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Guideline to Filing in the LCVP ER/BD Booklet

You are about to begin reading the guideline to filling in the LCVP ERBD Booklet.
Relax. Concentrate. Dispel every other thought. Let the world around you fade. Best
to close the door; the TV is always on in the next room. Tell the others right away,
"No, I don't want to watch TV!" Raise your voice they won't hear you otherwise
"I'm reading something! I don't want to be disturbed!"
Find the most comfortable position: seated, stretched out, curled up, or lying flat.
Flat on your back, on your side, on your stomach. In an easy chair, on the sofa, in
the rocker, the deck chair, on the hassock. On top of your bed, of course, or in the
bed. You can even stand on your hands, head down, in the yoga position.
Well, what are you waiting for? Stretch your legs, go ahead and put your feet on a
cushion, on two cushions, on the arms of the sofa, on the wings of the chair, on the
coffee table, on the desk, on the piano, on the globe. Take your shoes off first. If you
want to, put your feet up; if not, put them back. Adjust the brightness so you wont
strain your eyes. Do it now, because once youre absorbed in reading there will be
no budging you. Try to predict now everything that might make you interrupt your
reading. Cigarettes within reach, if you smoke, and the ashtray. Anything else? All
right, you know best.
So what is this guideline all about?
Well, the purpose of the guideline is to give you a clearer picture of what the
booklet is for, and how you should go about filling it in. So a couple of things to keep
in mind:
1. The purpose of the booklet is not to evaluate/test/select which applicants will
be accepted as a VP. Rather, the booklet is meant as an educational tool
designed to help you start thinking like an LCVP.
2. It is very important that you read the booklet and answer the questions in
order (berurutan). Try not to read a question before youve done the previous
3. You dont have to add a lot of BS (Beautiful Sentences) to your answers. Make
your answers short and to the point.
4. You dont have to apply for an LCVP to benefit from filling in this booklet.
Even if youre a staff thinking of not reterming, reterming, or applying for
manager, this booklet will still help you.
5. Therefore, I recommend all ER/BD members to fill in the booklet just
for the experience.
So with that, lets get started.
Structure of the Booklet

The booklet is divided into two main sections: general questions, and functional
specific questions. General questions are the same for all the LCVP booklets (other
than ER/BD), while functional specific questions are specific to ER/BD only. This
guideline is mainly aimed at the functional specific section, not on the general
questions section.
Indonesian Translation
Yes, thats right. Because some people might understand the booklet better if
written in Indonesian (not you of course, your English is perfectly good), there will
be a translated version of the questions written below, as well as a short
explanation on what the question is asking for.
1. Apa yang dimaksud dengan Golden Rule of Selling dan bagaimana prinsip
ini akan beraplikasi ke aktivitas ER/BD di masa depan?
{Pertanyaan ini jawabnya singkat aja, gausah panjang-panjang. 2-3 kalimat
cukup kok.}
2. Perbaikan
a. Perbaikan apa yang akan lu bawa ke ER/BD? List minimal 3, terus
jelasin secara singkat.
{List berarti di tulis bullet point aja. Penjelasannya juga singkat aja, 12 kalimat per point.}
b. Kira-kira masing-masing perbaikan itu akan diimplementasikan kapan?
{Pertanyaan ini tuh maksudnya gini: misalnya perbaikan yang lu
suggest adalah, mau ada meeting antara VP ama member setiap
bulan. Nah, rencana lu itu meeting rutin ini mulai terjadi sejak bulan
apa? Apa mau awal term langsung per bulan ketemu? Atau mungkin
mulai September? Ataukah menurut lu butuh waktu, dan baru mau
mulai bulan December? Pilih target bulan untuk setiap point perbaikan,
contoh: monthly meeting VP sama member: October.}
c. Apa biaya atau cost dari setiap perbaikan yang lu suggest? Artinya,
untuk implementasi perbaikan itu, manager dan staff lu harus
melakukan apa?
{Contohnya: kalo lu mau meeting per bulan sama member, artinya
kalo staffnya ada 15, per bulan harus minjem ruangan dan nyocokkin
jadwal 15 orang. Jelasin per point perbaikan lu.}
d. Apakah kelebihan setiap perbaikan itu lebih besar dari pada costnya?
Ya atau tidak per point.
{Gausah dijelasin.)
e. Menurut lu, kalo lu minta tim lu ngelakuin perbaikan ini, apa mereka
akan ngerti gimana caranya, terus bisa langsung jalan?
{Jawab ya/tidak/mungkin untuk setiap perbaikan, ngga usah di


Kalo ya/tidak/mungkin, jelasin kenapa demikian.

{Pendek aja, 1-2 kalimat per point}

g. Apa yang lu bisa lakuin buat bantu tim lu implementasi perbaikan itu?
{2-4 kalimat aja secara general, atau kalo mau spesifik boleh juga.}
h. Apa yang lu bisa simpulkan tentang sifat perbaikan atau perubahan
dan cara mengimplementasi perbaikan atau perubahan?
{Jawab pendek aja, 1-2 kalimat.}
3. Hiring / Rekrut orang / Nyari manager / Nyari staff
a. Secara umum, kriteria apa
manager lu?
{list dan definisikan secara
misalnya kriteria lu ganteng.
Penampilan yang enak dilihat
dimaksud oleh define.}

yang akan lu gunakan untuk rekrut

singkat. Definisikan contohnya gini:
Defini ganteng pribadi gua adalah gini:
dan menarik bagi lawan jenis. Itu yang

b. Kenapa lu milih kriteria tersebut?

{Misalnya: gw milih ganteng karena sales akan lbh gampang karena
penampilan menarik. Jelasin 1-2 kalimat aja, pendek aja.}
c. Kan kita tau nih, yang orang katakan ga selalu sama dengan apa yang
mereka lakukan, jadi lu tau dari mana kalo manager yang apply itu
bener-bener punya kriteria yang lu mauin? Lepas dari mereka bilang,
iya gua ganteng ya. Cari cara buat ngetest untuk masing-masing
kriteria. Kalo ga ketemu cara, tulsi aja ga ketemu. Gpp kok itu normal.
d. Apa yang lu bisa simpulkan tentang sifat hiring, dan apa yang dibawah
kendali lu dan tidak dibawah kendali lu?
{Pendek aja, 1-2 kalimat}
4. Leadership
a. Baca artikel berikut: http://www.johnmaxwell.com/blog/the-5-levels-ofleadership. Gimana rencana lu untuk terus-menerus naik level dengan
tim lu?
{Singkat aja, 2-4 kalimat.}
b. Baca
http://www.uleadership.com/the_21_irrefutable_laws_of_leadership-w.pdf. Pilih 3
{Singkat aja, 1-2 kalimat per hukum.}
c. Pilih 3 hukum yang lu paling cupu. Jelasin
{Singkat aja, 1-2 kalimat, 1-2 kalimat per hukum.}



d. Pilih 3 hukum yang lu mau improve. Kenapa lu mau improve itu?

{1-2 kalimat per hukum.)
5. Pengembangan Diri
a. Apa satu skill, yang kalo lu kembangin sampe jago banget, akan punya
{Jelasin dalam 2-3 kalimat.}
b. Gimana rencana lu mengembangkan skill itu? List minimal 4 action
{List aja, kaga usah jelasin.}
6. Popularitas
a. Kira-kira, dari semua manager lu, menurut lu brp yg dalam setaun
kedepan akan pernah selek sama lu?
{Tulis aja angkanya.}
b. Kira-kira, dari semua EB (semua VP + LCP), menurut lu brp yg dalam
setaun kedepan akan pernah selek sama lu?
{Tulis aja angkanya.}
c. Kira-kira dari semua AIESECers in PMBS, menurut lu apakah minimal 1
akan selek sama lu?
{Ya atau engga aja.}
d. Pilih satu pemimpin terkenal. Google dia terus cari contoh orang/pihak
yang ga demen ama dia. Ketemu ga beberapa contoh?
{Jawab ketemu atau engga aja.}
e. Kalo misalnya lu tau-tau swap otak dan jiwa ama orang terkenal itu,
dan dia ujuk-ujuk kepilih jadi LCVP ERBD, menurut lu semua orang
akan setuju sama keputusan dan kebijakan dia ngga?
{Jawab ya atau engga aja.}

Apa yang lu bisa simpulkan tentang sifat popularitas?

{1-2 kalimat kesimpulan aja.}

g. Gimana lu akan aplikasi kesimpulan ini kepada term lu?

{Jelasin 3-4 kalimat.}
In case you havent noticed, most of the explanations to the questions involve a
specification on how long the answer should be. This is not an absolute rule, but
simply an idea of how long the answer would be if I were to fill in the booklet. Long
sentences only make it so that it takes longer to read your booklet. Remember that
most people only start reading the booklet on election day, and that there isnt
much time in election day to read the booklet. The audience will naturally skip

longer booklets. Also, you will notice that I use gua and lu. Again I emphasize that
how you say something is less important than what you actually say.
What do I do once Im done?
Well at this point there are two possibilities. If youre planning on applying for the
LCVP position, then you can send your booklet to Daniel Tansie (If Im not mistaken,
and cc to azalia.zatadini@aiesec.net and me) and hell process the application. If
you werent planning on applying at all, then please send the booklet only to me at
shaun.davin@aiesec.net. Why do I have to send the booklet if I dont want to apply
you ask? Well you dont have to, but you probably have some good answers in your
booklet. I could just easily forward your email to the next VP, and maybe he or she
can learn something from your answers. Now, if youre not sure on whether you
want to apply, you could hold on to the booklet and make your decision on the
application deadline. So have fun filling in the booklet! If you have any questions,
feel free to ask me anything.

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