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designed by Debbie Bliss


into front and back of next st; rem = remaining; rep = repeat;

Designed by Debbie Bliss

skpo = sl 1, k1, pass slipped st over; sl = slip; ssk = [slip 1] twice,

insert tip of left hand needle from left to right through the


fronts of both slipped sts and work 2 tog; st(s) = stitch(es); st st

To fit bust

=stocking stitch; tbl = through back loop; tog = together; yf =

8197 102127cm

yarn forward; yo = yarn over needle; yrn = yarn round needle;

32 38 4050 in

Finished measurements

This jacket wraps and drapes, and because of the way it is

Bust (including wrap-over)

constructed, the difference between the two sizes is quite

large, so the size you choose to make may depend on the fit

106 142 cm

41 56 in

you want; check the finished measurement across the back

Width across back

against an existing garment before starting to knit.

To cast on the armhole stitches, hold needle with existing

45 63 cm

17 24in

stitches in right hand and loop sts on with left thumb.

70cm/27in for both sizes


Sleeve length

Right front

With 5mm (US 8) needles, cast on 208 sts.

43cm/17in for both sizes

1st row (right side) P1, [k3, p4] 29 times, k3, p1.

2nd row K1, [p3, k4] 29 times, p3, k1.

20(28) 50g balls of Debbie Bliss cashmerino aran in Green 024.

These 2 rows form the rib.

Pair of 5mm (US 8) knitting needles.

Rib 10 more rows.

Long 5mm (US 8) circular needle.

Dec row (right side) Rib 8, [* k1, slip next 2 sts on to cable

Cable needle.

needle, hold at front, k first st from cable needle tog with first
st on left needle, k 2nd st from cable needle tog with next st


on left needle, slip next 2 sts on to cable needle, hold at back,

26 sts and 26.5 rows to 10cm/4in square over cable patt on

k first st on left needle tog with first st on cable needle, k next

5mm (US 8) needles.

st on left needle tog with 2nd st on cable needle, k1 *, rib 11] 9

24 rows of cable pattern measure

times, rep from * to * once more, p1. 168 sts.


K 1 row.
Now work in cable patt as follows:


1st row (right side) P1, k3, p4, k6, [p4, k3, p4, k6] 9 times, p1.

Cr5R = slip next 2 sts onto cable needle, hold at back of work,

2nd and every wrong side row K and p the sts as they appear.

k3, then p2 from cable needle.

3rd row P1, Cr5L, p2, k6, p2, Cr5R, p4, k6, [p4, Cr5L, p2, k6, p2,

Cr5L = slip next 3 sts onto cable needle, hold at front of work,

Cr5R, p4, k6] 4 times, p1.

p2, then k3 from cable needle.

5th row P3, Cr5L, C6F, Cr5R, p6, C6B, [p6, Cr5L, C6F, Cr5R, p6,

C6B = slip next 3 sts onto cable needle, hold at back of work,

C6B] 4 times, p1.

k3, then k3 from cable needle.

7th row P5, [C6B] twice, p8, k6, * p8, [C6B] twice, p8, k6; rep

C6F = slip next 3 sts onto cable needle, hold at front of work,

from * 3 more times, p1.

k3, then k3 from cable needle.

9th row P5, k3, C6F, k3, p8, k6, [p8, k3, C6F, k3, p8, k6] 4 times,

y2rn = yarn round needle twice.

11th row As 7th row.

alt = alternate; beg = beginning; cm = centimetres; cont =

13th row P3, Cr5R, C6F, Cr5L, p6,

continue; dec = decrease; foll = following; inc = increase; k =

C6B, [p6, Cr5R, C6F, Cr5L, p6, C6B] 4 times, p1.

knit; kfb = k into front and back of next st; m1 = make one st

15th row P1, Cr5R, p2, k6, p2, Cr5L, p4, k6, [p4, Cr5R, p2, k6, p2,

by picking up and working into back of loop lying between

Cr5L, p4, k6] 4 times, p1.

st just worked and next st; p = purl; patt = pattern; pfb = purl

17th row As 1st row.

The pattern text and design are copyrighted and must not be reproduced or knitted for sale
without prior permission of the copyright holder, Debbie Bliss.

Next row (wrong side) Patt 110(100) sts, cast on 58(68) sts.

70 cm / 271/2 in

168 sts.
Collar edge

Cont in patt, work 65(89) rows, so ending with 17th row of

11th(15th) patt.

Join for
left shoulder

Direction of knitting

45 (63) cm
173/4 (243/4) in

Left Front

Left front

K 1 row.
1st inc row (right side) K4, p4, k3, y2rn, * [k3, p4] twice, k3,

Collar edge


y2rn; rep from * 8 more times, k4. 188 sts.

2nd inc row P4, * [kfb] twice into y2rn, [p3, k4] twice, p3; rep
from * 8 more times, kfb in last y2rn, p3, k4, p4. 208 sts.
Next row (right side) P1, [k3, p4] 29 times, k3, p1.

Join for
right shoulder
Right Front

Next row K1, [p3, k4] 29 times, p3, k1.

Rib 8 more rows.
Cast off knitwise.

Collar edge

With 5mm (US 8) needles, cast on 80 sts.
1st row (right side) K3, [p4, k3] 11 times.


43 cm / 17 in

2nd row P3, [k4, p3] 11 times.

These 2 rows form the rib.
Rib 10 more rows.
Dec row (right side) Rib 14, [rep from *to * of dec row of
back, rib 11] 3 times, rib 3. 68 sts.
K 1 row.
Now work in patt as follows:
1st row (right side) Rib 14, k6, [p4, k3, p4, k6] twice, rib 14.
2nd and every wrong side row K and p the sts as they
19th row As 1st row.
21st row P1, k3, p4, C6F, p4, k3, p4, C6B, [p4, k3, p4, C6F, p4,
k3, p4, C6B] 4 times, p1.
23rd row As 1st row.
24th row As 2nd row.
These 24 rows form the cable panel patt with rope cables
between panels and are repeated.
Cont in patt, work 40(64) more rows, so ending with 16th
row of 3rd(4th) patt.
Shape right armhole
Next row (right side) Cast off 58(68) sts, patt to end. 110(100)
Patt 6 rows.
Next row (wrong side) Patt 110(100) sts, cast on 58(68) sts.
168 sts.

3rd row Rib 14, k6, p4, Cr5L, p2, k6, p2, Cr5R, p4, k6, rib 14.
5th row Rib 14, C6B, p6, Cr5L, C6F, Cr5R, p6, C6B, rib 14.
7th row K3, m1, rib 11, k6, p8, [C6B] twice, p8, k6, rib 11, m1,
k3. 70 sts.
Take inc sts into rib.
9th row Rib 15, k6, p8, k3, C6F, k3, p8, k6, rib 15.
11th row Rib 15, k6, p8, [C6B] twice, p8, k6, rib 15.
13th row Rib 15, C6B, p6, Cr5R, C6F, Cr5L, p6, C6B, rib 15.
15th row K3, m1, rib 12, k6, p4, Cr5R, p2, k6, p2, Cr5L, p4, k6,
rib 12, m1, k3. 72 sts.
17th row Rib 16, k6, [p4, k3, p4, k6] twice, rib 16.
19th row As 17th row.
21st row Rib 16, C6B, p4, k3, p4, C6F, p4, k3, p4, C6B, rib 16.
23rd row K3, m1, rib 13, k6, [p4, k3, p4, k6] twice, rib 13, m1,
k3. 74 sts.

Cont in patt, work 112(160) rows, so ending with 16th row of
8th(11th) patt.
Shape left armhole
Next row (right side) Cast off 58(68) sts, patt to end. 110(100)
Patt 6 rows.


24th row See 2nd row.

These 24 rows form the cable panel patt with rope cables
between panels.
Cont in patt, inc in same way as before at each end of foll
7th(5th) row, then on 10(12) foll 8th(6th) rows.
2nd size only
Inc as before at each end of next 5 right side rows.

The pattern text and design are copyrighted and must not be reproduced or knitted for sale
without prior permission of the copyright holder, Debbie Bliss.

Both sizes
96(110) sts.
Patt 2 rows, so ending with 17th row of 5th patt.
Cast off.
Matching sts, join 25(37) row-ends of each front to back for
With wrong side of jacket facing and 5mm
(US 8) needles, pick up and k128(163) sts around collar edge.
Work in rib.
1st row K6, [p4, k3] to last 3 sts, k3.
2nd row K3, [p3, k4] to last 6 sts, p3, k3.
These 2 rows form rib with k3 at each end and are repeated.
Work 33 more rows.
Cast off knitwise.
With right side of jacket facing and 5mm
(US 8) circular needle, pick up and k212 sts along lower edge.
K 1 row.
Work 13 rows in rib with k3 at each end exactly as given for
Cast off knitwise.
Join sleeve seams. Sew sleeves into armholes, noting that to
match patterns, the excess fabric between the cable panels
at each side of the shoulder on the body have to be folded
on the wrong side, so that each 20-st panel is sewn to 10 sts
of the sleeve panel, then match sts to the next cable panel
and allow 6-st cable at centre to fold and match 3 sts in rib
and end with underarm sts matching underarm rows.

The pattern text and design are copyrighted and must not be reproduced or knitted for sale
without prior permission of the copyright holder, Debbie Bliss.

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