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: Bramantyo Wibisono


: IR 1 Defense

ID Number

: 016201100127

Review of Eat, Pray, Love.

On the whole this film tells the story of a woman's spiritual journey in search of the truth
regarding peace of mind. All at the start when the main character comes to Bali and met with
local shamans and gives predictions related to her life, about love life most be the dominant
influence on the way he is now. The film begins when the main character decides she
divorced her first husband and was where he first prayed to god and show we need a god
when there is a problem at the moment is where we are most apt to remember God, because it
is not tersepakati between them, so he find a new love that he brought the new in religious
understanding. Until at last relationship ended due to no satisfaction among their relationship.
And she decided to travel around the world to find peace themselves.
First trip to Italy has the essence as the title "eat" where she meets her physical needs, hang
out and eat, things that filled a need in the world to be.
The second trip he did to India to meet the spiritual needs of the flow to Krishna, he did the
total to get closer to God, to understand the spiritual condition of people, understand the
needs of each person to gain peace of mind through spirituality, here he gets the essence of
our need for God .
Made his last trip to Bali when he was to fulfill his promise to Putu Bali, he promised to
come back to teach English and Putu will teach you all the knowledge that he had, in addition
to the quest objectives that are here are in love, in addition to the goal he met Putu with local
people who have a miserable life there he realized the love around, and there he met a man
who finally he loves despite their distance apart.
At its essence this film tells the story of human needs, namely eating worldly needs to meet
the physical needs and spiritual to soothe the soul, and all were refined with love and
Why and When We Need God?
This movie beradasarkan unexplained questions that we need God when we fall and are in a
position that really needs a god, whereas in fact people need God and peace of mind at all
The Relations Between Religions and Culture?
Culture is a rule governing the so-called norm, which is a blend of several people as well, as

well as with religion and identity is a container for a person, who also has rules and
regulations that are in the book and guidance. Overall culture and religion as having an
obvious links the identity of every individual to obey and comply with the rules, to get
satisfaction. This is what can be referred to as spiritual tranquility.
How To Make a balance "Eat, Pray, Love.
"Eat, Pray, Love." Its essence is a need of every human being, worldly, spiritualism, and soul,
all this is related to a real thing, all these aspects is an improvement in life. All aspects need
each other substantially. This balancing process will be in accordance with the needs of all.
The Correlation Between Eat-Pray-Love.
As I have mentioned in previous questions, all related aspects of it directly, because it is the
fundamental requirement of every human being. When we've met the needs of the mundane
eating and physical related. After the worldly needs spiritual needs met through approaches to
god after all that it can be refined and wrapped with love.
How To Get Happiness With The God
Get happiness by god it is a happiness itself, by being able to interact with God then we can
get peace of mind. We can not deny that we are trying to interact with God when we have a
problem. But, in fact when we link all the gods then there will be peace for us.

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