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Where the "Doh!" is "DO"?

When you hear a scale, the top and bottom note played are both called "Do" in Solfege.
In music, "Do" is home-base.

When listening to a pattern, here are some things to listen for:

Do the notes move in steps (Do-Re-Mi) or skips (Do-Mi-Sol)?
Does the last note sound like it *should* be the last note? Does it really come to a "resting place"?
If yes, the last note is Do. example: Ti-Do-Re-Ti-Do
If it doesn't sound FINAL, the last note is probably NOT Do. example: Do-Mi-Sol-Do'-Sol

Note that a little ' next to solfege means it's the high version.
Middle Do is written Do, while High Do is Do'

Also, a little , next to solfege means it's the low version. Ti, is below middle DO, while Ti is below high Do'
example: Ti, Do Re Ti, Do OR Sol La Ti Do'

When matching Solfege to songs, use hand signs to help you audiate (which means,
hear in your head) how the song would sound.

Next, look over all the songs first. Are there any you have memorized?
example: Here comes the bride will start with Do Fa Fa Fa...
Twinkle Twinkle will start with Do Do Sol Sol

Before selecting, make sure you read through all the solfege... two songs just may start the
same way:
example: It's Raining It's Pouring: Mi Sol Mi Mi Sol Mi
It's fun to stay at the...: Mi Sol Mi Sol Mi Sol
they are close, but not the same

Can you name these songs?

___________________________________ Do Re Mi Do Mi Do Mi

___________________________________ Mi Sol Mi Mi Sol Mi Mi Sol Mi La Sol Mi

___________________________________ Ti, Do Ti, Do Ti, Do Ti, Do Ti, Do

___________________________________ Mi Sol Mi Sol Mi Sol La Sol La Sol

___________________________________ Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol

___________________________________ Do Fa Fa Fa Do Sol Mi Fa
finding DO review page 2

When looking at music, the best places to look for DO are:

The LAST note of the melody
The LAST Lowest Note (in the accompaniment, or sung by the Basses).
A poem to help you remember: "The KEY to the Do is the LAST and the LOW."


When given a note of Solfege, use it to count up or down to DO.

Remember the order: Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti Do'
On a staff STEPS go from line, to space, to line. From line to line is a SKIP

œ ? w
16 17 18
?# w ? b w
& w œ bb œ
Fa Do Ti Do Sol Do Re Do

? #### w b
19 20
? ## w
21 22
? bb w
b & œ œœœ œœ œ
Mi Do La Do Fa Do D R MF S L T D'

To find DO in a SHARP key signature, remember: Last Sharp, up half-step, you to it!

## w ### w ? #### ? ###

23 24 25 26
& & #

bbb b
27 28 29 30
? b ? bb b
& b b
b w bb w &
To find DO in a FLAT key signature, remember: Second-To-The-Last Flat, flat it, you got it!

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