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Par kl and


Par kland Fellow ship Chur ch

Annual Report

The Leadership Team

Year i n Rev i ew

2015 was an extremely challenging year. It was a

year of great loss, but also a year in which we looked again
to the Lord to make all things new and to be the Good
Shepherd who leads us to green pastures. And we were
reminded that sometimes God takes his people through
difficult and troubling times before His hand is seen
amongst them.
We saw many members and adherents, some of
whom had been a part of the Parkland family for many
years, leave us this year. There were many different reasons
but their loss has been keenly felt. As well our Lead Pastor
Brian Stewart resigned and we experienced the loss of 3
staff members ? Marc Guibord, Tina Friesen and Teresa
Hartnett. We are a much smaller congregation than we
were at this time last year.

' Th r ou gh al l t h e ch an ges, i t h as
been en cou r agi n g t o h ear of t h e
r en ew ed h ope ex pr essed by so
m an y'

Annual Report

Direct or of Worship
Car r i e M u r phy

2015 has been a year of growth and challenge. I have a

strong core of musicians, sound and computer techs who have
willing and servant hearts. We are, however, always looking for
more musicians to join our team.
The past year we have started to understand each other
more and find our groove as a team. At the end of August we sent
our lead pastor on to new things. I felt very blessed by the
Ministry of Brian Stewart at Parkland, but we know that God has
great things planned for him to come.
As the Worship Pastor here at Parkland it has been a tough
transition to not have a lead pastor, but I continue to look for
God?s guidance as to how to best serve the Lord and love the
people of our congregation.
I am optimistic about the future and what God has planned
for the worship team at Parkland as we continue to move
towards God?s vision and will for our lives.
Carrie Murphy


Parkl and | 2016 Annual Report

Direct or of Propert y Management

St eph en St eck l er

The position of Director of Property Care was a newly

VOLUNTEERS,PARKLANDHASA created position, with changes to Parkland last spring.
Starting in July, I have been responsible for the upkeep of

Parkland?s buildings and property as well as managing the

tenants who rent space at Parkland Fellowship. It has been
very enjoyable working with Craig Murphy, Carrie Murphy,
and Esther Mathews on staff as well as with the Human
Resources team.
Over the last 6 months, I have been responsible for
maintenance and repairs for Parkland. This has included
rewaxing floors and washing the sanctuary carpet as well
as having fire extinguisher and alarm inspections to ensure
they are in working order. I have also been involved with
various repairs including the air conditioning & heating
equipment, the security system as well as the lighting in
the sanctuary.
In addition, the cleanliness of Parkland?s property is
my responsibility. Thanks to the efforts of various
volunteers, Parkland has a cleaner appearance. In
particular, during the wind storm that caused the power
outage earlier in the fall, many volunteers helped clean up
all the debris from the parking lot, roof, and back lawn.

Annual Report


Freedom Session
Est h er M at h ew s

Freedom Session is a Christ-centered 12 Step healing

& discipleship ministry? this is absolutely not just for
those who struggle with Chemical Dependencies. We also
walk alongside those who seek freedom from sexual
addiction, sexual and physical abuse victimization,
codependency issues, perfectionism, and the scars of
divorce, betrayal, abortion trauma, homosexuality, anger
issues, gambling, eating disorders, frozen emotions and just
plain old hurts.
One of the year?s highlights is grad, which this year
was on April 30th! We celebrate the hard work that has
been done, but most importantly we give the grads the
opportunity to give God the glory for the changes that have
been brought about in their lives! We make a big deal of
the evening with helium balloons, certificates and such but
the main event is the testimonies of the grads! All 22 of
them gave a 2 ? 3 minute testimony of how God met them
this past year and how He gave them the courage to
persevere when they wanted to give up and more!

Est h er M at h ew s h as been t h e
Di r ect or of Fr eedom Sessi on f or
al m ost 3 year s at Par k l an d
Fel l ow sh i p Ch u r ch .


Parkl and | 2016 Annual Report

Many of you have never been through a 12-step program before and hardly knew
what you were volunteering for but did so out of a heart of compassion to walk along side,
become a part of a support team and be Jesus with skin on. On behalf of each grateful
heart that you sponsored and from our leadership team? WE THANK YOU! Hebrews 6:10
says ?God is not unjust: He will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as
you have helped His people and continue to help them.
This year?s facilitator team is 9 strong with three of them from Parkland. All but one
small group have a team of two, with usually one of them being a more seasoned
facilitator. We are extremely blessed to have this luxury of a two person facilitator team!
Not only is it a blessing to the small group as they can provide a broader scope of care but
the facilitators create their own support as they can pray for their members and care for
them. It also provides a place where last year?s grads can learn, grow and be trained to
lead not only at Freedom Session but will take their skills as they serve in other areas of
church life! This year we have one of our last year?s grads on this year?s team and it is so
exciting to watch them grow and bloom as they step out in these leadership roles!
Facilitators take their roles very seriously as they come each week with their own
homework done working on some new issue that God have shown Him as you have
helped His people and continue to help them.
Ingrid Williamson, who is my personal assistant and one of my closest friends.
Ingrid helps me with printing, folding handouts, participant books, and many other details,
thank you Ingrid! Craig Lien is co-teaching with me. I am truly grateful for Craig; he
teaches with an authenticity that is infectious. We make it really clear that we too are a
work in progress and I really appreciate his willingness to be real and vulnerable with our
group each year! Craig?s new job is teaching at BCIT which has been a real answer to
prayer. Carolyn Lien, Craig?s wife, comes each week and makes coffee for us!

Annual Report


As I close, here?s an excerpt from my Christmas

support letter? One of my favorite authors is Anne
Voskamp and she expresses my heart of what we pray
happens here at Freedom Session each week as we
endeavor to provide a safe place full of God?s love and
grace for our precious participants whom we call our
?Flock? to be welcomed loved & heard.
?This is the gospel of grace. Grace laid it?s arm down a
beam and grace never stops reaching out, reaching for
you, reaching straight across walls and through fences
and over barbed wire laws.
Grace in the going and the giving and this is the how
you accept the Gospel.The gospel isn?t only what we
accept; the Gospel is also what we extend.
The grace we?ve received from the heart of God is the
grace that extends our arms to the world.It?s the gospel
in shorthand and pure relief:
My hope isn?t built on my performance but on Jesus?
I Timothy 1:12 speaks of my heart?s gratitude
?? I'm so grateful to Christ Jesus for making me
adequate to do this work. He went out on a limb, you
know, in trusting me with this ministry.?
Thank You gracious Heavenly Father, for taking my
darkness, my pain and transforming it into Your
light and Your hope! Amidst all of this world?s
darkness? You are still on the throne!
In His Grip,
Esther Mathews
Freedom Session Director



Parkl and | 2016 Annual Report

Evangel ism & Missions


Ki m Br ei t k r eu t z & M i k e St ar r

Kim Breitkreutz, and Michael Starr are serving on the

Missions Committee together with Gopi from the
Leadership Team. This is a time of change for Missions as it
is for the rest of Parkland, but we thank God for his
faithfulness, and our partnerships in missions, both near
and far.
Heading into 2016, there will be some changes in our
missions support. It is with heavy hearts that we release
our ministries in Mexico: Templo Leandro Valle, Elia Mendez
and La Paloma Orphanage. We pray that their efforts would
continue to be blessed, and that God would continue to
supply their needs.
We also completed our support for Joshua Escaravage,
who is starting an exciting new chapter in his life, and is no
longer serving with YWAM. We wish him all God?s best as he
goes forward with his engagement.
POTS (Parkland on the Streets) continues to happen
at Nightshift one Saturday per month led by former
Parklanders, Paul Krieg and Neil Harker. We pray that
someone at Parkland would be led to partner with them in
this valuable, local ministry.
It is a privilege to continue to support our long-term
1. Steve and Iryna Yagilnacky who minister to orphan
children in the Ukraine- This has been a very difficult
time in the Ukraine with ongoing political and
economic strife. Steve and Iryna continue to shine
God?s light in a dark place.

Par k l an d gi ves 10% of i t s

i n com e t o l ocal an d gl obal
m i ssi on s

Annual Report


Women's Minist ry
Jen n i e St ar r

The Tuesday morning women's group thanks God

for this precious group of women that has been meeting
since the Fall to study the lives of women in the Bible.
We learn from the lives of these Godly women,
pray together and enjoy building new friendships.
Jennie Starr

Young Adul t s
M ar cu s Gu i bor d

This past year the Young Adults have done weekly

get-togethers on Sundays from 7:30 ? 9:30. Attendance
at Young Adults throughout the year have varied
between 6-10 young adults attending on a regular basis.
Throughout the year we have gone through different
video series?followed by a discussion and prayer.
The Young Adults have been taking turns hosting.
The usual format of Young Adults is: catch up about the
week, eat snacks, play games, watch a video or discuss a
topic, followed by group discussion and prayer. The
Young Adults group have come close and support each
other?s needs. People are always welcome to join us on
Marcus Guibord

Annual Report


Parkl and Sof t bal l

Ti m Dyck , Sof t bal l Com m i ssi on er

Our league?s 25th year ran from Sat. April 11 through

Sun., June 28 and was marked by consistently welcome
weather and a lot of great action on the field. Scheduling of
double-headers in the second half of the season allowed
our 8 teams to play each other twice before the wrap-up
playoff weekend. In all there were 4 exhibition games, 56
regular season contests and 14 playoff matches.
Two leadership changes took place: Ashley Swaddling
ably assumed the helm of the Young Guns with continuing
support from her father Jeff, and newcomers Carrie Jensen
& Christy Guibord did a terrific job respectively coaching
and managing the renamed Gladiators. Returning team
leaders included Steven Horita (Human Beings), Rob Mckay
& Mick Shaughnessy (newly named Caped Crusaders),
Richard Tonn & Andy Seiler (Blue Jays), Jeff Huebert &
Howard Rilkoff (Tragically Stiff ), Bruce Breitkreutz (A535),
and Tim Dyck (Orange Crush). Rosters totaled 103 players,
mostly registered regulars, only 21 of whom were
Parklanders. Many of the players were non-churched,
though Redemption Community Church has continued to
support the league in a big way with key personnel, and
some believers from other congregations have also been
integrally involved because of the outreach opportunity.

Par k l an d Sof t bal l h ad over 100

par t i ci pan t s i n 8 t eam s du r i n g

Annual Report

Chil dren's Minist ry

Leader sh i p Team

Children?s ministry in
Parkland continued on three
fronts in 2015 under the
leadership of Director Teresa
The efforts on Sunday
included a Nursery
component for those
youngsters no longer ?babes
in arms?but not yet in
school. Attendance generally
ranged from 1-3. Faithful
helpers in this ministry
included Carolyn & daughter
Jamie Lien, Connie & son
Erick Cartabio, Valerie
Wasmund, Gilda Talan, Karen
Anderson and Lisa Dyck.
A children?s church
provision for those in Grades
1-4 was offered over in the
education building with
either Teresa Hartnett or
Theresa Stanworth presiding
each Sunday, supported at
times by older children
assisting. Attendance varied
over the year with a number
of children graduating in the
fall to the Extreme Life
program for those in Grades
5-7, leaving expected
regulars at around 5.



Parkl and | 2016 Annual Report

Ext reme Lif e

Sh au n Cr ai g

Parkland's Extreme Life ministry is a youth-oriented

ministry specifically designed for students in grade five to
seven. Extreme Life seeks, through regular attendance, to
reach kids for Jesus and inspire kids to get deeper with
Extreme Life meets Friday once a month and has
special outreach event nights with games, snacks and a
brief discussion.
During Sundays Extreme life meets during the service
for a fun and challenging chance for the pre-teens to grow
in their faith.
About 20 kids attend our events, with numbers often
exceeding this during special
outreach events.
Approximately 75% of the children that attend the special
outreach events are not Parkland attendees
I am blessed to have Gaynor Sward assist me with the
monthly events on Fridays, as well as the Lex Youthers
(Grade 8-12) planning and leading some Friday night
events. Jamie, Kevin, Jonah, Judah, and Elijah have been
regular Jr. Leaders.
These Lex Youthers have shown a growing maturity
and willingness to take initiative in ministering to Extreme
I also teach Sunday classes thrice a month, while
Nora and Ashley Lavallee assist me one a month.
My request is for prayer, prayer that the youth
program could get more adult leaders. Also that the Gospel
would be heard, and that the current leaders could be
encouraged and strengthened in their service.
Shaun Craig


Parkl and | 2016 Annual Report

Act ive Member List

Resident Members:

Senkiw, Kari Lyn

Anderson, Karen
Anderson, Kent

Shaughnessy, Mick

Breitkreutz, Bruce
Cabal, Mel
Cabal, Victoria
Coombs, Bruce
Coombs, Suzanne
Craig, Nicole
Craig, Shaun
Derksen, Cal
Dyck, Lisa
Dyck, Tim
Escaravage, Doug
Escaravage, Josh
Escaravage, Karen
Falez, Melinda
Falez, Scott

St. Denis, Florence

Starr, Jennie
Starr, Michael
Steckler, Marcia
Steckler, Stephen
Sward, Gaynor
Sward, Joe
Tadesse, Ambaw
Teefel, Dave
Teefel, Lynn
Tonn, Anita
Wasmund, Bev
Wasmund, Eric
Weisner, Don
Weisner, Erna ido,

Fresnido, Albert
Friesen, Jean
Guibord, Christy
Guibord, Marc
Huebert, Jeff
Ironside, Joanne
Janke, Ruth
Lavalee, Nora
Mathews, Esther
Mathews, Richard
Murphy, Carrie
Murphy, Craig
Pressana Kumar, Eppy
Pressana Kumar, Gopi
Seiler, Andy
Seiler, Karen

Total: 50
Non-Resident Members:
Vannadil, Raj & Kim
Yagilnicky, Stephen


Annual Repor t

9574 160 St, Surrey, BC

V4N 2R6

604 582 0282


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