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FS 2: Episode 4 Guiding Principles in the Selection and Use of

Teaching Strategies
Name of Teacher Observed : Corsenio San Juan
School Name/Address: MFI Technological Institute
Grade/Year Level: (TTCP) Technical Training Course Program / (CEP)
Continuing Education Program
Date : September 11 2015
Subject Area : Autocad (Fast Track)
In this episode we observe the class of Mr. Corsenio San Juan with
his TTCP/CEP of Autocad (fast track) students. They are five students in
his class all boys. Mr. San Juan graduated at MFI Technological Institute
batch 20 Tool and Die Technology. Mr San Juan a National TVET Trainer
Certificate (NTTC) holder for Technical Drafting NC II and an authorized
assessor for Technical Education and Skills Development Authority on Technical
Drafting NC II.
The the class that Mr. San Juan handle is consist of eighteen
meetings and they are currently in there seventh meeting. The class
schedule is during Friday 1pm to 5pm. Mr. San Juan topic during the
observation is about modifying and edit commands. Mr San Juan start
the class by reviewing the students about there previous activity and
doing the right way in front of them to serve a a review and a reflection
for the student.

Guiding Principles in the Selection and Use

of Strategies
1. Learning is an active process.

2. The more senses that are involved, the

more and the better is the learning.

Teaching Behavior of the

Resource Teacher that Applies
the Principle
The resource teacher discus the topic about
Auto-cad: Modify and edit commands
explain the concept of it. Use the a LCD
projector to let the student see the process on
how doing it and help the teacher deliver his
topic. After the discussion the teacher let the
student explore and apply what they learn
on their respective computers.
teacher delivers the
topic of discussion (hearing) and with the
help of the LCD projector to let his student
see the actual process of the lesson (seeing)

3. A non-threatening atmosphere enhances


4. Emotion has the power to increase

retention and learning.

5. Good teaching goes beyond recall of


6. Learning is meaningful when it is

connected to students everyday life.
7. An integrated teaching approach is far
more effective than teaching isolated bits
of information.

Your Analysis

and let the students try to do the activity by

themselves (touch).
The room is located at room 330 of IT
Department. Originally the room is allotted
for testing and assessment and the MFI vault
is located at this area. Proper lightning is
observe and there is an air condition in the
room. Security camera is installed in the hall.
The resource teacher sometime tell a joke
that is connected to the current topic
example: COPY PASTE because as the
resource teacher said the commands can be
used to cheat so he emphasize that do not use
copy paste like we always do on Google
and other websites in Auto-cad.
Before the resource teacher starts his new
lesson he review the previous activity that
was done by his student last week. The
previous topic is about the circle.
He demonstrates how the activity was done
properly and for it to serve as a review and
The resource teacher tells his students the
importance of this topic for their future work.
He also relates his experience in industry on
where they can use what they learn today and
on there following meetings.
The resource teacher uses different ways of
delivering his topic like discussion,
demonstration and activity for different
learning styles and intelligence of his
students . Like discussion, experiments,
visual presentation, cooperation and
reflecting upon there work.

Are these principles in accordance with brain-based

teaching and learning?
Yes because according to research findings about the brain
(Wolfe 2001) without rehearsal or constant attention,
information remains in working memory for only about 1-5 to 20
seconds so the resource teacher practices b efore he starts his
new topic he will review his students from the previous lesson.
He also involve the students in real-life or authentic problem
solving by using his experience from industry he can replicate
the problem he encounter to his class. He also explain where
can the students use the knowledge that they will acquire
during the discussion.
Your Reflection
What is the best method in teaching? Is there such a thing?
There is no such thing as best teaching method because there are
many factors to consider in the choice of teaching method.
1. Instructional Objectives
2. Nature of the subject matter
3. The Learners
4. The Teachers
5. School Policies

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