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Over the years, the US has maintained its lead as the only country with the strongest military in

the world. Even in challenging economic conditions, most of the top 10 strongest countries in the
world still allocate a sizable share of their national GDP to military budgets.
The factors considered for military strength are:


Air systems

Land systems

Naval power

Financial resources

Based on these factors, militaries are ranked by their quantitative capabilities, regardless of the
quality of the arms and training. These are the worlds 10 strongest armies in the world.

1. USA
The US defense budget of $601 billion is by far the largest in the world, and bigger than the total
of the remaining 9 closest competitors. With 10 aircraft carriers, and more aircraft than any other
country in the world, the US has a big advantage. It also invests in military technology and
remains far ahead.
Defense budget: $601 billion
Active military personnel: 1,400,000
Total aircraft: 13,892
Total naval strength: 473
Tanks: 8,848
Armored fighting vehicles: 41,062
Aircraft carriers: 10

Submarines: 72

Despite budget strains, Russia remains the second largest and strongest military in the world
army rankings, only second to the US. It has increased its military spending over time and even
with current budget shortcomings due to plummeting oil prices, its defense budget remains
untouched. The country is involved in a military campaign against Islamic militants in Syria, in a
show of its limited but strong global military involvement.
Defense budget: $84.5 billion
Active military personnel: 766,055
Total aircraft: 3,429
Total naval strength: 352
Tanks: 15,398
Armored fighting vehicles: 31,298
Aircraft carriers: 1
Submarines: 55

China comes third with its armed forces having undergone a rapid modernization program with
new military technologies. It has the largest world raw military manpower and the second largest
submarine fleet behind the US.

Defense budget: $216 billion

Active military personnel: 2,333,000
Total aircraft: 2,860
Total naval strength: 673
Tanks: 9,150
Armored fighting vehicles: 4,788
Aircraft carriers: 1
Submarines: 67

India comes fourth as the worlds best army. Behind the top 3 world elite, it has the most active
military manpower, the fourth biggest military spender with access to nuclear weapons.
Defense budget: $50 billion
Active military personnel: 1,325,000
Total aircraft: 1,905
Total naval strength: 202
Tanks: 6,464
Armored fighting vehicles: 6,704
Aircraft carriers: 2
Submarines: 15


Despite a relatively small military, the Japanese military is very well equipped, having the fourth
largest submarine fleet and four helicopter carrying, aircraft carriers.
Defense budget: $41.6 billion
Active military personnel: 247,173
Total aircraft: 1,613
Total naval strength: 131
Tanks: 678
Armored fighting vehicles: 2,850
Aircraft carriers: 2
Submarines: 16

France has a small military but very professional and highly trained. Its military acquired a new
aircraft carrier. France frequently engages in military operations in the north of Africa.
Defense budget: $62.3 billion
Active military personnel: 202,761
Total aircraft: 1,264
Total naval strength: 113
Tanks: 423
Armored fighting vehicles: 6,863
Aircraft carriers: 4
Submarines: 10

Even though the UK is planning to shrink the size of its military by 20%, its military capabilities
are not expected to change.
Defense budget: $60.5 billion
Active military personnel: 146,980
Total aircraft: 936
Total naval strength: 66
Tanks: 407
Armored fighting vehicles: 5,948
Aircraft carriers: 1
Submarines: 10

With the 6th largest air force in the world, South Korea is constantly increasing its military in the
face of a defiant and unpredictable North Korean aggression.
Defense budget: $62.3 billion
Active military personnel: 624,465
Total aircraft: 1,412
Total naval strength: 166
Tanks: 2,381
Armored fighting vehicles: 2,660

Submarines: 13

Germanys military is not such big, but its capabilities are robust. It should be noted that, even
though it lacks some of the necessary military hardware, the country has the resources and
knowhow to make them at any given time of need.
Defense budget: $40.2 billion
Active military personnel: 179,046
Total aircraft: 663
Total naval strength: 81
Tanks: 408
Armored fighting vehicles: 5,869
Submarines: 4

Turkey has one of the largest submarine fleets, and a member if the F-35 program.

Defense budget: $18.2 billion

Active military personnel: 410,500
Total aircraft: 1,020
Total naval strength: 115
Tanks: 3,778
Armored fighting vehicles: 7,550
Submarines: 13

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