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Thesis Statement:
Artificial Intelligence (AI) can provide a major breakthrough in the educational system as
well as improve the academic performance of the students.



A. Artificial Intelligences benefit to a students intelligence
B. Background and Significance of this Study
C. Objectives of this Study
A. Early Artificial Intelligences
B. Different Artificial Intelligences
1. Weak-Leveled
2. Human-Leveled
C. Artificial Intelligence software adaptive to student needs
1. Games
2. Repetitive Topics
3. Working at their own pace
D. Point out places where courses needs improvement
1. DEPED based
2. CHED based
E. Additional Support from Artificial Intelligence tutors
F. Artificial Intelligence programs for feedbacks
Summary and Conclusions



A. Early Artificial Intelligences
As we all know, artificial intelligence is somewhat similar to a humans intelligence.

Nowadays artificial intelligence is being made as a helper to humans and most especially to
students; they make the lives of the students easier than those of our great grandfathers. During
the 1642, Blaise Pascal made the first digital calculator named the Pascals calculator, or the
Pascaline, or the Arithmetique and it was made for helping Blaise Pascals father in performing

tiresome tax accounting. In 1923, the R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots) of Karel apek's play
has been opened in London. This is where they first used the name robot. In 1950, Isaac
Asimov made the rules of robotics, wherein, these rules specify the limits of a robots
intelligence, and it is most likely centralized on humans safety, as long as the robot does not hurt
any person then it is alright to use or build them. In 1989, the Deep Blue chess machine made by
IBM defeated the world chess champion, Garry Kasparov. In 1998, Furby is the first successful
attempt of Tiger Electronics' in producing a type of AI is released, and becomes the first
successful attempt at producing a type of Artificial Intelligence to reach a local environment. In
2009, google made a car that drive itself, it has a program that can be set to automatically make
your car go to other places with the driver being a passenger too. The most common Artificial
Intelligence that can be encountered is Apples Siri, Googles Google, and Microsofts Cortana.
This Artificial Intelligence was programed according to every persons needs.
B. Different Artificial Intelligence
There are two kinds of Artificial Intelligence; one is a weak-leveled Artificial Intelligence, this
Weak Artificial Intelligences are most likely the chess programs in computer and simple
machines that can do simple works. Weak Artificial Intelligence is defined as the Artificial
Intelligence that can only do works that are equal or better than a human. It does not fully
understand a human language, or even work on its own without the help of humans.
Armstrong (2015) clearly this isnt an intelligent device - it doesnt think - but without it
you need to employ a human to watch the speed and control the steam. So without it a human has
job that needs some intelligence. With it the solution is just a mechanism. This replacement of

intelligence by something that doesn't seem to be quite intelligent is a recurring theme in the
history of Artificial Intelligence.
Another kind of Artificial Intelligence is a Strong Artificial Intelligence; the usual notion
of a strong AI is that these strong Artificial Intelligences are also known as
artificial general intelligence. They are referring to systems that can perform illogical tasks
requiring intellect and consciousness; however a weak Artificial Intelligence can only perform
specific intellectual tasks. So, for example, a computer chess program or a system that was able
to compose interesting beats in music would be a weak AI, because it only does one thing.
Passing the Turing test would indicate something close a strong AI. Although one could argue
that it only requires performing a specific intellectual task (i.e., conversation); that conversation
could range over just about anything that humans can intellectualize about. Indeed, the
Wikipedia page I linked above mentions the ability to pass the Turing test as a component of an
operational definition of strong AI.

C. Artificial Intelligence software adaptive to student needs

First is that, students cannot focus in their studies if they are not focus fully in their
studies. In psychology, a person who is mastering a subject needs to divert its attention to other
things in order to master it fully. So, games are made, these games contain Artificial Intelligence
that are almost as equal to a human being that is playing. The difficulty set in an Artificial
Intelligence will determine how strong or how weak it is, since the computer is still doing the
same things all over again we can say that Artificial Intelligences in phones are weak-leveled
Artificial Intelligences. Repetitive topics that can be used in mastering a students weak subject;
in mastering a subject, a student needs many practices in order to get the concept behind a certain

subject. That is why, repetitive topics in an Artificial Intelligence are made, they put greater
emphasis on a certain subject that a student needs and gives them ample time to work things on
their own pace. The more the student has time on a certain subject, the more the student masters
their subjects. A student should not be pushed too much or too fast in learning because it can be
developed step-by-step and slowly.
D. Point out places where courses needs improvement
Staff Writers (2012) Teachers may not always be aware of gaps in their lectures and
educational materials that can leave students confused about certain concepts. Artificial
intelligence offers a way to solve that problem. Coursera, a massive open online course provider,
is already putting this into practice. When a large number of students are found to submit the
wrong answer to a homework assignment, the system alerts the teacher and gives future students
a customized message that offers hints to the correct answer. This type of system helps to fill in
the gaps in explanation that can occur in courses, and helps to ensure that all students are
building the same conceptual foundation. Rather than waiting to hear back from the professor,
students get immediate feedback that helps them to understand a concept and remember how to
do it correctly the next time around.
This is also the same for Henyo, it is a site wherein the teachers sends the homework to
the students using the henyo site, and it gives them the right answers as well as explanations to
the concept used in a certain principle or topic that was discussed by their instructor. This kind of
Artificial Intelligence is still a weak-leveled Artificial Intelligence since the sites were only
programed to do the same things over and over again and with that there are still no signs of selfconsciousness in that Artificial Intelligence. The kind of standards that the DEPED and CHED
gives to the school shall be also implemented to students, whereas, the clearer the problem of the

child is in her subject, the clearer it is for DEPED and CHED to adjust to the learning patterns of
the students.
E. Additional Support from Artificial Intelligence tutors
Staff Writers (2012) while there are obviously things that human tutors can offer that
machines cannot, at least not yet, the future could see more students being tutored by tutors that
only exist in zeros and ones. Some tutoring programs based on artificial intelligence already exist
and can help students through basic mathematics, writing, and other subjects. These programs
can teach students fundamentals, but so far arent ideal for helping students learn high-order
thinking and creativity, something that real-world teachers are still required to facilitate. Yet that
shouldnt rule out the possibility of AI tutors being able to do these things in the future. With the
rapid pace of technological advancement that has marked the past few decades, advanced
tutoring systems may not be a pipe dream.
It is only an additional support not all of the learnings will be able to teach by the
Artificial Intelligence since the human brain is too hard to duplicate and it will be easier to just
let the humans teach since the Artificial Intelligence are programed persons and cannot receive or
add knowledge without programming them yet properly.
F. Artificial Intelligence programs for feedbacks
Staff Writer (2012) AI can not only help teachers and students to craft courses that are
customized to their needs, but it can also provide feedback to both about the success of the
course as a whole. Some schools, especially those with online offerings, are using AI systems to
monitor student progress and to alert professors when there might be an issue with student
performance. These kinds of AI systems allow students to get the support they need and for
professors to find areas where they can improve instruction for students who may struggle with

the subject matter. AI programs at these schools arent just offering advice on individual courses,
however. Some are working to develop systems that can help students to choose majors based on
areas where they succeed and struggle. While students dont have to take the advice, it could
mark a brave new world of college major selection for future students.
It is more helpful for students to have more options in deciding whether or not they
should take that specific course or not because the more options the better and with a better
feedback of the teachers to the students, the easier it is for them to determine on what courses
should they get in college.


Summary and Conclusion

To sum it all up, Artificial Intelligence is but a mere tool in assisting a person in order to

achieve their desired goals. They are most likely the peoples companion whenever there are
things that they cannot understand, things they cannot handle alone or even when things that they
cannot resolve immediately like problems of students in their subject. Artificial Intelligence is a
hard thing to do, due to the fact that copying a persons mind or mindset is one of the longest
experiment that is needed to conduct in order to make an Artificial Intelligence that is equal or
better than an average person.
Please get the intro from eric. And question: Do you have other references besides Staff
Writers? It seems its the only reference that was cited repeatedly.

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