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Department of Exercise Sciences

261 Morrin Rd, St Johns 1072

Phone 3737599 ext 86887
Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1142

Participant Information Sheet

Project title: Supervised group exercise training or self-supervised exercise training for individuals with
osteoarthritis - which is more effective?
Names of researchers: Associate Professor James Stinear PhD, Lee Jones (student researcher).
Researcher Introduction:
A/P James Stinear is an academic member of staff in the Department of Exercise Sciences at the
University of Auckland. Lee Jones is a Masters Student enrolled in the Master of Science in Clinical
Exercise Physiology at Auckland University.
We encourage you to take your time reading this information sheet and please ask any questions you may
have. You are welcome to discuss your potential participation with your family, friends, and medical
Project description and invitation:
It is important to know whether group exercise delivers health and fitness benefits similar to or in excess of
typically prescribed exercise programmes to those people diagnosed with osteoarthritis. Therefore you are
invited to participate in a 6-week study to investigate the physiological adaptations to multiple group
exercise classes over a 6-week period. The purpose of this study is to determine whether cycling exercise
in a group situation is more effective in managing osteoarthritis than typical exercise cycling. If you do
choose to participate, your participation is entirely voluntary and you can withdraw from the study without
giving a reason, and withdraw your data at any time up until the conclusion of your training period.
Project Procedures:
With your permission we will initially consult with your medical specialist or general practitioner to determine
if there are any reasons why it may not be safe for you to participate in this study. We will also invite you to
complete a questionnaire that is designed to detect reasons why you should not exercise. You will be
assigned to one of two groups by the toss of a coin. One group will attend scheduled exercise training
classes, and the second group will exercise in their own. Regardless of the group to which you are
assigned you will be assessed the same way and given a personalised exercise programme to conduct
over the 6-week period. At the end of the 6-week period you will be offered another 6-week period of
exercise as conducted by participants in the other group. If you choose to take up this offer you will
therefore experience both forms of training.
The group exercise classes will take place at Tamaki Recreation Centre, 60, Elstree Ave, Glen Innes,
Auckland, twice a week with each session lasting for about 60 minutes. Actual exercise time will be limited
to 30 minutes with a total onsite commitment of 12 hours over a 6-week period. If you are assigned to this
group, assessments of your fitness will be conducted before the training starts and at the end of the 6-week
period. Lee Jones will supervise the sessions that will take place on two separate days with at least one
day between sessions. Other Masters or postgraduate students may assist and a qualified exercise
physiologist may be present at times to monitor the research. You will use spin bikes where the wheel and
pedals are connected so that you cannot free wheel and stop cycling. Over the period of the class the
instructor will encourage you to change speed by cycling faster, or at a steady rate or at a slow rate to
mimic a route on the roads. Recorded music will be played with an appropriate tempo to help you keep the
desired pace. You will be able to control the difficulty in turning the pedals and the speed will be relative to
your ability. Prior to your first class you will be shown how to set the bike up and adjust it for your size.
Throughout the class your heart rate will be monitored and you will be asked to rate the intensity of the
exercise at various times during the class, along with pre- and post-exercise measurements of heart rate,
blood pressure, and joint pain.

Participants assigned to the self-supervised group will also attend the Tamaki Recreation Centre for their
assessments before they start their programme of exercise and again at the end of the 6-week period. If
you are assigned to this group you will be given an exercise prescription to follow on your own and in your
own time, and you will be able to attend the Tamaki Recreation Centre or another fitness centre of your
choice. Your exercise prescription will consist of instructions regarding the time and intensity you should
workout on a spin bike.
You may request a summary of your own results at the end of your training period, and a summary of the
studys outcomes that will be available in November 2016.
Risks and benefits:
As with all exercise there are some risks. You may feel some increased pain during or after the class,
however, research has shown that exercise does not make your condition worse. Instead, research has
shown that over time, regular professionally prescribed exercise as applied in this study reduces pain. If
you have any concerns we encourage you to seek guidance from your health.
The potential benefits of this programme are a reduction in pain, increased muscle strength in the legs,
improved cardio-vascular fitness and reduced weight.
Should a medical emergency occur first aid will be provided by Lee Jones and medical assistance
summoned by calling 111. Lee Jones holds certificates in first aid and resuscitation and the recreation
centre complies with first aid requirements. The Centre is equipped to deal with emergency medical
Data storage:
All data will be stored securely at the Tamaki Recreation Centre until the study has been completed after
which data will be securely stored at the University of Auckland. Your data will be stored indefinitely on a
password-protected computer. Only the researchers will have access to your data. The consent form will be
stored in a locked filing cabinet for 6 years and then securely shredded.
You may request a summary of your own results at the end of your training period, and a summary of the
studys outcomes that will be available in November 2016.
Anonymity and Confidentiality:
Your participation will be confidential but anonymity cannot be preserved. This is because you may be in a
group class, or attending the Recreation Centre when other people in the study or members of the public
are also attending. If other postgraduate students or a supervisor is assisting or monitoring an exercise
session, these individuals will be required to sign a confidentiality form. Data from the study will be
analysed and reported in Lee Jones Masters dissertation. Data may also be included in reports at
conferences and offered for publication in a scientific journal. Because you data will be combined with other
participants data, these reports cannot possibly identify you.
Summary of Your Rights
Your participation is entirely voluntary.
You may withdraw from the study at any time without giving a reason.
Your identity will be kept strictly confidential, and no identification of you or your data will be made
at any time during data collection or in subsequent publications of the research findings.
You may obtain your own results and results regarding the study upon its completion.
Who should I contact if I have further questions?
Please feel free to ask any questions at any time. If you have any questions about the study please contact:
Lee Jones
Tamaki Recreation Centre
60, Elstree Ave, Glen Innes
Phone 521-6438
Email: ljon070@aucklanduni.ac.nz

Assoc. Prof. James Stinear,

Building 731 Tamaki Campus
Phone 373-7599 Ext 82378
Email: j.stinear@auckland.ac.nz

If you have any questions about the Department or the researchers please contact:
Assoc. Prof. Greg Anson,
Head, Department of Exercise Sciences
Phone 373 7599 Ext 82975
Email: g.anson@auckland.ac.nz
For any queries regarding ethical concerns you may contact the Chair, the University of Auckland Human
Participants Ethics Committee, at the University of Auckland, Research Office, Private Bag 92019,
Auckland 1142. Telephone 09 373-7599 ext. 83711.
Email: ro-ethics@auckland.ac.nz
22/02/16 for three years, Reference Number 016872.

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