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Consider the Clinton: On the Issues

Foreign Policy
First of all, most any democratic voters will acknowledge that Hillarys foreign policy
might be her biggest strength. That comes from being a very active first lady as well as
being secretary of state.
Now you could argue that she was a bad secretary of state, and I would respond no
worse then Bush
You could say that Bernie voted against the Iraq war, and that his judgement is better
than Clintons. Hillary has said over and over that she made a mistake, and that she
never anticipated Republican President George Bush to lead the war the way he did.
Her problem isnt with the war itself, but the way Bush managed the war.
After listening to many foreign affairs stories from Clinton at the Town Hall, my vote goes
to Clinton.
Wallstreet/The Big Banks
Bernie Sanders wants to break up the big banks, while Hillary wants to regulate them,
and include more than just the BIG banks. The reality is this, Wallstreet caused the
worst economic recession in recent memory.
Barack Obama (who most dems including myself love) was one of the highest paid
politicians by Wallstreet. He obviously cut a backroom deal, saying they wouldnt go to
jail. Indeed many Wallstreet people didnt go to jail. Bernie in my opinion is arriving too
late to the scene of the crime. If Bernie would have ran in 08 this topic would still be
relevant. But the bottom line is Obama enacted future regulations so another crash
wouldnt happen again. Hillary wants to continue those regulations, and says breaking
up the banks and fucking over Wallstreet now is not building on the progress we made
and do more harm then good. I hate to admit it, but the Wallstreet crash was so long
ago that I believe most of the american people are worried about tomorrow than
yesterday. My vote goes to Clinton.

Bernie wants all public schools tuition free through a tax on Wallstreet speculation,
Hillary wants to reduce student debt and free community college.
Many people will say that a speculation tax on wallstreet would stifle business
transactions on wallstreet, thus constricting our own economy. I really dont know
enough on economics, but I hear the concerns on the other side. I am also not sure how
more college graduates creates more job opportunities. Also, people say the overall
quality of the education will be less.
In my own experience, community college was a bitch to pay for because I went out-ofstate (~triple the price). I personally would be in a lot better situation financially if
community college was free. I am also concerned about student debt at this point more
than tuition, which I hear Hillary constantly support. In all reasonable fairness,
community college should be free and that would be sufficient. I dont want to pay for
Donald Trumps kids to go to college -H
My vote has to go to Clinton.
Bernie wants single payer, Hillary wants Obamacare
Bernie says that if we raise taxes by a little bit we can cut private health insurance. This
is a pretty radical idea. This could cause many problems...
Bernie would fit the stereotype of a communist/socialist coming in to raise taxes. It
would never work from an electability standpoint.
In my experience no one loves capitalism more than the profession of Doctors. They
work twice as hard so they can have twice as big a boat. Health is the most important
thing to me, and I support the doctors to deliver quality care if that means they think
they get a pretty penny.
I hate to say it, but Hillary is right when she says We dont need another contentious
debate about Health Care. Obama arrived in the white house with a democratic
congress, and was able through hook or crook to get Obamacare passed. Obamacare
today is hailed by the democratic party as their biggest advancement in decades. Since
the 90s, democrats have been pushing for socialized medicine (before Obamacare it
was Hillarycare). Obama will go down in history for this, as it got rid of pre-existing
conditions and made it so your health care wasnt tied to your job. Republicans today
are still trying to repeal it.

Today we have an angry republican majority in congress, and the LAST thing they will
sign into legislature is a socialized medicine bill that will raise taxes by a communist.
Bernies response to this is always, well if the people stand up, we can take on the
pharmaceutical industry.... Bernie fails to realize that over half of america are
republican idiots. As of now Hillary says, 90% have coverage I wanna get the
remaining 10%.
I appreciate Bernies optimism and cause, but I have to give my vote to Hillary.

In conclusion, the Clintons are some of the smartest people on earth imo. I feel safe
giving them they keys to my country. Hillary has the support from Bill, Barack, every
smart NY senator, etc. She will make educated decisions through a high intelligence
committee. Aside from her smarts, (and she is wicked smart) the other quality I admire
is how much she hates republicans. I used to think democracy was all about getting
along, but after seeing what Obama went through I learned that democracy is not about
compromise, its about kicking the crap out of the other team. Hillary does that because
I KNOW she hates republicans from the Lewinski scandal. Republicans have been
going after Hillary since Bill took office, and she never wavered. They made her life a
living hell by dragging out the lewinksy scandal in public court to try to get an
impeachment. She wants nothing more then to fuck them over. Who are your greatest
enemies?: Id have to say the republicans -H

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