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Page: 137

Written Production, p. 71
Ability to present facts, p. 74
"It was a Sunday afternoon in New York. It was very hot. We
walked on the Brooklyn bridge with friends who came to visit us.
What we did not see a long time. We admired the view and
exchanged our impressions of skyscrapers around us. Thousands
of windows reflected the blazing sun, my daughter suddenly
pulled me by the hand. She insisted to show me something. We
turned and saw a woman wearing just a swimsuit walking very
slowly as if she were at the beach. Our friends were stunned, He
had only to New York we saw such things. "
Cause: Maybe the woman had made a bet or she was a model.
Consequence: at the exit of the bridge, the police were waiting
to take her home.
Page: 138
Dear Helen,
It's been six months since I returned from Australia and I can not
get used to life in Paris. The quality of life is truly better in Sydney.
First, it is almost always beautiful. Even in winter the sky is
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usually an intense blue, the bright light and it can make as

smooth as in Paris in the spring.
Then people are generally less stressed than in Paris. We talk on
the street or in public transport. See you on the beach or in parks
for picnics or barbecues. It's easier than getting home.
Yet it is hard to feel so far away from his home country. At first I
had no moral: family and friends failed me. The Old stones, small
villages, fields surrounded by hedges, all that was missing. But
gradually you get used and we appreciate the great outdoors,
wild beaches, rainforests, deserts ... This unspoilt nature in most
of the country and that no longer exists in Europe.
But luckily here I found my friends and that's a consolation. All
that I have to bore you with my memories. I hope to see you soon.
Maybe the next vacation?
Dear Parents,
It happened something amazing yesterday. I was on the platform
waiting for the subway when suddenly a young woman
approached me. She had a familiar air but I could not put a name
to his face. She laughed to see me hesitate so and finally told me
the name of the primary school where we were when we were
kids. I then knew it was Candice, who amused me so much when I
was little because she had a very deep voice and could not stop
to chat. The teacher always knew who was talking even when she

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was not looking. But as Candice was very good student, we easily
forgave him.
As we were not really pressed neither one nor the other, we went
to a cafe to take the time to meet us.


free rent to a student for services
Seniors sometimes have spacious premises and suffer from
loneliness, while many students are seeking rooms increasingly
expensive and scarce. Why not bring the two populations? This
initiative, which has been ten years in Madrid and Barcelona, was
in the academic year 2004-2005 a timid appearance in France.
The principle is simple: the senior must provide a comfortable
room and allow access to the bathroom and the kitchen. In return,
the student agrees to make some services, ranging from the mere
presence Franais Accommodation Days stronger obligations: do
some shopping, walking the dog, share dinner. Associations are
responsible for selecting the candidates and senior students and
formalize the agreement.
Anne-Marie, a retired magistrate, elegant and dynamic
octogenarian, welcomes his comfortable apartment, located near
the Parc Monceau in Paris, Loretxu (23), a student of Masters in
Neuroscience. "I hate an empty house. I find the evenings and
weekends too long, especially when the cold prevents age out.
Loretxu animates the apartment of his youth, "she explains.
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In the evening, each tray to prepare the meal, they take together
in the lounge chatting, "Daughter of winemaker Loretxu me to the
wine and cheese in the Basque Country. We exchange our
newspapers; I even read the review of its association of fair trade!
"Says Anne-Marie. For his part, she told the girl the new divorce
law. This friendly presence brings Anne-Marie at the time when
her children were students.
The pairings are sometimes difficult to achieve. "You have to visit
the seniors, to ensure they are valid, inspect housing, receiving
the students, ask them about their lives, their families, the image
they have of the Third Age", explain Aude Messean and Benedicte
Brown, founder of the association's solidarity Pari, one of the
organizations trying to promote this new cohabitation mode.
The agreement defines the reciprocal commitments: common
meal prepared by the student (e) but paid by the senior, right to
receive visitors. It also serves as a safeguard to ensure that the
student is exploited at will thank you. All that is not written is
traded OTC.
Page: 139

03. When I was young, in my country people did not have

television. They worked hard, often in difficult conditions and they
do not make much money. As against the cities were less polluted
because there were fewer televisions. Sometimes we were leaving
the country in the process; it took two or three hours to make a
trip that is made today in less than an hour, but it was very nice.
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04. When I was a child, we lived in the countryside. My parents

did their trade with the products of the farm and my brothers and
I were playing in nature.
In 1997, I left (e) at the University in Paris and I settled (e) in a
small apartment. I studied for five years. I got my degree in 2002
and I returned (e) home.
Attention to the final "e" if it's a girl writing. This "e" final did not

Page 141
3), p. 100-104

01. 1. a news article. 2, the need for youth authority. 3. young

people want a just authority. 4. image that young people expect

1. a) The free opinion of John on an internet forum. b) How to
avoid pollution by plastic bags. c) Plastic bags are becoming more
and we do not collect, creating serious pollution. d) Lack of
awareness of our fellow citizens who might avoid this
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contamination, as governments and bags producers or


Do you like modern art?
To answer this question, we must first define what modern art. I
will define for myself as opposed to classical art, which I will do it
based on the history of painting.
Of course I do not claim that this method is the best or the most
intelligent, but in any case, this is the one that seems the most
Modern art was born in the late nineteenth century when the
Impressionists abandoned the idea of representing the world as it
is to try to paint it as they felt it. Czanne and Picasso continued
later this research leading to abstract art, a painting in which the
painter succumbs to the pleasure of colors and shapes, regardless
of figure anything.
Modern art is thus born of a desire to overcome the academic
rules; it has therefore been criticized by proponents of classical
art. Yet this opposition has disappeared today because a century
has passed. Museums that cling abstract paintings are legion and
some even say that this art is no longer of modern art. Modern art
indeed eliminates the canvas in favor of the video, the virtual

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world, or installations that combine sculpture, painting and new

We see a modern Ceuvre is that for some time. After it becomes
classic. Besides, that's what I like about the concept of modernity
as it always follows the generations burying today that it created
yesterday. Finally, you'll like modern art if you know see in the
world today. And if by chance you do not like, you say that after
all these works that you despise today could be similar to those of
one day impressionist you love.
So Convinced?

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