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1. The reduction formula in integration is also

known as _____.
A. LHopitals rule
C. chain rule
B. recursion formula * D. all of these

9. The evolute of a hyperbola is a _____.

A. Lemniscate of Bernoulli
B. Lame curve *
C. Limacon of Pascal
D. Hyperboloid

2. What differential equation involves a function

and their partial derivatives?
A. Logarithmic DE
C. Linear DE
B. Ordinary DE
D. Partial DE *

10. If two random variables are

independently distributed, what is their
A. They are not identically distributed.
B. They are uncorrelated *
C. They are correlated.
D. They are mutually exclusive.

3. ____ solution contains a number of

arbitrary constants equal to the order of
the differential equaiton.
A. Particular C. Partial
B. General * D. Arbitrary
4. When can we say that an expression
has no solution?
A. When the absolute value of an
expression is less than a negative
number *
5. ______ is a certain subset of a
probability space
A. Event *
C. Outcome
B. Experiment D. Trial
6. If a variable x satisfies both inequalities
a x and x b, where a and b are
constants, the a x b and x is said to
be located in the _____ a and b.
A. half-open interval C. open interval
B. close interval *
D. any of the above
7. The set of all possible outcomes of a
probability experiment is called the ___
A. sample * C. event
B. outcome D. experimental
8. What is the locus of a point on the rim of
a circle rolling along a perfectly straight
line called?
A. Hypocycloid
C. Cycloid *
B. Epicycloid
D. Cuboid

11. The versine, written versine (z) or vers

(z) and also known as the "versed sine,"
is a little-used trigonometric function
defined by
A. vers(z) 1 cosz
B. vers(z) 1 cscz
C.vers(z) = 1 - cosz
D. vers(z) 1 cscz
12. A cardioid can also be described as:
A. epicycloid with two cusps
B. epicycloid with one cusp *
C. hypocycloid with two cusps
D. hypocycloid with one cusps
13. Every sufficiently large odd number can
be expressed as the sum of three prime
numbers. What is this theorem called?
A. Vivianis theorem
B. Von Neumanns theorem
C. Van Exels theorem
D. Vinogradovs theorem *
14. What is the polar coordinates equation
of the hyperbolic spiral?
A. r = a*
B. ra
C. ra
D. ar

15 . For all real numbers a and b, one and

only one of the following statements is
true: a > b, a = b or a < b. What is this
property called?
A. Transitive property
B. Trichotomy property *
C. Reflexive property
D. Substitution property
16. A method for fitting a curve (not
necessarily a straight line) through a set
of points using some goodness-of-fit
criterion is called ______
A. regression *
B. run
C. replicate
D. plot
17. The number of data points which fall
within a given class in a frequency
distribution is called ______.
A. absolute frequency *
B. cumulative count
C. cumulative frequency
D. relative frequency
18. Napiers rule states that the sine of any
middle part is equal to the product of the
______ of the adjacent parts.
A. sine
B. cosine
C. tangent *
D. cotangent
19. Matrix X has r row and c columns, and
matrix Y has c rows and d columns,
where r, c and d are different. Which of
the following statements must be false
I. The product of YX exists.
II. The product of XY exists and has r
rows and d columns.
III. The product of XY exists and has c
rows and c columns.
A. I only
C. II only *
B. III only
D. I and II

20. A point moves in a plane so that its

distance from the origin is always twice
its distance from point (1,1). All such
points form _______.
A. a line
C. a circle *
B. an ellipse
D. a parabola
21. The real roots of a cubic equation are
A. points of inflection of the graph of
the equation
B. points of intersection of the graph
of the equation with the x-axis *
C. points of intersection of the graph
of the equation with the y-axis
D. obtained by using the quadratic
22. The element x in some algebraic
structures is called ______ if x time x
equal x.
A. multiplicative identity
B. multiplicative inverse
C. idempotent *
D. associative
23. Which of the following statements is
false about spherical trigonometry?
A. If two angles of a spherical triangle
are equal, the sides opposite are
equal and conversely.
B. If two angles of a spherical triangle
are unequal, the sides opposite are
unequal, and the greater side lies
opposite the greater angle, and
C. The sum of two sides of a spherical
triangle is greater than the third
D. The sum of all interior angles of a
spherical triangle is 360 *
24. What is a weak inequality?
A. An inequality that permits the
equality case. *
B. An inequality that permits the
inequality case.

C. An inequality that is not true always.

D. An inequality that is true always.
25. The sum of any two angles of a
spherical triangle is:
A. greater than 180
B. less than 180
C. less than 180 + the third angle*
D. greater than 180 + the third angle
26. In numerical analysis, _____ is a
process that begins with an initial guess
and finds successive approximation.
A. bisection method
B. iterative method *
C. convergence method
D. Newtons method
27. In any square matrix, when the
elements of any two rows are exactly
the same (i.e. row 1 = row 2 or row 1 =
row 3, or row 2 = row 3), the
determinant is

Zero *
positive integer
negative integer

28. The elements in the domain are called

____ and those in the range are called
A. inputs, outputs * C. set, subset
B. outputs, inputs
D. subset, set
29. What is the simplest method of
numerical analysis, which requires that
the function f be continuous on an
interval [a,b] where f(a) and f(b) have
opposite signs?
A. Newtons method
B. Bisection method *
C. Convergence method
D. Iterative method

30. A _______ is an expansion of a periodic

function f(x) in terms of an infinite sum
of sines and cosines.
A. Gibb series
B. Taylor series
C. McLaurin series
D. Fourier series
31. The ______ of a circle is the least
distance on a sphere from a point on the
circle to its poles.
A. declination
B. colatitude
C. longitude
D. polar distance *
32. When the hypotenuse of a right
spherical triangle is less than 90,
A. the two legs are on the same
quadrant *
B. the two legs are on different
C. one leg is one the first quadrant
and the other on the second
D. none of the above

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