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224 S. Jefferson Street
Perry, Florida
October 24, 2000

MEMBERS PRESENT: Tom Moore, Shirley Scott, Richard Frith, Don Cook

STAFF PRESENT: Bill Brynes, Barney Johnson, Wayne Putnal, Billy LaValle, Luther Gunter, Bill
Blue, Annette Anderson

Mayor Frith called the meeting to order and led those attending the meeting in prayer. Mayor Frith led
the group in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The roll was then called by the secretary.
Councilmember Cook X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Moore X
Mayor Frith X

AGENDA ITEM (3)…APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MINUTES: October 10, 2000 Regular Session
and October 18, 2000 Special Session.

After a brief review of the minutes, Councilmember Cook made a motion to adopt the minutes of
October 10, 2000 Regular Session and October 18, 2000 Special Session as written; seconded by
Councilmember Moore and upon roll call vote was as follows:
Councilmember Cook X
Councilmember Alexander ABSENT
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Moore X
Mayor Frith X


An individual representing the Taylor County National Honor Society addressed the Council to request
approval of a solicitation permit to solicit funds for the organization for October 27 and 28, 2000.
After a brief discussion, Councilmember Moore made a motion to approve the request. The motion
was seconded by Councilmember Scott and upon roll call vote was as follows:
Councilmember Cook X
Councilmember Alexander ABSENT
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Moore X
Mayor Frith X

Mr. Herbert Eakins addressed the Council to request cleanup of property near his residence at 604 E.
Bacon Street. Mr. Eakins told the Council there is a problem with rodents in the area due to the
overgrowth and dumping on this property. Mr. Eakins said there are several abandoned cars on the
property as well and children are on this property playing in and around the cars and building camp
fires 50 ft. from his home.
Page 2, October 24, 2000, Regular Session City Council

Mr. Eakins said the worst problem he has is with the rodents. Mr. Eakins said he has had two to three
exterminators at his residence and was told they could do nothing about the rodents. Mr. Eakins said
he had been to the city about this. Mayor Frith asked Director of Community Development Luther
Gunter, Jr. for an update. Mr. Gunter informed the Council that he was not familiar with this case but
would get with his staff and address the situation. Mr. Gunter explained the city’s process of notifying
property owners to clean up their property. Mr. Gunter said the property owner has ten days to respond
to the city’s request for clean up. Mr. Gunter said if there is no response, the city could clean up the
property and bill the property owner. Mr. Gunter noted the removal of the vehicles might be a
problem. It was suggested that there are individuals who might remove the vehicles to use for scrap.
Councilmember Cook asked if the city could set its own time for removal of the vehicles. City
Attorney Bill Blue said the city would be bound by terms of reasonableness, which he feels would be
30 days. Mayor Frith told Mr. Eakins City staff would look into his concern for cleanup of the

County Commissiner Johnny Hankerson addressed the Council regarding a proposed community
sports complex. Commissioner Hankerson said he would like to have an interlocal agreement between
the City and the County drafted for review by the City Council and the Board of County
Commissioners. Commissioner Hankerson said he would like to have the City Manager, County
Manager and the recreation committee write up some ideas for the Council’s and Commissioner’s
review and consideration of approval. Commissioner Hankerson said this project has to be a combined
effort on both parts (the City and the County) and the vote on the agreement would determine the life
of the sports complex.

Councilmember Scott asked if the County would be responsible for erecting the facility.
Commissioner Hankerson said a grant would be applied for and if there is a joint effort between the
City and the County for this, the better the chances of getting a grant. Councilmember Cook said he
has spoken his feelings on this issue before. Councilmember Cook said, unless there is 100% grant
funding (without matching funds), he would not support the project on the city’s side because of the
city’s need and commitment to improve the wastewater treatment plant (spray irrigation).
Councilmember Cook said he would not support an interlocal agreement unless the project was 100%
grant funded. Commissioner Hankerson said he is just asking for a chance to present an agreement for
consideration. Commissioner Hankerson said he would just like to have the city manager, county
manager and committee members to sit down and come up with some ideas and then the Council
would have a chance to either vote it in or vote it out. City Manager Bill Brynes said, personally, he
would like to know what the Council wants before sitting with the group.

Councilmember Moore said he feels the City wants to participate but it is strictly a matter of funding.
Councilmember Moore said he would be in favor of the city manager talking with the group and bring
information back to the Council. City Attorney Bill Blue questioned whether or not receiving a 100%
Page 3, October 24, 2000, Regular Session City Council

grant (assuming there would be one) would affect the city’s ability to get other grant funding for city
projects such as sewer grant funding. Mr. Byrnes said probably not, but there may be a possibility it
would. Mr. Brynes said it would be a problem though if it were a community development block

Mayor Frith said he has had comments from individuals that they do not feel the community needs a
full-fledged sports complex, but could use more baseball fields. Mayor Frith said there has been some
mention about the possibility of working out something with the School Board when the new school is
built, as far as recreation. Mayor Frith said he had no problem with the city manager meeting with the
group and gathering information to bring back to the Council. Commissioner Hankerson commented
that a sports complex in the community is an opportunity for growth and, once erected, there would be
all kinds of tourism opportunities to make money for the community. Commissioner Hankerson said if
the Council does not want to do this when the agreement is brought to them for a vote, he is through
with it.

Mayor Frith said, without any commitment on the city’s part tonight, the city manager could meet with
the county manager and the committee and bring back information to the Council. There being no
further discussion on this item, the meeting continued with the next business item.



Ms. Susan Matthews addressed the Council and gave a brief background of the Big Brothers/Big
Sisters organization noting the organization’s main funding source is United Way, grants and
donations. Ms. Matthews told the Council the organization was recently opened up in Perry and there
are 25 boys and 15 girls on the waiting list for a big brother/big sister volunteer. Ms. Matthews said
the organization’s goal is to supply each child with a special friend that will give support, comfort and
encouragement. Ms. Matthews said the organization focuses on children from single parent families
and provides counseling for both child and parent. Ms. Matthews said her purpose in addressing the
Council is to request the opportunity to make a presentation to city employees informing them of the
organization and of the need for volunteers. Ms. Matthews said the Big Brothers/Big Sisters office is
located at 1709 S. Jefferson Street in Perry.

City Manager Bill Brynes said a number of city employees work shift work but employees could be
informed of a date and time for the presentation and those employees who wish to attend could do so.
Councilmember Cook cautioned about employees attending such a meeting during their payroll work
time, as this could set a precedent for other groups to come and request the same consideration. City
Attorney Bill Blue agreed. Mayor Frith told Ms. Matthews the city would work with the organization
in this manner if possible.
Page 4, October 24, 2000, Regular Session City Council



Mayor Frith opened the public hearing. There was no one from the public to address this item.
Councilmember Scott asked if this grant had already been received or if the police department would
be applying for a grant. Chief of Police Wayne Putnal said this is a grant the city has been receiving
each year and will get this year. Councilmember Moore asked the amount of the grant. Chief Putnal
said the grant amount is $49,000. Mayor Frith asked what the grant funds would be earmarked for.
Chief Putnal said various equipment would be purchased for the department, such as, computers,
software license, a laser radar and other equipment.

Mayor Frith stated the requirements for a public hearing had been satisfied, but he would like to ask a
few questions. Mayor Frith asked how the laptop computers (purchased last year with grant monies)
were working out. Chief Putnal said use of these computers is working well. Chief Putnal said the
department had received grant monies to buy software so the officers could run driver’s license and tag
checks directly from the police vehicles. Councilmember Moore asked if the grant monies are run
through the City or elsewhere. City Manager Bill Brynes said the grant funds go through the City.
When asked by Councilmember Moore, Chief Putnal clarified that the officers do not operate the
computers while driving, only when they make a stop.

Mayor Frith said several years ago, there was some discussion of a software program that could be
used to check on the elderly. Chief Putnal said he had come to the City Council and informed them
that the local “meals on wheels” program (Taylor Adult Meals Program at that time) was already doing
this so the program was not pursued by the city police department.



Mr. Brynes said this is a resolution requested each year from the Florida League of Cities.
Councilmemer Scott asked if city staff would be attending local schools as has been done in the past.
Mr. Brynes said he has not yet been contacted about doing so.

Councilmember Moore made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 2000-18; seconded by Councilmember
Cook and upon roll call vote was as follows:
Councilmember Cook X
Councilmember Alexander ABSENT
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Moore X
Mayor Frith X
Page 5, October 24, 2000, Regular Session



In discussing the resolution, Mayor Frith asked if the City might do more to make the public more
aware of this disorder. City Attorney Bill Blue reminded the Council that the Council meeting is being
videotaped (and a local newspaper reporter is in attendance) and this would inform the public.

Councilmember Cook made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 2000-19. The motion was seconded by
Councilmember Moore and upon roll call vote was as follows:
Councilmember Cook X
Councilmember Alexander ABSENT
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Moore X
Mayor Frith X


NOVEMBER 11, 2000.

Councilmember Scott made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 2000-20; seconded by Councilmember
Moore and upon roll call vote was as follows:
Councilmember Cook X
Councilmember Alexander ABSENT
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Moore X
Mayor Frith X


Mr. Brynes told the Council staff is in the process of completing the final budget document and has
started preparing for the city’s annual audit.

On another matter, Mr. Brynes told the Council individuals from the Suwannee River Water
Management District would be at city hall on Thursday, October 26, 2000, to discuss the land
acquisition for the city’s proposed spray field.


Mayor Frith asked Director of Community Development Luther Gunter, Jr., how things are going with
various projects in the city. Mr. Gunter said, to the best of his knowledge, things are good.

Director of Public Works Barney Johnson told the Council he had received a request from an
individual that a dead-end road at his property be barricaded or blocked. Mr. Johnson explained that
Henry Avenue deadends at the railroad property and individuals have made a road here. Mr. Johnson
said the individual is asking if the city will block it or if he can do it himself. City Attorney Bill Blue
said that if this is private property and not property belonging to the city, the individual should block it
off himself. It was the consensus of the Council that the City leave this matter (blocking off the road)
up to the individual making the request.
Page 6, October 24, 2000 Regular Session City Council


Councilmember Cook said he received a request from a school bus driver that the City helps in getting
several overhanging limbs removed from school bus routes. City Manager Bill Brynes told the Council
the Public Works Department receives notices from the school transporation division and follows up on
these concerns. Councilmember Cook gave Mr. Brynes a list of several problem areas noticed by the
bus driver.

There was a brief discussion about the new city garbage containers. Mr. Johnson said things are still a
bit slow but coming along okay. There was mention of the possibility of going to a once-a-week
pickup schedule in the future. Councilmember Cook commented that the City had acquired the (5,000)
containers free of charge when it could have cost the city approximately $120,000 to purchase them at
$40.00 a piece. Councilmember Cook said the City needed to go into this type system due to workers’
compensation concerns and the Council made a wise move in doing so.

Councilmember Scott informed Mr. Johnson that the Stewart Memorial Church and parsonage (two
separate paying locations) only had one garbage container. Councilmember Scott asked if another
container could be provided and both containers be picked up at the church rather than at the
parsonage. Mr. Johnson said he would check on getting another container and said there would be no
problem with both containers being picked up together at the one location.


There being no further business to come before the City Council at this time, the meeting was
adjourned at approximately 8:15 p. m.


_______________________________ _________________________________
William E. Brynes, City Manager Richard Frith, Mayor

Recorded in official Minute Book:

___________________________ _________________________________
Annette Anderson, Secretary Date

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