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An Open Letter to Americans Who Would Consider Fleeing the Country in the Event of a

Trump Presidency
Fellow Americans,
I am writing this letter in regards to a concerning trend that I have observed recently: the growing popularity of
the idea of abandoning the United States to move to another country (i.e. Canada) if Donald Trump should be
elected president. If you are one of those who have considered this idea as a better option than having to utter
the phrase President Trump, then this message is for you.
I will admit, upon initially considering the prospect of Trump residing in the Oval Office, I contemplated the idea
as well. While the thought of emigrating from the country into which I was born, whose ideals of liberty and
justice are dear to my heart, was heartbreaking, the thought of living in a country whose citizens would permit the
election of such a contemptuous man into arguably the most powerful position in the world was even more
detestable. However, upon further consideration, I have changed my view, and find that it would be far more
important that I should remain in this country.
I came to this conclusion after contemplating the consequences of a Trump presidency for those who would be
the victims of his bigotry. The people who would suffer most from this circumstance are, for the most part, those
who are already marginalized. My African-, Mexican-, and Muslim-American brothers and sisters, as well as their
children, whose only crime is being non-white and/or non-Christian, stand to feel the full blow of Trumps
hateful rhetoric.
Now, I must admit an assumption I am making about you, the reader of this letter. My assumption is that if you
are considering abandoning this country for fear of seeing the policies enacted by a Trump administration, it is
because you find his beliefs about building a wall or banning Muslims as abhorrent as I do, and seriously doubt his
competence as the Commander in Chief of the United States. Not only that, but you think the reputation of this
nation would be irreparably damaged by his inauguration. Under this assumption, I believe that it is of utmost
importance that you refuse to abandon this country, nor the ideals upon which it was founded.
There are problems in this nation, as there are in any. That is an undeniable fact. However, in the course of
human events, we have seen the consequences of allowing those in power to blame a nations problems on those
of a particular race or religion. And while I have faith that the government of the United States would not bow
unyieldingly to the whims of a President Trump, I fear for the safety of those who could become the victims of
his most vehement supporters.
These fears lead me to believe that an exodus from this country of those who believe this mans ideas are vile
would allow for an epidemic of hatred. Therefore, it is my belief that those who have considered emigration in
the event of his rise to power have the greatest responsibility to remain here.
We, who despise this hateful rhetoric, must stay and stand alongside those who would be persecuted. Leaving
this country would only increase the ratio of those full of hate to those filled with compassion. Leaving this
country would serve only our own self-interest, while abandoning those who need our support the most. Leaving
this country would only allow for the flourishing of more of the despicable ideas which Trump has proposed.
As much as it is clich, I find it exceptionally relevant to reiterate the words of Edmund Burke: The only thing
necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men [and women] to do nothing.
David R. Sutherin
Concerned Citizen
3 March 2016

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