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Prepared to complete course assignments English Profession for Art

guided by Mrs. Fenny Rochbenny S.Pd., M.Sn


Dita Nurul Abidah (130253602342)

Fitria Maudy Wardhani (130253612960)
Karindra Dewi Puspitasari (130253612969)
Ratna Tri Maharani (130253612963)


April 2015

Logo is a symbol or characteristic to describe identify for something. Like a goods,

organization, company, instance, or website and blog. A logo can be said excellent if persons
see, that person to connect with the product. And its mean, logo is concept, symbol, and
grapic element. The other side, logo is a element can give feedback to customer.
logo from yunani language that is logos, which meaning word, mind, discussion,
kindness mind. Logo beginning from terminology logotypefirst multiply to 1810-1840
yearand name meaning articleentitas ( objek) which special design by technics letteringor to
type a perg even writing andmixed picture becomeone. Function from logo in between: self
identity; proprietary marking; guaranted quality; and prevent the existence of imitation or
piracy. Classification of logo type according to Yasaburo Kuwayama there 4 type:
a. Alphabet
b. Symbols, Numbers
c. Concrete Forms
d. Abstract Forms
Logo criterion based to early function logo hence especial criterion is:
- have to be unique
- depicting company or institution
- lifting image and can differentiate with other;dissimilar.
- Logo have to be durable and flexible
Signification the shape on logo
Definition the shape according to Graphic Lexicon is in such manner or form of
something, such as a round elliptical, rounded rectangular and so forth. From these
definitions can be described that such a form is a form of something, usually in the form
of a rectangular, triangular, circular, elliptic etc. In the process of designing a logo, shape
occupies a position that is no less important than other elements, given the usual
geometric shapes is a symbol that carries a certain emotional value. It is normally
understood, because of the shape or form has a visible impression charge. As expressed
by Plato, that the form or shape a world language that is not hampered by differences as
there are in the language of words. But Plato's theory is not necessarily apply accordingly.

There are other aspects that lead to language forms are not always effective. As
application forms to target traditional international or otherwise.

Particular logo shapes send out particular messages:

Circles, ovals and ellipses: tend to project a positive emotional message. Using a
circle in a logo can suggest community, friendship, love, relationships and unity.
Rings have an implication of marriage and partnership, suggesting stability and
endurance. Curves on any sort tend to be viewed as feminine in nature.

Straight edged logo shapes such as squares and triangles: suggest stability in more
practical terms and can also be used to imply balance. Straight lines and precise logo
shapes also impart strength, professionalism and efficiency. However, and particularly
if they are combined with colours like blue and grey, they may also appear cold and
uninviting. Subverting them with off-kilter positioning or more dynamic colours can
counter this problem and conjure up something more interesting.

Triangles: have a good association with power, science, religion and law. These tend
to be viewed as masculine attributes, so it's no coincidence that triangles feature more
prominently in the logos of companies whose products have a masculine bias.

Vertical lines: masculinity, strength, and aggression.

Horizontal lines:tranquillity and calm.

The implications of shape also extend to the typeface chosen. Jagged, angular

typefaces may appear as aggressive or dynamic; on the other hand, soft, rounded letters give
a youthful appeal. Curved typefaces and cursive scripts tend to appeal more to women, while
strong, bold lettering has a more masculine edge.
Meaning color on logo
Red is often associated with the heat of sun and fire and is considered a high-arousal color,
often stimulating people to take risks, according to color think tank, Pantone. It has also been
shown to stimulate the senses and raise blood pressure, and it may arouse feelings of
power, energy, passion, love, aggression, or danger.

Yellow is often associated with the heat of sun and fire and is considered a high-arousal color.
It may stimulate feelings of optimism and hope or cowardice and betrayal.

Blue is often associated with the coolness of the sea and sky. It has been shown to calm the
senses and lower blood pressure. It may stimulate feelings of trust, security, order, and

Orange is often associated with the heat of sun and fire and is considered a high-arousal
color. It may stimulate feelings of energy, balance, and warmth.

Green is often associated with the coolness of leaves. People often associate it with nature,
health, good luck, and jealousy.

Purple is generally considered a low-arousal color. It may stimulate feelings of spirituality,

mystery, royalty, or arrogance.

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