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Name: Patrick Dale Cuartero

EE 179.1 Section: KGMJ

3:00 PM

Course and Year: BSECE V

Laboratory Schedule: W 12:00 PM -

Activity 1: Introduction to SCILAB

In this activity, you will be exploring the functions of Scilab, is a freely distributed
open source scientific software package. This is where you use and find out the
functions needed in this course. At first you will be guided from the softwares
environment and features. Later part you will be introduced to fundamental
mathematical functions that will be used throughout this course. Further activities
are expected to use the softwares different tools for easy analysis.
At the end of all laboratory activities, tt is expected that you will harness
competitiveness using this software as you finish EE 179.1 Feedback and Control
System Laboratory.

1 Objectives

To introduce students to a mathematical software that can be used to

simulate control systems.

2 List of equipment/software

Personal Computer
Installation of SCILAB

3 SCILAB Environment and Features Overview

Scilab is a free and open-source mathematical software. It can be used to simulate
mathematical applications from basic to advanced engineering systems.
Simulations can be through set of commands entered in the interactive command,
through a script written in the SciNotes, or through XCOS. XCOS is Scilabs
counterpart for Matlabs Simulink.
For this activity, you will be introduced to the basic command line interface as well
as scripting of a set of commands in SciNotes. Some basic features of Scilab such as
variable declarations, operations and flow control will be examined in this activity.
Some commonly used functions will also be introduced.

3.1 Variable
In Scilab, you can easily create and instantiate variables anytime. Unlike the C
language, Scilabs variables are dynamic and dont have to be created before they
are stored with values.

Name: Patrick Dale Cuartero

Course and Year: BSECE V
EE 179.1 Section: KGMJ
Laboratory Schedule: W 12:00 PM 3:00 PM
Open you Scilab now and try the following in the console.
--> clear
--> a = 1
The console should respond with the value of a. Now, after the above command, try
doing the following:
--> b = a
The console should respond with the value of b which is just the value of a in the
previous command.
1. How about this one?
Undefined variable: aaa
Since aaa has not been assigned a value yet, it still does not exist.
Another convenient feature of Scilab is that you can assign any datatype to a
variable even after you had previously assigned a different datatype. For example:
--> b = 1
--> b = Hi, this is a string
--> b = [this,is, a, vector/array]
These commands will not produce an error. The datatype of the variables in Scilab
adapt to whatever value you store in it.
You may have noticed that the last command is an array. Arrays in Scilab are values
enclosed in [ and ] with values separated by spaces or commas. You can also
create a matrix by separating rows with a semicolon.
--> an_array = [1, 3, 4]
--> a_matrix = [1, 2; 4, 5]
2. What will you enter in the command line if you want to assign a_matrix


[ ]
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

You can easily declare an array of sequence of numbers using :

--> 1:10
// returns an array of numbers from 1 to 10 with an
interval of 1
--> 1:2:10
// returns an array of numbers from 1 to 10 with an
interval of 2

Name: Patrick Dale Cuartero

Course and Year: BSECE V
EE 179.1 Section: KGMJ
Laboratory Schedule: W 12:00 PM 3:00 PM
3.1.1 Polynomial
You can easily create polynomial using the poly function read the help file for
different methods of using the poly function. The simplest way is the following:
--> s= poly(0,s)

//this assign polynomial s^1 to the variable s.

Now you can manipulate this variable similar to number.

3. Write the result of (s^2+2*s+1)/(s+1) as shown in the console.
Scilab has a lot of operators in addition to basic arithmetic operations. Since Scilab
operates on matrices by default, basic arithmetic operations are applied on

Matrix addition
Matrix subtraction
Matrix Multiplication
Matrix division.

A / B= AB

Matrix back-division.

A = A1B

Matrix exponential.

If you want element-wise operation using those operators, the operator is preceded
with a .
--> a = [1, 2; 3, 4]
--> b = [3, 4; 5, 6]
--> a + b
ans =
4. Do a matrix multiplication and element-wise multiplication on a and b.
What are the results? Are the results equal?
5. What is the result of a?
Accessing an element in an array or matrix is by calling the variable with a
parenthesis. For example, to access the 1st element of b:

Name: Patrick Dale Cuartero

Course and Year: BSECE V
EE 179.1 Section: KGMJ
Laboratory Schedule: W 12:00 PM 3:00 PM
--> b(1) //this will return 3. Matrix b is treated as a vector reading
top to bottom starting from the left.
This is the same as
--> b(1,1) //accessing element in column 1 row 1. First index is for
the row, the second is for the column.
You can use the $ to indicate the index of the last element.
--> b(1,$) //returns the last element of the first row.
Sub-matrices can be extracted by putting an array or matrix as index. The content
of the matrix index will be the rows/columns that will be included in the sub-matrix.
You can use : to include all elements on that row/column.
--> c = [1, 2 ,3; 4, 5, 6; 7, 8, 9]
--> d = c([1,3],[1,2])
ans =
--> e = c(:,1) //returns all the rows in the first column.
6. What is the result of c(1:3,$)?

3.2 Flow Control

The flow control in Scilab can be done with if then/else statements, select/case ,
return, for loop, do and while loops. In addition, keywords such as break, continue,
pause, abort are also useable to alter the flow of a set of Scilab commands. The
syntax for this is in described in detailed in the Help menu of Scilab. To access the
Help, type help in the command line or click the help button in the menu bar.

3.3 Functions in Scilab

You can create a reuseable set of commands as a function in Scilab. The basic
syntax is the following:
FUNCTION [y1,, yn]= functionname(x1, , xm)
//some statements or commands here
3.3.1 Some of the commonly used functions in Scilab
Refer to the Help menu for details
1. plot used to plot expressions in Scilab.
2. poly function to create a polynomial.
3. roots Solve the roots of a polynomial

Name: Patrick Dale Cuartero

Course and Year: BSECE V
EE 179.1 Section: KGMJ
Laboratory Schedule: W 12:00 PM 3:00 PM
4. coeff extract the coefficients of a polynomial.
5. evstr - evaluate a string of Scilab statements or commands
6. csim Simulation of a linear system. (time response)
7. ones Generate a matrix of ones
8. zeros Generate a matrix of zeroes
9. rand generate a matrix of random values
10.eye generate an identity matrix.
11.inv inverse of a matrix
12.diag extract the diagonal of matrix
13.abs absolute value
14.real, imag, complex for complex numbers
15.conj conjugate of a complex
16.pfss partial fraction expansion of a give transfer function
17.syslin system linear definition
18.ss2tf State-space representation to transfer function conversion
19.tf2ss Transfer function to state-space representation
20.ssrand random system generator.

3.4 Batch Commands or Scripting

Scilab has an integrated text editor called SciNotes for creating and editing Scilab
scripts. A set of commands or statements can be written in a Scilab script that can
be ran or executed in a single action. SciNotes has some advance text editing
functionalities for coding like parenthesis matching and syntax highlighting. Open
Scinote by clicking the notebook icon below the menu bar.
After opening the SciNotes, do the following:
7. Write the following in the editor:
a = [0:0.1:2*%pi]
b = this is executed after a=1
What is the result or the behavior of the above statements in the console
after executing the script?
8. Write a function called myfunct that accepts two parameters A and B.
The function will return the result of (A+B)*B. Execute the script what is
the result?
9. Call the function you created in #8 and pass as parameters the values 3
and 9. What is the result?
10. What will your function return if the parameters are [1,2,3] and [4;
11. How about [1, 2, 3 ; 3, 5, 1; 5 6 -1] and [3, -1, 4 ; -3, 5, 1; -5 6 -1]?

Name: Patrick Dale Cuartero

Course and Year: BSECE V
EE 179.1 Section: KGMJ
Laboratory Schedule: W 12:00 PM 3:00 PM
12. Do you have to re-execute your function from SciNotes? Why?

3.5 Answers to Questions

1. --> b = aaa
!--error 4
2. a_matrix = [1,2,3;4,5,6;7,8,9]
3. p = 1 + s
4. No.
ans =





ans =




5. a'
ans =




6. c(1:3,$)
ans =
7. a = [0:0.1:2*%pi] //is registering values unto variable a
b = this is executed after a=1 //syntax error
!--error 2
Invalid factor.

Name: Patrick Dale Cuartero

Course and Year: BSECE V
EE 179.1 Section: KGMJ
Laboratory Schedule: W 12:00 PM 3:00 PM
plot(a,sin(2*a)) //plots the function

8. Note that the first 3 lines are in myfunct.sci file to be executed in the console
before calling myfunct.
-->function [x] = myfunct(A,B)
9. -->myfunct(3,9)
ans =
10. Initially the given parameters do not fit in the function since it is programmed to
receive only two inputs. It is expected to result to an error.
!--error 4
Undefined variable: myfucnt
-->myfunct[4; 6;7]

Name: Patrick Dale Cuartero

EE 179.1 Section: KGMJ
3:00 PM
!--error 276

Course and Year: BSECE V

Laboratory Schedule: W 12:00 PM -

Missing operator, comma, or semicolon.

11. Initially the given parameters do not fit in the function since it is programmed to
receive only two inputs. It is expected to result to an error.
Both parameters return !--error 276 ( Missing operator, comma, or semicolon.)
12. We not only have to re-execute the function but to program it where it will
accept multiple inputs or arrays. In return the function will execute properly given
the parameters above.

4 Conclusion
The Scilab is a freeware where most engineering applications in programming is
performed. I have learned that this software is capable to compute arithmetic
equations. large number of arrays depending on computers memory, even
polynomials finding the roots. In short, this is a tool to simplify problems that are
difficult and time-consuming to compute in real life.

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