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Wednesday, July 08, 2015

11:59 AM

<<<<<<<<<<BASIC VI COMMANDS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

=> Enters into the command mode


=> Saves the content


=> quit without saving

:wq or ZZ

=> Quit with saving

:w filename => save the current file into an another new file
:e filename => Edit a file within vi
<<<<<CURSOR CONTROLS>>>>>>>>>>>
[<<<Moving up/down by line>>>>>>]

=> Move the cursor down one line

=> move the cursor up one line

[<<<Moving left/right by character>>>]


=> move the cursor to the left one character

=> move the cursor to the right one character

[<<<Moving to start/end of line>>>>>]

0 (zero) => Positions cursor to beginning of a line

=> Positions cursor to end of a line

:0 (zero) => Moves cursor to first line in a file


=> Moves cursor to last line in a file

[<<<Moving forward/backward by a word>>>>]


=> Positions cursor to the next word

=> Positions cursor to the previous


[<<<Moving to top/bottom/middle of the screen>>>]


=> Move to top of screen

=> Move to middle of screen

=> Move to bottom of screen


=> Moves to nth line from the bottom of the screen

=> Moves cursor to first non-blank column

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=> Moves the cursor to end of the next word or punctuation


=> Moves cursor to line n


=> Moves cursor to column n

<<<<<<<<SCREEN CONTROL>>>>>>>>>>>
CTRL + f

=> Move forward one full screen

CTRL + b => Move backward one full screen

CTRL + d => Move forward half a screen
<<<<<<<<<<EDITING FILES>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

=> Insert text before current cursor location

=> Insert text at beginning of current line

=> Insert text after current cursor location

=> Creates a new line for text entry below current location

=> Creates a new line for text entry above cursor location

=> Insert text at end of current line


=>Displays the name of the file

<<<<<<<<<<DELETING FILES>>>>>>>>>>

=> Deletes the character under the cursor location

=> Deletes the character before the cursor location


=> Deletes from the current cursor location till end of that word

d$ or D

=> Deletes from the current cursor location till end of that line


=> Deletes from start of line till one position before current
cursor location


=> Deletes the line the cursor is on

:line no1, line no


=> Deletes lines from line no 1 to line no 2


=> Deleting every 2nd row


=> Copies the current line

=> puts the copied text before the

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=> puts the copied text after the


:<line1>,<line2>t< destination (line number

under which it needs to be pasted)>

=>copies a specific set of lines and

pastes it under a specific location

<<<<<<<FIND COMMANDS>>>>>>>>>

=> Find a word going backward

=> Find a word going forward

To perform case insensitive search, add '/c' after the end of the search term.
To scroll through only the search term:
n=Forward scrolling
N=backward scrolling
<<<<<<<MISC. COMMANDS>>>>>>>>

=> Find and replace a word everywhere in the line


=>Find and replace a word between lines1 and



=> Find and replace a word everywhere in the file

:s/\<whole word to be

=>Finds and replaces the whole word


=> Inserts string at the beginning of all lines.

=> Join the current line with the next one.

=> Switches the case of the character under the



=> Toggles the case of entire line under cursor


=> Toggles the case of all the character from point

of cursor to end of the line.

:set number (or) :set nu

=> Turn line numbering ON

:set nonumber (or) :set nonu

=> Turn the line numbering OFF


=> Shows the current line number

:ab <abbreviation> <word or


=> Define the abbreviation for a word or a phrase


=> List all abbreviations


=> removes all abbreviations

=> Undo


=> Redo

:edit (or) :e

=> Manually refresh a file

:$-9,$w <file_name>

=> write the last 10 lines to a file

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:read <filename> or r

=> Insert another file contents inside the vi editor:

<<<<<<<MULTIPLE WINDOWS>>>>>>>
CTRL + w(2 times)

=> Move cursor to another window (cycle)

:split filename

=> split window and load another file

:vsplit filename

=> vertically split window and load another file


=> close current window

10 (+) ^w (+) +

=> Increases the size of the current window by 10 lines

10 (+) ^w (+) -

=> Decreases the size of the current window by 10


CTRL + w + up or down

=> Move cursor to another window

vi -o multiple_file_names

=> start vi with files in a horizontal split

vi -O multiple_file_names

=> start vi with files in a vertical split


=> Close all windows after saving


=> Temporary disable search highlighting until next


<<<<<<<<<<<VI TABS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
vi -p <file1>
<file2> ... <file n>

=>Opens n files in separate tabs

:tabe (or) :tabnew =>Opens an empty tab


=>Opens file in a new tab


=>Moves to the 1st opened tab


=>Moves to the last opened tab


=>Moves to the next tab


=>Moves to the previous tab


=>Provides a summary of open tabs


=>Switches to the nth tab


=>Switches to the next tab. Wrap around from last to first tab.


=>Switches to the previous tab. Wrap around from first to last


:tabclose <n>

=>Closes the nth tab


=>Closes all the tabs except the current one

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=>Closes all the tabs except the current one


=>Closes the last tab

:tabdo < vi editor =>Executes the vi command in each tab page

*Note: When an error is detected in one tab page, further tab
pages, will not be visited. The last tab page ( or where an error
occurred becomes the current tab page)
Command must not open or close page or reorder them
:tab split

=>Copy the current window to new tab of its own

<<<<<<<USING MARKS>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Marks allows to record a cursor position and return back to that spot later.
Usually lower case letters (a-z) will be used. If a new mark is made with the same
name as previous one, the previous marker is lost.

=> Adds a mark to the cursor at the specified cursor location


=> Jumps to the cursor place where the mark is made


=> Jumps to the line where the mark is made

:delmarks <letter> => deletes the specified marker


=>deletes all lower case marks for the current buffer

vi ~/.vimrc => Can be used for setting the default appearances of vi. For instance, one can set the line
numbers on by default.

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