name form this list. For graphic icons, browse
data/img/icons theme folder and use folder and file name as the icon name. For example:
essen/bestseller .


[CSS color]

Size of the icon in the CSS stylesheet format. Matters only for vector icons.

[CSS size]



Class of the tag.




Additional style of the tag.




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet enim [icon name="essen/bestseller"].

3.6.7. button

There are 3 sizes to choose from, and each can have an icon on a left or right (or both) and a caption below.



Allowed values


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Size of the button

normal , big , huge



Icon on the left side of button text.




Icon on the right side of button text.




Color of the icon.

none, color , [predefined color] ,


[CSS color]

URL of the button.




Target of the URL

_blank , _self , _parent , _top



Caption below the button. If it's specified, button will be aligned to center





[button size="big" href="http://themes.kubasto.com" left_icon="essen/bestseller"]Lorem ipsum[/button]

3.6.8. quote

By default, there is a vertical bar on the left of the quote. You can specify any width and aligning if you want, too.



Allowed values

Default value


Author of the quote




Horizontal bar on the left.

true , false




none, left , right



Width of the quote in CSS stylesheet format.

[CSS width]



[quote author="John Doe"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet enim.[/quote]

3.6.9. list

List with icons.




Allowed values

Default value


Icon by list items.




Color of icons.

none, color , [predefined color] , [CSS color]



[list icon="check" color="green"]

<li>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</li>
<li>Quisque sed.</li>
<li>Quisque urna. Nunc ipsum.</li>
<li>Quisque at mauris.</li>
<li>Curabitur magna iaculis.</li>
<li>Nunc ut diam. Curabitur.</li>
<li>Class aptent taciti.</li>

3.6.10. message

Box with a message. There are several colors to choose from (by default it's gray). Closable (with an X on the top right corner) or not. Looks nice with an icon.

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Allowed values

Default value


Background color

none, blue , green , orange , red



Closing X in the top right corner.

true , false



[message color="orange" closable="false"]orange message[/message]

3.6.11. rating

Stars with a text and optionally an author.




Allowed values

Default value


Number of stars. The second format (e.g.: 3/5 ) displays 3 colored and 2 grayed out stars.

[number] , [number]/[number]


Author of the opinion.




[rating rate="5" author="John Doe"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet enim.[/rating]

3.6.12. social_buttons

Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn and Pinterest buttons. Small or big.




Allowed values

Default value


Style (size) of buttons.

small , big



List of social media buttons separated with

facebook , twitter , googleplus , linkedin ,

facebook, twitter, googleplus




[social_buttons media="facebook, twitter"]

3.6.13. search

Search input field. It's as wide as the place you put it in.


3.6.14. contact

Contact form. You can configure it in Theme Options / Contact form.



3.6.15. columns & column

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With this shortcode you can divide content into columns. Start with a [columns] and end with a [/columns] . In between, place any columns configuration you need with the
[column] shortcode, with width parameter. Remember to check if all width fractions sum up to a full number (Not necessarily 1 - for example you can have six columns, each 1/3
width, which sums up to 2. In such cases, I recommend using the separated="true" parameter, which will make columns look nicer.).
Parameters for [columns] :



Allowed values

Default value


Style to separate columns vertically.

true , false


Parameters for [column] :



Allowed values

Default value


Width of the column as a fraction. 1/20 is the lowest value.




[column width="1/3"]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet enim. Etiam ullamcorper. Suspendisse a pellentesque dui, non felis.
[column width="2/3"]
Maecenas malesuada elit lectus felis, malesuada ultricies. Curabitur et ligula.

3.6.16. tabs & tab

You can have any number of tabs with any content in each.
Parameters for [tab] :



Allowed values

Default value


Title of the tab.




Activates this tab

true , false



[tab title="Tab one"]
Aenean commodo ligule eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis ...
[tab title="Tab two"]
Maecenas malesuada elit lectus felis, malesuada ultricies. Curabitur et ligula...

3.6.17. toggles & toggle

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Great way for presenting FAQ or stuff like that. You can have auto-closing type (so only one toggle can be open at a time) or not. You can also decide which toggle should be opened
by default.
Parameters for [toggles] :



Allowed values

Default value


Style of toggles - auto-closing or not.

true , false


Parameters for [toggle] :



Allowed values

Default value


Title / FAQ question.




Open or closed toggle.

true , false



[toggles singular="true"]
[toggle title="Toggle section one"]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet enim. Etiam ullamcorper. Suspendisse a pellentesque dui, non felis.
[toggle title="Toggle this" active="true"]
Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam...

3.6.18. posts

Displays one post. By default - recent post from a blog.




Allowed values



ID of the post. If it's specified, the rest of filters doesn't matter.

none, [number]



Post type.




ID of post's category. Works only for blog posts.



Name of size of the image.

auto , [text]



Sorting method.

title , date , modified , comment_count ,


rand , menu_order

Sorting order.

asc , desc


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Number of displayed posts.



Style of posts list.

gallery , slider



Number of columns for posts. If set to auto , number of columns will be equal to

auto , [number]


number of posts (but no more than 4).


Display or not post title.

true , false



Display or not post excerpt.

true , false



Lenght of excerpt (in words)




Taxonomy type.

none, category , tag



[posts taxonomy="category" count="3"]

3.6.19. page
Displays content of a specified page. You can specify the page by its ID or slug.



Allowed values

Default value


ID of the page.

none, [number]



Slug of the page.

none, [text]


3.6.20. portfolio
Displays child portfolios of the portfolio page you place the shortcode in (unless you specify other). The simplest way to use it, is to configure portfolio settings in Theme Options /
Portfolios, and just place a [portfolio] shortcode in a portfolio page, so all children items will list there.
Optional parameters:



Allowed values



ID of the portfolio, which children portfolios you want to display.

auto , [number]



Name of size of the image. Default value is recommended ( auto ), which will use

auto , [text]


inherit , [number]


accurate size depending on columns number.


Number of columns. Default value ( inherit ) means setting form Theme

Options / Portfolio / Default layout will be used.


Taxonomy used for filter buttons.

inherit , category , tag



Method of sorting portfolio items.

inherit , title , date , modified ,


comment_count , rand , menu_order


Order of sorting portfolio items.

inherit , asc , desc



Maximum number of displayed portfolio items at once.

inherit , -1 , [number]



Pagination buttons.

inherit , true , false



Portfolio titles.

inherit , true , false



Portfolio excerpts.

inherit , true , false



Taxonomy type.

inherit , none, category , tag



[portfolio filter="category" excerpts="true" taxonomies="tag"]

3.6.21. media
You can decide to show some content just on mobile, or just on desktop version of a site with this shortcode.



Allowed values

Default value


Type of device.

desktop , mobile



HTML tag around the text form the shortcode content.

[HTML tag]



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet enim. [media]Suspendisse a pellentesque dui, non felis.[/media]

3.6.22. bricks
Converts gallery to a masonry style. Place [bricks] before, and [/bricks] after the WordPress gallery.

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Allowed values



Name of size of the image. Default value is recommended ( auto ), which will use accurate size depending

auto , [text]


on columns number.

Captions of images.

true , false



Border style. Default value ( inherit ) means setting from Theme Options / Site / Images will be used.

inherit , true , false



Hover effect.

inherit , none, zoom ,



inherit , true , false

FancyBox on click.



--- Regular WordPress gallery comes here --[/bricks]

3.6.23. slider
Converts gallery to a slider. Place [slider] before, and [/slider] after the WordPress gallery.



Allowed values

Default value


Name of size of the image. Default value ( full-width ) is recommended.

auto , [text]



Captions of images.

true , false



Border style. Default value ( inherit ) means setting from Theme Options / Site / Images will be

inherit , true , false


inherit , none, zoom ,



Hover effect.


inherit , true , false

FancyBox on click.


3.6.24. scroller
Converts gallery to a scroller. Place [scroller] before, and [/scroller] after the WordPress gallery.



Allowed values



Name of size of the image.

auto , [text]



Buttons to scroll content instead of mouse position sensitive movement. Doesn't affect touch devices, where

true , false


these buttons are always visible.


Border style. Default value ( inherit ) means setting from Theme Options / Site / Images will be used.

inherit , true , false



Hover effect.

inherit , none, zoom ,



inherit , true , false

FancyBox on click.


3.6.25. super_tabs
Converts gallery to Super Tabs. Place [super_tabs] before, and [/super_tabs] after the WordPress gallery.
Title of an image will be used as a tab title, caption of the image as a tab caption, and if you want an image to link somewhere, place the link in the description field of the image.



Allowed values

Default value


Name of size of the image. Default value ( full-width ) is recommended.

auto , [text]



Numbering of tabs.

true , false



Captions of tabs.

true , false


3.7. Custom page template shortcodes

These shortcodes ( content , section , section_posts ) can be used only in Custom page template. Read more about building custom pages in the Custom pages chapter.

3.7.1. content
Use it if you need to change sidebars layout to other than in the Layout option box of the page. You can place sections inside of it.



Allowed values


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Order of sidebars (names) and main section (the # sign - mandatory), For example: gamma, #, beta means

inherit ,

content with two sidebars - one on the left and one on the right. As a separator, you can use , , - or | .


Informations about author of the page at the end of the section.

inherit , true ,




inherit , true ,

Meta data of the page at the end of the section.



inherit , true ,

Social media buttons of the page at the end of the section.



inherit , true ,

Comments at the end of the section.




[content sidebars="# ,alpha, beta"]

[content sidebars="gamma, #"]

3.7.2. section
Separated section with any content.



Allowed values

Default value


Background of the section.

none, [predefined color] , [CSS color]



[section background="#f0f0f0"]

3.7.3. section_posts
Section with posts listed. By default it presents blog posts as set in WordPress Settings / Reading setting.
If you need other list, play with parameters of the shortcode. It has the same parameters as WP_Query. So you can freely modify it's content. For example:

[section_posts cat="8" posts_per_page="3"]

3.8. Custom pages

Custom page is a template, which allows you to built pages with many sections.
You have 3 shortcodes made specailly for custom pages: content , section and section_posts . You can read about each of them in the Custom page template shortcodes
The structure of a custom page is: [content] s filled with [section] s. But if you don't need complex sidebars layouts, you can skip [content] and use just [section] s.
Also, if you have just one section in a [content] , you can skip [section] shortcode.
The image below explains how a simple custom page is built. In that case page contains 4 sections:

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Code of this page look like this:

...Super Tabs comes here...
...section with columns comes here...
...headline and scroller comes here...
Below is example with sidebar, which is not for the whole page, so I've used [content] shortcodes around sections and specified sidebars in parameters on the second
[content] sidebar.

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The code is:

[content sidebars="#"]
...Super Tabs comes here...
...section with columns comes here...
If you need more examples, have a look at the How to create page like ...? chapter.

3.9. WooCommerce
Time theme supports WooCommerce plugin. For best possible experience, I recommend the following configuration of it:
Uncheck Enable Lightbox for product images in WooCommerce / Settings / Products / Display (don't worry, images will display in FancyBox - according to theme settings).
Set the following images widths in WooCommerce / Settings / Products / Display:
Catalog Images: 364px,
Single Product Image: 748px,
Product Thumbnails: 364px.
Set heights according to your needs.

3.10. WPML

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WPML is a WordPress plugin, which allows you to create a multi-language site.

If you need help with the plugin, there is a Getting started guide and a detailed documentation of the plugin.
You can enable nice language switcher in Theme Options / Header / Language menu.

3.11. Predefined colors for use in shortcodes

If one of shortcode parameters is color, you can use on of the predefined colors, which I've prepared for the theme:

For example:

[icon name="cloud" color="sky"]

3.12. Image sizes for use in shortcodes

Besides default WordPress images sizes ("thumbnail", "medium", "large"), which you can set in Settings / Media, Time theme registers many additional sizes, which you can use in
parameters for some shortcodes:


Size (width x height)




(Theme Options / Posts / Featured image / Size)


135px x 135px


48px x 48px



9999px x 60px



(Theme Options / General / Maximum width)px x 9999px


980px x 9999px


1920px x 1080px



100px x 63px



(1 column width)px x 9999px


940px x 9999px


(2 columns width)px x 9999px


748px x 9999px


(4 columns width)px x 9999px


364px x 9999px

All these image sizes have also Retina display version (twice as big), but it works automatically, and you don't have to worry about that. If you care about Retina quality, just
remember to upload big enough images.

4. How to create a page like ...?

As the demo site is very complex, it's sometimes hard to use example demo content to find out how each page is built. Mainly, because Theme Options are not imported with the
content. That's why I've prepared a list of pages which you might want to replicate.

4.1. Frontpage 1

Online demo
Create a page and select Custom page as a template.
In Layout section of the page:
for Banner select LayerSlider and specify one (more about LayerSliders). If you want to have identical slider as on the demo site, you can import it in LayerSlider section from
the file, you can find in the demo_content folder.
for Secondary menu select one of custom menus (you can create one in Appearance / Menus).
for Sidebars select Custom and set None for each sidebar slot.
Use Custom page template shortcodes to built the layout. For this page, you just need 4 x [section] . Now fill each section with desired content (using regular shortcodes):
First section with 4 columns - each with different content:
Headline and text
[posts] shortcode with parameters to display a post from blog.
[posts] shortcode with parameters to display a gallery teaser.
[posts] shortcode with parameters to display a portfolio teaser.

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Remember to set Featured images of the post, gallery and portfolio pages you plan to use this way, so the image appear (Edit page / Set Featured image).
The columns code should look like this:

[column width="1/4"]
This is WordPress theme
If you like this demo site...
[column width="1/4"]
[post type="post" id="512" taxonomy="category"]
Second section - with 2 columns (4/5 + 1/5 wide):
[quote] with author
[button] with caption
These columns code should look like this:

[column width="4/5"]
[quote author="aatvos"]I'm happy to see...[/quote]
[column width="1/5"]
[button href="http://kubasto.com/" size="big" icon="heart" color="#ee0000" caption="(+ its caption)"]Big button[/button]
Third section is filled with Super Tabs. Create a gallery of images, which you want to be tabs. In each image properties specify Title, Caption and paste a link to the Description.
After creating the gallery, click on it in the visual editor and select Custom galleries / Super tabs shortcode, so it wraps the gallery.:
Fourth section is filled with another special gallery - [scroller] . So again - create a gallery, specify links of the images (if you need them to direct somewhere) by pasting the
URL to the Description field of each image. After creating the gallery, click on it in the visual editor and select Custom galleries / Scroller shortcode, so it wraps the gallery. Add
parameters to the shortcode to specify size of images, grayscale effect and force < > buttons to display. The code inside this section should look like this:

[scroller size="logo" hover="grayscale" buttons="true"]

--- WordPress gallery comes here --[/scroller]

Header and footer are commnon for whole site.

To configure header:
Create menu in Appearance / Menus, and select it as a Header Menu in Manage locations section.
Make sure Search form is enabled in Theme Options / Header.
For languages menu, activate WPML plugin, and select Short languages menu in Theme Options / Header (this option is available only if you have less than 4 languages
specified in the plugin).
To set footer:
Make sure 4 columns is specified in Theme Options / Footer. Go to Appearance / Widgets.
Footer column 1:
Create page with image and text.
Drag and drop Time | Page widget to the Footer column 1 area.
Select the created page in that widget.
Footer column 2:
Drag and drop Time | Social Media widget to the Footer column 2 area. Add icons and links to it.
Create page with address.
Drag and drop Time | Page widget to the Footer column 2 area below the first widget.
Select the created page in that widget.
Footer column 3:
Drag and drop Time | Flickr widget to the Footer column 3 area and configure it.
Select the created page in that widget.

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Footer column 4:
Drag and drop Time | Contact Form widget to the Footer column 4. Configure Contact Form in Theme Options / Contact Form.
Done. The full page content should look like that (if you copy&paste it, do it in the Text editing mode):

[column width="1/4"]
<h2>This is WordPress theme</h2>
If you like this demo site...
[column width="1/4"]
[post type="post" id="512" taxonomy="category"]

4.2. Frontpage 2

Online demo
Create a page and select Custom page as a template.
In Layout section of the page:
for Headline select Hide
for Sidebars select Custom and set None for each sidebar slot.
Use Custom page template shortcodes to built the layout. For this page, you just need 4 x [section] . Now fill each section with desired content (using regular shortcodes):
First section with Super Tabs:
Create a gallery of images, which you want to be tabs. In each image properties specify Title, Caption and paste a link to the Description. After creating the gallery, click on it in the
visual editor and select Custom galleries / Super tabs shortcode, so it wraps the gallery.
Second section with 4 columns (each 1/2 wide). Fill each column with a quote starting with an icon. For example:

[quote author="briannaewilliams" bar="false"]

[icon name="megaphone" size="1em" color="gold"] This man is completely AWESOME! Quickest and most reliable technical support Ive ever expe

Third section is filled with centered headline and scroller gallery.

Before and after headline is an icon, so create [icon] , write text, another `[icon] and set it all a Heading 2 and align center using visual editor buttons. It will look like this (I've also
adjusted icon sizes in that case using size parameter):

[icon name="left-dir" size="1em"] Example templates (click to see an online example) [icon name="right-dir" size="1em"]

In new paragraph, create a gallery of images, which you want to be scrolled. In each image properties paste a link to the Description filed (if you want to link somewhare instead of
open big version in FancyBox). After creating the gallery, click on it in the visual editor and select Custom galleries / Scroller shortcode, so it wraps the gallery.
Fourth section - with 2 columns (4/5 + 1/5 wide):
[quote] with author
[button] with caption
These columns code should look like this:

[column width="4/5"]
[quote author="aatvos"]I'm happy to see...[/quote]

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[column width="1/5"]
[button href="http://kubasto.com/" size="big" icon="heart" color="#ee0000" caption="(+ its caption)"]Big button[/button]

Header and footer are commnon for whole site.

To configure header:
Create menu in Appearance / Menus, and select it as a Header Menu in Manage locations section.
Make sure Search form is enabled in Theme Options / Header.
For languages menu, activate WPML plugin, and select Short languages menu in Theme Options / Header (this option is available only if you have less than 4 languages
specified in the plugin).
To set footer:
Make sure 6 columns is specified in Theme Options / Footer. Go to Appearance / Widgets and drag and drop Custom menu widget to each Footer widget area. Specify which menu
you want to use in each widget settings.
Done. The full page content should look like that (if you copy&paste it, do it in the Text editing mode):

--- WordPress gallery comes here --[/super_tabs]

[column width="1/2"][quote author="briannaewilliams" bar="false"][icon name="megaphone" size="1em" color="gold"] This man is completely

5. FAQ
5.1. Why I see blank page or/and error message after activating the theme?
Time theme requires at least version 5.3 of PHP on server. Make sure your hosting server has at least PHP v5.3. If not, check if you can change it in your hosting dashboard panel.
In most cases there is such option, but if not, ask your hosting provider to switch/update PHP on your server to at least 5.3 version. If your hosting provider uses older version and
refuses to update it, I would change hosting provider at that point, because it means you are stuck with 8-years-old, not updated and not supported software.
Rescue solution: to get access to WordPress dashboard back (with no PHP 5.3), you have to access server files by FTP, and remove (or change name) of the theme folder wp-content/themes/time .
If you can't switch PHP on your server, you can use older version of the theme, which is included to the package in the old_version folder - this version doesn't require PHP 5.3.
But I would use this only as a temporary solution.

5.2. Is ... plugin supported?

Most WordPress plugins works fine with Time Theme. Some require a tweak or two, and some need serious theme adjustments. This is a list of plugins, I've tested:


Plugin site





Breadcrumb NavXT



Breadcrumb Trail






Contact Form 7



Disqus Comment System



Floating Social Bar



MailChimp Widget









WooCommerce Brands







5.3. How to add icon to a menu?

Visit Appearance / Menus. Make sure you've selected CSS Classes option in Screen options. Expand selected menu item and write something like icon-FOLDER_FILE in the
CSS Classes (optional) field. Available icons are in the data/img/icons folder of the theme (you can upload your icons there). For example: icon-essen_lightbulb .

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5.4. How to add my icons, so I could use them with the [icon] shortcode?
Create new folder in the data/img/icons folder of the theme, and upload your icons images there. Now you can use them as other icons using shortcode. For example:

[icon name="your-folder/your-icon"]

5.5. How to change settings (border, hover effect, FancyBox) of a specific image?
Edit image in WordPress editor and add the following class or classes to the CSS Class field at the Advanced / Settings tab:
for changing border: border-false or border-true
for changing hover effect: hover-none , hover-zoom or hover-grayscale
for changing FancyBox setting: fancybox-false or fancybox-true
By default (if no class is defined in that field), settings from Theme Options / Site / Images are used.

5.6. How to make images in a gallery link to pages I want?

Add the link you want an image link to, to the Description field of the specific image.

5.7. How to add video to a slider?

Add any image to a gallery, which you plan to use as a slider, and in the Description field of the dummy image, paste the embedding code of the video.

5.8. How to change names of sidebars (Alpha, Beta, etc.)?

Translate theme from your language version back to your language version. Have a look at Translating theme chapter. Find the names you want to change in the language file and
translate them to your names. Save file as translation of the language you currently use.
Alternative method is creating child theme, and modifying sidebars names by time_sidebars filter.

5.9. Comments are not displaying under my post/page/portfolio/gallery, why?

check if the Allow comments option in Theme Options / Posts / Comments is enabled.
check if the Allow comments option in the Discussion box of the specific post/page... is also enabled.

5.10. How to add breadcrumbs?

Use one of the following plugins:
Breadcrumb NavXT
Yoast Breadcrumbs
After activating any of them, you can configure which places of the theme you want to display breadcrumbs in Theme Options / Navigation / Page headline / Content.

5.11. How to configure Twitter widget?

Because of Twitter API 1.1 new rules, you need to create a Twitter app for the Twitter widget to work correctly. You can read how to do that in Twitter FAQ.

6. Advanced customization
6.1. Translating theme
If you install or set your WordPress in your language, also the theme will use this language if it's supported. If you want to add another translation of the theme, below is a short
For translations I recommend Poedit tool.
Create a copy of the xx_XX.po file (from languages ) and rename it respectively to your language (check proper name here. For example Swiss German would be de_CH.po ).
Open that file in Poedit,
select Catalog / Update from sources,
select language and country in Catalog / Settings,

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It seems a little harsh, but this is the proper way. If you need more details, check here.

6.2. Custom fonts

If you want to use a font, which is not listed in Theme Options, upload it in 4 formats ( svg , ttf , eot , woff ) to the fonts folder inside the theme main folder. All files must
have the same name, just different extension. You can use this generator to prepare such a set.

6.3. Child themes

Time fully supports child themes built upon it. If you want to know more about creating child themes, I recommend WordPress documentation section about child themes.

6.3.1. Main stylesheet

Time styles are kept in several files located in the data/css folder. Styles are divided into several files to keep it clear and, if needed, to make disabling some features easier (for
example responsiveness). Main styles file - style.css is empty, so if you create a child them, there's no need to import it as usually. All necessary styles (depending on settings
from Theme Options) are already attached in header of a page, so you don't have to worry about it.

6.3.2. Theme Options

To get value of an option from Time use the following code in your child theme or plugin:

$value = Time::to('group/name');

where group/name string defines path to the option. E.g.: portfolio/default/columns .

Of course, you can always get all Theme Options the standard way, using WordPress built-in mechanism:

$options = get_option('time');

although, I recommend using the first method, instead of getting all options every time you need one.
If you want to change Theme Options (not permanently, just for the call), us the following code:

Time::to_('group/name')->value = 'new_value';

6.3.3. Filters
Time has many filters in the code, so you can easily affect theme's advanced issues. The table below lists all theme filters. For better understanding, I recommend searching a filter
usage in the code. Especially for the complicated ones.



Returning type, description.



(array) Arguments passed while registering gallery post type.



(array) Arguments passed while registering portfolio post type.



(array) Arguments passed while registering category taxonomy

of portfolio post type.



(array) Arguments passed while registering tag taxonomy of

portfolio post type.

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(array) List of sliders.



(array) List of sidebars.



(array) List of format posts icons.



(array) List of social media icons.



(array) Layout of a section/page.


(null)$menu ,

(int) Which menu to use in a location.


(string)$sidebar ,

(string) Display name of the sidebar.



(int) Width of the page content. This filtr doesn't affect width of
tha page, but allows to get / modify value of the $content_width
global WordPress variable.



(bool) To display or not upper secondary menu.



(bool) To display or not lower secondary menu.



(bool) To display or not headline.



(string) Content of navigation section of headline (allowed

values: breadcrumbs , navigation or empty string for none).



(bool) To display or not post featured image.



(bool) To display or not author details.



(bool) To display or not meta section.



(bool) To display or not social buttons section.


(bool)$show , (string)$type

(bool) To display or not paginate links.



(bool) Sets theme's update mechanism on or off.



(bool) Sets resseler mode on or off.

If you have a request for other filters, please let me know.

6.3.4. Reseller mode

Reseller mode alows you to completely hide parent theme and prepares it for sale without revealing origins of the theme. It's activated in the child theme, and the modifications
which it doees are:
hides parent theme in WordPress (only child theme with a name set by you is displayed)
removes the Theme Options / System panel
disables theme updates
To activate reseller mode, use the time_reseller_mode filter with the true value.
Example of use in the functions.php file in the child theme:

add_action('after_setup_theme', function() {
add_filter('time_reseller_mode', '__return_true');

7. External resources
jQuery Easing Plugin
Entypo pictograms by Daniel Bruce
Brandico icons
Font Awesome by Dave Gandy
Modern Pictograms font
Koloria Icons Pack by Andy Gongea
pc.de Essen Icon Pack
PC 100 Icon Pack
pc.de Berlin icon pack
Flag Icons by GoSquared

8. Changelog
Time 3.8 (29 Nov 2015)

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added support for media links in Twitter widget

language menu items order is now the same as in WPML plugin settings
removed users who are not Authors from the "Customize on" conditions list
improved updates mechanism
fixed rare background image bug
other minor changes and improvements
Time 3.7.1 (18 Nov 2015)
fixed slider related bug
Time 3.7 (10 Nov 2015)
added option to the Posts List widget to filter posts by format
WordPress 4.4 ready
WooCommerce 2.4.10 ready
minor visual fix of a secondary menu at open layout
fixed distorted slider on FireFox 42.0 browser
fixed Theme Options import related bug
other minor changes
Time 3.6.1 (16 Sep 2015)
fixed Dashboard bug for servers with PHP version older than 5.4
Time 3.6 (11 Sep 2015)
added Reseller mode
added option to select "Current category" in the Posts list widget
improved updates mechanism
improved Twitter widget
improved Flickr widget
YouTube and Vimeo videos now use correct protocol (http/https) according to site protocol
updated TGM Plugin Activation to version 2.5.2 (updating bundled plugins is much easier now)
removed doubled "Product" condition from the "Customize on" list
fixed wrong execution order of the "Checkout" and "Order received" conditions on the "Customize on" list
fixed weird empty banner bug on Chrome/Edge
other minor changes and improvements
Time 3.5.1 (18 Aug 2015)
fixed PHP bug on some rare configurations
Time 3.5 (11 Aug 2015)
WooCommerce 2.4 ready
improved support for the Breadcrumb Trail plugin
other minor changes
Time 3.4 (19 Jul 2015)
added Facebook Page widget (instead of obsolete Facebook like box)
tracking code is now ignored for administrator page visits
WordPress 4.3 ready
fixed missing caption of images opened with a FancyBox
other minor changes
Time 3.3.5 (26 Jun 2015)
added option to the Posts list widget to exclude already displayed posts
other minor fixes
Time 3.3.4 (14 May 2015)
fixed JavaScript error in dashboard
Time 3.3.3 (13 May 2015)
added floating "Save Changes" button in Theme Options
fixed blog menu item set as active on gallery and portfolio pages
other minor fixes
Time 3.3.2 (28 Apr 2015)
WooCommerce 2.3.8 ready
Time 3.3.1 (24 Apr 2015)
important security fix
improved translations
fixed support for 1x1px "dummy" images
Time 3.3 (15 Mar 2015)
rebuilt and extended options to manage banners, sidebars and navigation

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optimized speed
WooCommerce 2.3.6 ready
fixed Posts List widget bug with WPML used
fixed wrong page title in OGP
other minor fixes
Time 3.2.2 (2 Mar 2015)
added Polylang plugin support
other minor fixes
Time 3.2.1 (13 Feb 2015)
WooCommerce 2.3.3 support
added option to specify number of related products and number of columns for them
added option to specify number of cross sells and number of columns for them
fixed some WooCommerce widgets
Time 3.2 (11 Feb 2015)
WooCommerce 2.3 support
improved style of payment methods list on WooCommerce Checkout page
improved documentation
fixed dropcap shortcode bug for non-latin characters
other minor fixes
Time 3.1.2 (13 Jan 2015)
Twitter API keys are now remembered across widgets
the Purchase Code field in Theme Options is no longer available in MultiSites
a few optimizations of the PHP 5.3+ code
small improvements of some Theme Options styles
Time 3.1.1 (24 Dec 2014)
fixed missing title declaration in headline for hatam microformat
fixed styles of buttons in some footer widgets
fixed unnecessary requests to twitter servers if no API keys were specified in the widget
Time 3.1 (12 Dec 2014)
added support for WordPress 4.1 title-tag
added support for hatom microformat
a few optimizations affecting speed
fixed title in blog page headline
fixed WPML plugin compatibility issues
fixes missing widget_title filter for widgets titles
fixed problems with Flickr widget on some configurations
fixed PHP notice in comment forms
other minor fixes and improvements
Time 3.0.1 (14 Nov 2014)
added option to customize font of the footer
fixed background stripes bug on Retina displays
fixed recognizing "LayerSlider WP - Time Theme edition" plugin
other minor fixes
Time 3.0
updated core of the theme's code
added option to define maximum length of post's titles in the Posts list widget
cart content in the header is now updated immediately after adding product to the cart
now OGP uses first image of the content if no featured image of a page is specified
easier options to change time intervals in Twitter and Flickr widgets
improved method of filling Custom CSS/JavaScript fields by adding TAB key support
increased performance of the dashboard
data from the System section is no longer exported to file
increased minimal required PHP version to 5.3
increased minimal required WordPress version to 3.9
WooCommerce 2.2.7 ready
dropped support for WooCommerce 2.0.x
fixed bug causing products color variation images not showing
fixed not working main menu font setting on mobiles
fixed bug causing no background changes in slider in Internet Explorer 8
fixed missing translations of some widgets' titles
fixed wrong version numbers comparing in the import process of Theme Options
other minor fixes and improvements
Time 2.6.3
fixed mandatory PHP 5.3 version bug
Time 2.6.2

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compatibility fixes for WooCommerce 2.2

main menu with many sub-menus now wraps back if reaches window's edge
excerpts of search results now displays also content of shortcodes
other minor fixes
Time 2.6.1
improved method of displaying image banners in open layout type
Time 2.6
added options to change fonts of: quotes, message boxes, code
added option to disable opening bigger version of a main product image on a product page
WordPress 4.0 ready
fixed compatibility issues with the Calendarize it! plugin
fixed wrong placement of the X-UA-Compatible header
other minor fixes
Time 2.5.2
fixed some social buttons not working on https sites
other minor fixes
Time 2.5.1
minor CSS changes
fixed tiled galleries conflict in the JetPack plugin
fixed address to Flickr API service
Time 2.5
added new parameter (active) to the [tab] shortcode
posts now inherit settings (layouts of banners, sidebars, navigation) of categories they're in
improved look of vector icons in browsers which use Webkit engine
fixed submenu floating on touch devices bug
fixed wrong/missing flag icons for languages
fixed validation of [column] shortcode parameters
fixed wrong filter name (from time_sidebarst to time_layout)
fixed wrong displaying of Page widget on bbPressa pages
fixed doubled spin buttons of quantity selector of product in Firefox
other minor fixes
Time 2.4.4
fixed sorting contact form fields bug
Time 2.4.3
fixed missing custom backgrounds on posts/pages bug
Time 2.4.2
improved some animations by converting from jQuery to CSS3 transitions
fixed bug of Posts List widget if there were no posts to display
Time 2.4.1
FlexSlider updated to version 2.2.2
improved FlexSlider gestures support on touch devices
fixed bug causing wrong use of posts/pages option in some cases
Time 2.4
added option to display posts list as a slider (using shortcode [posts style="slider" ...])
easier selection of icons in Theme Options and Social Media widget
increased selection of icons in the "Image hover effect icons" option
theme settings of bbPress and WooCommerce plugins are now not lost after switching plugin off
[portfolio] shortcode now generates excerpt automatically, if it wasn't specified
custom fonts are now read form child theme folder instead of parent theme folder if child theme is used
child stylesheet is now attached after parent theme styles
improved Theme Options panel
optimized loading of CSS styles and JavaScript scripts by merging some files
updated FancyBox to version 2.1.5
updated imagesLoaded to version 3.1.4
WordPress 3.9 ready
some PHP 5.5 fixes
some CSS fixes
fixed empty cart being displayed if "Hide if cart is empty" option is selected
fixed missing tooltip on audio player's progress bar
fixed missing or wrong excerpt in [posts] shortcode
other minor fixes
Time 2.3
WooCommerce 2.1 compatibility

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added submenus support for secondary menus

secondary menus on mobile devices show all items (including submenus items)
[posts] shortcode now generates excerpt if post doesn't have one
added excerpt_length attribute for [posts] shortcode
gallery images with custom link now support also mailto protocol
fixed wrong pagination of portfolios if portfolio was used as a frontpage
other changes
Time 2.2
added option to add videos to classic sliders
added option to set the search field on or off independently for desktop and mobile versions
added shortcodes [page] and [noformat]
added option to change attributes (border, hover effect, FancyBox) of a specific image
changed order of filter buttons (blog, portfolio) to alphabetical
removed filter button of the specific category on that category archive page
updates now works also if a child theme is used
improvements of Theme Options' look
fixed secondary menu hiding under footer
fixed [scroller] shortcode look with specific border settings
fixed missing borders of [slider] shortcode items if no URL for images was specified
fixed conflict with the The All In One Event Calendar plugin causing texts with tooltip missing
fixed conflict with the Featured Image Zoom plugin on Chrome browser
fixed bug of version numbers detection while importing Theme Options
other minor fixes
Time 2.1
added option to display category filters in columns style blog
added option to switch on/off native bbPress breadcrumbs
added option to select hover effect for product images (WooCommerce)
added option to select hover color of cart icon (WooCommerce)
added native hover colors option for Social media widget
improved grayscale hover effect
more categories can now be used in [posts] shortcode
Social buttons widget and shortcode appear just on posts/pages now
updated MediaElement.js to version 2.13.2
decreased time between update checks
minor CSS fixes
fixed missing banner on 404 pages bug
fixed magnifying glass IE8 bug
other minor fixes
Time 2.0.1
cart amount in header is no longer displayed if cart is empty
fixed rating products mechanism bug
fixed mandatory PHP 5.3 version bug
Time 2.0
added WooCommerce plugin support
added Captcha plugin support for contact form and comments
added Social buttons widget
added System tab to Theme Options (with the most important technical data)
added option to import/export all Theme Options settings
added option to turn on debugging mode
added option to manage featured image of Image post format
added option to remove footer's End note
added option to not show any navigation in the headline
new, better theme update method using WordPress built-in mechanism
improved selecting images in Theme Options
increased size of images for OGP protocol
expanded [posts] shortcode (formerly [post])
expanded [rating] shortcode
hiding navigation buttons (prev & next) in headline if both are inactive
better backgrounds for Retina displays managing in LayerSlider
improved quality of thumbnails in LayerSlider
improved buttons in slides in LayerSlider
added YouTube, RSS and mail icons to Social media widget
added support for predefined colors for background parameter in the [section] shortcode
portfolio category and tag slugs now have prefix according to portfolio slug settings in Theme Options
added new filters for arguments while registering custom post formats
minor CSS fixes
speed & optimization improvements
WordPress 3.8 fixes
bbPress 2.5 compatible
PHP 5.5 compatibility
fixed missing image banner bug if already image background was set
fixed unnecessary font embedding bug if Custom checkbox was not active in Theme Options / Fonts
fixed Theme Options / Fonts bug of several options not working
fixed unnecessary multiple Google webfonts list reading from memory

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fixed missing Google webfont variants bug

fixed bug causing errors if image used for logo or background was removed from Media library
fixed custom contend banner bug on a contact form template
fixed one slide only Layer Slider bug causing cutting images
fixed missing translations in child theme bug
fixed conflict bug with minify library for some configurations
fixed wrong ID attribute bug for images HTML code
fixed missing captions bug in FancyBox images gallery
fixed disappearing menu text on mobiles bug if hovering active menu element
fixed search icon on mobile displaying bug if disabled in Theme Options
fixed several untranslatable phrases
many other small improvements and fixes
Time 1.2.2
added option to replay to comments without page reload
empty categories now display in Theme Options
improvements of slider background positioning for open layout and mobile version
improvements of upper secondary menu look if header is set to transparent
Time 1.2.1
Flickr images open in FancyBox only of you choose an option to do so in Theme Options
improved look of bbPress plugin widgets
fixes in Breadcrumb Trail plugin support
fixed wrong message displaying for need to log in to leave a comment
fixed bug causing parameters scale and rotation in layer transition of LayerSlider impossible to use
Time 1.2
added full translation for German, Spanish and Polish
added option to change site colors
added option for blog posts auto excerpts
added options to configure classic slider
added option to change icons of images hover effect
added support for bbPress plugin
added support for Floating Social Bar plugin
added support for Yoast WordPress SEO plugin
fixed bug causing LayerSlider to move right if big logo image was used (just in Firefox)
fixed missing background image on Retina displays bug (if there was specified just image for regular displays)
fixed bug causing posts to display full content instead of excerpts in section_posts shortcode
fixed bug causing not displaying images in some cases with older PHP version
other minor fixes and improvements
Time 1.1.1
fixed bug causing PHP warning in some cases
Time 1.1
added new header style: Sticky
added option to hide title for a specific page
added option to define category of post for the [post] shortcode
restored Internet Explorer 8 compatibility
fixed LayerSlider bug causing error while importing example slides
fixed bug which was revealing if Retina displays support was set to off, and custom background was used
improved menu style in footer
other minor fixes and improvements
Time 1.0.2
included WiLD Googlemap plugin
added option to hide date of comments
improved sidebar menu styling
other minor fixes and improvements
Time 1.0.1
improved Disqus Comment System plugin support
fixed TGM plugin activation bug causing Theme Options not available
fixed images with align: none attribute positioning
Time 1.0
first release

9. Thank you
for purchasing this theme. Should you have any further questions, don't hesitate to ask. The best way to contact me is the contact form on my profile page.
Kuba Sto

26-01-2016 20:21

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