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Daniel Half

Quiz 2 Part II
Pages 70-146

1. Why does Daniel even want to join the HJ?

He believes that the fellowship makes you a better person, it would be nice
to belong, gives you a purpose.
2. What does Armin do behind his parents’ back?
Joins the HJ.
3. What does the Fuhrer mean by “racial poisoning?”
‘Cultivated’ races get destroyed by low ones.
4. Why do you think the subject of Jews and race was taught in school in 1935?
To indoctrinate the students, get them to grow up hating Jews.
5. Who is “Uncle Karl?”
A colleague of Rheinhard’s.
6. What does Uncle Karl want Rheinhard to do?
Divorce Sophie.
7. What happens to Uncle Sebastian? What happens to Miriam?
Something happens to him, and Miriam comes to live with the Kraushaars.
8. How does Miriam start to feel about herself? Why does she feel that way?
She starts to think she is a lesser person, it’s the Nazi propaganda.
9. What happens at soccer practice?
Everyone finds out Daniel is Jewish, including Armin.
10. How does Armin react to the revelation at soccer practice?
He says he doesn’t care, Daniel is still his best friend.

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