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The Working Principle Of An Arduino.

Arduino is an open-source platform [2] used for constructing and programing
of electronics.It can receive and send information to most devices, and even
through the internet to cammand the specific electronic device.it uses a
hardware called arduino uno [3] circuit board and software
programme(Simplified C++ [1]) to programme the board. In these modern day,
Arduino are used alot in microcontroller [4] programing among other things due
to its user friendly or easy to use setting, like any microcontoller an arduino is a
circuit board with chip that can be programmed to do numerous number of
tasks, it sends information from the computer programme to the Arduino
microcontroller and finally to the specific circuit or machine with multiple
circuits in order to execute the specific command.An arduino can help you read
information from input devices [5] such as e.g Sensors, Antenna,
Trimmer(potentiometer) e.t.c ... and can also send information to output
devices such as LED [5], Speakers, LCD Screen, DC motor e.t.c ...
The Arduino platform [6] has become well aquinted with people into
electronics. Unlike most previous progranunable circuit boards [7], the Arduino
does not have a separate piece of hardware in order to load new code onto the
board, you can simply use a USB cable to upload, and the software of the
Arduino uses a simplified version of C++ [8], making it easier to learn to
program, and it provides you with an easier environment that bypass the
functions of the micro-controller [4] into a more accessible package. An Arduino
Board [7] can be classified into two parts : I) Hardware: The Arduino board [7]
hardware consist of many components that combine to make it work, 978-14799-4106-3/14/$31.00 2014 IEEE but we are going to discuss the main
component on the board such as follows: USB Plug: This is the first part of the
arduino because it is used to upload a programme to the microcontroller [4]
and has a regulated power of 5volts which also power the Arduino board .
External Power Supply: This is only used to power the board and has a
regulated voltage of 9 to 12 volts, mostly if the USB plug does not provide
sufficient power for whatever you have programmed it to do. Reset button:
This button resets the arduino when it when its pressed incase you have
uploaded another command and want the arduino to do it. Microcontroller:
This is the device that receive and send information or cammand to the
respective circuit. Analog Pins(O-5): This are analog input pins from AO to A5.
Digital I/O Pins: This are the digital input, output Pins 2 tol3. In-Circuit
Programmer : This is another source to upload or prograrmne your
programme,it can also be done using"TX-l,I" output and "RX-l,O" input. Digital
and analog Ground pins Power Pins: we have 3.3 and 5 volts power pins
e.t.c .. 2) Software(The Arduino IDE [9]) : The software is a set of instructions

that informs the hardware of what to do and how to do it. The Arduino IDE
(Integrated Development Environment) is divided into three main parts: a)
Conunand Area: This is the area where you have the menu items such as File,
Edit, Area Text/Code Area II thl!c Sl!ctup routine runs once whl!cn you press rl!
cst: IIoidset"l!() { II initilizl!c thl!c di\litl pin as e.n output. plnHode{led,
OUTPUT); II the loop routine runs oller and oller a\lin foreller: IIoid loop()
( di\litlIlrite(led, HIGH); II turn the LED on (HIGH is the IIolte.\l1!c IIl!IIel)
dly(IOOO); II wait for sl!ccond di\lite.lIlIite(ld, LOll); II tuIn th LED off
by .in\l th VOlt\I LOll dele.y(lOOO); II wait fOI e. slI!cond Fig. 2. Labelled
IDE Sketch, Tools, Help and Icons like Verify Icon for verification, Upload Icon for
uploading your prograrmne, New, Open, Save and Serial Monitor used for
sending and receiving of data between the arduino and the IDE. b) Text Area:
This is where you write your code which uses a simplified version of C++
programming language that makes it easier to write your programme, which is
also called a sketch. When writing your code there are mainly two important
parts : The setup function: Before the setup you need to intialize the
variables you intend to use and assign them. Then the setup routine begins,
This is where you set the intial condition of your variables and run preliminary
code only once. Here is an example of how it should be written [10]. void
setup () This where you write your code which will run once. Loop routine: This
is the loop that runs or execute your main code over and over again.Here is an
example .. void loop() { Fig. 3. Sensor Alarm A. Sensor Alarm Sensor alarm uses
a sensor either infrared ,motion any kind of sensor to detect movement then
send the message to the arduino microcontroller which then turns ON or OFF
the LED and speaker. COMPONENTS 1) Arduino Uno 2) LED 3) Speaker 4)
Infrared Proximity Sensor 5) Breadboard CIRCUIT [11] CODE [11] int ledPin =
13; II choose the pin for the LED int inputPin = 3; II choose the input pin (for PIR
sensor) int pirState = LOW; II we start, assuming no motion detected This is
where your main code is written, to run repeatedly. int val = 0; II variable for
reading the pin status int pinSpeaker = 10; IISet up a speaker on a PWM pin c)
Message Window Area: This shows message from the IDE in the black area,
mostly on varification on your code.

i) introduction: There are a wide variety of Arduino boards [6] out there, but
only the Arduino Uno will be looked at. The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller
board based on the ATmega328 [7], which is a high-performance Atmel 8-bit
AVR RISC-based microcontroller. The device operates between 1.8- 5.5 volts
[8]. The Arduino Uno has 14 digital input/output pins, 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz
ceramic resonator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset
button. It contains everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply
connect it to a computer with a USB cable or power it with a AC-to-DC adapter
or battery to get started. 2) Power: The Arduino Uno can be powered via the
USB connection or with an external power supply (AC-to-DC adapter or
battery). Leads from a battery can be inserted in the Gnd and Vin pin headers

of the power connector. The board can operate on an external supply of 6 to 20

volts. 3) Input/Output: Each of the 14 digital pins on the Uno can be used as an
input or output. This can be done using the pinModeO, digitalWriteO and
digitalReadO functions [9]. They operate at 5 volts. In addition, some pins have
specialized functions. 4) Communication: The Arduino Uno has a number of
facilities for communicating with a computer, another Arduino board, or other
microcontrollers. A Software Serial library allows for serial communication on
any of the Uno's digital pins. [10]
B. SOFTWARE Arduino environment is open-source and easy to use [11]. It is
written in Java and based on Processing [12] and other open source software. It
runs on various platforms such as Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. It is designed
to introduce programming to people unfamiliar with software development,
which makes it convenient for students. It includes a code editor with features
such as syntax highlighting, brace matching, and automatic indentation, and is
also capable of compiling and uploading programs to the board with a single
click. A program or code written for Arduino is called a "sketch". Arduino
sketches are written in C or C++. The Arduino integrated development
environment (IDE) comes with a software library called Wiring [13] from the
original Wiring project, which makes many conunon input/output operations
much easier. C. ENVIRONMENT The Arduino development environment contains
a text editor for writing code, a message area, a text console, a toolbar with
buttons for common functions and a series of menus. It connects to the Arduino
hardware to upload sketches and communicate with them. [9] III. A BRIEF
HISTORY OF MICROCONTROLLERS In the early 70's both Intel and Texas
instruments started developing higher integrated microprocessors. Intel
continued in the development of microprocessors while Texas Instruments took
a slightly different route. Instead of just a single chip microprocessor, they
decided to add built in memory to it and the microcontroller was born [14].
Though microprocessors could be a basis for a much more powerful computer,
it would need other chips to work. The microcontroller with its all-in-one
approach needs little help from other chips although it had a limited range of
functions it could perform [15]. From being used in simple calculators and as
gas pump meters, to its developement and wide usage in various areas. Today
microcontrollers can be found in virtually every electronic device we use. IV.
ARDUINO AS A LEARNING TOOL Arduino was actually formed when Massimo
Banzi's students couldnt find affordable and efficient microcontrollers for a
project they were working on. Banzi [16] together with David Cuartielles [17]
created their very own board with one of Banzi's students, David Mellis [18],
writing the programming language for it. Because of how easy it was to use, it
became a hit amongst students even if they didnt know much about computer
programming and electronics [19]. Soon enough interesting designs using the
Arduino microcontroller started springing up. Whether it was making things
move or controlling things, Arduino grew in popularity. [20] It is very interesting
to see results of a project worked on. Be it a blinking light, a moving part and
so on. This interest is what motivates people to design something of their own.
The number of projects that can be worked on are endless and are limited only

by one's imagination. In the following section we shall look at a few project

designs using arduino. A. Why Arduino? With the numerous amount of
microcontrollers out there, one might wonder, "Why use Arduino?" or "What
makes it different from others?". We shall give some reasons as mentioned by
Arduino co-founder Massimo Banzi [2]: 1) There is an active community of
users: User communities are groups of people who use a particular product, in
this case the Arduino. Due to the very active nature of the community, it is
easy to get help on troubling issues from others who may have faced similar
problems. It also improves the the design and helps drive the future direction of
the Arduino board. "What you find is that if you can create a community around
an open source project then it becomes really alive because everyone starts to
contribute. If you dont have an ecosystem, the platform wont be successful, If
you start charging for everything, everything dies very quickly." [21] says
Banzi, Arduino Co-founder . 2) Development of Arduino in an educational
environment: The Arduino project was developed in an educational setting. This
makes it ideal for newcomers to get started quickly. 3) The hardware is
affordable: The Arduino hardware is cheap to buy, or assemble. The hardware
designs can be gotten online free of charge. Damaged parts on the board can
be replaced at a token fee. So users dont have to worry about burning out parts
and can focus on "tinkering". Leaving the Arduino board in a permanent
installation would be affordable enough. So a project designed using an Arduino
board wont have to be pulled apart just to retrive it. 4) Hardware and Software
are both open-source: Given its free licence to the Arduino hardware and
software designs, the circuit diagrams can be gotten and built by individuals
without paying anything to Arduino [22]. The software is also free to download
so the user can study and modify the software if necessary [23]. Since the
software is not purchased and only cost of buying the board or buying parts for
the board is incurred, it is very cheap. 5) It is based on the Processing
programming IDE: The Processing development environment [24] was created
to be very easy to learn and use. Hobbyists, designers and artists who want to
learn programming can now do so easily as the Arduino development
environment is based on Processing and other open-source software. 6)
Arduino is programmed via USB cable: As most computers now do not have
serial ports, using USB cables is a more viable option for programming boards.
No special components are needed to operate the Arduino board, making it
accessible outside a lab environment [25]. 7) It is a multiplatform environment:
The IDE can run on several platforms including Mircrosoft, Linux and Mac OS X
giving it an even larger user community base.

Como control de sistema

En lugares donde hay mltiples locales con acceso restringido con mltiples
usuarios que usan simultneamente dichos locales, se tienen fuertes gastos
administrativos para permitir el acceso. Ejemplo de estos lugares son campus
universitarios, escuelas, hoteles, bodegas, etc. y la solucin comn es utilizar
una llave por local, las cuales estn centralizada en un lugar especfico, para
ello se necesita tener una persona encargada de entregar y recibir las llaves, y

en ocasiones hasta dos personas encargada, cuando dichos locales son usados
todos los das de la semana, desde las 6:00AM hasta las 8:30pm. Adems, es
necesario implementar un sistema de control para generar reportes de uso de
las llaves, saber quin estuvo en cul local, si hay algn dao al local. Ante
esta situacin, y buscando una solucin informtica se analizaron diferentes
alternativas considerando costos, facilidad de uso, seguridad, versatilidad y
facilidad de instalacin. En la figura 1 se muestra el sistema a implementar, en
diagrama de bloques. Fig. 1: Diagrama de bloques de sistema de control
acceso para campus de la Escuela Especializada en Ingeniera ITCAFEPADE
II. VENTAJAS Los sistemas de control de acceso son tecnologas que tienen
mucha demanda actualmente, estos han evolucionado desde sistemas
mecnicos hasta sistemas de entrada y salida completamente automatizados,
utilizando Access Control System using NFC and Arduino Author: Morris William
tecnologas y dispositivos, introduciendo la funcionalidad que slo un sistema
con microprocesador puede dar. Un sistema de control de acceso se integra a
un sistema de control de personal y uso de locales, permite el control de la
entrada de los usuarios, restringir las zonas slo al personal autorizado, da
seguimiento de horarios y en general, se obtiene, mediante la administracin
adecuada, un mejor aprovechamiento de las instalaciones. Las ventajas que se
pueden obtener con los sistemas de control de acceso son: 1. Aumento en la
seguridad. 2. Mejora en la puntualidad y cumplimiento del personal. 3.
Mejoramiento de la productividad 4. Reportes personalizados de entrada/salida.
5. Ahorro en costos en personal que lleve los controles de acceso. 6. Un mejor
control de visitantes 7. Integracin con otros sistemas para el control y gestin
del personal.
III. DISPOSITIVOS DE ENTRADA Es la tecnologa utilizada para ingresar la
entrada que activar el los actuadores para permitir el acceso al local/aula.
Entre las tecnologas consideradas, se tiene: A. Teclado Numrico: El usuario
del aula, en este caso el docente introduce un cdigo numrico proporcionado
por la administracin, el cual habilita al activador y abre la puerta, siempre y
cuando este registrado en el sistema informtico. En comparacin de otras
alternativa, tiene un costo bajo pero parece la solucin con menos seguridad,
cualquiera que est cerca puede captar las teclas presionadas para luego
ingresar. Fig. 2: Control de acceso mediante teclado numrico. B. Lector RFID El
usuario porta una etiqueta RFID, el cual al recibir el campo electromagntico
del lector, genera un campo nuevo con el cdigo de la etiqueta, el cual es ledo
por el lector. Esta etiqueta puede estar adherido en una tarjeta o formar parte
de un carnet, al cual al ser pasado en frente del lector a corta distancia, es
ledo por el sistema informtico y habilita el actuador que abre la puerta, si
est permitido. El costo es medio, pero su principal desventaja es que tiene
conocidas fallas de seguridad. Fig. 3: Lector de etiqueta RFID Fig. 4: Etiqueta
con dispositivo RFID B. Lector NFC Es una tecnologa innovadora, con el mismo
principio del cdigo RFID, slo que en este caso puede haber interaccin entre
la etiqueta y el lector, adems de transmitir mayor informacin, lo cual lo

vuelve una tecnologa segura. El costo de los lectores es de gama media en

comparacin de otras tecnologas, tiene la ventaja que el costo de los carnet
con la etiqueta es relativamente bajo y presenta un nivel alto de seguridad.
Adems, en la actualidad hay muchos telfonos inteligentes que incorporan la
tecnologa NFC, que mediante PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2015 IEEE THIRTY FIFTH
programacin, pueden funcionar como etiquetas activas que interacten con
los lectores de NFC. Fig. 5: Lector de etiquetas NFC D. Lector de huella dactilar
Como su nombre lo indica, el usuario coloca la huella sobre la ventilla de
lectura, y esta es digitalizada y buscada por el sistema informtico en una base
de datos, si est registrada permite el acceso al local/aula. Esta alternativa es
de costo medio, presenta un alto nivel de seguridad y no necesita portar
ninguna etiqueta el usuario, basta con su huella para ingresar. La principal
desventaja que se encontr, es que por ser una institucin de enseanza
tcnica, un alto porcentaje de la poblacin docente tiene daada la huella por
utilizar mquinas herramientas, lo que obliga a utilizar un sistema alternativo,
como lector RFID o introduccin de cdigo por un teclado, elevando los costos
de implementacin. Fig. 6: Lector de huellas dactilares El lector de huellas
dactilares pertenece a los sensores biomtricos, estos utilizan alguna
caracterstica fsica del usuario para ser detectada y utilizada para verificacin.
Una de sus ventajas es que no hay una llave, tag o dispositivo
electromagntico que pueda extraviarse y luego ser utilizada por otras
personas no autorizadas. Entre los lectores biomtricos ms usados se tienen:
1. Lector de huellas dactilares: utiliza la huella dactilar del usuario para
verificar el acceso. 2. Scanner de iris: lee el iris del ojo del usuario para permitir
el acceso. 3. Reconocimiento facial: en base al rostro del usuario, permite o no
el acceso. Tienen los sistemas biomtricos algunas desventajas: x Son
tecnologas de mayor costo que las tecnologas electromagnticas como RFID o
NFC. x Necesitan de un sistema alterno de autenticacin, en caso que el
usuario tenga daada la caracterstica fsica, como por ejemplo la huella
dactilar. x Los lectores biomtricos tienden a ser frgiles al vandalismo, por lo
cual limita su uso a interiores en zonas de mxima seguridad, bajo vigilancia. x
La caracterstica fsica del usuario debe estar almacenada en un formato
digital, para comparar con la caracterstica fsica detectada por el dispositivo,
este almacenamiento puede ser de diferentes formas: a. En una tarjeta o
llavero magntico que porta el usuario del sistema, contra el cual se autentica.
b. En una memoria de almacenamiento interna del dispositivo donde se
guardan los patrones de huellas, iris o rostros de los usuarios, esto incrementa
el costo del dispositivo, y limita la cantidad de usuarios, ya que la
In Japan new employees in Japanese industry look for stable life time
employment opportunities as ideal career goal. A Japanese engineer is
expected to perform many tasks within the one company. During the lifetime
employment of an engineer he or she will have to perform circuit layout,
material development, programming, quality control, industrial engineering,
and management task until retirement. The employee will not have to do all
tasks at one time but will be cycled through positions and responsibilities in the

company to understand and become familiar with how the industry is operated
as a whole. Due to the style of employee development and industries demand
for engineers with a broad field of experience is highly demanded in Japan. At
Kanazawa Technical College (KTC) to broaden the field of the students
knowledge of electrical engineering, the study concept of Creation Experiment
class is introduced. Creation Experiment class covers the importance of
mathematical theory of electrical engineering and basics of electronics and
electricity. The students learn fundamentals of electronics and electricity
through hands on experiences, allowing students to experience material from
concept to real life application. The Electric Vehicle (EV) experiment in the
electrical engineering department curriculum Creation Experiment
memoria es finita. c. En una base de datos, lo que exige un sistema informtico
que almacena de dicha base de datos, y tambin debe existir conectividad del
dispositivo con dicho sistema. Tambin pueden generarse altos tiempos de
respuesta ya que es necesario hacer una bsqueda en la base de datos.

Arduino is an open source, micro controller-based hardware platform, and

software IDE (integrated development environment), which can be used to
write code to manipulate the hardware. The various types of Arduino hardware
can be purchased at a relatively affordable price depending on the types of
projects. The IDE can be downloaded for free from the Arduino site. Our work
started with the Arduino Uno platform, a compact hardware environment,
which has a programming environment that is simple to get set up and
running, and can be utilized with beginners, as well as advanced students. In
addition to the programming environment, the Arduino Uno board can be used
to teach the basics of electronics, which we will review in this paper. The
versatility of the Uno makes it a very good choice for multiple outreach
activities with different age groups and interests. For instance, The Uno can be
programmed to communicate with sensors or LEDs to perform controlled
actions, or be run with a computer as a peripheral. The board comes equipped
with 14 digital input/output pins, of which 6 can be used as PWM (pulse width
modulation) outputs, 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz ceramic resonator, a USB
connection, a power jack, an ICSP header allowing bypassing of the boot
loader, and a reset button. In this paper, we will describe several experiments
and projects using products from a New York City based company, Adafruit
Industries. Adafruit is a company that has been in existence for ten years. The
founder and owner is MIT engineer, Limor Fried (Also known as Ladyada). The
reason for selecting this particular company and using its products is based on
its philosophy of producing affordable hardware and open source code that can
be applied to all age and skill levels. We believe providing our educators and
students with accessible tools and low cost, reusable hardware can give many
students the opportunity to explore various aspects of engineering for a
personal career choice. It can also open students minds to personal
innovation. In the past, this type of hands-on learning has been confined to the
college level, when students have already made choices, and so the experience

and its potential to change lives is limited. Although there are other open
source hardware platforms, we selected the Arduino because of its ease of use,
affordability, availability, and versatility as both an environment to interact with
electrical components and sensors, as well as a platform to explore
programming. Our focus for National Engineers week activities is to look for
new methods and projects to inspire students and provide fresh perspectives
on the field of engineering. Sparking creative thinking is the key outcome of
working with the Arduino projects and this can be achieved with students of
various grade levels. Our experiments and projects, which 5th IEEE Integrated
STEM Conference (2015) 27 978-1-4799-1829-4/15/$31.00 2015 IEEE we
describe below, describe the experiences and the effectiveness of our

Qu lenguaje se parece ms al de arduino?

Cules son las funciones bsicas de arduino?
-Y. A. Badamasi . (2014). The working principle of an Arduino.
-A. A. Galadima. (2014). Arduino as a learning tool. 14 Marzo
2016, de IEEE Sitio web:
-M. W. Daz Saravia . (2015). Access control system using
NFC and Arduino. 14 Marzo, de IEEE Sitio web:
-H. Ogawa . (2011). Electric vehicle project for introduction to
engineering Creation Experiment III. 14 Marzon 2016, de IEEE
Sitio web:
- L. M. Herger y M. Bodarky. (2015). Engaging students with open
source technologies and Arduino. 14 Marzo, de IEEE Sitio web:

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