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Guatemala, July 13, 1990




My beloved children, I bless you in the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
Dearly beloved children, Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the God of
the God Who died nailed to a Cross for love of you, is speaking to you. Dear children, I am here again
to talk to you about a very important subject for you, and to take away the darkness from your hearts and
your minds.
Yes, dear children, this is the reason why My Blessed Mother and I come to earth to
with men, to give you a Message of Love and Warning, so that they don't fall into the snares of the Devil,
that are now prevalent in the world.
Therefore, dear children, I have come today to talk to you a little bit about the HOLY
My children, the Holy Ghost, the unknown God, the God of Love. My sons do not really understand what
is meant by God, the Holy Ghost. And I come today to explain those words which I stated in the Bible,
and that say: "Al1 sin will be forgiven, all blasphemy will be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Holy
will never be forgiven.

Yes, dear children, it's for this reason that I have come today, and it's to explain these words to
you, because many of My sons do not understand them, they do not know why I stated this in the Bible.
Dear children, it's a grave offense, for which man will not be pardoned, because by speaking
the Holy Ghost, by insulting Him, and denying Him, you are denying the truth, the love, the justice of
the One Triune God. And this is why you sin gravely, because many do not listen to the word of God, they
do not want to listen, nor obey. And by doing this, they place a very large obstacle to their conversion,
because by not wanting to accept the Holy Ghost, Who talks to you like this, you are despising the justice,
the truth and the love of God. And by not accepting, you are closing the door to your conversion and to
the gifts that the Triune God wants to give you. And this is why they will not be pardoned, because, by
accepting the word of the Lord they are not accepting His truth, His justice or His love.
And those who do not gather with the Lord squander, that is to say, that he loses many graces,
sometimes he loses them because of a lack of faith, a lack of love, because there is much evil in their
hearts, many lies. And this is why he will not be pardoned, because by despising the truth he chose the lie,
because by despising justice he chose injustice, because by despising love he chose hatred. Lies, injustice
hate do not come from God, but from the Devil.
Love, truth and justice come from God. And for this reason, by despising these virtues, dear
children, you are despising the Holy Ghost, and closing the door to your conversion. And this is why you
will not be pardoned, because you exchange the light for the darkness, you exchange good for evil.
Many of My sons are confused about the Holy Ghost. And now the confusion is so great that the
unclean spirit, that comes from the Devil, they are calling it the holy ghost; and the true Holy Ghost that
comes from God, the Triune God, many of My sons are saying it is an unclean spirit. And this is the
blasphemy which will not be pardoned. Those who in this way confuse My children and who, instead of
giving them the true Spirit of God, give them the spirit of the Devil.
You must, dear children, be very alert, with your eyes wide open, so that you don't fall into this
demonical trap that the Devil has placed in My Church, and which is causing much harm, very much
to My children.
My Blessed Mother, the Virgin Mary, cries, when She sees how Her sons have converted their
into darkness, how they changed the truth for the lie, the deceit, and the falsehood, how they have
exchanged love for hate, justice for injustice. That is why you see that, now, in My Church, My sons, My
true sons, who want to give Me adoration, those who truly love the Holy Ghost, are humiliated, and
rejected, and are treated with much injustice. If My sons give this treatment to their brothers, it's because
there is much evil in their hearts, very much evil, because, if they were truly My sons, they would behave
with love, with true love, they would have justice in their hearts, and they would be just with the others,
and would give them the truth, and not lies.
And this is why you must be alert, because by their you will know them, by their .

Look and pay attention to which fruits they give you. If they give fruits of truth, fruits of justice
or fruits of love, or if they give you fruits of lies, of injustice or hate, because only those who hate act
because those who do not have the truth in their hearts do not like to hear about the truth, they do not
want the light, because they do not want their evil works to be seen.
And this is the reason, dear children, that I come to warn you about this, so that the weeds, which
are now in My Church, will not confuse you, because they are preaching a holy ghost which is not true, it
is not true, and who in time will offer evil fruits, fruits of discord, and fruits of injustice.
You see how My true sons are treated unjustly within My Church, only because they want to give
Me adoration as it should be given. And this is done by My sons, because there is much evil in their
and contradiction lives within them. And they preach a love which is not true love, because, when the
comes to demonstrate this love, they demonstrate injustice and show hatred, because only he who hates
not give to each one what he merits. And this is the reason why days are coming, dear children, days are
coming when the Holy Ghost will be with you, so that this spirit, which is confusing My sons, will not
contaminate you.
The Holy Ghost will help you. And this is why, in previous messages, My Mother and I said that
you should ask for the gifts and the fruits of the Holy Ghost, because only truth, justice and love will set
you free, free to not fall into the nets of the Devil, and to be free, and not be slaves of evil.
Dear children, We come again and again to earth to warn Our children, to teach them the truth.
And that's why those who reject My Word are rejecting truth, justice, and love, and they are rejecting the
Holy Ghost. And that's why I said: "A11 sins will be pardoned, all blasphemies which man says, but
blasphemy against the Holy Ghost will never be pardoned. And they blaspheme, when My sons deceive
a fallen holy ghost, with a holy ghost that is not of God, but of the unclean spirit, that only brings the
of perdition.
And this is why you must be well prepared, and fight against these traps, which the weeds are
preparing, and which are moving rapidly in My Church, and are also growing very rapidly, and
My true sons.
Dear children, this is why you must discern, you must understand that you must be farsighted,
farsighted, in order not to fall into these errors, in which many have fallen.
I come to warn you, because this demoniac trap has spread throughout the whole world, and is
covering the face of the earth with a dense darkness, and it's covering the hearts and souls of My children.
You must be very careful, dear children, very careful, because My sons are preaching a false
ghost, in order to confuse My children, so that the darkness penetrates in your hearts and in your souls.
And this is why I have come to warn you, so that you become alert, very alert. Look at the fruits,
because by the fruits you will know them. If they treat you badly, if they treat you unjustly, if there is

contradiction in their words, if there is hatred in their actions, if evil reigns in their hearts, this will be a
sign for you that their fruits are evil, and that they are fruits which come from the Devil.
I want you to understand this very well, so that the confusion leaves you, so that the light shines
in your hearts, and by shining removes this darkness, which is being propagated in the world.
Dear children, I have come today to warn you about this false holy ghost, that has corralled and
bound many of My children by its ominous fruits.
And that's why I said in the Bible that they would never be pardoned, because they leave the
of God and receive the spirit of the Devil. And this is why, dear children, because of this, precisely
of this, they will not be pardoned, because they have received all of the evil of the Devil, and have
the goodness, the justice and the truth of God.
The one God, the Triune God, the Father, the son, and the Holy Ghost will come and talk, He
will talk to His children, so that His children will recognize the fruits of one and the fruits of the other,
so that My children can see and discern. And at that moment, dear children, the sheep will be separated
from the goats, the wheat will be separated from the weeds, and the good will be separated from the bad.
We come to talk to you about these very important subjects, so that they guide you in this world
full of demoniac traps that My own sons propagate. And this is the reason I warn you, so that you will not
fall into this error.
In previous messages, We have said that you must put yourselves under the protective Mantle of
My Blessed Mother, and ask for the gifts and fruits of the Holy Ghost, so that these gifts and fruits can
guide you and also illuminate you with the truth, the justice and the love, because many can speak against
Me, but of My word, of My truth, of My justice and of My love no one should deny, because those who
deny these, all of those who do not believe in My truth, in My love, and in My justice will be guilty of
death for all eternity.
And that's why, dear children, I wanted to tell you this, so that you would understand what is now
happening in the world. And in that way, you wouldn't be confused, and you would be able to
that the darkness covers the earth. All of this has been permitted, so that My true sons can become known,
so that My true sons show themselves to the world as true sons of Mine. And you will recognize them by
their fruits, by their fruits, dear children. Look at this, and discern, so that you don't make a mistake.
The bad tree does not give good fruits, it gives bad fruits. And in the same way, a good tree
give bad fruits, but only good fruits. You must grasp these signs, so that, by the fruits of the good and the
bad, you will be able to recognize them.
This, dear children, will be for you a very sure sign, that is given to you by the Triune God, the
Blessed Trinity, so that you do not mistake the way, so that you do not mistake His Doctrine, so that you
do not mistake His Church, so that you do not mistake the fruits and the gifts of the Holy Ghost.
Dear children, now I am going to bless these Sacramentals, so that they serve My children as a
guide, for protection and health, and that it makes them truly recognize the fruits and gifts of the Holy

Ghost. I bless these Sacramentals in the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost, so that they
help My children find the light of the Holy Ghost in this dense darkness.
Dear children, as you know, each time We come, it is with a different subject, so that you can
so that you understand that the times are difficult, very difficult. Already in many places, the tribulations
have begun. And you will see that the world is agitated, and will suffer from tribulation to tribulation,
the Supreme Tribulation arrives, and makes you comprehend all of these things, and the words that I
to explain to you, as the Loving Father, that I am of you, so that you don't mistake the way. You must
learn to not despise My word, to not despise the truth, because I am the Truth, because I am the Life,
because I am the Only Door that leads to Heaven.
And this is why, dear children, I have given you these signs, so that you understand all that We
have said throughout the centuries, all of this which We have talked about through Our seers and
In My First Coming, I died to introduce truth into the world, I died on the Cross to spread love,
justice and faith on the earth, and the joy that you are children of God. This is why I died the first time
on the Cross, to sow these virtues in man, in their hearts, and in their souls, so that they would know that
they are children of God.
Observe man, dear children, observe them, and see who has the gifts and fruits of the Holy
and who has the fruits and defects of the unclean spirit, of the Devil, and you will know how to discern.
Yes, dear children, it's very easy starting from here, from these teachings that I give you. But
reject the truth, don't reject My words, because then you yourselves are closing the door, and you will not
be able to enter afterwards.
You must, dear children, meditate on My words, meditate on the messages that We give to the
world, so that they are a light and a guide in your hearts and in your souls.
Dear children, We come to communicate with Our children, in order to help them, to protect
and to guard them against error. But you must help by praying the Rosary very often, because, as I have
said in the previous messages, the Rosary is the weapon of these times. Place yourselves under the
protective Mantle of My Blessed Mother, and She will bring you the Holy Ghost, and take you to Heaven.
This is the reason that I wanted to talk to you about these words that I had stated in the Bible,
because many do not understand them, many do not know the significance of these words. And that they
will not be pardoned means to say that, as they rejected the truth, they reject justice, and they reject the
love of God; then they choose the lies, the hatred and injustice. And this does not come from God, but
from the Devil. And this will not be forgiven, because, by doing this, the Devil has dominion over these
souls that love him because of their injustice, because of their lies, of their deceit, of their falsehood, and
because of their hatred.
Dear children, as you know, the times are getting shorter, and My justice is about to come to the
world. I will judge man, and I will give to each one according to his works, during this brief passage on

earth. In My Second Coming, I will show the world My Justice, and I will judge, and give each one
according to his words, during this brief passage on earth. I will reward the good and punish the bad. This
is what I will come to do in My Second Coming.
My First Coming was to die at the hands of man, to demonstrate My love, to demonstrate the
My Second Coming is to demonstrate My justice, and to see what fruits are in the hearts of man, if the
fruits are of God or if the fruits are of the Devil. All of this, I will come to see during My Second Coming.
And no one, dear children, no one will impede that I judge man, no one will escape My justice. I will
to give My justice. And I am going to compensate with many rewards those who are good, those who
the fruits of the Holy Ghost. And I will punish all those who despised these fruits and chose the fruits of
the Devil.
This is why I will come, dear children, this is why We have said in previous messages that, in
difficult times, in which the Antichrist will manifest himself, only the good will be saved, only those who
have the gifts and the fruits of the Holy Ghost, that is to say, of the Triune God, the One God. And those
that do not have them will be rejected, pulled out of the earth, and thrown into the eternal fire.
This is the reason that I come to instruct you, dear children, so that, when these things are
happening, you will not be taken by surprise, and caught unaware, and you will be able to discern.
Dear children, I have come to tell you this with much sorrow. I have come, as you know, as Jesus
Crucified, as the Christ Who was annihilated because of the sins of man. But very soon, I will manifest
Myself as the Christ Who comes to give His justice to the world.
Beloved children, from the bottom of My Most Sacred and Sorrowful Heart, I bless you in the
Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost. May the peace, the joy, the faith, and the love
remain in your hearts. And that the gifts and fruits of the Holy Ghost guide and illuminate you in these
cruel times, that are coming, and take you to the true God, the true Messiah.


December 27,1988
My dearly beloved children, I bless you in the name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

Dearly beloved children, the Blessed Virgin, Mother of God,

speaks to you. I have come today to this place to communicate with My
children, to communicate with the whole world, so that they can see the
Beloved children, I communicate with humanity through My
beloved daughter Sister Guadalupe. She spreads these messages, she
speaks, but it is I Who speak to you through her, and My beloved son,
Brother James, spreads these messages.
Listen to Me, dear children, I want you to listen to this and to know
that I have always
communicated with the world throughout the ages ; I have
communicated with you who are My children, because great dangers
await you, you have always been in great danger, because the battle is
I have always come to talk to My children, and I have told them
that the end of time is near and that all of those pious souls that spread
My messages and the messages of My Divine Son will have earned for
themselves a place in Heaven and those who hide them or make fun of
them will have earned for themselves a place in Hell, because they did
not want to listen to the Holy Ghost Who is warning you of a great
danger that threatens and it is the coming of the Antichrist.
Beloved children, I call to you, to the lay people, to those children
of Mine who love Me, but do not belong to any Congregation, because
you know that My children the priests and the nuns do not want to listen
to My voice, they do not spread these messages that I am giving to the
world, that I am giving to humanity and to My children, so that they can
save themselves and find life.
Yes, My children, I have always called My children, always,
always, always, through the ages and they have not listened to Me. You
can see that in the apparitions of La Salette, in My apparitions of Fatima,

Lourdes, Garabandal, San Damiano and many others, and lately with
Sister Guadalupe, they do not listen to Me.
Yes, beloved children, your end is near and that is why I ask you
to be the ones to spread these messages that I am giving through My
beloved daughter, Sister Guadalupe.
Dear children, I gave you a previous message, in which I told you
that all of those who promote My messages and the messages of My
Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, would have a crown waiting for them in
Heaven and, when the Eternal Father calls them, I will come to take
them, I Myself with My Divine Son will come to take them to the
Celestial Homeland, as a reward for having listened, for having believed,
and for having spread My messages and the messages of My Divine Son
Yes, beloved children, I now call on you, and on all pious souls, to
do this and help Me, because the battle against the Antichrist has begun,
and you can help Me by spreading these messages according to your
Do this, My children, I ask this of you, because humanity needs
that these messages be propagated. Do this, My children, do this and you
will have earned Heaven.

For more Messages, Please contact one of the following Centers of Distribution.
Also please look for the languages you need in parentheses.
Comunidad de Desagravio
9a Avenida 6-71, Zona 7
Colonia Quinta Samayoa
Guatemala, Centro Amrica
Mission of The Blessed Virgin
The Lady of The Apocalypse

15851 Quartz St.

Westminster, CA 92683 U.S.A
Crusaders of Our Lady of Fatima
P.O. Box 751
Lancaster, CA 93534
Mission of the Blessed Virgin
681 Marshall Road
Rochester, NY 14624
Mission of the Blessed Virgin
The Lady of the Apocalypse
P.O. Box 2639
Kumasi Ghana (W.A.)
Knight of the Immaculate Heart
P.O. Box 283
Iloilo City 5000
Mrs. A. Libera
Box 915
Atikokan, Ont POT 1CO
Phone: (807) 597-4415
P.O. Box 326
Petit Rocher, NB. EOB 2EO

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