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Curriculum theory is a set of statements that give meaning to the school curriculum, The
significance occurred because their assertion of a relationship Among the elements of the
curriculum, instructions for their development or use and evaluation of the curriculum. The
most important concept that needs to be briefed in curriculum theory is the concept of the
1. Concept of Curiculum
The most important concept that needs an explanation in curriculum theory is the
concept of the curriculum. There are three concepts of the curriculum, curriculum as a
substance, as a system, and as a field of study.
a. The first concept, the curriculum as a substance:
A curriculum, people regarded as a plan learning activities for students in the
school, or as a set of goals to be achieved. A curriculum could also point to a
document that contains the definition of objectives, teaching materials, teaching
and learning activities, schedules, and evaluation. A curriculum can also be
described as a document written as a result of a joint agreement between the
compilers of curriculum and education policy holders with the public. A
curriculum may also include certain scope, a school, a district, province, or across
the country.
b. The second concept, is the curriculum as a system:
The system is part of the curriculum of the school system, the education system,
even the public system. A curriculum system includes personnel structure, and
working procedures how to prepare a curriculum, implement, evaluate, and refine
it. The results of a curriculum system is the completion of a curriculum, and the
function of the curriculum system is how to maintain the curriculum in order to
remain dynamic.
c. The third concept, curriculum as a field of study:
This is a field of study curriculum experts and experts in education and teaching.
Objectives of the curriculum as a field of study is to develop knowledge about
curriculum and curriculum system. Those who study the field of curriculum to
learn the basic concepts of the curriculum. Through literature study and research
activities and experiments, they discover new things that can reinforce and
strengthen the field of curriculum studies.
As with other social scientists, theorists curriculum is also required to:
1. Develop definitions of descriptive and prescriptive technical terms,
2. Hold classification of existing knowledge in new knowledge,
3. Conduct research and predictive inferential,
4. Developed the theory of the curriculum, develop and implement curriculum models.
Fourth these demands become an obligation of curriculum theory. Through the achievement
of these four well as a substance, as a system, as well as the field of curriculum studies can
survive and develop.

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