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United States Patent 0v


Patented May 2, 1967


of at least 90 seconds and preferably greater than 140


John D. Hopper, Succasunna, and Franklin B. Wells, Jef

ferson Township, Morris County, N.J., assignors to the

United States of America as represented by the Secre

tary of the Army

No Drawing. Filed Oct. 27, 1965, Ser. No. 505,445
13 Claims. (Cl. 149-18)
The invention described herein may be manufactured

seconds, and about 0.0-1.0%, preferably about 0.30.8%,

of a pigment to impart any desired color to the ?nished

In the determination of viscosity aforementioned, the

steel ball shall weigh about 2.025 to 2.045 grams and the
viscosimeter shall consist of a glass tube 14 inches in

length with an internal diameter of 1 inch, being immersed

up to the level of its liquid contents in a constant tem
perature bath maintained at 25i0.2 C. and the time

of passage of the balls between markings noted.

and used by or for the Government for governmental pur

The aforementioned viscosity test is run in accordance
poses without the payment to us of any royalty thereon.
with Speci?cation MILN244A, paragraph 4.4.5 et seq.,
This invention relates to an explosive composition and
dated Feb. 13, 1962, With the exception that the quanti
more particularly concerns a ?exible, self-supporting, 15 ties of materials used are: 8 grams nitrocellulose, 21.3
Water-resistant explosive and a method for its prepara
grams of ethyl alcohol, and 170.7 grams of acetone. The
21.3-gram/ 170.7-gram alcohol/ acetone ratio is used to
Our composition comprises a particulate explosive and
maintain the % ratio required in the speci?cation.
a plasticized binder, the composition being useful in ex
While varying the proportions of all three of the major
plosive metal-forming processes and admirably well suited 20 ingredients of our explosive results in some variations in
for demolition purposes. The composition is character
the properties thereof, We have found in a series of ?fteen
ized further by safety in handling, and it may be formed
tests that, in general, the presence of less than 45% RDX
readily into any desired shape as by rolling, extrusion,
and/ or HMX gives a product having reduced self-support
compression-molding, etc., into strips, blocks, sheets, and
ing properties and reduced power; whereas a content of
the like.
25 more than 76% RDX and/or HMX results in reduced
It is therefore an object of this invention to provide an
cohesive power. A content of less than 17% plasticizer

explosive having the aforementioned characteristics.

results in reduced strength and cohesiveness; Whereas the

Another object of this invention is to provide a ?exible
presence of more than 39% plasticizer results in a sticky
explosive of high power (at least the equivalent of TNT)
product having reduced self-supporting properties. Less
and brisance (rate of detonation about 7000 m./sec.).
than 5% nitrocellulose in the product results in reduced
Still another object of this invention is to provide an

explosive which, in sheet form, possesses su?icient ?exi

bility so that it may be made to conform to the contour
of uneven surfaces with a minimum of manipulation, thus

strength; whereas the presence of more than 15% nitro

cellulose results in a product that is not su?iciently mold
able. We have found, also, that substitution of even a

minor proportion of the speci?ed nitrocellulose by ordi

aiding in the complete destruction of the device to be 35 nary low-viscosity nitrocellulose results in a sticky prod
not with reduced self-supporting properties.
A further object of this invention is to provide a ?exible

explosive having high resistance to impact and friction

While retaining good cap sensitivity characteristics.
A still further object of this invention is to provide a
?exible explosive which is more heat-stable than similar

materials currently available.

For purposes of camou?age, an olive-drab coloration

of the explosive is most desirable. Less than 0.2% pig
1 meat is insufficient to give a satisfactory coloration to the

product where a color other than White is desired, and the

presence of more than 1% pigment is not necessary for

effective coloring. The preferred pigment, which imparts

Yet another object of this invention is to provide a

an olive-drab coloration to our explosive, comprises one
?exible explosive which is not adversely affected by Water.
part lampblack and 8 parts chrome yellow, medium (lead
A ?nal object of this invention is to provide an explo
sive of suf?cient resiliency so that, when made in block
The presence of about 0.4% (5% based on nitrocellu
or other massive form, it will resist breaking up upon im
lose present) diphenylamine, referred to hereinafter as
pact with a hard surface when striking such a surface
DPA, improved the heat stability of our product to such

with a velocity of at least 150 feet/second.

an extent that the gas evolved in the 40-hour 110 C.

Other and further objects of this invention will become 50 Vacuum Stability Test with a S-gram sample was reduced
by about 50%. Quantities other than 0.4% DPA all
resulted in a reduced stabilizing effect. The Vacuum
tained through provision of an explosive composition
Stability Test is described in speci?cation Standard
comprising about 4576% cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine,
MIL-STD-650, Method 503.1 at 100 C.
hereinafter referred to as RDX, and or cyclotetrameth 55
Our product employing RDX and/or HMX as the
ylenetetranitramine, hereinafter referred to as HMX, the
high explosive base provides unexpected and unpredict
said RDX and/ or HMX having an average particle size
able advantages over ?exible explosives containing PE'IN
of up to about 25 microns, preferably not over 13 microns.
as the high explosive base.

apparent as the invention is further described hereinafter.

We have found that the foregoing objects may be at

One hundred percent of the RDX and/or HMX must pass

Compositions containing RDX and/or HMX showed

through a #200 US. Standard sieve, and at least 90%, 60 substantially greater thermal stability in the vacuum
and preferably not less than 97.5%, should pass through
stability test than did those containing PETN. Accord
a #325 US. Standard sieve.
ing to Picatinny Arsenal Technical Report No. 1740,
Our composition will also contain about 17-39%, pref
Revision 1, April 1958, the vacuum stability values of
erably about 25-30% of a plasticizer such as tributyl
PETN, RDX, and HMX at 100 C. are 0.5 ml., 0.7 ml.,
acetylcitrate (preferred), dioctyl sebacate, triethylene
and 0.35 ml., respectively. It would be expected, there
glycol di(2-ethylbutyrate), or other similar materials,
fore, that ?exible explosive compositions differing only
preferably those having pour points of 40 C. or below,
in that they are based on these three explosive materials
about 545%, preferably about 68%, of nitrocellulose
should have almost identical thermal stabilities, but this
containing about 12.112.5% nitrogen, of such a degree
of polymerization as to have a viscosity, using a 4% solu

tion of nitrocellulose and a 5716 inch diameter steel ball,

has not been found to be the case. A series of vacuum

stability tests, not included in the examples, showed that

in the 40-hour 100 C. Vacuum Stability Test, using


S-gram samples, the PETN-based ?exible explosive com
position yielded about 1.5 ml. of gas while similar RDX

We have also devised a method for preparing our com

and/or HMX-based ?exible explosive compositions

positions which offers distinct advantages over conven

tional methods. An outstanding advantage to be de

the same test at 110 C. where unstabilized RDX- and/ or

trusion and compression-molding purposes.

rived from one of our methods is the granular form of the

yielded about 0.75 ml. of gas. The advantage in the use
of RDX and/or HMX becomes much more striking in fit product which renders it particularly well suited for ex

HMX-based ?exible explosive compositions yielded 4-5

In accordance with this method, nitrocellulose of the

ml. of gas, and various batches of a similar PETN-based

high viscosity type aforementioned containing about 12.1

commercial PETN containing ?exible explosive, samples

RDX or HMX may be suspended without the presence of

to 12.5% nitrogen is dissolved in about 3070 parts sol

composition yielded 11+ ml., usually in much less than
40 hours. The capacity of the apparatus used is 11 ml. 10 vent (preferably 4850 times its weight) such as butyl
(preferred), propyl, or ethyl acetate with mechanical agi
The improved vacuum stability found for the RDX
tation. When solution of the nitrocellulose is complete,
and/ or HMX-based ?exible explosive compositions, there
the stabilizer is added and dissolved and the plasticizer
fore, is not predictable on the basis of the cited vacuum
in amounts aforementioned is then stirred into the solu
stability values for PETN, RDX, and HMX. Further
tion. The stabilizer will preferably be 0.4% DPA as
examples of the improved thermal stability obtained
aforementioned. The RDX and/or HMX is separately
through the use of RDX and/ or HMX are found in Ex
suspended in about 20-80 (preferably 58-60) times its
amples I, II, III, and V.
weight of water held at 80 C. in an open vessel. The
To further reveal the superiority of our product over a

thereof were tested in a circulating hot-air oven at 20 the other, or a mixture of both in any proportion would

also be satisfactory. The nitrocellulose solution is added

slowly in a ?ne stream to the vigorously agitated RDX
and/ or HMX suspension so that it is well dispersed there
which grew to patches of 1 inch or more in maximum di
in. When all of the nitrocellulose solution has been
mension until the 7th or 8th day of the test after which
added, the temperature of the constantly stirred mixture
they remained static. None of our RDX-containing
is raised to 95~98 C. to distill off the solvent, which,
samples developed any such imperfections during a test
preferably, is collected for reuse. The mixture is then
period of 6 weeks. This test further illustrates an un
cooled to 40 C. as rapidly as possible and ?ltered, after
predictable advantage of our RDX-containing ?exible ex
which the product, in the form of small somewhat irregu
pellets, is air-dried until all apparent moisture has
Again, in exudation properties, our ?exible explosive 30 lar
evaporated. It is then oven-dried to constant weight at
proved superior to the PETNa'based ?exible explosive.
160:5 F.

Some of the samples of the PETN-based

explosive developed wrinkles and puckers in 2-3 days

The exudation test at 160 F. is carried out as follows:

The explosive sheet shall be 1%: inch thick and cut to 1%

inch square and then placed on 15 layers of ?lter paper
out in 2-inch diameter circles. A porous release paper

shall be placed between the ?exible explosive and the

layers of ?lter paper. A 125-gram brass weight, 1%
inch square, shall be placed on top of the sample. This

60 C. The granular product thus obtained is relatively

free-?owing when ?rst prepared. Upon standing, the

granules tend to adhere lightly to one another, but the

aggregate may be broken up readily, if desired. It may
be processed in any desired manner as by extrusion, roll

ing, molding, etc.

The products and processes of our invention are fur

ther described and illustrated by the examples hereinunder
assembled sample shall then be placed on a wire screen
and stored in a forced draft oven for 24 hours at 160 F. 40 set forth.

Example I
Thirty-one and one-half grams of dry RDX containing

Before assembly, the brass weight shall be weighed, and

then reweighed with the sample. After hot storage, the
sample and brass weight shall be removed from the ?lter

about 7.3% HMX and 14.1 grams tributyl acetylcitrate

paper while still warm, no attempt being made to sepa

plasticizer were mixed for three minutes in a sigma blade

rate the brass weight from the sample, and allowed to 45 mixer held at 135:t5 F. to form a uniform pasty mass.
Four grams of high-viscosity nitrocellulose containing
cool upside down. When cool, the sample and brass
weight shall be weighed together. The test shall be run
about 12.1 to 12.5 % nitrogen and 0.4 gram of the lamp
in triplicate and the average of three results shall be re
black-chrome yellow pigment were then mixed in and
enough ethyl alcohol added to change the consistency of
ported to determine compliance with the requirement.
Our material readily met the requirement of the above 50 the mix to that of thick dough. About 15 ml. of alcohol
was used. The dough was mixed a total of 15 minutes at
exudation test, which provides for an allowable limit of
0.1%, by yielding values ranging between 0.090 to
135 i5 F. and then transferred to a roll mill, also at
135i5 F., where it was rolled at a roll gap setting of
0.094%, whereas the PETN-based ?exible explosive failed
by yielding results ranging between 0.11 to 0.20%.
0.010-inch until the odor of alcohol was no longer detect
In cap sensitivity tests it was found that the commer

cial PETN-containing ?exible explosive showed wide var

iations in sensitivity to initiation, not only from lot to lot
also within a given lot. This is exempli?ed by two ex~
tremes of one lot which both accepted and failed to accept

initiation from standard #3, #4, #5, and #6 caps while

accepting initiation consistently from standard #8 caps,

55 able.

The roll gap was then increased to 0.210-inch and

the material consolidated into a 1Ai-inch thick sheet which
was smooth, apparently uniform, and had a vacuum sta

bility value at 110 C. of 4.94 ml. (evolved gas) at stand

ard temperature and pressure.

Example II

and another lot which both accepted and failed to accept
RDX (as used in Example I but containing 30%
initiation from standard #1 caps while accepting initia
______________________________ __ * 12.60
tion consistent-1y from standard #2 caps. Our RDX
containing material, on the other hand, accepted initiation 65 Tributyl acetylcitrate ____________________ __
from standard #8 blasting caps, but failed to do so from
Pigment (lampblack-chrome yellow, medium) __
standard #6 blasting caps. Our HMX-containing ma
*Dry basis.
terial accepted initiation from caps containing 13.5 grains
of RDX, but failed to do so from standard #8 blasting
The RDX and plasticizer were mixed 3 minutes at 130
caps. The erratic behavior of the PETN~containing ma 70 F. The mixer was then stopped and tilted to decant the
terial with respect to cap sensitivity constitutes an unex
water. The alcohol-wet nitrocellulose and the pigment
pected safety feature inherent in our RDX- and/ or HMX
were added and the whole mixed 30 minutes with the
containing ?exible explosives. In caps, as is well known
mixer held at 130 F. and the top open. The mix was
then rolled as described in Example I to give uniform
in the art, the smaller the number of the cap, the less ex
plosive charge is contained therein.
75 homogeneous sheets having a vacuum stability value of


5.04 ml. at 110 C. A PETN-containing analogue of

Example V

this material showed a vacuum stability value of l1+ml.

The composition of this example was identical in formu

lation with that of Example II except that it contained
0.4 added part of DPA (based on 100 parts of ?exible
explosive as prepared in Example II), which was dis
solved in the alcohol contained in the nitrocellulose. This

when tested at 110, representing a very substantially

lower degree of stability.

Other test values:

d42 _________________________ __


Rate of detonation (m./sec.) _____ 7044.

Cap sensitivity test ____________ __

Friction pendulum test (steel

shoe) _____________________ __

mixture gave a product very similar to that of Example

II except that its Vacuum Stability Value at 110 C. was
No crackles, ?ame,
2.85 ml., a considerable improvement over the value found
or explosion.
10 for the unstabilized material.

Ballistic mortar test (TNT value) .._ 1.0.

Picatinny arsenal impact sensitivity

test _______________________ __

Ri?e bullet impact test at 40 feet

(3" x 3" x 1A sheet sandwiched

Example VI
14 inches.

between a 3" X 3" x 1A6" mild

steel face plate and a 3" x 3" x 1" No ?re or explo
mild steel back-up plate) ____ __

Elevated temperature test (160:5

F. for 6 weeks) ____________ __


ylamine added, and 84.6 grams of tributyl acetylcitrate

No change in ap 20 then stirred in. This solution was then added slowly in
pearance or ?exi

Hot water immersion test (160 F.

The composition of the ?exible explosive prepared ac

cording to this example was identical with that of Exam
ple V, a new precipitation method of preparation being
employed. In accordance with this method, 24 grams
high viscosity nitrocellulose was dissolved in 1176 grams
butyl acetate with mechanical agitation, 1.2 grams diphen


a ?ne stream to a vigorously agitated suspension of 189

grams of the RDX used in Example I and 2.4 grams lamp

black chrome yellow pigment suspended in 3780 ml. of

When all of the nitro
pearance or ?exi
the temperature of the
vigorously agitated mixture was raised gradually to 98 C.
Exudation test (loss) __________ .._ 0.09%.
to drive off solvent. The suspension was then cooled
Bar drop test (10 lb. bar with 1/2
quickly to 40 C. by passing water at about 16 C. through
inch diameter and dropped 15 ft.
jacket of the vessel used, and the whole vacuum
endwise onto a 0.080-inch thick
?ltered. The granular product consisting of somewhat
sample on a steel anvil) _____ __ No ?re or explo
rounded particles having a maximum dimension range of
about 3%.; inch to %6 inch, was placed inshallow trays and
Picatinny arsenal explosion tempera
for 24 hours) ______________ __ No change in ap

ture test ___________________ ___ 268 C. (decomp.).

25 distilled water held at 80 C.

air-dried overnight.

It was then oven-dried at 60 C. to

constant weight.

The symbol 4,20 indicates the density of the material 35 The granular product thus prepared was further proc
at 20 C. as compared to the density of water at 4 C.
essed conventionally by rolling into sheets as described in

The Friction Pendulum Test (steel shoe) and Ballistic

Mortar Test are described by J. H. McIvor in Picatinny

Example I except that rolling at the smaller roll gap set

ting was only of such duration in order to obtain a product

Arsenal Testing Manuals 7-1 and 7-2, respectively, both 40 of uniform appearance, there being no solvent to evap
dated May 8, 1950.
orate. This material was also formed into billets by com

The Picatinny Arsenal Impact Sensitivity Test and Ex

plosion Temperature Test are described in Standard

Laboratory Procedures for Sensitivity, Brisance, and Sta

bility of Explosives, PATR No. 1401, March 18, 1944,

pression-molding. The processed ?exible explosive pre

pared according to this example was substantially iden
tical in properties with that of Example II with the
exception that its Vacuum Stability Test value at 110 C.

Revised February 28, 1950, W. H. Rinkenbach and A. J. 45 was 2.24 ml.

In addition to the use of rolling and compression mold
The Ri?e Bullet Impact Test and Elevated Temperature
ing for producing the desired shapes, we have found that
Test are described in Military Speci?cation MIL~E
the ?exible explosive of this invention may be processed
46676A (MU), April 17, 1964, paragraphs 4.3.7 and
into sheets, blocks, and other forms by extrusion at tem
4.3.11, respectively, except that our samples were sub 50 peratures preferably not in excess of 165 F. Even long
jected to temperatures of 160 :5 F. for 6 weeks in lieu
?laments of only % inch diameter have been prepared by
of the 7 days speci?ed in the above speci?cation. Similar
this method.
ly, in the speci?cation (4667 6A), the Hot Water Immer
Blocks of the ?exible explosive of this invention have
sion Test and Bar Drop Test may be found in paragraphs
been found to withstand relatively high impact without
55 breakage, undue distortion, or excessive bounce.
4.3.15 and 4.3.9, respectively.
While the present invention has been described in de
Example III

tail, it will be apparent to those skilled in the art that

The composition of this example was identical in formu
there are many variations possible without departing from
lation with that of Example II except that HMX contain
the scope of this invention which is limited only by the
ing about 1.2% RDX was used. A smooth homogeneous 60 appended claims.
We claim:
sheet was obtained having characteristics and physical

properties similar to those of the product of Example II

but the Vacuum Stability Test gave a value of 4.58 ml.

1. A self-supporting, resilient, high-powered, brisant,

?exible exposive composition of moderate cap-sensitivity,

at 110 C. and initiation required 13.5 grains of RDX.

low impact sensitivity, good heat stability and water re
(This is a more powerful explosive charge than that ina 65 sistance comprising about 45-76 weight percent of a high
#8 cap and a less powerful charge than that in a #10
explosive selected from the group consisting of cyclotri


Example IV

lmethylenetrinitramine (RDX) and cyclotetramethylene

tetranitramine (HMX), about 17-39 weight percent of a

The composition of the ?exible explosive of this ex 70 plasticizer having a pour point not exceeding about -40
ample was identical in formulation with that of Example
C., and about 5-15 weight percent of a high viscosity
II except that RDX containing about 2.5% HMX was
nitrocellulose containing about 12.1-12.5 weight percent
used. The characteristics of the resultant product were

substantially identical with those of the product of Ex

ample II.

2. The composition of claim 1 further characterized by

said RDX and HMX having an average particle size of


roll milling said mixed dough at about 135 F. to form

up to about 25 microns and preferably not exceeding

said ?exible sheet explosive composition.

about 13 microns.

9. A method for the preparation of a self-supporting,

3. The composition of claim 1 wherein said plasticizer

is selected from the group consisting of tributyl acetyl

resilient, high-powered, brisant, ?exible explosive sheet

composition of moderate cap-sensitivity, low impact sensi
tivity, good heat stability and water resistance comprising

citrate, dioctyl sebacate and triethylene glycol di(2-ethyl


the steps of
4. An explosive composition in accordance with claim
mixing at 130 F. about 12.60 pounds (dry basis) of
1 wherein 100 parts thereof contain an additional 0.4 part
a high explosive, RDX containing about 7.3% HMX
of diphenylamine as stabilizer.
and about 30% water, with 5.64 pounds of tributyl
5. An explosive composition in accordance with claim 10
acetylcitrate plasticizer to form a ?rst mixture,
1 wherein said ?exible explosive contains about 0.2 to 1.0
decanting the water from said ?rst mixture,
weight percent of a pigment consisting essentially of one
adding to said recanted ?rst mixture 1.60 pounds of a
part lampblack and 8 parts chrome yellow, medium.
high viscosity nitrocelluolse, calculated on a dry basis
6. A method for the preparation of a granular, high
and containing about 12.1 to 12.5% nitrogen, said
powered explosive composition of moderate cap-sensi 15
nitrocellulose containing about 50% ethanol, and
tivity, low impact-sensitivity, good heat stability and
about 0.16 pound of a pigment consisting of 1 part
Water resistance comprising the steps of
lampblack and 8 parts chrome yellow, medium to
dissolving about 8 parts high viscosity nitrocellulose
form a second mixture,
containing about 12.1 to 12.5% nitrogen in about
mixing said second mixture for about 30 minutes at
240560 parts of butyl acetate,
about 130 F., and roll milling said second mixture
dissolving about 0.4 part diphenylamine stabilizer in
about 135 F. to form said flexible sheet explosive
said solution,


adding about 2530 parts of tributyl acetylcitrate plas

10. The process as described in claim 9 wherein the

ticizer to the stabilized solution,
suspending about 0.2 to 1.0 parts of a pigment consist 25 high explosive used is HMX containing about 12% RDX.

ing essentially of one part lampblack and 8 parts

11. The process as described in claim 9 wherein said

chrome yellow, medium and about 63 parts of a high

explosive selected from the group consisting of HMX,

high explosive used in RDX containing about 2.5% HMX.

12. The process of claim 9 further characterized by

adding 0.4 part of diphenylamine stabilizer dissolved in

RDX, and a mixture of HMX and RDX in water at
800 C. weighing about 58 to 60 times the Weight of 30 the ethanol contained in said nitrocellulose.
13. A method for the preparation of a granular, high
said high explosive to form a suspension, slowly add

powered explosive composition of moderate cap-sensi

tivity, low impact-sensitivity, and good heat stability and

ing said stabilized nitrocellulose-diphenylamine solu

tion to said rapidly stirred suspension maintained at
80 C. until addition of said stabilized solution is



continuing the stirring while raising the temperature of

said mixture to about 98 C. to drive off the solvent,
cooling said heated mixture rapidly to about 40 C.,
?ltering said cooled mixture and drying the solid prod
uct to obtain said granular explosive.
7. The method of claim 6 wherein said butyl acetate
comprises 384-400 parts.
8. A method for the preparation of a self-supporting,

resilient, high-powered, brisant, ?exible explosive sheet

composition of moderate capensitivity, low impact-sensitiv
ity, good heat stability and water resistance comprising


the steps of

mixing about 31.5 parts of a high explosive comprising

dry RDX containing about 7.3 % dry HMX and about

14.1 parts tributyl acetylcitrate plasticizer at about 50

135 F. to form a pasty mass,

mixing thereinto about 4 parts of a high viscosity nitro

cellulose containing about 12.1 to 12.5% nitrogen
and 0.4 part of a pigment consisting of 1 part lamp
black and 8 parts chrome yellow, medium. to form
a mixture,

adding ethanol to said mixture to form a thick dough,

mixing said dough at a temperature in the neighbor
hood of about 135 F. and

water resistance comprising the steps of

dissolving about 24 grams of a high viscosity nitrocellu
lose containing about ,12.1 to 12.5% nitrogen in
about 1176 grams butyl acetate solvent to form a


adding about 1.2 grams diphenylamine and 84.6 grams

of tributyl acetylcitrate plasticizer to said solution.
slowly adding the resultant solution into an agitated
suspension of '189 grams of a high explosive selected
from the group consisting of RDX, HMX, and a
mixture of RDX and HMX, 2.4 grams of a pigment
consisting of 1 part lampblock and 8 parts chrome
yellow, medium in about 3780 ml. of distilled water
maintained at 80 C. to form a mixture.

raising the temperature of said mixture to about 98

C., cooling said heated mixture rapidly to about 40
C. and ?ltering said cooled mixture to separate said

granular explosive.
References Cited by the Examiner


Wright ____________ __149-92



Murphy ___________ __ 14918

BENJAMIN _R_. PADGETT, Primary Examiner.

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