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Candidate Questionnaire
This survey can be completed in Microsoft Word.

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Pinellas Stonewall Democrats

Attention: Beth Fountain, VP for Political Action
518 3rd Ave S #1115
St Petersburg, FL 33701

Please direct any formatting or other questions about this survey to:
Beth Fountain, Vice President for Political Action at 727-546-4698

By completing and returning this questionnaire, you are affirming that you are
seeking an endorsement from the Stonewall Democrats of Pinellas County.

Candidate Information
Name: Sam


Office and District:

Address: 5301

Mayor, City of Gulfport

18th Ave S

Phone (and Fax): 727-744-6186

Facebook: Under construction will be live soon

E-Mail: mayor@sam4gulfport.com

Website: www.sam4gulfport.com

Contact Person: Sam

Contact Phone(s):


Questionnaire completed by:

Sam Henderson

By submitting a completed questionnaire, the candidate acknowledges that s/he has

reviewed and approved the responses contained herein.

Candidate Name
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Stonewall Democrats of Pinellas County

Candidate Survey Questions

(pg. 2)

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. This information will help the Stonewall
Democrats of Pinellas County better understand who you are as a candidate and where you stand
on issues important to the LGBT community. We know that our endorsement process is more
complex than the process of some other organizations. We believe that adherence to our
thoroughness lends substantial credibility to our publicly stated positions. If you do not understand a
question or issue, say so. Sometimes our process is focused on education, and we hope we can
learn together.

1) Why are you running for elected office, and, more specifically, why did you choose to run
for this particular office?
In my past three years as Mayor, I have been an integral part of moving forward some
major projects that will benefit my city for decades to come. These include a trail
system connecting Gulfport to the Pinellas and Skyway Trails, infrastructure
improvements to storm water mitigation, sewer systems and streets, and large scale
beautification / renovation efforts to our waterfront district, marina and one remaining
park in great need of attention. Much of this has kept moving forward as a result of my
political will to see these projects completed, and I very much want to see these good
works accomplished. I feel that I represent my constituents well and equally, and
continue to embrace the great diversity of our residents, visitors and business

2) What is your background or experience in promoting human rights in general, and, if

applicable, LGBT rights in particular?
I have been a supporter of the LGBT community, social equality and human rights
since I was old enough to understand the concepts. I am a past and current associate
member of Stonewall Democrats of Pinellas County, and received the Stonewall
endorsement in my 2009 and 2013 Gulfport campaigns. I have participated in St. Pete
Pride on multiple occasions, marching or riding in the parades, and assisted in getting
the citys consent for the Stonewalls to have the use our city trolley for several of these
events. I have been a staunch supporter of Gulfports Human Rights ordinance. I was
also an advocate for and collaborator in developing the Domestic Partner Registry,
which passed in Gulfport in 2012. At the time, I also encouraged members of other
municipalities and Pinellas County Commission to do the same. The county followed
suit within a matter of months. As a married man for the past twenty years, I have long
supported marriage equality and the right for LGBT couples to adopt children and
receive equal benefits under the law. I encouraged my daughter when she joined the
GLOW Club at her college, and she actually helps to keep me educated on LGBT
issues. I know that as a society and particularly as a state, we have a long way to go. I
am proud to be a part of Gulfport leading the way.

Stonewall Democrats of Pinellas County

Candidate Survey Questions

(pg. 3)

3) We believe that all elected officials make decisions that impact members of the
LGBT community. What will you do, in the office you are seeking, to provide
protection from discrimination for and/or affirmative actions for inclusion of LGBT
Florida still wrongly upholds the right of employers to fire someone for being gay. This
is a sore point for me as it is in direct conflict with basic human rights that we enjoy in
my city. Considering that Gulfport has for years prohibited such actions under the HRO
and has included the provision of spousal benefits to committed same sex couples, it
frustrates me the state lags so far behind. I will fight to end gay employee termination,
and will defend and promote our HRO as a model for others. In all honesty, I do rely on
my LGBT friends and the membership of this organization to enlighten me as to other
injustices, both socially and governmentally, that need to be remedied.

4) County Clerks throughout Florida are issuing marriage licenses to same sex
couples while everyone awaits a US Supreme Court ruling expected in the summer
of 2015. Even if that ruling favors same-sex marriage, there are more than one
thousand government granted privileges that heterosexual couples enjoy. It is not
clear that all of those privileges will automatically apply to same-sex couples,
especially those granted by state and local governments. Are you willing to commit
to work toward securing those rights if you are elected? Can you share example
marriage related issues with us?
It is my understanding that the supreme court fully upheld the right of same sex
couples to marry, and I absolutely support that. Are there caveats to that ruling that still
need to be amended? If so, I will support and work toward securing those rights for
LGBT couples.
5) Many people believe that it is against the law to discriminate against GLBT
persons. That belief is not true. While the right to equal protection under the law is
recognized in our national and state constitutions, specific civil rights legislation has
often been required to guarantee those rights in areas such as public
accommodations, employment and housing. Federal civil rights laws cover areas
such as race, national origin, sex, color, religion, age and disability. Neither federal
nor Florida state laws protect citizens on the basis of sexual orientation or gender
identity and expression. (Thanks to recent electoral victories, those rights are
guaranteed under local ordinances.) Would you favor including sexual orientation
and gender identity and expression in Florida state statutes?
Absolutely. We havent reached equality when the rights to employment, housing
and accommodations are not extended to everyone. I will support bills that seek to
right this.

Stonewall Democrats of Pinellas County

Candidate Survey Questions

(pg. 4)

6) Florida is the only state in which a statute specifically denies homosexuals the
ability to adopt. Even in the face of court rulings declaring that provision
unconstitutional as to homosexual individuals, the 2015 Florida House passed a bill
that would allow maintaining that prohibition by adoption agencies on religious
grounds, although that discriminatory legislation died in the Senate. Even under the
court rulings, laws make second parent adoption difficult, requiring a second court
decision. What is your position on LGBT couples jointly legally adopting children in
Correcting that poor legislation is important for two huge reasons. Not only is it
blatantly discriminatory, on any grounds, but it denies children in desperate need of a
loving family the opportunity to have that parental relationship. Again I ask the
membership, what are the next steps in this arena?

7) Anti-LGBT hate crimes rank second only to racially based hate crimes in most
reported statistics.
a) What is your position on adding sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender
expression to state and local hate crime legislation?
b) Should discrimination reporting jurisdictions be required to separately report
gender identity and expression motivated crimes? (Many current reporting systems
address sexual orientation only.)
b) Should hate crime legislation include bullying based on perceived sexual
orientation, gender identity or gender expression?
c) Do you support requiring law enforcement administrators to meet with
representatives of the LGBT community to explain how hate crime statistics are
gathered and reported?
A. Sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression should definitely be
included in state, local and federal legislation addressing hate crimes.
B. I dont know that it needs to be reported separately, but it should be included.
C. Bullying is unacceptable for any reason, and bullying for the reasons listed above is
equally so. It should be a part of such legislation.
D. Yes. Our police department is very active in the community, and open to
constructive interaction and transparent relay of information. I would be open to this
sort of reporting and to opening such a dialogue with our public safety dept. in
conjunction with representatives of the LGBT community.

Stonewall Democrats of Pinellas County

Candidate Survey Questions

(pg. 5)

8) a) What is your position on teaching age-appropriate, medically accurate sex

education in public schools with topics including information about HIV/AIDS, sexual
orientation, gender identity and gender expression? b) Should this same curriculum
be required in state supported charter schools?
Sex education should have these components as part of the curriculum if the
curriculum is accurate and delivered to an age-appropriate audience with parental
consent. I do believe it should be the parents or guardians choice whether their child
participates in a sex education course, and have the option to choose an alternative
course or no course if they desire. However, if such educational programs are required
of public schools, then they should be required of any state subsidized school.

9) Many people think of homelessness as a mental health issue (including

substance abuse). It is estimated that up to 40% of the homeless population under
age 18 in our area are LGBT. In many such cases their homelessness comes about
when children are forced out of their home, not by their own choice. How would you
address the issue of homelessness among the young people in this group?
Ideally, parents could be educated about accepting and embracing their LGBT children, but I
know that this is not fully realistic. I see potential for reserving spaces in homeless shelters for
LGBT homeless youth, and expanding resources available to this group young people gay or
otherwise that would help them get a fresh start before life on the streets becomes an
unbreakable pattern.

10) Is there additional information that you feel is an important part of your campaign
as it relates to the LGBT community?
The issues that I stand for relate any member of my community in the same way. I
am focused on environmental and ecological preservation, social justice, fiscal
responsibility, public safety, maintaining our expected level of service to residents,
support of our commercial enterprises and smart growth in urban redevelopment.
These are the things that affect quality of life for us all, regardless of sexual
orientation, gender identity or gender expression. One of the greatest lessons Ive
learned along the way is that gay people, transgendered people and those identifying
their gender in their own way are ultimately people no different from anyone else.
When my nephew came out to family and friends a couple of years back, some
people started acting differently toward him, not discriminatorily or unkindly, but
differently even the ones who had no issue accepting it. Somehow the fact that he
liked boys made people think that he was different than he had been the day before
his announcement. What struck me was that he was just the same young man wed
always known, it was everyone else who changed in that moment.
11) Briefly describe your campaign. If you are comfortable sharing this information,
here are some questions you may wish to address: Do you have a campaign and/or
field manager? How many votes do you need to win? How much money have you

Stonewall Democrats of Pinellas County

Candidate Survey Questions

raised to date, and what is your target amount for your race? Do you know how
much money was raised by the last person to win this office? [If you find these
questions difficult or uncomfortable to answer, we can discuss them during your
Yes, I have a campaign manager, treasurer
and all the key staff to run a successful
campaign much as Ive done in the past. I am
currently building my volunteer base as well,
and hope to bring in many of those who have
helped me retain office over the past 7 years.
Since qualifying happened in m id
December, I am still in the early stages of
this campaign sprint, but it is not my first
time around and I am building the resources I
need to win. During the last election for this
same seat three years ago, I raised over
$9000. Currently I have $130, but I am
actively fundraising and clearly seeking
meaningful endorsements from groups that
share and support my personal and political

(pg. 6)

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