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Tutorial 5

%RT Paton
%Function used to determine the 'correctness' of the uniform distribution
%of a user-supplied array
perc - fraction of 1 representing the percentage to be tested
nums - array of numbers to be tested
Screen output of the actual fraction of the supplied array with
values below perc
function MatLab1(perc,nums)
numtrue = 0;
%Initialisation of variable used to count number of
elements of nums below perc
for q =1:1:length(nums)
%Loops through nums until the last value
if nums(q) < perc
numtrue = numtrue + 1; %Increases numtrue if the current array
value is lower than the supplied percentage
trueperc = 100*numtrue/length(nums);
%Calculates the proportion of the
array meeting the supplied percentage criterion as a percentage
['The true fraction of array less than ' num2str(100*perc) '% is '
num2str(trueperc) '%.'] %Creates a sentence showing the result to the user
that is unsuppressed i.e. prints to the screen

Tutorial 6
%RT Paton
%Function used to calculate the root nearest a user-defined guess value of
%a user-defined polynomial using the Newton-Raphson method
porder - order of polynomial defined via GUI
polyu - defined via GUI based on porder
guess - user guess of the root value (via GUI)
Root nearest to user-supplied guess value
function MatLab2
diff = 1;
%Initialises the difference variable to be used later when
calculating the polynomial root
porderc = inputdlg('Please specify the order of the polynomial you wish to
%Uses a GUI to capture user information regarding the
polynomial order
porder = str2num(porderc{1});
%Converts the string of the user-efined
polynomial order to a number after retrieving it from the cell array
resulting from the use of the inputdlg
for q =1:1:porder+1 %One more than the specified order to ensure that the
constant co-efficent is also spcified
coeffc{q}= strcat('a_', num2str(porder+1-q));
%mathematics of num2str
ensures that co-efficient input listed in descending order as per MatLab
convention for polynomials
polyuc = inputdlg(coeffc,'Please specify the polynomial co-efficients');
%Input dialogue using the title bar to issue the instruction to the user
%Convert input cell of co-efficients into a MatLab-format polynomial array
for q = 1:1:length(polyuc)
polyu(q) = str2num(polyuc{q});
%Calculate the derivative polynomial
powcoeffs = porder:-1:0;
%Produces an array of multipliers based on the
existing powers of each saved co-efficient
polyudt = powcoeffs.*polyu; %Uses array-wise multiplication to calculate
the derivative polynomial coefficients
polyud = polyudt(1:end-1);
%Truncates the last value of polyudt otherwise
MatLab will calculate polyud as being one order higher than it should be
guessc = inputdlg('Please guess the value of the root of the polynomial');
%Accepts user guess of polynomial root
guess =str2num(guessc{1});
while diff > 1e-06 %Continues calculation until the difference from one
iteration to the next is lessthan 10^-6
guesst = guess -(polyval(polyu,guess))./(polyval(polyud,guess));
%Calculates the new root estimate
diff = abs(guesst - guess);
%Calculates the absolute value of the
difference from one step to the next
guess = guesst;
%Updates the value of the root estimate

msgbox(['The root of the specified polynomial nearest the specified guess

value is ' num2str(guess)]);
%Displays the calculated root to the user

MATLAB Tutorial Looping

function Data = Polyin
loop1 = 'Yes';
counter = 1;
while strcmpi(loop1,'No') ~= 1
ordcell = inputdlg('Please specify the order of the polynomial');
Data(counter).ord = str2num(ordcell{1});
loop1 = questdlg('Do you want to enter another polynomial?');
counter = counter + 1

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