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In a Dream, I Saw a City Invincible

Conservative Reforms to rebuild Inner cities of America

Conservative Strategy Plan I:

The Answer is not Minimum wage, Its high paying Jobs for
low income individuals and families
Creating High paying jobs for low income people

Convincing Energy Companies and Banks to invest in Tyre Pyrolysis systems and
plants in poor neighborhoods through Economic freedom zones, where recycled
plastics instead of them going to waste sites are taken and through a simple and easy
process as shown in the picture above, the plastics are melted and turned into oil.
The oil is exported to Europe, Asia and the Middle East $20 a barrel enough to bring
in profits for CEOs and this low skilled workers a modest wage of $5 to $10 an hour.


The Plastics need to be collected by somebody this is a job that requires no skills, low
income people can be hired at a starter wage of $5 an hour which works out to
$19,200 a year roughly for this first round of income no taxes however after that a
simple local flat tax of 9.9% to go into Education, Safety and infastruture
Tyre Pyrolysis system needs to be managed and worked this are high paying low
skilled jobs which can be created in the American inner cities.
Oil needs to be exported, repeal DODD Frank, Cut regulations that hurt small
business and community banks and encourage incentive for low income people to
start trucking companies through community banks loans, government providing
ladder of opportunity and also in coastal states like New Jersey Sea ports can be
built connecting the city of Camden to this port and allowing the oil to be exported
out to the world, creating jobs for low income people.

Strategic Plan 2: De-regulation

Every year Federal regulations cost America $1.8 Trillion, congress should sit
down and cut some of this regulations down by about $700 Billion Dollars
and revitalizing and investing this money to:
Community colleges
Technical schools
Vocational education,
Early childhood education
Infastruture in the inner cities

Strategic Plan 3- Closing down STATE Prisons and Jails

1. Criminal Justice Reform, releasing non violent criminals out of
Prison and putting them back into society.
2. Treating the Drug Addicted in Rehab centers and hospitals

3. Building Youth centers so that fatherless kids are not hanging

around in the streets up to no good.
4. Community Service sentences for none violent criminals who are
caught with drugs or contraband instead of jailing them.
5. Requiring Photo Ids and back ground checks for those in the
inner city to purchase firearms
6. Moving Drug traffickers and violent criminals from state prisons
into federal prisons and incarcerating them for only 23 cents a day by
taking away many privileges away, such as magazines, playboy,
coffee, nice food but instead supplying the prisons vegan and organic
7. Allowing non violent criminals to expunge their record
8. Promoting Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
in the low income neighborhoods instead of the thug criminality of
Hip Hop music.
9. Heavy Militarized Police Presence with MRAPS in the inner
city to show deterrence and deter anybody from committing crimes
in this low income neighborhoods.
10. Border Security and Immigration Reform

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