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by Bel Suave

4 months ago

Market Sentiments -part two of The Myth of Capital


Eygptian trade.jpg

The subject of part One of this series - Adam Smith and the hidden hand of market forces was investigated
with an eye to placing that writer and his milieu in a continuum of purposeful social transformation which has
hitherto gone unrecognized. The forces behind that social project have remained much harder to identify than
their various front men and apologists. Nevertheless, with some careful attention to the clues provided by
previous researchers, and careful glance at the denouement of its final stages in the present moment, it will be
possible to shine some light on patterns of history which have remained hitherto obscured from view. The
purpose of doing so is twofold to show that this project is neither new in its inception nor unchallengeable in its
effort to gain final victory over humankind's legacy of freedom.
The confluence of various strands of this occult current's skein of myths occurred during the development of the
northern European nations into imperial powers. Its pillar of science grew out of the taproot of magic & alchemy,
while its pillar of economics was cast from the transformation of social forms of wealth into private forms of
capital.' Common lands were alienated and turned over to private owners, abstract financial devices were
imposed via the newly arisen institution of banking, to stream the fruits of enterprise into the coffers of a class of
non-productive rentiers. They in turn would use some of those funds to hire the pens needed to change their
public image to that of beneficent creators of public wealth. As the passage quoted from Lauderdales work in
part one reveals, the imprecision with which Smith and his followers have treated the nature of wealth, and the
purposeful conflation of its meaning with the term capital have aided this sleight of hand immeasurably.
Likewise, by inventing a doctrine of market forces which hides the absolute hatred of monopoly finance for truly
free markets under a smokescreen of rhetoric, the apologists of the economist caste have been able to dupe
many into believing in the myth of capital/capitalism. In Part Two we trace this campaign of deceit through its
evolving stages..
Although real scientific inquiry would continue to develop in the occidental world via the study of chemistry,
biology, geology and the like, its exponents were increasingly sequestered into service to this social
programming along with the writers, artists and a panoply of other useful dupes to be turned into cultural

termites. Thus began the C19th with an array of technological achievements turned to military and financial use,
by which the new owners of capital could better achieve their dominance over governments and societies both.
At the same time as the spoils from the employment of these devices against Asian peoples flooded back west,
advances in agricultural productivity, and improvements in travel and communications further enriched the
northern nations, making it easy to believe that the myth of progress was real people living longer and better
lives was part of the advertising by which market capitalism pushed its program forward always some veneer of
truth is needed to burnish a fable.
One of the chief means by which this magic show proceeded was to present capitalism as a system that
encourages, & is conducive to, the free trade of products and services. Exchange, in other words, amongst
peoples able to exercise freedom of choice in what they consume and produce. The myth then posits those same
people to be participants in the price discovery of those items of exchange. All of which flies in the face of the
real world, where opinions and desires are manipulated to make reality economic and otherwise - conform to
the advantage of those with the money and motive to do so. Nearly a century of artificially created and
maintained conflict between lame duck socialist and mythologized capitalist spheres has created an almost
unalterable impression of the virtues of the latter system as it is employed in the western world. That socialist
forms of government would prove unworkable was a given from the outset. Only by means of contrast with their
obvious failings has it been possible to create the image of the western systems virtues, and the corresponding
mythology of a so-called free market capitalism being based upon free enterprise rather than monopoly finance.


Even to read the common description of the term capitalism is to see how lacking in precise meaning and
clear distinction the term is:

Capitalism is an economic system and a mode of production in which trade, industries, and the means of
production are largely or entirely privately ownedCentral characteristics of capitalism include private property,
capital accumulation, wage labour and, in some situations, fully competitive markets In a capitalist economy, the
parties to a transaction typically determine the prices at which assets, goods, and services are exchanged.

The degree of competition, role of intervention and regulation, and scope of state ownership varies across
different models of capitalism These include laissez-faire or free market capitalism, welfare capitalism, crony
capitalism, corporatism, "third way" social democracy and state capitalism. Each model has employed varying
degrees of dependency on free markets, public ownership, obstacles to free competition, and inclusion of statesanctioned social policies. From Wikipedia

By incorporating such degrees of vagueness and latitudes of inclusion, the system call capitalism can encompass
just about anything the amorphous character of a system which can vary from state-controlled to non-public
intervention is clear. If private ownership and private property are to be taken as lodestones of its basic nature,
these qualities are similarly to be found in many times and contexts completely outside of the gamut of
capitalisms record and timeline, including those where capitalisms core values are anathema. Likewise, the

concept of markets is common to many and various human created socio-economic systems which have little to
do with capitalism as we understand the term. Like a gigantic and menacing cloud this term has simply landed
upon and covered all of the territory we would otherwise be free to gaze upon and work with such that what
should be simple and clear has become fogged up with circular reasoning, suspect theorizing, and a complicit
storyline which serves only to delude the many into cooperating in their own defrauding by the few.
In the same manner that this definition is full of details extraneous to a precise description of any unique qualities
of capitalism, it pays no whatsoever attention to the role of interest the one primary tenet of that system which
best defines its character. This is a prime example of the way in which the fakelore of capital has been inserted
into the narrative of our history to produce a completely inverted view of how capitalism actually works, and to
whose benefit. The central premise of what we call capitalism, contrary to the smoke and mirrors of Wikipedialike excursions, is that owners of capital not employed in any productive capacity are the rightful beneficiaries of
returns upon that capital. This return upon idle capital is interest or, disguised in modern economic parlance
liquidity premium. So enshrined in our understanding of how socio-economic systems function is this concept
that it clearly goes without mention in a discussion of capitalism! If and when that concept is challenged, it is by
those who like Marx work from the same general framework as the apologist for capitalism in assuming
equitable exchange between money and commodities. In such a way, the effect of money capital upon any
system of exchange is conveniently left unspoken. One is free to quibble over the right of owners of capital to the
surplus value of labor, but the essential stage trick by which the system divests capital from producers into the
hands of non-producers remains hidden from view. As we will see below, some observers had the wit to
assemble cogent arguments that pierced this veil to lay bear the truth about these inner workings. But as we shall
also see, their work was suppressed and ignored leaving it to a more conventional economic analyst to outline:

Put shortly, the orthodox theory maintains that the forces which determine the common value of the marginal
efficiency of various assets are independent of money, which has, so to speak, no autonomous influence, and that
prices move until the marginal efficiency of money, i.e. the rate of interest, falls into line with the common value
of the marginal efficiency of the other assets as determined by other forces. My theory, on the other hand,
maintains that this is a special case and that over a wide range of possible cases almost the opposite is true,
namely, that the marginal efficiency of money is determined by forces partly appropriate to itself, and that prices
move until the marginal efficiency of the other assets falls into line with the rate of interest. (Keynes, 1937)

In other words, the diversion of capital from fully efficient economic circulation via interest eliminates the
supposed equilibrium which market forces theoretically reach by nature of the completion of exchange. Though
Keynes observation of the inversion of relationship between interest and prices was accepted by the economic
community at large, it was either misunderstood, or its implications ignored. We will discuss in more detail the
effects of this process of inversion of fact later on. Suffice it to say for now, the definition of capitalism we have
reviewed here demonstrates the way that private enterprise, free markets, and entrepreneurial action have all
been subsumed to the support of a mythology which negates and/or defrauds each of those values
systematically! Thus we reached, by the final decades of the C20th, the pinnacle of that systems trajectory
whereby all corporate risk and losses are socialized, and all profit and guaranteed return are privatized by
legislative decree. Part Two will pay some attention to the process by which this goal was gradually achieved, and
examine some of the characters who defined both the authentic opposition to that achievement, and those
complicit via pretense and subterfuge.


When the industrial revolution - by which were manifesting these key technological improvements - was still in
its infancy, the hidden powers of finance were working hard already to create the necessary dialectical road map
which young minds would be trained to follow. By financing separately the work of the two Karls Marx in
London and Ritter in Frankfurt they mid-wifed the two prongs of their program into Golem-like being. A
communism of the working classes versus the corporo-fascism of the managerial class which guarded the
interests of the State - and its debt-holders. Via this divide of interests we were trained to interpret world events
and historical trends as a constant state of war between the two.
This division of persons into classes of interest overriding interests of nationality or ethnicity was a natural
follow up to the work of Adam Smith and Charles Darwin, in defining the human character by the narrowest of
Wherein Smith generalizes the laws of wealth, not from the phenomena of wealth, nor from statistical
statements, but from the phenomena of selfishness; thus making a deductive application of one set of mental
principles to the whole set of economical facts. He everywhere assumes that the great moving power of all men,
all interests and all classes, in all ages and in all countries is selfishness here (in the Wealth Of Nations) he makes
men naturally selfish; formerly, he made them naturally sympatheticindeed Adam Smith will hardly admit
common humanity into his theory of motives.
To set up the composition of a society divided into competing class interests forever at war with each other
was the necessary prerequisite for giving capitalism its communist antithesis. Via the patent absurdity and
theoretical weaknesses of this weak sister opponent, a plethora of straw man arguments could be unleashed in
order to defend the indefensible pretenses of monopolistic finance. Chief amongst those straw man arguments
would be the supposition underlined in the above quote that one must suppose the individual to be either
naturally selfish, or naturally sympathetic. Entirely dismissing the possibility that our motives are a mixture of
egoistic and altruistic driven impulses guided by the circumstances and necessities of our lives, this cardboard
representation of our human complexity is typical of the way in which the Fakelore of capitalism has been
imposed upon the structure of history and economics. Working from this phony prescription, both the apologists
for and pretended opponents of capitalism would then hypostatize markets into the purely metaphysical
condition of their respective choice God in the case of the Smithian capitalist Devil in that of his Marxist
opposite number. As markets are of course the creation, and result of purely human action, the absurdity of both
positions should be obvious yet remarkably few have seen fit to challenge them. As this segment proceeds, we
will look at the work of some of those few of keen vision who dared announce to the world the Emperors lack
of clothes!
In 1847 Moses Mordecai Levy, aka, Karl Marx, was hired by theLeague of the Just to write 'The Communist
Manifesto' Marx accurately described the purpose behind his polemics thusly: "If you can cut people off from
their history, they can be easily persuaded." Therein lies the key to much of what follows to the present day. To
great degree, the necessity for this master plan of dialectical reasoning he was hired to create was due to the
development of forces from within the European and America intelligentsia which not only questioned the
Smithian interpretations of capital labor and interest but in addition proposed workable alternatives to the
system of authority which his work served as apologia and argument for. As the century progressed, and these

voices ferreted out with greater and greater success the weaknesses, contradictions, and lack of real life backing
to this new market capitalism, the need for a counter thrust grew ever more apparent to the masters of
monopoly finance capital. Using the framework Smith had designed, Marx would marshall that counterattack
and leave the forces of finance thereby free to concentrate their efforts upon subsuming science to their
program - turning its constructive potential to destructive ends. But before shifting the focus away from the
economic elements of this conspiracy, lets sum up the indictment against their creature capitalism as it can
be constituted from what we have seen so far.
For their guiding paradigm to maintain its hypnotic power, it was necessary to hide the truth that the form of
socio-economic control under which all the western world operates is antithetical to free enterprise
competitive forces, market-driven demand and the meritocracy of entrepreneurial excellence and innovation.
Capitalism in its operative form works always towards the cessation of competition, in favor of monopoly;
capitalists as a class require profit unrestricted by either market-driven forces or ethical considerations, and the
rent-seeking employment of monopoly capital is in fact a damper to real innovation and entrepreneurial instinct.
The capitalist seeks to free load on the merits of others by imposing a system which inhibits the formation of
independent capital free to be applied to new projects by new players. Monopoly, unfair advantage, and
uncompetitive manipulations are all the stock in trade of the capitalist personality.
Far from encouraging new growth in the forest, the overshadowing branches of monopoly capitalism choke off
the sunlight needed for that growth It is the myth capitalism as a free enterprise system that has been
interwoven with a fake resistance to its hegemony, to form a new meme in the alternative media of our day - by
which to mislead and misdirect honest seekers. The same manipulation of the public medias was put to work in
the previous centuries, with the identical aim of deceiving the public into believing that they could channel their
opposition to an obvious fraud into one or another framework appearing to be outside the control of the
fraudsters, yet in truth operated with their connivance and funding. The real purpose and method of the myth of
capital was to invent a phony corollary between the real forces of production and exchange that is, the producer,
the entrepreneur, and the trader - and those forces demanding of enforced right to riskless profit via interest. The
interests of those two parties are inextricably opposed... yet through the fakelore mythologizing of a supposed
opposition between producers and workers - not producers and the controllers of unearned capital - the
imposition of an imagined solidarity between productive and non-productive social elements has been achieved!
Those who saw through this game, and adroitly assembled arguments against it, were largely iconoclasts
persons self-taught, rather than schooled, gaining their economic insights through actual real life work
experience as farmers, shopkeepers, traders or journalists, where the real currents of economic life flowed. Its
been my fate to find myself a latter day inheritor of that tradition of independent, grassroots economic
iconoclasm which has almost been snuffed out of existence in this new millennium. Everything I needed to learn
about business, trading, competition, and survival I learned by doing business, not by studying it. During a career
of several decades in one of the most basic of commodity-driven markets, I had the opportunity to see the
interstices of the capitalist system from close up and form an opinion about it -and the persons who advocate
most loudly for it - from the trenches. What I have noted above in indicting its lust for monopoly, hatred of
competition, & need for unfair advantage are all qualities of the capitalist mentality I discovered in the course of
running businesses while trying to stay afloat amongst a sea of dirty dealings and competitors who would stoop
to any calumny in order to try and eliminate their customers freedom of choice!

I began that career with an innate respect for enterprise, self-reliance, and independence, and I ended it with
those same values intact but along the way I learned to shift through the fictions and lies of a systemic con to
determine exactly what was real and what was fake. Thats how I survived while watching almost all my
contemporaries go down due to the manipulations of avaricious players who hated free markets to the same
degree that they talked free market capitalism up!
Silvio Gesell, in similar style, investigated the inner workings of the economic world of his day. At turns merchant,
farmer, trader or itinerant printer, he watched the system not from afar, but from within, and grew to understand
what worked, and what did not, relying upon his own experience instead of the theories of others. When he
observed the enormous gap between those theories and the real world of trade, he could instinctively
understand there was a reason that the theorists were allowed to continue plying their pathetically mistaken
notions. The reason was that those notions served the interests of behind the scenes players who profited from
the distortion of real free markets which such mistaken theories and their outgrowth as economic policies
created. Taken in by neither the blatant self-serving polemics of the capitalist school, nor the superficial concern
for the emancipation of the oppressed mouthed by their supposed opponents in the communistic camp, Gesell
found within his own experience of business the tools by which to deconstruct all those phony arguments. With
them, he demolished the myths of capital by which the debt/interest/usury system of monopoly finance
disguised its depredations, and put forward simple and sane proposals by which free enterprise and trade could
get out from under their grip.
Whereas Marx defined the concept of capital as real capital (the means of production), Gesell was of the view
that real capital was not capital but money-capital or interest-bearing capital. . Second, while Marx assumed
equitable exchange between money and commodities, Gesell believed this exchange to
be unequal. Third, Marx viewed labour power as a commodity but Gesell defined it as a labour


Gesell was well aware, from the practical level of experience which Marx and the rest of the hired hacks lacked,

that the effect of interest/debt/usury was spread throughout the entire structure of an economy not simply in
the direct application of debt charges. Because it was priced into every facet of the production and sales cycle, it
built up into not just a charge against the livelihood of each and every citizen, but into a weakening of the overall
circulatory system of the economy. Only by eliminating this diversion of resources into non-productive ends
could markets find their natural equilibrium and production and exchange run at full steam. This, not Marxs
obsession with the surplus value extracted from labor as profit, was the key to capitalisms malignant effect
remove the blockage and money would flow to where it could be most productively employed to produce
more wealth not more money!
But just as Gesell had reached the point of being able to finally put his notions into real life practice by
becoming economic minister in the very short lived Bavaria Republic of 1919, his opportunity was snuffed out by
the hurried arrival of (largely Russian) Communist forces which attacked and defeated the Bavarians who had
chosen this new start based on an interest-free economic platform.

We can ask who ultimately demanded this termination of an experiment which would have cut to the heart of
that which had been ignored by western economic theory for too long, but at the end of the day, all that matters
is that the interests of capitalist and communist forces are one and they coalesce around the need to snuff out
any challenge to their collective deceptions! [see Makhnovchina story for an example of how this coalition works
in practice!]

A perhaps even greater threat to the program of the monopolists of finance capital was posed by American Henry
George, who during the last half of the C19th came closest of all to unseating them from their domination of the
political and economic spheres of the western world. Having worked his way into the position of journal owneroperator in the post gold rush boom of San Francisco, he used his platform to craft a coalition of small farmers,
businessmen and other grassroots interests that became a huge countercurrent to the prevailing political winds
which blew at the behest of New York/London based financial forces. His book Poverty and Progress, sold more
copies than any other American author of that century, and his run for mayor of New York was only thwarted by
the kind of last minute manipulations of the kind which that cities power brokers would become infamous for.
A household name for the greater part of the last half of the C19th, George was able to pinpoint Adam Smiths
mistakes and distortions, breaking the theoretical shell game down piece by piece, and offering in
counterdistinction to that cynical summation of human nature a far different view
Call it religion, patriotism, or the love of God give it what name you will; there is yet a force which overcomes
and drives out selfishness; a force which is the electricity of the moral universe; a force beside which all others are
weakI call this force destiny toward human nature a higher, nobler nature than we generally manifestAnd this
force of forces that now goes to waste or assumes perverted forms we may use for the strengthening, and
building up, and ennobling of society, if we but will(Poverty&Progress, 463)




George, without being a religious moralizer, saw the idleness of land as being key to socio-economic malaiseit
brought about idleness of hands in its wake. Where ever legislation encouraged and rewarded unimproved land
by policy, he would discourage it via taxation.
Where the moral philosopher Adam Smith had opened the doors wide to the utilitarianism of Bentham and those

who found it beneficial to divorce the subject of morals from any connection to that of economics, George
returned the two to their proper places a fair and just system of trade would eliminate those social inequalities
brought about by artificial favor shown to those with the means to purchase political henchmen, without injuring
the interests or initiative of producers and entrepreneurs. His single tax proposal would implement this.

His approach was based upon a method which could place his practical experience of life and business at the
disposal of his deductive reasoning by means of concrete example and everyday wisdom demolishing the
theoretical constructs of his opponents. Instead of taxing labor to provide the funds for services, governments
true function would be to tax those who held productive resources back from their use by the most able parties.
This both astonished and enraged the secret collaborators of the idle rentier class Marx and the socialists - who
found the ground cut out neatly from under them by such remedies.
it is not necessary to confiscate land; it is only necessary to confiscate rentthe simple yet sovereign remedy,
which(will) afford free scope to human powers, lessen crime, elevate morals, and taste, and intelligence, purify
government and carry civilization to yet nobler heights, is to appropriate rent by taxation (and) to abolish all
taxation save that upon land values.(P&P, 404-406)
Mason Gaffney, in his THE NEOCLASSICAL STRATEGEM brilliantly demonstrates how the academics of the later
C19th, early C20th formulated neoclassic economics directly in response to George and the land tax movement.
The professors who were employed by the great American universities which were almost all created and
funded by the railroad cartel took to heart the task required of them, the refutation of the ideas espoused in
Georges magnum opus Poverty and Progress a book which sold more copies than that of any American writer
of that century. His vision of taxing undeveloped land rather than labor or productive capital cut straight through
the class divisions and sectoral politics by which the moneypower sought to exercise its control over
governments and the economy of the day. By alienating the working people of the western world from their own
culture, this shadowy power sought to force everyone into competing camps which could be controlled by its
own agents. It took a tremendous mobilization of its resources to defeat the challenge which Georges manifesto
represented. Whats most telling is that the neo-classical economists never directed their attacks towards the
theories of Marx and the socialists their heavy artillery was always reserved for those who opposed both
communist and capitalist prescriptions!

At the same time as George was developing his unique viewpoint, in Europe, the most implacable enemy of Marx
and his followers, as seen through their own eyes, was Proudhon and his anarchistic vision of workers
emancipation through production not by withholding it, but by unleashing it, as a tool to defeat the rentier
class! Where Marx and company were subsidized to produce the communistic propaganda widely disseminated
and publicized by those same bourgeois elements which his work supposedly was aimed at, Proudhon labored
in obscurity, ignored by those same forces which sought to make Marx a household name. This is more telling
proof of who the real enemies of capitalism wereand who were its real allies/underlings! As we have seen in
the brief bio of Silvio Gesell, Marx refused to look at the real meaning and effect of interest in the economy, an
oversight convenient to the forces which would use his truncated understanding of that subject to good effect in
advancing their own cause. Yet another iconoclast trained in the printers trade, Proudhon believed that mutual
cooperation amongst workers could achieve the reorganization of society needed to achieve fairness and
equilibrium, without need of violence, or the restriction of markets. His resistance to the statist conception of

socialism as well as the capitalist conception of the state - as guardian of idle capital - made his program a
uniquely dangerous one to the forces of monopoly finance capitalism.


Far from being antagonistic to markets, Proudhon saw markets as society, in contradistinction to the
communistic view of community as society or the Smithian view of competing self-interests as society thus
neatly stepping out of the trap which his opponents used to defuse objective sociological investigation. Like
Gesell after him, Proudhon would refute Marxs basic notion of labor as commodity and instead of focusing
upon the straw man of private ownership of the means of production as the cause of exploitation, turn the focus
to the inequalities which stemmed from the circulation of money in capitalist economies; the scarcity and
monopoly of the means of exchange was the basic problem in this analysis. The State was the device by which
finance capital defended its prerogative of this artificial scarcity therefore Proudhons method of rebalancing
social transactions was to liquidate the State, rather than liquidate markets!
Perhaps the earliest, and in some ways most perceptive of Smiths critics was an almost totally forgotten scholar
who, from the wilderness of Britains colony of Upper Canada authored a book THE SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY OF
CAPITAL which eviscerated his fellow Scotsmans errors and thoroughly debunked his methodology. John Rae
was another unsung writer of the C19th who, though not unschooled like our others examples, was nevertheless
an independent thinker and iconoclast of the first order. He published his book in 1834, long before others were
investigating the myths which Smith had generated in support of monopoly capital, and was a great influence
upon Ricardo, amongst other more famous economists who would use his pioneering insights to their own
advantage. Of Smith and those who followed, Rae wrote
His followers, by the use they make of definitions, appear
to me rather to have introduced new evils, than to have
applied a remedy to those already existing. Definitions give
us the mastery of words, not of things, 1 and therefore by taking

them as they have done, for principles of investigation, not

auxiliaries to it, their labors have generally issued in adducing
arguments instead of collecting and arranging facts, the former
being the proper fruit of an attention to words, the latter of
an inquiry into the nature of things.
He also argued that Smith had confused cause with effect, and the ways and means by which a nation may
prosper with those of how an individual may do so.
The ends which individuals and nations pursue, are different.
The object of the one is to acquire, of the other to create. The
means which they employ, are also different ; industry and
parsimony increase the capitals of individuals ; national wealth,
understood in its largest and truest sense, as the wealth of all
nations cannot be increased, but through the aid also of the
inventive faculty. Though each member of a community may
be desirous of the good of all, yet in gaining wealth, as he only
seeks his own good, and as he may gain it by acquiring a portion of the wealth already in existence, it follows not that he
creates wealth. The community adds to its wealth by creating
wealth, and if we understand by the legislator the power acting
for the community, it seems not absurd or unreasonable that
he should direct part of the energies of the community towards
the furtherance of this power of invention, this necessary element in the production of the wealth of nations.

Refuting the notion that public authorities had no legitimate role to play in the regulation and supervision of
markets, Rae developed his thesis completely independently of other contemporaneous authors, and made a
pioneering effort to place Smiths dissimulations in the context of a failed storyline which history would cause to
disappear in good time. One of the most important aims of Smiths theorizing was to paint all forms of
governmental control over economic matters as harmful to the workings of the hidden hand of market
capitalism. This deliberate effort to remove all checks and balances on the ability of finance capital to impose its
will upon commerce and trade was seen through by Rae, who offered compelling rebuttals to the prcis.
Unfortunately in spite of his pithy summations and critical eye perhaps even. because of his work was
isolated and left to be forgotten, while that of his opponents, which served the monied interests, were inflated
with an importance not warranted by merit of their arguments. After the publication of his first work in 1834, Rae
was spuriously removed from his post as teacher at an academy where all involved spoke of his abilities with the
highest praise, and thus cut off from income. He drifted south, to the California gold fields, then even further
away from the centers of influence, to the Sandwich Islands and Hawaii. The mythology of market-driven
capitalism would gain the predominance in world affairs which its masters required of it, whilst the competing
ideas of its critics would languish in obscurity due to the collective efforts of those who danced to the
moneypowers tune. Since he predated Marx, and the rise of that powers Frankenstein of communism, Rae must
be left out of what follows here the course of the C19th and the age which would follow would turn out far
differently than what even the visionary could have imagined at the end of Regency Englands times. But it is

important to realize that it was due to challenges such as his that the necessity of creating that Frankenstein
arose the dialectical reasoning of thesis antithesis synthesis would be the front lines of the effort to forestall
effective opposition to the myth of capital!
All these above mentioned writers and movements who followed in the footstep of Adam Smith emphasized
labor as the prism through which value is discovered and assigned but in a strange and intrinsically alienating
way one which posits mankinds capacity to manifest its vision, talents, yearnings and aesthetic appreciation
through work to be a mere tool for the achievement of the growth of capital. Where Locke was content to
extrapolate from the idea that a man owned his own labor the notion that he should too own the exchange value
of that labor his later day interpreters would extend, and then bend that wisdom by subtly changing a
sanctification of the work ethic into a justification for the primacy of capitalist accumulation of resources and
wealth as a moral good in itself. A labor theory of value with all its implicit contradictions, faulty reasoning, and
spurious explanations was never satisfactory even to those who espoused it as the course of classical
economics has simply been a constant return to repairing decayed foundations of theory with new bricks and
mortar and has served only as explanation of, and justification for the imposition of a tyranny of so-called
market economy onto societies which could otherwise evolve systems of trade and finance which integrate
socio-cultural values of equal importance to those of wealth and material improvements.
Proudhon, Gesell, and to less overt extent, George all saw through this sleight of hand by which labor was
inserted to disguise the consequences of debt/usury/interest upon business and society both. And where the
concerted smoke and mirrors of the capitalist/communist camp covered over the primary importance of land,
they keyed upon it as central to the means of rebalancing social equilibrium by creating maximum efficiency
and productivity in its usage, and maximum opportunity for those who could work it. Only in this sense was there
a useful role to be played by the State by socializing the land base, making it a resource held in trust to society
at large, the entrepreneur is freed to bid for the use of that resource; and by socializing the money supply the
capital needed to develop it would be freed from artificial scarcity. Then and only then could markets be
expected to function in seamless balance with the leak of capital into non-productive hands fixed, the
efficiencies attributed to the force of markets by the theories of market capitalism could at last come into play.
Market economies without capitalism, competition and enterprise replacing monopoly and unearned interest, the
nightmare of the Smithian/Marxist forces of finance come to life! Compare the convoluted definition of
capitalism as quoted above to the simple declaration of Gesell
Capitalism [a]n economic condition in which the demand for loan-money and real capital
exceeds the supply and therefore gives rise to interest

and its easy to see why his challenge went right to the heart of the matter. Instead of the dialectical deceit of
capital versus labor, his triadic vision enabled the lens to be focused upon the real nature of economic relations
the money capitalist who owns and profits from the supply of finance capital the entrepreneur who uses
capital for the production of goods and services, and the worker who provides the product of their labor in
exchange for wages. The class interests of the latter two elements had much in common elimination of the
first category took away all of the friction imposed upon their relations. As we know, none of these ideas were
ever allowed[if we except the unique and limited application of socialized, depreciating money of Worgl
quickly suppressed]a practical demonstration in real life. Had they been, the racket of capitalism would never
have had a chance to succeed.

By the opening decades of the C20th, with Georges & Gesells challenge defeated, and the retreat of anarchism
before the massed forces of capitalism and communism in collusion, the time was ripe for the final victory of the
monopoly finance program. The puppet President Wilson who was inserted under the close control of Mandell
House would be witness to their Federal Reserve coup, and the coming into being of the mad vision House had
advanced in his anonymously published novel "Philip Dru: Administrator A Story of Tomorrow, 1920-1935"
(New York, 1912) a transition to a graduated income tax and a central bank. "Colonel" House was in favour of
forming a world government and adopting "socialism as dreamed by Karl Marx". To accomplish this he was willing
to use political fraud. His hero Philip Dru seizes the government of the United States with the backing of a secret
cartel of rich and powerful financiers. (Juri Lina Architects of Deception)

At the same time that theorists of economic mien were being subsidized and encouraged to turn their dubious
reasonings loose upon the world, those men of science most equally amenable to turning their talents towards
the merchandising of medicine were busy inventing dubious theories of their own. Through the same process of
hindering, suppressing, and/or ignoring the work of researchers able to challenge this commercialization of
scientific knowledge, while pushing that of more compliant men to the fore, the moneypower sought profit from
and control discoveries in the laboratories of C19th Europe.

As another front in the war against our species, these laboratories would be used to make false constructs and
mistaken theories into steady sources of profit for monopoly finance and steady sources of sickness and misery
for those prey to their dubious results. Louis Pasteurs career is a prime example of how this worked. His work to
create a theory of germs as the explanation for disease and the means of its control was experimentally weak
instead relying upon the force of persuasion provided by the same media organs and behind the scenes
influences which were touting classical economics. Scientists like Enderlein & Bechamp were separately
investigating the world of bacteria at the same time as Pasteur but with more empirical methodologies and less
presumed conclusions to rationalize. Where Bechamp was a professor and research scientist, Pasteur had no
training or credentials in either medicine or physiology; he was a chemist relying upon vivisection and inducing
sickness into animals in order to produce results which could be commercialized into vaccines and medicines. He
and Robert Koch raced each other to develop these products a race in which proven results were less important
than speculative ones. As a consequence, destructive and failed cures were unleashed upon victims both human
and animal, resulting in many needless deaths and false hopes. Papers not released until long after his death
proved Pasteur to be both a fraud and a plagiarist [Geison - address to The American Association for the
Advancement of Science in Boston in 1993.] Pasteur , before dying, admitted that his rivals had been right, and
that it was not the germ that caused the disease, but rather the environment in which the germ was found:
"Bernard acail raison; le terrain c'est tout, le germe c'est rien."



But none of that mattered to those who were paying for the work of commercializing science and medicine,
funding schools, labs, and experimental work via their tax exempt foundations. Andrew Carnegie and J.D.
Rockefeller were pioneers in this new program of transferring profits made from the elimination of free
competition in sectors of the economy like coal, railroads and steel, in order to re-invest in fields of experimental
science. Some of these researches were simply as crude as seeking ways in which waste products from their own
manufactories could be turned into medicines for further profit; others were more sophisticated and speculative
in nature the splitting of the atom, for instance, would grow out of the advancements of pure science into the
quest for the ultimate weapons of mass destruction.

Theres little need to detail those paths here reviewing the work done by Jennifer Lake as referenced in Part
One is all that is needed to grasp the timeline y and methods by which science was totally subsumed to evil ends.
All that needs be mentioned here is that via these identical processes of pushing the work done theoreticians of
compliant character and suppressing the empirical discoveries of the independently-minded, monopoly finance
capital and its media organs turned the occidental world away from any real possibility of true progress
instead directing it towards the most destructive and self-defeating ends ends which are manifesting now in the
mass poisonings of phony vaccinations, climate control, GMO foods, and electro-magnetic pollution. Truly
helpful cures, technologies and products have been hidden and replaced by that which can produce private profit
at the cost of public welfare a process which has only intensified in this new millennium to the point where
soon every truly helpful and /or healthful product may soon be outlawed all done under the fictitious guise of
supposed market forces!

What can be usefully added to the discussion without duplicating the work of others is to underline the degree to
which the biological sciences have widened the parameters of who & what we are, at the same time as the sector
of that field subsumed to the service of evil have been attempting to narrow them! As the authors of The Affect of
Nanoterror point out

The theory of the gradual drift of evolution towards higher forms of complexity no longer makes sense in the
face of engineering microbes that trade genetic material (viruses and plasmids) across lineages and time scales.
Eukaryotic6 animals and plants - i.e. organisms characterized by membrane-bounded nuclei -- are not the main


branches of the tree of life, but only a tip on a single branch on a tree composed of bacterial colonies living within
larger organisms, which in turn occupy even larger organisms. Luciana Parisi and Steve Goodman/Culture
Machine, Vol 7 (2005)

Since we are, as bodies, constituted for the most part by collections of these microbial colonies, in which cells of
bacterial origin vastly outnumber cells which we might consider uniquely our own, endosymbiosis suggests that
all eukaryotic cellular organizations are newly formed guests of ancient bacterial hosts. In this sense, eukaryotic
organisations are envelopes of bacterial colonies parasiting within each other. The full scale of the mistake of
allowing the faulty reasonings of Pasteur and those sharing mechanistic views to dominate medicine in the C20th
is only now coming into view

Manufactured to prevent the propagation of biofilms, the mass-scale dissemination of industrialized antibiotics
has instead induced rapid changes in the microbes' environment. In response to the antibiotic proliferation in the
atmosphere, bacteria have been evolving and adapting to new environmental pressures, acquiring the necessary
genetic variability through the r-plasmids. It has been argued that in the last fifty years, a massive increment in the
consumption of industrialized antibiotics has actually incremented the threat of microbial contagion through the
formation of new variations of old epidemic diseases, which come back to haunt nucleic life.

Since in essence, we are our environment fleeting thought forms floating in a sea of self-organizing microbial
life every effort to alienate/isolate ourselves from our surroundings is an attempted suicide. Likewise, every
effort to impose alienating concepts such as markets and the many convoluted attempts to describe their laws is
a work of self-defeating obstruction to what would otherwise take place in the absence of these artificial barriers
to self-organizing cooperation and trade between individuals and communities. Communities which instinctively
recognize the benefits of the exchange of that which they have in surplus for that which they lack! Rather than
obey laws, bacterial communities simply follow those opportunities for expansion, genetic transfer, or exchange
of information which their quorum sensing abilities cause them to become aware of. As complex, large scale
assemblages of these diverse microbial communities of interest, we also are disposed by nature to seek these
same opportunities, and to attack, defend, or coexist with others according to what information we glean from
our surroundings. Artificial and unpractical constructs such as communism, capitalism and the like are similar in
effect to using anti-biotics to attempt to cure disease their imposition upon the body politic decays the natural
capacity to circulate capital in a healthy manner, as emphasized by thinkers like Gesell instead producing new
contagions of disequilibrium and dysfunction of trade and commerce.

The results of these disequilibriums do not rest in the economic sphere they build in effect across the entire
range of society as stages of diseaseuntil the confusion between what is interior and exterior, what is alien and
what is us, what is a threat and what is safe reaches such a stage as that of the current War on Of Terror: where
fear of the outside/outsider aka that which exists outside of the boundaries of capitalism is endemic and
the previous anti-biotics of exporting occidental culture, education, values, etc is ineffective at containing the
spread of contagious terrorism foreign terrorists, domestic terrorists, all enemies of the unfettered flow of
money capital. By inventing, or resurrecting diseases, viruses, new genetic lifeforms, artificial intelligences, even
anticipating the extinction or replacement of humanity by something else, science performs the task capitalism

requires of it to create the conditions of fear and insecurity necessary to make populations not only willingly
give up their basic rights but to instill a self-destructing programming that can shock the citizen/victim into
preplanned death the harmonious conjunction of modern scientific techniques of mind control with the most
archaic rites of superstition and magic the arrival of VOODOO SCIENCE! As Parisi and Goodman explain

Physiologist Walter Cannon in his theory of fight and flight, posed the question of the body's homeostatic
balance with the external environment. In his controversial article entitled 'Voodoo Death' published in the
American Anthropologist in 1942, Cannon explored cases in which fear spirals out of control, generating
damaging physiological effects. The examples he discussed revolved around the dark magic of tribal societies, but
also the intense trauma suffered in the context of early 20th century warfare. Cannon was particularly fascinated
by the prospect of offering a scientific explanation of deaths which occurred after the victim being subjected to a
sorcerer's spell, or 'hex'; death from fear. Cannon sought to show that such instances, while ridiculed in the West,
possessed a 'reality' explainable due to 'shocking emotional stress -- to obvious or repressed terror'
While overt torture is well known to create the disassociative states which controllers use to program operatives,
there are levels of technique well below that stage of violence which are equally effective in mind-controlling
victims. If this particular subject seems something dated to the cold war era & efforts of the superpowers to
outdo each other in researches into secret weaponry, it is not! In fact, the first reported case of an individual
claiming to be manipulated/molested by means of external devices controlling their thoughts happens to dovetail
very nicely with the period immediately post-Adam Smiths time, when so many of his ideas were being applied in
the occidental political and economic spheres! The Regency period of England circa the time of the Napoleonic
Wars and the formation of classic Liberalism as a political model was exactly when monopoly finance capital was
making its first big leap from merely influencing governments in the direction it desired, to actually owning
governments outright. As such, it is a key part of our study. At the time, there were still men of considerable merit
and backbone in the political world their resistance to this takeover was considerable and required the
development of new or refined techniques to defeat.

Tea broker James Tilly Matthews was committed into Bedlam Hospital early in the C19TH, after complaining of
being the victim of attacks of a psychological nature instigated by machinery which he quite explicitly
described even made detailed diagrams of. [See:THE INFLUENCING MACHINE Mike Coyle 1996 MindNet
Journal - Vol. 1, No. 90] The effects of these attacks was remarkably similar to those described by modern victims
of such remote mind control technology as is known to be in the possession, and use of the Anglo-American
security organs. As technology has advanced considerably beyond what was available to be employed at the
beginnings of the C19th, we are left to guess what manner of control could be remotely exercised over others at
that point in time one very close to that of Messmers fascinating work with hypnotics. Going back to our theme
of science and voodoo, the possibility of yet another conjunction arises the induction of states of terror and
fear such as those claimed to be the capability of the witch doctor/voodoo priest of fokelore has been the
explicit mandate of programs like the American DIA Psychological Warfare Division for over half a century. The
Counter-intelligence and military background of so many of the controllers trained to implement the techniques
taken over from Mengele and the Nazi pioneers of torture-based mind control research would indicate that a
primary factor in the development of such methods was political in nature seeking to control and influence
politicians and political opponents both foreign and domestic. As one of the earliest and leading developers of

secret service branches of warfare, England is particularly well known for its eager adoption of the very latest
technologies of this kind of methodology going back to John Dee and the days of Elizabethan England.
The period immediately following the end of the Napoleonic Wars saw in the creation of both the Second Bank of
the United States with its twenty year charter, and the complete takeover of the Bank of England by the
Rothschilds aligned forces; forces that would dominate governments on both sides of the Atlantic in the decades
to come and play a pivotal role in our story. The popular clamors for reform and representation which sought to
lessen or eliminate the influence of the landed classes over national economies and legislatures coincided with
the interests of the emerging financial class which was eager to usurp the position of the gentry. As in
revolutionary France, behind the popular polemics operatives for a shadowy interest made the business of
subversion their own, and appeared able to topple governments at their pleasure.

The convening of the Congress of Vienna in 1816 represented the first opportunity for this shadowy group of
puppet masters to take full control of the nation states of Europe so weakened by years of war and the
accumulation of debts which accompanied them. Accomplished operatives like Metternich were waiting in the
wings to steer things in the needed directions, but the Czar of Russia and the English plenipotentiary Castlereagh
had different ideas. As their opposition to the machinations of the forces of monopoly finance proved inimical to
the effecting of these plans, both were marked for the kind of payback which would become the trademark of
the secret state assassinations, blackmail, and the kind of physic weaponry which has entered the discussion
here via Walter Cannons perceptive look at the evolution of fear and terror.

It would take some years for the Czars to receive their payback a hundred years in fact. Robert Stewart, Lord
Castlereagh's fate was more immediate. He killed himself with a razor in 1822, after a period of sudden depression
and apparently delusional episodes. It is entirely plausible that as an insider to the events unfolding at that time - a
hidden coup by which the moneypower was taking over full control of Britains' government - he had become
aware of how he and the rest of the 'patriotic fools' had been played.


"1822, Viscount Castlereagh realized how he had handed Europe over to the Rothschilds as a result of his actions
at the Congress of Vienna. He became extremely depressed, realizing it was too late to rectify his acts. He had an
audience with George IV, saying to him, "Sire, it is necessary to say good-bye to Europe." Eustace Mullins -the
Scandal Unveiled

It has been advanced, amongst other theories, that he was a victim of entrapment and blackmail a favorite
method of control by which the moneypower achieves its power over politicians it is not out of the question
that some form of these early mind-control techniques could also have been applied in the manner of that
template of suicide which has become so common amongst enemies of the moneypower. With him went the
last real resistance to the takeover of the British government by forces which had long sought such supremacy.
The strange case of Tilly Matthews provides us an insight into the long timeline by which these methods of
subsuming and controlling opposition will be gradually perfected into the present moment, when the techniques
developed to be used against individuals can be and are being employed as mass terror which in every way
mirrors the states of malignant anxiety Cannon diagnosed. Via these methods all effective resistance to the
completion of the capitalist program a completion which few realize the real implications of will be
terminated with prejudice!

Novus Ordo Seclorum- the strategy of tension

The tension of being attacked from within(the exact sensation described by sufferers of Morgellons)and without,
the deliberate efforts of ones own government to create disease, or mass terror[9-11], breeds this incipient
shocking emotional stress into a condition of constant, repressed terror which can be remotely controlled via
the tools now possessed by the security organs of the state. From the first efforts with Pasteur to induce sickness
and create diseases as a research toolto the deliberately carcigenated polio vaccines of Jonas Salk to the
intensive production and mass application of bio-weapons created in the labs of Roy Ashs Litton and the
National Institutes of Healths Ft Detrick, the path is simple and direct.

Releasing bio-weaponized mosquitoes on the citizens of Manitoba & Florida, or developing designer diseases for
specific DNA sets, and unneeded vaccinations for entire populations becomes not just a new profit generator for
advanced capitalism but the ultimate statement of economic Darwinism which Smith and Malthus had always
anticipated at this point the occidental economies become fully infected by an economic AIDS which turns the
body politic against itself breaking down via fear -or 'malignant anxiety' - resistance to the infections induced by
the forces of finance the better to parasitize their host populations. Contrary to what much of the phony
oppositions created by finance capital to oppose finance capitals would have us believe, that is not deviant
capitalism, but the true purpose and face of capitalism in action. Behind the monopolization of markets, of
capital, lay the true goal of its creators and their descendants monopolization of life itself.

The systemic development of new levels of mass fear and terror which the authors ofNanoterror heralded is a
macrocosmic application of what science has shown us is a pattern of life on the microbial scale. All the way
along the chain from bacteria through to the invertebrates it has detailed the presence of behaviors such as
cheating, deceit, infiltration & disguise in lifeforms which in our anthropomorphic conceit we imagine to be
imitating higher forms of life, such as ourselves! It would seem wiser to rearrange the gaze of science to consider
that we are the ones imitating our hosts and progenitors on the micro level taking the tricks from their book
which are applied by humans in the fashion of viruses. The application of mass terror on the scale of a 9-11 is
nothing other than a replication of viral strategies on multiple fronts! The insertion of foreign agents, such as
Dov Zakheim, into the body politic in order to mastermind the theft of 4 trillion $ of that bodies public wealth,
while diverting its attention via the manipulation of aircraft and the elimination of white blood cell immune

system protectors in the Pentagon and the 26th floor of Building 7 is nothing more than those strategies in action
at the macro level.

The harm and benefit in parasitic interactions concern the biological fitness of the organisms involved. Parasites
reduce host fitness in many ways, ranging from general or specialized pathology (such as castration), impairment
of secondary sex characteristics, to the modification of host behaviour. Parasites increase their fitness by
exploiting hosts for food, habitat and dispersal.. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paras

Although market economics continue to masquerade as the effective drivers of global commerce at this late
date, only the most dedicated mouthpieces of the consensus trace media can pretend with a straight fact
anymore that the financialization of trade has not destroyed all evidence of actual markets. One cannot resist
requoting Christopher Cole, from part One -

Modern financial markets are a game of impossible objects. In a world where global central banks manipulate the
cost of risk the mechanics of price discovery have disengaged from reality resulting in paradoxical expressions of
value that should not exist according to efficient market theory. Fear and safety are now interchangeable in a
speculative and high stakes game"

in order to sum up and bring to its conclusion this segments tracing of the strands which join together to create
the post-reality world we live in. There will be those who, still, after reading through all the above, continue to
doubt the connectivity between the occidents seemingly separate worlds of finance, science, magic and the
occult; such skepticism is understandable. But one would be well served to read a summation such as Alex
Constantines The OTO & the CIA -Ordis Templis Intelligentis, before dismissing the prcis. Such reading
provokes troubling questions which would need be answered to make summary judgment questions such as
why rocket scientists end up in intimate connection to occultists and Satanists, the CIA s Human Ecology Fund,
(of which a seasoned intelligence insider would write: I am frightened about this one. If the scientists do what
they have laid out for themselves, men will become manageable ants.) electromagnetic mind control - Cornell
University, Tim McVeigh, NASA, our old friend Carl Kellner in all of which, the overtly direct connection s to
financial luminaries are admittedly weak. Those connections however, do exist but thats for another story!
Fear and safety intermingle in this new world of kabbalistic numerology/algo finance/derivatives co-joined to
voodoo science - where infection of one cell leads to contagion and panic in the rest. For those who doubt that
the engineered collapse of the twin Towers represented the culmination of capitalisms centuries-long program
to alter our collective sense of reality, there will never be any combination of data points sufficient to awake them
from their state of consensus trance. A state of trace made possible by the injection of ancient systems of magic
into the sphere of modern technological production whereby science itself becomes a form of terrorism and
the products of this new blending are a compliant, unquestioning mass psychology & a passive population of
citizen/victims on which all manner of experiments and modifications can be performed. The rationale for all of
this does not belong to the supposed ethos of free market capitalism the fulfillment of needs by the production
of goods and services the needs themselves are what are produced in this new system of voodoo science.
Manufactured needs are produced to be sold into a market which is also manufactured out of the base


material of individuals transformed into consumers a class of persons which can be defined as those whose
psyche can be shaped into desiring whatever it is that the class which hold the tools of production wishes them
to want and labors on its behalf in order to purchase those things!

This, of course, is a complete inversion of the supposed rationale for the prevailing model of political economy
in which, as mentioned above, peoples able to exercise freedom of choice in what they consume and produce
operate as free agents in exchange between each other. Only on the level of myth can that scenario be one
applied to our current system. Only in abeyance to any objective evaluation of that system can the operation of
free markets be discerned, or any supposed rational, self-organizing principle behind the economic activities of
its participants of the kind postulated by Smith be observed. Instead, what informs the markets contained
within this system is the decidedly irrational the very thing which this entire epoch springing forth from the age
of Reason was supposed to banish and supersede!
To seek an answer as to how this inverted outcome to the production which was the Myth of Capital could
come about, we need step outside the bounds of purely economic considerations long enough to review the
setting in which this magic show has been performed not as gaping spectators enthralled by its production
values, but as observant veterans of the theatrical world, whose gaze can pierce the props to see the inner
workings. There is no space for that exercise in this story our theatrical review must await another day.

Before closing, a small summation of where we stand at this point in our story:


The occultic roots of modern finance are those of Babylonian magic, transposing Egyptian Hermetic traditions as
remitted by that priestly faction which usurped the original religion of the Israelites - thereby creating a
heretical stream of sectarian and supremacist dogma which has continued to poison and deform human
civilization ever since the fall of the Second Temple. The entire purpose of that modern financial system - which
currently holds the occidental world under its sway - is to create a Third Temple under the aegis of which the
millenniums-long dream of madmen emboldened by this dogma to wish the destruction of all of us will be
fulfilled. John Corzines looting of customer accounts at MFG was, like Dov Zakheims heist of $4 trillion was
nothing other than tribute stolen as offering to this nascent recreation of the worship of the Golden Calf. The
lack of any significant degree of investigation or protest to this and many other serial crimes of the same nature
has encouraged those behind the curtains to believe that their time has come at last!

Corroboration for this claim may be gained from simply following the trajectory of that systems prime mover
the science of kabbalah through the centuries, from its starting point in Babylonian numerology. The adoption
of Babylonian magical systems by fringe elements amongst the Hebraic returnees to Jerusalem led to an offshoot
Gematria which rabbinical Judaism spun into a kind of cryptology by which to invest their fakelore of
supposed revelations with a veneer of occultic significance and secrecy. Gershom Scholem, in his classic study of
the topic lays this foundation of its program and nature out clearly:


in practical Kabbalah...a good deal of 'black' magic that is,

magic...of various dark, demonic powers...Such black magic
embraced a wide realm of demonology and various forms of
sorcery that were designed to disrupt the natural order of things
and to create illicit connections between things that were meant to
be kept separate Gershom Scholem, Kabbalah pp. 183-184

In 1564, John Dees Monas Hieroglyphica cemented the relation between mathematics, science, magic and
alchemy in the western imagination. His master work was the culmination of his studies in Prague with the rabbi
Judah Loew he who reputedly created the Golem out of dead matter from whom he apparently learned the
magical invocations and communication with spirits which would become the underpinnings of the many secret
societies through which the spread of hermetic and Babylonian esotericism would develop amongst the
European intelligentsia and upper classes, in tandem with the spread of the economic conceptions we have
looked into in these first two parts. Indeed, so clear is the connection, that the members of the Lunar Society

a group of scientists dedicated to promoting scientific invention as the progenitor of utopian social visions,
Darwins grandfather amongst them called themselves the Merchants of Light! The transposition of esoteric
magic with Christian tradition would lead directly to the Luciferian/Satanic undercurrents of the C19th just as
esoteric gematria would lead directly to the develop of arcane structures of finance ever more divorced from
connection to real things and real value. It could well be said that the self-proclaimed inventors of the modern
derivatives contracts William Lawson, and our old friend Richard Sandor amongst them, are simply
necromancers of the oldest kind enveloping our modern world in the smoke and mirrors of the stage
magicians art in time honored fashion.



If we return for a moment, to the quoted definition of fakelore from Hoffman in part one The manipulation of
the mind through the use of traditional symbols we see the replication of the myth of capital through the
proper lens at last. The art of magic to convince the audience to suspend belief in what it sees, it favor of
seeing what the magician wishes it to see is the science of modern finance by using its stage helpers of the
media to convince the gaping audience of dupes that what has no value or substance is indeed the motor of our
economies, these masters of the trade exchange nothing for something, the alchemists dream at last realized!
Perhaps the cruelest irony to all of this production is that the fantasy of markets and market actions is so
entrenched in the minds of those upon whom these actors prey, that the very victims of the chicanery by which

this system supports itself are the most vocal in defending and preaching on behalf of that system capitalism.
Here we must stop and turn things over for a moment to Rene Descartes strangely preparatory supposition from
Meditations on First Philosophy (1641) [what if] some malicious demon of the utmost power and cunning has
employed all his energies in order to deceive me? If it seems odd that a man of science should be asking such as
question, that is merely the result of convention in the present day when science has banished both demons
and evil from existence not by empirical proof of their non-existence, but by fiat. Could Descartes have already
been aware of the direction in which men like Dee, Asmole, Fludd and Bacon were taking science? Before it
became verboten to mingle the metaphysical with the material sciences, the scope existed for inclusion of the
irrational in ones speculations upon nature. And it was, after all, the constant refrain of all of these Merchants
of Light and searchers after the arcane that they were simply seeking an understanding of nature!

"It is one of the more profound ironies of the history of thought

that the growth of mechanical science, through which arose the
idea of mechanism as a possible philosophy of nature, was itself an
outcome of the Renaissance magical tradition. Mechanism divested
of magic became the philosophy which was to oust Renaissance
animism and to replace the 'conjuror' by the mechanical
philosopher." Frances A. Yates, The Rosicrucian Enlightenment - p113

This may have been the greatest trick of the entire performance constructing a myth of the sciences as the
special preserve of the rational whilst imbuing the scientific community who pursued the study of those same
sciences with a thirst for the most arcane and esoteric of pursuits. If technology is the application of mankinds
powers of reason to the easement of lifes necessities, then we should relax secure in the knowledge that,
guided by the hand of science, technological endeavors are uniformly in our interests. Yet science, via its
technological application, has pursued an entirely different purpose than easing our necessities for several
centuries it has been manifestly dedicated to creating man as God a supremely metaphysical, and indeed
profoundly irrational undertaking. For only a demon that is to say, only one in total envy and spite of who we
are and what powers are assigned to higher realms would seek to reject what we have been granted, in order to
try and forcibly seize that which we have not. There is apparently no room in the modern occidental imagination
to consider the possibility that we, as a species, are heirs to a veritable heaven on earth and have been
persuaded, via a production of magic, to accede to the theft of that heritage, in exchange for nothing more than
the chains of self-imposed misery and want
The tikkun olam of kabbala -the repair of the world which that rabbinical doctrine proclaims to be the goal of its
practice is supposed to correct a flawed creation via the God-like powers it grants to men. This profoundly
Gnostic heresy which views life as an error to be corrected, and our world as a place of darkness from which to
be rescued, was peddled to the credulous aristocracy of Europe as the true or inner essence of their own
spiritual tradition. A terrible reversibility came into play - that principle of reversibility which Baudrillard terms the
one of magic and seduction, requires that all that has been produced must be destroyed, and that which appears
must disappear seduced by an alien philosophy inimical to their own culture, these dupes, and the many who
followed, have acted in the manner of the gnostical cathari or perfecti of medieval infamy, in perfecting the art
of suicide by invoking demonic magic into themselves and their society. It is almost time for the disappearance


which this magic show provokes and presupposes. But instead of the stage magician vanishing with a poof it
will be the audience themselves who are disappeared the inevitable fate of any culture which inverts and then
disassociates itself from its own reality.



Descartes at least had the imagination to be able to ponder the possibility of this seduction followed by self
destruction no such possibility of self-doubt[and thus rescue]exists in the man of science of today. Their
doom is completed by their belief in rationality in the face of its opposite on all levels. Kabbalist Isaac de Luria
prophesized that the world reborn after tikkum olam would be made in the image of Cain: Gershom Scholem
notes that "as the messianic time approaches, according to Isaac Luria, the number of such souls will increase." A
world which never needed 'repairing' will be bound to the chains of those for whom murder and mischief are first
principles, via the seduction of those foolish enough to believe in the signs and symbols that 'mean' the reverse of
what they 'seem' to say. With the occidental world in the grip of the forces pushing this nascent return of the
Canaanite worship of the golden calf, it appears that the curse of Canaan is one that falls upon its victims, not
those who are the perpetrators of the many crimes against humanity committed in the name of this dark religion
of sacrifice and terror.
Mass manipulation of markets & media leads on to mass terror and the extinction of any connection to reality

real markets real bodiesreal human values. The inversion of reality, the ironical apogee of Yates reversal the
ousting of magic by the mechanical is complete when those who witlessly advocate for a market economy free
of government interventions bray for the corrective action of government regulation to stop the manipulation of
markets - as if the contradiction never occurred to them. And as Baudrillard confidently predicted the
precession is complete.
Though the sordid facts of which the myth of capital are made must be revealed, there is no need to stay too long
within the confines of that sad and diminished world. In part three the scene will shift to happier places, happier
times, and the 'pursuit of happiness' in real life form. Soon to appear... MIXED SEDIMENTS-of Culture and
Time/part three of the Myth of Capital.


It may be said though only with the benefit of hindsight that the fate of all of these unsuccessful challenges
to the victory of monopoly finance capitalism over free enterprise and the meritocracy of creative endeavor was
brought about by inability of its opponents to fully recognize the unity of phony left/right interests which would
be arrayed against them, nor to credit the irrational, occult forces behind their enemies.. Even today, remarkably
few observers penetrate through the screen of dialectical deceit to see the real face of the implacable enemies of
our species.

"Capitalism" as a system flexible enough to be employed worldwide...regardless of political, cultural, or religious

boundaries has long been abhorred by those who espoused a "socialist" alternative to the exploitative relations
between classes... and between countries... which that model pursued. Astonishingly few of those persons ever
seriously asked themselves who ultimately received the benefit of their efforts to provoke a crisis that would end
the system they viewed as 'bad'... and replace it with one that was 'good.' Had they done so, it would surely have
come as a great shock to realize that it was the owners of the brand called "Capitalism" - the forces behind
monopoly finance and the debt/usury/interest program which powers economic life in the west - who would be
the chief beneficiaries!

Or would it? In evaluating the swath of destruction and waste that the persons supporting socialistic theories
have left behind them over the past century or so, one is torn between supposing these people to be witting
enablers of the basest powers of evil, or witless dupes manipulated through their sense of compassion for others
into collusion with the interests of their enemies. Such is the sad history of our times that those who saw deepest
into the hearts of men and using that insight made proposals most in keeping with our true abilities and
instincts were deliberately and viciously destroyed, while the meddlers and parasitical hangers-on of the
moneypower were built up into positions of power and influence from which they continue to wreck untold

The words of Max Weber provide a suitable close to this segment on the selling out of science to the enemies of

Specialists without spirit, sensualists without heart; this nullity imagines

that it has attained a level of civilization never before attained.
Release\ July 2 2015

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