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(contact "For assistance, contact your local help desk.")
(format "$(exception.id): $(exception.details)")
(code "200")
(format <<--184f853a.ea8cc--
<FONT face="Helvetica">
<TABLE border=0 cellPadding=1 width="80%">
<FONT face="Helvetica">
<big>$(exception.summary) ($(exception.id))</big>
<FONT face="Helvetica">
<FONT face="Helvetica">
<FONT face="Helvetica" SIZE=2>
(code "403")
(code "200")
(format <<--184f853a.ea999--
<title>Access Denied - Accès interdit</title>
<font size="3">Access Denied: A request has been made to access a site <br>that
does not appear to be required for business use.
<p><font size="3">
If access to this site is required for business reasons, please contact your Man
ager to discuss. <br>
Managers are to contact HR Advisory Services @ 1-800-545-2555 <br>
Option 3 to discuss the business supported request.<font size="3">
For more information regarding RBC policy on Internet Access please visit <a hre
<font size="3">Accès interdit : Une demande a été faite pour accéder un site <b
r> qui ne semble pas être requis pour des raisons d affaires.</font>
<font size="3">
Si l accès ce site est requis pour des raisons d affaires, <br>
veuillez contacter votre gestionnaire pour en discuter. <br>
Les gestionnaires doivent contacter le Groupe Services-conseils, <br>
R.H. au 1-800-545-2555 option 3 pour discuter de votre requête.<font size="3"></
Pour de plus amples renseignements concernant la politique de RBC sur l accès l Int
ernet, veuillez visiter <a href="http://reader-ppl.fg.rbc.com/orgs/pubserv/Publi
(code "200")
(format <<--184f853a.eaaa9--
<title>Access Denied - Accès interdit</title>
<table bgcolor="yellow" border=0>
<td><font face="Arial" color="red" size="4">Access Denied:</font><br><br></td>
<font face="Arial" color="red" size="4">A request has been made to access a site
that appears to include inappropriate content.</font>
<font size="4">The access request was logged from:</font>
<table border=0>
<td>User Domain and ID:</td><td><font color="red">$(user)</font></td>
<td>Workstation IP address: </td><td><font color="red">$(client.address)</font><
<td>Time of access request: </td><td><font color="red">$(time)</font></td>
<td>Date of access request:</td><td><font color="red">$(date)</font></td>
f access to this site is required for business reasons, please contact your Mana
ger to discuss. <br>
Managers are to contact HR Advisory Services @ 1-800-545-2555 <br>
Option 3 to discuss the business supported request.<br><br>
For more information regarding RBC policy on Internet Access please visit <a hre
<table bgcolor="yellow" border=0>
<td><font face="Arial" color="red" size="4">Accès interdit:</font><br><br></td>
<font face="Arial" color="red" size="4">Une demande a été faite pour accéder un
site qui semble avoir du contenu inapproprié.</font>
<font size="4">La demande d accès été enregistré par:</font>
<table border=0>
<td>Code id de réseau/domaine: </td><td><font color="red">$(user)</font></td>
<td>Adresse IP du poste de travail: </td><td><font color="red">$(client.address)
<td>Heure de la demande d accès: </td><td><font color="red">$(time)</font></td>
<td>Date de la demande d accès:</td><td><font color="red">$(date)</font></td>
Si l accès ce site est requis pour des raisons d affaires, <br>
veuillez contacter votre gestionnaire pour en discuter. <br>
Les gestionnaires doivent contacter le Groupe Services-conseils, <br>
R.H. au 1-800-545-2555 option 3 pour discuter de votre requête.
Pour de plus amples renseignements concernant la politique de RBC sur l accès l Int
ernet, veuillez visiter <a href="http://reader-ppl.fg.rbc.com/orgs/pubserv/Publi
9b5-6010-4a86-b34f-c183e814bf7e.doc </a>
(code "200")
(format <<--184f853a.eac5b--
<title>Access Denied - Accès interdit</title>
<font size="3">Access Denied: A request has been made to access a site <br>that
does not appear to be required for business use.
<p><font size="3">
If access to this site is required for business reasons, please contact your Man
ager to discuss. <br>
Managers are to contact Corporate Investigation Services (CIS) @ 1-800-769-8878
to discuss the business supported request.</font><br><br>
<font size="3">
For more information regarding RBC policy on Internet Access please visit <br><a
<font size="3">Accès interdit : Une demande a été faite pour accéder un site <b
r> qui ne semble pas être requis pour des raisons d affaires.</font>
<font size="3">
Si l accès ce site est requis pour des raisons d affaires, <br>
veuillez contacter votre gestionnaire pour en discuter. <br>
Les gestionnaires doivent contacter le Service central des enquêtes au <br>
1-800-769-8878 pour discuter de votre requête.<p><font size="3">
Pour de plus amples renseignements concernant la politique de RBC sur l accès l Int
ernet, veuillez visiter <a href="http://reader-ppl.fg.rbc.com/orgs/pubserv/Publi
cDocuments/f000-folio-fhre3_a84849b5-6010-4a86-b34f-c183e814bf7e.doc ">
9b5-6010-4a86-b34f-c183e814bf7e.doc </a><font>
(format <<--184f853a.eb0d1--
<title>Access Is Denied</title>
<h2><center>Access Denied. Attempt to reach non RBC site</center></h2>
<p>"We are sorry, however, access to websites other than those approved by RBC i
s not permitted from this terminal"</p>
<p>"Nous sommes désolés, mais l accès des sites Web autres que ceux approuvés par
RBC n est pas autorisé ce terminal"</p>
<p><a href="http://www.rbc.com">www.rbc.com</a></p>
(code "200")
(format <<--184f853a.eb144--
<title>Gaming Downloads/Téléchargement de jeux</title>
<meta name="author" content="Internet Technologies">
<meta name="description" content="Denied Access Policy">
Employees are reminded that internet access is provided to staff as a general
utility to support their business needs. Employees are also advised that usage
logs are maintained for audit purposes, and that RBC may monitor electronic
mail and computer files.
<p><b>Gaming Downloads</b></p>
<p>The installation of games is prohibited. </p>
<p>For any questions about this please contact your local helpdesk.</p>
<p>Nous rappelons aux employ&eacute;s que l'acc&egrave;s &agrave; Internet est
un service g&eacute;n&eacute;ral qui leur est offert pour leur permettre de
r&eacute;aliser leurs objectifs professionnels. Nous avisons aussi les employ&
que RBC peut v&eacute;rifier le registre d'utilisation Internet, le courriel
et les fichiers informatiques des employ&eacute;s.</p>
<p><b>T&eacute;l&eacute;chargement de jeux</b></p>
<p>L'installation de jeux est interdite. </p>
<p>Si vous avez des questions, communiquez avec votre centre-ressource local.<br
(code "200")
(format <<--184f853a.eb219--
<title>Denied Access Policy </title>
<meta name="author" content="Blue Coat systems">
<meta name="description" content="Denied Access Policy">
<font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="4" color="Red"><b>This function
is not available from this workstation. Contact your manager.
(details "Your credentials could not be authenticated: $(quot)$(sc-auth-stat
us)$(quot). You will not be permitted access until your credentials can be verif
(help "This is typically caused by an incorrect username and/or password, bu
t could also be caused by network problems.")
(summary "Access Denied")
(code "401")
(details "Your password was reported expired. You will not be permitted acce
ss unless your password is updated.")
(help "This is caused by settings on the authentication server.")
(summary "Access Denied")
(code "403")
(details "You are being redirected from the authentication virtual host to y
our original request.")
(summary "Redirect")
(code "302")
(details "You are being redirected to the authentication virtual host.")
(summary "Redirect")
(code "302")
(details "You are being redirected to an authentication service on another d
(summary "Redirect")
(code "302")
(details <<--184f853a.eb412--
Click <a href="$(redirect.location)">here</a> if you are not automatically redir
(summary "Redirect")
(code "302")
(details "Your request was not authorized.")
(summary "Access Denied")
(code "401")
(details "Your request could not be processed because of a configuration err
or: $(quot)$(exception.last_error)$(quot)")
(summary "Appliance Error")
(code "403")
(details "Your request attempted a CONNECT to a port $(quot)$(url.port)$(quo
t) that is not permitted by default.")
(help "This is typically caused by an HTTPS URL that uses a port other then
the default of 443.")
(summary "Access Denied")
(code "403")
(details "Your request was denied because of its content categorization: $(q
(summary "Access Denied")
(code "403")
(details "Your request was denied because an external content filtering serv
ice was not available.")
(help "This could be caused by transient network problems, or a configuratio
n error.")
(summary "Access Denied")
(code "403")
(details "Your request could not be processed because an error occurred cont
acting the DNS server.")
(help "The DNS server may be temporarily unavailable, or there could be a ne
twork problem.")
(summary "Network Error")
(code "503")
(details "Your requested host $(quot)$(url.host)$(quot) could not be resolve
d by DNS.")
(summary "Network Error")
(code "404")
(details <<--184f853a.eba2f--
Click <a href="$(redirect.location)">here</a> if you are not automatically redir
(summary "Refresh")
(code "200")
(details "Server response could not be decoded using encoding type returned
by server.")
(help "This is typically caused by a Web Site presenting a content encoding
header of one type, and then encoding the data differently.")
(summary "Content Encoding Error")
(code "502")
(details "An error occurred attempting to communicate with an HTTP or SOCKS
(help "The gateway may be temporarily unavailable, or there could be a netwo
rk problem.")
(summary "Network Error")
(code "504")
(details "An error occurred attempting to communicate with an ICAP server.")
(help "The ICAP server may be temporarily unavailable, there could be networ
k problem, or the ICAP service may be misconfigured.")
(summary "ICAP Error")
(code "503")
(details "An error occurred while performing an ICAP operation: $(icap_error
(help "There could be a network problem, the ICAP service may be misconfigur
ed, or the ICAP server may have reported an error.")
(summary "ICAP Error")
(code "503")
(details "An unrecoverable error was encountered: $(quot)$(exception.last_er
(help "This problem is unexpected. Please use the contact information below
to obtain assistance.")
(summary "Appliance Error")
(code "500")
(details "Your request could not be processed. $(exception.reason)")
(help "This could be caused by a misconfiguration, or possibly a malformed r
(summary "Request Error")
(code "400")
(details "Server's response could not be processed. $(exception.reason)")
(help "This could be caused by a malformed response, or possibly a misconfig
(summary "Response Error")
(code "502")
(details "A license has expired on the Proxy, and your request is not permit
ted: $(quot)$(exception.reason)$(quot)")
(help "A new license must be obtained.")
(summary "Access Denied")
(code "403")
(details "A license has been exceeded on the Proxy, and your request is not
permitted: $(quot)$(exception.reason)$(quot)")
(summary "Access Denied")
(code "403")
(details "The method used $(quot)$(method)$(quot) is not permitted: $(quot)$
(summary "Access Denied")
(code "403")
(details "Your requested operation: $(quot)$(method) $(url.host)$(quot) is n
ot supported.")
(summary "Access Denied")
(code "501")
(details "Your system policy has denied the requested action.")
(summary "Access Denied")
(code "403")
(details "Your system policy has denied access to the requested URL.")
(details <<--184f853a.ebf50--
Click <a href="$(redirect.location)">here</a> if you are not automatically redir
(summary "Redirect")
(code "302")
(details "Click the the refresh button on your browser to proceed to your re
quested site. Your user/session ID is $(x-radius-splash-username)/$(x-radius-spl
(summary "Authorized")
(code "200")
(details <<--184f853a.ec340--
Click <a href="$(redirect.location)">here</a> if you are not automatically redir
(summary "Authorized")
(code "200")
(details "$(empty)")
(format "$(empty)")
(code "403")
(details "$(empty)")
(format "$(empty)")
(details "Your request contacted a host which presented a certificate with a
Common Name that did not match the domain requested.")
(help "This is typically caused by a Web Site presenting an incorrect or inv
alid certificate, but could be because of a configuration error.")
(summary "Network Error")
(code "409")
(details "A secure SSL session could not be established with the Web Site: $
(help "This is typically caused by a Web Site that is not configured to acce
pt SSL connections, but could be because the Proxy does not trust the Web Site's
certificate authority.")
(summary "Network Error")
(code "503")
(details "A communication error occurred: $(quot)$(server_connection.socket_
(help "The Web Server may be down, too busy, or experiencing other problems
preventing it from responding to requests. You may wish to try again at a later
(summary "Network Error")
(code "503")
(details "Your request used a protocol that is not currently supported.")
(summary "Request Error")
(code "406")
(details "Your requested content encoding is not supported.")
(help "This could be caused by a misconfiguration, or an expired compression
license on the Proxy.")
(summary "Unsupported Encoding")
(code "406")
(details "Proxy cannot apply content transformation.")
(help "This could be caused by a misconfiguration, or possibly a response wi
th an unknown content encoding.")
(summary "Content Transformation Error")
(code "403")
(details "The submitted authentication form is invalid. The form data must
contain the username, password and valid original request information.")
(summary "Invalid Authentication Form")
(code "403")
(details "The configured authentication mode is not supported for the curren
t request.")
(summary "Authentication Mode Not Supported")
(code "403")
(details "The origin server returned a redirect for your request. The Proxy
SG is configured to not allow stored requests to be redirected.")
(summary "Stored Request Redirects Not Supported")
(code "403")
(details "Too many requests from your ip address ($(client.address)) have fa
(help "Please verify that the server you are attempting to contact is correc
t. Continued failures will result in a complete revocation of access.")
(summary "Client Failure Limit Exceeded")
(code "503")
(details "Too many requests are in progress to $(url.host).")
(help "Too many simultaneous requests are outstanding to this origin server.
The server may be under attack. Please try your request again later.")
(summary "Server Request Limit Exceeded")
(code "503")
(format "CPL users: use the third argument of 'exception()' to place your me
ssage here.")
(code "200")
(summary "Notify Failed--Cookie Not Sent")
(details "You could not be redirected to your originally requested web page
because your web browser has failed to send a required cookie.")
(help "Your web browser appears to be improperly configured. It must not be
configured to block all cookies.")
(code "403")
(details "Your request contacted a host which presented an expired or Invali
d certificate")
(help "This is typically caused by a Web Site presenting an incorrect or inv
alid certificate, but could be because of a configuration error.")
(summary "Network Error")
(code "503")
(details "Your request contacted a host which presented a certificate signed
by an untrusted issuer.")
(help "This is typically caused by a Web Site presenting an incorrect or inv
alid certificate, but could be because of a configuration error.")
(summary "Network Error")
(code "503")
(details "Your request contacted a host which presented a revoked certificat
(help "This is typically caused by a Web Site presenting a revoked certifica
te, but could be because of a configuration error.")
(summary "Network Error")
(code "503")
(details "The client presented a revoked certificate")
(help "This is typically caused by the client presenting a revoked certifica
te, but could be because of a configuration error.")
(summary "Network Error")
(code "503")
(summary "Invalid username/password")
(details <<--184f853a.eceb0--
<p>Your username or password were sent using an invalid/
unrecognized format.</p>
<p><i>Please close your browser window.</i></p>
<p>Then, either contact technical support,
or try again using a different username/password combina
There are two possible causes:
<li>Your username or password contains non-ASCII charact
and the ProxySG is not configured to use the sam
e authentication character
encoding as is being used by your web browser.
<li>Your username or password is too long.
(The limits for the username and password are 64
bytes each,
after being translated to UTF-8.)
(code "400")
(summary "Internal error")
(details <<--184f853a.ecf83--
The ProxySG encountered an internal error
while preparing to send your username/password upstream.
(help <<--184f853a.ecfb5--
This error can only occur when the ProxySG "spoof authen
tication" feature is enabled.
(code "500")
(details "Content contained $(quot)$(x-virus-id)$(quot) virus. Details:$(crl
(summary "Virus was detected in the content")
(code "200")
(details <<--184f853a.ed046--
Click <a href="$(redirect.location)">here</a> to login.--184f853a.ed046--
(summary "Logged out")
(code "200")
(format <<--184f853a.ed08a--
if (document.execCommand)
if (document.execCommand("ClearAuthenticationCache", false)) {
document.cookie = 'BCSI-AC-$(appliance.identifier)=; path=/';
<FONT face="Helvetica">
<TABLE border=0 cellPadding=1 width="80%">
<FONT face="Helvetica">
<big>$(exception.summary) ($(exception.id))</big>
<FONT face="Helvetica">
<FONT face="Helvetica">
<FONT face="Helvetica" SIZE=2>

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