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March 6-7, 2016

Moses: The Ultimate Journey

Grown Up?
Exodus 2:11-15
Do we ever? Grow up I mean. Its hard, but it is good. Pauls example and exhortation is telling.

When I was child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reasoned like a child; when I
became a man, I did away with childish things. 1 Corinthians 13:11 To the Ephesians he wrote,
We are no longer to be children, butwe are to grow up in all aspects. Ephesians 4:14-15
Moses turns 40 and realizes that it is time to think about growing up. How about you?
Thinking It Through (agree/disagree consider/contemplate)

Maturity begins when were content to feel we are right about something, without feeling the
necessity to prove someone else wrong.
~Sydney Harris

Life is to most of us a continuous process of getting used to things we hadnt expected.

My life is one long obstacle course, with me being the chief obstacle.
~Jack Paar
What lies beneath the surface really matters.
~Ruth Barton
Working it Out
1. What kind of actions, feelings, or habits are happening in your life that might
reveal where some of your growing edges might be?

2. Moses sat down by a well. 2:15 Consider sitting down somewhere with no
distractions for 15-30 minutes, and just reflect on what is going on below the
surface of your life. Start a fresh dialogue with God about growing up.

Moses: The Ultimate Journey

Exodus 3:1-10
At times God's presence is very near and clearly felt. But sometimes we question his presence
in our life and ask "Where is God?" Moses was surprised when God found him in the desert. Are
you ready for a surprise?
Working It Out
1. Imagine what it was like for Moses to hear from God after 40 years of silence and
solitude in the desert. How might he have felt and what might he have been thinking?

2. What actions of God are repeated and emphasized in this passage that are also
mentioned at the end of chapter 2 in verses 23-25? What does that tell us about God?

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