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The utter transformation of an honorable institution into
'the enemy within'.
by Bob Just
Editor's note: There's little doubt America is headed for the most vicious election in its
history. Even long before the campaign season was in full swing, prominent Democrats like
John Kerry, Ted Kennedy and Howard Dean were using terms like "regime change,"
"fraud" and "liar" in reference to President George W Bush.
Pundits continually asked: Why all this Democrat anger and fury? Why does the left
seem to truly hate Bush - not dislike him, not disagree with his policies, but hate him in
some deep and very personal way?
The answer commonly given was that the Democrats had never forgiven Bush for what
they believed was an outright theft of the 2000 election.
For a reality check - and at the same time an extraordinarily insightful look at what is
really going on in the Democratic Party let's travel back in time exactly four years to the
summer before the 2000 election. we find that Democrat anger is nothing new. In fact, it
was already the soul of the party by the end of the 1990s.
In "Fascism, corruption and my Democratic Party," veteran national talk-show host,
columnist, Whistleblower editor-at-large and long-time Democrat Bob Just exposes his
party's dangerous transformation during the eight years of Bill Clinton's presidency.

Newsweek magazine shocked mainstream America with a cover story headlined

"Thought Police," a lengthy report on a new social /political movement developed on
college campuses since the 1960s. Ironically, one year after the Berlin wall came down and
one year before the fall of the Soviet Empire, Americans were being seriously warned that
liberal academia had adopted a hybrid "Marxist" philosophy often called "PC." This new
"Politically Correct" creed was being espoused, according to the 1990 Newsweek feature,
at hundreds of colleges and universities as a result of the growing influence of "a generation
of campus radicals."
If they no longer talk of taking to the streets, it is because they now are gaining
access to the conventional weapons of campus politics: social pressure,
academic perks (including tenure) and - when they have the administration on
their side - outright coercion ... where the PC reigns, one defies it at one's peril.
(Newsweek, Dec. 24, 1990)

After that, PC attitudes were heavily criticized, and even mocked, by mainstream
thinkers all around the country, liberal and conservative. And yet, in 1992 America elected

into power an administration that in many ways adhered to the PC worldview, thus
beginning a process of "change" unforeseen not only by most Americans, but by most
Democrats as well.
I have known for a long time that there were serious problems in my party, but I didn't
fully grasp the political nature of those problems. Sometimes it takes a simple, symbolic
moment to cause an epiphany - to bring clarity. That happened to me in May of 2000.
My awakening
When I read about people spitting on the honor guard at the New York State Democratic
Convention, I started to understand what has happened to my party over the last few years.
I still can't get over the fact that Democrats attending a formal convention would so insult
the American flag, but it happened. As an honor guard of Albany police officers entered the
convention hall - with band playing and lights shining - they were spit on and called
"Nazis" by a number of people on the delegate floor. On top of that, no Democrat nearby
stopped the "spitters," or even reported them. And the Democratic leadership expressed no
public outrage.
I was so outraged at my party's lack of outrage that I started a reward fund to find the
"spitters." But I soon realized that I needed to address the larger issue of what I had come to
understand. I direct this commentary to the mainstream elected officials of my party - the
"adults" as the media often calls them. Whether you are still in office or retired, you can
have a profound effect in waking up the party and the public. I see clearly now that the path
the party is taking will eventually lead to its destruction and to the destruction of liberty in
America. It is practically mathematical. And it won't take very long in years if nothing is
done to stop it.
I have been a Democrat all my life. I grew up in New York City in a staunchly
Democratic middle class family. Although private-school educated (I had financial
assistance thanks to Trinity School), my father was a union man, a musician with the
Metropolitan Opera. My parents and stepparents were all "Roosevelt Democrats." As a
young English teacher in Montclair, N.J., during the Richard Nixon Watergate scandal, I
drove around with a bumper sticker saying, "Don't Blame Me, I Voted for McGovern." I
was proud to be on the side of "right" as I saw it. I was proud to stand against corruption
and the abuse of power.
Now, decades later, I am ashamed to be a Democrat. More than that, I have come to fear
my own party. Hatred and corruption - the roots of fascism - are on the march in America as
they have never been before, and leading this march is the Democratic Party.
Increasingly, mainstream Democrats are uncomfortable with what we see in our party.
We may not have a real name for it, but we know it is dangerous.
The totalitarian choice in Alabama
The headline of the Washington Post read, "Political Dirty Tricks Alleged in Alabama
Trial," but the June 18, 2000, story revealed something far more serious than "dirty tricks."
A Democrat lawyer and a private investigator were being tried for attempting to defeat a
Republican candidate in 1998 by bribing a prostitute to accuse the Republican of raping
her. The prostitute recanted and turned witness against the two "Democrats."
The Republican, then-Lt. Gov. Steve Windom, was elected when the prostitute
confessed, but let's consider what his "political opponents" were willing to do to him. This
wasn't political rumor mongering - which is bad enough. These two men allegedly took

direct action to destroy Windom's reputation in the community, shame him before his
family, and basically ruin his life.
We all know from history that when totalitarian forces, driven by their dysfunctional
fury, seek to uproot the political establishment, they will use any means necessary. Bribery
and character assassination are easy choices for them, even murder, because civilized limits
are meaningless to the Stalins, Hitlers and Maos of the world. Their goal is to grab power,
and "The Party" - whether Communist or Nazi - is the highest good. Loyalty to the party is
everything because the party is the country.
These two "Democrats" were apparently willing to destroy everything precious to a
Republican man because he stood between their party and political power. It is the
totalitarian choice. The question is, how deep does it go into the party and what motivates
No longer a political party
What we are dealing with here has nothing to do with American politics. In fact, I worry
that as the Democrats increasingly adopt fascist tactics they will cease being a genuine
political party, focused on honest debate and decision by fair ballot. They could become
one day something more related to the fascists of 1930s Germany. The SA "brown shirts"
were not interested in debate and civil rule; they wanted power in order to force the
democratic nation to accept their Nazi agenda. If I am right about the fanatical direction my
party is taking, then America has never faced a danger like this, and real Democrats who
stand by and watch will be as guilty before history as the actual leaders of this corruption
When did the party start making its shift to this strange other form? Some Democrats
would say the sexual revolution, abortion and other moral issues were the beginning.
However, I am not talking here about party alignment over the social issues, although they
have been a major contributing factor. There were many other issues in dispute among
Democrats during the waning years of the Cold War, but, whether we agreed or not, all
issues were seen as debatable opinions of the party's majority leadership. Reagan
Democrats just voted Republican and hoped the liberal Democrats would come to their
senses. There was still freedom of thought within the party, and in public debate.
But something happened which changed all that.
Suddenly, the traditional restraint of civilized limits was gone. Gone was comity. Gone
was loyal opposition. It was somewhere in the mid-nineties - perhaps around the time the
Republicans seized control of Congress for the first time in 40 years. The panic among
Democrats and the panic within the Clinton administration may have been the turning
point. Whenever it was that the dam cracked, it had exploded by the end of 1998.
The year of living dangerously
As mainstream Democrats watched the impeachment trials, we experienced a feeling of
vast separation. It was like watching actors on a stage playing the famously recognizable
roles from Watergate but saying the wrong lines. We heard that lying under oath and boldfaced lying to the American people didn't "rise to the level of an impeachable offense."
Famous phrases from the past appeared twisted beyond recognition as we learned that the
president of the United States is not "below the law."
Where were the lines we knew so well from our youth? "Have you no shame, sir?" or
later, "What did the president know and when did he know it?" Or how about the greater

words that inspired a generation of Democrats? Words that put the very wind in our
youthful sails: ''Ask not what your country can do for you ..." or"... judged not by the color
of their skin but by the content of their character." Where were the words of American
tradition, duty, honor and country? These were never just Republican words.
During the Clinton impeachment trial, we listened to honored senators like Joseph
Lieberman of Connecticut and the late Daniel Patrick Moynihan of New York. They spoke
high sounding words of outrage, but, in the end, actions betrayed words. In the end, even
these honorable men defended party over principle. They rationalized, and let the party fall.
Everyone knows it. History will show it. They let one man's behavior compromise the
integrity of the Democratic Party. In the process, they turned their backs on the traditions of
our past symbolized by men like President Harry Truman.
We looked for truth during the impeachment and trial process and watched hopefully as
the "wise men" of the party in the House and the Senate expressed "concern," then made
excuses, and finally voted lock-step to defend party power. Sure they had their reasons.
They also, I believe, did not grasp the significance of the vote - a symbolic alignment with
the corrupt elements in the party, an act of submission that sent a message across America,
from Hollywood to Wall Street and beyond: Anything goes.
The F-word fund-raiser and losing our souls
About a week after the spitting incident at the New York Democratic Party Convention,
there was another incident that shocked me profoundly. I still cannot believe this one
actually happened, but it is on videotape. At the MCI Center fund-raiser in Washington,
Robin Williams performed before a crowd of corporate and Democrat dignitaries, people
who would that very night raise the party over 26 million dollars.
The fund-raiser, including Williams' performance, was broadcast live on C-SPAN.
However, that didn't stop Robin Williams from doing some kind of seedy nightclub act. He
used the F-word and other obscenities several times (C-SPAN later cut this out when the
event was rebroadcast). Imagine. A grand room full of powerful Democrats, representatives
of America's oldest political party, and the F-word is being said, over and over again with
cameras recording!
As in the case of the harassment of the honor guard at the Albany Democratic
Convention, the specific violation was bad enough, but the most egregious violation was
the passive, cowardly acceptance of the audience. The hardest thing to believe - for those of
us who remember America before 1992 - was that the president, vice president and Mrs.
Clinton were at this fund-raiser. Did none of them think to stand up and leave? Didn't
anyone in the audience consider booing the smutty language spoken before the assembled
dignitaries? No, there was only laughter.
Even when Robin Williams noticed a child present and joked about the "new words" he
was learning that night even then - no one objected. Not one Democrat dared step forward
and condemn the moment. Peer pressure is a powerful and coercive thing, for adults as well
as children, and one breaks rank at one's peril. I'm sure it wouldn't have been good for
"business" for the party leadership to create embarrassment at such a high-level
Hollywood/corporate function. So everyone laughed.
This is not about politics. This is about corruption. Stop and think about it. Somehow
Robin Williams knew that no one would object if he used the F-word and the S-word
continually - even on national TV! How did he know no one would walk out on him?
Apparently, Williams knows something about the Democratic Party that most "little guy"
Democrats like me don't know (not to mention the "little guy" Republicans who are still

embarrassed by MTV, thank God). He knows the party has become corrupt.
Democrat leaders have lost their way. They find themselves at the head of a parade full
of people Harry Truman or even Jack Kennedy wouldn't recognize - radicals of various
kinds who think Western Civilization began in 1969. Strangely, without meaning to,
mainstream Democrats find themselves representing this "corruption movement."
However, for the "new fascists" in the party, there is nothing so strange about it. Fascists
have always sought to leverage corruption for the sake of power.
In William Shirer's seminal book, "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich," consider the
author's famous description of Hitler: "He who was so monumentally intolerant by his very
nature, was strangely tolerant of one human condition - a man's morals. No other party in
Germany came near to attracting so many shady characters." Shady characters, I should
add, who are useful because they will do "whatever it takes" to win.
Carried to its extreme, this corruption movement will destroy us all. It is compulsive in
its lust for power. It is an anti-establishment lobby that is vast and very powerful. Right
now the specific labels don't matter, and there are too many to name here, from corporate
greed to union greed to organized crime to "special-interest" causes. It is a long list.
However, the core desire of this group, conscious or unconscious, is to tear down
everything traditional and decent in this country. Full of personal anger and a desire for
radical change at whatever cost, these people wish to "re-imagine" an America they have
never understood.
The Party uber alles
Fueled by anger, the New Fascists have completely adopted the radical '60s notion of
the "honest con." In other words, they think that because they are "correct in their
beliefs" and because in their minds what they fight is so "evil," just about any act can be
committed for the sake of victory and certainly, lying is no problem. Loyalty to "the
cause" is at the heart of this mindset.
During the 1990s, allegiance to the Clintons personally became a key factor of the
corruptive atmosphere. During the Starr investigation, this allegiance took a particularly
extreme form. According to award-winning investigative reporters Susan Schmidt and
Michael Weisskopf, who worked together at the Washington Post, throughout the Starr
investigation the Clintons "operated like a crime family, expecting friends and aides to
protect them even against their own best interests."
And yet, despite this demand of personal loyalty to the leader, blind loyalty to cause
and party constitutes the larger problem. "This administration sets their own standards of
loyalty. If they don't think you're 'one of them,' they don't want you around," said one
Secret Service agent I talked to who has served under a number of administrations at the
national level, including Clinton's. "It's something you expect from a Nazi Germany - the
party over all, the Party 'uber alles '."
"Sometimes party loyalty asks too much," said President Kennedy in a different era, and
yet, these days loyalty to a "higher right" than the party is apparently no longer an option
among inner circle Democrats. Even the FBI was used by the Clinton administration to
double-check people's loyalty to the cause, according to 25-year FBI veteran Gary Aldrich.
Your conscience is not yours to obey - the cause is everything. Thus, traditionally neutral
governmental agencies, from Energy to Defense to State to Justice to the IRS, increasingly,
seem to be loyal to something other than the American people.
Those who are "disloyal" pay a price, but those who are "loyal" are rewarded. Consider
the White House Travel Office scandal that occurred when Clinton took office. In what the

Washington Post called a "shabby episode," Mrs. Clinton had made it clear to White House
senior officials that she wanted to replace the White House Travel Office employees (who
had served the American people faithfully) with loyalists who would serve the Clintons
faithfully. Suddenly, Billy Dale, the head of the travel office, was fired and accused of
"improper financial practices." The court cleared him in "record time," according to Dale,
but he was nearly ruined. Sound familiar? Shades of Alabama. And in the end, the goal was
accomplished: Dale and his staff were out and "loyalists" were in.
Democrats can redeem the party from this kind of "party first" fascism. But for that to
happen, mainstream Democrats must wake up, including the 80 percent of the media who
are Democrats. Instinctively, we all know the dangers of what I am describing. It is simply
not an American way of doing things. We must dare to understand and communicate what
is really going on in our party, and in our country.
Understanding the fascist motive
Most people are essentially fair-minded. They look for reasons in debate. Powergrasping totalitarians know this, and, no matter what the country, they always supply some
plausible response: They seek to "empower the people"; they seek to "reestablish national
pride," or to correct "social injustice." Consider the irony that "racial injustice" has long
been a popular cause with fascists. For the Nazis it was white power, but for other fascists it
could be "black power." It doesn't matter what the reasons are. America's Corruption
Movement may be politically empowered by "reasons," but it is not truly motivated by
them. It is motivated by something far more basic.
On the radio, I like to demonstrate a key principle with a news story. The principles of
life are everywhere in the news. One need only look for them. Famous supermodel Naomi
Campbell was accused sometime back of attacking two former employees in separate
incidents. On ABC's "20/20," Ms. Campbell confessed that her violent temper is rooted in
her childhood.
In one of the attacks, Campbell's irrational, out-of-control temper led her to assault her
former assistant Georgina Galanis with a blunt instrument. She pleaded guilty, but more
than that, she was brave enough to reveal to the public exactly where her rage came from.
"There are a lot of issues that I have from childhood," Campbell told Barbara Walters.
"For instance, not knowing your father, not seeing your mother. It manifests a lot of
feelings. One of those feelings is anger." She went on to talk about her insecurity, lack of
self-esteem and loneliness. Naomi Campbell is not the only person whose father abandoned
her before she was born, and whose mother was a distant presence in her life. Our
neighborhoods around the country, both minority and white, are increasingly full of such
children. A recent issue of the journal "Pediatrics" declared that nearly three times as many
U.S. children have "emotional and behavioral" problems as did two decades ago.
Rage is everywhere in our adult society too. Just listen to the words of "Gangsta" rap
music, or the words spoken at some of the radical rallies in Washington, D. C. Rage is the
raw material of the New Fascists. They know how to focus it - and give it a cause - and
how to direct it at their enemies. This process has now become so obvious that it's time we
face up to it, and identify it in our national political dialogue. In fact, facing up to it is the
only way we can save ourselves, and save this "grand experiment" in political and religious
freedom we call America.
The end of debate
Increasingly, personal anger has a political face in America. Millions of dysfunctional

people can create a very difficult situation in a free society. They have a right to be wrong,
but their "wrong" can undermine our rights. They are also our brothers and sisters.
Solving the problem, of course, begins with seeing the problem. We know from
incidents of "road rage" or "workplace shootings" that angry, hate-filled people are dangerous. They are also hard to reason with; try reasoning with someone who's attempting to run
you off the road because you forgot to signal. We are talking here about "political road
rage"; it's a slower burn, but the intent is the same running you off the road.
As we observe the political scene, the politics of rage will become more and more
obvious. Make your own list of radicals and you'll see that rage has many faces and many
"reasons" to demand justice. Watch those angry faces on talk television. See how difficult it
is for others to reason with them and how rarely they accept anyone else's point of view.
Here's the secret: For these political road-ragers - in whatever category of public or private
life - it is no longer about debate or logic. In that sense, we have reached the end of debate,
which is a civilized method of dialogue involving two groups seeking the truth. Fascists, as
we know from history, don't debate free thinkers. They choke them out of existence.
Holding on to truth
The key to successfully confronting the New Fascist movement is, first, to see it for
what it is. Fascism inspires an emotionalized, cultic allegiance, and many of these people
can't see what they are trapped in. If we rage back at them, it pushes them deeper into this
alien loyalty. So the second key is to be forceful but remain calm - to understand that they
need our help. I don't mean a weak, simpering, "can't we all get along" kind of help, but a
focused, forceful desire to draw the line for their own sake as well as ours. They need us to
resist them with strength, but they don't need our rage. They got that as children.
The principle here is something Mahatma Gandhi, the great liberator of India, called
"force of righteousness", "love force," or "soul force." Gandhi was a great admirer of
Judeo-Christian thinking and Americans will recognize the wisdom. He coined a new
Indian word for it, Satyagraha. The root meaning is "holding on to truth," and "not hating
back" is one of the keys to this truth.
Of course, fascists reject the idea of a truth higher than the party, and hate is their driving
impulse. This puts them at odds with Americas "under God" religious heritage, and as a
result, America has suffered a great deal of pain and confusion in recent decades. The
fascist corruption movement (which puts power, material wealth, personal pleasure and
everything else above what's right) has all but destroyed the social fabric of our society,
much to the horror of most Americans. In this respect, mainstream Americans also deal
with an anger problem. Nevertheless, the hope for Americas future lies in love. It may
sound corny, but in the end, it is the only way to avoid civil conflict. Permissive weakness
will drive these "children" crazy, but so will judgmental anger.
When the leaders of the corruption movement understand that "the game is up" - that we
see them for what they are without hate - they may hate and fear us all the more. At that
point, they must get the kind of love that good parents deliver: Tough love. Consider a
mother who warns her son that he is getting too close to the street, but the child gets closer.
Does the mother stop the child with a gentle voice? Of course not. An aggressive shout is
what's needed to frighten the boy away from danger. Now let's take it a step further. Despite
the mother's shout, the boy rebelliously runs toward the street where there are cars coming.
At that moment, for the sake of the child, the mother rushes to use force and yanks the child
out of danger.

We must be as determined in our love for these "unloved children" as they are absolutely
determined to get revenge on the "establishment" they associate with the parents who
abandoned them in one way or another. I confess I am talking about myself since in my
angry youth I was once on their side.
Most of us are reachable. Former radical leftist David Horowitz is a classic example. I
believe there are people like this in every political and social sphere within my party.
People who are looking to do what is right - people who can change their angry ways.
Coming home to America
Think of how many famous liberal Democrats have already admitted serious parental
problems from sexual abuse to alcoholism to abandonment, either physical or emotional. It
is a remarkably talented group of people, from Barbara Streisand to Rosie O'Donnell to Bill
Clinton to Gloria Steinem. If we truly knew the length and breadth of this list of cultural
and political leaders, and the details of their personal suffering, we would all be shocked and touched. Don't be distracted by their political labels. When they were children, these
people deserved love, and they didn't get it. Can we blame them for being angry?
I know how they feel. My parents were divorced when I was five. I spent some lonely
years in boarding school until I was 9 years old. You bet I was afraid - and angry. The world
is supposed to be a safe place for 5-year-olds, not a hostile environment. My suffering was
small compared to the list above, but I can tell you that by the time I reached college age
my anger manifested, and not only politically. I was rebellious in my moral behavior too.
The "sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll" socialist creed of the 1960s and '70s didn't just affect the
Clintons and a few other famous people. There were millions of us.
Some of us functionally recovered from our anger, but some didn't - and there are many
angry children coming up in the generations behind the "baby boomers," younger people
who don't remember the America we remember. They need to believe in something and we
need to give them something genuinely good - because the New Fascists have a dream to
sell, too. And it isn't the American dream.
How Democrats can reclaim the party
The following is especially important for the mainstream Democratic leadership to
read. The corruption movement with its fascist tendencies is not yet a determined majority
in America. However, its strength is threefold: Its adherents have access to great combined
wealth; they have huge influence on our culture; and most importantly, they have not yet
been clearly identified in the minds of average Americans. Most Americans still think the
Democratic Party is "liberal," even "liberal to moderate."
Let me be clear. Although this article focuses on President Clinton, the current
corruption goes way beyond him. It started before him and it has survived his departure.
Consider that Newsweek's "Thought Police" issue was published in December 1990, two
years before Clinton's presidency. Even then, Newsweek raised the specter of what it
called "New McCarthyism," describing the "politically correct" movement among liberalleftists as essentially "Marxist" and "totalitarian," an extremist belief system determined to
root out and destroy all those in the mainstream who oppose it.
If you are wondering how this belief system has affected liberalism in the last decade,
just read the words of longtime, liberal Democrat commentator Mark Shields writing in the
Washington Post: "Today to be a liberal there is one test," said a frustrated Shields.
"Unqualified support for all legal abortions ideally joined by an almost libertarian com-

mitment to no societal limits on individual behavior or autonomy."

Although increasingly dominant in our culture, this PC ethic is still only one element of
the New Fascism, and Bill Clinton's personal anger and radical Sixties "no-limits" attitude
served only as a catalyst to the dark impulse that has risen before in human history.
Remember, Clinton is a victim too - and has the potential to recover.
Once Democrats like Shields start to recognize in large numbers what has happened to
our party, the fascist power base will be greatly weakened - mainstream Democrats will all
back away from it. Catholic Democrats will certainly run the other way. So will most
teachers. I'm sure church-going African Americans and Latinos won't stand for it - and
neither will patriotic union workers. If that is a dream, it is a good dream. And like the one
of Dr. King's, it is up to us to make the dream a reality.
Conclusion: Our awakening
Many middle-aged and older Americans will remember the famous World War II
movie, "The bridge on the River Kwai," in which Japanese prisoner Col. Nickolson, a
British officer played by Alec Guinness, is forced to lead his fellow prisoners in building a
bridge for the Japanese. Under great hardship and to rally his men's morale, Col.
Nickolson sets out to prove the superiority of British freedom over Japanese tyranny by
building a great bridge. Under his leadership, the prisoners succeed marvelously. They
demonstrate to the Japanese what inner-inspired free men can do. It's a magnificent
bridge. But there's a tragedy coming in the story: Due to the pride he takes in the
impressive bridge, built to last long after the war, Col. Nickolson ends up on the wrong
side when British commandos come to destroy the bridge. For a moment he resists his
own countrymen, warning the Japanese.
After several of the commandos die in the struggle to blow up the bridge, Col. Nickolson
realizes to his horror that his passionate dedication to "the cause" has led him to forget his
first loyalty - his country. Severely wounded, and with his last bit of energy, he blows up
the bridge himself.
It is time to detonate the lie the Democratic Party is becoming. It's time to call on the
people who are the keepers of the flame in the party - President Carter, Sen. Byrd, Sen.
Moynihan, Sen. Lieberman, Sen. Nunn and all the rest of you who remember the true
Democratic Party: We need you and we need you now.
Stop this totalitarian "party first" madness! Stop the moral decline, and help us return to
the values and traditions of our parents and those of our once-great party. If you cannot
change the party, if the levers of power are totally controlled by the New Fascists among
us, from Hollywood to Washington to Wall Street, then please tell us. Talk to the people.
Sound the alarm so that America will know the danger it truly faces. Yes, it will
temporarily diminish the Democratic Party, but like a beautiful garden, once weeded and
pruned, it will come back stronger than ever as the patriotic party of "the little guy."
When Newsweek reporters told Americans about the growing totalitarian ethic on our
college campuses at the end of the Cold War, they revealed a core ingredient of the New
Fascism, something impossible for most Americans to even imagine:
The failure of Marxist systems throughout the world has not noticeably
dimmed the allure of left-wing politics for American academics. Even today,
says David Littlejohn of Berkeley's Graduate School of Literature, "an
overwhelming proportion of our courses are taught by people who really hate

the system." (Newsweek, Dee. 24, 1990 )

"Hate the system. ..." What if such people got complete control of one of our two major
parties? I say they are very close to doing it. But more, let's say they succeed. What if these
New Fascists go on to corrupt our military, our police, our courts, and even our Congress
and our governmental agencies with this same anti-American ethic? If that happens, then by
any analysis we will no longer have a "culture war" in America, but rather a "cold civil
war," ready to heat up the moment government establishes laws that tyrannize the American
Right now we have two parties that are becoming like two different countries - which
are increasingly acting like enemies. God forbid it, and please make us again one nation, a
shining city on a hill for all the world to see, where love can reign and truth prevail, and
where freedom can be enjoyed by all.

Bob Just is editor-at-large of Whistle blower magazine, a WorldNetDaily.com columnist, a

veteran national radio talk-show host, and founder and president of the Oregon-based
"Concerned Fathers Against Crime." Bob speaks publicly on various topics and can be
reached through his website, bobjust.com.

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