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4 6. 3. Name: — last name first name middle initial Date of Birth: day month year Age: Home Address: sired district post 0 — parish Name of Parent/Guardian: I would like to become a: My favourie game is: My favourite fruit is: The name of my school is: we) =e aa u COMMUNICATION TASK The sentences in the following story are not Re-write the story so that the sentences right order. in the correct sequence. ‘The Rooster and the Sun One night he decided to find out what would happen if he did not give the sun his signal. “Some other Rooster imitated my voice and the sun thought he heard my crowit When he awoke the sun was shining as brightly as ever. Once there was a Rooster who lived in a country far away. “I know what must have happened,” he told himself. He became very proud, because he said “If it were not for my crowing the sun would not know when to rise.” Early every morning he crowed loudly, “Cock-a-doodle-do!” The Rooster refused to believe that the sun could rise without his help. Every morning, after he had finished crowing, the sun rose. So toward dawn, just before the time when he usually began to crow, he rolled over. shut his eyes and went to sleep again poge 32 Fe-write the letter using the correct format and the correct punctuation, Dear Jo-Ann, 12 cedar gardens road, Clarendon, new works Po. We had an exciting Science class. | am sorry that you ware absent. on Monday. We learnt fu: OF al oan gles: Mr Ron Baker a pilot from air jamaica, was oer teeta? He brought a model Pf an aeroplane, we got to hold the model and we pretended t could fly. | hope you comes." to-school soon Mary ann Your friend Sept 6, 2000 page 10

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