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Q14. In the space below, write comments about how you contribute to your divisions priorities and overall corporate strategy.
Our only goal and objective is to settle, settle, settle a lot of claims with little or no regard/focus for customer service. We are constantly
reminded that this is our ultimate goa and one with which we are constantly measured on. The pressures to settle claims conflicts with the
message we have out there being promoted by Langdon Chorney that people can settle on their own schedule. Customer service is not provided
at the highest level and this is sending people to the lawyers.
My reply for Code of Ethics was strongly disagree. With all the latest info for privacy & FOI - my personal information was released by ICBC to a
private company for collection of an alleged debt. This is regular company practice as confirmed by ICBC employee David Waterman.
Working on the Buesiness SUpport Desk and with the TP project is helping align our staff to be more efficient and current on how we process our
claims to better serve our customers.
work in a timely manner, provide good customer service
work hard with a good attitude and don't call in sick
work hard , follow code of ethics + good customer service
Work at keeping current at the risk of health issues as the corporation doesnt acknowledge work load
Within the time frames of my expected daily work day, I complete the work activities/tasks that come @ me to the best of my ability & planning.
Unfortunately, the priority of work & expectations seem to change weekly. There is a lack of consistency & varying levels/changes to
Within Claims there are too many competing priorities associated with multiple initiatives inclding the implementaion of ClaimCenter to have a
clear understanding of how ones work contributes to the corporate strategy
With the new system in place, nobody has an answer for any questions. From the claims department, there is no specific number of claims that
anyone knows we should be taking and what is acceptable or not. Going from 17 claims in a 5 day week before the implementation of Claim
Center, we are up to 24+ and sometimes 34 claims in a 5 day week.
With the new system claim centre roles are a bit blurry. No one seems to know what their role is and whose job is what.
with the limited amount of training and guidance with claim centre, we are doing the best we can
With the implementation of the new system we currently do not have the reporting tools needed to know exactly how we are tracking. I fully
understand this will be coming but it does make things difficult and creates lots of manual tracking and logging in hopes of knowing where the
numbers are.
With respect to information, we do not have accurate reporting yet due to a new claims system implementation. This is temporary.
With regards to the question "I know where to get business information that will help me do my work" the problem I have with this is that I still
find it difficult to search for items on the HUB. I know what I want to find, I just dont know how to find it, or it takes too long to narrow down
the search.

With every decision I make in my workday I keep our priorities at the forefront - with our strong focus on maintaining financial stability I work to
ensure the most effective use of resources and am constantly looking for opportunities to do things differently and more efficiently - it's difficult
at times because we are slow to make decisions and implement.
With ClaimCentre, information has been difficult to find and processes and procedures change. When calling the Help Desk the information you
get depends on the person you are speaking to. A lot of work-arounds.
With all claims I focus on BI severity, representation rate and customer satisfaction.
While working on a litigated BI desk, I constantly am aware of the money that is spent on my files and try to keep my spending within ICBC's
While I understand what the priorities are, it is difficult to know which area to focus on, because it often feels like 'everything' is a priority and
there isn't enough time to do everything,
While I understand the Corporate Strategy, within our division the priorities seem to be blurred and not clearly communicated. During this time
of change, it is easy to justify shortfalls in our service to customers and perceived value by them given the extended hold times, longer claims
handling process, and in some cases lack of ownership or accountability for files. We have focused so much on maintaining financial stability and
operational excellence that employee engagement, good working environment, and developing employees has taken a very distant back seat.
This unfortunately has a direct impact on us being able to deliver on our strategy and priorities and at the moment does not appear to be a
concern or focus for the Claims Executive or Management.
While I understand corporate priorities, I find there are an excessive number competing priorities that inhibit my ability to effectively meet them
what i do here at the claim center appears to make no contribution to the community here as we just push the work through without bearing in
mind that the customer is deeply afected
We work like a dogs all day,start early,skip coffees and lunch most days,if we take one it is at our desk working, so yes we are contributing and if
you have a moment open someone gives you more to do
We try to keep the costs of claims under control as best we can. The costs cutting within the claim center (water filters etc) lead to less expenses
We save the Corporation money by identifying fraud
We provide excellent customer service
We have voiced our opinions on how unrealistic the workload is with the short staff and new system. To date, nothing has been done to relieve
the stress.
we have little to no information on how or what we will be measured with in Claim Center as there have not been any clearly defined reporting
systems shared or developed that I have been made aware of, how does one assess performance when there are not the tools set in place to
rate contributions. measurements equally assessed throughout all coworkers in the same role
we have been told that we have a surplus of 40+ admin staff, however our office is grossly understaffed, management skews the stats by
pushing task dates ahead for cycle time reports

we aren't given enough time in claims to do our job properly. hence it's very very difficult to contribute to my divisions priorities and corporate
We are told it is about the customer- that has been my focus.
We are expected to meet AHT that is unrealistic for the job we are doing as result of a change to our system. It is unrealistic because we have
not be provided the exact AHT-however in my monthly stats I am advised my AHT is too high. How can I strive to achieve a number that I don't
know is the exact AHT that is part of my performance plan either in meeting or not meeting expectations.....
we are attempting to streamline processes as best we can.
We are a cost centre. Because of that, our mandate is always to reduce costs by reducing claim severity.
Walk the walk, remain positive thru the changes that we have experienced in the last 10 months
volume too high to think about contribution to the division.
value our customers. Work on our customers needs
upper management needs to show some caring and compassion for their front line people, an example of small minded thinking is taking the
water coolers away. i have never even hear of a company treating their employees with a such a lack of respect, if you think that water is to
expensive to supply , consider the cost of unhappy and insulted workers. We were told that this was the idea of someone in upper management,
shame on you.
Unfortunately I cannot comment on this because nothing we do is good enough and as far as priorities are concerned -everything is a priority.
Nothing is prioritized - its all important and its all an emergency and its all a part of a strategy.
Unfortunately I am very aware of how i contribute, but we are not give the time and are overloaded with work to achieve said priorities and any
strategy what-so-ever.
Turn around time for customer service and being fiscially responsible
try to stay on top of new procedures in order to handle claims as efficiently as possible
Try to settle as many files as possible
treating every customer with respect. Listening to their concerns and comments regarding whatever it is we are discussing. Trying to put the
customer first. Making sure they are getting great service for money spent
too busy
To handle all our claims within a timely manner
To ensure accuracy and timeliness at all times.
To be a valuable team member, I tried to dedicate to my department by volunteering to help anytime and trying not to hesitate to bring my
concerns to my manager regarding the things to improve to be better employee.

This is a very hard question to answer as in reality the divisional priorities and strategies seem to change at the employee level. How i contribute
to the corporate strategies is a complete mystery as we never see our senior leadership to tell us how well or if we are contributing. We have a
president and senior management that really don't feel it necessary to engage the front line employee. Through my years as an employee, i
have met virtually every president we have had, as they have come to the different claims offices to basically show their face. This president, i
have never seen. Obviously, this relates to the average employee feeling that senior management really do not care the staff. As such, no one is
really there to champion the staff to know and work towards the corporate/divisional strategies and priorities
This division is running around with its head cut off in a big panic mode because the government finally called them on their continued poor
business practices over the years and in order for the VPs and other higher managers to keep recieving their overpriced salaries and benefits
they are trying to solve these problems immediatly on the backs of the hard working claims staff. I contribute in a very meaningful way to this
divisions priorities by working over my lunches, coffee breaks (just like everyone else does but the company continues to turn a blind eye to this)
and working very hard all day long doing more work than is reasonably capable for anyone to do in a sustained fashion. By the virtue that I come
in to work every day with a sense of hope in getting something meaningful done before the companies poorly devised procedural barriers take
over indicates I contribute greatly .
These questions are written so that if you disagree with something, it falls on your manager as the bad guy.
These are my contributions to my department based on the Corporate Strategy: Improve Value and Service for Customers: - My customers are
plaintiff counsel's office and defendants. I try to do my best and work with the requests I receive and provide a good relationship with them by
addressing the needs that arise. - Maintain Financial Stability. When making payments, I take extra time and effort to make sure payments are
accurately made and no duplication done. - Focused Operational Excellence To keep me focused, I use the Five S methodology. It helps me stay
focused and be productive which brings results to my performance. -Aligned People and Business Capabilities: Moving into the Department
where I enjoy my work, challenges my skills to learn more and thrive for achievement.
There seems to be no plan or direction -Problems and issues are dealt with in a band aid approach with a temporary solution- not a long term fix
so the issues keep re-occurring over and over. -Streams do not talk to each other and make decisions that affect other streams with no
consultation whatsoever I am not sure how I contribute to the divisional and Corporate strategy because I cannot see a definitive plan laid out.
There seems to be a huge difference in what the corporation is saying and what is being done. We are constantly being told the corporation is
customer focused but nothing could be further from the truth. Our customer service has eroded rapidly over the last few years and will continue
to do so if the corporation continues to focus only on cost cutting measures. There is very little I can do in my day to day job to contribute to my
divisions priorities and corporate strategy when the corporation is saying one thing and doing another.
there is no clear strategy or direction in anyway. staffing, claims future state, etc.
There is no clear direction
There is a disconnect between the levels of management and teh working level
the workload is far too great for any of us to have the time to even try to understand about division's priorities and corporate strategies. We've
asked our manager for direction in helping us to prioritize but, to date, we have not received that direction.

The upper management in this company has done nothing but cause a chaotic work environment. they say one thing but want you to do
something else. morale has been lower than i have ever seen it. there are managers in place who should never have been put into their
The timeliness, accuracy and volume of work that is completed by the Claims Administrative department is counted on by our colleagues, by our
claims customers and by our business partners. There is a trickle-down impact on these customers when work is not done properly or on time:
We see greater frustration and increased complaints and enquiry calls when work starts to fall behind. Even one piece of work that is overdue
can have a great cost: If the customer does not feel like they are a priority, they may turn to legal representation to protect their interests, so I
think timely, effective and targeted support in the areas that are important to our customers is crucial.
The strategies change so often, it's difficult to keep up.
The standards set this year are so high as to be unattainable. Many staff cannot physically meet the requirements set out in the Performance
Management by the management team.
The speed at which i handle calls helps the over all efficiency of the company and improves customer satisfaction
The question "I understand the intent of ICBC's Code of Ethics" is open to interpretation - currently it appears the intent is to enable the
Corporation to find grounds to dismiss employees.
The priority right now seems to just do what we can....we are so far behind and the customers are significantly impacted with wait times and
follow up.
The priorities and strategies laid out by upper Management do not translate well to those of us in the field. Our job is to assist our Customers
and Policy Holders and since the introduction of ClaimCentre, we have come across nothing but road blocks in trying to do just that.
The only reason I did not indicate the highest possible score in the previous screen is because even though I know why we do what we do or are
asked to do what we do and how to do it, it is next to impossible to do our jobs properly and efficiently in the absence of more people to help
with the incredible amount of work that keeps piling up.
The only priority in my department appears to be settling injury claims. There is no priority or importance put on good investigation and
management of a claim file.
the mantra is 'settle claims' with no regard or consideration as to what is needed to get to that point. we have a new system that is not making
things simpler, but rather more complicated and it is creating a lot of stress on employees as pressure is put on claims staff, starting at the very
top and passed along down the corporate ladder
The main priority at this point in the claims division is settling claims. We hear this multiple times a day and get lots of emails about it. By settling
claims, I will contribute to this.
The lack of reporting from ClaimCenter makes it extremely difficult to manage our work. We are guessing that we are doing what we should be
doing. Performance plan targets are not measurable and the standards are not consistently applied across our division. For example, one area
of our division was rated meeting for customer service and another was not when neither met the provincial target.

The goals and targets are unobtainable due to the sheer volume and length of time it takes to do a claim now with the new system. The
Managers are supportive in someways but their hands are tied as well, they are so busy as well with the new system. In regards to the
Corporation their goals were the concerns of the staff but now it's like they don't care. How many surveys does it take to get things to improve
or change. In all the surveys nothing has changed. There is a misunderstanding as to what is a priority in our job now, customer service, phone
calls, new claims, and really what's the difference with a new assignment between "URGENT" and "HIGH" and "PRIORITY" what do you do first.
the expectations of staff doing my work are completely unreasonable. Given the volume of work, levels of required reporting and numbers of
claims assigned it is an impossible task.
The division's priorities are to ensure we do our best to contribute to customer satisfaction, and I try to help customers with any inquiry to the
best of my ability.
The demands of completing claims is not providing our customers with the service they deserve. When you are taking over 100 claims a month it
is impossible to give the service that myself as a customer would deserve.
The Corp's four pillars are not discussed on a day to day basis. We are too busy trying to settle claims for that.
the corporation's sets unrealistic goals
The corporation does not seem to be putting the customers first at this time. I do not understand the lack of customer service.
The best way I can contribute to the success of ICBC is by finding ways to get around the various policies that we have that have the effect of
preventing me from doing the best thing on a given file. The largest impediments I have in doing my job come not from claimants, Plaintiffs'
counsel, judges, doctors, or adjusters, but from ICBC claims managers and those above them.
Team work, helping my co-workers if they need extra help.
Supporting my adjusters to the best of my ability and completing tasks in a timely fashion.
Staffing issues and high absenteeism has resulted in a drastic change in my ability to contribute effectively to my division's priorities.
since the implementation of the current business model, i am a complete loss as to understand what the strategy actually is. business decision
have been made that increased the representation rate exponentially! centralization has caused thousands of dollars to be spent/ wasted by
paying out claims where police have suspicions, evidence goes against the claimant yet, icbc pays out the claim. centralization of all departments
has horribly effected our relationships with our customers and vendors. i am doing the best that i can....however, my attempts to work within an
ineffective and ill conceived business model effects my ability to perform my job and perform at my optimum.
settling claims
Settlements, it's all that matters. Everything else is secondary.
settle claims is the priority. I settle as many as I can.


Right now our division (claims) has a huge identity crisis. Five years ago I could tell you the number one priority was a positive customer
experience. Now, the volume makes a positive customer experience impossible. I am told that we are shifting focus from the customer to the
financial aspect of the business. But more than ever I see us making contrary and even reckless liability decisions and tort payments. Our breach
investigation and handling process serves neither the customer or the business. We need to just stop, take a deep breath, and get back to the
fundamentals of adjusting. We have somehow allowed the customers to take the role of a bully and we need to stop giving up our lunch money.
The customer is equal to the adjuster, not superior.
results orientation and leadership.
Record clear, concise and accurate information at FNOL. Able to determine injury claims as BI FCR to help reduce inflated injury claims or the
need to be escalated to BI adjuster. Confident in abilities to treat customers with fairness, understanding and compassion. Confident in adjusting
applicable claims at FNOL. Acceptance and ability to adhere to the constant changes to ICBC policy regarding claims adjusting.
quite simply i have come to the conclusion that i don't have time in the day to be concerned about corporate this and corporate that. in all my
years with ICBC i have never felt so overwhelmed with the work that comes in the door with no relief in sight. it is all about checking off boxes
and trying to make sure the chocolates don't fall off the conveyor belt. So we are asked about corporate strategies....I really don't care because
there is simply no time to worry about them.
-Put out offer, keep the diary tasks w/i 10 business day.
Pull from the top. One at a time.
providing great customer service & settling as many Total Losses as possible
providing excellent customer service to our policy holders and timely and courteous transactions with our vendors
Provide targets for me staff. Provide regular updates on my staff's performance. Try to streamline work processes.
provide oversight, leadership and direction over external counsel resources, seeking to provide capable legal services to claims division at the
lowest cost
provide FNOL customer service in claims in a fast & efficient way provide coaching to my unit
Provide excellent customer service / try to give each customer a clear understanding of our process - give the customer a good experience even
though they had to wait 20-30 sometimes 40 minutes on the line to get through to report a claim or call to ask a question about their claim
'Productivity' (settling claims) is very clearly the number one priority. I aim to settle at least 13 claims per month to stay on track for productivity.

Priorities shift and are poorly managed. The corporation does not appear to have a cohesive strategy.
Priorities seem to be whatever is driving the Managers bonus. Workload and doing the job right become 2nd to them making the biggest bonus
they can. Customer service is getting effected by staff have to make numbers instead of take care of the customer. And the higher up the chain
of command it just gets worse. Front line managers seem to be getting hammered by the next line to meet the bonus goal for their boss.
priorities is an overused word. currently EVERYTHING is called a priority, which makes it impossible for us to prioritize anything, thus adding the
stress and pressure of our jobs every day
Priorities are constantly changing so I contribute by showing up to work and doing what is asked of me for that day. I find it difficult to contribute
to the overall corporate strategy as it seems almost impossible to find a balance between the 4 measures. "Improve value and service for
customers, maintain financial stability, focused operational excellence, aligned people and business capabilities".
Priorities and corporate strategy are not clear so I do the best I can with the limited information I get.
Performance Plans are done too frequently. As a result, managers and staff find the process more cumbersome than valuable. Also, since
targets are usually not set until 4th quarter and appear in the performance plans as "TBD", it is impossible to measure results during quarterly
reviews. It also give the perception that the targets are manipulated based on the current results, and at times that the company is setting
people up for failure.
performance plans - too rushed, another list of things to do with no time to do them policies/procedures - changing so often it's difficult to keep
up. information is not shared from one group to another. strategic objectives - hadn't even heard of them until briefly referenced in skip
meeting last week
overworked, stressed, too many priorities. We can't maintain this workload
Our priorities, while seemingly well defined, don't reflect so on our performance reports. Goals aren't set or advised of until after the year
starts, and in some cases not until the year is almost over. We do our best to meet the ever changing priorities (which seem to be at the whim sometimes - of our Director rather than a Corporate goal) and in that regard, do a good job. It would be nice to have clear goals at the outset
Our number one focus is customer service, both internal and external. Affecting the customers' experiences through friendly, informative phone
inquiries helps to create that positive experience. Providing excellence through admin support to other staff members also ensures that we are
supporting both staff and customers to facilitate the claims process with Operational excellence.
Our division claims is very poorly run. Your targets come out went the year is nearly over and you tell your employees they have not met their
targets set late and some targets not achievable. Setting up the employees for failure. Very demotivating . With claim centre which is very
poorly implemented and rolled out and the system is clearly not worth the $400,000,000 the corporation has paid for.
Our department's workload is relentless. Our team is overworked and cannot keep up to the relentless pace. We are all suffering from
workplace burn out and we are all feelings the effects emotionally,mentally and physically. We need more staff and need time off claims to
handle our pending files. It feels like management doesn't care about the employees anymore and there is no appreciation for all the hard work
we do.

Our department is one of the most important central nodes that ensures the MD portion of our customers' claims goes forward smoothly. The
control of LOU costs and time delay often highly depends on our productivity.
Our department has regular monthly meetings and we discuss deficiencies within our area that can be improved upon or revised to positively
impact the corporation for business improvements. Our team is accountable for their performance on an individual and department level.
Employees support one another and get support from their reporting manager.
-on time to work/ breaks -multi task to get work done
Not really sure sometimes feels like I am pretty much just a number. I show up to work, do my job, help customers with their concerns and go
nice to have a not computer print out of what and a claims needs to look like ie: notes, if we discuss coverages, crs level in what format?
new procedures manual is essentially useless. so difficult to find out specific steps required to do what I need to do.
Never gets recognition from my mgr for my hard work. Only gets criticism when i do something wrong.
Need more direction/leadership in understanding the bigger picture of where Admin is going and how we are going to get there. Need an
Admin Business Plan with goals that we can refer to to keep on track
My work ethic keeps me focused on corporate priorities and strategies. Without this, my engagement here would be zero percent towards
obtaining these objectives.
My work contributes to this division's efforts to meet corporate objectives and divisional priorities, including containing BI costs and reducing
legal spend per NOCC.
my understanding is, we do the admin work to forward the claims towards closure/settlement
My tasks help my superiors analyze files efficiently and try to arrive at the most cost-effective outcome for the claim.
My reporting area is focused on alignment with our corporate goals and objectives. I have a clear understanding of our team's strategies and
priorities for the year and am cognizant of how I contribute to our success.
My priorities are to reinforce solid adjusting practices, control costs and productivity, i.e. claim settlements. I deliver Corp messages and
priorities to staff. I address performance. I assist with work functions. I deal with Hr issues when they arise.
My overall work performance/productivity appears to help keep the units average in check. A thinking out side the box approach helps to
provide a variety of perspectives when involved with solidifying challenging decisions. The ability to adhere , adapt and to overcome is a great
attribute to have attained while striving to be the number one insurance provider in the province of b.c.
my manager is new so not able to answer pertaining that
my input helps in maintaining financial stability by keeping to my targets and following the procedures set for the department.

My focus is addressing the customer's needs, the corporate strategy is about reducing costs
My efforts in managing litigation files and attempting to settle files earlier in the life of the file contributes to the overall of lowering BI Costs for
the company and reduction of rates for the policyholders.
My divisions priorities are like jello. They are all over the place, constantly moving and everything is chaotic. I true to do my best everyday
despite the management style.
My department's results are a key contributor to our overall strategy as it pertains to injury services (claims). Continued diligence and focus on
achieving these outcomes remains our key priority.
my department contributes to the divisional and corporate strategy with more closures and maintaining our strategies on the appropriate files.
My contribution to our divisions priorities and corporate strategy by considering the bigger picture how my actions and work impacts the "bigger
picture", and placing myself in the customers shoes with every customer interaction.
meeting or exceeding cycle times
Measures and targets should be included in Performance Plan at the start of the year, and not partway through the year, so that employees
understand what measures and targets are to be achieved. Marking employees "off track" or "not meeting" due to illness/injuries when
legitimately unable to work is not acceptable.
Measurements of divisional and corporate objectives are not clearly identified and defined until late in the year. Clear objectives and targets
need to determined and measured much sooner with the understanding that priorities and strategies can evolve and change.
many targets are not given to us until late in the year so to say we have objectives to work towards is questionable. also, we are told what
needs to be done, but not given the time or tools to get it done. Our workload is double and close to tripling using a new system that is more
cumbersome that the old system. And we are being told to close, close, close to get rid of the Legacy (paper) files and yet activities on claim
centre are escalated and become an issue when our manager gets those and needs to address why those are not being done.
Maintaining value and service for customers is a main focus working on the front lines. The other strategies fall nicely in line if maintaining
customers is met. Aligning people and business capabilities is still an area where ICBC does not adhere to. Sadly, it appears that people are
selected for some positions and held back from some position with ulterior motives in place - which will never be said, but it's apparent in many
cases. Keeping the issues of the union etc. in mind, there must be room to move and be a little flexible with this alignment.
Like most Claims employees I do my best to respond to customers to provide them with great service that confirms the value of the product they
have purchased, but these days are the toughest I have ever seen in this company. We are so lean, and just about everyone is so far behind it
makes that really hard to do, and that hurts.
Like many of my peers, I show up to work everyday hoping to provide the best service I can to our business partners and customers. We work
hard with our hands tied by red tape doing more with less (less people & less equipment)
leading a team to attain cost savings and enhace ICBC's professional reputation. working with other team leaders and my manager as a cohesive
unit towards yearly and long - term goals. development of strategies to create effcient processes.

Knowing what the strategies are and being able to fulfill them are not the same. Being provided the proper training and equipment to fulfill the
company goals would make a big difference.
knowing how to do my job properly by focusing on the priorities.
keeping up with pace
Keeping track of the monthly budget and key objectives allows me to see our progress.
Keeping healthy (mentally and physically) so I am at my desk ready to work. Making sure that I keep on top of procedures which are constantly
evolving. Reading the Hub
Keeping costs low/reducing costs Reviewing bills/invoices for accuracy/correct information Providing thorough customer service Keeping within
turn-around times
Keeping cost down on review of repair estimates and rentals.
Keeping BI costs down
Keep employees focused on the work they must complete each day and direct work so that we're meeting all cycle times. Look for new ways to
streamline the work and make ourselves more efficient.
i've only been given 20 minutes to complete this survey so have very little time to comment. and that 20 minutes included getting into my email,
finding and bringing up the survey. i find that very interesting.... if i am over 20 minutes, i'll be marked as 'out of compliance'.
It's hard to keep up with all the changes that have come about with Guidewire. I will be happy once we've been able to put together a manual
like the old claims procedures manual.
It's frustrating that the only focus is on settlement of claims. There is no time/direction given to actually work files. It's frustrating that
managers have NO IDEA how to work ClaimCentre from an adjuster level so they have no idea how it has impacted/changed our jobs. So when
they give direction they have no understanding what they are saying or how it impacts our job. There is also no understanding of how many
additional steps ClaimCentre now takes. In Legacy I used to write up a CL24 & admin used to data enter it all. Now I have to data enter all the
information myself & if the the person/medical practitioner/employer doesn't exist I have to complete a web form to get them added, so that I
can then go back & continue the data entry at another less convenient time.
It's difficult to know how my work, which for the most part now that Claim Centre has been implemented, consists of excessive time wasting
unproductive task completion, contributes to the division's priorities and corporate strategy unless that strategy is to destroy public insurance.
It seems that the corporate strategy is currently being undermined by the implementation of claim centre and the pressure that its issues are
putting on employees. Customer service is specifically going downhill because of the way the workload is being distributed in order to serve the
claim centre model.
It seems our division's priorities are getting through a call as fast as possible and making sure that the after call work doesn't take too long. As a
result I find myself working as fast as possible and not investigating things as completely as I like. Also as a new employee the priority was
getting our class onto the floor as fast as possible so there are several systems that we are using (black screens) that I still do not understand and
as a result don't use when I should.


It is unclear to me since i have moved to GCS whether my focus should be on settling claim or dealing with actually adjusting claims to
settlment.... there are two people on our team that solely deal with settlements... am i being evaluated based on setltlements? i never have time
to actually do settlements nor am i ever on the settlement desk. It has never been explained what is expected of us.
It is impossible to answer this without risking loss of anonymity, however I believe firmly that the following must be understood and feel no
need to hide. 1) My team provides the same services to multiple divisions yet we are organized beneath one of the divisions we support. The
services we provide -- and I as a part of that -- contribute to multiple divisional priorities. Furthermore, we contribute to these divisional
priorities in an indirect manner. That is, our support makes it possible for the divisions to meet their priorities, but these priorities are very
much removed from our day-to-day activities by the disparate nature between our work and the work of the divisions we support. 2) My team
merely provides suggestions to the areas we support, and as such does not contribute at all when our work is discounted or dismissed. This is an
unfortunate reality because the responsibility to produce results in regard to the essence of our work actually lies with the area we support.
Since the nature of our work is complex, it easily misunderstood by the supported area and is often set aside in face of competing interests or
agendas. I know how I contribute to the corporate strategy, however The Corporation does not. My team is incorrectly placed in the corporate
org structure, and as a result both the authorities and accountability of decisions resulting from our work is not aligned with corporate strategy
in the manner which would be most effective. Furthermore, the priorities of the division to which we report are not directly meaningful to the
nature of the work that we do.
It is hard to understand the corporate strategy with all the changes that have been going on and with the company not replacing people when
they leave the corporation. this is not a reflection on my manager as my manager doesn't even know what the company is gearing towards
It is hard to understand Corporate strategy when it is hard to understand who they go about their business in moving files from one adjuster to
the next without any apparent consideration for time loss to review the new file. The new claims system is not user friendly. Just look at the
average 10 minute plus wait tome to now get through to the help desk over procedure on the new system as an example. It was presented to us
that the system was to get rid of duplication as in the past we had to writ names and claim numbers on various forms. It has not achieved this
and in fact our work load has increased and so has the time to complete even simple tasks.
It is embarrassing how messed up this business is being run
It appears to me that the strategy is to see how fast this company can be run into the ground. I think we are on course.
It appears the priorities of the fnol team are to take calls as quickly as possible to reduce wait time and improve customer satisfaction. however
the result is a rushed call on many occasions which means customers are calling back to be given information that would/should have been given
the first time they called. Quantity is winning over Quality
In represented injury, we contribute to the financial results of the company by focusing on reducing severities and claims costs.
in our department i feel we are not acknowledged what so ever as we are such a small % of the entire division
In my view, contributions within CLS are obvious; I don't find this portion of the survey to be particularly enlightening or to have caused me to
reflect much on how the corporate strategy is implemented.


In my role as a senior injury adjuster, everything seems to be a priority. We are told that trials and mediation and reaching our 7.5 settlements
per month are a priority; however, if a physio calls our manager that becomes a priority as managers don't like getting those calls, for example. I
have asked on numerous occasions for a list of priorities in order of their importance and have received nothing. I feel as though I am a number
in this organization and all the corp cares about are my numbers at the end of the day. The corp is quick to let me know if something slipped
through the cracks or if a trial has gone sideways, but they fail to recognize the other 98% of my files that are handled well.
in my position we are measured solely by settlements and severities. if those numbers are good then nothing else matters.
Improve Value and Service for our Customers - front line access for the customers - help them the best we can or direct them to the correct
place for assistance Maintain Financial Stability - Use work time wisely, vett bills to ensure paying correct amounts, keep purchasing costs of
supplies down. Focused Operational Excellence - Minimal to no overtime offer. Working to find efficiencies within our new ClaimCentre
program. Aligned People and Business Capabilities - our team works hard to encourage being accountable, taking initiate and fostering team
I'm very on top of my work, I take my job seriously and feel I do contribute to my division's priorities and corporate strategy.
I'm in claims, doing my best to provide the best customer service to the customers. this new claim center system that was just implemented
takes us longer to take claims, longer after the call is finished.
I'm afraid at this juncture in my career I really don't know how what I do contributes to a Corporate strategy as I am not certain that their is one.
The division priorities do not seem to be focussed on early and economical resolution of claims.
If you consider answering customer service calls all day long then I guess that's how i contribute to my divisions priorities. If you consider how
unproductive claim centre system is then I guess I am contributing there as well. claim centre prohibits productivity because the system is not
designed to maintain work flow; it hinders it.
identify division priorities and keep team focused on these priorities
ICBC has made it extremely difficult to understand the changes. We are busy calling help desk and told yes they know it is a problem. they have
changed the HUB so that it is diffult to find anything you need. NO one seems to be very happy. It appears that we are now keeping a log of
open and closed files as they don't seem to understand how many files we are taking or how many we are settling. Just getting a file closed is a
huge hassle.... 20 minute waits on the help desk and the last week it seems to be getting worse. Had a better picture on what was going on
with old system. Check out the activities? Staffing levels are NOT appropriate and this is NOT good customer service
ICBC has lost its way. I remember when we got visits from VP's on a regular basis, including previous Presidents. We had at least quarterly
meetings to update and focus on the company direction, policies, etc. Now we have a poster in our office and passing reference in our EPM's
which I suspect little of any employees read because of the lack of connection to our day-to-day jobs and ability to influence same. It really feels
like there is no one with a hand on the tiller in this company anymore. No strategic choices. No pride in delivering a public service. Just one foot
in front of the other and dealing with whatever self-induced crises that employees must stick handle with the public. I have never felt so
disappointed and disheartened in my 16 years here.
iCBC has gotten away from their corporate strategies. No customer service anymore


ICBC corporate strategies are in-congruent with the reality of our operation. Our service as a company does not reflect that we are not operating
in the best interests of British Columbian's. Our ability to provide customer service sucks! Upper management seem to dis-regard or simply not
care about our ability to continue to succeed as British Columbia's preferred Auto Insurer. Corporate communications from the top down are
inconsistent with the business model and policies invoked. Our service is so hampered by limited numbers of trained staff and the multiple
administrative demands of our new "archaic"computer system that I no longer in good faith can recommend our products to friends or
customers. Any information we express as staff in the way of concern or questions around the logic of many of our new business practices are
dismissed. Such input is either, not heard by upper management, not communicated to them, or they simply upper management cares less. We
are beyond work load issues. The attitude of management is that if the work is distributed fairly, there is no work load issue. This badly flawed
approach in dealing with volume and customer service ques and issues undermines the viability of our operation. Any one who expresses
concern or constructive criticism is hushed by local management. Those few ideas that do get raised to the next level are dismissed. Minutes of
team meetings no longer reflect those concerns expressed in unit meetings. It would seem the emperor still believes he is wearing a beautiful
multi-coloured cloak and that all is well in his kingdom.
I write, maintain, review and update procedures on an ongoing basis. I communicate changes and business objectives to staff regularly. I
promote good work ethics and do my best to keep morale high.
I work within the claims division which is THE driving force behind priorities/strategy.My focus is on accuracy & providing the best service.
I work very hard every day to meet objectives and to excel where possible. I plan ahead, use the tools available to me, and work with my team.
I work very hard every day and put pride into my work. I ensure my customers are informed, treated well and receive very good/timely
customer service as best as I can given the heavy workload.
I work to complete the targets set out by my manager every month
I work hard to contribute to my division to keep things running smoothly. I'm not 100% sure about the corporate strategy, and can't list the 4
strategic objectives mentioned in the last section... I would have to open my performance plan to review them. Perhaps these should be
mentioned more so all employees can recite them and therefore keep them in mind at all time. It is important to me to contribute to the overall
success of the corporation.
I work hard everyday to assist customers and provide the best customer service I can. That said, it is becoming more difficult to provide good
customer service and I honestly believe that the corporation is no longer interested in contributing to customer satisfaction when there are so
many roadblocks in the way. The new system provides much, much less customer satisfaction than the legacy system. I also don't understand
why in the outlying claim centres we are all told we can do any work from any office, yet the corporation insists on hiring almost all new employs
from the lower mainland. This results in understaffed claim centres in abundance - some that have only 1-4 staff members who are expected to
do all reception and OA duties as well as their own. This is terrible customer service in my opinion that could be easily rectified by re-locating
some of the new positions around the province. Thank you for listening.
I work hard and take pride in the quality of my work.
I work hard and ensure an understanding of priorities and strategies as they change.
I work extremely hard to keep my customers informed and provided the best possible customer service to get their claim resolved

I work efficiently to process and pay the chiropractic medical reports we receive on a daily basis. My detail orientation and focused work habits
contribute to the team's priority on ensuring a mutually helpful relationship with suppliers.
I wish I could contribute to the maximum potential of my ability, however claims volume is too high.
I used to know what our corporate objectives are. Now, with the increased work load and staff shortages, it seems clear that customer
experience and employee experience are no longer of interest to the EE. I am pretty sure that executive bonuses are unaffected.
i understand we are trying to negate as many bia claims as possible to keep costs down
I understand the priorities and corporate strategies but I don't feel we are moving in a positive direction. If anything, we are moving backwards
with regards to customer service. Since ClaimCentre has gone live our customer service/business partner service has declined considerably. We
are under staffed and feel pressured by management to get work done that is not possible. We need more staff and need more training (for
some) with regards to how to work ClaimCentre.
I understand the importance of how my work contributes to the divisions priorities and the corp strategy. Unfortunately I have not been given
any targets and I am 75% through the year. I could accept this if it were just due to the new Claim Center system, however, last year was
basically the same. It makes it difficult to strive for targets when you don't know the target until the year is almost over. Secondly with the new
Claim Center system I am unable to accurately gather numbers to measure to see how I am doing.
I understand the corporate strategy, improving value for customers, financial stability, operational excellence and aligning people in the
corporation. I think the corporation is failing on the management side of things. There are some really exceptional managers in the corporation
who are knowledgeable and assist employees achieve the operational goals as set out in the performance plan. However, there are some
managers that just do not meet that criteria as their leadership skills are lacking.
I understand the corporate strategy and working provincially in the queues, it is still a work in progress until everyone is trained. My biggest
contribution is training other centres and my fellow employees tow invoices. Invoicing from the tow companies around the province seem to be
very different, conditions from roads, to paying tolls. It has come along way and I think paying bills provincially is working very well.
I understand the basic premise of how my role contributes to the overall goals and objectives of the company however recently there are so
many moving goal posts as to what is expected of me that I tend to get lost on how that has an impact on the company. From my perspective,
there seem to be too many changing priorities to allow me to be effective at my current job
I understand that we want to operate in a low cost manner but this strategy is being taken out of context and affecting our bottom line and
more importantly, our customers.Since the claimcenter roll out we have been suffering in all areas of business and yet we are doing nothing or
very little to get on track and address the problems/backlog. I see and hear that we are putting blame on our staff for poor results that are out of
their control. We have a computer system issue that is not being dealt with. We have a backlog issue that we are not putting enough overtime
towards which is resulting in unnecessary costs to the company and continued poor customer service issues.We are lacking poor business sense
in our decisions to deal with the issues at hand. In short, i believe we all are very clear on our divisions priorities and corporate strategy but we
all question upper management for failing to act on the issues that are impacting our success.


I understand that i need to provide good customer service in order to meet the goals of the Corporation and my division but i don't understand
how that is possible when we are getting more claims than we can keep up with on a regular basis. I would understand if we just had to deal
with a sudden spike in claims but this has been an ongoing issue ever since we started in Claim Centre. Since the Corporation is not addressing
this issue, then i am not certain how good customer service is still the goal of the Corporation.
i understand priorities and strategies, however, with the new systems, i'm feeling for our customers, and vendors with the delays
I understand my role and my unit's role supports the corporate plan and in doing so assist with the division's priorities and corporate strategies.
This is accomplished by unit meetings, one on ones, explaining how we can manage increasing bodily injury claims at FNOL.
I understand my divisions priorities and corporate strategy, although I have a hard time believing that the corp REALLY strives to excel in regards
to the fine details that will achieve results. As a long time estimator, I find that our current way of doing business is more about us justifying our
jobs as we offload the work to the shops. Estimators are busier than ever, yet the actual work required is not reflective of the actual work
completed.....our processes are extremely cumbersome and redundant. Our Customer Service is at an all time low (I don't care what the
numbers say) as I have been receiving more complaints that ever. I have been here for 17 years, and have never forwarded any of my customers
to the make a formal complaint. I now receive complaints for issues that I have no control over and find it necessary to give my customers my
readily available "Complaints" phone number...very sad indeed.
I understand how my division contributes to the corporation's bottom line but our department once had a prominent role in the four pillars of
the corporation but has now dropped from the strategy and it is unclear where our department stands in the overall corporate strategy. This is
by no means a reflection of my manager's efforts to clarify our role in the corporate strategy, we just haven't been provided with an significant
information with how our department fits with the corporate strategy.
I try to settle as many claims as I possibly can each month, as it is clear that this is a divisional priority. Although I have been able to achieve
the divisional targets , this comes at the expense of not being able to keep up on other work due to the large caseloads and complexity of some
of the files.
I try to provide customer service to my customers but I am not given the 'time' to do so - this is contrary to focusing on the customers and what
matters to them - FNOL's timely process is very questionable, their timing and quality of handling is not up to reasonable expectations The new
Guidewire System has not improved our operations --- it is not a user friendly system, it is not conducive to insurance for motor vehicles only - it
has not been worked through its kinks before being rolled out to the Lower Mainland -- it has been active for 10 months now and it is still too
kinked -- there is no logical flow to it for handling a customer's claim- more time is spent on trying to click to get the system to accept the
handling than there is on adjusting a claim As an employee I am not feeling vital to advancing the Corporation's strategies - told to hang on, it'll
get better, one file at a time, don't worry so much about outstanding tasks.....and then called to the mat on them
I try to keep as current as possible on my files and liability. It is very difficult with the workload we have right now.
I try to inform the customer of all the necessary details, and potential questions that they may have in advance in order to avoid the customer
having to call back on their claim. I try to take the calls in a timely manner to lower the wait time in the queue.
I try to follow the policies and procedures that have been estalished for my work, but communication and support could be improved so I have a
clearer understanding of objectives and the tools I need to achieve them.


I try to contribute to my divisions priorities and corporate strategy however, work volume prevents my ability to successfully achieve this.
Further, I am unable to successfully achieve the number of settlements required or expected of me due to the un-maintainable case load I have
been shouldered with nor am I able to feel satisfied in the quality of the work I do given time constraints and the day to day administrative
functions we are now expected to incorporate into our job such as approving invoices on litigated files.
I try to contribute to my division's priorities and corporate strategy by settling claims in a fair, timely and ethical manner while dealing with time
consuming, cumbersome , duplicative and highly bureaucratic processes.
I try my best to complete the work, and work priorities and within my department timelines. I feel there is unrealistic pressures and find it
stressful being pulled in so many directions with each task being a priority.
I try and work as hard as I can to meet the constant and ever changing goals (otherwise known as 'hoops and loops')the corporation sets. The
goals are not customer focused or employee focused, rather bonus driven by management.
I try and bring my "A" game to work each day, recently with the changes I find it hard to show the same perseverance I am not alone in this, it is
evident in all levels the employee engagement is constantly deteriorating
I treat my customers fairly and with respect as I always have. Many people enter our building totally confused. We are trying our best to learn
the new system which is very complicated.
I think its ridiculous that an employer feels they have a right to dictate who a grown adult can associate with outside of the workplace . I think
removing water filter coolers from claim centers was a poor decision that affects workers and customers .
I think if you come to work everyday to work.. everything else...all your numbers and everything will reflect that and work out.. as for knowing
how I contribute to my division priorities/corporate strategy...etc.. no..not a clue.
i take personal responsibility over my work, and to that end take pride in doing the best job and being available for my customer. the
corporations corporate strategies and guidelines however restrict my ability to be a service to my customers.
I supervise the admin staff. As first contact and advocates for our customers, the admin staff helps our customers work through the often
confusing world of insurance. Addtional information to one of the statements above - I find the information sources provided by the company
to be poorly organized. The inforamtion is there, but finding it is a challenge.
I suggest ideas and strategies to both the field and my manager in addition to my actual job duties. I provide a needed role and as such make a
needed contribution to my Department and Corporation.
i strive to provide the best customer service possible however it appears that customer service has been thrown to the wind by our
implementation of claim centre. very poor training was provided and no thought regarding wait times for customers and there rustration with
being tossed from one claim centre to another.


I strive to provide excellent customer service while ensuring corporate policies and procedures are followed and that our business partners are
using sound and economical decisions while servicing our mutual customers. I take all opportunities to help educate our business partners
regarding changing and evolving policies and procedures. I help enforce and document our corporate policies and procedures with our business
partners to ensure fiscal responsibility and quality of service to our customers and report business partner performance to other divisions.
I strive to give prompt service with accurate information and still remember to be as fiscally responsible as possible.
I strive to do my job to the best of abilities, provide the positive spirit we expect in retun
I strive to contribute to my division's priorities and the corporate strategy, however due to an unmanageable caseload, I feel I am not able to do
I stay up to date with the constant changes within my department and within claims.
I stay focused on hitting my monthly targets and staying withing the Corporate guidelines when dealing with my claims.
I show up to work happy to be here at ICBC and I strive everyday to do the best job that I can do and be the most positive person that a
Customer is going to deal with.
I show up everyday on time, work hard for longer than I should, working through coffee and often lunch and all I get is contempt and derision
from the management of this company who is in denial about the workload issues and an new claim centre program that is wholly lacking. The
managers recruited are lacking the experience to understand the complexity of the job I do, and thus are unable to assist in an efficient manner.
the corporate strategy completely ignores the input from the front line staff so of course it does not make sense, and I don't think the managers
even bother trying to explain it. The managers are overworked and also under appreciated so you will never recruit the knowledgeable staff into
this role with the carrot of a 70 hour work week.
I settle unrepresented injury claims fairly to minimize rep risk and claims costs
I settle many claims. Pay out the big bucks and get files settled
I report to work on time, and take my breaks on time, so that I don't affect my department, as Compliance is a HUGE priority. Working my
assigned work as quickly and efficiently as I can.
I recognize that main responsiblity is always to settle and close as many files as possible and asses the risk and attempt to resolve the losses
I receive conflicting messages from the corporation, management, and supervisors about what my priorities should be. For example, I receive
instructions from management on how to work more efficiently (eliminating steps / processes), then my supervisor writes in my performance
review that I lack attention to detail for incomplete work. I'm told to do things to work faster, then punished for following these instructions and
told that I lack "critical thinking". It is frustrating and demoralizing.
I really don't know if I do contribute. I spend hours reviewing and quantifying and discussing a file only for my opinion to be dismissed by
management who has looked at the file for 10 minutes.
i really do not understand where the company is going. I think we have lost our way and the company does not care about the customer or the
employees. I use to LOVE my job not so much not. I cannot wait until 4:00 to leave.

I provide information to help others make decisions.

i provide good customer service
I provide excellent customer service.
i provide excellent customer service, listen to their concerns.
I provide excellent customer service and complete tasks as time effectively as possible, given constant disruptions from phone queue.
I process estimates, reviewing for accuracy and correcting errors as necessary. Corporate strategy for cost control and fairness to business
partners etc does not come in to play as staffing issues create a constant problem with doing the job correctly or just getting the job done.
I prepare my work to align with the priorities of the division, and corporate strategy; however, to ensure I have remained on track, I utilize the
services of a subject matter expert (SME) assigned to me, peers to review my work, and a business review group. Before my work is finalized, I
work to ensure that it represents the company.
I personally feel that I can contribute to my divisions priorities by providing excellent customer service to the customers that call in as we are on
the front lines and we want our customers to have a good experience when they call the corporation. I also feel that by completing tasks in a
timely manner allows the adjusters to work on their claims in a timely manner which works towards the overall financial stability of the
I pay attention to turn around times/ vendor cuts offs etc while keeping the customer service as a priority
I not only meet the standards, i go beyond expectations
I no longer know how I contribute to ICBC's strategy -- I dont even know what our strategy is any longer. It is certainly not a stragegy that focuses
on the interest of the customer or the employee.
I no longer have any idea what my division's priorities are, nor do I know what the corporate strategy is.
I need to know what day you are referring to. Like this survey, strategies change to suit the mood and bonus requirements of senior executive.
I monitor progress daily on our achievements.
I monitor and self manage my work. I check my performance and monitor my goals daily/monthly and check them against departmental goals .
I try to do the best I can do but it never seems good enough for my department/management. Targets sometimes humanly impossible to
achieve, no matter how hard I work.
I manage my team to provide focus on the key and core objectives to ensure that we are successful. I provide my team with information about
their performance personally and the team as well as the importance of working together as a team will help us better succeed. Information and
understanding that information as well as reiterating the focus is all key and that is how I contribute to our priorities and strategy. Core
competencies are always involved in this process as well. Myself and my staff understanding the business and risk are extremely important. I
encourage open communications and discussions within the team.
I make sure my daily tasks assigned to me are finished.
I make every effort to complete my calls in a timely manner but my main focus is on providing excellent customer service and explaining the
claim process so the customer understands the process. Thus, an informed customer is less likely to be calling back.

I make customer service a priority. the corporation does not.

I maintain costs on my files. I provided service for customers
I look to support offices within my area then division taking on their work whenever needed and as the focus changes.
I look forward to the future of the Corporation, as I will embrace Guide Wire and learn Claim Center with open mindedness and optimism. I will
be supporting the 2014 Strategy Improve Customer Perception Goal. As a Front End Bodily Injury adjuster I represent the Corporation in a
professional and courteous manner. I have improved Customer Experience and perception of value by consistently providing an informative,
transparent and personalized hassle-free experience I believe that from the initial contact with my customers is the first time that I can use my
Insights training (the 4 colours) to communicate effectively with a customer and when I meet them in the face to face interview, I will be
prepared and communicate with them on their level or colour. I attempt to show ALL customers that I care and Involve them in the process
and final decisions and build a rapport with them early on in the claim.
I look for ways to improve efficiencies, look for ways to go the extra distance for the customer, be as accurate as possible
I know what is expected - always have , problem is the messages from the top ( not my immediately superior manager- they are told what to do
as well are misleading, transitory , appear knee- jerk, overt examples of micromanaging, not based in my opinion on a good understanding of the
insurance business in BC. The 4 pillars reference customer and employee . Neither group is being well -served . Company has lost direction, lost
what we were put here to do. I could go on but I see no point.
i know only due to the length of time employed with the corporation.
i know i play a huge role in my department's goals and priorities, but as to how, i do not know. i just know that when i come to work everytime, i
have to do my best everyday to help my customers and the corporation.
I keep my head down, keep quit and do my work
I keep focused on my tasks, improve my knowledge while working.
I keep doing the work required as expeditiously and thorough as possible, even though the amount of work assigned is far too much for any one
individual to handle. In the past few years, workload has increased by 50%.
I help ensure effective management of defence to lawsuits, which assists in quicker resolution of cases for their fair value.
i have worked hard to assist my peers with our day to day challenges unfortunately there has been a large number of activities that have been
created that had no formal training specific to what each finite detail is to look like, payments is only one example of how everyone was told
don't worry about payments because that was to be centralized, details were given on how to pay but not what to look for when the request
fails. needless to say it feels like we have been taking one step forward and two steps back.
I have received very little communication over the past 2 years as to what our division's priorities really are. I believe our priorities are focused
on settlements, but am not really sure. I have been advised of certain tasks that I must carry out in order to meet my performance expectations.
Also, although it has not been communicated to me verbally, it is seems fairly clear from the actions of department management, that the
priority of the division is definitely not in the regional areas of BC, but is central in the lower mainland. As well, although I have not been advised
of this personally, it seems that our jobs, in this division anyways, will be coming to an end in the not too distance future. I believe there is a lack

of communication from upper management as to what the corporate strategy is with respect to the regions.

I have no idea what the priorities are around here any more. The way this place is run, I have no choice but to conclude that the providing
service and value to our clients certainly is not a priority. I get the feeling that the only priority for this company is to provide a cash flow to the
government in Victoria. My contribution is that I answer the phone and basically take the crap from the very angry clients who have been
waiting for days to get through. If there is any leadership in this company, you would not know it. The Summer of 2014 was "THE SUMMER OF
SHAME". I am ashamed of this company and the lack of leadership.
I have no idea what the corporate strategies are. I do know that they are not about customer service anymore.
I have no idea what our Corporate "strategy" is. sending out an email and expecting us to read it but not giving us time to read, review and
question is not an effective way to communicate information
I have no idea how I contribute. I can barely keep my head above water.
i have no idea any more what my job description is. it seems as if every one now is confused about there job description and things just get
passed on.
I have attended the quarterly updates regarding the corporate strategy and have a fairly good understanding of what that means. Regular
meetings within the division help me to understand the priorities for my division.
i give good customer service

I fullfill my job responsibilities to the best of my ability however with the new system and all the extra work it has created and the fact that we
keep hiring people with no insurance background or experience but they have a degree I find myself cleaning up other peoples messes on a
regular behalf for our customer sake. There is no accountability yet I am supposed to follow certain guidlines and be responsible yet not
everyone is doing the same thing. as a company we waste so much money on towing and towyards and storage fees that are not tracked
adequately and it seems to be okay. we have now told our insureds that anyone can claim injury which has gotten way out of control. it has
opened the floodgates for fake claims and I find it disgusting that is the direction that our company is going in. I think the people that make the
decisions should actually try visiting some of the different departments and seeing what is going on and the common trends and breakdowns
and that we are not going in direction that makes sense to many of the employees including myself. I will still try to do my best and support
however it is a constant challenge as my day to day job role has become someone that cleans up messes as a result of lack of experience or
training that new employees have but I do it for the customer.
I follow proper outlines and met the targets set.
I focus on settlements, makinf fair and reasonable offers
I find the Employee Performance Reviews a waste of time, most of it is based on subjective opinions of your manager and based on unattainable
Corporate set goats. The only use they serve is to allow your Manager to criticize your performance.
I feel what I do is important and I feel that I'm good at what I do. However, there is a HUGE disconnect between upper management and the
regular folk. Our division's priorities and corporate strategy are only something that would be discussed through our direct manager. To me, it
feels like upper management is not on the same page with the managers -much less me. Yet we may have the same goals ultimately. I guarantee
my managers' manager doesn't know exactly what I do and how my job works, in yet that same person dictates things that directly affect me
and how my job done. To me, that doesn't make a lot of business sense. Direct managers need more power to change what make business
i feel the only way i contribute is by doing the work load of two people. sooooo much work, too little time.
I feel that we have freedom in my department to make decisions that affect our insureds and stake holders in a positive manner. And in doing
so, we make an impression that we truly care about our policy holders and owners of our shops we deal with on day to day basis.
I feel that the corporation gives mixed messages. They tell us to keep settlement severities down but push us for settlement numbers, which in
turn forces us to over pay on claims. The goal should be severities and settlements will come as a result of it.
I feel that my workload is too high and directly and negatively impacts my ability to achieve targets set for me. I am not able to meet targets
despite exhaustive efforts.
I feel that I work very diligently every day to assist the Corp in achieving our goals and strategy as set out. In order to do so it requires alot of my
time which I am happy to do however recognizing that we are often pulled in several directions at one time can make it challenging to say the
I feel like the best way that I can contribute to my division's priorities and corporate strategy is to stay current with any changes that come
through. I continue to be flexible/understanding as the work flow has been changing constantly since introducing Claim Center.


I feel I don't at all. I am on the bottom and my "opinions" good or bad do not matter. With this new "system" I have become immune to feeling
anything much less "contributing" to the success of "my division"
I evaluate, negotiate and settle claims
I ensure that my adjusters focus on productivity - that is the main focus in everything that I currently do. I use corporate strategies such as Bulk
Settlement meetings and Offer Logs and Settlement Challenges to help drive the productivity.
I ensure that I apply the customer centric lens to my work and recommendations.
I don't understand
I don't really know what the corporate strategy is.
I don't know my division priorities so don't know how I contribute to them
I don't feel I do contribute to my division's priorities. The division's priority seems to be monetary in nature only, in addition to appeasing what
the new computer system "instructs us to do". There seems to be no regard for customer service, which, especially as a Crown Corp., you would
think would be a priority. The push is more to "getting rid of files" than it is to provide a service. The company has spent an armoured truck load
of money on an outdated computer system, that only makes actually doing your basic job functions all the more difficult & time-consuming.
There is a reliance on doing "what the computer system tells you to do" on a daily basis, as opposed to what is really needed to do your job. The
customer has suffered, but the company continues to only find ways to get rid of files, and not find ways to assist the customer. We have also
not seen any 'corporate strategy' to help fix things. Instead, there is a corporate-wide "contest" that has just been put into place, whereby the
unit that has got rid of the most files on a monthly basis, receives a free Subway lunch. So, customer service has plummeted, and this is the
'corporate strategy'? Call me crazy, but for a billion dollar company, does this sound like a good strategy?? We have no confidence that upper
management has the public's interest in mind. ICBC used to be a very good system, over any private system, but now, with the direction the
company has taken with the way they do business, I cannot vouch for us anymore.
I don't completely understand how I can contribute to the corporate strategies when they seem to conflict with any kind of applicable work plan.
I'm told that customer service is important and yet there is never enough time to help people or even returns calls because of the level of
workloads put on adjusters.
I don't believe that division's plan for the future has in any way been explained and we all try to get the work done guessing about what the
future holds
I do what needs to be done to keep this workplace going, ignoring my job profile.
I do what is expected of me as noted in the Performance Plan.


I do what is asked of me, but there are competing objectives that do not go hand in hand. Promises by upper management of realistic caseloads,
getting back to basics, etc are consistently made and then broken. There is a mixed message about the corporate objective, on the one hand we
are expected to manage a corporate wide problem of BI costs, but then we are not given the tools to do it. We are expected to make certain
numbers, without even knowing what they are for 3/4 of the year. The numbers focus does not allow us to actually be strategic in our file
handling. I work very hard to keep my head above water, but I feel quite strongly that all I am doing is ensuring that someone above me receives
their bonus (short term), rather than working towards a long term goal of solving the BI cost crisis.
i do the best i can to over come the built in obstacles of work load and the new claim center program to keep up and provide the best quality of
service and financial over sight that is possible under these onerous circumstances.
I do not know what the priorities and strategies are. The targets are constantly changing and they are not given to us until the end of the year
and it is too late to do anything about it. Also the criteria on which we are measured to determine if the targets are met are things that are
beyond our control. On several occasions were have been given targets that we were told we would not achieve...how does that add to the
priorities and strategy of the corporation?
I do not know what the Corporate Strategy is, nor do I know what my division's priorities are.
I do not have a clear understanding of the corporate strategy.
i do not feel the corporate strategy and the actions of the senior management are related.. most of the actions and strategies from senior
management that i am ordered to do are counterproductive to the strategies
I do not feel that the new corporate strategy has been adequately delivered to front end managers so we can apply it functionally
I do not feel that my contributions are valued at all.
I do my very best to make the company successful and meet our targets and I know the team around me does the same.
I do my very best to engage people to contribute to providing the best service that they can to the motoring public of BC, whilst ensuring that
our corporate objectives are fully realized.
I do my job to the best of my ability but am constantly fighting to provide good customer service because the resources needed to provide that
service are not available. We have 15 adjusters and only 3 estimators who are consistently 2 weeks before they are able to approve a repair. I'm
sure our customers LOVE waiting. Our Admin tasks are consistently 1-2 week or more behind. this is mainly since the new Guidewire system
came out.
I do my best with the time I have. The new claim system is extremely time consuming to properly meet its demands, which takes me away from
helping my customers. The high volume of claims to work vs. the time we have to work them negatively affect our goals. Simply put, we do not
have time to meet the corporate strategy.
I do my best with the info/instructions provided for each task.
I do my best to understand procedures and incorporate them into my job to deliver excellence in adjusting. However, this last year has been a
time of extreme transition at Telephone Claims, and has been very poorly managed in the new claims program implementation. I am very very
disappointed with the lack of training we adjusters received and the expectations delivered to us with no procedures. It has been a very hard
year at Telephone Claims.

I do my best to contribute to the corporate strategy. Unfortunately the volume and workload as of late and interferes with my ability to
contribute as well as I'd like.
I do my best to be efficient, to be mindful of our budget, and to be a positive spokesperson for the Corporation.
I contribute to the priority of my division by attempting, even though the Corporatiion is making it very difficult, to work to help our customers
during a time of need. To me, that's what's important, not strategies and others priorities. If it happens to help the Corporation then that's great
but customer service is what I'm working for and, I'm hoping, so are the others in my division
I contribute to the priorities and strategy by being one of the support and training divisions that ensures corporate policies are applied correctly
and where necessary training is made available across a broad spectrum of topics.
I contribute to the best of my abilities and work time to achieve to meet our division's priorities
I contribute to our division's priorities by ensuring my staff know which direction we are headed in, how we are going to get there and what
needs to be done at their level to help us achieve success.
I contribute to our Division priorities and the Corporate strategies by by actively participating in the day to day operations of our department
and by providing support and feedback to fellow staff. In addition I will solicit feedback from fellow staff as required to ensure I fulfill my duties
and obligations to the best of my ability.
I contribute to our corporate strategy by being as kind and helpful and supportive to our customer as I possibly can even when the customer is
very unhappy.
I contribute to my organization's mission by upholding the integrity of my work through transparency, collaboration, and being accountable for
my results.
I contribute to my division's priorities, and corporate strategy by continually monitoring the progress of these strategies, staying positive that if
we move all together in the same direction, that we will achieve the corporate goals.
I contribute to my division's priorities by setting priorities on a daily, weekly, monthly basis. Provide continued support for adjusters/co-workers
in the Claims Centre. Working as a team to help cover areas that require immediate/further assistance. Provide a high standard of customer
service by being courteous, respectful and showing empathy for all walks.
I contribute to my divisions priorities by following procedure, thinking outside of the box and finding a solution that suits the needs of the
customer as well as the business
I contribute to my divisions priorities by embodying the customer service aspects of our corporate strategy during my conversations with policy
holders to manage risk on injury claims.
I contribute to my division's priorities by being engaged while at work, focusing on the task at hand and being a team player.
I contribute to my division's priorities and corporate strategies by doing my work and trying to stay current in my work. However, it is difficult to
be successful in this regard due to the large workload that is compounded on employees on a daily basis. Because of this workload and
conceived non-support from managers, a lot of employees in my division are 'not meeting' their current objectives and those who are meeting
their objectives, are being given more work as a type of performance punishment. I can only do what I can to stay current and to provide the
best customer service that I can with the resources that are available to me and I strive to do that every day.

I contribute directly by helping ensure that my team knows how their work fits in to the corporate strategy. Further, my role is to anticipate how
our work priorities need to shift in order to align better to the corporate strategy. This is especially so where there are choices in how we do our
work or what we focus our attention and time on.
I contribute by working to the best of my ability with my skills and the tools given to me and try to settle as many files as I can with the law firm I
deal with.
I contribute by working quickly to ensure work is completed on time and on schedule
I contribute by trying to settle as may claims as I can.
I contribute by showing up for work each day with a positive attitude, and prepared to put in an honest days work. I try not to let the office and
corporate negativity affect my work ethic. I bring honesty, trust and integrity to work each day
I contribute by reducing the wait times of TL settlements
i contribute by implementing strategies to effectively deal with targeted law firms
i contribute by coming to work every day and doing my job!! :)
I contribute by being present and doing the best work I can do.
I contribute by aligning myself with divisional priorities, and by ensuring there is a free flow of information to my staff, and that there is an open
door to discuss any items they wish to discuss. I also stress accountability as being a major part of the job.
I continue to do the best job every day I sit at this desk to ensure Salvage meets or exceeds the corporate expectations
I concentrate on my own desk, and not what everyone else is doing.
I complete my work in as timely a manner as possible, while doing my best to be fair and financially responsible.
I come in and do my work to the best of my abilities
I come in and do my job to the best of my ability.
I believe my work helps to lower costs to ICBC.
I attempt to provide the best customer service to the insured while working within the departments policies & procedures.
i attempt to do my job of settling claims within guideline of severity and risk analysis, given the climate of heavy workload issues
I assist adjusters in all their adminstrative tasks and ensure tasks are done in a timely manner. My work requires attention to detail as very
important information and correspondence is mailed to our customers.
I assign myself more than the minimum tasks in ClaimCenter on a daily basis and I complete them prior to their due dates.


I as an employee know my role within the company. I contribute to my division's priorities and corporate strategy by completing my tasks and
activities in a timely manner, and asking questions where/when necessary.
I arrive to my desk on time and perform the work I was hired to do in a professional and efficient manner. My knowledge, experience, work
product and work ethic all contribute to my division's success.
I approach every task that I'm faced with excellence, and with the intention of customer satisfaction, and fiscal responsibility, however, current
excessive workload, and lack of operational streamlining makes for dis-jointed process and poor customer satisfaction, as well as fiscal waste.
I am very flexible and willing to work on different initiatives in the Transformation Project.
I am unable to repeat what the corporate strategy is... so I am not able to comment.
I am told my work is intended to help and support claims, but claims is an exceptionally messed up group with horrible leadership, mixed
messaging and an a lack of trust and understanding. I believe our present leadership, claims people who made highly questionable decisions
when i worked along side them on the 'front lines', are simply making decisions to support personal agendas and appear in line with those above
them. We are a weak entity right now with authoritarians not leaders - driven by numbers and measures and forgetting we are people. Our
Pres said it best, we are just Human Capital...
I am successful at meeting my individual year-end targets thus directly contributing to my team's success.
i am so frustrated. i do not understand how the company can expect so much of each employee. they have set every employee up to fail at
keeping current and feeling like we contribute in any substantial way. the only thing i understand is that the corporation wants more and more
and is not willing to give us the tools the acheive success. get more staff!!!!!! then we will have time to do our jobs properly
I am shocked that targets are added to our EPM in the last half of the year. How can you give a target in October and expect that it be achieved?
I am not allowed to build relationships with suppliers, or any of the vendors that we deal with. It is obvious to me that the people who are
directing us have never been in business for themselves. Any successful company becomes this way from relationship building. I do not
understand the direction we are given.
I am not able to contribute to my division's priorities and corporate strategy as my division is overworked and understaffed.
I am just a number to the whole corporation. I do my best and it makes no difference & no one cares.
I am here, trying to do my job. However my job has changed considerably with the introduction of Claimcenter. I am now required to more
admin tasks and data entry tasks instead of adjusting claims. I am not sure how this is contributing to my division's priorities and corporate
strategy when it is now taking me longer to do everything I need to do on each file. How does one service customers when I'm busy trying to do
admin tasks and data entry when these were not required of me previously.
I am here for my shifts and on time. I work to the best of my ability everyday.
I am friendly on the phone with my customer's to ensure we are building a good rapport with customer. I am focused on my AHT to ensure time
I am expected to do my job - no matter what - there is no corporate recognition for doing it well.


I am dedicated employee who barely misses a day of work. Unfortunately, with the excessive workloads and unrealistic expectations of the
corporation, I'm finding it a challenge to take my breaks. I'm afraid of all the work piling up at my desk while I'm away from it. I have no idea in
which direction this corporation is going - certainly not upward!!! They are not BC preferred insurer. I even purchased private insurance last
I am confused.... I would think that any corporate strategy would be to value your employees and empower them to do the best job that they
can do for you. ICBC has been doing the exact opposite of this. If it is your agenda to destroy this company, then you are doing a great job! How
many people have left this corporation because of been so stressed due to high workload? How many people have either died or been off work
due to medical issues? How many people feel abused by working here? This is slave labour! I would think that a corporate strategy would be to
provide excellent customer service to their customers. We have provided the worst customer service that I have ever witnessed in my entire
life. We are so severely understaffed throughout the entire corporation to the point that we are embarrassed to speak to our customers as we
agree with their complaints. I would think that another corporate strategy would be to make profits. How are you making profits when you
have thousands of claimants who are neglected and do not have their needs taken care of? How do you make profits when every step of the
process has added costs due to neglect of the claim and claimant? Why are the executives ignoring the fact that this is going on? When are you
going to treat your employees well so that they can turn around and give the best service they can give and in turn, make you (or save you)
money. In the end, the corporate strategy is to make money and the way to get there is to do things right and to treat people like human
beings...not like cattle waiting to get slaughtered.
I am aware of what the targets are for my position. I do not agree with them, as i feel they are unrealistic and set us up for failure, but i
understand they are set and that i need to do my best to meet these targets. I come in every single day, work to the best of my ability with the
tools the corporation provides in order to be successful. I just don't feel there is enough support from our admin staff and management in order
to be successful.
I am always looking for better ways to do things. I provide suggestions, feedback, comments and improvements regularly for the new
ClaimCentre system. I have a strong focus on providing outstanding customer service.
I am a small piece of a very big puzzle. Every action I take, every task I complete contributes to not only my success but to the team, the division
and the company.
I am a seasoned BI adjuster who others feel comfortable approaching with questions or opinions. I discuss settlement at every appropriate
opportunity with customers. I keep the corporate strategy forefront on all claims.
I am a positive person in a very confusing, negative and frustrating time in the claims division.
i am a number
I always come in to work expecting to do my very best, and to learn as much as I can while giving our customers the best experience possible. I
stay on track with objectives my manager has set out for me and if there are conflicting objectives I ask for clarification.
I actually had to look up what our corporate strategy is. It is fair to say I'm not too familiar with it. I guess I just try to do my job everyday and
keep my head down and stay out of trouble.


Honestly I believe that my division's priorities end up coming across as very "tunnel vision", meaning that we often focus on short-term goals
and metrics and rarely, if ever, step back to look at how our work impacts the corporation as a whole.
higher levels do not seem accountable to the same measures re: performance requirements - eg. performance plan targets are not completely
determined until well over mid-year sometimes 3/4's of the way into the year - yet, we are measured on meeting the results by the end of the
year (achievable when the goals are given well into the year - or changed ?) - the impression is that you are set up for failure when clear targets
are not given - in order to be focused on a goal - the goal posts can't continuously change - in addition for a year of extreme change - targets did
not reflect any consideration of this - is there a true understanding at higher levels of what the business is doing or the day to day operations of
what is required ?
help customers to the best of my ability, work with co-workers in a positive way helping if they need it.
Having to prioritize, organize and complete the litigation tasks from start of the litigation file to the finish helps my department which in tern
helps the corporate strategy
Having a full understanding of my job and what I do helps to contribute to the divisions priorities. As for Corporate strategy, I don't really think
of that on a day to day, as I feel I always do what needs to be done. Not necessarily as a result of corporate strategy, but how I work as a person
and an employee
Have been negatively impacted by cross communication. For instance was told didn't need to learn functions of roles not currently performed
by manager on site, then was faulted for not taking on Claim Centre tasks for roles I was not performing.
handle customer service calls, pay bills
Great Customer Service Prioritize Work Team Player Communicates well
give my utmost customer service to our customers, ensure i'm at work everyday to comply with demand on claims and help process claims
accordingly to ensure each claim is handled professionally.
Give customers accurate, professional and timely information to process their claims in a positive and friendly matter. However, a stumbling
block to accomplishing this is the lack of a comprehensive procedural manual that is useful to CCC. We do get emails regarding procedures and
updates. Due to the enormity and diverse topics of late, the information would be better accessed in a Claims Procedural Manual just for CCC,
such as what was used in the past. There has bee a small procedural manual started, but it is not sufficient at this time. Spending some resources
on getting a new CCC manual completed would help decrease claims processing time. The Claims Procedural Manual offered under Claim
Centre is not sufficient for CCC purposes. The other ways I contribute, rental control, quickness of turn around on a claim, and my job being
aligned with my capabilities.
Get to work on time. Work in a timely maner
Front line managers are told to implement changes without the benefit of knowing why and as such tell their employees what to do without
being able to back up why the change or the benefits.
Front line contact with customers ensures practical application of quality service when human error is obviously factor ever day with claims. One
does their best to deal with angry frustrated customers that guidewire has created.


From the first day I started with the Corporation over 20 years ago, I have taken great pride in providing top level customer service to all those I
deemed as my customer... Our external customers, our vendors, my peers... I continue you do this today while trying to remain positive about
the changes I see going around me whether those are positive changes to better the Corporation as a whole or others changes that appear to
have a negative affect. I do my job, which is what I have been asked to do and I do it very well, generally beyond what is expected of me. My goal
at the end of the day is simply that - to provide my customer with the best possible service.
friendly & knowledgeable customer service skills
following schedules, showing up on time & not missing work, finding a balance between quality and quanty
focused on severity
Focus on providing excellent customer service while apply efficient time and file management.
focus on maintaining and controlling bi costs
financial responsibility - i work hard to ensure our group understand what the corporate strategies are and how they can impact them. i work
with them to ensure we are meeting our financial targets. Rising claim cost need to be controlled. we need to have our customers agree we are
working hard to control costs and are working with the policy holders best interest. I ensure we are providing our customers and business
partners with the best customer service.
financial responsibility
Feel our department is rudderless
Excessive/unmanageable workload along with learning a new system present challenges which in my opinion limit my effectiveness in providing
good customer service, which in my opinion should be the division/corporate priority.
Excellent customer services is essential in our corporate strategy yet we are not compensated for assisting customers in the language in which
they prefer to communicate. Using the language line is one approach; however, many prefer in-person/ on-site assistance. The quality of
translation offered via language line is not always the best on several occasions.
example....Save money for the company whenever you can...ie...identify when ins is a gst registrant...make sure we note o/d so we don't pay for
that....identify poss breaches etc.
everything is measured statistically and efficient work brings down the average severities and wait times and improves customer satisfaction
Every day I try to complete my tasks efficiently with accuracy. When dealing directly with customers I always try to help them as best I can or
find the right person who can.
ensuring that my team provide high level of support to the injury team.
ensuring deadlines are met; open communication with peers; sharing workload; offering assistance
ensuring a reasonable and timely resolution of bodily injury claims
Ensure that NOCCs are entered into LMS in a timely fashion for the team to utilize the information.
Ensure policy holders are informed and respected during the claims during the claims process.
Ensure I can complete first call resolution with all my customers.

Ensure cycle times are met and invoices paid accurately and within cycle time.
Efficiency Customer Service Time Management
Effective management of team members' targets and goals.
Does not seem to matter what people do, no on here cares
Do the job to the best of my ability given the work environment/work load.
Difficult due to workload.
designing and implementing standardized treatment models to create corporate cost certainty and consistent quality outcomes for customers
Decreasing handle time by focusing on the needs of the customers in an efficient manner as well as listening attentively.
Cycle times
Customer Service is a main part of my role in a day along with working side by side with co-workers. One of the Corporate Strategy's is to
improve value and service to customers and I feel I relate to customers in a positive and caring way.
Customer Service but there doesn't seem to be much emphasis or recognition for good customer service in this company anymore.
Currently my workload is far too high and overwhelming for me to comment about how I contribute to my division's priorities and corporate
Corporate strategy? Whats that? You need leadership to have a strategy, and right now ICBC has no leadership. We are drowning in volume at
the claims level, and it seems no one is in charge. You ask a question about a procedure in Claim Centre, and you get the standard answer that it
not my steam and I cant help you from all managers, at all levels. Who is in charge right now? I have no idea as I have gone to multiple OP'S
managers asking questions about procedures and none of them are willing to help, or bring ideas forward. Its all about their own butts, and
they could care less about anything else going on. Is this because they are fixated about their compensation, and could care less about the
customer that we serve on a daily basis?
Contribute ideas during daily meetings and inform directly my manager if any loopholes on our procedures.
Continuous process improvement
continue working on meeting and exceeding division priorities and corporate objectives
Consistancy in claim taking criteria = customer service, 'do all that you can for the customer' Consistancy in breach awareness when taking
claims, checking, etc = financial awareness, cost control It all starts here moto -so true, first impression for customer, first to review client, etc
Completing tasks in a timely manner, including responding to emails, telephone calls, reviewing invoices and payments.
Complete work during cycle time to meet division's goals

Complete tasks according to priorities. It is very difficult to prioritize most days as we are ridiculously behind and the work just keeps piling up!
Commitment to being a team player, adhering corporations policies. Staying current in my role and supporting my peers and industry partners.
come on time to the office, help the customer as much and best as i can
Client centered and put myself in clients' shoes.
Clear vision of the BI costs issue that is present, all my decisions are made to tackle this issue.
Claims Legal Services doesn't seem to fit well in the corporate strategy.
Claim Center is very problematic. It is time consuming and does not contribute in any way to the efficient settling of claims and keeping costs
Cannot contribute as targets unreachable.
By working to keep my statistics in line with the corporate objectives and changing to accommodate the different demands or requirements.
By working efficiently and effectively and working well with others internal & external customers.
By supporting the daily work and adhering to cycle times, to ensure good customer service and satisfied business partners.
By monitoring work flow and making sure activities get completed in a timely manner.
by meeting all requirements of my performance plan.
By making suggestions on how to streamline daily operation during meetings
By leading my team and ensuring them they understand our priorities and how they directly impact them and ensuring that the priorities are
By leading energetic staff to individual success in a team environment, aligning ourselves with the Corporate strategy by providing leading
customer service.
By leading a team that fully understands the divisional priorities and how it intersects with corporate strategy.
By ensuring that I understand and properly monitor the risks faced by the corporation whether it be financial or reputation and do my part to
mitigate those risks.
By completing my tasks and trying to save on unneeded costs.
By being ethical and responding to customer's inquiries in a timely manner, I am able to reduce delays while ensuring claims are processed in
conjunction with ICBC's corporate strategy. However, being in commercial claims, it is extremely difficult to keep up to date with the work load.
As a result, I tend to find myself sometimes having to skip certain steps in order to keep par with the claims coming in.
By being diligent in my file work and communicating the correct information to customers. Trying to resolve as many claims as possible helps
with the overall satisfaction rate.
by adhering to schedule
Being in claims our focus is on ensuring that we properly and promptly quantify and resolve claims so we are dealing fairly with the Claimant but
also appropriately representing the interests of our the policy holder who's insurance will be affected.


Being available to work my assigned shifts, giving good customer service that is not too rushed and that covers off everything a customer needs
to know so that they do not need to call back, ensuring that i have assigned the file and completed all file work, adhering to my schedule as
close as i have the power to do so.... keeping up to date with new procedures on a daily basis.
Because of claim center, I no longer have any idea how to do my job.
Basically I am here to take new claims and settle my pending. I don't really care about the division's priorities or the corporate strategy in my
day to day job, I cannot honestly say that I ever think about that. My head is down and I am pounding out claims the best I can. I am pleasant
and provide the best customer service to my customers that I am able to with the workload that I have. I am supportive of my work team and
respect my manager, and try to help to make the team and office a nice place to work.
At this point, just keeping up with the work flow in order to keep our department from going down is the main focus.
at the moment its extra hours to ensure cc is being handled resources are limited and do not match the needs of CC
Assist by reducing and controlling claim costs Set work priorities appropriately, taking action when there is an opportunity Willingness to be
flexible and adapt to organizational changes Develop and motivate others
As I am working in a new department, I am trying to contribute to streamline our work flows that leads to customer's satisfaction and
corporate's efficiency.
As far as I remember we generally do not have discussions around this subject. The only time it comes up is when we have to complete our
performance plan.
As claims counsel, I am very focused on keeping settlements and trial judgments as low as possible. When incurring disbursements, I am mindful
of the need to keep expenditures in check even on small items because when one considers the large number of claims, small amounts across
the board will equal large numbers. In all interactions, both at work and away from work, I make a strong effort to treat persons with respect
and compassion, which underscores the message that ICBC and its employees are concerned with all persons. The staff in my office agrees with
me in this regard.
As a new employee to ICBC, I feel it would have been beneficial to have received informational training in regards to ICBC's corporate strategy,
structure, and organizational culture.
As a leader, I have direct impact on how my team focuses on the big picture goals and deals with the day to day challenges to meeting our goals.
As a front line manager we are the catalyst and key to productivity and change. Without our direct personal contact and leadership staff maybe
overwhelmed or confused by the amount of messaging and content of change. Personal leadership and one on one interactions is a key to
understanding and engagement.
Although I understand the corporations strategy of what is written, it does not appear the real intent of the corporation is headed in that
direction. It is believed by many employees there is a hidden agenda by upper management.
Although I contribute to all of the priorities and corporate strategy workload is preventing us from upholding the standards the corporation
desires. We are unable to handle our customer needs due to the direct affects of increased case loads and a new system that is tedious and


All that matters right now is settlements. Whatever it takes and whatever "creative accounting" methods; all that matters is settlements. We
are no longer adjuster or investigating claims. We just settle and give out money and if the person wants more than we should pay, we pay
anyway. We are creating a monster that will come back to bite us; all because incompetent executives are trying to keep their jobs. Managers
are all worried about loosing their jobs and so choose to look the other way with regards to how settlements are achieved. They are bullying
and threatening people to settle at whatever cost.
All I hear about my division's priorities is meet the "cycle time". All I know is that my work needs to meet the "cycle times" or else our
department will fall behind and my manager will probably not get a big bonus.
all i can do is TRY to keep up with the overwhelming and crushing work load!
Afraid of retribution
adhere to schedule.
a great deal of time and energy is spent on keeping stats. stats are being used to provide upper management quantifiable proof that work is
being done. stats are also used by manager to support their individual agendas and to bolster/reinforce their claim of competence or
200+ files on two software programs..no problem. Settle as many files as you can at all costs! No wait, let's focus on cutting down claim costs
and don't worry about the number of settlements, just investigate and defend. Actually, let's change that, settle even more files, just do it fast
and for less money! Is everyone good? On the same page? You can handle that right? #confused-as-hell #realitycheck
* stay positive * always be helpful
* keep in mind the balance between service and being efficient * want to ensure best financial decision made to keep costs down but at same
time ensure customers receiving good service
- My area is customer facing so our focus is providing value and service for our customers. We continually look at ways to increase customer
satisfaction. - From an Operational Excellence perspective we are continually managing our budget...in particular our operating costs. We look at
ways to process claims more efficiently by changing our business practices but ensuring we are mindful of the impact to the customer. - We take
performance management very seriously and try and develop our people.
- I make every attempt to provide excellent customer service to customers


Q31. In the space below, write comments about what enables you to perform at your best.
I just last week was assigned a new manager. The answers provided in this survey in relation to 'my manager' are for my previous manager of
12+ months Barb Forman.
This may sound like I am currying favour but as this is anonymous you know I am not - the two factors most important to me performing my best
are my manager Rob Kirkham and my overall leader Ian Shaw. There are many people in our department so saying this does not "identify me"
and I have no hesitation in noting that for the first time in quite some time I can report on a survey that my immediate boss and ultimate boss
are postive excellent factors in allowing me to do my best as opposed to neutral or negative factors.
- clear/up-to-date procedures - thorough hands-on training
- I do not need to be mircro managed, but when I do have questions, it would be nice if my manage didn't make me feel like I am interrupting
him or limited time with him.
- I perform at my best when my opinions are valued; currently my opinions are NOT valued, I am not an engaged employee as I am not given the
trust I deserve to make tough decisions. - I put 100% into my job when I am appreciated; currently there is no appreciation for the work that I do
which results in my lack of current employee disengagement
- inadequate job specific training to work CC files - workloads are horrendous and enable strong work performance and job satisfaction
- my Manager provides no positive feedback or encouragement. Completes 1/4 reviews on EPM without meeting with employee.
- not being micro-managed - having a manager that is knowledgeable...or attempts to be knowledgeable - having a manager that wants to be
knowledgeable - having a manager that 'accurately' reviews a file in order to assist me with a file - having a manager that does more than 'lip
service' - having a manager that is willing to push concerns with other departments in order to have effective communication between the
departments - having a manager that is visible and available - not hiding in their office absorbed on their Guidewire tasks and Conference calls having the time to incorporate a new computer system and to adjust claims handling to make the new system more effective - hunting and
pecking to force something through is not effective claims handling


- the training in the new claimcentre system was woefully inadequate. there are far too many aspects to the system that were not discussed
during my training, which was in phase 1. - my manager, and most of the managers in my area, are even less proficient in using the system as
adjusters are and therefore are little to no help when an issue arises.
* manager is not the one to go to. not helpful * supervisor is the better person to go to
* mgr is very supportive; the issue is the processes that are out of mgr's control * processes and steps required to do the work do not enable me
to perform my best. * tasks that should take 5 mins now take 30 mins * customer service suffers because of this - icbc wants employees to give
good customer service but employees are trying to work with one arm tied behind their back
a good procedure manual that is up to date, regular meetings discussing issues we may have, appreciation for the work we do
A longstanding culture of distrust of employees abilities to not get the Corp into financial trouble continues...
a manageable caseload with enough time to do an effective investigation, freedom to make decisions and take reasonable responsibility in
doing so, appropriate training
A manager being able to empower, listen and help make educated decisions.
A more user-friendly, less-restrictive claims system would be better. There is no room to think outside the box (literally) of this new system. I
would like more autonomy with the system. I miss the interaction with real people - we have become data entry clerks with no opportunity to
use our interpersonal skills. The ergonomic effects on my body are damaging since this new system. I need a desk that goes up and down which
would allow me to stand and sit at my desk. I am not working at my best and I hate who I have become (miserable) since this new claims
a reliable computer system, a reference guide
A stable systems environment would help - in the past few days there have been significant system difficulties - performing the role outside the
provided environment is a lot less cumbersome. Am working on this survey because the system is down.
A supportive boss who makes himself available on higher risk files.

A supportive environment is key to me performing at my best.

Accurate A/S reports, exposures open and lien searches done when I have received the file.
Actually having someone train you properly on work, instead of them just referring you to "look at the bible" (which is changing on a daily basis)
Again if it weren't for my own desire to do a good job at work, nothing would be accomplished. There is no input from my manager at all with
regards to my performance plans, job aids, other than to send emails out for both items. This is highly unacceptable.
all of these questions were in reference to my direct manager, who is fully involved and supportive of our department - our stumbling blocks
come from farther past my manager, i'm hoping the next section addresses the senior mgmt level
All questions refer to my direct manager, who I believe is doing only what the manager above is saying.. and so on..we have no decisions, we do
not have enough staff and we have little support
All the processes this company has get in the way of allowing me to be effective at my job.
Allowing me enough time to manage my workload is what helps me preform my best. I am inundated with new claims everyday to the point that
I no longer know or have a rapport with my customers. In the month of July 2014, my new exposure assignments was 49. In the first 2 weeks in
September 2014, my intake is 26. Claim centre files take much longer to process leaving even less time to properly adjust my files and deal with
the customers. I am fortunate to have a great manager that is understanding and helpful. This also enables me to do my best. But above my
immediate manager, i feel NO support or understanding for the role I preform at work.
Although, my manager, and I have both tried to coordinate the services of a subject matter expert (SME) to support my work, we have not been
successful. Since the implementation of ClaimCenter started, I have not had the opportunity to use the services of a dedicated SME. We've had
to work around this shortage; however, it does make it hard to be efficient. This has not been in the control of my manager, who has worked
very hard to resolve this shortage.


an antiquated and frequently crashing operating system does not allow me to handle and address electronic files effectively. having to try and
communicate with a person who accepts accountability within a "team" environment department is constantly a frustration to me...i can only
imagine what the customer must experience (which has significantly contributed to the rapid and costly increase in the representation rate icbc
is presently experiencing). the decrease in staff requirements while claims volume increases is causing my productivity to decrease. the heaping
on of more dutied that are, historically, a mangers role causes further delay in addressing current and new claim files. the system is broken. the
ignoring of tested and true methodology of collecting evidence, proper investigative procedures, face to face meetings with claimants is causing
this corporation to loss funds at an accelerated rate , the loss of credibility within our communities, lose valuable relationships with external
business partners, forces me to one conclusion...political interference where the objective is dubious. icbc perceived as a "fiduciary body" will
soon become perceived by the general public as a bumbling, financially incompetent, cronyism leaning corporation. an organization that once
prided itself as a number one employer in BC, a corporation that puts money back in to its community (and not directly in to general revenue for
the popular government to raid post tax monies) and supports it's business partners. none of this exists anymore.
an understanding & mature manager will enable me to perform at my best.
Any kind of recognition or acknowledgement from my manager would enable and encourage me to perform better.
Any new information communicated to the team reported quickly, so that I can report to my group. Delays and inconsistencies in
communication time lines within the different functional streams can make it very difficult to effectively manage my team.
any suggestions made to improve things fall on deaf ears anything higher up then ops mgr. input is not valued or respected at senior levels. we
do the best we can within the limited confines of what we are allowed to do
Anything less than a :Perfect" score for my manager, is simply because this person is shackled by corporate policy and protocol. As a manager
they are fantastic
Appreciate the independence provided to perform my job assignment, and the access / support given when further direction is required
Appropriate amount of staffing levels, to which we do not have! Our managers are doing their best with what they are allowed, but some of the
executives need to loosen the reigns on our managers so that they can provide the support we need, and allow for more staff!!


Appropriate written procedures/steps, specific to my job, so that I know what needs to be done to accomplish each task. Enough time to do my
work. Genuine respect and care for me. A great manager that is approachable, knowledgeable and wants to get the job done instead of sending
us onto a hamster wheel. A team atmosphere. Administrative support....with emphasis on support...not passing the buck. Clear understanding
of what is expected day to day, from one file to another. Flexibility in work hours, break hours. This military type of environment is very
uninspiring. Have our human rights back...we are now not allowed to be friends with anyone above us...really?! Wow! I've never heard such a
thing. Trust that we are competent, we want to do a good job, we want to succeed and work for a company that succeeds. Just let us do our
work and give us the information, time and warm environment needed to do our best. If you hire the right people, we will do a good job.
as a lits adjuster, i have nowhere near enough authority or autonomy to make decisions or do my job
As a manager I have to prioritize my work and minimize disruptions. On the front line this is not always possible, but I try to do that as much as
possible. It's impossible to get everything done so I have to do the things I believe are the most important. I leverage off of other managers to
see what they do to manage their time.
As a manager, I find that more and more of my work involves duties that I could use some clerical assistance with such as updating spreadsheets,
printing reports and doing minutes. It would be helpful if we could delegate some of these duties, and I could put more focus on assisting and
guiding the people that report to me.
as a team our ability to affect the way work is apportioned or conducted is hamstrung by workload issues and the deficiencies in the new claim
center program. the best we are able to do is to limit the speed at which we are falling behind.
as usual, these surveys are ambiguous as to who i should be thinking about when referring to may manager. If I am to be thinking of my
SUPERVISOR, my sup is great & helpful. I have spoken to my MANAGER once since she became my manager over a year ago.
As we have been under-staffed for quite some time I feel as though I am not able to do my best work. I feel as though we are all running around
"putting fires out" constantly.
At this point, there is nothing that enables my to perform at my best. The MD rules (or procedures) keep changing and usually the body shop
know of these changes before the estimators do. Furthermore, detail explanations as to why these changes have been made or MD

involvement (estimators who do the job) in the decision making never seem to materialize.
At this present time, with a new computer system, nothing is enabling me to perform at my best. When we were first introduced to the idea of
Claimcenter, we were told how this program was going to make our jobs a lot easier. We were also introduced to the idea of less office assistant
help as the program would make our jobs easier. However this is not true. I am now required to do so many more admin functions and data
entry functions on my own. I am further required to work on an operating system that is NOT user friendly, that requires so many clicks to get
from point a to point b. Furthermore, my caseload has increased twofold so not only does Claimcenter require so much more from me, I'm
required to spread myself thinner.
at this time workload is an issue. given the excessive workload there is nothing at this time that enables me to perform at my best
At this time, with the introduction of ClaimCentre, we are all adjusting to new procedures, processes, and system. However, the training that
was provided and is ongoing failed to 'train' staff. Rather, it was done by screen shots and staff have had to guess as they go. There is limited
sharing of information and you only get taught something when you ask. Our roll out has been reactive rather than proactive. Paired with more
stringent business operational excellence and tighter measures, the level of stress has increased. This has resulted in a decrease in optimal
utilization of the new system with staff avoiding activities in order to meet measures, corners being cut, procedures being partially followed due
to time constraints, and an increase in the need for follow ups as work is not completed when possible but rather 'passed' to the next person to
handle. Unfortunately, the emails we get from the Claims Leadership continue to speak to how well things are going and what a success it has
been, but they fail to recognize that rolling a system out is not sufficient if it is not being properly used, which is the case today.
Authority for some items have been taken away from my role but the resources needed for those items is thin. Just for once I would love to give
our customers the FAST efficient service they deserve rather than spending all my time fielding calls about why some things are taking so long.
these things are beyond my managers control. Because we are already working remotely with our estimators being in a different building we
would like the opportunity to work closer to home. Not from home but at a claim centre closer so that our drives are less, toll bridge fees can be
eliminated, this would alleviate stress and make everyone more productive. Happy healthy employees perform the best!
Authority in making simple decisions such as overtime when required should not have to be taken to Director levels.
Authority to make decisions. Support and availability of my manager when required.
Autonomy in authority and decision making and consistency in targets would enable me to perform at my best


Autonomy Less corporate level over management Encouragement to make decisions without fear of making a mistake Less fear of termination
(way too common place in ICBC now)
Availability of appropriate technology and staff resources would enable me to perform at my best, but both are lacking. A more reasonable file
load would also allow me to perform better, but apparently the corporate preference is for lower quality and higher volume work.
being able to access claims procedures and system procedures.
being able to get the help when needed. Hard to comment on the management section as just switched managers.
being able to locate procedures quicker during a claim and not have to search during a phone call
Being able to make decisions on my own within the scope of my job.
being able to share my thoughts and ideas
Being able to work on my own and not have my manager always "hovering"".
Being provided with the tools/resources I require to fulfill my duties and by allowing me to use my own judgment about the best way to achieve
the results expected of me.
Better training in the systems (ClaimCenter), processes and procedures.
better training of claim centre and more freedom to communicate with different departments without having to go through management would
improve my performance.
can not perform at my best too much work not enough time to complete work to my best ability
Certain processes designed and audited create challenging workloads that impact productivity and time required to complete the tasks.


Claim Centre training was either inadequate or they did not know how the system worked themselves. Now that we are using it, it dominates
our day with endless clicking of the mouse to achieve the most minor details and it appears the basics of investigation, evaluation, and
negotiation have been traded in for a computer system that does not work.
ClaimCenter software is currently a major irritant and stumbling block
ClaimCentre is an affront to sensible claims handling. Such a poor match between system and staff needs. Both unionized AND management
staff are finding ways around claim centre that work for them, but defeat the overall spirit of the system. Quite disheartening. In their defense,
I can find no overriding philosophy of why the new system will help. The system does not "speak for itself" like ANY OTHER WINDOWS
PROGRAM built in the last decade does. it is overly complex and unclear. Staff have not bought in, and that's a recipe for disaster.
ClaimCentre new system is a total fail for BI. Nobody in upper management wants to admit it. Workload make it impossible to achieve targets.
Clear and concise procedures, easy to find.
Clear communication and capable leadership.
Clear communication from management regarding my expected duties and responsibilities. Better communication about the direction our
division will be heading. Less computer system outages, computer systems that are able to keep up with the speed at which I need to do my
work. Create procedures that leave less to interpretation, reduce redundancies and work within the confines of Claim Centre, rather than trying
to create procedures that try to use the new system but with the old system mentality.
clear direction. tools/resources to do the job. time to do the job. this is NOT occurring
Clear directives that are not constantly contradicted by another manager. Honestly, the rules and expectations change faster than the weather.
Clear instructions on using our new ClaimCentre.
Clear lines of communication at all levels.
Clear policies and procedures. Training/Mentor program for specific job roles. Having resources readily available. Computer systems that are
quick and work well for different departments. Time to provide customer service and actually do your job thoroughly and properly.


clear understanding, knowledge and support

-clearer direction on what is expected -less files to focus my attention on the files I have to resolve them in a timely manner with less payout on
the claims as the end result -too many files and exposures causes me to only be able to work on a putting out fire basis -correct counsel to help
assist defend against firms that are consistently building claims to resist large payouts to these firms
cohesion between employees.
Collaboration with my Manager Available tools available to me to do my job
comfortable environment
Communication - the more the better.
Communication is a key for departmental success. Unfortunately, office communications within and among Administrative and Management
teams require improvement.
communication would be nice, for instance sharepoint - have all the staff been shown how to do this - have all the supervisors been shown
communication, understanding and the ability to make decisions without feeling like you are going to get in trouble!!!!!!
Consistent feedback about my performance from my manager allows me to consistently improve and work on my weaknesses.
Consistent workflow and reasonable autonomy in managing my own work. Access to information and training that will assist even if a novel or
complex issue arises.
Constructive criticism and clear processes and objectives. ClaimCentre has been implemented, yet many of our processes are relics from the old
system. This results in unnecessary redundancy in my work. Steps taken to reduce this redundancy results in criticism. I am constantly told to
work faster, then punished for using ClaimCentre how it was intended by supervisors stuck in the old ways.
Continue to receive up to date communications on changes enabling to do my daily work
Continued access to knowledgeable supervisors and management is beneficial but not always optional as the supervisors and managers do not
normally have enough time to discuss issues with employees on a monthly basis. When a claim is reported and recorded, it is not always made

known if the claim was done correctly. More coaching meetings would also be helpful.
Corporation requires permanent supervisors in place to ensure those under can perform at their best. Just when an acting supervisor is trained
(helped along by those she/he supervises) and fully knowledgeable in the department the acting assignment maximum of 18 months is reached
and someone new must assume the role and be trained again. In my opinion this is a drain on staff who are often helping the supervisor learn
the ins and outs of a department as well as train new staff as the supervisors often aren't knowledgeable enough to train as they haven't been in
the department long enough.
currently due to heavy job demands/workload issues, it is very difficult to perform at my best right now.
Currently with ClaimCentre I don't feel I am able to perform at my best. At CCC we used to have a Procedures Manual that was very detailed.
The new Claims Procedures Manual is ineffective and mission large amounts of information and makes it difficult to do my job as effectively as
I'd like and to support the staff when they need it.
Customer service is most important...over and above AHT (average handle time). My own work ethic, ability to listen to our customers and
pride in my job is what makes me perform at my best. Positive reinforcement from supervisor helps to keep me informed of my progress and
Daily encouragement and appreciation from the ones I support and the appropriate management enables me to perform at my best.
Detailed notes during training.
Direct management appears to have no authority to make decisions. Everything has to go up the ladder therefore when one brings issues to
managers attention they tend to not deal with it because they don't want to rock the boat. I find managers just want to stay under the radar likely because they are in fear of loosing their jobs.
do not feel that training for this new computer system was adequate and no specific training that was directed to our department.
documents in our manual, procedures. Emails updates on new changes/procedures.


Due to segmentation required to implement the new Claims Center program, my job has been whittled away to just to main lines within my role.
I have little or no autonomy and little or no accountability because nearly every decision has to be funnelled through management. Somehow I
managed just fine for 15 years, capturing fraud, saving ICBC money, delivering excellent customer service, taking pride in my role and ICBC's
place in our community. What a terrible waste of the resources, time and training invested in me by ICBC. I am DISENGAGED and I am not going
to "just move on and quit then" as a previous Director suggested to our staff several years ago. I have too many years invested in my pension to
consider leaving voluntarily. It is your job as management to recognize this fundamental issue. You have to deal with and respond to the staff
you have. That's called "managing". We aren't going anywhere. And now I'm looking at a company that is also attempting to take away my
benefits. My professionalism with customers is being sorely tested when you treat me with such disrespect.
Easily accessible information, well trained new employees, supportive and communicative management and supervisors, hands on training (not
just "read the manual and hope for the best"). With the exception of the easily accessible information the remainder are not present.
email time to keep up to date on procedures. updated procedures
Encouragement from my manager and my desire to succeed at what I do.
Estimator computers are absolute junk. The corporation got new computers for the estimating staff, there have been so many issue with these
units and there constant failures. I would gladly take back my old Panasonic notebook.
Every manager I know in the company is too afraid of losing their jobs to think outside the box. They all know that somebody is looking over
their shoulder and act that way. We have all heard at the claim centre level that managers are not to associate with salaried employees. Not
sure if that is even legal, but what a way to run a company. No wonder it is only a place to work now.
-Feedback from my manager -Managers availability to provide guidance
Feeling that I am valued is probably what will help me to perform at my best. My immediate supervisor and manager provide that needed
feedback but beyond that level, I'm am not sure if others really care.
Feeling that management has its' employees best interests at heart. Do not get the feeling that management could care less about employee



financial authority was changed and my staff and i are finding it challenging as we are constantly seeking other managers to approve payments
as i often do not have enough $$ this creates delays for customers and business partners
For the entire summer shift bid (end of April til the beginning of Sept) I didn't have a single review with my manager or supervisor. The only
thing that enabled me to perform at my best was moving from my assigned desk to another area with supervisors and senior people around me
that I could use as a resource.
From my responses it appears that my manager is not performing to corporate expectations however my manager is absolutely doing the best
that can be done given the daily, weekly, monthly demands & expectations made by their manager/corporation. (& always done in a
professional manner)
Frontline managers do not have the time to engage their employees. They are afraid that if the do not tow the line they will be fired, but this is
just like the rest of the employees in this corporation.
Getting on a new task without being afraid of now knowing how to do it.
Getting the proper training and time to learn the new systems.
given all necessary tools and information to correctly do my work.
given all of the changes with claim centre a proper procedures manual needs to be provided in order for employees to perform at their best.
currently the procedures manual is not up to date or complete making it very difficult to achieve the standards set by management.
given the tools to do the job properly, ie. people around me, mgr to have authority to change processes, non stressful work environment
GOOD communication re: any new procedures/changes/staffing/etc FULL training on any new procedures and/or systems Having my opinion
valued and listened too from manager
Good communication and proper training. Encouragement and appreciation from coworkers and Managers.
Good communication, realistic timelines, timely updates and transparent leadership.


Good Management support, systems are overall pretty good.

Good program to use, useful resources, motivation from other peers and managers and to work as a team.
good understanding of the new system.
Great direct manager- team focus, high ethics
Great support from manager and team mates.
Having 1 place where i can go to find all job aids is great, easy to follow with screen captures and step by step instructions. Having support
available at all times is great, this helps when needing answers for one offs and saves time.
Having a claims system that actually helps the work flow rather than hinder it. ClaimCenter makes everything take three times as long, and
about five times more difficult to do even the most basic of tasks. Frustrating does even begin to describe it. I fully understand that a new
system such as this is going to have some hiccups, but this is abysmal, especially since we are approaching one year since it's release. The utter
lunacy of not giving us enough resources (extra staffing/overtime etc) in helping reduce the backlog this system has caused has made this an
extremely depressing place to work. Spending 7.25 hours per day getting yelled at and apologizing for delays & incompetence is soul-crushing.
When I look up a procedure, I have a 50% chance of not finding it and will have to look for my colleagues to help, all the while getting constant
reminders from leadership about how long we are taking to do our job.
Having a clear understanding of what the corporations vision, mission and strategies are and how the part I play. Communication remains the
key. I need to heard the same messaging. Open and honest communications enables me to perform I understand what is expected of me and ow
to go about it. I am not afraid to ask questions or for help if needed. I know I have the support of my manager. By having a good team and goals
and targets that we understand and that are within reason again enable us to perform to the best of our ability .
Having a computer system that works properly, clear procedures and no pressure from management who are number driven.
Having a manager who is experienced in the field of work i am involved in and is available to assist when needed.
Having a procedures manual and job-aids ready and available on the HUB. I find that it is frustrating sometimes that we lack consistency across
the corporation, you can have different locations doing the same job or task differently.


Having a supervisor that knows the job well and is encouraging and helpful makes me perform at my best.
Having a work station that is not exposed to constant chatter. Being left on my own to work without interruptions. Having clear instructions on
any changes made that reflect my current job.
Having clear training & claims procedures. New Claims procedures manual is lacking & makes job difficult. Previous manual was clear &
extensive. New claims system is not user friendly & everything takes longer, many more steps to complete each activity.
Having effective training and easy to find reference material/job aids. I also need subject matter experts within quick reach. With the limited
and ineffective training for our new system, for the first time in my employment with ICBC I have lost my confidence. I want to be
knowledgeable and perform well as have always been a strong employee and have had high productivity. It is very demoralizing and frustrating.
Having enough time to the job would be helpful. Being treated the same as other groups in the Corporation would go a long way in making us
feel equal - not fare when co-workers are being provided with advantages and tools that take the stress and anxiety out of their jobs and some
some are left to drown and struggle at their desks with their workload without being offered the same assistance.
Having flexibility and time to do my work instead of quanitity vs quality.
Having more authority to do my job would help me perform at my best. A BI Aduster with over 25 years of experience (with good performance
reviews) should have more than $15,000 settling authority & $30,000 reserving authority.
having more time to read the manual and the hundreds of emails we get daily.. having more meeting with MNGMT...our MNGRS change
sometimes with every shift change... our last shift I didnt have one meeting with my MNGR... what would enable me to preform my best...not
having 160 ppl waiting to report a claim..we need more bodies to help with the load..this new system is slow..we cant keep up with the demand
of the public.
having my manager and supervisor support
Having onsite supervisors to answer questions and having help desk available to assist
-Having resources and work tools available online. -Knowing that my manager and supervisor will support the decisions I make on the job.
Having resources at my fingertips ie: precedents in the system and from co-workers that aid in helping me be successful at completing my tasks

and applications.
Having some autonomy in a respectful and supportive work environment helps me to do my best work. When I feel supported and valued for my
skills and abilities, I do my best work.
Having support from other co-workers/supervisors helps me to perform at my best, I receive most of my guidance from them.
Having the appropriate number of people available as well as the appropriate number of support staff would help or perhaps when
implementing a new computer system the appropriate training and education would have been the right thing to offer the staff rather than the
sub par training that was provided
Having the appropriate resources and your manager readily available for guidance and assistance when it's required. Receiving proper training
and education in job related activities/functions/procedures. Having the permission and knowing who to contact directly in the corporation for a
specific concern/problem with a policy or procedure and not having to go through management to contact the appropriate person. Reduction in
workload. Currently our Team's workload is excessive. Decrease or elimination of unnecessary processes and redundant forms that are required
to complete simple tasks and to move files forward.
Having the correct tools that are easily accessible, such as online manuals that are brief with direct guidelines
Having the equipment needed would greatly help performance.
Having the full support of my team mates and my manager helps me a lot in performing well at work. My manager listens and provide feedback
and supports my goals within the corporation. She follow through her open door policy. I cannot ask for a better manager. She knows when to
be firm with the rules and guidelines and still manage to be approachable.
Having the information I need. The support I need.
Having the proper staffing levels.
Having the proper training and having access to resources and tools really allows me to do my best in my job. Although it is great to have the
option to ask a team member at any time for help, having the correct and thorough training at the beginning allows me to work fluently without
having to pause to continually ask questions along the way. Also I find that the job aids (especially for new tasks in claim center) really help to


perform efficiently and quickly when learning new tasks.

Having the space to make decisions to excel in my role.

Having the time to really get the hang of one function before moving on to something new.
Having time given to you to get the job done without being thrown around here there and everywhere. Doing tasks especially where one excels
at the most will provide more productive results for the company.
Help from others on my team.
Helpful job aids - a better search engine for Claim Center would be beneficial
High autonomy but results oriented.
higher authority limits with our educated discretion in closing the claim.
I am a 20+ year employee and I am, unfortunately, no longer able to perform at my best. If I didn't care, this wouldn't bother me but it bothers
me a great deal. This Corporation no longer appears to care about customer service and this is what my job is all about. We sorely lack the
critical resources (more staff) that are required so that we can do our jobs effectively and efficiency. Nobody cares what's happening at the
claims level.
I am a leader by nature and question authority, if i find some other more effective way of doing my work I will engage on that path I do not
accept the status quo as the only way in completing my work, I am willing to listen when there is information that will assist me in improving my
performance, having managers that respect my opinions and my strengths has been paramount in my success at ICBC
i am able to do my best, when my manager gives me encouragement and support - even in times when i am confused with a certain job and
affected from any negative work stress.
I am able to perform at my best when I enjoy my surrounding and have all the necessary tools that I need.


I am able to perform at my best when I have the time to do it. The lack of proper training means that I spend a lot of time on hold with the Help
Desk in order to deal with issues on my files. Turns out most of the issues have nothing to do with training. They are issues to do with system
glitches. I suggest ways that would help me to be more efficient but they don't appear to be taken seriously. For example, I suggested it would
make my job a lot easier if claims came to me with the correct contact information and not phone numbers that are out of service. I also
suggested how tasking estimates to the md dept could be more stream lined but instead I end up being bounced around from one dept or one
estimator to another.
I am able to perform best when given a reasonable workload. At the moment the workload is not reasonable.
I am able to perform my best when I have the tools and resources to do my job well. I perform my best when I am providing excellent service to
our customers. I am able to perform my best when I can thrive in the work culture. I am able to perform my best when there is adequate staff to
meet work volume. I am able to perform my best when the new computer system actually works. I am able to perform my best when I have the
help desk on speed dial.
I am able to perform well at my job because I've been doing the same job for years.
I am accountable for my work and take pride in how I work which enables me to perform at my best. I feel there is little support from my
employer and the work just piles up and is absolutely the worst I have seen in my time with ICBC. I see a lot of coworkers who at this pace will
eventually burn out and there is little to no support provided.
I am at my best when I feel secure, am physically comfortable and not constrained, and I am at my best when I matter and my opinion matters
enough to be used in making decisions that affect me, my department and how we do our work.
I am best enabled to do my best in a positive and challenging team environment.
I am fortunate to be involved in a team that works very well together and I believe this is due to the leadership on our team.
I am having trouble learning ClaimCentre and I need ongoing support which I am not getting. This is greatly affecting my time that would be
more productive if I had the knowledge to work in a timely manner with my new ClaimCentre files. My coworkers are also experiencing this
I am mainly self motivated to perform at my best. I do not want to let my Manager down nor the people who report to me.


I am micro managed via file reviews I feel I only get calls when I've done something wrong I feel that i'm bothering my manager when i do seek
i am motivated to perform my best by a sense of personal commitment and expectations i have of myself. i don't want to let down my team, my
manager or our customers and stakeholders. i do wish we would start to focus more on continued development and learning opportunities - i
think ignoring this will be detrimental to the company in the long term. it's important to invest in those employees who have demonstrated the
success and aptitude to move into progressively senior positions. its a small investment for high returns and something we are not doing enough
of at present.
I am not able to perform at my best. The workload is overwhelming and i cannot keep up. I cannot provide good customer service with the
number of files that i am expected to handle. If the corporation wants me to perform to the best of my ability then i need to be given fewer files
so i have the time to effectively address the concerns of our customers. I have recently been assigned a new manager and look forward to
working with a more experienced manager that has the confidence to let me do my job - adjust, evaluate and negotiate. It is frustrating to work
through all the processes.
I am NOT able to perform my best. the crushing workload does not allow me to provide the level of service to the customers. the manager in
charge of liability decisions appears not to read the files in their entirety and makes decisions without even discussing the file with the adjuster.
its all about getting thru the file as quickly as possible. Customer service is gone! Claim Center has so many processes that it takes 3 times longer
to handle the files and there are 3 times more claims coming in! its not performance, it survival
I am performing at my best but an unable to keep current on Guidewire. Wait times to speak to Help desk are worse than Shaw Cable. Wait
times to finally connect with the customer to obtain evidence to resolve their claim are riduculous! Wait times for customers to report or
connect with their adjuster are embarrasing. This company should be ashamed of itself. I know that I am. Admin staff are behind, overworked
and stressed to the max. Same for adjusters in Claims and injury. This is a crisis that MUST be acknowledged by the higher ups. No opportunities

in the claims division to contribute as we are far too busy trying to keep the fires out. What enables me to perform at my best is a reasonable
work load. This needs to be addressed immediately

I am unable to perform at my best because the people at the top appear not to care what is happening on the front lines. I work in the claims
division and am use to the quick pace of the job. you have been hearing from us for a long time that we are handling too many files. so what do
you do to try and resolve this problem, you give us even more files. I am a high achieving employee and have been for a number of years. I like
my manager and the people I work with ... this is not the problem... the problem is that when we cannot manage the caseload and performance
targets handed to us it causes a lot of stress and frustration within the unit. I know what i am doing and how to do it but you have taken away
my ability to do so because I cannot keep up with the sheer volume of files I am handling. I am spending way too much time shuffling paper and
doing admin tasks . not only do i not have time to properly build defences for my files I am at the point where i am just putting out fires. Not by
choice but by circumstance that you( upper mangement) have created. To add insult to injury it has become very clear that the new claim centre
system which we are still try to learn and figure out is not more efficient and is further slowing down our productivity. It appear to me that
upper manager is either turning a blind eye or really doesnt give a damn about its employees.It is a sad day when I hear time and time again that
someone is just trying to fly under the radar and make it to retirement. This use to be a good place to work but not anymore
I am unable to perform at my best due to the unreasonable volume of work and feel I may be set up for failure.
I am unable to respond to questions about my present manager because he is a recent transfer and we really have not dealt with each other.
The following applies to my previous manager
I am very boundary oriented. I like to have my requirements laid out for me so I know what I am trying to attain.
I appreciate the honesty my manager provides. Feedback and directions are clear and real. I especially appreciate his honesty in when answering
my questions on the possibilities of the future.
I believe the Claim Center training was lacking a great deal, it showed how to move around the program but did not take us through a claim from
beginning to end. There are so many emails on procedures/changes that it's next to impossible to keep it weeded out and current, because
there is no time to go through them.
i believe we're kept up to date on the processes and procedures that affect our roles in our particular department. my manager has an open
door policy for any and all questions and ideas. very approachable and easy to talk to yet she also encourages me/and other members of our

team, to trust our decision making abilities.

I came to my department because of the manager I knew I would be reporting too. He is a huge asset to our department and hope he isn't
moved out of our department any time soon!
i can best do my work if ICBC would recognize and hire more people to do the work. as it stands today, there is too much work for the
employees available. there is no way all the work that needs to be done, can be done in a timely manner. we are simply 'putting out fires' at
this stage.
i cannot perform at my best with system failures, guide wire sluffers, work load that is out of hand and no light in sight. this system is a complete
failure and is affecting moral and more importantly customer service.
I can't perform at my best when being expected to handle 100+ claims per month
I come in on time with good attendance and pay full attention to my job.
I could perform at my best if I had a reasonable workload , a computer system that helped vs hindered (we have not realized any efficiencies
with ClaimCentre and 7 months in have experienced quite the opposite ), and a manager that was not pushed to her own limits with workload .
We are overwhelmed with work, stress levels are high , customer service is falling , and many errors are being made.
I could perform better if the job aids were better organized and more accessible. They are impossible to find. I could perform better if
ClaimCenter procedures and job aids were put in place faster. I could help our customers better if there was a published list of
employees/managers who are assigned to the different Teams at CCIC and CCC. It is impossible to get through and our customers are
complaining that no one returns phone calls. Sometimes it is appropriate to involve a manager but it is impossible to figure out who they are.
I could say what WOULD enable me to perform at my best and that would be a more manageable case load and more staff.
I definitely do not have the appropriate authority to make decisions in my job. I have to report to my manager for authority on quantum, P.I.'s,
IME's, suit reports, BOC. In '13 we were promised by the directors that authorities would be reviewed according to experience/productivity. This
still hasn't occurred. The processes in place prevent me from doing my work. Printing my own faxes, paying def bills, having to constantly go to
mgrs for authority, admin tasks taking over actual adjusting tasks, the new claims system is full of processes that prevent me from doing my job
efficiently. My manager does support me however at times doesn't have the ability to communicate or provide rationale to her authority.

Appears to take files too personally and not provide objective/fair assessments at times.

I do not meet with a manager

I do not require a lot of management support when speaking to file handling due to my level of experience, however, my manager does very
little to support me/us due to the amount of work she is expected to output. WE HAVE NO TIME, inadequate admin support and too many files
to work our case loads properly.
i don't believe any of us were property trained in Claim Centre. I find the new system isn't working. We are losing clients as most of the public is
not happy. I don't blame them for being upset.. again, not trained enough on the system
I don't believe my manager has the authority, time or information to improve eon so many of the notions in this section. At no time during my
tenure with the company have I felt as I do now. Decisions are made well above my level and sense is - no one cares about what employees
think, whether they can contribute . Bombarded with latest new (old) idea that we have no choice but to implement because you have to keep a
log. The next week another idea files moved around so much that can't properly measure any success. So much to say in this - but will anything
happen ? Not.Concept of managing staff to goals through good management practices and truly engaging staff in the goals as opposed to strict
rules, following pre-set script and similar poor practices will not work in the long run. Wasteful approach in many instances . Sense of chaos.
Little evidence that senior management trusts us. Not referring to money per se. It's in the wording of messages , lack of any personal touch,
completely creating a sterile , clock-watching workplace . Have senior managers not kept up with current literature on good management
i don't feel it is my manager's fault that there is not enough time to handle the files for optimum customer service. the volume of intake is
unrealistic. My manager supports me in that he understands the volume is too high to provide/build good customer relationships
I don't feel that I am able to perform at my best as my work relies too much on the previous person to do their steps properly. I don't find any
consistency in the knowledge and dedication to work in the adjuster field that stops me from being successful.
I don't feel that I am enabled to perform at my best - I feel overwhelmed and stressed when not making quotas or when I have been notified I


did something wrong when there are no proper procedures or policies in place.
I don't feel that I can perform at my best as there is so much confusion with Claimcenter. For instance who to contact besides Help Desk who is
very busy and doesn't know the answers most of the time. The Procedure Manual for CC is useless. Claimcenter is way more complex and
complicated and there is no direction as to who to contact for certain issues. I don't feel I am performing my best at all, in fact, I feel that I have
no clue what I am doing and how Claincenter in the future will be a benefit. The tasks that I used to perform would take 10 minutes and now
they take hours, sometimes days. How productive am I? Not very!
I don't have time to perform to my best - I am overwhelmed with workload. Hire some freaking staff!!!
I don't perform my best as I feel like a hamster on a wheel....going full speed ahead from the moment I get here in the morning until I leave. I
come in exhausted and leave exhausted and all I ever get from my manager is the comment "We are all in the same boat" Well it is sinking and
it is very hard to watch co-workers struggle and think it will get better.
I enjoy helping people when in need so i give them my ultimate customer service all around to ensure all their needs are met. It's part of my
nature, i've been in the business of customer service for most of my employed life and therefore it's second nature to me to provide excellent
customer service to the best of my ability.
I enjoy the freedom to make my own decisions and my manager allows me the trust to manage what I have to.
I feel like a number and very much dis-abled to perform my work to my best. My work performance is not accurately measured - as it is based on
issues out of my control and not my actual work.
I feel that I perform the best when I can take my own initiative instead of someone telling me what to do. I am self-starter person, so I like to
improve all the time and take initiative when possible.
I find I get way more fatigued now with the specialized desks and looking at the computer all day.
I find that in the new age of accountability (which I totally understand) that it can sometimes tend to make it a little more difficult to get the job
done in a timely manner. During the past year we have had some of the policies and procedures relaxed which has enabled us to get back to
getting the job done.


I have a new manager who focuses on helping me achieve my goals. I feel confident working with this manager in my new role.
I have a supportive manager who shares the information necessary for me to fulfill all aspects of my role.
I have access to my manager whenever i need it.
I have an excellent manager who really helps her unit understand what is expected from us. She goes above and beyond to help us understand
the new claim centre system!!
I have based all survey responses in regards to "my manger" on my current manager that has only been with us f/t for about 5 weeks. My
current manager allows me to use my judgement and knowledge when doing my job.
I have been doing the same job for numerous years and feel that i perform well on my own knowledge, due to the workload. i see that the
customer service is not longer a priority, although i do my best, i do not feel the customer is getting the service they deserve
I have close professional working relationships with my co-workers. Also some supervisors do not make me feel bad when I ask them for help.
I have enough autonomy, and ability to make my own decisions, which allows me to perform my work to my best abilities.
I have learned the most about the skills and information I need to do my job from a few of my same level co-workers in my dept. and a few not
in my dept.
i have not had any meetings with my mgr to date.
I have not received adequate training for the new Claimcenter program we are now using. I am expected to be meeting cycle times assuming I
have been 150% fully trained and done a million activities on there for a couple of years. It is an unfair assumption to expect this amount of
quality work at a fast pace after having only implemented the program a couple of months ago, having little exposure to the program, and
absolute minimal training plus having to work on files on the old legacy system at the same time. To be almost scolded in our department about
not completing activities on Claimcenter is completely outrageous and proves that management has absolutely no understanding of the type
and amount of work we are required to do. If there were simple fixes to problems, guidelines or manuals available, regular training sessions
then it could be possible slowly over time. But to have someone else take the work and just complete it in order to meet "cycle times" does not

help us as we don't see how it is done, and therefore can never fully learn.

I have resources, such as the help desk, superusers, supervisors, and other co-workers to aid with any questions I may have. Which in turn,
enables me to perform at my best.
I have significant confidence and trust in the manager that I directly report to. He is an excellent resource and I always appreciate his assistance.
I have stopped trying to perform at my best as it is not achievable. There is no time in the day to 'perform at your best'. Many of the previous
questions seemed to be concerned about the management team. Really do not mean to be critical of my immediate reporting to manager, as
they do the best that they can, but this is a symptom of the work load. I guess everyone does their best, however, that line has been dropped to
nothing more than doing below average as again there is no time to do your best!
I have the tools & resources to do my work but the process to get the resources has significantly reduced my ability to get my work done in a
timely fashion. What used to be immediate results (when I had access) now takes 24 hrs and for DARTS that used to take 3 - 7 days now can
take up to 30 days! I feel I keep chasing other people in order to get my work completed to better serve our customers.
I have the tools and resources to do my work when the systems are up and running
I have tremendous leadership support that provides the tools and direction to accomplish my work. The only tool that is currently missing is the
access to reliable reports/data which will be changing in the near future.
I have very little interaction with my manager but my supervisor has been helpful when I have questions. When I was moved to a different role
in my department I was left to figured out things on my own and have had very little feedback. Everyone is just too busy to spend time
explaining things.
I like having challenges, so knowing that there is a lot of work to be done on a daily basis is good motivation for me to work hard.
I like to hear feedback if I made an error, therefore I won't make the same error again. With the new system, I know I made some errors, but


haven't been told yet.

I need a better work site. Ours is noisy and crowded. It is distracting.
I perform at my best because I have, in my manager, excellent communication skills with sincerity and concern and her office is always open for
i perform at my best if i am allowed to do the work with interuptions.
I perform at my best when I am given the opportunity to make critical decisions freely (within boundaries of course).
i perform at my best when i feel valued by my employer, and feel that i am trusted by my employer.
I perform at my best when the staffing is appropriate. I perform my best when I am working with a system that works. Guidewire is a mess.
Things fall thru the cracks and aren't assigned correctly. How nice was it that a body was sitting at the morgue for 2 weeks and the file still
hadn't been assigned. We have a stack of papers to attempt to find instructions or work-arounds - and then we are questioned why we aren't
processing files faster. Many staff feel like someone's pockets got lined to implement such a shoddy system. It had to be some executive's
I perform at my best when there are open lines of communication between myself, my staff, adjusters, and claims managers. In addition, I
perform at my best when the hardware (computers, copiers, etc.) is well maintained and functioning properly.
I perform at my best when there is a clear goal and guidelines to meet that goal. I also perform my best when I have the proper time to do my
work. The atmosphere and the constant changing goal posts is very frustrating. Add in a new computer system that is NOT working intuitively
and takes many steps to do one thing (really - what a disaster of a system) and NOT allowing me more time to get my work done is really
frustrating. Presently I'm not performing at my best and it is very frustrating. I need the proper tools, adequate time and support to do my job
properly. I'm feeling overwhelmed and at times unable to think.
I perform at my best when we are staffed adequately and everyone is trained.
I perform best when I have all of the tools to do my job. Claim Centre training for managers was insufficient. Work tools are too high level to deal
with most specific issues that arise. Further job aids could/should be developed as common concerns arise.


I perform my best when: procedure manuals are up to date, my manager's open door policy, a comfortable environment - this I have most of
the times Positive work environment, less micro managing, feel that my opinion is valued and trust that I am here to do my best, constructive
feedback - this sometimes is lacking
I preform my best in a collaborative work enviroment. Some of the senior staff feel they are entitled to more and dictate more of what goes on,
which ultimately puts the newer staff at a disadvantage. There is favoratism in place and it is obvious when communications are sent from the
manager to address issues it is always after these few people have spoken to her. There is no anonymity as we all know who does it. I am a hard
working person but have not done this for 5-10 years like some people have, yet i get treated poorly and resented becuase I am not preforming
at their level. I still go over and above the call of duty and am very nice regardless of how I am trweated but in a union envoriment i just find this
is unfiar and against union rules. it is important for me to be happy at work, but that is not possible when people like these are ruling the work
place and managing the managers rather than just doing what we are told. Anything that seems unfavorable ot hem gets changed at the cost of
everyone elses time effort or stress level becuase they feel they are more important and the manager supports them in these actions. If these
obstacles were corrected I would operate much more efficiently and effectively as I am not worried about being yelled at or ignored all day by co
workers becuase they dont like me for some prejudice reason.
I require the necessary time to be given during the day to successfully perform my duties in detailed quality.
I so very rarely have any contact with my Manager. I mainly have contact with the Supervisor that is assigned to me. In the last 3 months, I have
had 3 Supervisors. My first Supervisor was awesome and I miss her. She was very good at including me in all the things mentioned in the
questions here. She should be a Manager. The Supervisors here at CCC are so overworked and overwhelmed with the changes from TP. What
are the Mangers doing?
I think I make use of the resources available whether it be asking my peers or superiors or going online to search for the information I need. But
searching online can be time-consuming sometimes.
I think my responses say it all


I think with the implementation of our new claims system, some will say that getting the resources necessary to do their work is more
challenging due to the numerous job aides, and ongoing process and procedural changes. With everyone being so busy, it was hard to find the
time sometimes to support each other, which sometimes got in the way of the learning process and sometimes people's frustration increased
because of this. With that being said, my Manager and other Managers that I had to turn to for help were endlessly patient with my questions,
with walking through the system and its new procedures, and I always felt like there would be someone available to answer my questions as
they arose. I think that other areas were not necessarily as lucky or as prepared for this as the Administrative department, as leading up to
Claim Center implementation, Managers were very busy. This meant that taking the time to learn the new system often took a back seat to their
other regular work, and when it came down to crunch time, people were not as prepared as they needed to be to support their staff through the
learning curve.
I try to find the information I am looking for in the Manual, but find that it is missing a lot of information. Most times my co-workers are a great
source of information, and if I am unable to find information, I can rely on them to help with the situation. If this fails then we have the
supervisors and help desk to contact.
I try to make time to perform at my best and to treat each customer equally , but with the workload it is hard to give the service our customers
I try to perform my best in my department - however there is a lot of favourtism by my manager to certain employees in our department and
this forces a sense of deep unrest and unfairness that is readily apparent in our department
I understand the restriction on certain aspects of my authority, but at the same time it can be at times a cumbersome task to get what can be an
obvious approval for simple issues (getting approval to adjourn a trial due to a recent subsequent accident or all concede we have insufficient
days to proceed with trial). It should be noted I am an experienced Claims Manager yet for these "obvious" examples I still need Ops Mgr
approval? I also understand the financial reasons from reducing our authority, but at my current level seems every second file needs to get Ops
approval whether above my N.P amount or for a nominal obvious f/care amount, etc.
I usually perform at my best when I am left to do my work but also when I have management's assistance in certain areas of my work. However,
the managers are bombarded with meetings and phone calls that don't allow them to spend enough time with their employees so when we
don't have that support, we sometimes struggle to keep up.
I want to keep up my good reputation with my co-workers. I take pride in being dependable.


I will need for my colleagues to be on the same page, for the quality controls that exist to evaluate the output to accomplish what it sets out to
do: teach us. I find that I am consistently deemed to under-performing statistically when much of my time is devoted to correct the errors of
others. Whilst its understood we are all adapting to ClaimCenter, in the data-driven environment of CCC, having delivered quality-work is not as
readily rewarded/measured as quantity-work. Another major contributor is scheduling. In the environment of CCC, hiring practices of the last
few has resulted in major imbalances in the workforce. In the environment of CCC, a varied workforce is essential such that a younger and more
flexible workforce is needed to balance the older, more experienced workforce that has a less flexible schedule due to the demands of family
whether young or aging. With several years of internal hiring that has only brought on board individuals with high seniority causing many's
seniority to "plateau" and often internal hiring will bring on board people who's non-work demands are same as current staff, thereby limiting
the flexibility required in a workforce that serves a 24/7 operation.
I work in a great department with a great team of dedicated employees and leaders who are committed to their careers at ICBC.
I work in a location that is extremely under staffed, so as well as being assigned provincial work from locations that have fallen behind, I am
expected to also provide 100 percent of reception duties and currently 100% of MD questions are coming to me due to lack of staff and 100% of
regular office duties are my responsibility too. I would like to see a Provincial productivity report for positions similar to mine, now that we are a
'Province-Wide team'.
i work with an amazing team
I would be able to perform better with a system(s) that allow me to do my job in a timely and effective manner that doesn't compromise our
customers or customer service.
I would be better able to perform at my desk if the claims were assigned to each individual adjuster. As it stands now, an unreasonable amount
of time is spent reviewing files. if the adjuster owned the files minimum time would be spent reviewing as the adjuster would be aware of what
is happening on the files in their caseload. I find the team concept for these files excessively unproductive due to the time spent reviewing each
file every time a phone call or invoice or piece of mail comes in. i could perform better with better customer service with my own caseload.
i would like to see us being given more empowerment and trust to make the right decision; i would like to see my manager and the management
team able to trust me to make the right decisions ; i would like to see the company not contradict herself with ads that say the customer is
allowed to settle when they want but we are hardpressed to make offers when we dont feel it is time to do so . this to me is a contradiction as a
coporation . we say one thing to the public but do another thing internally.


I would perform at a higher efficiency level without being on a phone queue.

I would perform at my best if I were able to access the information that I require daily to do my job. Our new system is (after almost 1 year) still
very complicated and not at all user friendly. ICBC has created a HUB to search to procedures and information but I am almost never able to
navigate it myself (and I am VERY experienced at Internet browsing searches and key words).
I would perform better if I was able to go to my manager or supervisor for help. Unfortunately this is not possible. Since the implementation of
ClaimCenter management is not in the system and does not understand the process or procedures for activities that we need to complete. We
are left to figure things out on our own or call the help desk.
I would perform better if I was provided with appropriate levels of financial authority required to do my job.
I would perform my best if i was not constantly monitored to death and IM'D if taking too long on a claim etc. This office is too numbers oriented
and no focus on customer service, Claim Centre has made our workplace extremely stressful with the wait times etc. we on the front line take
the brunt of all the complaints which just makes doing our job that much harder. mgmt has no idea what our job entails and we never have any
meetings to express how we feel..They assume everything is peachy keen, well its not!!! Five yrs ago my co-workers and i enjoyed coming to
work this is no longer the case. People on big brother have more freedom, we might as well be chained to our desks here.
ICBC does NOT give me the time to do my job to my best abilities.
ICBC does to provide sufficient guidance with regard to how they expect employees to deal with the extreme workload.
Ideas/suggestions are turned down before they are considered. There has been so many changes there is not one clear or easy way to find the
right information. Changes are made before considering the impact. example: changing our claims procedure manual for call centre employees.
Our need for information and procedures are completely different then the rest of the claims staff. In order to help a customer or complete a
claim properly we need our material in one place to answer all general questions and step by step process not just definitions. Our customers
are on the phone while we look for the information and at the same time we are measured in seconds how long it takes to resolve the call. I
can't look in a hundred different spots/emails/job aids to find the possible answer. What we had worked they should have recognized that and
built something for us. We are the customers first impression....
If processes were clearer and not all of the place would be much easier to perform better


If the corporation had a clear vision of not only where they wanted to go with the company, provided resources to get there and had enough
respect, trust and appreciation for those doing the job to allow them to do the job and not have their staff bound at every angle so that they
cannot make decisions without one, two or three levels of management for even the smallest decisions. What would enable me to do my best
would be giving me a place to work where I am respected, my onions, my expertise, my issues are not only heard but they are addressed and
things are done. A place where we can actually laugh and have feel at home. Sometimes its the basics - not even complicated or expensive
changes. This place is NOT an environment where someone can flourish and grow - it is a place where plants die - dark, no air and negative.
If the department wants to lower the handle time for adjusters, they should find better ways to communicate the procedures/processes
required to do the job.
If there were more incentives I think a lot more of us would work even harder.
If volume of claims does not allow me to perform my work to my best ability. The training we received was inadequate ( a 2 day powerpoint
presentation) , we were left to figure out this new system on our own
I'm a visual person. I like to be physically walked thru a task by my trainer and then equipped with a job aid so I can stumble through the task my
self. Should I need additional guidance, I have multiple resources to exhaust.
I'm an A type personality, again... very organized, take my job seriously and like to do a good job. I have a great manager that is very open to
speaking with his employees and trusts us which motivates me in doing a great job. However...... to be perfectly honest, the Corporation has
not given their employees proper system training, absolutely no business rules around the new claim centre and none of the claims manuals
have been updated to give the employees the information that is needed to do our jobs to the standard most of us expect which totally hinders
providing good customer service. We spend more time calling the help desk and doing "workarounds" for our claims than what we should be.
We are told to look up the answers we are seeking first before turning to our managers for help. However... since none of the manuals have
been updated, it takes sometimes hours to find an answer that could have taken 5 minutes to locate. It's just plain stupid.
I'm challenged to perform my best work when I'm afforded opportunities to take on responsibilities for helping shape the future direction of our
team - especially so if there is opportunity to be part of helping shape the future of our organization.
i'm not even sure why there is a performance plan. upper management (directors and above) dictate what goes in the reports. there is nothing
constructive or helpful about wasting time 4 times per year completing these. these are nothing more than another "make work" project by the


directors and above

I'm not sure as I don't deal directly with my Manager. I deal with my supervisor, but even then, there is not enough time to go over things with
your supervisor. I contact the supervisor queue more often than I report to my own Supervisor. this section, in my opinion cannot be rated
accurately in this department.
In enabling my to perform my best I believe the help of people around to bounce ideas off of. I find it difficult because I hardly get any feedback
so that is a bit hard.
In my dept, I feel totally unappreciated. i feel EXTREMELY monitored. i often feel that i am being treated in a very disrespectful way. I feel that
we are not provided with honest communication for changes in our dept. I feel that we are not given enough time to read and absorb
information for the constant changes made in our dept.
In my opinion, the new system we are now working with presents a number of different barriers that prevent us from doing out best work. The
built in duplicate activities that keep popping up are time consuming and annoying and take up valuable time being as our workload has
increased considerably. Customer service is basically now a myth as time does not seem to be available to do proper investigations with respect
to liability resoluction in a timely manner and follow up with customers, as required by guidelines set by the company. The workload and
processes in place now leave me feeling unsatisfied with the quality of work I am doing and frustrated in that I am not performing my job up to
the quality level I was able to do prior to this new system.
In my position I have staff that report to me, I am limited to access information to help support my team.
in order for me to perform at my optimum level, the workload needs to be reduced. Corporate expectations are unrealistic!
In order to perform at my best I require my caseload to not be overwhelming. I have always prided myself on the fact that I do a good job and
give excellent customer service (externally and internally), however I am unable to pride myself on that anymore.
In order to perform at my best, I feel I need a higher degree of authority and freedom
In our current environment, I am not able to perform at my best. Too many obstacles are put in our way.
In our role, being able to make "law firm specific" decisions is very important to success. A strategy for one firm will not be effective for another.
Being able to make those decisions for myself are very important and empowering. What would increase my performance is a higher level of

authority to resolve files.

Increased authority based on proven abilities.
inefficient systems, insufficient tools, too many bandaid solutions. We do not have the time, tools, or authority to perform our work
Information & inter departmental cooperation.
Information sharing - jobs are assigned with vague information and then once the task is half-done or almost complete, information is shared
then and the task has to be re-done. Listening - in meetings, it helps when there are no distractions and I know my manager is giving their full
attention. Also, hearing what I say before answering. Real-evaluations - my manager not assuming that I am still struggling in the same area
when real improvements have already been made and discussed. Do not dwell and mark performance management on areas that improvements
have already been made.
It appears that direct Managers are in fear of their jobs or something as they seem to not want to "rock the boat" per say. Workloads are a huge
issue which in turn affects Customer Service. We are told there is no help available if one gets behind in their work...& from what I understand
most of the claims division is behind in their work which in turn affects the customers. I don't believe the customer is the focus with the
It has been difficult to perform at my best as the process of how to do activities with the new system is constantly changing and the location for
finding information is difficult to find as it is always being moved.
It is difficult to find time to fully understand the new system without compromising "handling time". There is insufficient time provided to read
important notifications. We shouldn't have to read emails on personal time.
it is difficult to get into my manager to seek authority or direction
It is frustrating to not have the authority to make some very basic decisions that I have been making for 10+ years without risk to the
corporation. I am pretty sure that I did not suddenly lose my training/skills/abilities. Recent changes have taken that away (authorizing
breaches is one example). Our division has the highest level of control with the lowest financial risk. ClaimCenter has created a tremendous
amount of unnecessary busy work. During peak intake it is impossible to do anything but click buttons all day eliminating any time to spend on
the other important aspects of my role.

It is helpful to always have someone around to ask questions. But there are several factors that block my potential to do even better.
It is not about performing your best; it is about settlements. Again, front line managers are being bullied by those above to push settlements
and nothing else matters.
It is often difficult to report or measure new criteria requested by upper Management as the existing reports available are inaccurate or do not
collate the necessary data to report on the particular criteria requested. There does not appear to be the capability to customize a report to
meet whatever the reporting needs are. Also, often the processes in place are overly convoluted which can make it difficult to remain efficient.
It is very helpful to have a direct line to a supervisor. If I am not sure about something/just want to confirm that I am thinking about a
task/situation in the right way it makes me feel more confident to know that I can quickly ask a supervisor a question to clear up any confusion
and I am then able to assist the customer.
It's my opinion I am performing at my best. Leaving me to do the job that I've been trained to do & not be constantly reminded by management
of what needs to be done. I trust our direct managers to know who is successfully managing their work & who is not. This current pressure from
management will soon backfire.
I've had my manager for only 2 weeks so many of these I can't answer. I've received help from my manager as part of the pool of supervisors and
found my manager to be extremely helpful and knowledgeable - I was very pleased when I was assigned to my manager's unit when my old
manager retired.
Keeping us informed of changes that are coming so that we have some input and are able to analyze how the changes will affect our teams.
Kind and supportive team members encourage you to ask further questions in order to pick up concepts needed to perform your job more
effectively. The many job descriptions of an Claims Support Assistant not only allow you to be versatile but it also keeps the job more interesting
which in term encourages you to continue to do well in each designate. The job aids in legacy and ClaimCentre have given me a better sense of
direction when completing tasks.
knowing resources available to me to find information when needed and receiving feedback for work done more often than just during
performance reviews
Knowing where to find the information is very important and if the information is not user friendly it is important that the leaders listen to
employees to make it more user friendly. Also having a paper copy of some of the information nearby would be great, as sometimes it is very

difficult to find information in the systems provided.

Knowing/feedback of the procedures
Knowledge of new procedures, support from supervisor and managers
knowledge of the insurance industry would enable me to improve my performance.
lately, i do not perform at my best. ever since claimcentre, the whole company has been overwhelmed, non efficient, struggling to get through
the day. our customers have been affected strongly as well as the employees. productivity is down as well as customer service
Local managers no longer have the authority to manage their employees. They are simply monitors with very little authority to make decisions.
management's time is CONSUMED with dealing with mambers of our "team" who have problems dealing with co-workers and need constant
coddling. more effort is spent with people who do not seem to contribute to the team, but those people do not seem to have any
consequences, the same thing has been happening with the same employees for years
manager answering my questions quickly. if my manager is unsure, my manager will seek resources to provide the required support. manager
friendly and open.
managers have less knowledge and skill than those they manage therefore in the job prove to be useless.
Managers never received specific training in the new system to enable them to effectively do their job. There are no real reports to refer to
regarding results, and the processes have been learned by trial and error and group discussions with other managers, rather than formal
training. The roll out was handled poorly in relation to job duties for managers.
manager's support
many of what I view as deficiencies from a leadership perspective are a direct byproduct of having insufficient resources to achieve optimum


Me, myself and I are what drives me to perform my best and try to do whats best for the customer each day.There is no direction from senior
and mid-level management to help with motivation to be out best.
Menial tasks and paper pushing ie bill payments, chiro, massage, physio and DC billing being sent around the province causing duplication of
work. Third party billing are out of control and are taking up a large amount of my time. Time I would like to spend settling claims. We have also
been asked to perform more and more admin tasks which also takes away time from settling files.
Minute scrutiny of my every day does NOT enable me to perform my best. Emails from Rob Story essentially accusing the staff of not trying
hard enough is NOT what enables me to perform my best. A realistic expectation of performance is what WOULD enable me to perform my
best. We are not robots.
More authority for bi.
more opportunity to make some money....ie overtime.
More time at my desk.
my authority is the lowest it has been in my career at ICBC. Due to my seniority I get the difficult files but I have minimal authority and have to
seek authority from my manager or ops manager. ICBC has put proceedures in place that simply take away time from the work I have to do and,
I can only assume, is used by another department to monitor our work. It seems that with every overhaul of our work proceedures I end up with
performing more clerical functions. More and more of my day is spent doing tasks that used to be done by clerical department.
My colleagues are my best resource and support, as they help us problem solve issues that are raised each day, and give info/advice that may fill
in the holes of doubt we may each carry. Last but not least, supervisors/managers have been tireless in providing their guidance and
encouragement (and additional support), ensuring we succeed as best we can in this challenging transitional period.
my conscience
My coworkers and supervisors around me help me perform at my best. Because we were neglected of vital procedures with a whole new claims
program, we relied on eachother to make decisions for claims-taking.
My current Manager has been very helpful in achieving my goals with the Corporation



My direct line manager continues to do as much as they can to help but with their hands tied behind their back to give us the resource/tools to
excel at our jobs while giving the customer service to our customer deserve. Instead we are less fiscally responsible because we are having to
cover errors/delays because of the lake of resources.
My direct manager could not be more supportive. The business model that has been set by senior management does not allow us to work
efficiently or service the customer in any productive manner. It really concerns me as an employee that has been with the Corporation for 25
years to see what appears to be the Corporation falling apart at the seams. The new computer system has not enhanced our job performance.
It has added a significant amount of processes without benefit at the end. For the first time in 25 years I have concerns for the Corporations
sustainability. We do not have sufficient employees to service our customers. Wait times and customer satisfaction I believe are at an all time
low. Certainly statistics can be manipulated so that at present it may seem as though targets are being met and things are running efficiently.
But this is not the case from the inside. I have never experienced more unsatisfied customers and I do not blame them. With respect to the
value upper management places on employees. It appears absent.
my direct manager is a great leader - open to feedback & sharing information - it's the next levels & higher up that are a concern - the message
that everything is important - priorities change one minute to the next and everything needs to be done immediately - like the high urgency was
not known until now ? - and then after you do what is immediate - you are sometimes told that things changed and the requirements/info are
no longer necessary - should this not have been thought out better at higher levels ? rather than a mentality of urgency when really is it?
credibility is lost - higher levels do not appear focused on a true understanding of what is really necessary and when
My direct manager is very supportive and helpful, BUT his hands are tied with the current processes (ClaimCenter) and procedures
(centralization). He does what he can but our jobs have become very rigid. The time-consuming and redundant processes are grinding
production to a snail's pace. The Centralization of the corp has crushed my ability to perform my best as my time spent dealing with upset
customers, trying to find an adjuster, dealing with reception (our CSA's have quit and are not being replaced), and often playing adjuster for the
aforementioned problem, leaves me without any time to complete tasks involving my own job (I am having to complete this survey after hours)
my direct manager trusts me to do my work. she is very approachable.


My direct unit manager is way too over worked. She has too many people reporting to her to be able to give us individual attention that we
need. She is very difficult to get into see for a simple question for direction or authority. She is doing her best and schedules weekly hour
meetings with us, but when i am trying to work on file and make a decision, i cannot get into see her for a quick help/answer. I don't want to
wait a week for help, or have to always send an email for assistance and wait for her to respond. I do believe she is doing the best she can with
the amount of workload that is put on her. I just feel that her busy'ness contributes to me not being able to perform at my best.
My efforts are acknowledged and respected by immediate manager.
My experience is the only thing that enables me to perform at my best as the systems we have in place including ClaimCenter prevent me from
providing a high degree of customer service. My experience enables me to take the shortcuts I need to so that I can get the job done.
My extensive amount of experience that I have with this company allows me to do perform my job effectively. Specific training and attendance
to related conferences would allow me to do my job even more effectively if they were allowed...
my honesty and integrity / my ability to recognize a screw up but more importantly learn from it
My job has been destroyed, i have tons of experience in how to do my job and yet i have to go to my manager to get ok's simple claim decision
due to authority levels. i would be much more productive if they can take all road blocks and just let me do my job and just tell me the target i
will beat.
My manager - and the team I work with - enable me to perform at my best. The experience of, and encouragement by, our manager are
invaluable to our team. With our manager's leadership, our team functions very effectively and collaboratively with each team member
contributing their respective expertise and skills to meeting our team's objectives and priorities.
my manager address my questions and concerns in a timely manner
My manager advises me of areas of concern and then in most cases gives me the latitude to resolve these issues.
My manager and centre manager are very helpful and supportive when I am settling high value or complex claims and give me advice when I ask
for it.
My manager can only do as much as she can when she only gets certain information from the upper levels.


My manager does an excellent job but the decisions made above him strangle my ability to do my job in the most efficient way.
My manager does not "micro" manage I am given clear instructions on the task at hand for that moment. Tools and proper procedures. This is a
work in progress (ClaimCenter), but for now quite frustrating Clean work environment. The carpets are filthy
My manager does not distribute workload fairly. Numbers of files are only considered and not complexity.
My manager doesnt understand the job processes enough in claim center to help us with our jobs.
my manager enables me to perform at my best however the training and tools do not. our training on the new system was very inadequate and
with using two systems side by side, it is very hard to be as efficient with a system not designed to be used for our type of business/work we do
in claims at icbc
My manager gives me a lot of positive comments about my performance during the performance review. It makes me to get more confidence
about myself and leads me to work more activeley.
My Manager gives me his trust, he gives me the time I need to do my job correctly and assists me and gives me his input when I ask for it. The
largest factor is my manager gives me his trust.
My Manager gives me the freedom to complete work in a way that works best for me. I am not micro managed at work and not given pressure.
My manager gives me that trust that she knows I am able to complete my work with minimal to no supervision and that enables me to work at
my own pace, set my priorities but still ensuring all the work is completed.
My manager has faith in my ability to do my job and quite often comes to me to seek assistance with my position specific related duties. My
collective experiences with ICBC provides me with a vast array of knowledge that I use to do my job on a daily basis.
my manager has recently changed and there has been very little contact with the new manager as they work out of a different office.
My manager has too much on his/her plate to be useful to everyone of his/her reports. He/She is being dragged in as many directions as we are.


My manager help me perform to the best of my ability. The challenges that affect my ability to perform in a manner which I can by proud of is
my workload. I have worked in a few departments during my 20 plus year career at icbc. I have never experienced a workload like this. I am a
quick, effective worker but I can not keep up. Most recently we received a message designed to encourage settlements by competing in a
contest. Settling claims is the most rewarding portion of my job, I strive to meet or exceed the corporate set goals in this area every month. I feel
belittled that there is a lack of understanding by upper management that this isn't my complete focus everyday when I perform my job. I do not
need further incentives I need more time or a manageable workload.
My manager is always there to help me with any questions I have and does so quickly and willingly
My Manager is awesome; however, I do not feel involvement for our department from director or in our org group generally. My Manager
assists me as much as she can in what seems like a very isolating environment (in other words, do not work as team - including regional offices
My manager is constantly giving me contradictory instructions. I dont know what I am supposed to do. It changes day to day. No consistency.
My Manager is doing the best that they can with what they are being forced to do no doubt
My manager is fantastic and does her best with the parameters she is provided. There are an excessive amount of processes in place that make
doing our job efficiently very difficult. We are a "stat" driven company now which I understand to a degree but it's too much and you've made
so many things "THE" priority no one knows anymore where to start. What enables me to perform at my best is 1.) a good manager (which
you've provided thank-you, I just hope we get to keep her) 2.) Less workload so that I may do a more efficient job instead of feeling like I'm just
putting out fires 3.) More acceptance of thinking outside the box. We like to think we do that but with the multitude of restrictions in our
workplace I can assure you you're not getting our "best."
My manager is great but has so much work to do that sometimes I don't get the direction I need to get work done. There are way too many
processes in place to work efficiently. There's a lot of time wasted due to the processes. It's extremely frustrating.
My manager is great but he is only as good as his manager who i have never met and don't even know what he looks like. It is like a big black
hole outside my work area. We keep telling them workload is an issue and we have NOTHING from up above. They just don't care. I keep
seeing people quit and retire in our work group and they say they are replacing them and i don't see it on the list for new hires. they do mass
postings and hire 2-3 people. I just see this company going down and it is not good. Staffing levels are not appropriate and staff is very upset.


ICBC is lucky they have people that are willing to work but how can we have good customer service scores when work load is an issue.

My manager is great, but the general processes have not been properly established and/or communicated by the management team.
My manager is having difficulties getting the information we need to do our job with ClaimCentre. It doesn't necessarily bode well for the
My manager is helpful and always tries to find the answer to my questions if she does not know it. They new system is confusing, difficult to
manage and seems to have more problems than successes but my Manager does her best to assist us.
My manager is limited in giving me direction because I have limited decision making authority. My manager tells me procedural changes
associated with claimcentre which my manager is instructed to pass on from managers above but NO ONE has any idea how to do the adjuster
job using ClaimCentre so they do not understand the impact their instructions/directions have. I would strongly recommend that ALL
MANAGERS in the claims heirachy sit down & process 5 claims to get a true understanding of the work involved with ClaimCentre so that some
work may be reassigned to other job groups (such as admin) at a lower pay scale & adjusters can get back to focusing on adjusting files rather
than data entry of info into claimcentre
My manager is not solely responsible for me performing my best. I try every day to do the best job I can, with or without my manager's help.
My manager is quite busy and isn't as available as he was prior to CC implementation. I find the new system difficult to seek manager advise in a
timely manner, holding up the files. The system is very time consuming requiring a lot of duplicate input which is causing me to slow down my
typical output.
My manager is only capable of providing us with the information and tools that they are provided with. We know they would like to be able to
do more but clearly they are not given the ability to decision make under certain circumstances, so neither are we. Their hands are tied as well.
My manager is particularly adept at recognizing the strengths and unique skill sets of her direct reports and providing us with opportunities to
maximize our contributions to the overall success of the team. My manager has been extremely supportive of my development goals and has
provided many opportunities to enhance my current skill set.
my manager is supportive and provides me witth clear instruction to complete tasks. my manager does not micro-manage and trusts my ability

to perform my job functions.

My manager is too busy with "manager stuff" and is rarely available to provide guidance and/or assistance with my work. The
numbers/metrics/process demands that are placed on my manager prevent him/her from actually managing.
My manager is very supportive and encouraging towards me in further development within my role.
My manager is very supportive but decisions at a more senior level often conspire against settling claims effectively and economically.
My manager is wonderful. The workload and corporate structure are challenging. I have inadequate authority and we are overly burdened by
documentation and procedure resulting in inefficiency.
My manager picks favourites and pits us against one another. There is no training. My manager' idea of coaching is to tell me to get the work
done then criticize the work I do. My manager's manager is the same.
My manager rarely involves our team in changes to our work load or procedures
My manager says all the right things but talk is cheap. My opinion is not respected and not really even listened to. He/She is over his head and
too concerned about meeting all the insane targets set from on high. He/She has absolutely no respect for my viewpoint or opinions. The
company has done a good job of brainwashing the managers to have contempt for all the union staff, and created a group of psychopathic
individuals with no empathy.
My manager sees were my strength is being acknowledged with it , helps me to get more motivated.
My manager tries very hard to maintain morale, communicate goals , etc. but cannot relieve the stress associated with impossible expectations
and too much workload.
my manager works hard and is not the problem in our ability to complete our file handling issues. It is the people above her that have no interest
in what is really occuring at our positions, nor to the actual services and experiences that the customer is (or more often is not) receiving. As long
as they can hide behind manipulated and irrelevant statistics which appear to indicate all is going well then these upper managers sleep fine.
The fact that the customer is really not being given proper file handling attention is not an issue to them. If it was then they would see what is
really going on where the rubber hits the road and effect proper change. My manager works many hours each day /week and has a totally


unreasonable level of work to handle, let alone try to be able to assist us. My manager is not the problem here.

my manager works hard to keep things moving forward, and shows respect and a great attitude towards all staff. it is when files and decisions go
above my managers level that respect, open discussion and communication are lost and usually make the job harder rather than easier.
My managers feedback during performance discussions is useful to me in doing my work. My manager gives me the time and attention I need
to successfully do my work. I receive enough information from my manager to do my work. I am encouraged by my manager to use my own
judgment in completing my work. My manager involves me in decisions that impact my work and the work of my department.
My manager's ability to do any of the functions in the above questions is limited due to the current hierarchy and corporate culture.
my managers awesome ! she also, which i feel is equally as important, gives me the space needed to complete my job she never micro manages
me. i feel like the materials w/ claim center could have been better- as in training we all sat in a 4 walled room and stared at the walls for the
better half of the training time w/no one to ask questions to who were able to provide answers. not enough demos and real life scenarios, and
even know we need more procedure based how to's
My manager's barriers are as a result of upper management's decisions to continually change priorities and bring out ridiculous short term goals
of address actuaries. This is resulting in a haphazard way of effectively managing caseloads. Upper management is continually putting out
new strategies to provide short term responses to actuaries. This causes the real work required tobe done on files to be ignored and uploaded
to higher paid employees. Severities are increasing as there is no time left for litigation adjusters to do the actual jobs they should be doing.
My manager's continued support and trust in allowing me to do my job allows me to perform at my best. I appreciate that my manager is not a
micro manager. She trusts in my ability and knows that I will go to her when necessary.
My managers support.
My overall experience with in the trades, the ability to keep an open mind to conversation.
My own abilities.


My own personal work ethics.

my own sense of responsibility to the company. At this point in time I see no real want from upper management to put things right across the
board. You give the BI adjusters all the O/T they want to deal with claims MD is miles behind but that is because we are lazy this thought process
makes no sense to me at all. I for one try to put a good 8 hours everyday and I am in MD, I am not lazy but we need the O/T to catch up if we
cared about our customers or we were financially responsible then we do the O/T to save money in the long run. Some one is being very short
My own work ethic enable me to perform at my best. My manager provide me with the assistance and guidance as much as she can. Beyond
that, it is often difficult to achieve my best with the current case load and all the extra tasks we are given. I have never complained about my
workload before but I find I am handcuffed now with all the additional administrative tasks I'm expected to do, the files that don't fit within my
understood job description and the lack of assistance from other departments (ie rehab). I am a Senior Injury adjuster.
my own work ethics
My own work ethics enable me to do my work. The current/past training for the new systems, the incomplete and often incorrect CPM, the
current line in the sand between bargaining unit and management, lack of employee recognition are all things that are currently "NOT" things
that are enabling me to perform at my best.
My performance is based solely on my own work ethics. Workload is an issue at this time but there is no plan in place to deal with it. There is
no reward for hard work other than being given more work. There is no longer opportunities to advance in the Corporation so performing well
in my job is truly only about me and my beliefs in working hard and doing a good job.
My personal commitment and work ethic.
My personal drive for success and promotion. Missing breaks and lunches just to try and keep my head above water
My personal ethics


my personal ethics and morals. i am wired that way

My primary complaint in regards to performance management has been the lack of training. I completed my web-based claim center training
upon gaining employment with ICBC, but beyond that there has been no consistent training regime or schedule for my role. I have worked in
several public administrative roles, and I can confidently say that the training for my role with ICBC has been the worst.
My role has very little management involvement. Remote management is ineffective and without dialogue & collaboration there is little/no
ability to share best practices.
My specific manager is great and gives the tools to the best of their ability to do my job. The roadblocks I face come from much higher level of
My supervisor gives us daily assigned tasks so we know what is a priority to do that day. Its very helpful!
my supervisor is positive and helpful
My team helps each other, we each contribute ti a pleasant environment with our interactions, we can count on each other. Claim Centre is
useful but cumbersome but I understand things will change in the future
My team of managers constantly change what we do on a daily basis. We are expected to do a particular role within our team only to be pulled
away from that role and be assigned a different role. This causes tasks that need to be done to be delayed even more.
my work ethic
My work ethic enables me to perform at my best, as I want to do the best that I can
My work ethic.
My work ethics provide what I need in most cases but when I need assistance, I know my manager is always there to assist me.
My work is of professional interest to me. My continuous success in this role enhances team relationships and opportunities for the future.


My years of service, my personal work ethic, and my knowledge of the department and how we are affected by the other departments.
myself and my coworkers
Need better and more direct communication on changes to department policies
need more time to complete file work, less time answering team phones/vm and emails. smaller teams might resolve this issue to some extent
Need more training and less movement of desks in order to become proficient at each desk. Too much movement without discussing our
need proper procedures
need time to work on files
New manager -unable to answer all questions
Not able to perform at my best due to workload.
Not being micro-managed and monitored/timed at everything I do.
Not being over-shadowed or watched. Being trusted that I'm capable to do what is expected of me. I work very well will minimal supervision.
Not enough time to do work as pulled in all different directions
nothing about this department enables me to perform at my best any more.
nothing does. every move has a road block


Nothing enables me to perform at my best. Poor policies and procedures filtered down from the top simply get in the way. Feedback from the
front line goes in one ear and out the other. Any suggestions that would help us do our job better are simply denied, and no reasons are given
why. The company is understaffed for the workload levels, but they continues to make excuses for it. And the answers are - to A) bring in people
from outside the company to do the work (this is done on a continual basis, with some outside people staying for years...), or B) to offer
Saturday overtime to employees that only revolve around, again, 'getting rid of files', as opposed to something like dealing with 14-day
turnarounds on getting a cheque to someone who's car has been written off (we used to have a 3-4 day turnaround). But, again, the decisionmakers don't seem to care about that. We have just spent $400+ million dollars on a new computer system, that makes our job more difficult to
do than ever. We find ourselves doing functions that were previously done in other departments (ie: adjusting/administrative/estimating
functions all being done by adjusting staff, taking us away from our actual job). This computer system cannot even measure, or provide reports
on productivity, and the company cannot even tell us (or won't) how many people are actually doing adjusting work on a daily basis. seems a
billion-dollar company, with a new $400 million dollar computer system would be able to, no? So, again, the company's policies, computer,
decision-making actually makes it so we perform at a very sub-par level.
Nothing... Corporation does not support its employees, or give opportunities to succeed. When their are clearly identifiable issues it is very rare
that any measurable corrective action is taken.
open communication from my manager, and a clear set of objectives, and appropriate access to resources enable me to perform at my best
open, direct communication.
Organizational Skills and Time Management are key to success in the workplace and keeping sanity among the masses. Balancing my work load,
organizing my day in a way that meets my needs, the customers needs and helps me keep my files/customers/activities up to date.
our BI authority especially for Costs and Disbursements is much too low for my level of experience. BI authorities need to be reviewed and
seriously updated. Regarding C and D we are constantly wasting time looking for a "rubber stamp of approval" on items we are better equiped
to argue than our own managers.


Our department is completely broken. Management barely communicates with staff much less engages in dialogue. Even worse is the lack of
communication between managers. Our department has been split between administration staff managers (support staff) and litigation
managers (lawyers). Neither side seems to know what the other is doing. Administration changes are being communicated through office
gossip rather than official channels. Workloads are becoming unmanageable. Staff are working to support multiple lawyers without enough
time to actually accomplish all that needs doing. Lawyers are being treated as interchangeable cogs, swapped from file to file depending on
where the biggest emergency is. Sick leaves are becoming more frequent. We are approaching critical mass and it seems clear that when we
can no longer keep up (a) it's going to cost the corporation a lot of money when litigation goes sideways and (b) management is going to be too
busy looking for a scapegoat to consider systemic causes. There actually aren't words to describe how horrifically off the rails this department
seems to have become. No one is 'performing at their best'. We're all too busy trying to put one fire out before moving on to the next.
Our Manager wants us working Provincially and I feel the expectation is that we will direct any issues or problems to the Manager for the
Manager to make the final decision.
Our new Claims reporting system provided TERRIBLE procedures & no hands on training - all staff are basically 'winging' it - however my own
Manager & Suprv are fabulous & supportive to try & give their staff procedure information.
Our team has a great relationship with out manager. He is incredibly dedicated and supports his team when and where he can, however there is
a disconnect between my manager and upper levels. I feel the questions are unfairly weighted against the capabilities of field managers. The
questions measure him against criteria far beyond the scope of his authority.
Our workload has increased significantly since Claimcenter was implemented and we are still expected to reach targets that were challenging to
meet with a much smaller intake. The new system has decreased our productivity and made file processing at least 3 times longer than it used to
Part of the claims volume crisis is micro-management. The adjusters have been stripped of all reasonable authority. I have the training and
knowledge to make intelligent decisions on my files. For example, breach claims. I know what constitutes a quality investigation and the
evidentiary barometer to uphold a breach. If a particular file needs a second look, I will ask. But the Corporation no longer trusts any adjuster to
manage a breach claim and does not seem to be training new adjusters to properly investigate and evaluate a breach claim. They now expect
managers to review each of these files. So the overworked adjuster has to wait for the overworked manager to approve the decision. Teach us
to do our job and let us do it. Let your managers manage, not adjust.


Perform at my best? When Claim Center arrived I was tossed to the wolves. You have asked me to figure out how to use a system that appears
to have been developed by some reasonably bright 10th graders back in 1993. The training I was given was more or less non-existent. It is hard
to perform at your best when you are under constant stress of trying to make your way through a system is completely unfriendly to the user.
Every call I took this Summer was from an angry person who was disgusted at how long it took to get through. Many people tried for days before
they finally were able to wait the 45 minute to an hour to talk to someone.
Performance plans should be reduced to twice or three times a year. Two times a year for those employees who have no issues, have been
doing the job for determined number of years and do not plan on ever leaving. Performance plan targets to should be more realistic and when
something is out of your control you should not be marked off track.
Performing at my best hasn't happened in about a year and a half now. The implementation of the new system was so badly done that with the
overload in claims basically we've been putting out fires only, no real adjusting work has been done on every file. Performing my best would
mean and reasonable work load (which we simply don't have now when you consider we take anywhere from 110 to 120 new files a month).
The training we received wasn't done well, we got a couple of days of hands on training and then were left to fend for ourselves - our best
doesn't come into the equation right now. A lower case load & time would enable me to perform at my best
Periodic recognition of efforts made and results achieved.
Plenty of performance reviews - maybe too many. Direction with the implementation of claim centre has been a bit scattered and limited as of
late but think we'll get there again. Decisions don't seem to be made for individuals at all - everything must be department wide with little
regard to specific strengths or needs. I perform my best when I am given time alone to sort through it - when I do ask questions I am given the
same answer by everyone (seems the answer varies depending who you ask) and the work load is not so overwhelming you feel like there is no
time to ask questions
Poor staff management at times leaves me very little time to do my job properly . its unfair to over staff the early shift and under staff the late
shift ( the one im on ) for months it seems the late shift has been over worked
Positive feedback because that gives you Confidence. Knowing your supervisor and manager have got your back and looking out for you, helping
and available. NOT knowing my stat numbers because they make you feel like you NEVER MEASURE UP and make you feel like crap! Sooooo
much better since those reports are no longer showing up on my desk!!!! Less pressure = less stress = Better performance !


Positive work environment, team work, quiet environment, constructive criticism, etc.
-Positive working environment -Leadership and support from management. -Knowing (without doubt) working processes, policies and
procedures. -Ability and empowerment to make day to day operational decisions.
positive working environment where there is mutual respect by all levels
prefer not to say
Proper procedures and training.
proper time allotted for tasks
proper tools and resources. not being micro managed and not treated like a child.
Proper training not provided for the new systems. Work processes have totally changed and so have priorities. Not the same job!
PROPER TRAINING! All our work is different each day and therefore sometimes we need refreshers and shouldn't be judged if we ask about
something we may have learned or talked about but it doesn't mean we have been trained properly. Job aids as well are said to be helpful but I
don't find it helpful at all. My own notes have helped me more than the aids. It doesn't have step by step instructions (including key strokes,
etc.). It tells you what needs to be done but does not tell you how to get it done. Also, when training in the beginning of hire, if we are expected
to have 0 mistakes, then "dummy files" should be used instead of live ones. Class training is also useful instead of "train as you go basis".
Remember that every file is different and there are exceptions or special cases so be supportive and explain fully, not just basic "do this do that"
without understanding. Don't assume we know something when clearly we are asking because we don't know or may have forgotten already or
it is/was a "special case".
Provide us with the best training and tools for the job and then trust us to do our job without micro-managing us. Measure our productivity and
provide constructive feedback and coaching not negative, threatening methods. When people are crying in their managers office, then it is not a
productive and healthy work environment. Empower us to do our job and trust us to produce. acknowledge our efforts.


re: job specific training, due to our workload / staffing problems, we have not been able to have any training to do my work to the level expected
of me. re: manager supports the continuing development of my knowledge and skills, although I feel my manager supports this, I have not had
the time to further develop my knowledge & skills again due to our workload / staffing problems. for example, I would be interested in acting as
a Sr. RC, however due to our staffing issue, BIA's have been getting this opportunity over anyone in our dept. re: tools and resources, with not
having sufficient enough staff in this department, it's difficult to do my work. re: managers feedback during performance discussions is useful to
me in doing my work, in the past EPM, the majority of us were not meeting our targets however this was not in our control due to the
workload/staffing issues in our dept. This was not mentioned and feel this should be as it would imply that myself and my peers are not
performing based on our individual performance.
re: processes in place for my role help me to do my work, specifically to our role, there has
not been any letters created to help us do our job. Ie. AB summary letter was created by one of our peers and this is the letter we use to provide
informative info to our customers. It would be helpful if this letter or another one was created along with other important information to share
with our customers so that we could easily send this info out to our customers to free up more time to help more customers.
Reasonable work load. We do not have that in our department. What is required of our department changes every 1/4 as we can not meet all
requirements due to lack of staff. This results in our department having to place our focus in one area rather than all areas. This makes it difficult
as I feel all areas deserve to have our full attention.
Recognition of work done, a positive environment created by manager, procedural information in organized locale all help performance.
However all these things are thoroughly lacking.
recognition, clear objectives of what i am required to do on a daily basis and clarity
Regular performance plan reviews are important. Unfortunately, the company has now decided that being graded a 4 is the same as a 3 fully
successful. Other than personal pride, there is no motivation to do better than being fully successful. None of us, particularly the employees
who have been graded a 4 in the past, understand this asinine decision.
Relationship with other team members


Require more time to do the job properly - Activities are assigned when already overdue on a regular basis.
Resources on HUB; certain authorities to make decisions, help and guidance from manager.
Resources, both administrative and streamlined processes would help contribute to performing at my best. As well increased authority. This is a
huge challenge, as less authority means more manage time required when time is already at a premium.
respectful quiet workplace. less micro managing
Right now with the new system it is all a new learning curve, it is hard to give excellent customer service in a timely manner and do my job well
with the amount of work load and new system struggles we are having, I do understand this will eventually get better but I do wish that the corp
would recognize the struggles and give some help either with overtime or extra staff to help staff not feel so overwhelmed. Some managers are
very helpful, but there are managers that are not overly helpful, don't put notes on file, they disappear without letting anyone know where they
are when you need them.
Self driven, the love of motor vehicles and machinery,the want of helping people.
Setting my own pace and communicating with my team mate to ensure we are on track.
Sharing information regarding knowledge & change with my peers and my manager regarding the work we do.
showing appreciating, acknowledging that I am doing a good job


Since the implementation of the new Claim Centre System, I am prohibited from performing work anywhere near my potential. Any facilities
which might allow for critical thinking, judgment, and the actual adjusting of insurance matters have been systematically removed from the work
process. I no longer have time, nor am I encouraged to properly investigate, evaluate, negotiate and settle claims appropriately and/or fairly....
Instead, the focus is to complete needless work which "feeds the system". It is quite apparent that ICBC no longer cares to investigate claims.
Fraud is readily accepted. There is simply not the staffing in place to properly adjust and pay claims fairly. Customer Service is clearly NOT a
priority. Nor does the corporation have any concern for the health and welfare of their employees.
Since the inception of Claim Centre, most of us have found that we do not have all the proper procedures nor training to carry out our duties and
are not equipped with the tools we need to make this system transition easier for our customers or us. The quality of the letter package is poor
and is not accommodating to the communication needs of many adjusters.
stability of management in the workplace that know the job
staffing is at such a problem issue that some employees do the job required and some employees do nothing even when they are not busy.
Management does not address these issues. therefor the disruption around me prevents me from doing my best
still learning CC, it is getting easier but the volume?
Strong coaching support and an open door policy has helped me learn and grow in my role.
Strong leadership. My manager is very approachable and helpful. Lots of two way communication and great direction received which includes
my input.
Sufficient time and authority
Supervisors all need to be on the same page. Calling one supervisor with a question on a file, and then having to call back to speak with another
supervisor on the same file and what they tell you to do is different than the first is a problem. Also, having supervisors say to "do whatever you
want" is not very helpful. Never hear or see from management unless its about something negative.
Support from Management in office Training for higher risk claims (UMP, limits, further head injury and serious ortho training) Authority to make
decisions on the handling of files Limit the micro managing of the day to day running of files Let us know when we have done well



support from my peers and manager
support from my peers and open discussions with my superiors and manager to ensure I am on track and understand what is expected of me.
Support from our team and manager
Support my manager along with clear expectations and goals.
support, proper tools, adequate time, reasonable demands
supportive and approachable manager
The ability / knowledge of my Mgr to help me when or if necessary ... and this is not only when she is in the office, but, via IM, email or text/cell
when she is in another location
The ability and atonomy to do my job without having to get approval for every task
The ability to canvas my colleagues opinion for problem solving on a file.
The ability to make the right decision. Use discretion. Not having to worry about second guessing by my manager. Not having a manager that is
overly political, stressed out and fearful of their own job. No micro managing.
The ability to manage and not be micro managed. Unfortunately, managers are no longer in a position to manage as we did in the past. It seems
all our concerns move up the ladder for a decision to be passed down. In the past these decisions would be made by myself as the manager of
my department and i would base my decision on volume, customer service and financial impacts.
The ability to openly communicate with those I work with directly assists me in my role. Although my "team" may not be my manager, it is a
healthier environment for me to be able to directly communicate with them as opposed to having to go through a manager. Trust and
confidence in my ability to perform the job I was hired for helps as well. To be afforded the respect by the Corporation that I know what I am
doing and its trust that if I am stumped by something, I have the foresight to seek out the answer also assists. The ability to be frank and honest
in the presentation of ideas or suggestions without reprimand allows me to work effectively and express my concerns and offer my ideas. A
comfortable and functional work space helps me to perform at my best. Unfortunately, my work space has a lack of privacy, natural light, poor

air quality and at times, is very noisy due to people either chatting or discussing business next to where I am. These annoyances can prove to be
quite the challenge. Despite these issues, I am confident that I still produce quality work.

The amount of managers I have been through is disgusting. There is no consistency with managers and more than 99% of the time I know more
than my manager does and am expected to help them out but WITH WHAT TIME????????????? Taking almost double to triple the amount of
claims than 1 year ago it's impossible to even get my work done let alone train someone that's supposed to be there to help me. Then I'm also
expected to help new staff on top of it because the manager doesn't know enough to help them. I"m basically expected to do 3 jobs and get 1
pay cheque for it.
The autonomy and confidence that my manager instills in me to make the right decisions for the company.
The biggest issue is that there is more work than time in the day. As a manager our regular schedule is 10 - 11 hours per day and work on the
occasional weekend. Even with this amount of time it is difficult to stay current. We have multiple demands on our time which makes it difficult
to balance all the priorities. In the past I have received accolades for my time management skills so that is not the problem. The work volume is
the biggest problem is claim centre. the bugs weren't worked out before being rolled onto the field. previously we could increase bi reserves
very quickly (one minute), now it takes 10 times that long
The company's support definitely.
The confidence that my manager has in me and my performance gives me the confidence to perform at my best.
The corp doesn't want anyone best just numbers and get it out the door
The corporation needs to give your employees the authority to do their job. Management style is oppressive and your silo system which is
outdated will be the undoing of this company because each division within claims only look after their own interest. We all look after one pot of
money we should be working together.


The current lack of reporting is certainly making it difficult to manage our business.
The current structure of reporting in streams is not working for me. The inability to get a cohesive direction and plan is affecting my ability to do
mine and my units work.
The current volume of work does not allow for me to perform at my best. I have a strong work ethic and so it is frustrating not being able to do
as good a job as I would like.
The department is entirely statistics driven, therefore interaction with managers is minimal and autonomy/decision making is almost nonexistent. The result is that workers are seen more as cogs in the machinery than individuals making a valuable an irreplaceable contribution to
the corporate bottom line. In my opinion, this is less than desirable, no matter how many 'thanks for all your hard work' generic emails are sent
out in 'recognition' of workers contributions.
The Guidelines and instructions provided to me are specific to my tasks and I am able to perform tasks accordingly.
The help available through companion phone, team site and A-Z index with new system and claim centre tips emails.
The impression is we are not a team because new restrictions are perceived to limit the ability to meet as such. I am a 25 year employee and
team is not just at work, it is away from work and now my friend/manager of 15 years cannot socialize with me. Perception is if he does he can
be fired. Code of Conduct demands are out of line, ridiculous and so demeaning. As well, I have a great job and work with great people but
training is never an option as the money is not to be spent on bettering our skill sets, and the IIBC i not the source I need/want.
The legacy system and continued support from my front line manager.
The less interferance/help i get from upper management the better able to complete all my job duties
The manager is not the problem!!! The problem with doing the work (well) is work overload, the Hub is difficult to SEARCH for information, and
CC requires far too much time for injury adjusters to spend "clicking" on non-essential or clerical functions, which takes away from time the
adjusters spend trying to settle the BI claims.
The mindset to be the best I can be.
The more I am enabled to make decisions the better I can perform

The most important factor that enables me to perform at my best are my co-workers and supervisor, who are always helpful and informative.
The new system does not allow us to preform at our best. A lot of time is spent doing a task for it to go to someone else for approval, and often
to someone else again. I feel that CSA can not help customers as before, as we often can not preform the tasks that we could on the old system.
It feels that being monitored (IE. notes that accessed account or CSA not having access to accounts) is more important to the company than
providing customer service.
The new system is frustrating. Levels of authority are confusing and restricting. Jobs that took one person are now taking two to three.
The new systems and procedures in place have made it virtually impossible for me to do my job efficiently and effectively. I believe my
supervisor and even my manager understand this, but the procedures and systems are foisted on us from above, by people who have no clue
what we do on a day to day business and who have obviously never worked on the front lines in a call centre environment. Everyone pays lip
service about this "fabulous new system" because it's detrimental for them not to. It has at least doubled the amount of work I have to do on
any given task.
The number of processes and lack of authority require to much time to be spent in our manager's office. The adjuster's knowledge, experience
and abilities are no longer being used nor being developed.
the only thing that enables me to perform at my best is doing something for the customers sake to help our customers and to resolve on their
behalf. I care about the customers and I care about helping the customers so that is what enables me to perform at my very best. my manager
is so Inundated and overwhelmed with other projects and messes that are going on internally that there is no possible way my manager can be
more involved with my overall performance and goals and I do not hold my manager responsible for that. the fact that I have
The processes, systems, tools and procedures interfere with the effective and efficient completion of the work.
The question - I know who to ask when I need help to do my work? The corporate directory on the Hub is very difficult to navigate and you
usually wastes allot of time before you can reach the correct person you have a question for. This slows down most employees trying to get the
right answer as soon as possible.
The satisfaction of completing a lot of work in one day. Helping my peers. Very little positive feedback from our manager.
The single most important thing that enables me to do my job at my best is my manager and supervisor let me make my decisions based on the


knowledge i have of the heavy equipment industry, and that he backs me up when needed.
The statements are rambling and not precise, such as "My manager uses collaboration to build consensus and cooperation within the team". I
come to work, put my head down and try to get through everything put in front of me. There is no time to discuss corporate strategies and
team building.
the strong teamwork among coworkers. ability to rely on each other when we encounter obstacles
the support for claimcentre sucks
The support of my manager combined with the autonomy to make decisions and move forward on plans that take the team forward.
The support of my manager enable me to perform at my best.
The thing that drives me to do my best is that I do not want to let my co-workers down. the management at ICBC does not really come into the
mix as such as you could change the manager and i would still work the same. It is really about doing the best I can do so my co-workers feel i
am working as part of the team and feel they can count on me. The thing that is missed by all the senior management at ICBC is that it is the
relationships that have built over time that make this place work, not strategies or priorities. It is the fact that most employees in claims have
work together for years and simply do not want to let each other down or feel they are not pulling their weight.
The things that enable me to work my best are my co workers. They are always there when I have a question. My supervisor goes above and
beyond and whenever I need help she is there no questions asked.
The tools that are in place for legacy files are fine, if talking about claimcentre files - absolutely not! The tools are NOT in place, my manager
does NOT help in any way, nor does she know how or where to direct to get help. The best possible way for her to manage is to leave me alone
and let me do my job. There are a number of ladies within the department that the manager could be doing something about but 'it's too much
work' to address and do something about them. Does not instill confidence nor inspire me to do a better job.
The trust and confidence my manager has for me empowers me to perform at my best.
the vision to do what we do better, with multiple opportunities evident, inspires me to perform


The workload in our department is such that we have spent an excessive amount of time and energy reacting to the needs without proper tools
from the Board and senior Management. Our managers hands are tied as are her managers. At this point there is little hope of success or even
coming close to meeting targets without additional bodies to do our work. Our customers are suffering.
The workload is so heavy that we feel overwhelmed. We are pressured to settle files on a constant basis. Morale is low due to this.
There are several areas where SIU could make a much greater contribution to reducing fraud - and its cost to the corporation - if the training and
equipment budget were available. Currently we do not have the budget needed. Some of the policing agencieshave such a large budget from
ICBC they're making frivilous purchases. That money would bring a FAR higher return invested in SIU. The corporation should regularly engage
with SIU for feedback on emerging trends and technologies that can be used to reduce fraud.
There are so many changes recently that have taken away control from those people who are actually doing the work. Quality work takes time
and management, unfortunately a simple task like allocating sufficient time to provide the required results has been removed. My managers
ability to work close with me and schedule the required time has been removed from his control. Apparently there are bodies that don't do the
required work know more than us front line staff.
There are so many corporate secrets within the claims division that leads to speculation. I feel as though claims adjuster do not count and that
the corporation as a whole could care less about the employees
There are some issues that need to be looked at below: -ClaimCenter is allowing people to offload responsibilities too easily by sending out
Activities that are incorrect or to the wrong people no accountability or direction. -Success seems to be measured on a number count of how
many claims we have taken in ClaimCenter and that the system is still working and did not crash. There seems to be no consideration for how
and what effect this is having on employees workload/stress and managing their customers. -There is a complete disconnect between senior
management and staff working out in the field. Decisions are made without consultation and it is extremely clear by these decisions that they
have absolutely no idea what we face each day out in the field claims offices (Or they just dont care).
There currently is too much work being put upon the management that they are not able to be available to "help adjust" the files when we come
to an impass with counsel or need a strategy session to bring things to a conclusion. There are formal committee's put in place, but that is not
enough for the day to day questions that need to be discussed and sorted out.
there is a lot of bulling going on. especially when it comes to following the collective agreement


there is a lot of resources and help always available, having support from the sup line is always helpful
There is open dialogue between myself and my direct manager which I appreciate. I have the authority in my work to do the job and if I need
help I can go to her. My performance to do a good job is personal. I do a good job because it is the right thing to do. I do not feel that my
manager has the leadership skills that would make me do more.
There is too much emphasis on "performance" of the job and nothing giving us the time and resources to successfully complete. I know how to
do my job and I'm very good at it. Asking me and excepting me to do twice and three times the normal volume is sabatage.
There is too much micro-managing done for the seasoned BI adjusters. I know how to do my job and what is expected of me, but need the
freedom to work the files in my style without a manager hovering over me. The team approach needs to be disbanded and each BI adjuster
should have their own caseload. There is too much cherry picking happening from other team members and it leaves a few of us to deal with the
tougher claims. Also, the managers (unit and ops) as well as the director need to remember there is more to a file than settling. We need to
work the file as each individual file requires and not just push money at the customer. There is a feeling of being a "used car sales person"
instead of a BI adjuster these days.
There was a question about having the tools to do my work. I agree that I have the tools. Although, they can be presented in an unorganized,
convoluted, and construed way. The HUB can be very disorganized in completing a search. The manuals are not always updated. Also, various
forms that are required to use departmentally can have poor formatting and lack in the ease of flow and presentation which makes my work
inefficient. There is a question about job specific training. There is no job specific training available in my role. There may be some informal
training by working with more experienced coworkers. I understand how this may compliment training. But, without specific training and
consistent training for everyone, processes and policies become understood differently by everyone.


These questions relates only to our Manager ability. I have a great Manager but it is the New System that's the problem and not knowing which
system to work in each day. Too many emails each day asking us to do work in either system. If we had better training I think it would be much
Things have gotten much worse in this area as the new system is implemented. The system is not working as promised. The new "archaic"
system hampers our ability to provide timely customer service to the continually rising volume of claims and expectations of both our customers
and employer.
this company does not enable employees to do their best, it's only because of the pride the employees have that they continue to work at this
company and do their best
This is a difficult time for all of us (system changes and crazy queues) and I find it important to feel supported by upper management
This is a hard one to answer right now, as using claim center has made my job a lot more difficult and I feel not allowed me to perform at my
best. If there was a better manual or checklist or anything that shows tips, techniques to do each kind of claim. The information may be
available somewhere but I dont feel that its user friendly or easily accessible. If this was available, I think I would be able to do my job better and
back to the level that I want to achieve again.
This place is all about preventing us from performing at our best. Everything is micromanaged my managers who know little to nothing about
the files that they are micromanaging. Most of the work that us peons do just gets ignored, but then we are blamed when things blow up
because of a poor management decision.
This question should ask "What can your manager and corporation assist you with to enable you to perform at your best"
Thorough training with plenty of opportunity to ask questions enable me to perform at my best.
Time and support is what enables me to perform at my best
Time to do my job would be appreciated but workloads do not appear to be an issue with senior management.


TIME!! The workload has doubled and is close to tripling. My pending is growing exponentially because we are to close 13/mth and are
currently opening between 25-30/mth. That increase in pending means that my emails and phone calls are growing daily on top of taking new
claims. We are told that things will get better when we learn the new computer system, however I am competent with the new system but it
takes 4-5 steps to do one thing where the old system took 2 steps, so the expectations that we can handle more is ridiculous. When we express
our concerns with getting behind we are told it's understood but when we go in for our quarterly review it is held against us and we are told we
are "not meeting" expectations.
time, and i don't have enough of it due to the work load. proper equipment/tools would be useful as well. as an estimator proper tools are
required to do this job & they are not supplied.
Time, of which there is not enough of, to do everything that is asked. Working on legacy files, and ignoring Claims Centre files also results in
high performance, since Claims Centre is a joke and a complete waste of time. Claims Centre has made claims handling tenfold more difficult. It
is not user-friendly, it is extremely time consuming, and most of the required input material is insanely redundant. Claims Centre will drive
employees out of the claims department. It will grind the claims process to a inefficient, snail's pace, and it will be the death of the Corporation.
time, there isn't any time to perform at your best due to heavy caseloads
Time. Without time, I have no choice but to limit my investigation and oversight potential breaches, or adjust claims prudently.
To be able to perform my job to the best of my ability with the tools provided to me
to be left to do my job. To have enough authority to settle claims.
To have more detailed procedures in place to do our job.
To have the proper computer systems in place and not have problematic issues with these systems and have them run consistently for example
the internet for me to look up specific specialists or court procedures.
To me it is very important that I have the tools to do my job, so I can perform at my best. Working computer system, printers functioning,
supplies on-hand etc.


To perform at my best I need adequate training.

To perform at my best I need the support of my management team and supervisor and an up to date manual that helps me to do my job as
quickly and efficiently as possible. Currently, our department manual is incomplete and at times I find it difficult to find information when
needed. Due to volume, it can be hard to get support for questions or to get clear and concise answers to the questions at hand. I do not ask
questions unless necessary and find this to be frustrating at times. I do appreciate that we are given the authority to make decisions and hope
that remains a part of our position in the future.
To perform my best, I need a proper workload or an offer for OT. I work hard from start to finish of every day and work is left at the end of the
day. I could probably work another 2 hours every day and be on top of everything. We need enough staff for the amount of work. To perform
my best, I need a system that works consistently. Our Claims Centre system is constantly having issues. It has been down today for over an hour,
meanwhile work is still building up, but nothing can be done until the system is back up and running.
Tools on the Hub, current Needs to Know about changes to systems and to let me have time away from my desk to get caught up with my case
Training - would help immensely. We weren't properly trained in our new system - Claims Centre - sitting and watching someone go through
procedures just doesn't cut it!!
training for claim center was very poorly done. it did not address day to day issues/activities on claims files. however, we were asked to rate the
training before we used any of it. we all thought it was great, until we tried to use the program and and found we were not taught what we
really needed to know. eg: not one word mentioned about automatic activities that would appear on claim files and how to deal with them.
many of the processes in claim center work against you instead of with you. way too many steps to do something simple. much of our work is
"top down" procedures. i am not aware of any consultation with staff regarding processes.
Training for guidewire was inadequate. The online training was of very little benefit. There should have been more classroom training with
hands on practical application. There should be classroom training now on how to deal with the errors that we are dealing with and is there
training that will help us to identify why these errors occur and how to avoid them. There is no opportunity to have time off claims and the daily
amount of diary tasks are ranging fro 3-6 pages which is impossible to complete with intake of new claims, telephone calls from customer and
emails from customers that need replying.


training was very minimal. taking claims on claim centre was very difficult in the beginning, with only one day training. the web training was a
waste of time. it would have been better to have class room training, and hands on training, instead of talking to the customer on claim centre
for the first time/while using claim centre for the first time with the customer. it would have been great to have time to try it out and see how
you enter a customer's phone# or address, etc.
Training, training, training.
Trust and a reasonable workload.
trust from my manager and room to learn new system; clear communication regarding expectations of performance
Trust your front line employees, the vast majority of employees are to be trusted and should be trusted. this is the best way to get your
employees to buy in to the supposed vision of icbc. The code of ethics are for the small number of employee.s that need to be micro managed.
To the vast majority of employees these code of ethics are how we live our lives, and the way these code of ethics are communicated are
insulting to any adult.


under the current work loads, I don't think anyone can perform at their best, regardless of the continuing conversations about how things are
going to change and improve
Understaffed, conflicting directions
Understanding exactly what i am responsible for and given enough information to do my work.
Understanding our direction and the value we bring to the company, how our area can contribute and knowing exactly what that entails helps
me to be sure I am doing what is expected and to do my best
unfortunately the issue is time and being able to get the work done. we have in place support to do the task at hand but the work load is
overwhelming and with the implementation of our new system, it has slowed us down by about 60%


Unfortunately the training systems put in place for CSA traning are not consistent and are lacking in many areas. Firstly msot of the helpful
handouts and materials are outdated by at least a year or two. Traning for Claim Centre isn't happening for new staff as soon as it should,
making it difficult to complete claim centre tasks for their examiners and that work then falls on other CSA's. The retention of new CSA's is
almost abysmal and I think a lot of it has to do with how people are trained. It's a lot of "Show you once, you go do it and ask questions. When
something new comes up we'll cover it then". Training for CSA is hard since there is a lot of area's to cover, but I feel like if there was a week or
even 3 days of "Classroom training" for the upcoming position it would work a lot better. OR to have a specific group of people that are sent in
for traninng purposes OR that the people who are training should get trained on how to properly train people. They need to understand that
some people are visual learners while others need to hear the steps or write them down themselves. Everyone learns differently and at different
paces, but when you have 3-5 new CSA's being trained all at the same time it becomes difficult and some people pick it up quickly and then
become bored and distracted and some people are left behind now knowing what to do even after they have been trained. This causes an
inefficiency since that person who was left behind has to keep on asking at least once or twice more on how to do a single task, taking away time
from the designated trainer and causing frustration or friction. It could also leave the person who takes longer to train feeling dumb or like
they're an annoyance. It doesn't build a team but simple set the new staff apart by ability and it can become very segregated and competitive. I
seriously think that ICBC needs to look into their training programs, have proper guides for both Claim Centre AND legacy, because even though
we will be going paperless eventually, we will more than likely still be working on Legacy files for another 3-5 years at the least and investing a
minimal amount of resources to make proper guides will boost the ability of CSA's to look at a proper guide and be able to do the work from
there and it will take the stress off of the CSA Trainer, who is usually a CSA too and has the exact same work load as the rest of us.
unfortunately there are numerous road blocks within the corporate system that slows my performance . i find it very frustrating at times when
trying to do me best for the customers.
Unfortunately under our new objectives we are system driven and further detached from the customer
unfortunately, due to lack of staff and this new system not being "ICBC friendly"it is not possible for me (or anybody for that matter) to perform
at our best. we are overloaded with work and not enough time to do it and keep up with and therefore not provide at least "decent" customer
service to the customers. Procedures change every day according to what new problem arises. When help is needed from other departments,
people are never available, long waits on the phone and calls/emails are not returned for days or even weeks.
Unfortunately, we are not enable to do our job well. The goals that are set for us are unrealistic when there are so many priorities we have and
the new claims centre system although one day will be good is extremely time consuming and our support from csa is less and less. We have


less time to work all of the priorities we have.

Up until a few weeks ago many of my responses here may have greatly differed. However, over the last few weeks it feels as though we have
been under pressure here for our call times and after call work. management brings in a new system and expects us to be geniuses at it or
something. They are heavily monitoring our call times which has lead to stress and probably a lack of accuracy as people rush to try and
complete the call with in a certain amount of time instead of focusing on the quality and accuracy of the claim and information given to a
customer. The reality of this new system is everything just takes a lot longer. Management came out with some "changes" from their
perspective that would reduce call times when in fact 90% of things they brought in did nothing or added to time. They are not the ones on the
floor taking the calls and using the system or have experience with enough to know what our actuial challenges are and even though we express
them they go largely ignored. Now because the so called changes they brought in did not work they are putting pressure on us as if it must be
something we are doing wrong in our calls or with our work.
updates and open communication
Updates: Need to Know, calls to Helpdesk
Very little lately. The advent/roll-out of ClaimCenter and the lack of Manager knowledge of how the new system functions creates a situation
where management has virtually no idea of the work loads and stresses staff are placed under as a result. ClaimCenter is much more labour
intensive in almost every function. In my department, no Manager that I am aware of has taken the time to sit with staff and watch what is
required today to manage our files.
Very poor ClaimCentre Training that had no practical applications once the system was implemented. Staff and Managers are so short-staffed
and overworked that wait times for assistance (ie) Help Desk are completely unreasonable. My Manager can only be in one place at a time and
she is doing the best she can, but it is not enough. I pride myself on being a hard-working, conscientious employee and am totally frustrated and
demoralized by the roadblocks that ICBC has set me up against.
Very restictive manager. Guidwire is a huge step backwards
We are GROSSLY overworked. Our intake is more than double what it was in Legacy. We need more people and that is not going to happen any
time soon. We need more people, more time, less volume!


we are not included in any discussions regarding our jobs. in fact we are very pressured to complete our work in a timely manner which makes
the quality of our claims suffer. way to many mistakes are made and customers are having to call back and hold for long periods of time.
quality is suffering for quanity
we are not receiving the correct training. during the cat course we did not receive any training for ab claims, tsmv or garage policies. we were
told we will never be taking them. i have received quite a few and have had to do alot of self training and ask for alot of help from co-workers.
On the new system - every person here is struggling with the the tsmv's. as just one example. instead of having us sit in a meeting to hear
about one person who is keeping up in the province - perhaps they could have gone through these claims that used to be taken care by a
different dept. the tele/meeting regarding how to manage your tasks should have been given when we first started on the new system....not
months and months later.
we are told what to do. we are not invited to participate in discussion on how to achieve corporate goals.
We desperately need more hands on staff to get to the work that is waiting to be done. ClaimCenter has slowed every process right down and
everything takes so much longer
We do not have the resources required to do our jobs. We do not have the OA support, and with Claim Centre demands increasing
exponentially, it will be impossible to do our jobs in any way that meets corporate requirements unless OA support is drastically increased.
We do not have the support staff resources to be successful in accomplishing the work that is expected of us. We are disabled by this fact to
perform at our best.
We get support to do our work; there is tech support available, though I think the policy of how we get to the people who can help is
cumbersome. We're not allowed to contact say the Rehab manager directly - have to go through our manager. This is the same for any such
referral / query. I realize not having this would / could result in those "SME's" being inundated, but in a time of true need, it is cumbersome.
We have a very strong management team in our region, including our Regional manager.
We have no authority, the time limits are absurd to resolve liability. It would be nice to have 2 screens since you need to have so many sessions
open to check and refer to on a daily basis. It doesn't help that a claim takes so much longer due to the system not being that fast, as before a
few clicks and you were done, now it's 4 times as many clicks and then you still might not be done, and having to go back because you might
have forgotten to "UPDATE" or "SAVE". It should have been one of those tasks either "UPDATE" or "SAVE" but not both.

We have not been provided adequate training or resources for the new Guidewire Claim Centre introduced to our office. It would be beneficial
to have a 2nd round of training now that we have had some hands on experience working the system. Also it would have been beneficial to have
a manual to refer to as there is not always adequate staff around for assistance.
We have supervisors -the supervisors are who are responsible for the direct communication regarding job performance ,the relaying of the
department requirements & the direct go to people so i have treated this portion of the survey as 'supervisor' not manager. In all honesty, we
do not deal directly all that often with the managers. Our supervisors do their best. The portion re provision of tools/training was given
strongly disagree due to the departmental organization.Yes the management provided the tools & training but the execution of the
tools/training have left a lot to be desired. Management is constantly emailing regarding updates on procedures.
We have the tools and experience but upper management has no clue what we deal with in the field or in the claim center. No flexibility or
common sense. It seems like all decisions made have no consultation with the front line people before policies and procedures are made into
We need to be taken seriously with our complaints/concerns I don't feel this is happening. this would enable me to perform at my best
We need to get finance for more training!
We need to have a proper procedures manual like the old TCD manual to aid us in our day to day job.
We used to have very clear processes to follow and procedures that we could refer to, that used to give me confidence that I was doing
everything as it should be done, however now we have a set of procedures that change weekly, that are stored in thousands of emails or in
various places on the HUB, or we have to call a supervisor to ask for directions. I no longer feel confident in what I am doing. We need a
comprehensive manual to refer to, in one place, which is kept up to date, not the constant barrage of emails in which one week its this way and
the next week its that way.
We used to take 12 - 15 claims a week and now we are expected to take 8+ claims per day. This is unmanageable and does not enable me to
provide the great customer service to our customer that I am used to giving. It hurts me when I fail at doing my job because the workload is so
over the top.


well its defiantly not Guidewire

well organized, claim center, help from co-workers
Well, now, that's a loaded question. I actually worked on the Transformation Program and was very excited about Guide Wire and Claim Center.
Now that it's here and I am working with the new system, I find it glitchy, restrictive and limited. There is no logic to the fields that auto-fill to
secondary screens. CCC is so short-staffed and rushed that the quality of information provided gets skinnier and less consistent by the week.
And, Claim Center was supposed to reduce the number of screens we access for finding info; instead, I have to hunt through corners to find
where the CCC contact who initiated my claim might have put the TP plate. On the bright side, my phone works.
Well, this is tough to answer as our workload is so heavy loaded that it's tough to perform at your best. Especially when you have an anxiety knot
in your chest with all of the demands that are thrown at you over and over again.
What allows me to perform my best is by having a good understanding of all the changes that are happening. It's difficult for me to find what I
need quickly....this happens to me from time to time and when I can't quickly find in procedures I call the sup line. To me it's invaluable to get
the answers quickly and not to hear "have you checked the manuals" because in fact I have and now I feel that I have to prove with more
explanations that indeed I have looked and here is where I've had to look--meanwhile taking more time in getting the quick info that I need. This
being said "Many" supervisors that answer do give direct help and I'm able to get on my way and complete my work efficiently.
What eanbles me to do my best at work is the fact I take pride in my work and want to help my customers. The pressures of an extremely heavy
workload will eventually take a toll on this level of service however.
What enables me to do my best work is when I am given financial authority to do the same with management role as a reviewer of the earned
what enables me to do my work properly would be more staff. as there is a lot of administrative in this job, with lack of staff I am unable to
complete my work in a timely manner, which cause frustration and major stress.
What enables me to perform at my best is challenging and interesting work, positive feedback, and a good team environment. I find when I am
surrounded by people with poor work ethic I find it difficult to stay motivated. I also find repetitive, mundane work to by unsatisfying - I prefer a
challenge, and being trusted to use my own judgment to solve problems.


What enables me to perform at my best would be proper training. I would have loved to even just try a claim on ClaimCentre before being sent
out into the line of fire. I feel bad for the customers to be handled by an untrained employee.
What enables me to perform at my best? Well, I would me and only me. My drive and desire to do well at my job. The corporation does nothing
to allow me to work at my best- the workload is beyond unacceptable, policies and procedures are poorly written and never followed, staffing
levels are at an all-time low ( this includes all divisions of Claims, the HELP DESK, telephone claims ( initial intake) etc.
what enables me to perform my best is when I have proper admin support to assist with those functions. When I'm having to do admin
functions, it takes away from the goal of my specific job which is to settle or move files to settlement that are represented or litigated. What
also enables me to be successful is when I used to have more settlement authority to settle files. I was able to negotiate off the cuff and move
the file along quicker. having to wait for ops manager's availability to give authority delays my ability to put out offers and settle the bigger files.
What enables me to preform my best is support from my manager and peers. Luckily I'm in a good group of people and I respect my direct
manager. Unfortunately, I feel that upper management doesn't support my manager which the feeling trickles down to us. I'm proud of the
quality of work my group performs. We are all knowledgeable and have made great strides through the transition with Claimcentre. Things with
Claimcentre are still being worked out. There have been SO many issues and what would be great is to have clear procedures set in place.
What I do will help me to reach a higher salary level. Also, having recognition across the corporation for my efforts.
What is required to allow me to perform at my best is a workload where I can do a good job on every file. I could perform my job better if the
number and length of processes could be reduced.
What would enable me to perform at my best would be support from other areas in an effort to help achieve the goals we are responsible for.
Specifically, clerical or administrative work that is meant to support injury initiatives. For every lawyer that an adjuster deals with, that lawyer
has a team of legal assistants/paralegals supporting him or her. Having a similar support model that helps deliver on our business needs, which
is representative of one of our greatest corporate risks, is needed.
What would help me perform at my best would be - better, more in-depth training, more information, more clearly defined roles.
When colleagues are respectful of the work environment and each other it makes for a productive work environment. When there is excessive
partying going on it makes productivity very difficult. When there is teamwork between colleagues it also contributes to the overall ability to
complete work. People who work independently with no regard for shared duties and won't do their share make it difficult for others to be

productive. Management that refuses to address these issues make it difficult for people to be productive and happy in their work environment.

When coworkers leave this position, the corporation likes the remaining adjusters to pick up the slack. I have heard performance punishment on
way too many occasions. In the past year alone I have had at least 9 trial files given to me when coworkers have left the corp. This is done
because I have been successful in the past and I am competent in this role. I am not able to perform my best because i keep picking up other
peoples work when they can't get the job done. So while they get rid of their difficult files, they still get the same pay as me and in some cases
they are paid more.
when customer service lines are quiet or am not on the phones. Very difficult to focus on the task at hand when having to answer a call every
few minutes.
When I am not interupted
When I come across soemthing I'm not familiar with, I do know where to go and obtain the information by going into tutorials, help desk, coworkers.
When I have the appropriate tools and resources I perform at my best.
When I have the support of my co-workers around me and managers, I feel that I can succeed. I would appreciate if the Hub had better search
features. I am often searching in the hub and get a majority of results that are not relevant to my search.
When it states Manager I am basing my answers on my Supervisor - I have no contact with my Manager. All the contact is through the


When the procedures to complete tasks don't change every week. Recently it would seem that there are too many different ways that tasks are
being completed without a uniform consensus. This does hinder one's ability.
Willing to work overtime - it is not offered. We are very backlogged and stress levels could be reduced by allowing extra time to work.
With a new computer system that is always evolving, communication should be number one. However, we only receive updates via email and
do not have regular meetings or communication sessions that allow for team feedback/input/challenges. In order to do the tasks asked of our
department, we should feel that our feedback is appreciated and respected. We should not hear or learn of policies and procedures through the
grapevine. A positive environment that is supportive, allows employees to perform at their best.
With managers being sent everywhere and every direction it is really hard to feel like you have one they are always needed in the areas with the
ones that are having problems you rarely get to see them.
With the new claims system we have, there really isn't anything that helps me perform my best as the training we received is highly inadequate
for us to perform our jobs to the best of our ability
With the recent conversion to ClaimCentre, my ability to supervise and assist the admin staff is greatly hampered by the change in my access. I
now have the same access as the admin staff, making trackiing their performance cumbersome and time consuming. When they ask for certain
levels of assistance, i.e. accessing a file they need to access, I am unable to assist. My manager is very receptive to feedback, although she is
limited in what she can do with it. She provides me as much information as she is able to provide me with. I am included in some meetings with
my manager and her manager, who is quite clear when it is time to exclude me (as a bargaining unit employee) from further discussions. My
discretion used to be trusted, however, now, it does not appear that I require discretion...at least not always.
Working systems, fast response times with the systems, opportunity to read procedures/daily emails, current feedback on claims we have
working with team and manager to plan and set objectives


Workload and staffing shortages are preventing me & my department from performing at a high level.
Workload it too much to best preform job duties.
Would be good as a manager to have occassional refresher training with respect to HR issues.
Would be nice to be able to ask super user manager questions about claim center; mgr does not like to assist any staff.
Would like more Claim Center training or tools. The tutorials do not cover all the job functions.
Would like more recognition for good daily work and positive feedback. Feeling undervalued as an employee.
Wrong question!


Q45. In the space below, write comments about what motivates you to complete your work to the best of your ability.
Although I do not carry a workload, I do not feel that I have sufficient time to review and understand the constant procedural updates that are
sent out on a daily basis. I am alottted 15 minutes at the end of my shift, which I rarely have available to review information as I may get stuck
on a call or after call work that brings me to the end of my shift. When reference to 'my manager' I am referring to my prv manager Barb
What motivates me is being recognized for a job well done. I do not feel motivated by emails from Rob Story. His emails essentially imply the
reason for the low service levels is the staff not trying hard enough. Perhaps look at the claim center system. the inefficient training & ridiculous
manuals/support material that you expect the staff to navigate through. The failures of the department are due to the lack of planning regarding
our support systems. The people we look to for assistance (redhat) didn't have any different training than the staff on the floor.
- Feeling like a valued employee, encourages and motivates me to do and be the best job that I can for this company; unfortunately I do not feel
this way
- Proper/appropriate technology (including access to this technology from mobile device) - responsive staff/coverage/assistance (even during
holidays) - clear understanding of goals/requirements
- Satisfaction from seeing positive results of the work that I do - A drive to see the Corporation succeed
- The current workload has made it impossible for myself, or my co-workers, to work to the best of my ability. I have always been current in my
caseload and had pride in this, that is what motivated me. With the workload under ClaimCenter, the stress of trying to work at the best of my
ability to remain current is not possible.
- there is no trust from senior management in their employees, and they do not make employees feel valued for the work they do or their
abilities to perform their jobs. - each of the last ~ 5years the work that is done is less and less valued by the company. the atmosphere in the
workplace continues to get worse year over year.


$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ - same as everybody else

* self respect, drive, and ambition motivate me to do my best * I get satisfaction when I do a great job - I get this from within myself as a part of
my character, not from the Corp.
a flame that burns deep inside.
A friendly supportive work environment that encourages an interactive and healthy work atmosphere. A clear understanding of what is expected
of me. The pride I take in myself as a person and as an employee and the work I am capable to do. The opportunity to learn, educate myself and
expand my expertise in what I do or may be doing in the future. Quality software and equipment, with consistent HVAC.
A manageable caseload! At the moment, I am only putting out fires and that is not a responsible way of doing business. And this practice hinders
on my work, customer service, my development and in turn, on my performance. We need more people!
A manageable work load.
a sense of pride and integrity
A worldview that includes a deeply ingrained irrational sense of fear. Mostly I just like our customers and know I can help them through our
process, I know we really are a very good insurance company.
acknoledgement for a job well done provides pride for the person receiving it. Too often good feedback goes unsaid, and negative or potential
coaching feedback is relayed
Addressing customer's needs
Affirmation from customer feedback. Self motivational reasons My commitment to my employer.
After being told that we are not meeting expectations for years; after being told that we are doing a good job for years; after being beaten up in
contract negotiations and not getting decent raises for years, after watching the owners ( provincial government) take hundreds of millions in
profits from us each year while we have insufficient staffing levels it is very difficult to stay motivated. most of us take personal pride in our
work, but the company seems to not have any sense of pride or worth in us.


Again I have been left to my own devices with very little feedback or instruction from my manager in my new role. Although I am able to ask
questions of my supervisor I have not really been given any instructions per se.
Again if it weren't for my personal work ethic I wouldn't push myself so hard to complete all of the work that is expected of me. My manager
does not motivate or inspire any aspect of my career at ICBC. This place is a complete joke.
Again my manager is not the issue. They do their level best to present as optimistic, supportive, positive, even when they know that workload
/goals/demands are totally unreasonable in our department. This company no longer has any soul and there is no sense of belonging for myself
or any of my peers. I cant imagine how a supposedly progressive company that is gearing up for the 21st Century chooses to carry out business
practices that are completely Draconian. This system is neither a proper business model nor sustainable in the long run. A reasonable workload
is what is required, or if the company chooses to distribute this level of work then it should not attempt to download the responsibility of not
meeting unrealistic goals onto the worker. It is not a performance issue it is a workload issue. I feel completely disenfranchised from this
company .
again there are too many priorities and processes within ICBC. Although my manager supports a work life balance, there is none. there are too
many priorities and too many pressures. when we actually do a good job that feeling is short lived when we are told how bad our numbers are
all the time and how bad of a job we are doing managing our caseloads. There are a handful of people able to do this. When all the the lits
divisions are having productivity issues-should that not been a red flag that something is wrong with how things are being done?? I see
adjusters that have been able to meet all of their targets for years and now all of a sudden they can't.
Again, feeling that I am valued is probably the greatest motivator.
again, more questions in this section about my direct manager, nothing asked about higher level mgmt - my manager and our team have great
ideas on how to improve our book of business but my direct manager has to go through so many higher levels of management above him to get
approval on even (what we consider) minor things, he is doing the best he can but it's like having to do a job with your hands tied behind your
back - regarding the question about my manager understanding the balance of my work and non work responsibilities, again, he understands it,
but when it comes to human resources, we are a nameless number, no flexibility
again, my supervisor is great, my manager is less than flexible when something unusual comes up or when alterations to my work schedule are
needed what ever the reason (external training/family matters).


Again, the gratitude expressed by our customers, when I have explained the claim process, the customer's coverages or the effects of a claim, is
the motivation for me to be successful on a daily basis.
Again, the training we have for the new claims system is very inadequate, however, I still do my job to the best of my ability as I love to be able
to help our customers and make them see the value in the product they have purchased. However, it is very difficult to do that now with the
work load that we have
Although we are overburdened with an excessive workload, my conscientious nature and pride in the work I produce motivates me to complete
my work to the best of my abilities.
Always have strived to do my best.
Always motivated to do a good job but competing priorities make this a challenge. Lip service is payed to work life balance but in the end the
job must get done and if it is not there will be consequences. However, increasing demands continue to mount without any balance at the other
Any kind of recognition or acknowledgement from my manager would motivate me to work to the best of my ability.
Anything not linked to Claims Centre helps.
As a long term employee, it is a sense of right and wrong that drives me to do my work. It is the fact that I know if we don't do a good job that
people will get money they don't deserve. This is simply upbringing and really nothing to do with senior management or anything else. it is
simply just the right way to work. you just don't want to let down your co-workers
As a manager I feel there are numerous targets and pressing matters yet there is no offset that some tasks can be moved to the back burner,
whether it own diary, reports, etc, everything is urgent and everything must be completed. I am typically staying late every day and working
through lunch to try and keep up with Adjuster questions/needs then taking my laptop home on weekends just to try and stay somewhat
current on my diary. I won't even get into how the claimcenter system is slowing done my productivity...
As a supervisor, I am motivated when my staff show improvement and appreciation for me being able to assist them
As per my previous comments there is just too much work that needs to be done and not enough people to help with the work. Our new claims


system is very time consuming for it to work properly.

As stated earlier, I cannot complete the work to the best of my ability. I am now taking almost 3x the number of claims that I did under the
Legacy system. It is not uncommon for me to take 15 claims in one day. How am I expected to work to the best of my ability when I don't have
the resources to do so?
At the current time what motivates me is that I have a job and still get a pay cheque every two weeks....again my "own" work ethics motivate
me. At this time in the Corporation there is nothing that is currently in place that motivates me other then if I don't do my job I won't have one.
at this time nothing motivates me
autonomy to perform my task, time to learn any new skills/changes
Be open to new ideas and have planning and operations work collaboratively in finding solutions.
Because the workload is so extreme with deadlines that cannot be acheived I am not motivated to do anything but survive.
Being a long time employee I have seen the changes that have gone on with the corporation. Currently we are simply here to do our job and
accept a pay cheque. I had a senior member of ICBC management tell our group that the agreement between ICBC and its employees is that
ICBC will pay you an agreed upon amount on time and we are to do what they tell us. If that is not good enough then we should look for other
work. That pretty much encapsulates the relationship as it now stand.
Being given reasonable targets, and the time to accomplish my work.
Being in one position all day is not very motivating.
Being raised with a strong work ethic in order to continue to succeed. Setting an example to other co-workers.
Being recognized, and respected.
Being responsible for a team, it is important to know that you have the correct staffing requirements and tools to do the job required.
Both positive and negative feedbacks when they are needed on the spot. Good office atmospher with any levels of staff and good


communication with all of them to make a right decision/ feel encouraged to talk to.
Bringing a claim to conclusion, which in turn satisfies the customer.
claim objectives are unrealistic. work load has been an outstanding issue for so many years and is completely ignored by the corporation. we
cannot meet the objectives when t/p reports are 4500 behind, esd appts are booking 2-3 weeks in advance, we are having to spend hours on the
help desk and we are taking 120+ claims per month. carreer management - there are very limited opportunities outside the lower mainland.
claim center has allowed employees to be able to do their work from anywhere. however, the corporation will not allow employees to work
from the claim centre that is closest to where they live providing there is space at that location (even when remotely managed). outdated
claimcentre has become such a crutch in doing my work that now, it is hard to be motivated to be productive
clearly understanding the goals and objectives required of me allows me to work to the best of my ability
Common respect in the workplace
Communication. Fairness. Financial compensation.
competition and love for my work
complete lack of respect or caring from management and upper management. the employee is not cared about as an person/individual.
Complete respect and admiration of my manager, along with my own work ethic.
confidence, knowledge, a feeling of accomplishment.
consistancy in my role
Contentment comes from doing good work, positively affecting others and making a difference in the lives of our co-workers and customers.
Currently I feel we have all been struggling with being able to complete our work to the best of our ability due to the unmanageable workload
and lack of communication from Upper Management. This has created alot of negative feelings throughout our work location and believe as
well throughout the Corporation. Currently there is a mistrust between employees and management. Not only is the workload issue affecting

internal customers but has a creator impact on our external customers

customer comments that are personally given to me which indicate they were please with my performance and help.....
result in customer asking to deliver the message personally to higher authority which is recognized by manage.

a rare occasion will

Customer relations, I feel that if we are being fair to them in getting a reasonable value for their vehicle, then they tend to be happy about the
job we are doing and may spread the word that we aren't as bad as some people tend to think.
Customer service and the feeling of self accomplishment in doing the best job possible within the time frame I have in a work day.
customer service is what motivates me without great customer service we will lose our customers to the competition .
dedicated employee
Do to the excessive workload, I am unable to work to the best of my ability.
Drive to perform, which is an inherent characteristic and unrelated to a specific workplace.
Encouragement & communication & acknowledgement. So far this is all lacking.
Enjoyment of the job
enough staff, proper tools, management support. communication & team comradery.
Fear is the only motivator at this time. fear of losing one's job.

Fear of being reprimanded or found to be off track in performance reviews.

feeling appreciated and valued - feeling trusted
Feeling of accomplishment and productivity. I love being productive at work.
Feeling ownership over my work makes me feel motivated (which has disappeared with claim centre) and feeling like the corporation cares
about individual family needs would improve my feeling a sense of belonging. When so many job opportunities are centralized in North Van
which is not accessible enough for most of us and opportunities to move up require going through a 24/7 job that doesn't fit a family lifestyle
makes it difficult to feel like the corporation cares about its employees.
first off I am a very motivated person I am competitive and always want to do a great job. I have control issues so that goes along with being
motivated. I must work harder and be current I want to be and be seen as an excellent employee who is in the game to succeed and make the
corporation a great place to work. Presently too many of the staff and peers are not feeling this and it is affecting thier motivation.
For the most part, I feel I am well supported at work and my manager is appreciative of my efforts. It is often challenging to met deadlines;
sometimes because of sheer volume of work but often because the process required to complete the task is overly convoluted or cumbersome.
For the most part, I motivate myself to do a good job. The only motivation the company provides is by setting unreasonable targets &
threatening we won't be on track if these targets not met. Rarely any positive motivation from the corp.
Further to the last section's comments......... The only thing that motivates me now is the paycheque. The only thing. This company has shown a
complete, and utter lack of respect for their front-line employees over the last few years, and just when you think it cannot get any worse, you
come into work the next day, and it does. The company does not care about the employee, or the customer. The challenge is when you work for
a company like that, it is very, vevry difficult to come in to work everyday, and convey to the customer that you do care. When management
responds to our concerns about customer service levels by saying, "well, if the customer doesn't know any better, it's ok", it serves as proof
management doesn't care. Sometimes you come in to work and think, "if the company doesn't care, how do I?"
getting paid is all that does, the Corporation does not motivate employees.


Good team morale, positive feedback, and trust from my manager.

great teamwork that exists within our stream and excellent leadership; I feel valued in the work I perform at ICBC
Great work environment, lots of support and tools easy to find.
Happy manager happy life, much like happy wife happy life, I know if i am working at my best and working hard, my manager appreciates it. This
is enough for me to continue to try my best and work my hardest becuase I enjoy seeing my manager happy and our team doing well.
Have a very supportive manager with work/life balance
Having a manageable sized caseload would help. Either that or realistic expectations of work that can be done. Having overtime available helps
me get my work done and should continue.
having a mgr that appreciates your hard work, and dedication, and then still says "thank you" at the end of the day.
Having adequate resources to conduct business would afford me a greater degree of job satisfaction in that I'd be better equipped to work
towards being the best that I can be vs doing just enough to achieve an artificial goal imposed by leaders with no appreciation for the effort
involved in achieving corporate goals.
Having autonomy to make decisions and move forward on plans
Having guidelines of what is required of me helps motivate me. Having managers that support me in my work environment and who also care
about my personal life helps to motivate me to do a good job. When managers see your protential and give you special projects to work on that
motivates me too.
Having pride in my own work is what motivates me. I am also hopeful that my work product will support a promotion within the Corporation in
the future. However, I am becoming less optimistic with the opportunities that I might be afforded within the Corporation based on their own
hiring criteria and lack in vision.
Having support from your manager.
having the staff gain the skills and knowledge to manage and deal with our complex files


Having to pay my Mortgage.

hear the good ! not always the negative when management does not give us an out line of whats expected! and expectation that even a
manager can achieve!
Helping my co-workers motivates me to complete my work
Helping our customers and the fantastic people that work in my office is what motivates me to be here everyday.
Helping the customer is the only thing (right now) that motivates me to work hard. They are not to blame for the mess we're in here and they
shouldn't have to suffer as a result, although a lot of them do as a result of the lack of time available to deal with their issues
-Helping the customer. It's all about the customer. The customer always appreciates what you do for them and how you have just lowered their
stress level. -Feeling appreciated for the service we give every day. Feeling completion. Feeling like an important spoke in the wheel. -Knowing
you made a difference.
Higher salary or promotion. Recognition.
hired to do a job.
I actually have empathy for the people on the phone. However, when your employer obviously cares so little for the clients, I sometimes ask
myself, "why should I care?" I have taken 100's of claim this year. Of those claims only a very very very small number have been reviewed. I
was told I am not meeting the office standards. Are you kidding me? This is offensive and insulting....
i always strive to do my best. i will review the file i am working on and complete tasks other adjuster did not complete to help the customer
I always strive to give of my best and I enjoy providing my manager and my manager's team the assistance that helps them to perform their job
I am a hard worker, coming from the private sector. I care about the quality of work i produce and how our customers' feel after they have
experienced an injury claim with ICBC, so it is in my nature to give 100% all the time. I am struggling, not unlike the majority of employees to not
feel the 'sinking' feeling because of the workload and expectations.


I am a highly motivated individual. In this current state it is difficult to continue to be motivated.

i am a long time employee with the corporation and have been dedicated and motivated by doing the best i can for the company for many years.
however, the current regime of fear and lack of respect does nothing to encourage or motivate me or my fellow employees. numerous senior
employees have left the corporation that 5 to 10 years ago had no intention of leaving at this time but felt frustrated that no one wanted to hear
their ideas, and actually discouraged ideas.
I am a spiritual and focused person, so I will not let this company suck the life out of me. Soon the day of reckoning will arrive and the
government will purge the sociopathic leadership and the board of directors so we can get on with the job of providing good customer service to
the people of BC, by actually caring about and listening to the rank and file in this company. Knowing that is what motivates me, and the fact
that I like my job and work I do for a company that was founded on solid principles.
I am able to perform in "overdrive" in order to meet the expectations of what has recently been provided as a workload. I am however, unable
to remain in "overdrive" full time. There has to be some resolve in the demands of workload.
I am able to strongly motivate myself to accomplish my daily work goals to the best of my ability and what I believe needs to be done. This is part
of my personality. I adjust my daily/weekly pre-planned scheduled work to accomplish to the best of my ability what I believe is the ever
changing goals, protocols & expectations of our department managers.
I am accountable and I have pride in what I do.
I am conscientious person. I feel good when I manage my work to the best of my ability.
I am currently enrolled in the CIP program. I take advantage of the education that the company offers. I appreciate this opportunity
I am extremely happy with my current role at ICBC. My manager and her direct reports make me feel as though I am a valued part of our team. I
am encouraged to share ideas and opinions, contribute to discussions and utilize my skills and abilities to optimize outcomes for our area. I feel
connected to our team, accountable for my performance and have gained a greater understanding of the work that we are doing.
i am financially motivated to do my work really... but i feel that claim center has DEFINITELY made our job easier, this system is so so so much
better than cris... claim center is an awesome system and im really glad that the claim division has invested so much money into this system
cause this system is definitely worth it! so i guess you can say claim center system has motivated me to as well to come work!


I am generally a very motivated person, but lately I have been feeling quite defeated about not being able to move up within the corp as there
are no opportunities for me to advance unless I move to the lower mainland. We are now non-localized which means that essentially any
position could be done from anywhere, so I very much hope that eventually there will be more postings for offices outside of the lower
mainland. Unfortunately this is something that would give me reason to consider other options for employment.
I am given opportunities to work on various projects or assist staff via workshops, presentations etc. and my manager knows that this a part of
my job I enjoys and ensures that i have these opportunities
I am in a new role and the managers in this department are very helpful with our team achieving its monthly goals.
I am in claims. We are woefully far far behind in our daily tasks, which is affecting the level of customer service we can give. People's receipts are
outstanding, our business partners invoices are outstanding, our regular contact with our customers is WAY behind. Overtime is being offered to
us to Settle files only. Not to catch up on our business, which in turn will allow us to get to settlements. We have to track each call we make to
settle. People are being taken to task after an overtime shift if they didnt close enough files. One example....a coworker made 22 calls to try to
settle claims. He was able to settle only a couple, as the people were away and he could only leave messages. ....and it was pointed out to him
that he did not do well that day. Terrible management on a person working hard. This speaks volumes to me in that the corporation doesnt
really care about the customer (or else we would be allow to catch up on our backlog), the employee (burnout in working over time and then
getting critized for it.....).
I am motivated based on my personal work ethics. However, what is extremely de-motivating is watching other people in my work group
perform at 1/2 the level and getting away with it. There is no incentive to work hard because we are all treated the same and get paid the same.
I am motivated because this is my job. This is what ICBC pays me to do, just like any other company. However, ICBC has, over the last few years
made it their mission to separate themselves from employees and make them a number. ICBC used to be so customer focused, interested in
communities and being a positive part of the residents of BC. Our company has changed to be a paperless, faceless and of no value to it's
customers and the employees. So, other than the money and benefits, there's nothing that attaches me to this company.
I am motivated by an incentive/rewards plan. I am motivated by continuous learning opportunities and a strong career management process. I
am motivated by a great work culture and positive environment.


I am motivated by avoiding criticism and less so than by the satisfaction of doing a good job. The metrics used to judge an employee, specifically
time spent working on a claim, do not take into consideration the quality of work being done. There is a large incentive for me to kick the can
down the road in order to meet the metrics set out before me. This ultimately results in longer times for files to be resolved and for finding
reasons to push this work (unfairly) onto other employees. Yet, if I am given the choice to kick the can down the road and meet these metrics, or
to work every file until completion and jeopardize my attempts at attaining at better postion withing the company, there is little incentive for me
to do the former.
I am motivated by my care and concern for people who are in distress and need help with their claim. i am also motivated to do my best,
recognizing that we are working as a team and i don't want any of my mistakes to fall on my coworkers. the corporation is not concerned about
our customers nor is does it have any care or concern for employee engagement.
i am motivated by recognition for a job well done. i am motivated when my needs are met ie work life balance.
I am motivated by the teamwork in our office and the experience we hold as a group to get the work completely in a timely manner
I am motivated each day by constantly having a new goal for what position I wish to achieve within the corporation. I work hard every day in my
job because I take pride in my work and I work hard in the courses I take through the Insurance Institute of BC to obtain these goals.
I am motivated most strongly by my personal commitment to deliver excellence to the best of my ability. The fact that this coincides with ICBC's
goals is fortuitous. If ICBC did not have this alignment, I would not fit in very well.
I am motivated to complete my responsibilities to the best of my ability by my personal desire to do a good job and keep busy.
I am motivated to complete my work because of the great amount of respect I have for my co-workers and management at the claim centre
level. I am very disheartened in the demands and direction the senior management seem to be taking with respect to the business model they
appear to be implementing.
I am motivated to complete my work to the best of my ability because it is important to me, if my name is going to be attached to a
claim/activity that it has been done correctly. It is important to me that I do not just do my work, but that I do it well.
I am motivated to complete my work to the best of my ability by opportunities to prove my worth to those in positions of authority. I like to
know that I am impressing someone.


I am motivated to complete my work to the best of my ability when I feel that I am working as part of a team. Unfortunately management
appears to be completely disconnected from their staff and are more concerned about their own behinds. The thing I notice most is the
inconsistency from one manager to another.
I am motivated to do a great job when I have the proper training and encouragement to do so, also it always helps when you a recognized for
having done a great job.
I am motivated to do my best work for the customer and my department. I take pride in the work that I do in my department. There is not a lot
of recognition for employees from Supervisors or Managers here. I don't need these to do the best job for the customers, but it is nice to get a
pat on the back once in a while.
I am motivated to get more settlements if my team is very vocal and supportive of eachother whether we need more settlements, or whether
we are doing well. It is disheartening to try to ever get caught up on the rest of our day to day activities/emails/tasks/voicemails/reviews when
they are piling up to uncontrollable numbers, but our focus is to remain on settlements.
I am motivated to not get negative feedback from my manager or other supervisors within the company about my file work. I dont like the
channels the feedback or coaching is done so i try and do my best on my file work to avoid this.
I am motivated to perform my job well. I do get personal satisfaction from being a part of team and achieving the goals set out. I am inhibited
from doing this by the weight of my workload. I only have time to put out fires. I would like to strategize but I don't have time to think.
I am motivated to succeed in the company and I feel there are many opportunities for advancement within the corporation.
I am motivated to work to the best of my ability when I am able to make a difference for our customers, our employees, stakeholders and make
a contribution to the bottom line.
I am motivated when i have the authority to do my job without having to run to managers constantly. I am motivated when my employer treats
me like a person, not a number I am motivated when i feel that my employer actually cares for me as a person, and not just what have I done
for them lately. Trust, honesty, integrity, respect, and compassion from my employer motivates me.
i am motivated when i remember that i work for a highly reputable organization, although there are many detractors of icbc out there, i know i
have to be the best at all times. many people rely on us. i have to remember that i play a big part in what people's perception is towards the


I am my own self motivator and believe that the work we do in my department is important and making a difference.
I am no longer motivated to do my best at work any more. We are merely just a number and not individuals any more. The company does
nothing to motivate me. Upper management has taken away all of our authority to make a decision on a file, even as simple as setting down a
precautionary ime. I used to feel very motivated to do my best every single day. However, that has changed over the last few years as i do not
feel valued by the company. We are always being set up for failure by the targets that are set by upper management. They are completely
unrealistic and unattainable.
I am not feeling very motivated with the new system lately. I can complete my work, but it feels like a loosing battle lately as the customers
seem very unhappy.
I am personally very motivated. I own my own career and career choices. My direct manager is great and motivating. I work on a mentality of
being positive and staying focused in moving forward. I do love what I do or I would not be here. This has nothing to do with the company - this
is about the job position suiting me as an individual. The company is not motivating. The company displays that they do no real risk managing
and paint everyone with the same brush putting into place policies that deal with a few individuals making poor choices yet ensuring that
everyone is affected by this. The company displays that they do not trust or respect their employees. Yes, we choose to work for a Crown
Corporation and the general public hold us to a higher standard - however, showing trust in your employees does matter. Instead what comes
across is the assumption that every employee will make the wrong choices when presented with them and so we must enforce strict - do not
even think about it policies. Perhaps there was no governance previously but to go to extreme measures has the appearance of not believing in
the people that make this company.
I am really proud of my manager, she does not micro manage us, which has allowed us to grow stronger as a unit with good communication
between the staff. I think I do my best work under this type of management.
I am self driven and am not motivated by the surroundings. My commitment is to the company and our business partners in-spite of the ongoing
poor morale in our department


I am self motivated and a hard worker. I have a long history of very positive performance reviews. Unfortunately the last 4 years have become
increasingly difficult due to workload issues. Rising intake, rising caseloads , increasing demands on files , downloading of administrative tasks ,
etc., have all contributed and all have been brought to management's attention with no response or solution.
My motivation is, sadly, at an all time low due to the lack of proper workload management by the company . What would motivate me to
complete my work to the best of my ability is a proper and reasonable workload . It is not hard to understand - if you overwork your employees
, their motivation and productivity cannot go anywhere but down .
I am self motivated though a pat on the back once in a while is a welcome extra.
I am self motivated, I love my job and am happy to have a great job! When your passionate about what you do, it's not work, it's fun.
Addmittedly Claim Center, at first, took away from that joy, but it is slowly coming back.
I am self motivated. I do my best with what I have.
I am self motivated. The Corporation does not motivate me in any way. There are no rewards for hard work and advancement opportunities no
longer exist unless you live in the Lower Mainland.
I am self motivated. I don't like to do an incomplete job. That motivates me to do my best.
I am very customer service orientated and dislike when customers call to constantly question when something is going to get done, I follow up
for the customers and try and move things along as best as I can.
I am very passionate about my work and the field I am in - I pride myself on giving my all to the work that I do. Also, I would have to say that my
manager is a big part of it. They are very personable and supportive to our team. They nurture the learning and development of our team, and
show how much they value our team. It means a lot to be so deeply respected and valued. To have this kind of environment at work is very
motivating and I feel very lucky to be part of such a great team. I love working for ICBC.
I basically work my butt because I'm worried I will get a nasty e-mail from my manager telling me to "get those activities done" she really has no
idea what my job consists of on a day to day basis.
I believe in the value of my work, and that my contributions are supporting the end user. I like my job, and the work I perform. I take my job very
seriously, and want to meet the needs of the end user. Since starting with ICBC (I'm fairly new to the company), I have developed a great deal of
respect for ICBC, and find myself being a advocate for the corporation when out in the community. It is easy to perform ones tasks, when you

believe in your employer, and I believe I do.

I believe that if a team works together to complete tasks and that if I am doing my part to contribute, it is rewarding to see the team succeed.
I believe that if employees are applying for a promotion in the same 'division' ie claims, the interview and testing is not necessary. If I am
successful at one level I should be successful at the next. The managers should be encourage to give input on whether or not they believe the
individual is ready and capable of the next level position. I know too many people that won't apply for a promotion because of the rigorous
interview and testing.
I believe the work load demands are unrealistic. there is way too much to do with very little admin support, which results in an overall
disconnect with the company
I believe you treat your managers very poorly now. It wasn't always that way.
i can utilize my strengths and improve my weakness in my job. It also helps me to advance my career within the organization.
I care about the quality of the work I deliver - first for the customer and second for my duty to my colleagues. The better the quality of my work,
my customer's experience will be, all things considered, as smooth and pleasant as possible and my colleagues will have a clear and concise
grasp of the circumstances from where I've left off.
I click all day hoping it gets done.................as the workload in this "new system" is soul crushing
I complete my work to the best of my ability because I want to be proud of my work and help the customers
I did not see any chance to circulate in other departments to get fully trained with comprehensive knowledge and skill while I am over qualified
with the present position. My manager only focuses on the my present work and seems no consideration has been given for my career
development in future within the corporation.
I do my job despite all the roadblocks to get the task done in the best way. Nobody motivates us anymore, there is nothing fun in the office,
even the bar b que we used to do are not l recommended, its a no fun place now with negative people all around. the company should
encourage more team building and fun activities that helps become happier and better workers.. look what other companies are doing please?


I do my job to the best of my ability because i care about our customers, i wish management cared about their employees the same way. Well
that isn't going to happen anytime soon, gee and morale is at an all time low! with more and more people going on stress leave, can't say i blame
i do not feel we that we are recognized for doing a good job or not calling in sick. but instead, i feel we are just looked at or talked to when you
are not keeping up with your compliance or talk time.
I do the best I can but with the ever increasing workload I am becoming stressed to the point where I worry about my future to cope if I stay at
the present job. you can only push people for so hard and for so long when even the good ones break. Not sure why you are heading down that
path . The workplace is toxic and it will take a great effort from you and from me to change it from that
I do this job because I have an inherent need to help people, to make them feel better in difficult circumstances. Their grateful thanks at the end
of an interaction is what motivates me. I like my job, I really do. But the expectations of management are not realistic. They continue to add
extra things to do/say but expect one to do and say them in shorter periods of time. Expecting everyone to hit the "average" AHT is insane...by
definition, most people will be above or below the average. That is what generates an average!!! Truly, if one is 20 seconds longer than the
"average", this results in a negative comment on your monthly review. Insane!! Way to encourage employee engagement!!
I don't need motivating at work, I motivate myself as that is just my work ethic.
I don't want to let my team down.
I enjoy coming to work each and every day. I work with a great bunch of fun loving coworkers. I have opportunities to learn and expand my
knowledge of people and develop my skills.
i enjoy helping out my co-workers. i enjoy all the challenges this role provides me with
I enjoy helping people understand the process of a claim, the value of insurance and that ICBC isn't as scary as they think. I find great motivation
and value in this.
I enjoy my job and I want to do good job.
I enjoy my job and working with the external and internal people


I enjoy my job. I like the people I work with. I like the customers. These factors motivate me to do my best work.
I enjoy my job. I find it interesting and I have confidence in my abilities. However, with the new ClaimCentre I am wasting time and it affects my
I enjoy the job that I am currently doing.
I enjoy working with the public sector
I feel I am a cog in the wheel and if something happens to me I am easily replaced. There is no support from above. They say they care but they
do not. there is a workload issue and upper management just refuses to acknowledge it let alone deal with it.
I feel limited in my movement in the corporation. I feel like some positions I could have obtained (or at least been interviewed for) had I applied
externally (with my education and work experience) than internally (as limited by my current job title). I don't think that enough credit is given
to the value of an internal employee and their corporate knowledge/general resourcefulness.
I feel my job plays an important role within and outside of ICBC. The people I work with are a great group and also seem to feel the same way. I
would not feel good about myself if I didn't try to do my best every day, even when faced with some of the daily frustrations.
i feel personally responsible if i do not complete everything that is thrown in front of me.
I feel recognition is important - recognition motivates me.
I feel that it is impossible for me to grow within the Corporation based on the fact that I do not have a degree. When I applied at ICBC years ago I
was excited to see all the different positions that I could do and how I could grow. Now I feel hopeless with my career at ICBC because I do not
have a degree. I feel like I have the knowledge and skill to be qualified for these positions but the Corporation feels I am not solely based on the
fact that I do not have a degree. From first starting with this Corporation feeling excited of the positions I could do in future years, I now feel like
I should be looking elsewhere. So that I can work for a company that believes in me and wants me to grow within my career.
I feel that my Manager is supportive of me in the role that I am doing. I'm not sure how opportunities are assigned - it hasn't been discussed
with our team. People seem to be hand picked rather than the opportunity communicated to the entire team and the criteria that is being
looked for.


I feel that this new computer system has changed ICBC and not for the better and not sure how long it will be before things get any better. Have
been looking for a new career choice at ICBC but not able to find anything fits.
I feel very motivated when I see how much we have done during working day. I always like to succeed in every aspect of my work. I feel
motivated because I have great manager and supportive colleagues.
I find myself currently unmotivated but still showing up for work every day. I have always taken pride in my honesty and integrity that is
expected of me. The recent changes to the code of ethics has taken all the wind out of my sails, I have a Manager that I've known for many years
we have a professional working relationship it involves no favouritism in actual fact the reverse would be true. The senior Managers of this
company have seen it fit for that relationship to end. I find this insulting and in poor taste and frankly none of their business who I choose to
share my non work life with. In the event people abuse their friendship the deal with them do not tar us all with the same brush.
I find myself less and less motivated to be here each and every day.
I find myself so busy that I often feel like I am not doing a good job, even though I am trying my hardest and putting in lots of extra time. I want
to do a good job because my work is a reflection of me, but I feel under pressure to complete all the activities assigned to me. I feel that I do not
have the time to support my staff in their learning and development.
I find the workload to sometimes be overbearing, the motivation to complete mostly comes from the need for the work not to pile up.
I find there are very few opportunities outside of the lower mainland. I feel with the new system making it easier to work & manage remotely
more positions could/should be opened up province wide.
I find with having ClaimCenter and legacy systems .. there is a definite "ping pong" effect with trying to keep up with the work. Sometimes it
feels that ClaimCenter is more important than legacy.
I get positive feedback from claimants not from my manager. It's really a no-news-is-good-news situation for feedback - you only hear if you're
made an error.
I get satisfaction from a job done well - meaning correctly, quickly, efficiently.
I give 100% each day but lately it is becoming much harder to. I am very sad to see the way this company is going.


I have a good work ethic. I want to do a good job for what I am being paid for.
I have a great deal of respect and loyalty for my manager so i work hard for him. i also have a great deal of respect for my staff who work very
hard for me so i work hard for them.
i have a moral duty to helo my fellow man.
I have a sense of ownership over the work I do and feel a sense of accomplishment when I finish within timelines and a sense of pride in doing an
exceptional job.
I have a strong character strong work ethic so i don't need to be watched like most of my peers who are constantly late, always on their cell
phones or listening to music.
I have a strong work ethic, I respect my manager and we are supportive of each other as a team
I have a very strong desire to produce a quality product. If my name is on it, I have done due diligence to ensure it's accurate and defend-able in
the event an issue escalates.
I have always been driven to meet settlement numbers and severity quotas. I take pride in my work. It is probably more genetic than driven by
corporate culture.
I have always been motivated to complete a high and accurate volume of work and I have a high work ethic and high expectations of myself.
I have always been self motivated to do well. I don't need to be prompted, in fact I don't like to be pushed. Suggestions to take different
approaches are appreciated.
I have always done the best job I can but it is getting harder with the high workload.
I have always taken my job and work ethic very seriously and strive to accomplish all that is expected of me. The amount of work generated by
claim centre and trying to keep up with the regular duties has become much more of a challenge than it was in the past.
I have always taken pride in my work. It's just the type of person I am.


I have answered so many N/A's to some questions re manager because we do not see our manager very often, and I would find it difficult to
believe she would have much time see/help all of her staff due to the fact of her heavy workload of so many employees scattered about in
different locations.
I have been at ICBC for 17 years and i am in a department that fits my heavy truck manufacturing and repair background. I feel i have respect in
the industry.
I have been given many opportunities for professional development, and advancement within my career at ICBC. Ambition and increasing
responsibility are large motivating factors for me personally. My accountability to my team, and want to learn about different business areas are
factors as well. I have worked very hard for the opportunities that I have been given, and sometimes I get a little bit discouraged when I see
others that only seem to be motivated by what they get, and not what they can give or contribute-They feel entitled to more, for doing less and
less. I do not need anyone to tell me to work to the best of my ability, I don't need more benefits, perks or prizes. I contribute to the best of my
ability because it is the right thing to do, and the very least I can do for the paycheque that I receive every 2 weeks.
I have been with the Corporation for 27+ years and continue to enjoy the challenges, accomplishments and comradery with my co workers.
I have considered applying for work elsewhere to get me closer to home. I love the job I am doing now but the opportunities are limited here
because my excellent work ethics and experience are irrelevant when looking to advance my career. As a 15 year employee its a real slap in the
face! The new guidewire system was suppose to give us working remotely opportunities but the corporation is reluctant to open that door. The
corporation still says it is years away! many of us are waiting for the opportunity to work remotely but that carrot is soo far away is it really
worth waiting for?
I have considered leaving ICBC. I have not applied for another job yet but will likely do so in the next year. I don't feel valued by ICBC as an
employee. When I have done a good job I get the impression from my upper manager that it isn't enough. In fact one particular manager has
made a point recently to express imperfections in the team rather than focusing on the positives. We are all working very hard to keep our
severities down so that we can ensure that there is financial stability.
I have just been assigned to a new manager so can't comment on some of the statements.
I have kept an active development plan, consistently meeting performance targets and completed a university degree while working full time yet
still find I am unable to move outside of the claims division. We have been told that claims employees are not able to apply for EOIs (yet some
departments are releasing their employees - very demoralizing) and it feels like there are no opportunities to apply experience/education in

other departments of the company.

i have lost the desire to put in the effort to do more for people in this company as i believe this particular claim center and the company in
general dont care about it's employees or the customer paying the premium, hard to be motivated when your treated as a second class person
I have never been as ashamed of where I work as I have been in the last 2-3 years. Our customers and our employees are obviously not our first
priority. The training on the new system was abysmal and the number of tickets that have had to be opened to correct malfunctions has made it
even more difficult for any of us to do our jobs.
i have not applied for another job but i have certainly thought about it
I have not sought employment elsewhere as I have too many years vested in the Company. I am approaching retirement so will tough it out until
I have sorted out retirement in whatever form it takes for me.
I have self motivation to do my very best in any situation. This job and company does not motivate our abilities and if anything hinders them.
I have strong morals and expect the most of myself. Customers having purchased a product with us, in my opinion are entitled to get what is
needed out of that policy so that is motivation for me to be able to give them what they expect. It bothers me when I cannot work to the best of
my ability because of procedures that are in place, time restrictions and workload.
I have strong work ethic. I do my best because I like to be my best.
i hear some staff complain that it is hard to get motivated with all the learning going on, but our goals remain the same. Servicing our customers
as efficiently as possible.
I just got a new manager recently so couldn't answer the questions that well. What motivates me is the fact I enjoy learning. That is all we do
lately is try to learn why certain activities have triggered, how to correct, how to get the file opened on the system.
I just try and keep up but all of our authority was reduced to the point that I no longer feel that the Corporation trusts me to to make the
decisions that I made when I had authority to do my job. Even the managers have had their authorities reduced to the point that things have to
escalate to the ops managers. Difficult to keep up when we have no authority left to do our job properly.


I know that ICBC has a bit of a negative reputation with in the community and I personally try to do my part to change that. When I work on the
customer service queue, I try my very best to help customers with their needs so they are left with a positive experience and hopefully I have
helped changed their thought of ICBC whether it is negative or positive. I feel that a lot of customers "dislike" ICBC is because they do not
understand how we operate and I try my best to change that image.
I like completing my activities in a timely manner as I know this helps with customer service and customer perception of ICBC if their claims are
dealt with in a timely manner. I do my best to keep things moving in a steady and consistent flow. I try and help my co-workers where ever I can
as well.
I like my job. Little interference because I do a good job and that is recognized and appreciated.
i like to help the customer and for the customer to understand everything in their claim - and to work the best i can for the company i choose to
work for
I like to see good results of what I achieved and get positive feedback and reinforcement from management.
I motivate me to do the best I can to uphold my own work ethic/values. How I conduct myself with lawyers/therapists is a reflection of who I
am. I do not find any motivation from the culture of the office or the corporation as I find the corporation does not care about their employees
as the original 3 pillars suggested would be at 2014. I find the managers are more out to protect their jobs and fail to recognize or acknowledge
that any procedures or policy's could be flawed. For if they go against the grain, it could be their job on the line.
I motivate myself to complete my work to the best of my ability because of my own work ethics. There is lack of opportunities for those who
have lower seniority in the Corporation. Education or prior professional experience is not being considered extensively. The pay rate is not
competitive in today's job market.
I motivate myself, the company does the exact opposite. I am motivated to do an excellent job because of the type of person I am, DESPITE the
roadblocks the company continues to throw at Staff.
I motivate myself. There seems to be a lack of recognition in the layers above me as to how much work is being completed by the line staff. If


they know, they do not acknowledge it.

I motivate myself. I have a job to do and I want to do it to the best of my capabilities
I motivate myself. If I have a list of things to do over the day and I complete all of them plus the next days work, I feel satisfied and happy. Also,
the people I am directly working for show their appreciation to me by telling me. That partially motivates me as well.
I motiviate myself, if anything this past year, ICBC does not motivate me whatsoever. The work enviroment is terrible, managers are micromanaged. I have been very disappointed with the corp this past year.
I personally motivate myself to perform the best I can. I ensure that all tasks are completed within cycle times. I ensure that my desk is current
and I take on tasks to help my team or division. My motivation is the career aspirations I have of going into another position. I hope that my
continual hard work will get me to my dream job one day.
I plan on staying where I am. Why would I take on more stressful responsibility for an extra $100?
I produce outstanding results and deliver value to the corporation that is not properly recognized - either through advancement within the
corporation or compensation. Motivation is rapidly decreasing.
I really like working for ICBC but have started to look elsewhere for employment since the daily demands are too high
I respond well to praise, but I suppose it's just the accomplishment I feel when I've completed a lot of work.
I see how hard staff work during these very challenging times, and this motivates me to do my best to provide support and leadership.
I started with ICBC because of what the Corporation did for BC and communities. It was also a great employer that encouraged its employees to
be involved. Now that has all changed. The workload is over the top, the expectations are to the extreme, the recognition of doing something
good is over shawdow'd by trivial issues, and everyone is painted with the same brush. When suggestions to make a strategy more consistent
are made, you are thought to be difficult or not aligned. That is not what we should be doing in search of excellence in our industry. Instead of a
bottom up approach, ICBC is now all about the Top knowing and saying, but they have no idea about the work involved.
i still care for my customers and remain concerned for the current (and diminishing) product that i can offer them. whereas my employer cares


only for the ministry that oversees ICBC.

I take a personal sense of pride in doing the best I can.
I take great pride in the work that I do and the customers that I serve. My motivation is for the customer, not the Corporation. I feel very distant
from the Corporation - that it is both faceless and increasing cold. The increased work load is impossible to manage, but I still try. I don't give up
- I can't give up. My strong work ethnic motivates and drives me to do the best I can. I have always been a "superstar". It's disappointing that
my managers are too busy with 'reports' and 'meetings' to give the support and direction I know they most desperately want to give. Again I feel
we are being sabataged, set up for failure.
I take pride in a job well done. I enjoy owning my desk and putting my best work forward. I have a family to support.
I take pride in making connections with customers so they feel that they have received excellent customer service instead of being a claim
number. Having those connections with customers makes all of the difference to make them feel valued and for me to feel like I'm making a
difference in their recovery as well as ICBC's reputation with the public. I am hearing more and more customers (both ones that I deal with their
claims as well as friends/family/acquaitances) that are feeling that ICBC doesn't care about them when they have a claim and only want the
money that they pay for insurance. If ICBC is wanting to increase their "BBQ score", we are definitely heading in the wrong direction with
pressuring settlement on customers when they've clearly said that they are not ready. If ICBC is wondering why more and more claims are being
represented, this is the key point.
I take pride in my ethics & integrity.
I take pride in my work & in doing a good job. I don't feel upper management give the staff encouragement or support - we are just a # & they
question us & make us feel like we are not doing a good job. My own direct suprv & manager are good - but the higher up managers never give a
compliment or a pat on the back.
I take pride in my work and I also have great respect for my work colleagues. I wouldn't want to let them down.
I take pride in my work and job and strive to do the best that I can do despite the excessive workload.
I take pride in my work and try to perform to the best of my ability but the new system with all its flaws does not allow me to


i try to keep up with the expectations place on me but the work load and the new computer system make keeping up a pipe dream. i used to
have a greater sense of fulfillment however these days mostly all i feel is frustration and a sense of futility
I use to be motivated to do my job when we actually got to meet our customers face to face and actually investigate claims. Now all we do is sit
infront of a computer and try to have a relationship with our customers over the phone. Customer service has been replaced by just trying to
stay caught up in your work. The workloads are unmanageable with no relief in site.
I used to be extremely motivated and felt a sense of ownership and pride in my job. However due to recent decisions / protocols set out by
upper level management ( not my direct manager ) There is is no longer that sense of belonging. I feel like upper management has no sense of
value in what the front line employees provide to ICBC. We have no abilities to use the tools we have used for several years in order make
decisions. We have no autonomy anymore!
I used to be motivated by the fact that by working to the best of my ability I could move within the Corporation to a department where I feel my
skills will best be put to good use and where I could bring my knowledge and skills to make the Corporation better. However, almost every time I
have attempted to move within the Corporation, I have been met with resistance and no assistance from some of my managers. This brings my
motivation to do good work down and lowers my morale and employee engagement and as a result, shows in my performance.
I want to complete my work to the best of my ability for the customers that call in. They are upset that they have to wait 40-50 minutes to talk
to someone and then an ADJ in the field doesn't get back to them for over a week. I don't blame the adjusters in the field as they are busy and
can't keep up with the workload either. I try to do the best for the customers but it doesn't take long for everything to fall apart for them
I want to help those I provide a service for, plain and simple. I want to save money for ICBC and the premium paying shareholders. I do not
want to work for those in authority at ICBC as I see them simply pushing us all too hard, are authoritarian, are not leaders, and view as us as
human capital. We are a number on a spreadsheet, easily erased to suit an immediate need. I work longer hours than I am paid for, I give a lot
more than I get, because of my work ethic, not engagement. I work in fear of a decision made to help, being perceived as not taking the Corps
best interests first, as based on some ER hacks assessment, and getting fired. ICBC has created a fearful workplace, and I cannot leave due to
pension reasons, but have had three offers from law firms to join them and I was tempted each time. I should be able to share that with the
intent of my employer wanting to listen and be better as a result of listening, but if I do you will just fire me.
I want to move up within the company. I want to learn as much as possible to be able to further my career with ICBC.


I want to not let my team down, they depend on me.

I want to provide great service to all my internal and external customers. I want to be as transparent as possible in those communications. I want
to be positive and compliment my employees when they do a good job. It's just really challenging to find the time to do all these in these
challenging times in claims.
I was forced from a claim centre to CCIC. I now have a bridge to cross and pay for parking. My comute doubled. Upper management at CCIC
wants to prove they work better than a claim centre and so push settlements and look the other way as far as how settlement targets are
achieved. There is very little sense of achievement and motivation in what has become a cookie cutter approach to claims.
I wish I heard back from internal applications in a more timely manner - even if the result is not what I wished.
I wish there was more focus on positivity and encouragement than simply receiving silence when we do a good job and criticism for anything we
miss or is deemed inadequate
i work for my own sense of self pride and accomplishment. More positive feedback would be appreciated.
I work hard everyday, often without coffee breaks, and do my job as effectively as I am able. I work very hard for my customers, but find it
increasing difficult to complete my tasks in a timely manner. I have never done this in the 17 years that I have been here, but I go home at the
end of the day, totally overwhelmed, especially knowing that much of the work that I spent my time on did very little to get me out of the hole
that I am in. Staff (the few of us that are left) moral is at an all time low and the obvious lack of caring from the corp is deflating.
I work to the BEST of my ability but I CAN'T CATCH UP!!!!! I don't have enough time to do the work I'm given. We are GROSSLY overwhelmed
with new claims! I'm told the 30 CA posting is halted. ??????? I'm really not happy in my job and it's taking a toll on my health! So are several
of my peers!!!
I would love to be able to keep up with the job demands but my workload - claim intake has double with this new system, it is impossible to keep
up or have the time to the do quality of job we used to do. Everyone is too busy to have time to talk
I would love to be able to meet targets but they are unreasonable. I do not feel a sense of belonging or that my manger wants to develop me in
my role. I get a sens, a strong sense, that the criticism or my work is building up to removing me from my role although I am dedicated and I love
what I do. My manager tells me my best is not good enough.


I would say that in the number of years I have worked at ICBC this is the most depressing. ClaimCentre has not lived up to its hype. It is
cumbersome, picky and definitely not intuitive. It has not streamlined our work at all and a great deal of time is spent picking/unpicking files to
make the system do what needs to be done. Where in the past there was flexibility on the part of management in supporting our work/home
balance, there is none now and "operational need" is now king.
ICBC doesn't give us the time to complete our work to the best of our ability. Expectations are unrealistic. How do you expect customers to be
happy when we can't address their needs in a timely fashion? The workload has become even more unrealistic with the implementation of
ICBC has been very good to me over the years and to help the company succeed motivates me to do my best.
ICBC provides zero career development programs to assist employees in growing and being promoted within this company. ICBC would rather
invest in outside hires rather than help develop and promote the employees that have invested so much with ICBC.
If claims staff are ineligible to apply for EOI postings there is little to no opportunity to move ahead or into other departments. If we are too busy
to allow EOIs then why are we not hiring more claims office employees?
I'm always wanting to complete my work to the best of my ability. But I'm feeling very much rushed to go as fast as I can. If a claim takes longer
to work on, I feel that my stats are now affected and it really stresses me out. I feel that I'm always rushing and feel a lot of stress because of it.
I'm motivated by doing a great job. A happy customer. A great manager (as I have). Being treated with respect. Being trusted that I will do the
job to the best of my abilities. Recognition that I am putting 100% into my work every day. Positive reinforcement, constructive criticism. The
Performance Reviews that ICBC does are so detrimental to motivating employees. After every one of those, we all talk about how degrading it
was that it was only mentioned that we didn't meet this or that target but it was left out that our workload issues were the main reason for
missed targets. If this tool was used to make us a better worker, then great. Perhaps that was the intention but that is not the result. Every
Performance Review is like a slap in the face. Now that is not motivating!
I'm new in my job so have quite a learning curve. But work is overwhelming due to volume so am unable to spend my time on job specific stuff
as apposed to managing staff. This increase in volume I believe is due to the new claim centre system so have no doubt in my mind that as we
all get better at using claimcentre, the workload volume will be reduced and I'll be able to focus more on my learning curve in the job.

I'm self motivated and target oriented. I come to work every day and i give 100% to my team and my customers.
i'm self motivated. this company does not motivate me to come to work everyday. my feelings are there will not be a company in the next 5-10
years at the rate things are going.
In every survey I have ever completed for this company, questions of this sort crop up. Again, I will answer, it is my own person ethics that
govern how I perform my job and I possess a loyalty to my employer that ensures I always do the best possible job that I can. My sense has
always been that that loyalty is a one sided thing and that the Corporate "they" figure that paying me should make me grateful and I should do a
good job because of it. Additionally, I am in admin and in the length of time I have worked with the company, the work admin does has been
unappreciated and undervalued...sometimes in words, most times in actions. Despite of the above, my manager does EVERYTHING within their
power to ensure that I am aware that my contributions are recognized and that they, at least, appreciate and value what I contribute to the
company's success.
In short, the customer - they are the ones that pay the premiums to ICBC, are the ones that deserve to be treated fairly, provided with great
customer service. I see ICBC in the midst of a transition where we are trying to show the general public that we have listened to them in focus
groups, that we are streamlining the process, providing better and simpler access to coverage when they need it. It is what drives me to perform
the way I do.
Integrity, teamwork, pride, being respected and appreciated
Interaction and engagment with my manager. There are no managers in my office therefore there is no perks or incentives like there use to be.
I feel I am just a number in this Corporation and as long as my stats are good, I am left alone. If it wasn't for my own motivation, there would be
Interesting and challenging work, and a supportive management / team environment
intergrity personal commitment trying to do the upmost to stay upbeat and productive despite the impossible workload
intrinsic motivation - i want to do the right thing and work hard, provide a good example for my team and progress within the company


it is difficult to feel motivated when we are faced with an overwhelming amount of work.
It is difficult to keep motivated with the current workload issues. the transition to ClaimCentre has not been a smooth one. The "work
arounds" to manage issues with the program are awkward. In addition, the management team has not yet decided on consistent processes for
handling issues within ClaimCentre.
It is in my own set of values that I try to complete my work to the best of my ability. Others may have different values. I find that over the last
few years when you are always behind and cannot get caught up or provide excellent customer service to the level at which I take pride in.
Currently I find that the service we provide our customers in general is fair to poor. Sometimes embarrassing. This can take a toll on a person
and they become very apathetic to what is happening around them. I see it in my coworkers. We need to help our workers who are bogged
down to catch up and feel pride again.
It is next to impossible to obtain a promotion within ICBC
It is very clear what the corporate expectation is, and I fulfill my daily tasks with efficiency and a smile. However, I feel that a company that
focuses and makes such a huge emphasis on "Development Plans" and "Corporate Goals" yet never has any job openings or job shadow /
internships opportunities to support those efforts, is a bit of a wasted effort.
It is very difficult to stay motivated now compared to in the past. When dealing with customer only over the phone, email, etc. there is very little
accountability either way and it is very difficult to build relationships. the corporation constantly talks about being customer focused but their
actions suggest otherwise. The "functional model" of management is not a customer focused strategy.
It really feels to me like nobody will ever view or act on any comments made by ICBC employees.


It seems the only job opportunities are in Surrey. In the meantime there are highly qualified adjusters in the rest of the province that would
make excellent injury adjusters if there was an opportunity. I have applied to be an injury adjuster and never even got a reply after 21 years as a
CA. Apparently we have to move to Surrey. I think this Company is missing a huge opportunity by not promoting within the Company,. not to
mention how disengaging that is to the rest of the province.
It's a competition to see who does the most tasks! Our number of tasks are compared to our coworker's numbers and we are made to feel we
aren't accomplishing enough or not accomplishing it fast enough. Pure stress caused by this pattern is what keeps me motivated.
it's difficult to be motivated when we all know that upper management doesn't care about us, and doesn't care about the ridiculous caseloads
It's hard to do the best job when I feel my hands are so often tied behind my back. I'm often apologizing to customers for the backlogs/errors of
other departments
It's in my character and work ethic to do just so. This is my duty, and what I am paid to fulfil, to the best of my ability.
its just my work ethic that motivates me to complete my work to the best of my ability. i do not feel acknowledged for a job well done. there is
no recognition whatsoever. i know we get paid for doing our job but a pat on the shoulder once in a while or a little token of appreciation will go
a long way to let us know we are being acknowledged when we go over and beyond .
Its just the way I work. Do my best, at all times.
i've always been a hard worker and according to the last 35 years of reviews, have excellent customer skills. now, i have to watch the clock
constantly. if i am late going for my designated break because i'm actually DOING my job, i am marked down as "out of compliance". how's that
for word -- compliance!! where are we, 1940's germany????? i cannot believe i work for a company that actually punishes me for doing my
job. ... completely mind boggling.
keeping my review numbers above my colleges
Knowing I'm helping my colleagues accomplish their work tasks
knowing that i am contributing proportionally to a successful team outcome motivates me to work to the best of my ability
Knowing that there is so much to do on a daily basis, and that the team is trying hard to stay on top of things.

Knowing that whoever I'm helping (adjusters, estimators, managers, other admin) is expecting a certain quality of work and being able to deliver
on that quality of work. My job is to assist the adjusters so whatever work I produce directly reflects on them so I strive to work to the best of
my ability and produce quality results so that the adjusters can continue to focus on other tasks, confident in knowing I will deliver what they
knowing the customer is happy & informed.
Leading by fear does NOT motivate anyone. Leading by praise or positive criticism does. Support instead of annoyance does.
less managers more front line employees
Logic and Reason. Im paid well for what I do. My own self respect is motivation.
LUckily, I have a good work ethic. NOthing here motivates me. I feel that I am a value-less cog in a machine that is out of control.
making customers happy and satisfied. building and maintaining great working relationships with our vendors. positive feedback from
management and co-workers.
Making people happy and making sure everything runs smoothly so that they don't feel they are just a number and forgotten. I can't keep up
with the work so i just don't have the time to answer calls or do email when i have so much coming in. I would like to see a standard case load
for adjusters and a standard amount of files to be taken every month. this is terrible and no way to treat staff. some people are doing overtime
every day? who does that? It would be nice when you have a new system to work that you have time to figure out how to work it. ICBC does
not care about the public or it would have had appropriate staffing levels when this new system went in. The only support you got was from the
telephone to call the help desk and that is a 20 minute wait these days.
Making sure customers get the service they deserve.
-management (not my own) that fosters a team rather than me against them attitude in a committee -it feels like I am battling plaintiff counsel,
defence counsel, and management for authority on settlement of files -it appears that when I provide information it is never enough and once I
go to committee I go back on numerous occassions before authority is granted to settle files -only 16 available committee slots per week and
there are 50 examiners in this office?


management listening to the front line employees

Management needs better ways to motivate employees. There needs to be better incentives for productivity and proper support in order to
meet target productivity levels. To date, the only motivation that keeps me going is knowing that productivity it will increase my chances to
move up within the company
Monetary compensation (ie pay and raises), Positive feedback, increase in administrative resources, increased authority/decision making, and a
HUGE decrease in workload would allow me to actually be able to do my job properly and well, thereby increasing the benefits for ICBC and
diminishing the impact for policy holders.
Monetary gain [STIP]
More a sense of self pride than anything else.
Mostly driven by the needs of staff reporting to me and not wanting to disappoint them.
Mostly, goals that are fair and humanly achievable, yet challenging. A positive work environment, a coach that can help me grow and develop
my skills and abilities. Opportunities to learn more about my job and contagious excitement by leaders. I would like to receive feed back when I
have done a good job and not only to report mistakes.
Motivates me? The only thing at present that motivates me is trying to keep the work at bay. absolutely nothing else.
Motivation becomes deflated when priorities are constantly changing. Expectations become confusing as what was important yesterday is no
longer important today and may or may not be important tomorrow...
My age and personal sense of responsibilities are what motivates me.


My career is over at this corporation unless I am willing to relocate to the lower mainland. I have worked very hard to advance with this
company. They paid for my CIP designation, and I thought that I would have been promoted by now. Since the stream model, there is no
opportunity for cross training or promotion. I am not motivated at all. I used to love my job, but I hate what I have become. I do the work, but I
panic at the volume coming at me everyday. There is no customer service - you can't answer your phone due to the effect of the interruption on
your current task. You don't have time navigating around the system to answer a question for a customer that's not urgent - I hate watching
that blue circle go around and around and around.
My co workers are dedicated, hard working and good people but they are leaving icbc. .
my conscience
my coworkers
My co-workers are the reason I love this company and want to continue to work here. I find the company it self doesn't may much attention and
doesn't really care too much about people within my position or around my position. ICBC is a large company and it's left to the managers and
co-staff to boost our morale and have a healthy work environment, but it would be nice to know that the upper-management also know and/or
care about us. This could be shown by implementing new programs, new training systems and showing that they think of OUR workflow when
installing such things. We have a massive amount of responsibility, especially in a Litigation office, yet our workload is almost impossible to keep
up and always is leaving us stressed, something that many co-workers vocalaize when they can. It leaves us wanting to come in early or stay a
few minutes late to finish tasks. It also makes it EXTREMELY difficult when a co-worker is sick or on vacation to cover their work as well as your
own. Yes it is usually split up the best it can be and as fairly as it can be, but that is all depending on your supervisor. ICBC should HIRE more
employees to balance the work flow. Their focus should be OUR PEOPLE before anything else, but it isn't. Like all major companies, ICBC mainly
cares about profit, and although it is a large influence on the company's success, it's safe to say that ICBC will/should never be going out of
buisness. Instead I think focusing on staff wellness should be prime, and not with extra programs or through outside activities, but seeing how
FAIR the job is on the worker and if there is any way of alleviating some of that stress by adding only a few more staff members to certain places.
I also think keeping people on "Temp" employment for anything over 6 months is preposterous. At that point you should know if they are a fit
for your company or not and if they are then you should have them on permanent. Again, just to show that you value their work and their
loyalty, instead of sending the message that you keep them as "temp" just so you can get rid of them at any moment. I've seen how discouraging
this can be on staff.
My customers motivate me to do my best at work

my customers motivated me to do my job thoroughly and quickly. even though it doesn't feel like the corporation is customer focused, I still
believe that they are priority number one and that pushes me to be a better employee. I make sure to give them as much information in one call
as possible to try and avoid the need for them to phone back.
my department and manager are receptive to innovation and change. the potential for improvement motivates me to continue to strive for
My department is supportive of each other but this is because of the great group I work with and has nothing to do with management. As for
having opportunities to advance within the company, I am sure for some there are. I have asked to be moved to learn a certain desk and have
asked several times and advised that at this time there would be no cross-training in that area, and then I watch someone else get trained.
My desire to be successful motivates me to do my work to the best of my ability.
My desire to succeed.
My direct managers and co-workers are the only reason why I am still here. They motivate me. The job and work use to keep me motivated. It
was a career that I looked forward too. Now it's just work that needs to get done. What a waste of our talents!
My drive and my strong work ethic motivates me.
My internal drive.....ICBC is not assisting me in doing my best job. Again the workload is overwhelming, so I have gone from adjusting files to
answering calls and paying bills. We have just recently been told that we can hire outside resources after being told for years that we couldn't
because we had to cut back on allocated expenses. We were basically told to settle claims. We used to be told to adjust, evaluate and
negotiate claims...funny how times change. I would love to feel that ICBC is actually going back to the days where claims are fully reviewed
before we throw money out but with the workload the way it is I can't see that changing soon.
My loyalty
MY manager does not support, nor give kudos on a job well done. The encouragement and support comes from the departments manager. For
the managing of the work, is frustrating having the manager ask me to complete one task when another is already a priority. Her lack of
knowledge is a liability.


My manager does support my work and non-work responsibilities to the best of her ability within the authority she has. I do feel that the
company is not supportive of work & non-work responsibilities. My manager does give good supportive feedback on my performance. I don't
feel the company is supportive or appreciates my performance.
My manager does what is possible within the constraints placed. Not using this managers talents well any more than mine . I get satisfaction
because I choose to find a way to make what I can better. I have always loved my job, have been loyal . I do not believe our senior management ,
likely the Board of Directors as well are providing the leadership necessary to make this a high performing company, striving to build trust &
drive confidence . They re not creating an engaged workforce . They mandate -they do not lead or create a spirit of leadership . I have a sense
of senior management bent on building their own resumes , blaming their failures on anything but their own ineptitude & aptitude .
My manager doesn't help me to determine how to get my job done as I know how and have a good grasp on my job. He does, however, take the
time to really explain any questions I have that are related to my job and encourages discussion.
My manager is excellent and encouraging. Beyond that I do not feel motivated by the larger corporate structure. I do not believe that executive
is aware of or concerned by the challenges felt at my level and does nothing to encourage me. I am also deeply concerned by the amount of
unauthorized overtime that happens on ongoing basis. The employees in my department are extremely overworked.
My manager is great, he trusts his employees and knows we are competent workers. I love my co-workers which is primarily what really
motivates me to come to work everyday and look forward to it. However..... what doesn't motivate me is upper management that doesn't seem
to acknowledge how hard we all work and have been working for years. It feels like we are all hamsters running on the wheel trying to get
caught up but never quite get there. The amount of workload is sometimes overwhelming. There simply just are not enough bodies in seats to
do the amount of work that we have and are expected to do and provide great customer service. Having 100+ claims in a month is not
sustainable neither is 80 files when you need to provide good customer service. All this is doing is burning out the employees which brings on
sickness, tiredness, depression, lack of motivation and most importantly it affects all of our "home lives" which is first and foremost important.
When this happens, you have your employees calling in sick, taking extended leave which of course creates more work for the ones that are still
at work basically just hanging on by a thread.
my manager is very encouraging and supportive. I have a sense of belonging at my specific work locale and i am respected there. there is no
respect shown by senior management. i am proud of what ICBC has to offer the public, i have no pride in terms of how the company treats
employees. i do not recommend this place as a place to work, the morale - which has been created by how we are treated by company- is toxic
and unhealthy

My manager is very supportive and team work is encouraged in our department.

My manager is very supportive but they can only do so much to support work/life balance given the expectations that are on everyone
my manager motivates me to do a good job every day
My manager, teammates and the company overall motivate me to do my best in what I do and also in other roles that I will be in with the
corporation in the future.
My manager.
My manager's idea of coaching is "You need to do better." You need to work faster." "What you are doing is not good enough." "These are the
tasks you need to do daily."
My Manager's support and enthusiasm
My motivation comes from my lawyers and striving to provide them with the best work Im capable of completing
My motivation comes from myself and the pride I take in any career I choose. I used to be very motivated, felt very supported and enjoyed
working at ICBC. The last year has been very disappointing with the workload and the lack of support along with shift changes in the field.
My motivation comes from within. The Corporation is draining my reserves with increased demands, increased process, and ever decreasing
amounts of care for the well being of my fellow employees who appear consistently more stressed with each passing week. Even with the
above, my co-workers continue to return to work each week and attempt to meet their targets.
my motivation is intrinsic. i want to take pride in the work i do and know i am always doing the best i can. the multiple levels of bureaucracy in
this division slow everything down and take what used to be my decision and give it to someone else. i am now not simply told what to do i'm
also told how to do it. the levels of bureaucracy delay the completion of numerous daily tasks and take what ownership i used to have in my
work away from me, so i am less connected to my work than i used to be.
my motivation is my personal wish to do my best and my concern for customers


My motivations come from helping my customers because of their difficult times. Ensuring I meet their needs on first call resolution.
My only motivation at this time is my personal work ethic.
My only motivation to complete my work to the best of my ability is the satisfaction I receive from customers.
My own ambition and sense of pride in my work.
my own attitude and daily personal goals.
My own desire to do my best as well as compassion for the customer and the needs of the employer. Self pride and motivation.
My own expectation of ongoing excellence and the commitment to my job.
my own expectations of myself
My own level/sense of pride. Nothing the corporation has been supporting in the last few years
My own personal beliefs and values are that all work should be done to the best of my ability , every day. It is difficult to maintain this; as the
company does not assist or support in accomplishing this goal. - I do not have enough authority to do my regular work. - I do not enough
support to work within Claim Center efficiently My immediate manager does all within their power to provide what i require to accomplish this
My own personal ethics and sense of self worth motivate me to do/try my best; ICBC does nothing for us as employees but to constantly deflate
our efforts, overwork us and take away any sense of enjoyment about coming to work.
My own personal integrity and work ethic.
My own personal values and satisfaction with doing a good job motivate me. It is a dark, heavy atmosphere as a whole in my location so I try to
keep focused on my own personal motivation and value system.
My own personal work ethic and my hope to please my manager.


My own personal work ethics are what motivates me. The company has taken things from the employees bit by bit. From social team building
right down to removing the water coolers.
my own self expectations and doing a good job.
my own self pride
My own sense of professionalism and personal integrity.
My own standards of professionalism. Positive feedback from clients.
My own value system.
My own values.
my own work ethic
My own work ethic motivates me to complete my work to the best of my ability
My own work ethic.
my paycheque; if i don't work, i don't get paid. my work ethic. Unlike a manager who I heard say: "if they have not had a claim before, how do
they know they are getting bad customer service?" How is that an excuse for giving bad customer service?
My personal belief that customers should be provided with excellent service.
My personal integrity leads me to do my job to the best of my abilities.
My personal pride.
My personal values and commitment to performing to the best of my abilities motivates me to complete my work to the best of my ability.
My personal values and pride. I am committed to what I do and want to exceed at what I do. It is nice to see that staff recognize how I always
go over and above what is expected of me and they appreciate it.


my personal work ethic motivates me to complete my work to the best of my ablility

My personal work ethic which is often in conflict with unrealistic expectations regarding workload and complexity of same.
My personal work ethic. There is nothing at ICBC that motivates me to work harder/better than I already do.
My personal work ethics.
My personality is my only motivation. Sometimes i feel i do more work than others, because i actually care and feel better when i am doing
actual work.
My pride and work ethic drive me to performing my best in anything I do. I initially came to this organization with the intent of moving up the
corporate ladder, but the more time I spend in this organization, the more I see it is poorly run and the opportunities I thought would be good,
are actually nowhere near what they could be. When I leave ICBC, my managers and coworkers and Ops managers will have nothing but good
things to say about me.
My pride in what I do is what motivates me to do a good job. I also look at it as my duty as an employee to give my best regardless of poor
leadership, unrealistic expectations, unbalanced work load and uncaring senior leadership.
My pride motivates me to do my work to the best of my ability.
My pride.
my professionalism and self motivation in performing at the best of my abilities.
my set standards are high
My staff motivate me to work to the best of my ability as they are under so much pressure to perform that I do not want to add to their stress. I
want to be present and available to assist them so that they are successful and feel good about what they are able to accomplish. I want my
workload to be balanced so that I can have the time to do "value added" reviews. I want to be the resource they need to minimize their time
away from doing what I need them to do and allow them to focus on their core duties rather than searching around for assistance. Having a
happy, motivated team also motivates me. Recognition from my Manager for the effort is motivating as well. Even though we are not reaching
all of our targets they acknowledge the effort that we are making while striving to attain them.

My strong work ethics and a desire to help people are what motivates me to work to the best of my abilities. Unfortunately, with the current
volume/workload in claims, I feel I am unable to properly meet my customer's needs. I have worked for ICBC for 15 years and always tell people
I love my job. Over the past few months, I no longer feel satisfied that I am helping the people in my local community or my customer's across
the Province. In fifteen years, I've never had a day where I didn't want to go to work. Now, most mornings, I feel sick to my stomach about
coming to work. Sunday nights I get anxiety and am awake through the night worrying about my week ahead and how I can possibly do
everything that I need to do in order to provide good customer service.
My work ethic and personal pride and being accountable to myself, my peers and my team that I lead
My work ethic has always been my main drive. Each & everyday this is my main objective. I'm self motivated & don't need to be constantly
motivated by management.
my work ethic.
My work ethic. Regardless of the job, it should be done well despite the obstacles that may be present.
My work ethics. I always do what I feel is necessary to get my work done. If it means staying late or working from home I dodwhat needs to be
done to make sure everything gets done and on time
my work mates. i work with some good guys & i don't want to leave extra stuff for them to do so i try my best to get what needs to be done
new manager- not able to answer all questions
No moral, no motivation - corporation appear to be floundering
no motivation just feel like a wheel in the cog
no motivation to speak of. the set-up in our department is an assembly line which is demoralizing and counter-productive. no positive feedback


from managers, just criticism.

No one here can "manage the demands of the workload". Our caseloads are way up. CC takes way longer. Files are transferred so many times,
which means so many adjusters keep reviewing new files transferred in.
Not being micro-managed and monitored/timed.
Not much these days.
NOTHING motivates me - we are bombarded with work, we have no help, it is very difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I am
extremely stressed out to the point that is affecting my physical and mental health, these is not very healthy work conditions. Management
keeps on saying that it will get better once we know the system better. I have to disagree with that statement! we have been working with this
new system for a few moths now and although we have learned to use it and we are somehow familiar with it, is not friendly, does not provide
us with all the information we were told it would. It takes 3 times longer to do the simplest task and we don't have enough staff to try and serve
the customers a bit better than we are right now. NO CUSTOMER SERVICE AT ALL! what's the plan? to lose our customers? all the problems we
are facing with this new system.... could not be forseen? other insurance companies who use this system, were not contacted? consulted?
Nothing really motivates me. I just accurately complete my work within cycle time.
Nothing that the company provides. It's just the way that I was raised by parents. Strong work ethic.
Nothing. The atmosphere at ICBC is not as it once was. Departments use to interact with each other but no it appears to be discouraged by
management. Furthermore there is nothing from management (at any level) to show their appreciation for the work that their staff do.
Nothing. I would quit to do another job any day.
Nothing. No sense of accomplishment, no opportunity for advancement
One word "nothing" ICBC does motivates me. Unfortunately my motivation comes from within, because there is no gratitude from this
only my personal feeling of satisfaction motivates me, as there no longer is any acknowledgement of work well done from a Corporate level


Only still here because of proximity to pensionable age

Other than just being proud to do a good job, I am motivated by my customers, my Manager and my co-workers to do the best job I can to the
best of my ability.
Others lack the knowledge.
Our customers motivate me to provide them with as much assistance as possible.
our new system has not lived up to it's reputation. we are unable do our job to the best of our abilities as the system is slow and not user
friendly. Management does not put people where their skills are best utilized. Spend a lot of time on the phone with helpdesk nobody knows
whose job is what anymore, activities get assigned to wrong locations, and customers are suffering as things are falling through the cracks
Our workload is crushing and impossible to meet corporate expectations, which of course impacts your performance review. I do not trust my
Manager, when I once shared a very personal family issue involving one of my kids, she then brought it up in front of our Operations Manager,
who was complaining about his kids, that I also have problems with my kids. Makes unprofessional remarks when you return to the office if you
have been away on sick leave. It's just the most unhappiest company to work for, the reason I have not left is because I am only 2 years away
from collecting my pension.
Over the past years ICBC has changed from a good place to work to one where you wonder if you will be able to keep your job.
pay and benefits and time off. i do not feel very good about the company and the way it is treating employees at this time.
Personal commitment to meet challenges and the satisfaction of a job well done. Sorry for the cliche.
Personal ethics, sense of pride, paid well.
Personal ethics.
personal pride and expectations
personal pride and work ethic


personal pride in what I do

personal pride, a sense of duty to the customer and because I have a supportive manager.
Personal pride, and the freedom to do the job the way i deem best.
personal pride, integrity, and commitment motivate me to do a good job
Personal satisfaction and personal pride.
Personal satisfaction.
Personal satisfication in knowing that I have helped our customers get timely resolution to their claims.
personal sense of accomplishment and learning new things. each claim is different
personal sense of accomplishment and pride. concern for customer needs.
Positive comments about strengths I bring to workplace and job
positive environment encouragement recognition and/or little perks (used to get a few little things from management team to show
appreciation, but now NOTHING) good office morale (right now its VERY BAD low morale in our office, makes it tough to come to work
Positive feedback but also constructive feedback followed by recognition when an improvement is made. Being offered new
responsibilities/roles. Availability of training tools to improve myself.
positive feedback, fair compensation (needed)
positive reinforcement, sense of accomplishment at the end of the day when a high task load has been completed
Possibility of career advancement. Love of my job motivates me.
potential growth, building a solid reputation, etc.


pretty much answered that, but to be honest? I would love the idea of being treated as a person rather than a statistic. Our Department was
utterly slammed and left hanging when full integration went through. It was insulting and demoralizing to read the "how fantastic it is" emails &
memos from upper management.
pride in doing a good job
Pride in my personal accomplishments.
pride in my work
Pride, commitment to the team and a strong competitive nature.
pride, knowing i am good at my job, money.
Pride. My knowledge of my job.
proper recognition for my work
proper training and not being overloaded with duties
Provide excellent customer service - I honestly enjoy speaking with each customer and the feeling of accomplishment when a customer is
Putting myself in my customer's position drives me to work to the best of my ability.
question number one on the previous page: I consistently deliver what is expected of me in my work - I had to answer N/A - I don't know what is
expected of me in my work - my PM plan is all about corporate goals and nothing to do with the department I actually work in. It is so
frustrating working so hard with no specific plan in place to reach a common end result. I must challenge myself to stay focused while I watch
the work pile up and nobody actually caring until a phone call comes in with a complaint - only at that time is the issue addressed & momentarily
at best. The band-aid solution which leaves most of us totally unmotivated.


Re: I get a sense of personal accomplishment and fulfillment from my work; I used to, however in the past year in this role, I haven't felt this as
the dept has not been properly staffed and this has created a heavy workload/burden on myself and my peers and it's stressful as we are always
apologizing to our customers and as much as we all know this is not in our control, we care about our customer. re: I am able to manage the
demands of my workload; absolutely not. This dept has been grossly understaffed right since day one and the workload is very overwhelming
and unmanagable. re: I have opportunities to develop my skills while doing my work; although I do have opportunities, given the current
workload demands, I am unable to spare any free time to further develop my skills.
Recognition - not formal, but just a verbal acknowledgment that my efforts have been noticed and appreciated.
Recognition by customers who feel appreciated when they are given good service. Achieving and exceeding my targets.
Recognition for jobs well done, an A-Z claims index for Customer Service Adjusting would be helpful to easily search for information to do my
work, and more work/life balance needed.
Recognition for your work and the contributions you make to help ICBC fulfill it's goals and corporate strategies motivates me to complete my
work to the best of my ability. Unfortunately their is very little recognition received at ICBC.
recognition helps to motivate me, but you don't get much praise from management - mostly your peers
recognition of efforts; understanding of barriers to meeting targets; flexibility of work/life balance
Recognition of my accomplishments and provide support if I am not meeting targets
Recognition other than just an email. I don't feel valued anymore.
Recognization of achievements.
respect for ops mngr
respect from mgr instead of micro managing
same as previous comments.


satisfied customers, meeting my quota, hoping to advance to a new higher position

Self accomplishment Team goals that have been achieved To see the group in the Team - (the positive results from my coaching/teaching)
Self motivation - self assurance
Self motivation, is what drives me to be my best each day. I get paid to do a job, and try to be the best I can be at it. I get no help from the
company, or its leaders, to be the best employee working for a top notch company. I try to do whats right for the customers that I serve, but
with all the frustration in dealing with the new changes, and lack of leadership, it is so hard and so frustrating. The problem is not change, but
the inability of the leadership to recognize when certain aspects are not working.
self pride
self satisfaction
Self satisfaction
self-motivation and for the common good of the company.
-Senior management seems to make the mistake of connecting Employee Engagement to staff turnover. This is wrong. There are many long
term employees here that are so invested into the pension plan that it would make no financial sense to leave early. The fact that most folks I
know with 20+ years of service know their early retirement date and have a countdown clock speaks volumes. Just because staff are not leaving
does not mean they are happy engaged staff dont confuse the two things.
sense of accomplishment when i complete task and close files
Sense of accountability and fulfillment.
Sense of achievement when I know I have done my best everyday.
Sense of committment and integrity compels me to work to the best of my ability.


Separation of work groups into streams within the corporation have decimated the feeling of belonging and team work. A culture of "passing the
buck" is growing with the implementation of Claim Centre. Claim Centre does "not" streamline or reduce work. It creates too many road blocks
to assisting customers in a timely manner. Our "can do" culture is shifting in the wrong direction to enable the customer service our claimants
Showing me the numbers, setting targets and giving the tools and resources to do the job empowers me to do a great job. Unfortunately the
company has turned into a micromanagement beast, more interested in what i wear/eat/hang out with then my performance, and customer
service. The fact that managers two and three levels above me are reviewing my any my colleges work on a regular bases doesn't promote a
positive work environment.
Success - attained by the ability to make decisions and the trust to make good judgements.
support and communication about what is going on
Supportive leadership, good co workers.
team work , group morale
team work environment helps me motivate me and do my work to the best of my ability
thank you received from customers
That is who I am, I will always try to do my best, in spite of the circumstances I might find myself in.
That's just the way I've been taught. No matter what the job, try and take pride in what you do and do it to the best of your ability.
The ability to always be learning more and moving up the corporate ladder.


the appreciation of some of the adjusters that i work directly with and feed back from some of my same level co-workers
The challenge of different activities.
the claimcenter computer system is very demotivating as I am now spending the vast majority of my time imputting information into the system
rather than settling claims. In addition I am suppose to be handling BI claims but I am spending way more time on dealing with m/d issues than
setting BI claims.
The Corporation is not concerned about it's employees, it's get the job done and don't complain. Yes, we're busy but there is nothing that can
be done, so you keep taking the 10-13 claims a day, and just get them done. I feel like a hamster on a tread wheel going around and around and
really not accomplishing anything. The quality of work now is sadly lacking, because we're all so busy. The customer service is lacking as well.
No one person can handle the volume of claims coming through with the expectations of the Corp. and handle them well. You can take the
claims but there is no time for the follow up and additional work that maybe required on a file. There is only so much work that can be done in
the time we're hear, but the expectations are great than a 7 hour work day.
the current environment makes it very difficult to stay motivated. Work loads, unanswered questions and decisions that don't appear to make
much sense hinder my motivation. Our measurements don't truly reflect the work we are up against
The current workload is unsustainable. It directly affects my ability to do what I believe is expected of me, and negatively impacts my job
The customer and my compassion for their each individual situation.
The customer is what motivates me to complete my work. I want to give the best customer experience that I can so that customers choose ICBC
for their elective insurance.
The customer motivates me. The people I work for to provide a service. I am here to help them get through whatever bad experience they have


The Customers and my Co-workers, I do not want to let them down.

The customers and my own work ethic.
the customers motivate me to provide my best customer service
the customers motivate me. my sense of helping them is why i continue. what does not motivate me is the lack of
support/resources/staff/training. There is no engagement in the office anymore. being treated as a robot and a "number" does not make for
positive motivation.
The Department to which I belong delivers work/product that matters and I feel the same about my position/role. I learn everyday and welcome
the challenges that come with my position.
the desire to serve our customers and valued business partners
The enjoyment in doing the work that I do
The fact that its acknowledged when it solves a problem that impact the insured. Communication is very very poor in ICBC, and when you have a
satisfied customer its great to know you made a difference in the Corp wheel that just grinds along everyday.
the feeling of completing a task feels great, and seeing the outcome with the customers, and other staff.
the job demand are way to high we cannot keep up and the way its continuing we are going to fall farther and farther behind claim centre is a
real set back for my work group and we are struggling
the job is just an exercise in chasing your tail the department is understaffed and overworked and nobody feels any sense of accomplishment,
satisfaction, or pride in what they are doing, it's a constant challenge just keeping up. most are happy to see the day end.
the joy of learning
The lack of training and support during the implementation of Claim Centre has not been very motivating or helpful in my ability to work at my
best possible level.


The leadership is such that we are encouraged to have collective success in the work that we do which will translate to corporate success. I do
not want to let the team or the corporation down.
The most driving factor in my motivation is my internal need to perform to a high standard.
the motivation to succeed and achieve higher levels of responsibility.
The office assistants are not able to help with the workload anymore. There are not enough CA's and BI's to handle the workload We are
expected to just keep taking it and try to be faster Poor customer service and unsatisfied employees are the result, further resulting in
customers switching to private which they don't know is even worse and employees going on leave Solutions are available but nobody listens
anymore. Hire temporary employees to help until the "SYSTEM" is workable!
The one thing that stands out here for me is this statement "My performance and contributions are recognized when I do a good job."... The
only recognition i feel i get here is when something is done wrong or is an error or whatnot. I never feel as though I have been recognized for the
good hard work I have done.
The ongoing salary freeze, roadblocks to staffing solutions and unreasonable workload have led me to seek employment elsewhere.
The only motivation i have left is my own personal desire to continue doing the best work i have always done. The current company culture has
destroyed any team approach and the moral among my peers and staff is extremely low.
the only motivation that keeps me striving to complete my job to the best of my ability is the contact with the customer, knowing that my job
makes a difference to them and how I do my job as best as I can makes a positive impact to our claimants. There was no place on this survey to
add further comments so I have added them here. I believe that management can do more to assist with our ability to balance our personal and
work lives by allowing people to work closer to home. Now that the claim center is in place, and claims are distributed on a round robin basis,
the ability to work at a center closest to a person residence and work remotely with a manager should be an option. This would allow for a more
balanced personal/work life, a happier employee and less stress in the work place. Increased staffing will also would also contribute greatly to
the reduction of stress, the ability for the adjuster to keep on top of their caseload which will in turn lead to fewer medical leaves.
The only person that motivates me to do my job/work is me. I know what is expected of me, and do the best that I can. Do I always reach my
targets, no, but i feel things could be on track if my recommendations of quantum were approved and not continually questioned.


the only thing that motivates me is the rest of my team

The only thing that motives me is my own expections of myself and my job ethic. ICBC as a co. does nothing to support me nor influence me to
do a better job. Its just who I am.
-The opportunity for a promotion
The opportunity to contribute to helping shape the future of our Division and company.
the pay is the motivation, livelihood. a paycheque.
the policies and procedures that have been put into place are a reflection of the fact that some operations managers, the directors, the ceo and
board of directors have no clue about what our jobs actually involve. the new computerized claims system is another example. the system is
fine for one dimensional, non controversial claims but not for much of our work. most of the icbc staff work hard in spite of the problems with
management because they have a strong work ethic and want to do the best job possible. the policies and procedures introduced over the last
several years have steadily eroded our ability to do our jobs. this erosion has not only affected our staff but many of the business partners we
work with. certain directors have taken a dictitorial attitude in the way their sections are run - its absolutely shameful. we, as a company have
lost a lot of goodwill in the community as well as with our business partners.
The policy holders deserve the best possible service
the pressure to settle claims and individual performance measurement for settlements in a 'team' environment for claim handling is leading to
conflict and disharmony amongst individuals.
The right tools, tutorials, easy access to find the right information. Appreciation. When information about systems that aren't working correctly
is communicated instead of wasting 2-3 hours trying to make something work, getting management help and still no success and then calling
help desk only to be told that the tutorial hasn't been sent out yet or " that form isn't working and you have to do it a different way". Get it
together people!!
the same motivation that pumps my blood every morning
The sense of being on a team increases my motivation to complete my work to the best of my ability.


The sense of social responsibility I have to manage injury claims in a way that is in the best interest of the public motivates me to do my job (i.e.
maintaining premium rates, lowering BI severities, educating the public about what influences their policies, etc.)
The support I get from my manager and peers. The atmosphere in the office and the people i work with. Awesome place to work i love it.
The support, knowledge and being in a team supportive of each other helps me perform to the best of my ability.
The thought that management one day may address the workload issues so we can all do our jobs better and return the organization to what it
was once recognized as.
The transition to CC has lowered my motivation & made me feel less competent.
The way this company is going corporately, I am losing motivation daily. This company is on a downward slide. It says its main goal is customer
service, although i have heard from many customers that this is the worst service they have ever experienced. As for taking care of its
employees, that is something that in my opinion is an all time low and seems to be a non priority, I am very disappointed in how things have
turned out over time. motivation is at an all time low, and I don't see it improving anytime soon.
the way this place is managed from the top makes it impossible to get motivated about anything
The work load is just too much. There is no sense of accomplishment. I am not able to provide the customer service that I would like to as the
work load is too much. When you have an increase in claims volume you also have an increase of phone calls and emails from customers. I get
between 20 - 40+ phone calls a day. This is mostly people calling to inquire about why I have not yet contacted them regarding their claim. On
average the I am getting double if not triple the amount of claims intake then we did prior to the implementation of claim centre/non
appointment system. This is very poor customer service as there are not enough hours in the day to give the claims the correct amount of time
required to deal with each individual claim. We are also loosing money as breaches are not being properly investigated by most adjusters as
they claim that they are 'behind' and 'don't have time to look into it'. As a policy holder it upsets me that adjusters are not allotted the amount
of time needed to properly investigate claims as proper investigation could save the Corporation money. I have thought about looking
elsewhere for employment as the stress I am under is not healthy. I do love my job, but I have recently found myself dreading coming to work
and feel as though the work load and stress is just too much.
The work load right now is a problem and it's hard to meet the targets. As for opportunities within the corporation..... all we hear is that Talent
Acquisition is looking outside, not inside, for the kind of job I want.

the workload doesn't afford the opportunity to do your best

The workload is brutal!!! All of the lits adjusters are on the edge. We can't take it anymore.
The workload is not manageable.
The workload is overwhelming and i cannot keep up. I cannot provide good customer service with the number of files that i am expected to
handle. Being successful motivates me, however, it is difficult to be successful when targets are provided near the end of the year and we are
told that they not attainable. Working for a company that cares about their employees, is flexible with the hours of work and locations,
supports a balance between work and home life, supports health and wellness. Happy employees perform better!
The workload is too demanding and unmanageable. The climate is that whatever an employee is dealing with outside of work isn't important.
The workload issue is huge at ICBC right now with the company not replacing people especially in the small offices where when one person
leaves it becomes a huge issue. We are expected to continue maintain the same amount of work but the workload has doubled when someone
leaves. It is not fair and hence why many employees are leaving the company. The company does not care about their employees anymore, we
are not appreciated and overworked.
There are rare opportunities that a Claims Support Assistant can apply to move up to a higher paying position.
there is absolutely no motivation besides my own personal values to do a good job. Time, efforts and experience are not considered when
applying to a job. I know for a fact people have been hired with less than one year seniority for non entry level positions with less qualifications
then myself and other coworkers because of who they know. job qualifications/pre requisites seem to change with the wind to match the pre
selected group of employees. The only way to get a job you deserve is to grieve it and I don't want a job that way. This is not the corporation I
decided to join and dedicate my time to 10 years ago.
There is little motivation to apply to other positions as the application process and EOI opportunities are not supported by management to assist
you in changing career paths. We are continually overworked and under-supported forcing us to appear less than competent and unable to
meet demands of other postings.
There is minimal consideration / flexibility anymore between work & non-work life balance. We are merely "faces with a number"and are here
to serve the corporations purpose. Circumstances are not generally not considered on a case by case basis. There is too much inconsistency


between shift bids at the call centre; especially for part time staff.
there is no gratification in this job anymore. the workload is so unmanageable. there is not one person that does not want to do a good job - but
it feels impossible. everything takes longer - there is no time for customer service. people are angry because of wait times and not getting call
backs - and all BECAUSE THERE IS NOT ENOUGH STAFF!!!!!!! we take the brunt of the anger from customers, we are frustrated because even
the manager cannot explain the distribution of the work, the managers are bogged down with work. its ridiculous. every person has headaches
everyday - a feeling of UNWELLNESS. There is nothing i would like better than to feel like i was at least almost caught up. to feel like i was doing
GIVE A DAMN*****you have amazing staff and i dont know one that feels they have the time or tools to do a good job and to even keep up
There is no incentive to move forward as much as I try. The corporation looks at outside hire for positions higher in the claims area rather than
taking staff trying work their ways up within the organization. Comments made by HR that the CIP is just memorization and the fact they hire
outside people with degrees over CIP designations is proof.
there is no motivation at this stage. there are too many claims and too much pressure to meet unreasonable targets with the amount of work
coming in. we were promised a new system that would ease our workload, everything would be set up before we get the claim, they lied.
nothing is set up. it takes 3 hours to set up one psgr in a vehicle. the ongoing work is just as bad and again we were promised an easier more
straightforward process. we are so overburdened by office admin tasks with the new system that we don't have any oppourtunity to actually do
our job which is adjusting claims - yet we are being measured on our own job. We were also told that it would be much easier for management
to get reports on everything - we can't even get them to acurately determine what our closures/caseloads are at.
There is no motivation from the Corporation. Every single job available requires a degree, regardless of knowledge and ability and Claim Centre
takes away all decision making capabilities. I show up and do a good job based on own my strong work ethic
There is no motivation within the company for me to complete my work to the best of my ability.


There is no motivation. With salary structures you can a) perform JUST enough to meet targets OR b) excel in every category yet you would get
paid and compensated in the exact same way. why do a better job when you aren't recognized or paid for it? It also seems being proficient at
your job will not land you a promotion to another job. Instead ICBC seems to keep these employees where they are to meet highger targets and
instead hire people off the street with no training and/or experience to fill the higher paying roles.
There is no motivation. In my department if you are a good performer, You recieve more work. If you are not. You get more time to complete
your work.
there is no possible way to complete my work! Claim Center has added so many more step to each file. it has created so much more work. The
training provided was inadequate and a complete waste of time. the amount of time i have spent training myself far exceeds the clicking thru
screens that was supplied as our "training". i have a full understanding of how to use Claim Center, but the amount of additional steps required
to complete the simplest claim is ridiculous. Claim Center does not allow for easy file management. Complex claims are extremely hard to
manage as the document storage requires each file to be opened which is time consuming and once opened it may not be the document you are
looking for.
There is no promotion within ICBC. It has been said that in order to change the 'culture' ( the lack of employee engagement), the only way to
show any signs of improvement within the Corp is to hire from outside. There are qualified and high performing employees within the CORP that
are consistently being passed over for job promotions. The corporation has never put any measures in place to motivate employees to do well in
their jobs. The engagement score is no longer measured; how sad that the company does not want MOTIVATED and GOAL driven employees.
There is no recognition of a job well done in our department. This isn't a matter of people wanting a pat on the back for doing their jobs. It's a
lack of recognition that our jobs are becoming more difficult to manage. It's a lack of respect for the hard work that people are putting in. It's
the dismissive attitude that management shows towards any feedback or attempted discussions. Our opinions are not sought and clearly not
valued. Things like the employee survey are a farce. We have abandoned the department survey for Claims Legal Services. Feedback was
sought on one admin manager. When it was misdirected to the lawyers instead of the manager's actually reportees, it was abandoned instead
of redirected. Those who actually responded based on their experiences were penalized for expressing their opinions.
There is no room for development or to change positions within the company unless you have a degree, even though you would have more
knowledge than someone coming off the street with a degree, especially since it doesn't seem to matter what their degree is even for.


There is NO time to "manager your career". There are online courses through ICBC that I have been trying to find the time to take for two years.
There is no time to do anything but try and work an unmanageable and burgeoning caseload. And if you are behind on your diary, which is a
ridiculous measuring tool, it reflects poorly on you, in spite of excelling in closures.
There is not a lot of feedback when a job is done well, which is my main motivator. Doesn't have to be anything formal, just a 'thank you' or
'good job' really helps.
There is nothing beyond my own person motivation and beliefs that motivates me to complete my work. It is my own personal feeling that I try
to do the best for each customer because that is what I would expect from someone who was dealing with me. It is not the Corporation that
motivates me.
There is nothing motivating me at ICBC besides my own conscious and desire to help my customer's. It is very difficult to come into this office
each morning and face a caseload that is humanly impossible to keep up to date on. This question "best of your ability"... my abilities are
diminishing each week i work here due to the accumulation of STRESS due to the impossible workload. My manager is excellent, is helpful but
he/she can not do our job.
There is the "best of my ability" and then there is the "best we can" under the situation- focus is not on staff but rather processes. This survey is
more directed to make sure we are all marching to the same beat rather than what is best for the customer. I was not sold on the customer
feedback done by our company, that customers wanted to do everything over the phone- we are not moving cattle here we are to look after our
There is very little opportunity to change jobs or for promotion within unless i move to the lower mainland. I think the corporation is blind to the
talent pool available in other areas of the province.
This company is nothing like it used to be. We are all just numbers here. I work hard and enjoy what I do, but I no longer feel valued or
appreciated by this company.


This is an area where I am very frustrated, I have worked with the Corporation for over 10 years, I like working here very much, but I am
saddened that my knowledge and experience working here isn't enough to let me advance in the Corporation b/c I don't have a degree, I am
confused why ICBC isn't utilizing the amazing staff they have, the knowledge & experience they have to advance them, instead they are hiring
people from off the street with no experience of our systems/procedure b/c they have a degree's this just doesn't make any sense to me.
This once was an excellent company and it is still full of a lot of good people not all of them but there is a good % I believe the people are your
company and we will be back to being a leader in the industry and stop chasing are own tails.
This place saps my will to live. But the pension and benefits are pretty good. And most importantly (and the single biggest reason I stay here): I
can get 7 weeks of vacation if I buy the 2 weeks with my bonus. If you guys ever took that away, I'd be out of here in a heartbeat.
Those who depend on my completed work appreciate that it's done well since it affects theirs too.
time enough to do my work well with adequate training
Time to investigate claim properly and spend quality time with the customers. Face to face interaction with customers would be much better
than dealing with entire claims over the phone. I think the customer should have the choice to deal with someone in person or over the phone.
I have actually heard managers say that employees better accept the way things are or they should just quit ICBC. How un-motivating is that?
to at least know that I am doing a good job and not just be called upon when what I did is wrong.
To be able to apply for EOI's and have them approved - To be able to build a relationship with my manager so that they know me personally and
want to see me succeed in my career goals.


To be honest I don't even know how some of these questions even apply to my location when we keep having a high rate of management
turnover . The only thing management is concerned about these day's is stat's.I've been here a very long time and in that time maybe 2 times
someone came to me and said I was doing a great job and they were not management
to be honest, I am no longer motivated as the company has done such an about face with the way they treat employees and management, it's
To be recognized by management. However, the better you do, the more work you receive. Also, to stay sane. You fall behind and it's game
To be valued and recognized as an employee who is pleasant to work with, helpful, team player. I take pride in being an employee who is
motivated, conscientious and doing a good job.
To do the best i can for the company that is employing me while gaining knowledge and new skills.
To keep my job and do the best I can do.
To make the customer's happy, and getting them back in their car.
to reach the department goals
Treating our customers as I would like to be treated and having them appreciate the work that I do. At the end of the day, concluding/settling a
claim with a customer and having them feel they have been treated fairly and with respect.
Two things: 1. My manager. Very supporting and understanding. 2. My own work ethic. I have always been a hard and conscientious worker. I
do not work for the betterment of ICBC as they obviously do not care about their employees or their customers. I work hard because it is who I
Understanding the targets within my role and then being rewarded when those targets are met or exceeded. It does NOT motivate me when
targets are set with the understanding that meeting those targets will result in promotion/raise/bonus, but that does not end up being the case.
As much as I enjoy my line of work, everybody works in order to earn a living, develop further skills and progress within their career. If that is
not the case, then naturally the motivation to try your best dissipates.


Unreasonable volume makes it hard to meet Corporate expectations. Claims staff outside the lower mainland have been told there is no reason
for career development, new opportunities are not being considered. If you do have a valid idea or suggestion and send it to a manager, that
suggestion goes nowhere. My favourite is thinking about Legacy and the manager saying "Good idea, but you can't change the process. ICBC has
done it this way for 20 years." So you make a suggestion with Claim Center and the manager says "Your suggestion isn't needed, I'm sure they'll
figure it out." In 2034 some adjuster will make the same suggestion and the manager will say "Good idea, but you can't change the process. ICBC
has done it this way for 20 years."
Variety of work and special projects Validation from my manager that the work done was completed well and/or as she expected. Also if there is
any coaching to let me know how it could have been done to achieve best results That my manager is proactive and follows through. Ie: if she
says she is going to do something, she does it.
Very little these days. The corporation had fired the best manager I have ever had in my 19 years at ICBC, this manager was the best manager
because she was very knowledgeable, able to make fast, fair and clear decisions and give clear instructions, and very easy to work with. She
enabled us (her unit) to do our jobs extremely effectively. She was also very knowledgeable in Claimcenter and very approachable if we need
issues resolved with our files. We were able to perform our best at work. I am not certain if I agree with the corporation's opinion that we can
share managers. I personally would prefer to have a manager in the office at all times instead of a half time manager. Technology is awesome
but it is more time consuming to connect with a manager over technology than having a manager available for a face to face meeting. So to add
on to all the admin tasks and data entry tasks that I am currently doing with Claimcenter, I am also now faced with spending more time setting
up an initial call with my manager.
wanting to do a good job
Wanting to help my customers - give them a good claims experience so that they feel valued and remain a customer - treat others how I would
like to be treated ....however the Corporation does not treat me as a valued 'customer', more like a hamster running in the wheel in its cage just get through a file, as quick as possible, preferably within a week - with customers no longer linked to an Estimate appointment, and due to
being busy, one is lucky to connect with the customer within the week, never mind resolving the claim


We are working in a chaotic environment where there is no direction as to what our priority should be when handling claims. The Claim Center
system is a make work project for claims. We are asked to complete Administration/estimating functions along with claim handling which has
added to our work per claim. Our workload - intake of claims - has increased two-fold with no end in sight. Management encourages us to help
our peers but then we are criticized in our EPM's for not keeping up. None of this is sustainable. It's ridiculous that our performance is measured
when we have no clear direction and are inundated with an unreasonable work load. We work harder and faster with little to no help from
management except for them to say 'we understand'. The only motivation we have is not being 'written up' in our EPM's for not being able to
keep up.
We have a strong team that is very supportive and works well together. We do not want any one to fail and we will not let each other down.
We feel great respect for Vito and Alexis and want their areato excel. They appreciate the work that is done by their teams and we are proud to
be part of their success
We have a very experienced and very competent team at our small regional office. I find it can be difficult to stay motivated every day given the
unusually large of amount of files we are expected to handle. The number of files that our office carries has increased substantially over the past
year or so while work hours have been reduced. Unfortunately, given the time constraints due to the large volume of work, duties can no longer
be carried out with the same care and attention that is normally required and expected in the field, and I don't believe anyone would argue with
the statement that the quality of work has suffered as a result. Despite the stressful environment, our team continues to strive to be supportive
and respectful of each other at all times, and also to do our best work - despite the circumstances.
We have been told time and time again that "the work can be done anywhere in the Province" but "they" clearly are saying one thing and doing
the complete opposite when they are hiring staff down in the Lower Mainland when there are EXPERIENCED staff already in place throughout
the Province who would like the opportunity to advance in their careers. I honestly feel there is no future here. I truly do not feel valued here.
we have just changed supervisors - not met with mine yet.
We need more time to do the job or smaller case loads. I am busy tending to emergencies much of the time and so am not able to be more
proactive on identifying settlement opportunities and investigating the case to building defences. When I have more time for each file, I can
formulate a strategy better, put the plan in place and ultimately, should be able to settle more economically.


What motivates me is a sense of accomplishment when I am done and I have helped someone. With the current heavy workload that appears
to have no end in sight is a motivation killer.
What motivates me is basically if I don't do the job with expectations that are unattainable, I won't have a pay cheque and my kids will go hungry
and I'll lose everything! There is no motivation to do anything, it's basically a communistic system, do the work or else you will get canned.
What motivates me is customer satisfaction, which is at an all-time low right now, so I do whatever I can to make the claims process easier and
better for the customer.
What motivates me is having a fantastic manager who I can go to at any time and who always is helping and encouraging me. With the
implementation of Claimcenter, it has been a very hard transition and a huge learning curve which I see taking years to grasp but I have a
manager who supports me.


What motivates me is knowing that my work is making a difference in real customer service experience. Knowing that i have personal control
and accountability over my work and decision making which is effecting real change to customer service and ultimately changing public opinon
of the company and our product. When employees are empowered, they are not only happier but more engaged in the company's success. This
positive enthusiasm is in turn contagious and promotes happier work environments and in turn happier customers too. (see Westjet, Apple,
Costco ) On the flipside, when one does not have control over his work or efforts then we simply become mindless drones completing tasks
simply to meet targets as set out by someone who has no idea how the day to day work is done or what the real issues are. With the above in
mind, Teams in claims handling specifically is backward and do not make a good work model for customer service. There is no personal
accountability, satisfaction or pride for an employee. Customers do not have one consistent person to go to, confide in (if the need arises) and
this poses more challenges in public trust and confidence/rapport building. We have heard repeatedly from customers that they do not like this
team based model because they have had to explain themselves everytime and that there is no accountability. Right now, we are losing the
customers to representation largely because they do not have trust in the company or the brand anymore (that is the crux of the issue) and we
cannot win them back with an inconsistent team approach that has no built in accountability. The sooner we realize this, the faster we can turn
this tide. unfortunately, i don't even think anyone is reading this or doing anything about it. I have been here long enough to see the once proud
employees we have turn into jaded and unhappy, uncaring workforce it is today because their opinions and suggestions go unheard and their
contributions go unrecognized in this team environment. I am also motivated personally to do the best when i see that i am helping people in
their most difficult/traumatic time. By giving them peace of mind and relief from mental or physical stress gives me great satisfaction in my job.
This motivates me to do my best at work.
What motivates me is my self-determination to do a job-well-done. I also try to remember that claims involves people on the other end that
need help in some form or other being left with a rotten situation. I am motivated to help people who have claims - whether they are minor or
catastrophic. I believe management no longer considers this.
What motivates me is my sense of self worth and value. If I would rely on management, I would have no motivation to do my best.
what motivates me is our customers and my own personal values that drive me to be successful within my position in my department. it is hard
to stay motivated and even more challenging when the corporation seems to put way more value on someone having a degree in beekeeping as
opposed to someone that has the necessary experience, talent and personality and been successful and supportive in their role . Again. the
only reason I go above and beyond is my loyalty to the customers and the fact that I have a job because of those said customers. right now I am
beyond words of what to say as I know that whoever looks at this will look and then dismiss this instead of really wanting to know why..


What motivates me is our customers.

What motivates me is recognition for, not only work well done, but improvements. I strive to deliver and improve my output and given the focus
on operational excellence, hard work and improvement is not recognized any more. The lack of 'caring' for staff from management, upper
management, and Executive is demoralizing and the effects are felt all around. A survey to measure opinions and engagement is futile if the
resulting comments from our leadership will be 'we expected this', as was the case after the last survey. This was a slap to the face to all of us
that remain committed to delivering good service despite change and a decrease in employee engagement. It questions the purpose of having
the survey at all when you get a response like that.
What motivates me is that I take pride in a job well done. With the new claim centre system in place, I am unable to provide the great customer
service I am used to providing and this reflects negatively on my attitude.
What motivates me is that when my files run through smoothly and I am able to meet the deadlines on such files before they expire.
What motivates me is the desire to help my customers, a personal desire to do my best, and the knowledge that if I perform well it will only help
me move forward with my career.
What motivates me is to be the best I can be. Whatever position I'm in, I always want to do my best. What is discouraging is that ICBC in hiring
would much rather hire outside and train the new hire on insurance rather than hire good people within and train more specific to the job. I see
this over and over again.


What motivates me the most to complete my work to the best of my ability is our customers and business partners. I want to make sure I meet
deadlines and demands as it would have a negative effect on our customers and business partners. On another note, we were told 4 years ago
that with ClaimCentre going live it would create many more opportunities for jobs within the corporation as it didn't matter where you lived.
Since ClaimCentre has gone live, and even 2 years prior, I find our window of opportunity has gone from a large window to nothing all. It still
seems we have to live at the coast to advance with the corporation. It doesn't make sense that you give people off the street a better paying job
than some of us who have shown that they want to advance with icbc but unfortunately not able to move. End result, new employees are not
trained properly, most of us are correcting their work and know 99% more than they do, I'm just talking about the basics.... lou, collision/comp
policies. Files being opened with no collison coverage, sva. People being authorized lou, sva, no lou. The basics!!! Give us all a chance to
advance and in the end you will have well trained, knowledgeable people working for icbc. Also wondering why there are more jobs posted
on icbc.com than our hub? The public has more of an opportunity/advancement than our internal employees.
What motivates me to complete my work to the best of my abilities is the joy in seeing how many tasks I'm able to deplete out of the queue.
What motivates me to complete my work to the best of my ability is an inner sense of purpose and self worth. I have always held high standards
in my work ethic and strive to always do a good job. A sense of belonging and kindness in the workplace encourages and motivates you to want
to come to work and stand behind the company you work for.
what motivates me to complete my work to the best of my ability, is my strong work ethic and my sense of pride.
What motivates me to do the best of my abilities: I am a single parent & need to provide a roof over my child's head, pay bills, put food on the
table etc. I show up everyday the past 9 yrs with a smile painted on & give this corporation 200%. However, the workload is unrealistic &
unreasonable. One is not able to keep up with being inundated by 8-15 new claims as day, voicemails, emails, faxes, and also attempt to work
the back end of claims.
What motivates me to work to the best of my ability is "TRUST" .
What USE to motivate me was when I was happy. When I felt my presence mattered, when I felt my knowledge mattered and that when I
needed resources or tools to do my work they were provided.
What used to motivate me was doing the best job possible to make my manager look good to their manager. The feeling now is, from the top on
down, no one cares. In fact, now we are in a performance punishment environment. The more you do, the more you get. The fact is, the staff


that take on the most, continue to get more dumped on them.

what would motivate me is being treated as a person..not just an number.. not eagle eye watched when I take a pee break!!! not told im taking
to long on a claim..sorry..but some claims take longer and some ppl need us for longer.. sometimes I feel our external customers are treated
way better then the employees and thats not right!
When I come to work I always want to do a good job. I am not able to do a good job as the caseload is to high and the amount of admin tasks are
to large which bogs me down. I feel frustrated and disconnected from upper management feeling that they do not care that we all are carrying
larger caseloads than we can manager. I also feel disconnected from the other colleagues in my office. There is not longer a sense of teamwork
within the office as everyone has been segmented.
When I feel that my work is valued, that motivates me to continue to improve. When management is very focused on productivity at the
expense of employee morale, I find that demotivates me.
When I get support from the management team in a job well done and when I am advised of new processes. It would also help if the upper
management acknowledged that "everything is NOT rosey" with this new system. It is frustrating being told or seeing notices that everything is
working smoothly when in fact it is NOT working smoothly for us in the trenches.... I know my manager does her best to help us with the
transition into the new system however there are so many changes that we are bombarded with each day this is difficult. Unfortunately many
of my coworker have an "I don't care anymore" attitude as the moral here is so low. Its hard to work in a negative work environment like this.
When I know the company is making a very positive impact on the world.
When my colleagues curb their absenteeism and are able to be in the office to manage their desk. This provides me with the motivation and
time to stay on top of my duties.
When my manager comments me that I have been a valuable staff in our department and recognize my acheivements, I am strongly motivated
to do my best.
When we are not stressed about productivity, the motivation to complete the work to the best of my ability is much higher
When you are recognized for all the hard work


While my manager is very supportive and understanding, I am simply not motivated in the least to complete my work. My work has changed
from what was once meaningful to redundant, useless form & task completion that have nothing to do with the actual adjustment of a claim file.
Hours everyday are spent processing tasks that have absolutely no benefit other than to enable the Claim Centre system to operate.
Who I am as a person and as an employee. As well for the first level of management. Not for the next levels of management as the higher up
you go, the more disconnect you have. I hardly even know who runs this company any more.
with claim hierarchy there has been no chance of moving to a different position as the company seems unsure of who will be required in the
with the work overload its very hard to perform and achieve my goals. we are under staff and no one has recognized this problem. there is no
motivation at all.
work ethic
work ethic and a sense of accomplishment
Work load is so excessive that there is no motivation to come to work. I know that when I come in I will have pages full of overdue activities all in
red. Just can't keep up. So there is no motivation.
Work load issues are a huge concern for me. The length of time it takes to complete the tasks is longer than expected.
Working a team is a good motivator as you do not want to fall behind. I know we have turn-around times to consider and I do my best to get
higher priority tasks done first. Accuracy is important and it affects my job performance so I work hard to ensure things are done correctly the
first time.
working as a team member
Working in a team environment is neither satisfying or rewarding. It is too easy for people to hide and not do their jog. Its far to easy for people
to slack off as they can't be monitored. My skills has an adjuster are not being utilized. The team concept is not working but no one seems to
Working with a good group of coworkers motivates me to complete my work to the best of my ability (good teamwork).

Working with a great manager and an effective and supportive team motivates me to complete my work to the best of my ability.
Working with my direct managers has always been the ONLY reason I do the work I do. I currently feel like the corporation its self could care less
about me, my contributions to the them, or making me happy to work here. They have taken away Friday Switches which were a huge help and
NO EFFECT my them or my work, they have only allowed one person off at time on holidays which forces me to take time off that i do not need
just to use the days, and implemented a rule that completely holds me back from moving forward in my career here there for working here long
term is out of the picture as i can not do the same job for the next 30 years.
Workload at this time is excessive. It is impossible to complete tasks at hand and actually give good customer service. Corporate speak says we
are doing everything to improve our customer service, however the new system takes the customer interaction out of the picture.
Workload has increased considerably since the new system has been put in and is now becoming unmanageable. It is impossible to meet the
criteria set by the corporation as the majority of time is spent setting up new claims, which is time consuming if done properly. Investigation
and liability assessments are hard to address due to lack of time. It appears to me that customer service is just lip service now.
Workload is unmanageable. It has increased significantly since becoming a Sr.Injury Adjuster a job I used to enjoy very much. The number of files
we are currently handling is excessive. Rather than having control, we are just putting out fires. There are too many tasks, including having to
learn Claim Centre, keeping up with all it's ACTIVITIES, evaluate claims, mail, emails, phone calls, coding def bills, diary and file reviews. Targets
have remained same despite having to learn a very complicated Claims System. Workload is the biggest concern within claims at this time and
yet management has made no recognition on how they will attempt to resolve this ongoing problem. Most of us have lost faith in the company
to which we were once very loyal and dedicated.
Workload workload workload. I am not able to manage the demands of my workload. Workload needs to be addressed.
you ask about my manager but my manager is not given enough flexibility to be able to properly motivate as it is the upper managers that are
the controlling factors here
Your questions unfairly attempt to unload any negative responses onto my direct manager ( presuming that is what you meant by manager since
the term was not identified in the preamble). They work very well within the crappy confines of their job which are dictated by those above
them. My responses are intended to reflect the structure they are working within as opposed to them personally. The culture of fear the
corporation has been nurturing for the last five years makes any front line manager afraid for their job.


Q58. In the space below, write comments about how you strive to provide better service to your customers and the company.
I think the Landon Chorney ads say it all. It shows a claimant coming in for an appointment to meet with their adjuster. And he speaks of how
claimants can settle their claims when they wants to. Both of these things are misleading. We do not meet with claimants anymore and strongly
resist it if they request it. We push push push people to settle. We are not servicing customers anymore. We treat everyone the same in a
cookie cutter approach. ICBC used to be unique. We are now like every other insurance company. So why would our customers feel any loyalty
to us when we're like everyone else.
- Always looking at process changes to ensure customers are getting the best possible service. - Constant communication with my managers to
ensure focus on the customer for them and their staff.
- I can continue to look for ways to "work around" ICBC policy and procedures that hinder the customer service we are able to provide to our
- I provide very good service to my customers and have taken alot of initiative at improving their customer experience, but my Manager does not
give any positive recognition for these achievements. Very disheartening and moral depleting.
* being able to answer any of their questions * having knowledge of the job
* personal motivation to provide good service is what inspires me * The company does not inspire - the fear is if you make an error, you will be
fired....that makes it very hard to make decisions and hard to provide service if you are second guessing yourself for fear of consequence
100% of my effort is directed to achieving corporate goals, many of which I believe to be unattainable. While my direct manager is entirely
supportive and sympathic the Corporate culture appears geared towards fear with no real value being seen in diverse opinion.
Again I do my best each day, it is reflective of my personality, but I don't have time to do anything extra to provide better service to the company
or to our customers ie. take the online courses
again personal pride in what I do and accountability for the decisions I make
again the work load only allows for survival. i feel the corporation sees no value in customer service, if they did they would provide a
manageable workload so that i could give the level of service to my customers. when expressing my concerns about customer service, the
response is to simply do what you can.... When you take pride in your work and want to supply a service the fact you are unable to management
is aware and is not making changes, its truly is disheartening!
Again, making connections with the customer, listening to what they are saying (both verbally and non-verbally), and working on the claim with
that information in mind. Managers need to let us do our jobs and stop micro-managing. Each BI adjuster having their own caseload would go a
long way to achieving this. And the pressure to make offers just for the fact of making them needs to stop.
already said previously
always follow up for the customer, do not pass them on to someone else, take ownership of a call. Provide the best customer service possible.


Always keep our customers aware of the steps that we have to take together to complete a file. "TEAMWORK" with customers.
always keeping customers needs in the forefront.
Always learning and accepting change within ICBC and myself makes me a better employee and a better person.
always speak in a respectful yet friendly tone, and help de-escalate any conflicts that customers may bring, with regards to delays or complaints
always trying to be helpful to the customers and supportive. Trying to answer their questions to the best of my ability, if i am not sure of
something i will always get back to them with the answer.
Apply consistent methods when handling files and not treating one w/ preferences
As a relatively new ICBC employee, by continuing to gain a better understanding of the company and how best to serve its customers.
as an individual i make a point of servicing my customers to the best of my abilities, however the processes and the systems in place are not
made to be customer service friendly. customers want to speak to people face to face but our executives believe otherwise.
As much as I would like to take the courses, etc to improve myself, my work load is not manageable to fit the time in
As per previous note - tried to follow up on the release of my personal information
As previously mentioned, the challenges our department is experiencing with regard to customer service (complexity of claims and excessive
workload) cannot be changed at this level (claims). The current stress level among claim staff in my department is unprecidented within my
years of service at ICBC. There is a general feeling of not being heard which has an impact on engagement levels.
As stated before, I can only put in a hard days work, do my best, and stay on the high road. A few of the questions are poorly worded in this
section and imply that I have some input. I simply don't. I gather the information and then sit around and listen to a bunch of manager
psychopaths pick through it with a mind to cover their own ass because they are living in fear. So the end result is pathetic and in efficient.
At our level we do the best we can for our customers. Unfortunately the roadblocks in place make it impossible and apologizing to our
customers for our inadequacies is becoming old.
Attendance: If I am not in my seat helping customers how can we provide excellent service as a company if wait times are long Constantly
learning how to use ClaimCenter to improve efficiency Sharing tips and tricks to my fellow coworkers so we can process claims quicker for our
Being honest and reliabe.
being knowledgeable of Corporate changes & anything that affects my job, being courteous, understanding & efficient, expedient on getting
accurate information to the customer.
being more organized, finishing work as quick as possible, delivering great customer service, making sure insd understands clearly all steps
before i let them go to avoid another call back helps with hold times and customer satisfaction.
being responsible for my time at work- if I am unable to help customers, I will ask and follow up
Being the best employee I can be in all areas.

Better service involves taking work home evenings, weekends and working regularly well beyond the typical work week. No job/ life balance any
By always being prompt polite and professional I achieve high levels of customer satisfaction and that all our stakeholders know me on a first
name basis.
By and large, our customers are the adjusting staff rather than the public. I value my working relationships with them and will continue to
provide the best service that I am able to.
by becoming more knowledgeable about the company I can help more customers. by reading the bulletins that come out through the company
By being open and honest with everyone.
by bringing forth ideas that will streamline procedures and make it easier for customers to get the information they seek.
By completing all of my work fully and not shirking responsibility, I believe that I am providing the best possible service to customers and ICBC.
By constantly improving my abilities and enabling the improvement of all staff to deliver quality customer service for the betterment of the
entire organization.
By doing my best at all times.
by focusing on providing excellent service to my customers and partners.
By having more knowledge about ICBC in general, I can answer more questions from the customers. I feel that doing my very best at work really
helps to provide better service for our customers and the company. I always give my best.
by making sure the documents are properly taken care of and forwarded to the right people
By offering steller customer service
By returning calls, replying to customers needs when necessary and in a timely manner.
By speaking to them as if they are friends, and I value their opinions regardless of what I think and take into consideration what they are telling
me or what documentation they have supplied and to make this experience as painless as possible
By taking CIP classes, I am becoming more knowledgeable about insurance so I can confidently assist customers with their needs, knowing I am
providing them with valid information. I also make sure to utilize the company resources to always make sure the customer gets the answer they
By working hard every day and completing work in a timely manner.
call backs same day;keep on top of my diary;30 day communications commitments
can't take full advantage of learning opportunities due to lack of flexibility in my work schedule. again, substitute supervisor for manager on this


-ClaimCenter is allowing people to offload responsibilities too easily by sending out Activities that are incorrect or to the wrong people no
accountability or direction. -Success seems to be measured on a number count of how many claims we have taken in ClaimCenter and that the
system is still working and did not crash. There seems to be no consideration for how and what effect this is having on employees
workload/stress and managing their customers. -ClaimCenter training was minimalistic at best. Staff has just gone through a massive change in
how we do business/training/learning curve etc. This has been a lot of stress and work on top of our regular jobs and customer service standards
we are trying to maintain then we get notification that ICBC wants a list of concessions in the new Contract. This is the thanks we get for the
extra hardwork and difficult times we are still going through with the new system. It is clear that Employee Engagement is not really an issue
ICBC cares about.
ClaimCentre is a massive failure. Anyone who spoke or speaks up about it has been fired. Impossible to do a good job under current system and
Communication is number one, if you don't communicate and listen to your customers they will feel disconnected. Always look at ways to satisfy
your customers. Never treat them with disrespect.
communication is the cornerstone of our business as we move away from traditional face to face communications, customers deserve prompt
answers and service in their time of need.
Complete my work in a timely manner Treat customers with courtesy and respect
Completing work in accurate and efficient manner.
Continually seek out ways to improve handle time and train staff to be knowledgeable in our business to better help the customers.
Continuous improvement of customer service levels through reviews, discussions and sharing of experiences and team exercises.
Continuous learning, self improvement,
Continuously improving myself and adapting to changes
corporate strategies and customer service expectations contradict each other. Corporation is setting up employees to fail due to extreme
workload issues
Current workload is impacting staff's ability to provide the level of customer service that ICBC wants to provide to customers
Customer service at this time, is reduced by the poor systems in place. Delays in answering our FNOL lines, 7-10 days to tow in vehicles to CEF,
weeks delays to get ESD appointments in claim centres, case loads that are at least twice the manageable number are all affecting our customer
service for the worst. Most customers want to meet their adjusters, especially with injury claims and that option is no longer available to them.
Then to create even more confusion for our customers, ICBC has a prime time television commercial, showing customers driving their vehicles
into a claim centre, meeting face to face with an adjuster who is holding a claim file, none of which happens any more!!
customer service results can provide helpful information toward customer service
Customers and co-workers are the most important to me. I think ICBC believes money is the most important thing to them.
Customers are not receiving the best service due to the volume of work.


dealing with ICBC can be a very frustrating experience for the public, so I treat each and every call with as much respect and patience as I would
treat my Mother, and the results have been great. I like seeing people come in or call in scared, upset, worried or confused, and leave feeling
better, or optomistic about their claims.
dedication to the company
do my best to complete tasks and pay bills on time
do the best I can to complete my job as quickly and as efficiently as I can, thinking on how I would want answers and to be treated.
Do the best that I can.
Don't deal directly with customers that often, it's difficult to say.
don't have the time
Down grade work level for adjusters and most staff. I have been so stressed at the work place, that I have been far less effective in giving good
service to my customers.
Due to the new system and work load problems, employee's can only do what they can do, all the people that work around me work very hard
to give the best service they can, but I can tell you that we daily discuss the struggles we are encountering with the new system and the work
During work hours, I try and excel in what I am doing. The faster I work to get my tasks done, the fast customers get paid.
ensure customer understands claim process completely
ensuring files are managed effectively. finding coverage for files and responding to clients needs.
environment/culture currently in place provides no opportunity or motivation to be better.
Every day I do my very best to serve our customers and the company.
Extra hours to ensure the job is done.
Finding it harder to provide better service, lack of available appointments, people are harder to get a hold of because everyone is on the phone,
as much as I would like to help someone right away, it is so dependent on other work units that are either short
Focus on customer service and treating all with respect and dignity. Working hard and focus on getting the task at hand done in a timely and
efficient manner. Always keeping a positive attitude.
following work schedule, compliance, attending shifts on time & not missing work


For the sake of customers I deal with the new Claim Center system as best as I can, wish we could have our previous claims system back as am
far from impressed with Claim Center. It's not easy to learn, it's complicated to deal with in comparison to our previous system, it's difficult to
correct info in, the fonts are too small, I've heard that people with wrist/hand/arm issues are having more difficulties due to Claim Center
compared to our previous system, and it seems to crash far more than our previous system did. I don't see it as (lots of) money well spent by the
From legacy to the new claim centre system now in place, it's a never ending process, but with the support provided from co-workers, and
management we will all be able to achieve our goal to provide better service to our customers and the company. Let's all together work together
hand in hand, dedicated to excellence.
Handle each and every customer as an individual....they have paid a premium for the policy and the expectations are that they will get value for
it --- they want to be heard Would like to have the option of seeing people in person....this is not possible due to province wide claims handling -- despite what the ICBC commercial states
honesty and integrity is what is required, having said that though you can be as honest as the pope but if you are not given sufficient manpower
/ time to get the right job done the devil will be in the lack of details
How can I properly help a customer when my workload is unbearable. How can an employee serve a customer properly when the company
doesn't even take pride in their employees. Customers are mad because of the new system and them having to phone in their claims, they do
not like it. They prefer a one on one.
How can I provide better service to customers when dealing with each claim takes four times as long as previous system?
I always do my best - or try but really - nothing is good enough - we are never "there"...we are always "behind".
I always do my best for the customers because it isn't their fault that things are being managed so poorly. I provide quick and efficient service
and do my best to meet their needs. I used to be a big advocate of the company but it has become very obvious the company cares very little
for the staff. They do not value employees. The current climate is motivation by fear and intimidation. This is the worst way to get positive
I always get my jobs done to the best of my abilities, as fast as i can because there is so much, but the system/managers just keep giving me
more. It is performance punishment
I always look for more efficient ways to manage my work load and to service the shops that I deal with.
I always put myself in the customer's shoes and strive to provide excellent customer service. I am always looking for ways to improve customer
service and bringing suggestions forward to the Management Team
I always put myself in the customers shoes when trying to help them out. A lot of the time there is not enough time to really addresss their
concerns and issues end up not being resolved or passed around for days/weeks. This frustrates that customer (obviously) as well as myself by
not being able to sign off fully on resolving a problem

I always put myself in the position of both customer and company. There is a fine balance between the two in which you can keep both sides
I always strive to do the best work I can and to improve upon anything I can. Those efforts should, in and of themselves, provide better service
to the customers and company.
I always strive to provide prompt and accurate service, in a polite and nice manner.
I always strive to provide the best Customer Service possible to both internal and external Customers. I put myself in the Customer's shoes and
take care of them as best as I possibly and have done so for 25 years. The lack of proper ClaimCentre Training and Staff shortages have made
this a very difficult undertaking.
i always try my best for our customers and the company.
I always try to get the right answer and to do the right procedures. I find that if you ask 10 people in this company a question, you may get 5
different answers. There is no consistency. Very few people seem to know what the right answer is. It's very frustrating for someone like me
who wants to do things the correct way. I try to seek answers in our procedures, manuals, regulations etc. but half the time you can't find what
you are looking for. Lucky for me I have a great manager who knows exactly what to do. I feel very fortunate in that respect.
I always try to prioritize my workload to look after my insureds who are most affected by the loss or time it takes to get through a claim. I always
try to discuss options with the repair shop that will most help our insureds.
I always try to put the customers first...
I am a very prideful person and I do a great job, I feel. I take personal satisfaction in helping someone who does not know what to do when the
are in an accident; I give that to myself and pat myself on the back for that. The Corporation doesn't. Have you seen their recent concessions?
I'm very disappointed that after all we have gone through as a Team over the last few years that they would present that to their employees.
Disgusting. Back to the question, If I make a mistake, I own up to it and learn from it and follow through with the Customer and own it.
I am afforded the opportunities to share my ideas that will provide better service to our customers whether external or internal.
I am also a customer of other businesses, so I understand the frustrations of finding answers or the right help. I listen very carefully to their
needs and try to find the correct way for them to proceed. I am sure things will improve time wise when Claim Centre is operating more
I am always looking for ways to streamline processes and procedures.
I am constantly learning from my co-worker's assistance, the numerous job aides, and their moral support. That is how I am able to strive for
better service for my customers and the company.
I am doing my best every day, every hour and every minute. But again, we need either more people or a smaller case load!
I am eager to be challenged and to learn more and go far I will jump to any opportunity put in front of me.
I am generally impeded by management from doing wise things on files, so there is little point in striving.
i am quick, accountable, and always do my best

I am taking CIP courses that will better help me with understanding the principles of insurance and putting them in practice.
I am very good at my job. I take pride in what I do. I need ICBC to support me, not with empty words, but with deeds: improved benefits, more
I am well aware of the effect of not being able to meet the demands of my customers - this is the very issue myself and my peers have been
trying to have upper management accept, however they refuse to listen. Again my manager does her level best in a very bad situation within our
department and she is not the issue. She has her marching orders and so its those who elicit these marching orders that are the issue. I have no
idea of how my performance effects the outcome of the company when i really have no control over my performance. The daily tidal wave of
workload, added responsibilities to my job from other people who do not do their job or are quick to pass their problems on to me instead of
dealing with the problem themselves creates an air of frustration among us all. We cannot be held responsible for a job when we cannot do the
job in the first place !
I am working hard to provide better customer service to my customers. I am also trying to work faster. However with some of the new processes
in place with our new operating system, it has become a hindrance. They have taken procedures away from FNOL to speed up the time at FNOL.
However these processes are transferred to the field adjusters, and adding to our admin tasks that we are now required to do, which we did not
have to do on legacy. Furthermore our intake have increased twofold, we are now getting two new claims a day. Two new claims a day +
additional admin and data entry tasks = volcanic eruption just waiting to happen.
I and my co-workers strive everyday to provide the very best of customer service. We go above and beyond for our customers when we get to
them. It's just frustrating that the company doesn't allow us the ability to do this for all customers. We have too many claimants to respond to
on a given day!
I ask questions and seek for information. I have the owner's mentality.
I attempt to treat my customers like I expect to be treated.
I back up my decisions with the knowledge that I have attained. I explain the claims in a simple and thorough manner.
I believe my customer service standard has not changed. I have always strived to provide my customers with the best. I simply no longer feel like
my abilities are valued by upper management.
I believe that I show up everyday as a positive person, willing to assist where/when necessary, and providing prompt customer service to my
internal customers.
I believe the majority of the employees within the corporation are dedicated to customers and the company. Allowing direct line managers to
make decision that impact their departments and team would help our team provide better service in our unique line of business. I continue to
make suggestions of ways of making and doing a better job while still being fiscally responsible unfortunately the decisions are being made at a
much higher level and only looking at numbers and not the people doing the job or the customers being affected. I strive to be a employee and
an assets to the corporation and not just a number.
I call my customers promptly and work the files to the best of my abilities, however extremely long wait times and system glitches create more
of a hostile environment with customers and I spend the majority of my time explaining that rather than focusing on the task at hand.


i can only provide better customer service if i am given adequate time to do so. at this time, that is not possible. there is too much work. what
work i am able to do, i attempt to give my best work to each encounter/transaction/interaction.
I cannot provide better customer service if ICBC continues to increase our work load.Our customers already suffer because our ridiculous work
load. Some end up with their rental coverage exhausted because of the long waits . So NO , I do not strive to provide better customer service.
I cannot provide better service! The service plans in place are DO NOT EXIST! Customers are waiting 2 hours to report a claim and by the time
they hear or see an adjuster they are filthy mad with their wait times. Customers then wait days if not weeks for an estimate for their vehicle.
These are unacceptable! Adjusters are over worked with case loads that are FAR to large to properly adjust in a 'timely fashion'. On any given
day, there are numerous job postings at Head Office for more business anylists and managers... why are we not hiring more staff to actual DO
I can't service them anymore. 45 minute wait times at CCC. Customers show up at the claim center and think we are crazy for not being able to
service them here. My own Sister reported online as she could not get through. It took her 4 days to get a claim number. This office went from
having the highest cycle time in the Province, to whatever everyone is at now.
i care about every customer. i try to use the resources that we have to help customers. i try to keep up to date with all the process changes
I check in with my manager on a regular basis to see if there have been any comments or concerns about my work. I like to make sure that things
that I may be doing are done in a way that is in line with ICBC's image and mission statement. If I could do something slightly different that will
result in being more effective then I would like to be told about it so that I can make the change and adapt accordingly.
I constantly evaluate my dealings with customers if I need to take a look at something I am willing to change to improve the customer
I constantly liaise with other internal departments and take advantage of contacts I have mad within the company throughout my career at ICBC
to increase efficiency and strive to streamline processes.
I constantly seek to improve the way that both our team, and the areas we support, leverage technology. Oops. No privacy here. Oh well.
I constantly strive to be available for our customers despite increasing work loads and poor systems availability .....
I constantly strive to provide outstanding customer service, but due to working in Out of Province Claims and being such a small portion of ICBC's
business, do feel that my hands are constantly tied.
I continually try to improve my customers experience but time and human resource limitations have created a level of frustration that is
I continue to look after myself outside of work and always treat my customers well.
I continue when possible, to meet each client for an initial meeting which is so important to build rapport and give the face to face personal
meeting time to answer questions and explain ICBC's role in their recovery process. This is an important part of my job which has been given the
(if you have time/but not required). I feel it so important in ongoing further handling of a rehab file. I have been thanked over and over, for
meeting insured and their family in person. These are catastrophic injuries and this one initial meeting makes a difference.


I do everything I can to provide the best customer service I can - however when call volume is through the roof -customers some time on hold
for almost an hour -- they are angry, upset & frustrated and it's nothing to do with me - it is challenging -- management won't offer overtime to
get caught up (CEF is behind, reviews are behind) & staff end up getting the brunt of it.
I do everything I can to stay on top of my work even during these high volume times. I never have anything overdue in my activities when others
have pages and pages. that means i am able to provide prompt service to my customer. I don't do anything for this company as they don't do
anything for me except hold me back from progressing my career here. I do enjoy my job today but i do what i do for my immediate manager,
my team and the customer and not for the corporation. I am fully capable if a high demand job but will never be given the opportunity to do
one as I do not have the personal time to work full-time here and go to school after work hours.
I do my best at dealing with customers and will go above and beyond as this is important to myself and my position. I deal with alot of hostile
customers on a daily basis and will take extra steps in trying to get them what they need even if i am not exactly the right person or right
position to take on the situation at hand.....but because of my many years with the company and confidence in the information i provide, i am
able to do this.
I do my best to ensure customer needs are solved to the best I could. This means investigating information if they need it and getting them
connect to the correct department or team. When a call is to be transferred to a team and no one is available, I write detailed notes on the file
about the conversation and send an email to the team about following-up with them.
I do my best. I treat others how I would like them to treat me.
I do my job well and learn something new everyday
I do not agree with the wording in this section of questions. Due to the work load, I am not given the proper amount of time required to meet
the customers needs. I do not feel that I have any control over my performance as I am not given the appropriate amount of time and do the
best I can and work as hard as I can in order to keep the work flowing while still following procedures. I am unable to provide better service
without more time and a reduced workload. I understand the key customer service attributes: - Trust - Respect - Reliability - Protection Price/Value - Hassle Free - Satisfaction I feel as though at one time I was able to achieve all of the above and give that service to my customer;
however, with the increased work load and unreal expectations set on adjusters I to not feel that this is currently attainable.
WORKLOAD TO THE POINT I NO LONGER KNOW OR HAVE A RAPPORT WITH MY CUSTOMERS. ... It is obvious that the employees care more
about ICBC's customers than ICBC. ICBC only says in words that they have the customers best interest but their actions speak otherwise. If they
truly cared about their customers, they would listen to their employees -- we are the end users -- the ones who connect/interact with the
customer. Give us the time and resources to do so!


I do not hold myself accountable for my performance and behaviours when we are being stretched so thin and people can't handle it and are
leaving. There are no consequences because we can't keep up with the volume. I know how my performance affects my contributions to my
customers and ICBC, I can only try so hard, I feel terrible for many of our customers. Value and service continue to diminish to the customers of
I do not know the consequences of not meeting my Performance Plan as I have always met my Plan expectations.
I DO NOT LIKE THE WORDING OF THE LAST FIRST QUESTION - I hold myself accountable for my performance and behaviours. IT'S UNFAIR TO PUT
i do not strive as I am not given the time to better serve the customers
I do the best I can for the time I am here I believe in informing internal and external customers to maximum so that I can provide clear and
concise information even if it is not the answer they want to hear.
i do the best i can with the equipment provided
I do the best I can with the limited resources and heavy workload. I am more caught up than most people but the supporting areas are so
backlogged it kills me to have to continually explain to customers why they are waiting. I fail to understand why the Corporation thinks it is ok to
make us have to tell our customers that they have to wait 2 weeks or more just to get the estimate looked at to approve the repairs that may
take yet another few weeks. The new system definitely has pros but there are issues and lately we spend more time making the system work for
the claim rather than being adjusters. It is frustrating. The new system also promised that working remotely would be a reality but again that
does not seem to be on the agenda.
I do the best that I can do. I make myself available to help others who are in the same or supporting role around me.
I do try but due the current situation it is very hard to provide better service to our customers, there is not enough time to do it all and the work
keeps getting behind and it has become a vicious circle with no way out
I don't deal with customers very often. I receive a few calls a year from defendants where I explain the process involved in litigation. I work hard
to do a good job for ICBC
I don't have any face to face contact but I believe getting back to someone either by phone or E-mail in a timely manner is imperative.
I dont like how the standard amount of time processes take has been altered, but this longer time it is now becoming the standard. From
waiting on hold for CCC, taking a claim, waiting for vehicle to be estimated, cl14s to be authorized for payment. All these can not be blamed on
the employees. We have learned the program but the process is not becoming quicker.
i dont not think we can strive to do better with the amount of pressure we have been under since claim centre was introduced. hopefully time
will make us have a better understanding of the new system

I fear discussing mistakes with my manager. I am not in an atmosphere where we can discuss and resolve issues. I hold myself accountable for
my mistakes however I work in an impossible situation.
I feel a personal responsibility to provide the best service possible to customers and coworkers.
I feel comfortable taking action if I become aware of something unacceptable under the Code of Ethics. - I had an incident with another
employee who treated me terribly at work and was caught doing the same on social media (Facebook). When I approached my manager I was
basically told to deal with this myself, which in turn caused unnecessary stress on my part. There is little to no reprimand to those that treat
others poorly within my department/unit as our manager does not like confrontation and would ignore the issue or have us deal with it
I feel discouraged as there is no openness within ICBC anymore as it seems that all the employees and the managers are afraid to talk openly in
fear of having their words held against them or be in violation of some code of ethics on just being a friend to a manager!!
I feel helpless that I can't help the customer....ie BI or CA not returning calls, dispute review hasn't been dealt with and it's 4months down the
line,... -sometimes have to think out of the box and be creative....eg customer left their glasses in their ttl loss veh which is at salvage -call
salvage/estimator, etc -if I don't know something, I will find out and get back to the customer and give them some type of answer or something
to follow up on. Not another dead end for them to feel frustrated.
I feel I am unable to strive to provide better service as I am not given the time in a day to try to learn better methods of doing things.
I feel I do a great job with my customers to the extent that I am able. The delays in settling total losses and arranging for est appointments that
are booked two weeks out seems out of my control so I find I am apologizing regularly. A lot of my customers tell me that "getting through to
report the claim was terrible but once I spoke with my adjuster it was great". The activity to resolve liability within 7 days is also difficult when
the viewing of the vehicles is part of the decision and we can't get the vehicles in for 14 days.
i feel i provide the best customer service i can, based on the time that i have. with work overload, i am unable to to give the customers the
service i would like, based on work load and time.
I feel that I am not longer able to provide good customer service as I have been given a workload that is not manageable. i cannot hold myself
accountable for not meeting the goals the company sets as they are unrealistic in the current work environment.
I feel that I have the support of management in further my knowledge and career at ICBC.
I feel the corporate objectives are changing and we are not yet privy to the new focus. Not sure where to look either and our managers seem
just as confused as we are. What on earth has compiling a list of people within ICBC with whom I socialize got to do with the corporate

I feel totally accountable for my performance.

I felt the questions were self explanatory
I find it almost impossible to strive to provide better service as the workload is so voluminous that there is no time to brainstorm, act or think.
There is always so much to do that mistakes are being made and that impacts customer service.
I find it very difficult to provide the level of service that our customers deserve given the current staffing levels and challenges with the claim
center rollout. The amount of time that it takes to accomplish an activity or to complete a claim is much longer and the claims intake being
increased have lead to not being able to maintain the caseload current.
I find that I haven't been asked for any feedback on how to provide better service for our customers and company.
i get a sense of accomplishment and pride by striving to continuously improve performance and reach or exceed goals, both corporate and
i give the best customer service i can provide.
I guess at this point about all I can say is that I attempt to respond to any e-mail or telephone call as quickly as I can and I try my best to
complete liability issues in a timely manner - other than that there's not a lot I can do with the situation we're currently in
I have a very customer service orientated outlook. I always seek to meet and then exceed customer expectations.
I have ALWAYS attempted to provide prompt, efficient service but our new systems have considerably reduced the time that I spend with
customers as I am entering data most of the day now instead of communicating with customers.
i have always been a customer focused employee and have excelled in customer relations. however, i find the workload and the increased
difficulty in doing basic, everyday tasks on claim centre are affecting customer service levels in every area of business. 1+ hour wait to report a
claim? 4500 activities to contact t/p? activities with no solution to fix? 120+ claims per month? lack of proper training? how do these known
issues enable us to provide better service to our customers. perhaps, claim center should have been "tweaked" a bit more in the test areas
before moving to the whole province. most employees i know are embarassed to tell people they work for icbc.
I have always prided myself on the level of service I provide to our customers. Now I am acutely embarrassed at the lack of service that is
provided. Simply do not have the time to keep customers up to date on the status of their claims. Not enough staff, very simple solution to
I have always provided excellent customer service. I am not in control of processes & workload issues that cause customer complaints.
I have always stood by my motto; I always treat other people exactly the way I'd like to be treated with kindness and respect. I value feedback
from customers and work towards making their experience with us as fast, efficient and supportive as possible.
i have always strived to serve the customers and improve service.. however, when it takes months to get decisions made by upper management
and i have no authority.. it is very stressful on me.. all we have to do is look at the new computer system.. it was clearly not designed to improve
customer service.. when i first started with this company i was taught that everything must be done for the customer and to improve customer
service.. now it seems like everything is done for the senior management.. i still work hard for the company and customer but it seems like the
senior management is preventing this..

I have always valued my customer service skills. There is no customer service at ICBC. This doesn't seem to be their priority anymore. How can
employees provide customer service when we get over 100+ claims per month. We are behind before we are able to even look at the claim.
The expectation is to get the files done fast but this is sometimes impossible. We are now doing admin/est functions along with our own work
and are also asked to make liability assessments when we do not have all of the information in. How do we explain this to the customer? It is
our job to fully investigate before we assess the claim. Now we are told to tell them that we have a time line for making the decision so it is
what it is. If something else comes up we can look at it then. How is this customer service? It's disappointing when we were so focused on our
customers in the past. I always try to give the best customer service but that's not what ICBC wants anymore.
i have asked to learn more about how my work 'fits in' the over all work flow of a claim, but have yet to find this available.
I have little interaction with customers. I provide service by helping adjusters make the right decision, case by case, file by file.
I have taken courses and made myself familiar with the Claim Center and share my knowledge and my findings in doing a better job. I was not
reluctant but eager to learn the new system in place and find the best way of looking up information and generating materials needed. This
gave me confidence to handle any Claim Center files that came and share the knowledge and information with my team.
i have taken feedback from my stats & am trying to meet the targets set by management
I hold myself accountable for my actions. Wish management would do the same about the workplace activities.
i hold the company for the responsibility of my performance as i was not trained well on Claim Center
I just do.
I just keeping apologizing. The service provided to our customer is not good so I just keep apologzing.
I keep myself informed about the company, and what it's doing in the community. I appreciate the company internal website HUB, as it provides
me with daily updates of when ICBC is in the news, and what we're doing in the community. As an employee of ICBC, I believe I am a company
representative, so it's important that I can speak well of the company. If conversing with non-employees, and I hear negative comments, I get
involved in the conversation, and listen to the comments, and try to either defend or present rational to change the negative to a positive.
I know how my performance affects my contributions to my customers and ICBC. I work at improving the value and service I deliver to my
customers. I do not feel these are fair questions - my personal performance does not affect customers
I know I am good at my job and my sense of empathy gives me the opportunity to give better service
I like to emphasize to our customers that we are here to help, and NOT create roadblocks.

I like to provide the best service to the customer. I find myself going over and beyond for them.
I listen and speak to each customer (internal and external) with respect and kindness. Every person just wants to be heard and taking the time to
listen to them provides the necessary groundwork for a positive experience.
I listen carefully to the customers concerns and attempt to find a positive resolution.
I look at improving deficiencies within my department and ICBC processes.
I look for opportunity to make continuous improvements to the way we do things and try to encourage my team to follow this practice as well.
It is really about focusing on the little things we can do better each day, and help our staff to move forward in small continuous steps as opposed
to trying to leap forward taking on too much.
I love working for ICBC. I enjoy being apart of a great organization. My favourite part about this job is changing a customer's perception of the
corporation by providing outstanding customer service. Making sure that each one who leaves has that "wow I didn't expect that" experience.
I make a point of contacting my outside customers and develop a good rapport with them. In doing so I achieve my goals in my work.
I offer added suggestions/perspectives to provide a stream line approach to customer service while providing a positive experience for both our
customers and business partners alike.
I personally take the time to listen to people and go that extra mile to help them if i can
I personally try to give the customer the best experience possible.
I pride myself in customer service. I try to provide customer service the same way I'd expect other to provide to me
I prioritize my claims. I have very limited time due to heavy volume of complex claims, so I do the priority claims first then try to catch up on the
low priorities later. This causes customers with low priority to be ignored but its the best I can do.
I provide excellent customer service because I am patient and understanding.
I providing exceptional service to our customers because that is the kind of person I am. As a corporation I think we have terrible customer
service and the only way to to improve this is to hire more staff and have them trained properly, not just throw them into a job and figure it out
from there. We have employees contradicting each other.... this should not happen. There are guidelines/rules/policies that we should all be
aware of. If you're not sure, then ask before telling our customers false information and making ICBC look bad.
I put in the time it takes to stay current with customer and employee commitments. That means working extended hours without compensation
or other consideration.
I put myself in the customer's situation and do everything I can to help them, put them in a good situation, and resolve all of their concerns.
I put myself into the position of the customer or my staff. How would I like to be treated or what services would I need - then I do my best to
meet my own expectations.
I regularly work copious amounts of unpaid overtime.
I see the truth, whether it be good or bad. I work on behalf of the company, but keep the customers interests a priority.
I set defined and reachable targets which I break down into concrete tasks. In my view, this ensures success for my personal which translates

into success for the company.

I simply can not provide the service expected to me with in the bounds of new administrative tasks and volume of work continually assigned.
I strive every day to give the great customer service but it is impossible when it is not about the customer service anymore it is about numbers
and files and pushing the staff overboard as there is no support with workload, when you are receiving so many claims in one day how do you
give the best customer service possible. it isn't possible
I strive to better serve my customers and the company by educating customers on how claims handling affects BC as a whole and how their
decisions influence other policy holders. In the long run, I hope that this will create a more positive reputation for ICBC as a company.
I strive to deliver the best customer service I possibly can given the tools provided. If there are no tools or training provided, it is the company
that looks ignorant, not me.
I strive to ensure that the right decisions are made in a timely manner for our customers. That we provide good service and good value and given
the choice, our customers would prefer ICBC.
I strive to exceed customer's expectations. Many customer's are already upset that they had to sit on hold for an hour or more to report. They
are absolutely stunned when I may be calling back minutes after reporting and/or resolving in less time than it took to get through to Dial-AClaim. THE LENGTH OF TIME TO REPORT TO DIAL-A-CLAIM IS A HUGE ISSUE/CONCERN FOR CUSTOMER'S AND I HEAR ABOUT IT EVERYDAY! I'm
embarrassed that it's particularly been an issue for months now since Claimcentre rolled out and has not been rectified.
I strive to get to my phone messages and emails but I have so many competing priorities, diary, more than 10 offers a month, more than 7.5
settlments in a month, meetings every week with ops manager, authority meeting every week with manager, strategy meetings, pre-trial
meetings, bulk settlements, facilitated negotiations, claim centre demands, coding bills, sorting thru piles of mail everyday (lits), and the drop
everything your doing because they need a report on this now. Sadly, something suffers and more often than not it is something that i'm not
getting measured on that suffers. I constantly feel like all i'm doing is putting out fires. When the claim centre worked as a team, we seemed to
be more affective for the customer.
I strive to give great customer service to the best of my ability to every customer I deal with and use great personable skills.
I strive to provide better service by doing the best job I can do every day.
I strive to provide better service by listening and understanding the customer's needs and trying to complete claims within a timely manner
which is both fair to customer and works for the company.
I strive to provide better service by soliciting feedback on my performance and by listening to other peoples opinions and ideas and will
incorporate suggested changes to improve as needed.
I strive to provide better service to customers and the company by constantly trying to capitalize on my strengths and work on improving my
weaknesses to turn them into strengths.
I strive to provide better service to my customers by doing my work as efficiently and as quickly as possible. I have strived to provide better
service to the company but feel that the company has not acknowledged my hard work and has not listed to employee's and their ideas to make
the company provide better service.

I strive to provide better service to our customers and the company by listening in order to fully understand in any given scenario before making
a decision and best course of action with the best interests of company and customer in mind.
I strive to provide better service to our customers like the majority of people that work here. I do my best to be consistent and go above and
beyond for our customers and to maintain strong work ethics. There are many incredible long term employees that deserve opportunities and
promotions yet again the only people that seem to climb are the ones that have a degree. I understand and support the need for education
however there really needs to be a said balance and just because someone has a degree in something completely unrelated to a job does not
guarantee that said person will be successful.... again it doesn't help that every different department doesn't have a clue of what the other is
doing and that we have people that are making decisions on liability and injury that have no background or experience in this industry and that is
very perplexing to me. our customers are the ones that suffer and more and more people are getting represented which is even more perplexing
to me.. if we would have provided the service from start to finish and actually were providing excellent customer service that actually goes a
long way..
I strive to provide the best service to my customers and to the company, however , this is greatly affected by my current workload .
One cannot accept the company's statement that customer service is a priority when they do not fill empty desks/allow caseloads to be
unattended for months, when they allow workloads to soar , and when they do not staff to need .
I strive to respond back to my unit members and customers asap. As well, if I don't have the answer I will seek out the correct answer instead of
attempting to come up with an answer without full research if I am unsure. I have an open door policy for communication and try to be an
attentive listener rather than an "interrupter" or "imposer" of my opinions.
i strive to stay afloat. i make calling my customers and returning emails my priority but apparently the corporate goals are more in line with
completing activities in the new system and settling/closing files. i would prefer to please my customers. again, we have asked our managers to
provide feedback on how to prioritize our workload because we are being measured on unattainable targets.
I take accountability for my actions and am not offended when I am advised of errors I have made or things that I could improve upon. Each
quarter when I go over my performance review with my supervisor I ask that I am advised honestly of where I can improve and set new goals for
what I can achieve. I take courses with the Insurance Institute of BC so that I can have an up to date and informative knowledge not just of our
processes within the corporation but also of insurance in general. I follow up with information and updates provided on our HUB as well as
through the emails sent out.
I take advantage of opportunities to improve my work-related knowledge and skills. Question above - there are no opportunities made available;
I take my job very seriously and am very conscientious in what I do and treat our customers with respect and provide the best service I can to
them considering the obstacles we are faced with.
I take ownership for the outcomes of decisions I make at work.
I take personal pride in the job I do and apply the same principles that I expect in life. Treat people how you would like to be treated.


I take pride in everything I do and if I am going to do anything then I will do my best to do it well. My manager is good about providing feedback
on how we are doing but again, we are simply being measured by settlements and severities. Nothing else matters. My whole existence at ICBC
is measured by those two simple statistics and what is ironic is that being a senior member of our work group I end dealing with the complex
files and difficult lawyers such that my severities are high. By being a good soldier on behalf of the corporation and taking on these files I end up
having to justify what I have done on my epm. Also, epm every three month is silliness and considered a waste of time by management and staff.
it is no longer meaningful. make it once a year.
I take pride in my work and want to provide excellent service to my customers. I am willing to take the extra step to provide excellent service to
my customers, even if it means taking more time to do so (which impacts my AHT, which is recorded on my Performance Plan). I am willing to
acknowledge my mistakes and learn from them.
I take pride in the job I do and try to deliver the best job I can. I want our company to succeed and to be able to assist our customers. I am
reluctant to discuss what could be seen as a negative.
I take responsibility for decisions that I make. I do not take responsibility for decisions that are forced upon me by upper management who do
not know or understand the daily demands that I am under.
I take the time to listen and understand everything that our customers are communicating to us. It's hard because we still don't have a good look
on our customers generally as a company.
I take the time to listen to the customer's concerns and assist them within my abilities. I strive to keep a positive outlook on changes within the
I take things constructively and everyday is a learning process.
I think of ways to cut down call time, improve efficiency and over all what can make customers happy.
i treat customers as i want to be treated
i treat others as i would like to be treated, fairly & respectfully.
I treat the customer as I would like to be treated.
I try and always put myself in the shoes of our customers. In our department, customer can mean a great number of things: It can mean
colleagues that we complete work for, external customers, business partners. I try to be objective and non-judgmental when I am coaching my
team, and collaborative when coming up with solutions for customers. I think sometimes we get lost in our processes and procedures, which
however necessary they might be, have to be measured against the impact to our customers. We need to continuously change, ask questions,
and take steps to make improvements in the areas that cause us the greatest customer service delays. We need to improve the process of
change itself, in order to facilitate change, and stop making it so onerous and time consuming.
I try and make sure I fully understand the policy and procedures so I am prepared to give a "why" behind the decision. The procedures are
always changing and customers can get conflicting information, so I try and be consistent with the information I am communicating.
I try and provide the customer value for the money they paid. However, the way things work in my office, I am being held back by management
from giving the best customer service possible.

I try and treat the customers how I would want my family members treated
i try my best to settle claims fairly and quickly
I try to be a good listener and then act on what I have learned.
I try to be thorough in my work, and if something's not right, I take steps to get if fixed, whether it's my direct responsibility or not.
I try to call all customers in a timely manner but with the work load issues, it makes it very difficult at times. I always try to do my best but it
does get overwhelming when you cannot give the customer service you would like to due to the volume of work you have.
I try to do everything in my power to get everything done in order to provide exceptional service to all providers and business partners (internal
and external). As much as ICBC continues to deny it, the workload is stupid and does not allow for an adjuster to provide the service this
organization talks about. We employees can't deliver the service ICBC wants us too because ICBC has handcuffed us in many ways.
i try to do the best i can for my customers with the tools provided
I try to keep abreast of all the information being posted and e-mailed as much as I can read--I'm really interested in knowing what's happening at
ICBC and what ICBC is doing for our communities--This leads to me having "ICBC Pride" and arming me with knowledge to share for when
anyone (even customers) start saying defamatory accusations towards ICBC, based on their understanding of how ICBC works. Unfortunately
many times the information being sent to us requires us to digest the information and not enough time to read them is given to us. Ultimately, I
rarely get time to find out about what's happening because I never got a chance to read about it. Since there isn't enough time even just read up
on procedural changes let alone announcements and such.
i try to keep customers informed as to the progress on their claim.
I try to keep the focus on how the work done by my team directly impacts customers and business partners and the company - i know my team
plays a critical role in service delivery and managing resources efficiently is critical. i struggle with the limited ability i have to make decisions and
instill change - even minor decisions require approval at the most senior level. i am capable of making these decisions on my own - and am
comfortable being fully accountable for outcomes
i try to learn from every interaction i make with a customer. if i make a mistake, i try to remember it and try not to make the same mistake
again. unfortunately, there are many times i still make other mistakes.
I try to listen to the customer, empathize, understand. We deal with nothing but badness here - no one is HAPPY to call us. I want them to know
they are not a number. They are a person, a customer. Someone we value as a human. I listen, I care regardless if it is a parking lot incident or a
terrible injury. Regardless of how ICBC the company makes me feel as an employee, I believe in this company and the product we provide.
I try to make sure the customer receives everything they are entitled to in a timely manner.
i try to meet their needs whenever they call
I try to prioritize the important issues, managers seem overwhelmed with the demands placed on them, very stressed, so I try to make decisions
to the best of my ability and knowledge.


I try to provide better service to the company and our customers by attempting to keep current with our workload. It is just not possible. We
are unable to get equipment and time to perform our job and increase productivity due to budget restraints.
I try to provide sound decisions based on policy, regulations etc.
I try very hard to keep our customers happy, but it is very difficult when none of us know what we are doing and who should be doing it. I have
received many many complaints about our customer service standards lately.
I understand better service to mean returning voicemails/emails in a timely manner, resolving liability quickly, following up with the customer in
the correct review times. This falls behind when our focus is on 'productivity', and the team is sifting through reviews/emails for settlements. I
strive to get through as many reviews/triages/voicemails as possible in a day in order to keep up on customer service, but there is no such thing
as 'catching up'
I update people involved with situations such as a redirect in mail.
I want to be part of a team that does the best for our customers and our company. We need to be viable and well respected, so working at
optimal performance and understanding sustainability from a financial and customer perspective is crucial.
I want to succeed in any position that I do and I know how I perform in each job and department will affect my future jobs within ICBC.
I welcome the opportunity to learn and take advantage of training opportunities when presented. I take time to listen to customers to ensure I
am doing my best to address their concerns or requests.
i will continue to - as everyone else - to get as much work done as possible. i will continue to come to work with my best foot forward and i will
try and ignore the stress, high blood pressure and feeling of panic to continue as best i can
i work as steadily and efficiently as I can in the time i have. Volume of work makes it impossible to provide appropriate service to our customers
at present
I work hard because I have always been a hard worker. My workplace does not motivate me to work hard it is my own personal values.
I work hard every day, I always explain ICBC's position to the customer thoroughly, and strive to make them feel satisfied when the claim is
i work hard to do my work in a conscientious manner.
I work hard to provide good service to our customers and the survey scores reflect that; unfortunately this service impacts my handling time
I work hard to provide my customers with the best service that I can in the limited time available to us. The volume of claims somewhat
prohibits that and yes customer service has suffered. The Corp. has no regard for it's employees, evident by what takes place in the offices
throughout the Corp. What's done in one office is not acceptable in another. The morale of the staff seems like at unprecedented low.
I work to communicate my knowledge to customers and colleagues. If I can be off assistance, I try to do so. By keeping up to date on the
information provided to me, I can then extend assistance as needed.
i would like to strive to provide better service to my customers but I cant b/c of the work overload and stress we endure


I would love to say that I can make the necessary changes to make me successful at my job, however when I try, I get bogged down by all of the
processes and extra work we now have due to claims center and the changing climate of ICBC. I try my best but that is not good enough
I would love to see more employees so customers don't have a long wait.
I would love to take advantage of opportunities to improve my skills and do if I can manage them within the significant job demands that I have.
I wouldn't say I strive. Fortunately, generally the work I do is pretty good so I just keep doing what I do and keep my head down.
ICBC is missing the boat on retaining customers and employees with how it's brought on confusion and restrictions with their code of ethics.
One only has to look to other, private, companies that thrive in these areas to see how much of a set back this approach has been and will
continue to have for ICBC.
If an issue comes to my attention and I can improve the service I provide, I immediately take action.
If I can't help the customer I go and find out and then get back to them.
If I don't know I ask questions and find out. I follow up with customers if I find something out that was missed. Doing my best to learn Claim
Centre but it is not easy to search tutorials if you don't have the correct wording. I like to do things the correct way and learn it instead of
cutting corners or doing the easy way.
if i get better manager who will understand my needs.
If there are any issues with the chiropractic medical reports we receive, I try to let the chirorpactors knows as soon as possible.
If there was time available outside of the current case load, I would be able to look into furthering my career. Given the current workload
demands, there is no "spare time" available to look into courses (or research for claims), or other opportunities to further myself for either my
benefit or the customer, or the Corporation.
If there were more staff in my department in order to alleviate and spread out the workload thereby reducing it, that would allow files to be
worked in a timely manner, putting out more early offers in an effort to settle claims prior to litigation therefore saving policy holders money.
This would provide better service as we would also be able to address Part 7 benefits needs quicker.
if you are low on seniority in dial-a-claim (due to working most of my career part-time) you have no options in working in other units in the
department (i.e) pending or web as your seniority did not allow you to pick a day shift and you must have a day shift in order to be able to work
in these departments. working at dial-a-claim gives you NO OPPORTUNITY for advancement in your career as any EOI you apply for you will not
get manager approval to apply due to operational needs. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO CHANCE FOR GROWTH OR FUTURE OPPORTUNITIES IF YOU
iIstrive to perform my best every day. I do not feel that the company strives their best every day to support me in my role.
I'm quick to identify issues and provide feedback/suggestions to better handle these issues keeping the customer and company in mind with
every decision i make.
I'm told what to do and whether or not I am meeting corporate goals so I don't strive to provide better service to the company. I do what I'm
told. My customers are very important to me. I listen to them, and do whatever is needed to ensure they understand processes etc.


In every job I have had I have always put the customer first. I'm surprised that ICBC doesn't look after their employees better. In doing so ICBC
would have happier staff which would exude to their customers.
In my opinion, this new system Claim Center does not allow me to provide better service to my customers - the workload does not allow me to
spend any extra time with each customer - the claim is now so activity driven that the customer gets lost in the processes.
In spite of my desire to seek other sources of information and training to help me do my job, the workload is overwhelming and means we are
unable to do little but work on our desk. I have never been this busy in my 25 year career. It feels very disappointing to not be able to do more
and be more proactive on my desk.
In the past I have done my utmost to ensure I was providing the best service I could. That is now not possible as a normal day consists of only
putting out fires due to not having the time to be pro-active working my files
Increase my network so I can gain more knowledge.
Initiating training for my peers; taking CIP courses.
It is becoming difficult with too many glitches with our new system as so many errors are occurring and payments being hung up. There don't
appear to be easy fixes. Many suppliers are being affected and missing money they are owed. The opening of third party files and backlog
directly affects the customer. Lack of knowledge to open and staffing issues are two things I see affecting these areas. I want to provide
excellent service.
it is difficult to provide better service to our customer when our MD department is overloaded and delays are common for repairs and total
losses. this has a trickle down effect on bi claims.
It is difficult to provide good customer service when it now takes 3 times as long for me to handle a claim in this new system. This system is not a
good system to use to make the job go smoother and faster. I strive to give good customer service but it takes too long to get a claim set up
and moving forward with all the steps you need to do. I was looking forward to this new system but very disappointed in it. I don't feel ICBC
has done what it can to help their employees provide good customer service.
It is difficult to strive towards any sort of better customer service when the workload is so crushing. I am working all the overtime that is
offered to me in an attempt to provide service to our customers. I do not want to work OT but feel i need to so that I can catch up....but i never
catch up. More just keeps piling on.
It is disheartening and deflating to personally strive to help and support our claims customers only to come up against walls within our own
company. When we can't get answers from anyone, or even through on a phone line to an adjuster or manager, it's difficult to remain positive
when trying to provide the best front-line customer service. I used to be proud of the service I could provide to our customers, now I'm
It is hard to always defend the company regarding long wait times on everything. The new claim system seems it was not ready to launch but
was launched anyways so management could say it was launched on time. There were many errors in the system. And still are. It has been
almost a year of defending the company and saying this will be better in the long run.


It is my own personal sense of wanting to help the customer that motivates me in any way. The subpar training, lack of support and total
disregard by management of the customer's needs makes striving to better service the customer out of my control.
It is simple I treat my customers the way I expect to be treated. We are here for our customers that is why we have a job. I understand many
customers do not like to deal with us or they have heard bad things. I can change thier experience it is my job to tell them what we can do for
them and it help them thru thier claims, inquires, licensing issues. It is what I need to do to be part of making icbc strategy come to life.
it's difficult to provide better service. by the time i get the file the customer is already upset because it took him 5 tries and 30 minute wait
before her got thru to dial a claim. we don't have time to return our customer phone calls. our intake is much higher since claim centre
Its hard to want to work harder and better when two of my equals (others doing my same job) are preforming at substandard levels, and have
for years, without any consequence. These people dont preform all of the job duties, one refuses to learn, and others are forced to pick up the
It's out of my control!! I have no control over my customer's experience. All we get now are complaints about how they haven't heard from
ICBC, how their vehicle hasn't been towed, how the shop sent them away because the claim wasn't express enabled. I am frustrated that I can't
give the level of service I used to give when the customer were locate. I thrived on meeting face-to-face with my customers - people of my
community. That's what's wrong with the world today - no face-to-face and no accountability. Everyone hides behind the phone and the
computer! And good luck getting through on the phone!!
I've already explained myself well enough in previous answers. The questions seem all to be the same. The problems do not lie with the
employees. The problems primarily reside with the Corporation taking the employees for granted and not recognizing the hard work we all do
and the help we need with hiring more bodies. The motto should be "work harder and harder and more efficiently"
i've indicated "NA" in most of the preceding sections and this is because the comments are ridiculous. staff go out of their way to provide
excellent service in spite of the roadblocks. there is such an atmosphere of management bullying, retaliation. while i have a good relationship
with my manager, i have seen and heard about management belittling staff, bringing them to tears etc. this company (or should i say the upper
management group) does not deserve any loyalty from staff. previous employee surveys reflected how bad things are in this company yet
management tried to explain away the results by suggesting staff was unhappy because of contract talks etc. this again shows how out of touch
they are. the extremely bad results in the past number of years have not been taken to heart. instead the corporation decided to go with a new
company - i'm sure hoping the result will change. it wont.
just doing the best I can every day
Just trying to organize the day, to be able to deal with as many customers are possible
keep organized and as up todate as possible
Knowing policies and procedure in my line of work
Leading by example, my manager has created a working environment that encourages accountability for personal performance, fosters
teamwork and collaboration and inspires trust. I am comfortable discussing my strengths and areas of opportunity with my manager knowing
that she will provide coaching, direction and support my efforts to develop any skill that would benefit ICBC and my future success. I am

encouraged to take ownership for my actions and in turn, lead by example myself.

Learn to use the new tools available as thoroughly as possible.

learning the new system, keeping an open mind, being professional & working hard
learning to navigate the new system and always having a pleasant helpful attitude helps me provide awesome service to my customers and ICBC.
Listen carefully and provide them answers.
Listen to the customer
listening to their needs/concerns and providing answers.
Maintaining contact with the customer. Better service to the company, keeping my customers informed, educating them in the process of a
difficult time and giviing some empathy to those involved, I believe, directly reflect the way I provide better service to the company.
Make sure my tone of voice is friendly and professional. Follow through with any commitments to customer. Ensure accurate information is
received from the customer and given to the customer.
make sure the customer understands the process as we work through the claim so they fully understand and do not have to call back
making it a "two way" traffic with the "customers"
Meeting with my manager to get support an feed back on my performance.
more admin staff, take away phone queue, the phone calls are getting more and more frequent in our location, but they are mostly repeat
customers who are not getting the info they need. our claim center manager threw out a box of timbits today that was brought in by coast
claims. it may seem insignificant, however, that does NOTHING to boost office morale. everyone thinks this office is a joke and not a very fun
place to work. we were of the understanding that nominal gifts under $10 were okay. the whole office is miserable. I hear a lot more "curse
words" coming from desks around me and upset workers, people dislike their jobs
more staff. plain and simple. Claim centre is an amazing system with the ability to be more thorough and capture more details and streamline,
but that being said, we need more people to keep moving that work forward
most decisions have been taken away. the end result is made by those above me. I have very little say and I am not sure they lsten to what I
have to say.
My commitment remains to serve our customers. I do believe overall ICBC offers British Columbians a great product and service. Despite any
issues at work, our environment, apparent lack of interest for staff by upper management, I do not allow this to influence the service I deliver.
Ultimately, I also own the ICBC name and work to keep it the insurer of choice.
My coworkers and I work to find ways to make the system work for the customer despite its deficiencies and the difficult transition that it has


My current manager does provide more support that my previous manager and he does make a difference in allowing me to make decisions that
I feel allow me to provide better customer service. the workload is still preventing me from really providing the customer service that I used to
provide and i do find that is frustrating as do my customers who are used to hearing from me. I also feel that if we were given caseloads that
were manageable that we would also be better at adjusting the files before making offers, which would provide better service for our policy
My customer service standards are very strong and that has not gone unnoticed within the corporation. The more knowledge I have within the
corporation the more I strive to provide better service.
my customers are my managers and staff. i make sure they stay informed and have input on certain decisions.
My manager becomes defensive and hostile when my manager's opinions are opposed or questioned. My manager is dismissive. My manager
shouts / speaks in a raised voice. My manager belittles and degrades. My manager expresses disappointment in me. My manager tells me my
career will not be put before my manager's. My manager blames me for past work of others not done correctly on files I now are responsible for.
My manager compares the work of co-workers to mine. My manager picks favourites.
My manager does the best they can given the extraordinarily high expectations placed on them to deliver both excellent internal & external
customer service. (which I do not believe is recognized by the company's upper management)
My manager is a great guy, a friend, and former peer on the job. He is hamstrung with new rules. I am to be reported to ER if there is a
perception of an issue, and someone else decides my fate. No one will talk to me before making a decision on an issue. I was not disciplined
one issue where I did my job, on my time on a weekend, when made aware of a problem and possible 'break in a case', but had to meet with
two managers to be reminded of the code of ethics. That reminder is now believed to be a future decision maker come performance plan time,
when I may be one of 10 - 12 ranked the same. When the Corp demands some be made 2's as a result, I expect I will be chosen as aresult.
should I work each day believing that?
My own ethics and morals help me provide better customer service.
My performance is the same as it has always been. I work hard and take pride in the work I do. The Performance Plans have not made me
change the way I provide better service to our customers. In fact, the Performance Plan review being done on a quarterly basis is a waste of
time, money and resources, both for the employees and the managers. Everyone needs a Performance Plan, but meeting four times a year, plus
once a month with your manager is just overload. It takes time away from my heavy workload.
My previous answers address this question, but in addition: I work at being detailed oriented while also being mindful of the "big picture," so as
to achieve the best results possible from the standpoint of defence counsel. Providing the highest quality work product is the best way to
provide better service to customers and ICBC.
New manager - hard to comment.
new strategies are not geared to providing better service to our customers and the company despite what management is telling us the results
of their strategies are quiet and indictment on the strategies in place but seemingly there is no accountability


No time to provide proper customer service as there are to few employees in my department. Customers are waiting more than 2 weeks for
their claim center appointment. Workload issues strongly affect customer service.
Noting adjuster instructions and working to carry these out if they have been missed by a colleague/predecessor. Generally, working hard to
ensure all files are up to date and document production is on schedule.
Obtain greater understanding of complete claims processes Apologize profusely to our customers for our current short comings, and extensive
wait times.
One major item affecting my ability to service customers is the letters in the ClaimCentre letter package. The use of the word "crash" is not
customer friendly. For example if you open your door and it hits the parked car beside you the letter you receive from ICBC tells you your 100%
responsible for the "crash". Why not use the word Collision or Incident? Also, if the loss involves a driver who is not the owner of the vehicle,
the letter sent to the vehicle owner tells the owner they are 100% responsible yet they were not even there!!! It should say their policy will be
paying 100% of the loss. Finally, a new letter is needed for single vehicle collision losses....if I slide off an icy road into the ditch I don't need a
letter telling me I'm 100% responsible for the crash. I would want a letter thanking me for buying collision and confirming my deductible and
that they will be a rate affect from the loss. Thank the customer for buying collision coverage!! Don't rub their nose in the fact they were at
only experience on the job allows me to just do the job basically on my own for the most part.
Our customers are the reason we exist and it is every persons responsibility to keep that in mind no matter how busy we are or how much
change we are living through. As a leader, I am accountable to lead the way by being a positive and proactive role model.
Our customers are the responsibility of each of use we all own the customer. I believe in one stop shopping if a customer/vendor calls I will
ensure that I answer all their questions. If I don't have the answers immediately I will research the information and will connect back with the
customer. It takes each of us to ensure our customers needs are met. Passing the customer around does not support this so I ensure that I do
not pass the customer off.
overcompensate to customers to make up for the Departmental and Corporate decisions/changes/transitions.
People tell me every day how long they waited on the phone to make their claim and how frustrated they were. total loss settlements are
sometimes 2 weeks off being settled. Not sure much of what I do is making a difference.

Perception of the customer as all important - without them, we would not be here. I respond to customers and others in my daily dealings in a
timely manner
Perform at my best daily.
Preformance plans.... they seem to be set by someone who does not have a clue. no one is making the grade. Give me a break! someone goes
on medical leave and they still have to obtain the same level as someone that is at the desk. who does that. It is just inappropriate corporate
behavior. If ICBC is setting standards they need to set their own. Like how many files are coming in a month? They told us we should settle a
certain amount of claims every month but then they doubled the intake. No one will be obtaining those high standards. half the crew did not
make the last set at 1/2 the intake. they should have an idea of what is appropriate and not set the standard at the highest level but rather a
manageable level. Shame on ICBC for treating staff so poorly. They could care less about what is happening here!!!!!
pretty difficult to accomplish this right now with so many faults with claim centre and no guidance
provide me with a proper, one place procedure manual. currently, you have to search 3 or more different sites to try to find your answer.
Provide timely updates on significant developments on the files on which I am working.
providing fair value for customer and company. dealing with customer in pleasant manner. finishing as many claims as I can
re:I hold myself accountable for my performance and behaviours; I do not feel that I have much control with respect to my performance given
the excessive workload demands. behavior, absolutely. re: I know the consequences of not meeting my performance plan; I'm not exactly sure
as I don't agree there should be any consequences due to the workload issues we face currently.
Really....... there are only so many ways you can ask the same question after a while it does not mean anything.
Regardless of how hard I strive to provide better service, the Claim Centre system and it's processes make it virtually impossible to provide good
service. Staffing levels need to be adjusted. There is a HUGE workload problem that the Corporation refuses to acknowledge. Procedural
changes made by senior management have destroyed employee and public confidence in ICBC. Call, Click or Visit? What a JOKE! Customer calls
are dropped after a 45 minute wait time, people are unable to report their claims. Customers who attend the claim centre are told that we are
unable to provide service and are routinely turned away. Reports made through ICBC.com are not compatible with Guidewire. Staff are so
overworked that they are unable to attend to customer enquires. The Claim Centre system creates a myriad of problems that cause excessive
delays in the claim handling process. I spend most of my day apologizing for the constant and repeated delays that a customer incurs through
each step of the claim process.
remain focused and calm and do the best job possible to stay current. support the team where possible
Reminders to staff to continue to put the customer first, it is easy to lose this focus in our environment right now due to all the changes we are
going through.
Right now I feel like I am in survival mode, just trying to keep up. No time to think about how to change things or make it better.


Right now I feel that continuing to learn new aspects of the job, new tasks, etc allows me to provide better service to the company as it allows
me to become versatile and move around where needed. I always feel that a team works best when everyone knows a lot of things as opposed
to each individual only specializing in one skill. This way if the team/company is ever in need, I have the knowledge and skills to provide
help/coverage and assist others when needed. As for providing better service to customers, I feel that listening to them when you interact, and
really understanding their needs when they contact you helps me to provide better service. Sometimes taking the time to listen can help you
determine the real issue and get to a resolution faster.
Right now we are providing poor service to our customers. I have brought up ideas to my manager, and his manager, and different division OPs
manger to help streamline the processes to help improve customer service. Every one of these ideas has never been implemented, or discussed
further. Senior management chooses not to listen. There is no customer service in claims right now.
same as above
same as prior answer
seeking feedback and ideas from staff on how to always improve our service and removing obstacles for them is how I strive to provide better
service to our customers and the company. I find staff have many great ideas when asked.
Simply by doing the best job i can.
Since our new system came in place about a year ago, I try harder to complete first call resolution; however, 1 claim takes double the time to
complete from our old system. Since this change it has been very frustrating for myself and the customer because the wait time has more than
doubled. Very poor for a crown corporation. Many customers have advised of this and all I can keep doing is apologizing.
sorry, running out of time to complete this survey
stay in touch with current events and changes in the Corporation. listen to the customer and do the best for the customer
Striving to provide 'better' service isn't a priority anymore. It isn't for the company, and I work for this company, so........... Everything the
company has done in the last few years flies in the face of improving customer service.
Strong work ethic and putting myself in the shoes of our customers as afterall, we are all customers.
Take extra time to explain scenarios and read notes to explain processes to customers to alleviate some questions estimators or adjusters may
get later.
Take pride in my work, to ensure that I have done my job correctly and professionally.
Taking due diligence in my work.
Taking responsibilities what I do to be accurate. If I am not comfortable/ unclear what I should do, I always seek advice how to look at it.

Taking time & ensuring all your customers needs are met, takes (in most cases) more than 1388 (the word on the street that the AHT is). I am
not supported to meet what the corporate objectives are to provide the best customer service possible. An opportunity for customers to change
their view point of ICBC.
That is a very general quesiton. Each day I have a mantra to motivate myself and remind myself to do my best. I try and use my calendar and lists
to keep me on track and on schedule. I work with the goal to be a better worker each day and review that goal monthly.
The best way in how I strive to provide better service to customers and the company is by seeking feedback from my supervisors and managers.
The comments above about how I strive to provide better service to our customers and company is totally out of wack as we cannot possibly
provide better service with the way things are right now. All I seem to do is apologize to our customers.
The company actually has no idea how I continuously provide the best service possible to each and every customer who crosses my desk. I do
not necessarily do this for the Corporation so much as for the customer who has paid a premium, like myself, and deserves to be treated fairly
and with the respect they deserve. I take the time to educate the customer, often providing them with as much information as I can about the
product they have purchased and the benefits of that product. I quite often wish that the upper management of the Corporation, even our
division, would take the time to come out and see what we actually do here on the the floor.
The company benefits from my outlook on customer service, unfortunately it appears that the company is ignoring customer service by lack of
planning for staff count and processes that result in staff afraid to do the job they have been hired to do. We need better training on our current
new software. Staff are reluctant to use it as they don't feel comfortable manoeuvring through claim centre. staff morale is being affected by the
lack of help and the we are beginning to lose staff with no replacements given. Workload continues to be downloaded to front line staff and we
are feeling overwhelmed.
The company has missed the boat on encouraging the employees to provide better service to the customers. They forget the staff are also
customers and deserve to be treated with respect. How the company treats employees is how the employees will treat external customers
The customer always comes first. I pride myself on providing outstanding customer service. That's how I work. I also represent a positive and
professional image of my employer and my peers.
The customer is our business. When we provide good, honest customer service, we are servicing the company as well and keeping it successful.
When we service the company only then we do a disservice to the customer and we overlook the main reason why we have a company in the
first place. Without the customer, we do not have a successful company or a company at all.
The customers are our bread and butter if they are not happy that makes me concerned. Right now, the customers are not happy with this new
system. That is very unfortunate because ICBC was a unique insurance company with the majority of the customers happy, and I feel that has
been lost!!
The new processes that have been put in place with Claim Centre have made my job more difficult to perform.
The Performance Management exercise is an utter waste of time,
the question is "I know the consequences of not meeting my performance plan".. i know the consequences although in a system where we are
set up to fail it is extremely unfair to even begin to sanction anyone for not meeting unattainable goals and performance levels due to work load

and computer issues.

the skill soft courses are definitely an excellent way to improve my customer service skills... the tv's are very helpful as we see people getting
kudos for their good work, it's a reminder to me to provide that excellent customer service and maybe go that "over and beyond" attitude...
There are incentives built into the metrics used to determine if you are meeting the requirements in your performance plan that work against
providing better service to the customers and company. It's better for me career-wise to focus on meeting these metrics when doing so results
in poorer service to customers and the company.
There are no opportunities or time provided to improve my work related knowledge and skills
-there is no care for customers any longer, only productivity. senior leadership doesn't provide and tools/time for anyone to be able to provide
an acceptable level of service.
There is no time to take advantage of learning opportunities, develop new skills or even learn about the corporation.
This is an evolving company, and the evolution's and transformations must be understood to utilize all the tools available to provide good service
and show value. I want to use the tools at my disposal to provide this to my customer's and staff. I have to embrace the changes and not let
myself become overwhelmed with the sheer backlog and volume that persists at so many levels these days.
this is getting a bit repetitive. our department is internally motivated toward excellence, and inspired by our divisional goals
This job is all about the customer. They are my main concern always!!!!!
This question is not really applicable with what i do
To be as personable as possible
To help provide better service to our customers and the company would be hiring more employees as well as overtime.
To keep aware of new or changed rules/regulations/procedures etc
To provide prompt and accurate information Take the extra time to discuss/explain any arising issues Conducting myself as a professional
individual at all times
To remember that I am interacting with a human being who's circumstances have brought them to me with needs, it falls upon to re-right their
lives as quickly as possible: to adopt an empathetic attitude whilst fairly and efficiently accomplishing my duties.
To the best of my ability with my workload and time constraints, I still try to do my absolute best to make sure the experience for my customer is
the best it can be. Fixing errors from others that have come into contact with the claim, changing opinions of clients based on their prior
experiences and making sure financial pressures are taken care of for clients is a big issue.

To top off a very negative survey, THIS is my pet peeve! As an office we do what we can, but the centralization of of icbc has tied our hands.
Since November, I have had only one file where I have worked with our local adjuster (only one remaining). Good customer service is almost
impossible as every customer that walks into the building is sent away with a card to phone CCC. Increasingly, almost exclusively, my personal
customers come to me, their "LOCAL" icbc contact, to address issues with their claim as they refuse to call CCC just to be put on hold and end up
talking to a different person again. I strongly feel that if we do not change our course, our market share will dwindle to the point that our limited
staff may actually be able to keep up. I can not believe what we are putting our customers through, and then preach that customer service is
important to icbc.
try not to be overwhelmed with change, remembering the customer comes first
Try to ignore the Corporate BS and do the best job I can with the below average systems and procedures being dealt out.
Try to resolve files as early as possible to avoid unnecessary costs
Trying to keep up to date with all the procedural, and system changes helps.
trying to offer or strive for better service when true customer service is the lowest consideration my employer has, makes this very frustrating to
trying to reach them on a timely manner and keeping in constant touch. making contact times convenient for the customer.
Trying to turn every experience, of which recently they all start as being negative (wait times, the hold music, etc) into something positive where
the customer is provided with as much information to get them to the next step of their claim
Understanding the customer's needs
Unfortunately one must decide between better service to customers, or abiding by unrealistic departmental requirements for time spent on
each call with customers as sloppy, incomplete yet fast work is recognized and honoured. Thorough work that ensures customer satisfaction but
may take longer is singled out as problematic by management and employees who are thorough and accurate and customer focused are
chastised and considered to be in need of improvement. My priority is to serve the customer and do what is required to resolve their concerns.
Unfortunately with the workload we do not have time to strive to do anything but try to remain afloat with the work we are given, lack of
resources and lack of staff in the positions. Unfortunately the customers are just a number, get them in and out to get the numbers in and if you
don't then just as the customers, we are a number and if you don't do it, your number is up!
Unfortunately, I cannot provide better service with our current situation. We are very behind due to lack of staffing and work overload. Volume
is building, but there are no extra hands to assist. We are passing work around the province, putting out "fires" but not addressing the real
problems. This can only last for so long. The bad weather season has only just begun. We are already behind and stretched extremely thin. Staff
are going to burn out if the company continues down this path. The staff are trying their best to get through the mountains of work, but there
are only so many hours in the day and OT is not being offered where or when needed.


Unfortunately, providing better service is not necessarily spending less time on the phones with them however, our performance is based on our
average call time and after call work time which is NOT a true indication of failing or exceeding in meeting the performance criteria. It seems
that the way our performance is set up, the more time i spend in trying to do a quality coverage of my claim and /or respond to a customer's
needs, the worse my performance is reflected when it comes to availability scores. This is very frustrating. Also, we have little control over when
we are able to complete a claim so many times, our break times are not adhered to due to the fact that we are helping customers. This is not
and should not be reflected in a poor availability score.
Upper management doesn't care about all the delays in the handling of our insured's claims due to Claimcentre so why should the staff care.
using my listening skills and my ability to feel empathy for our customers
very difficult period to provide better service due to slow systems, lack of staff, low morale, heavy caseload. Keep organized, prioritize and
make every attempt to keep stress at a minimum so can work efficiently & productively
We are always striving. What type of employees do you people think you have working here? For the love of God get your head out of the sand
and deal with the chaos created by Guidewire. I am ashamed of the "Higher ups" who have not once come to us in the field, working in claims
for what their needs are. ICBC is exceptionally lucky to have dedicated employees but it does not appreciate them which in the end will be the
downfall of the Corporation.
We are constantly focused on servicing our customers in a timely manner so I am constantly reviewing outstanding claims to make sure we are
servicing the oldest claim first and to maintain as little a delay as possible.
We have a good group, however the manager does not address issues, so the environment is not conducive to allow one to make errors. The
changes that are made on a daily or weekly basis by the corp does not encourage me to seek out information. What for? It's just going to change
We have been encouraged to take Soft Skill courses in order to increase our knowledge and skills yet we are not allowed to do them on
Corporate time and have been told to do them from home. We strive to provide the best customer service possible however we are shortstaffed so we are booking estimates weeks ahead, customers aren't getting called back by adjusters, etc. Our customers pay for top notch
service that we want to give them. Unfortunately, our "best" isn't very satisfactory right now.
We need more staff in order to service the customer in a timely and respectful manner
We need to go to customer focus- let the customers come in and see their adjuster at their CC if they want to- replace the employees such as
estimaters so we can look after customers better and reduce costs to our customers
When I have the resources (time) I try to do all the little things- ensure personal follow ups, converse in a respectful and empathetic manner,
explain things fully. Unfortunately without the resources these things cannot always be done.
When I need to contact my customer, I always try to be polite and patient to make them feel that they get an excellent customer service from
When more than one manager in a given year it is difficult to answer some of these questions. One manager may excel in a particular area while
the other does not.

While I accept responsibility for the quality of my work/ performance, there is little that I can do when the workload is completely
While the job demands are many I always try to provide the necessary time to answer my staff's time needs.
Why would ICBC ask me to strive to provide better service for my clients when the company does not give a crap about the clients. The service
we provided to our clients this summer was disgraceful. Where was the leadership at this point? Are they so far out of touch that they just did
not know what was going on? What did they try to do about it? As far as I can tell they sat back and did NOTHING!!!!
With 220+ litigated files, it's sometimes really hard to meet these kinds of demands, but I try my hardest and try to get back to people on a
timely basis.
With all the budget reductions in the past couple of years I have found many cost effective ways to continue to deliver our services throughout
the Province without incurring any additional expenses. I constantly have to find ways to do more with less or nothing in some cases.
With current workload levels and the learning curve associated with the new system I believe we are all currently in survival mode. The
corporation does not exhibit a desire to provide better service only a more cost effective product.
With in the company, I ensure that i have completed my part before handing the work off. Example: A simple file transfer to another claims
centre. I would ensure that the file is neatly organized and any loose work is completed before i hand it off to another claim centre. It is common
courteous plus, we all work under one umbrella so why not help each other out? With customers, I try my best to understand the process and
procedures of a claim and If i am put in a situation where I need to explain it to a customer and I confident and able to. A lot of customers get
frustrated is because they do not understand, I make it my mission to help them to understand our position as a corporation
With the current work load we are unable to offer the best customer service for our customers. Emails are sometimes days or weeks behind.
Returning phone calls takes days. Initial contact with the customer is not done in a timely manner due to work load issues. Many customers are
retaining lawyer due to this.
With the current workload in claims, I feel I am not providing the best service that I strive to provide. With the loss of people in Claim Centres
outside of the lower mainland, I see, everyday, that we are not meeting all of our customer's needs and it is very frustrating to the employees
remaining at the Claim Centres to have to be the "face" of the company and bear the brunt of the complaints of poor customer service and wait
with the new system clam centre, i will ask questions to the supervisor queue or sometimes the management to provide better service for he
With the number of files coming in the door, no one in this office is able to provide the customer service we should be providing.
With the overwhelming workload, I am unable to provide better service to our customers. We suffer and our customers suffer. It's a vicious
With the work load we are under it is very hard to provide good customer service. I personally try to provide good service and do my job to a
high level but it only becomes stressful and frustrating due to work load and what appears to be a lack of vision of ware this company is going
and caring about employees welfare.
Withheld to protect my identity. I would have like to answered some of these questions differently.

Within Claims front line managers are fearful of senior claims management when it comes to this practice " My manager encourages me to
share contrary or conflicting points of view." This is definitely NOT encouraged from senior claims leadership
Work hard to meet deadlines and answer customers questions & concerns or direct them to the correct person who can.
Working with my team and helping them with the process of litigating the file thoroughly.
WorkloaD currently prevents me from taking the time to focus on improving my skills however I'm well aware of what i need to improve upon.
Frankly it's impossible to meet targets and function to a high degree during this corporate climate.
Yes I strive to provide better service, but the work load, time restraints and lack of support do not allow us to serve beter. In fact, the service
levels provided in the past have definitely diminished.
You get up with a new day in front of you and you treat people the way you would like to be treated. All this in the midst of a confusing process
to the best of your ability; or you find someone for them with the answers.


Q59. In the space below, write comments about what your manager does that contributes to you performing at your best.
Mike is readily available to discuss any problems as they occur. He supports his employees and regularly asks for feedback. He advocates for his
employees and when something can't be accomplished he explains why.
My manager advised me of CIP. She encourages me to apply for other job opportunities and to grow within the corporation. Cheryl is a
tremendous manager!
My Manager Erika, gives positive feedback and is always a phone call away if there is a question or concern. She is most helpful and
approachable at anytime. She is a real Manager and makes me feel welcomed from day one.
my manager has an open door policy and is easy to talk to and supportive in assisting me in my job. There are good lower and middle level
managers in the company. the company has been severely mismanaged by Brian Jarvis, vp of claims. In this age of accountability why is he not
held responsible for the financial mess he's created. A system of bonuses has been implemented where managers are motivated to work in the
interest of their bonus not for the good of the company. The new computer system is not designed for a good majority of larger claims being
handled. We have been told not to say bad things about the system but it has led to a mass decrease in productivity. There are huge staffing
issues. million dollar caseloads have sat idle. many qualified people have left or gotten out of claims and are not replaced. A system of micro
management has been implemented without the managers to do it. Bad directives are implemented and left in place because people cannot
speak out against them or fear termination.
My manager, Andrew Kendrick, has a way of providing internal motivation to his employees. In an already stressful environment, he is calming
influence and is always supportive and positive to his staff. He is able to effectively communicate the goals & expectations to his employees, but
does so in a manner that does not add extra stress on his staff. His approach makes his staff strive to be productive, so that our
accomplishments show as a reflection of his great management style. Many other managers could take pointers from Andrew, on how to motive
his staff with such a positive approach.
questions relating to 'my manager' are in reference to my prv manager Barb Forman. My manager did not contribute to my performing at my
best - I did so because of my personal motiviation to help customers.
- He doesn't micro manage me, which makes me perform at my best. Although when we express concerns regarding our workload making it
impossible to function at the best of our ability, his comments are usually referring to another adjuster who had it worse. There is no concerns
regarding the stress the workload has put on us or the struggles with it. When we go to him to discuss liability, instead of putting forth his
opinion, his answer is to find case law. With the work load, spending time trying to find relevant case law is impossible. In these times with the
work load being so extreme, it would be nice to have a manager who appears to be confident in his knowledge to resolve liability with you
during a discussion instead of asking you to go and find case law that makes you behind in your ClaimCenter activities by a day for every claim
you have to research.


- My manager does NOT contribute to my performance as my manager lacks the following skills that would support me: 1. Lacking skills with our
new ClaimCentre.. my Manager cannot assist me with any ClaimCentre related tasks 2. My Manager does not respond to my customer's that
contact him in a timely fashion and I ultimately support their requests/disputes 3. My Manager uses my words, explanations, etc.. to write his
own letters and relay decisions to customers.. taking full credit for the job that I essentially do 4. My Manager lacks Claims Adjusting experience
and is not able to make clear or consistent liability decisions
- supportive, i am able to discuss different ideas on handling of files.
* mgr is very understanding and explains the constraints they have with regards to support * mgr is only able to work within the parameters that
they are given and does their best to support employees in this situation * mgr is one of a small number that isn't fearful and will do and support
what is the right and best decision for each situation
1) Availability 2) Support
A supportive ear and an environment of trust allow me to perform at my best.
Absolutely nothing. I am constantly being told where I need to improve and get no recognition for the work that I already do or the specialized
area of experience that I already bring to the table. I feel ridiculed on a daily basis. I am in this position at ICBC because I feel that the
experience is valuable and will make me more marketable in the future. I already come with a defined skill set. I feel the experience that I am
gaining at ICBC will only enhance and further, that skill set. However, I work within confines that I struggle with on a daily basis. I recognize that
this is not a healthy situation for me to be in. I am sustaining the "situation" because I recognize the greater good that will come in the future with the experience that I gather.
Absolutely nothing. My manager and I do not communicate on any level for anything.
Affirms achievement of important goals and strategies.
Again my manager is not the issue here. She remains remarkably calm and positive in an untenable situation. We can see the workload she gets
shovelled her way and the many many hours she works at nights/weekends /holidays just to remain reasonably behind in her duties . That is an
absurd business approach and effects our whole department. If our manager was someone who was more aggressive, alarming, negative or
volatile then i could see how it would be even more of a powderkeg in our department. The company should feel quite full of itself in that our
manager continues to provide a very reasonable layer of insulation between us and these absurd business practices of ICBC- of course this is at
her own personal physical and mental expense.
Again, my manager allows me to voice my opinion and is usually supportive however there are times when she provides unrealistic authorities
without rationale that makes my job very frustrating.
again, my manager does the best in an environment where the corporate focus does not make sense to me...I cannot hold my manager
accountable when my manager cannot hold up a sinking ship all alone. I come to work everyday and try do the best I can within the limitations
and the expectations that are given..

Again, not much he/she can do under the circumstances. Too many hats for one person.
again, our managers switch way to often.. I havent sat down with a mngr for a very long time
All questions referring to my manager I answered in reference to my manager even though I have a supervisor that I report to. If the questions
had asked about my supervisor I would have answered differently.
Allowing an acceptable amount of time to complete my work
Allowing me to do my work. It would be helpful if the manager would listen to ideas on creating a better work environment, especially when
most of the staff agree on small changes.
Allows for open communication.
Allows me to make mistakes, open and honest feedback.
Although we have regular discussions, it may not always be around ways to help me to perform better. its not about my performance, its about
my teams If I had more freedom to make decisions around the use of a small amount of OT to deal with backlog that has built up over either
vacation or sick occurrences. Would lean towards getting us more on track and to maintain a reasonable amount of delay for the customer.
Always available and willing to assist
Always being able to see situations from different perspective, encourages me to think outside the box, recognizes me for work well done and
coaches for improvement.
always have time for me and my questions. if in need of advice he always helps and explains how he came up with the solutions.
Always positive, upbeat, supportive
Always sends out reminders and updates.
Always supportive of action to move claims forward, sympathetic and empathetic to current workload issues
An excellent manager. 5 new people were dumped at the manager with extremely high caseload. The manager did the BEST he could. Again,
either the case load should be decreased or hire more people!
Approachable, honest, open, reliable, sharing insights and observations.
available when needed for any advise /questions
Being clear with expectations, honest with feedback and quick to let me know when things are going off track. Also being quick to identify the
good things that get done in a timely fashion, not just because it is a quarterly check-in.
being in the office when needed, sharing all information with respect to ICBC, supportive & understanding.
Being told I am not meeting the office standard in a number of areas... yeah, that really helps a lot. No sarcasm here....
bi monthly meetings, however, most of our team think that it is a waste of time because we are so busy and it throws off the whole day. once a
month would probably suffice
Can't really answer since I have not had a one on one meeting on my performance at all this year.

coaches and supplies me with constructive feedback to help me grow.

Comes to work each day smiling.
comments made in this survey as positive about my manager- quality person with a strong moral compass. Good person to work with
Communication that is simple and straightforward. Recognizing your strengths and praising them. Recognizing the enormous challenges that we
currently face in Claims.
continuous feedback
Creates a non-hostile and supportive work environment, free from judgementalism (for mistakes).
daily check ins
Daily contact with my manager allows me to explain progress and my ideas on resolving issues. I am also, like most humans, tied emotionally and
intellectually to the needs of my boss so frequent access to him/her is essential to my work well being. perhaps this is the second oldest
relationship in the world. Every one has a boss, even God, likely.
decisive leadership; openness to explore alternatives; expectation of excellence in work product; places us in team building situations; confides
significant issues necessary for the work
Delivers information to be to my face which I prefer, not always via email
Discusses claims that I have completed that should have been done a different way. Allows me to advise how and why I came to the decision and
how it may have been done a different way. I am confident that I can approach my supervisor or my manager about anything with regards to my
work life and my personal life.
Discusses issues where there is no clear answers.
displays a consistent positive attitude. tries to remove obstacles when they arise.
Does attempt to keep us in the loop but so much is not to be shared from my understanding , or still working on solution. So looked forward to
Claims Center but very very disappointed with what we have . Older technology. System built but no attention paid to procedural interfaces,
external partners and customer needs. Focus on productivity but administrative demands within CC worse than a pile of paper , continual
workarounds, cleaning up prior staff errors just to get a simple bill paid. Lack of corporate technical training for basics. Will have impact on
financial pillar, feel already is. Short term strategies that will work for a while . Again these problems cannot be laid at the feet of 1st level
management. Seems a little like the way things were being run at the start of WW1 (lots of info on this around -100year )
Don't have a lot of one on one with my manager unless I go forward.
Easy to talk to and approach with new ideas.
effective communication and caring.
Email communication.
Encouragement of continuous learning.
Encourages dialogue and discussion of issues to assist in resolving. Takes the time to understand the issues.

EPM are not used as a tool to help employees but as a tool to reprimand employees
-Every manager I know is afraid to say anything that may be seen as negative or in contradiction with senior management. When managers are
afraid to voice their opinions/concerns regarding issues or new policies/procedures you create a work environment that is completely
dysfunctional. Decisions get made that will not work out in the real world but nobody challenges it so it gets implemented and ultimately fails
and the cycle continues with staff getting more disgruntled and disengaged. I see decisions made that I know will not work before they are even
implemented but there is no consultation anyways and managers will not challenge it regardless for fear of losing their job or position.
Expressed that my work has been valuable and my efforts noticed.
Extra hours to ensure the job is done
feedback from manager and also approving time to do various soft skill courses.
feedback gives additional responsibilities encourages growth
Given the workload demands the most effective thing my manager can do and within the limits of authority and time constraints, does do is
support and acknowledge my challenge.
Gives a great deal of autonomy and provides feedback
Gives clear expectations on what she needs from me She is accountable She does what she says she is going to do Line of communication is
always open. I feel comfortable asking questions that may go against the current grain
gives coaching/advice when the manager has time which is seldom
Gives good constructive feedback in file reviews
gives me feedback whether I like it or not
Gives me room to make decisions, and supports me in the decisions I make. My manager gives feedback that allows me to make adjustments to
ensure that I am performing to the best of my abilities as well as ensuring that I am continually developing.
gives me the freedom to do my job
Giving kudos where it is warranted. Takes advantage of coaching opportunities in a non-threatening way when need improvement is identified.
giving me freedom to decide how to communicate to the customers to make them feel satisfied. By not micro managing everything. By giving
opportunity to develop new skills outside icbc (taking courses, etc)
Has 1 on 1 meetings to go over stats. I've seen a snapshot of new system of charts comparing employees in units & department and appreciate
seeing where I stand in the mix.
has an open door format, able to discuss work issue / questions readily
Has an open door policy - to discuss issues that may arise at any time. Providing training that is needed to do the job.
Has open door, good listening ear, extensive claims knowledge, open to ideas of improving procedures.
Having one on one meetings helps me to perform at my best.

He acknowledges my good work and focuses on the positive and not the negative.
He allows us to work overtime if needed but he is stuck with the same system and is not in control of the work that we receive.
He continually reminds us "not to worry, it will get better". He suggests information to research in order to help with files and for personal
development for the future. However, there is no time for research and personal development. There is no time to investigate a claim
thoroughly as it should be. Claims are being accepted when they shouldn't be, because the caseload is not reasonable.
He does acknowledge good work. He is very unselfish with his time.
he does give me some motivation but its very hard when Claim Centre isnt user friendly and the work overload
He doesn't contribute to me performing at my best. If anything, he makes me perform worse than I would like due to the pressure he places only
on me and not on my co-workers.
He ensures that I know the business priorities, he shows appreciation for a job well done and has no difficulty in coaching areas that need
improvement. By including his team in some of the decisions that need to be made, he is showing the trust that he has in our abilities.
He exercises discretion and flexibility on my behalf and in return, I do my best to produce good results for him.
He has provided verbal recognition of work well done and is generally approachable if I have questions or concerns, although he is always very
He is a very good listener, I never see him get upset, he stays very level headed and works with you to come to a conclusion to any issue you may
He is approachable
He is direct about what needs to be done.
He is encouraging, open and approachable. He provides me with both positive and negative feedback. I can trust him.
he is exceptionally supportive and wants me to do my best, with his help. That is all I can ask these days.
He is open to sharing information and has a complete open door policy for communication. He makes decisive decisions and is not hesitant to
be firm when required or open to suggestions when required.
He is supportive, has a solid and extensive background with the Corp. which is a huge benefit and is intelligent. Right now he is acting but I have
to believe that is only temporary.
he is usually available to bounce things off.
He is very supportive and genuinely concerned with the current direction that we are heading. He keeps us on track with hopes that we are just
going through some growing pains.
He is very supportive to all my ideas and listens to my point of view whether he is in total agreement or not. He allows me to be responsible for
what I have to get done without micro managing me.
he let's me do my job without micromanaging

He listens to me
He provides valuable feedback on the work I do.
he regularly says "things will get better".
He sees I have good results, he acknowledges these and he allows he to do my job. He does not second guess or micro manage. He trusts me. He
can then focus on those that need more supervision.
He sees mistakes as learning experiences and will always make time for my concerns. Also provides helpful career advice and how my role helps
me develop as a professional.
He shows his appreciation when I contribute over and above my everyday job tasks or when I change my shift to cover absences. He is very fair
and explains the reasons why things need to be done a certain way. He is always open to my opinions and is willing to discuss things when we
are not in agreement.
He takes the time to listen to us about work issues. Most cases it is out of his control to do anything about it.
He trusts the work that I do will be to ICBC's standards.
He understands LIFE.
He usually lets me do my job with minimal interference but when his manager appears to be micro managing him, I get micro managed and he
always finds I am doing my job correctly.
Helping with new systems and letting you know how you are doing along the way as well as compliment you when you are doing a good job.
her door is always open for us to go run to her and ask question. if she doesn't know the answer she will look into it or will tell us who to ask
Her door is open more than it's closed. I don't feel intimidated if I need to ask how to complete an activity if I can't find it in CPM. There is
fairness now when other desks need to be covered due to illness or holidays. We are ALL being cross trained to be able to take over another
desk if need be.
He's a good listener, and trusts my judgment. I deserve it, i've been here a long time and am a superb employee.
his knowledge & positivity are helpful.
I am allowed to work independantly on my work processes and he supports any decisions that I make. He encourages an open dialogue.
I am eager to be challenged and to learn more and go far but it is hard to feel it is possible when the hard work is not recognized
I am fortunate to have a manager who is friendly and approachable and understands the demands of the job. He/she has created an
environment where I know I can go to him/her for assistance with a problem and he/she will back me up.
I am losing confidence in my manager as decisions change on a regular basis. I find in the past several months that my manager doesn't "have
my back" as previous managers have. I feel that my manager does not know enough about the actual job I am doing as their
comments/opinions in my claims change regularly, and there is little or no consistency whatsoever, which is ultimately unfair to our customers.
I am unsure how my manager or supervisor feel about my performance - other than a bit of feed back at EPM.

i appreciate my manager and his/her attempts to make this transition easier for all of us.
I believe managers are working in an environment of fear - fear of losing their jobs. Fear of not meeting expectations. Fear of making mistakes.
Their workload is as unsustainable as ours. This is paralyzing.
I can not think of anything my manager does as my manager does not come out of her office. I perform at my best because I want to be proud
of what I accomplish on a daily basis. I constantly push myself to meet my own expectations on a daily basis.
I cannot comment on anything my manager does that makes me do my best work as the consistent message I am receiving is that I am not doing
I cannot comment on this are a and some of the "N/A" answers are based on my new manager whom I haven't had a chance to build a rapport
yet. (new less than 2 months)
I cannot discuss my new manager as he's only been my manager for a couple of weeks. On the other hand, my previous manager was the best
manager I have ever had in my 19 years at ICBC. She was very knowledgeable and made clear and fair decisions that enabled us to work. I was
motivated to come to work and perform my best for myself and for her. She had an open door policy and we could always approach her with
any questions concerning our files. She also made it a point to learn Claimcenter well so that she could be a resource to us as well on
I do not believe management contributes in any way to me performing at my best.
I do not feel connected to my manager. I do not feel my manager is approachable. When I have provided suggestions or concerns, they are
discarded. I do not feel that my manager treats me like a valued asset to ICBC. I feel like a 'number' when dealing with my manager. Unless I go
to my manager for something, my manager never speaks to me. My supervisor is awesome. Supportive, knowledgeable, helpful in assisting
with ways to improve. Some supervisors are not the same as others. It concerns me every time there is a shift bid of which supervisor I will get
I do not have much contact with my manager.
I don't believe the threats and intimidation help me perform at my best. Rather, I do it because I am a professional.
I don't really see my manager. My supervisor is great.
I feel any questions about my manager is unfair to ask. Managers seem to change on a 6month basis. I'm not sure to which manager to refer to?
Questions answered about my manager are based on my current manager at the moment i complete this survey.
I feel comfortable taking action if I become aware of something unacceptable under the Code of Ethics. - I had an incident with another
employee who treated me terribly at work and was caught doing the same on social media (Facebook). When I approached my manager I was
basically told to deal with this myself, which in turn caused unnecessary stress on my part. There is little to no reprimand to those that treat
others poorly within my department/unit as our manager does not like confrontation and would ignore the issue or have us deal with it
I feel sorry for the lower levels of Management What choice do they have but to try and make it work with what little they have, same boat as
the grunts

I feel they do the best they can, and do a great job given the lack of resources they are provided.
I feel trust is the key. I feel that we are too micromanaged.
I find it hard because sometimes we don't get any confirmation about how we are performing. But, when we do it's not always good and doesn't
make us feel good about the work we are doing because it feels like there is no appreciation here.
I find my manager very approachable. Whenever there is an issue I always feel comfortable bringing it up and discussing.
I get kudos for getting the jobs done, I get kudos for doing the job well. My manager understands my quirks that help me move past things. For
example, I like to know the why behind the decision/policy so I can buy into it and deliver as expected. She knows that and takes the time to
make sure I understand. She encourages communication from me that is constructive and can also guide me better when my comments
perhaps are more out of frustration than constructive. She doesn't make me feel afraid to ask or give an opinion, I would say that is the biggest
thing I appreciate.
I have a fantastic manager who supports my decisions, helps me when I am unsure of the best way to proceed on a claim, and is quick to give
support and advice. My manager also encourages me to advance in my career at ICBC and recommends things I can do to improve.
I have a manager who is up to date with changes in the company with policy and procedures and ensures this is rolled out quickly
I have a new manager but in a short period of time i have had a meeting with her along with her providing contact information for my team so i
always have a contact person should a situation arise where I would need help. I feel her door is always open.
I have a wonderful manager who is always willing to discuss and help with any question I may have.
I have already answered this in your prior questions.
I have an off-site manager however she contacts me regularly to see how I'm doing and how she can assist
I have been in this department for almost a year now and have only met my manager once. It was for maybe 5 minutes and to just go over a
quick worksheet. Definitely a big change from Driver Licensing which is the department I came from. There I had an amazing relationship with
my manager and had no problem coming to her with any concerns or questions. I definitely don't feel that here at CCC.
I have had 3 managers in the last 3 months, enough said. My oldest manager was horrible. Different rules for different people. Disciplining you
for stuff that they do themselves but won't admit to and then lies to cover their own ass when brought to their own boss. No disciplinary
measures taken on the manager, just the employee. Nobody above the manager will listen. Nobody can perform their best because the work
environment is so toxic. It's managers against employees. The way we are treated is brutal and what ICBC doesn't realize is that same type of
behaviour we are given is then given to our customers cause everyone is too stressed out and doesn't have time to care anymore.
I have no issues with my manager, he is as supportive as he is allowed to be. It is very clear that my manager is micro-managed.


I have no real interaction with my manager. I've had a new manager every shift bid (4 months or so?) I have quarterly meetings with a
supervisor but really these are a quick review of a templated computer report. No real feedback, no feeling. Just processed as a number.
I have nothing but respect for my immediate manager. He is kind and helpful. He encourages me to do my best work but understands that this
is virtually impossible under the current conditions created by the new Claim Centre system and the lack of support/acknowledgement from
senior management that the process is completely fraught with systemic problems. I suspect, like many others within ICBC, my manager will
soon decide that it's not worth supporting this way of doing business... If I had any options to retire or gain other employment I would be gone
in a heartbeat. The reason that I stay has NOTHING to do with my engagement.
I have to say I likely have the best manager in the entire corporation. He is supportive and tries to help by assisting us wherever he can. As I
mentioned earlier he now also has a higher amount of admin issues to deal with on CC and is available less to us than he was before.
I have very little interaction with my manager, unless there is action behind the scenes I am unaware of it is fair to say my manager does not
contribute to my performance. Similar can be said of my supervisor, I didn't speak with my supervisor for almost a 3 month period this year
because our shifts barely overlapped and I sit as far away from her as is physically possible in our office.
I haven't had the opportunity to interact much with my manager or supervisor due to the extreme workload, however the few times I have met
with them they have been very supportive. I would feel very comfortable approaching either of them with work related questions or issues.
I know that i can get a hold of my manager they are always available by phone etc..
I like how my manager discusses openly everything she can about what changes, etc are going on with the company. I feel like there isn't
anything the company is hiding from their employees and therefore, makes me feel good about working here.
I love my manager, but it's not his/her fault for the problems in this Corporation. She can only do what the upper management tell her to do
who are so out-of-touch with what we do on a day-to-day basis and the amount of time it takes to do the work properly. Our manager is very
supportive, but he/she can't change what this Corporation has become. I have talked to my manager about leaving the Corporation.
I never see her
I never see my manager, rarely. work in a call center environment.
I only have regular contact with my direct reporting manager, little to no involvement or contact with any higher level managers
I perform my best when I'm asked to take on roles within the team that help advance improving the way we do things - especially when I'm
trusted to tackle issues and given the opportunity to find creative solutions.
I prefer setting up an appointment time periodically to discuss work progress, recent changes and training opportunity
i see him once a week, no time to discuss anything meaningful
I think the Corporation should have more class room training for their new computer system it should have been 2 weeks of class room training
not 2 days.


I work best when I am given the freedom to work at my own pace. I understand what needs to be completed within a day and I get it done. My
manager believes that I am able to do my work with minimal supervision and does not micro manage me. I appreciate being able to go to my
manager for anything work related problems and she will help us to answer the questions or seek further help if she is unable to.
I would have lots of comments on my previous manager but she was let go. this is unfortunate because she really made me want to come to
work and do my best and she gave us the tools we needed to strive to do better. I have met my new manager, he will be in the office once a
week, oh wait, not this week tho, so maybe once every two weeks. I guess my answer would have to be N/A to this as he is still new to us.
I'd like to do a skip-level(s) on this one. Recently, "a really big mucky-muck from head office" made disparaging comments to my colleague. It
was in a common area so many people heard it. Mr. Mucky-Muck left us with the impression he had no respect for front line employees and
considered us disposable. I found his attitude intriguing. At a time when the Corporation wants more work for less money, cultivating corporate
loyalty is invaluable. Staff will work harder for an employer if they simply feel appreciated. Appreciation does not mean gifts - just respect. In
three sentences Mr. Mucky-Muck managed to alienate three of our top-performing staff members. All levels of management should realize their
comments can make a difference on our performance.
If I have a question my manager will find the answer for me. My manager is very approachable and has the knowledge.
If my manager had more time available it would be wonderful. He is constantly pulled into meetings and far too over worked. I don't
understand a corporation that expects managers to work on their vacation, work after 5 p.m. and expects far too much from them. Work life
balance at ICBC? not here. If my manager is over worked and not enjoying his "free time" how can he properly have the time to help me
perform my best?
I'm disappointed with how the company has treated it's employees with the transition of the new computer system. The Corporation spent a
tremendous amount of money on a system that does not work properly and does not meet our needs. It does not make the our job easier; it
actually makes the job much more difficult and time consuming. Essentially the system is an exercise in futility. How are we supposed to do our
jobs adequately and meet productivity targets when we have not been given the training, education, tools or support to do our jobs? We are
understaffed and the expectations are ridiculous and unacceptable
in general, acknowledgement of good work.
In my position I feel that our supervisors have a more direct role in contributing to performance.
Includes me in decision making, we are a team and that is the way he/she makes me feel.
is always available to discuss work related issues/questions.
It is rare that I see my manager. My manager does not contribute to me performing at my best.
It isn't what my manager does but what my manager fails to do that impacts my ability to work at my best. Micro management, to the point of
feeling a noose around our necks, is not an effective way to get the best out of your staff. Employee Engagement is no longer a concern here and
the morale, work environment, and 'passion' that once existed at ICBC is gone. While before it was a place you woke up and wanted to come to
work in, now I wake up and dread coming in to work because it seems I, as the rest of the staff, are simply peons working to maintain financial
stability and operational goals so STIP can be paid.

I've had seven managers in the past few years. Each was unique in his or her own way with varying levels of adjusting ability and/or time
management. My most recent manager has excellent time management coupled with a background in adjusting, both of which produce
decision-making significantly faster, in turn benefiting customers. I have seen that all managers have a span of control that is too large. Assigned
activities lag. E-mails don't get addressed. Customer complaints are not addressed in a timely manner, etc. Compounding this ICBC has erred in
assigning non-adjusting managers (eg. admin managers) to oversee adjusting staff. "Managing staff" does require more than passing experience
in the job if you want timely and correct decisions for the customer. Unfortunately, bargaining unit staff see how ICBC treats managers (no time
off, unreasonable work loads, random firings, etc) so you will not get the best and brightest to step into those roles. Instead you get the bean
counters and the ladder climbers who will respond unquestioningly to the latest "flavour of the month" cooked up by the Executive --no matter
how ill-conceived.
I've worked at ICBC for just over one year. I never met my last manager and my new one is, OK. We've only met once and it was for the ACW
review. I find that the managers only really communicate with you if you've done something wrong or if they need to. Other than that they
pretty much stay in their offices. My supervisor is the person I would go to for any concerns.
Keeping me informed and the rationale for decisions made above him/her and recognition and acknowledging when I do good work
keeps in touch - answers questions in a timely manner.
Keeps me informed of company changes, is available if help is needed and stays positive in tough conditions.
keeps us informed with ongoing changes.
Knowing my manager is there for help is all I need.
Leaves me alone.
Let's me work without constantly looking over my shoulder.
listens and values my opinion and beliefs on what should be done.
Luckily, my mgr understands the workload is killing us. He sees his staff struggling and tries to help/assist where he can. He has shielded us from
the constant customer calls since we are told the turnaround time for cust contact is 48hrs! 48hrs is not achievable.
Making sure that any new procedures are communicated.
Management at the claim centre level are doing the very best that they can. They have been given impossible demands, but show up every day
to support us and do the best that they can with what little support they have been given.
Management locally top notch, well informed, motivated and motivating..
manager assists by being responsive and available when I need him to be.
Manager has open door policy, easy to communicate with, empathizes with difficulties within role/corporation. Makes one want to work hard
for the manager vs the corp.

manager input is unhelpful, counter-productive
manager is new , really havent had to much involvement
manager is very kind and social when necessary, and understands our challenges and does her best to communicate any issues with other
departments and higher ups.
Manager keeps us informed of corporate changes in policy. We deal with aligned counsel and he is good about creating strategies to deal with
them. He has our back in dealing with counsel and does not allow divide and conquer strategies by pc. My manager is just a nice guy who you
like to support as he supports you.
manager listens and encourages differing viewpoints
Manager provides direction and eliminates roadblocks that may impede my ability to complete my work
Manager reviews my scores and offers encouragement to reach corporate goal.. If goal is not reached, manager tries to see why scores may not
be meeting and understand the whole picture instead of just the numbers. Manager meets with individuals to speak with them and build
Managers and immediate supervisors are at their best when they are direct and fair.
managers do not provided constructive feedback as they don't have an understanding as to what the daily tasks of my job entail. managers are
focused on checking this box and that box, not interested in how relationships are built with internal and external customers as that's more
difficult to measure.
Managers don't have time anymore to provide positive feedback. they're too busy putting out fires because the company doesn't have enough
people to run and customers more and more are leaving to go to the private side that i see
manager's hands appear to be tied, they can't help us with workload, systems or Corporate expectations
Mgr is trying to be positive about our huge workload....is worried about us not 'looking after ourselves'.
More recognition for jobs well done is better than only pointing out errors/mistakes made. Feeling undervalued as an employee.
Motivates, keep us involved, talks to us as a colleague not a boss,
Much more positive encouragement and discussion is needed. Only feedback that is given is negative.
My "supervisor" does the very best at coaching/assisting the team to performing better with the time given/allotted to them in meeting with the
employees Meeting with your supervisor once every 3-4 months and having a limited time to go over #'s/stats rather than coaching
opportunities doesn't really contribute to "performing at your best." When contacting "supervisor queue", it would help me to perform my best
when the person who picks up on the other line isn't dreading your phone call. If supervisors really don't care, then how is it that a employee
would really care.


My current manager is amazing. She is able to help me be a better colleague, has a true open door policy and is clear with expectations and
deliverables. When issues arise, she is clear and to the point, also gives me the opportunity to explain and coach when the opportunity is there.
my daily task's have be completed within time frame
My direct Manager is encouraging and helpful, but she is also very overworked.
my direct managers are very good. they are available for us when we need assistance.
my direct manger is great. I leave it to that!
My direct reporting manager provides me with direction, understands my needs and is always supportive. I am very clear on what is required of
me from my manager
my immediate manager does the best he/she can with the tools given. they try and keep everyone calm and try to make the best of a really bad
situation. it is not the managers at our level that have any power to make changes. they can see what it is doing to the staff. they are getting
the angry calls from customers as well.... it is upper management that needs to understand what is going on. to make changes. start hiring
some staff. quit going on witch hunts firing people
My immediate manager is supportive but has to toe the co. line, no matter how ridiculous the performance targets.
My immediate supervisor is someone I trust. And she doesn't sugarcoat things. I like that because not everyone sugar-coats well so I'd rather
you just tell me what you need to tell me.
My manager acknowledges my good performance.
My manager allows me opportunities to develop in new areas, and to spend time with business partners assisting them with new programs and
training. I am allowed as much flexibility to be involved in extra job duties as time will allow.
my manager allows me to make decisions
my manager allows me to make most of my own decisions and accepts my rationale when asking for authority for example. I have continuously
showed my manager that I am professional, efficient and darn good at my job. I have earned this reputation and my manager sees that I am
always doing my best.
My manager always gives me support & encouragement with all aspects of my work
My Manager and I discuss on a daily basis where we are at as a team, how to keep abreast of the workload, who should be doing what in the
different areas of the admin unit.
my manager and managers manager recognize that the processes in my division are slowing things down and making it difficult to meet targets
so they try to streamline.
My manager backs her staff 100% and I give her my 100%.
My Manager cares.

my manager comes from another department. this is one highlight, from a fairly negative response to a survey, that i have. my manger engages
me and asks me questions relating to my job function. he uses me as a technical resource and acknowledges my assistance when we are able to
problem solve collaboratively. my manager is one of the few highlights presently within an organization that has taken the wrong direction/
My manager constantly gives me feedback and lets me know if there has been a conflict right away.
My manager contributes to my well-being and always has an open ear and heart to heat me out often helping to resolve mainly issues at work,
with her experience. good counsel and/or referrals/resources.
My manager could not work any harder for this corporation. I am so appreciative to be in her/his team. The door is open but when his/her
workload is huge we are advised of his/her availability or lack thereof. I have the highest regard for my immediate manager.
My manager decentralizes authority to make decisions and empowers the team. She allows us to make decisions and is available for advice. She
could be better at recognition for employees who do a good job (such as positive reinforcement).
my manager definitely does what he can. I really think he is very limited to what he can help with. I feel that his job has been so micro managed
by upper authorities that it is ridiculous.
My manager discusses priorities and gives feedback on what is going well and what requires attention.
my manager does a good job of keeping me informed. my manager is available when i need to speak to him/her. my manager provides me with
regular feedback. i wish my manager had the ability to let me work with greater autonomy and authority. there are many things that i need to
escalate that i am totally capable of managing. if we are confident we have the right people in the right jobs lets stand back and let them get on
with it - we are creating additional layers and bureaucracy when it doesn't need to exist - that is inefficient and slows down progress and change
my manager does a great job keeping us together as a team
My manager does absolutely nothing to improve morale, production or performance. She/he focuses on negatives, is aloof, socially awkward,
and out of touch with the work. Also unwilling to assist with anything that falls outside of a very narrow sight line of management objectives.
Robotic. Very quick to criticize, and rarely provides positive feedback. A significant liability for the department's morale.
My manager does hear our concerns and attempts to address them however, above her, I believe it falls on deaf ears. My manager may attempt
to take our concerns ( ie workload, wait times, unacceptable pressures of the job etc) to the operation manager but there is a constant and
consistent deflect of issues. Nothing is addressed. No positive changes are made.
My Manager does her best to encourage and foster and atmosphere of positive thinking. Tries to recognize a job well done.
my manager does his best within the confines of a corporate structure that is stretching all of us to the limit due to work load issues and the new
computer system problems.
My manager does listen to input. This has been a very significant year and we knew it wasn't going to be walk in the park.
My manager does not contribute to my performance


My manager does not contribute to my performing my best, if anything the situation makes me have to work even harder as an employee.
Morale continues to be very low. There is no positive, supportive leadership being shown day to day, not even consistent hellos and goodbyes
and are you feeling better from being away sick when staff members return from being ill or on vacation not even a nice to see you.
my manager does not contribute to my successes. I if have success its because I am self driven.
My manager does not know what I do. I showed her for the first time today. But we only had a few mins then the system crashed. So she still
does not know the full complexities of my job.
My manager does not support us to contribute at our best. In fact, comments about work overload go completely ignored. If they are brought up
and the if the information is passed along, upper management continuously ignores the problem.
My manager does nothing to help me perform at my best. There is little to no interactions with the manager. The use of intimidation is the way
of handling work performance issues.
My manager does the best he can remotely. His hands are tied also. He has never met the staff. He has never met the suppliers he is responsible
for. He is a great asset, but we need hands on experience at times. I am motivated to make him meet his goals.
my manager does the best he can under the constrains that he is under.
My Manager does the best job she possibly can to assist her Staff in performing at their best. Unfortunately she is overloaded with work trying
to manage two offices and she is not able to provide the individual assistance that her direct reports require to work to the best of their abilities
with this new system. I must say my Manager has remained very positive in spite of all the difficulties she has faced over the past number of
My manager does the best she can on all fronts , but she too is facing an overwhelming workload . She is often not available or dealing with
multiple matters at once.
my manager does the best she can. she keeps rolling her eyes at us when there is a new directive from upper management
My manager does their best and provides guidance in their file reviews as well as in-person conversations.
my manager does what he/she can but tries to help us as much as he/she can in this circumstances
My manager doesn't really feel like my manager. I sort of report to a manager who isn't actually my manager, but who really should be my
manager because he knows my job and what is expected of me. So my manager doesn't do anything to contribute to my job as she doesn't really
need to.
My manager encourages all staff to put your best foot forward and perform the duties given to me.
My manager encourages dialogue and the sharing of ideas with the team.
My manager encourages me and supports me in my decisions. She arranges proper training in areas that I am not familiar with.
My manager encourages us to work as a team. My manager is open to new ideas and ways of doing things as long as it is within their authority.
My manager gives me good feedback and encourages me to learn more by attending to trials, chambers outside of the office and to adjust out
of my chair for further experience.

My manager gives me positive feedback on a regular basis, and also trusts me to complete my work without "micro-managing" me.
My manager has a great working knowledge of Claim Center and has been able to assist us with all kinds of task . My manager allows me the
autonomy to perform my job to the best of my ability.
my manager has a wonderful 'supervisor' below her that is very open, easily approachable and a long standing employee with vast knowledge
that I reference often. my manager has a pretty open door policy.
My manager has always tried to stand behind department staff & our department goals even though there is a lack of consistency how these
parameters are presented from upper management. I do the best I can for me as well as my manager as I believe my manager works partly in
fear for their job.
My manager has an open door policy and we can see him at any time. His priority is helping us achieve our goals. He communicates in a way
that does not offend. He understands the priorities and how they change and engages us to get on board with it.
My manager has an open door policy; very willing to discuss all job aspects
My manager has confidence in me, trust, and respect; because of this I want to do my best everyday and not let them or myself down.
My manager has frequent conversations with me. She seems legitimately interested in seeing me succeed and I believe we form a good team in
that I also want to succeed! She makes it clear that the lines of communication are open and that I am to speak with her without hesitation.
My manager has informal check-ins with staff to identify outstanding issues and how things can improve. They are also regular check-in where
performance is evaluated.
my manager has our backs as adjusters and listens.
My Manager has shown me the guidelines on the requirements of meeting the standard of my department. He has helped me build my skills
and provide me with the tools needed to perform my duties.
My manager has so much work of his own. He does what he can but really upper management makes the decisions and he must simply tow the
company line! My performance can only improve with a manageable work load. i know how to do my job but there is simply to many claims!
the environment that I work in is very load and i have expressed this to my manager who says he understands but can do nothing about it!
Again, crushing workload along with a disruptive environment does not facilitate performance....again, we are told to just do what we can!
My Manager helps the best he can but since the new system it seems that our direct managers have been limited as to what they can do or say.
My manager supports me in every way to do the best job i can but the manager is at a loss when it comes to motivating staff cause they do not
have answers. Seems like everything lately is some big secret. The corporation no longer values employees.
My manager identifies my strengths and areas where I need to improve to attain future career goals.
My manager is a bully. My manager does not help me to perform at my best.
My manager is a good listener and helps where he can but is unable to do anything about the excessive workload
My manager is a good listener the door is always open and time is always made to answer questions or concerns


My manager is a good listener when I have any concern or conflict. She is an open-minded and approachable so that I don't hesitate to bring my
problems to her. After I talk to my manager, I can overcome my hardships and become more efficient in my work.
My manager is a hands on manager, who is available to support the team. For example, we recently had a team meeting. An agenda item was to
receive our feedback about a change in our department. The manager did not need to ask our opinion; however, we were asked, because the
manager saw value in our feedback, and new that we would be part of making the change successful, if we thought we had some input in the
early stage decisions. I appreciate a manager, who conducts themselves for what is best for the company/team. Our manager does not have an
ego, which makes them valued. Our team is made up of a great group of people, but our leadership is drawing the best from each of us.
My manager is a nice man, but I don't feel that he contributes to me performing at my best, I am responsible for my own performance, he does
advise of numbers the team and I are completing. He doesn't micro manage me which is good, he does have confidence in my abilities that is
good, but I have to say I don't learn from him and I don't feel he is the best manager I have ever had.
My manager is a very knowledgeable and good hearted person to work for and because she, herself, puts countless hours, energy and effort into
the department, I am motivated by that.
My manager is a very thoughtful person and she always goes the extra mile to be nice to her staff. She is easy to approach, and she is very
patient. I perform at my best when I know my manager is supportive of me.
My manager is all over the board. One day the priority is one thing and the next it's another thing and so on. What she says is that management
understands that we're all going through a tough time and they appreciate our efforts but we all need to work faster/harder to get things done.
It's ridiculous.
My Manager is always available and allows open conversation regarding ideas for unique file handling. Continues to support initial meetings
with clients within the guidelines. Is fair in file distribution and is helpful in any way possible if assistance is required to help sort out CC issues.
My Manager is always available when she is needed. She values my opinion which gives me that confidence and feeling of contribution. She is a
wonderful person to work for/with.
My manager is always quick to make & decision and provide direction when requested.
My manager is always there with an open door policy, which is great. They are available for help when needed.
my manager is amazing. hands down one of the best people i've worked for. she encourages dialogue even if it contradictory. she takes the time
to view things from all angels and is very thorough and fair. She also has an open door policy which makes her very approachable. And her turn
around time is spot on.
my manager is approachable & supportive


My manager is approachable when we require assistance if he is not behind closed doors for phone meetings and calls. If the manager does not
know the answer, they will go and find the answer using one of their resources. However, my manager does not have experience in the specific
job description that we are in and so he requires assistance at times from employees within the department. Although happy to help and
provide whatever assistance I can, this takes away from my own work and in turn, may affect my performance.
My manager is available to provide direction when needed.
My manager is awesome! He has many years experience in our area and shares his knowledge. His feedback is focused on helping us, never on
undermining or belittling.
My manager is awesome. Cares about me as a person and shows it, and always answers any questions I have promptly and willingly. Working
for my managers is the only reason I continue to preform the way I do.
My manager is being as approachable as possible and helps within her ability.
My Manager is both very knowledgeable and approachable whether I have a work question, or even if I have a personal question. Even in these
times, I feel he provides a good work environment.
My manager is encouraging and is approachable which enables me to ask that questions needed to ensure the task is completed in a timely
manner and with the information needed.
My manager is encouraging and knowledgeable but needs to stop micro-managing and pushing settlements.
my manager is encouraging, approachable and accessible
my manager is excellent and will always hear me out and my ideas.. he shows respect and has the knowledge to know what needs to be done.
My manager is excellent in supporting me in my decisions, showing me a different point of view and a way to take a different approach to a
problem. My manager is also very supportive if i make a mistake and doesn't judge me. However, my manager does have some favourites in
the department and it does show up in his approach of these employees in comparison to others in the department
My manager is exceptional at balancing our two claim centres goals and performance. She is professional and caring and is always willing to help
out her staff and other centre's that are in need.
My manager is good at listening and lets me know when I do a good job.
My manager is good at motivating the team to make the best of a difficult situation.
My manager is great at making herself available. She has a real open door policy. When she alone can answer questions she does so as quickly
as possible. She also trusts me and accepts my opinion on file handling techniques.
My manager is great, she tries very hard and I have a great working relationship with her, but at the same time her hands are tied as well
because she often doesn't know a lot of answers because she is not told them.


my manager is horrible. she's an 'acting' manager. she's rude and condescending and so far, up to now, has gotten away with her disgusting
behavior. i will do everything within my power to ensure she is forced to stop intimidating and humiliating those that she has temporary power
My manager is interested in my overall well being and seems to really care about each person in the unit. My manager comes over and speaks
to members of the unit about the workflow and how things are handled and why and this helps us to understand the work flow and reasons why
behind decisions are made. Being open and sharing really helps.
My manager is knowledgeable and approachable. When there's a problem, I get good support and advice.
my manager is motivating - open, understanding and knowledgeable - very approachable
My Manager is new and she has heart, when you make a mistake she coachs with positive reinforcement and when you hit the home run she is
your greatest enthusiast. She cares about her team and understands we are not just numbers to a corporation.
my manager is new not sure as i haven't spoken to them for than 5 times since they started
My manager is non-existent unless it is negative feedback.
My manager is open and shares both his/her own priorities as well as those of the company.
My manager is open to questions/concerns and addresses them to the best of his/her ability.
My Manager is open to suggestions about workflow, etc. however I feel that a lot of the ability to make decisions has been taken away from our
Direct Managers and that is unfortunate for employees and their direct managers.
My Manager is open-minded, and an excellent problem solver. She has a way of coaching you through problems, in order to gain collaboration
and acceptance that is very effective, and I skill that I would like to emulate. She is there for me-When I have a question or I need help, she
supports and guides as necessary, but also trusts me to be independent and make my own decisions. She is non-judgmental and straightforward
in how she approaches discussion with me on various topics, and I trust and respect her very much.
my manager is part of our team. which we here find very important
my manager is positive, supportive and provides open communication, understands the caseload and challenges that being a specialized
department faces on a regular basis,
My manager is reasonable. It is upper management that is incompetent. My manager has no choice but to follow what he is being instructed to
do. Goals are set with no explanation; they are unachievable. No one meets them and if they are, they are finding creative ways to meet them.
They employees are marked as not meeting a goal that is not achievable. How is that motivating? This company is run by bullies and
incompetents; people who should not be where they are but it is who they know.

My manager is responsible in the end to manage a plan, and managing people is secondary to that, we feel that. In the end, my manager really
can't offer anything to contribute to better performance as there is no money for training. The line managers do their best but often times the
fear they face of losing their jobs incapacitates them from making decisions. What I mean is that often times when you ask for something or
need something, a decision can not be made as it has to go up the chain for review. As such, the employees learn not to ask.
my manager is so busy, they help out the best they can, but they themselves do not have time. The only thing that will help is a reduced work
My manager is supportive and works with me. thank god for him as the job is so stressful now having a manger you have to tippy toe around
would be horrible
My manager is supportive of my decision and has respect that I have the skillset to make the proper decisions. My manager does not manage in
the style that is impending on my ability to perform at my best.
My manager is the best part about my job. He is always available and willing to help. If I come up with an idea he doesn't agree with he sits with
me to hash out a plan where both our ideas come in to play. I feel he has taught me the majority of my knowledge at ICBC. He is super friendly,
easily approachable but authoritative when needed.
my manager is too worried about losing their job. the managers where I work are all worried about their positions. it is no way to run a
company. they can not really help me as they are worried about making a bad decision.
My manager is very approachable, open to feedbacks, and very proactive.
My Manager is very approachable. I feel confident that she would direct any issue that may come up with my work in a respectful manner. I
feel very comfortable speaking to my manager and that is helpful - especially coming into a new office/job.
My manager is very encouraging and supports a learning environment vs. reprimanding type of environment.
my manager is very encouraging in terms of improving myself and taking courses .............................. i find it interesting that the employee
survey has changed. i guess finding out how low the engagement score really is, is no longer wanted. the atmosphere is unhealthy. most people
i speak to will be gone the second they can get their pension. what is needed at higher levels is true leadership not just positional
My manager is very friendly. I very rarely see him. I have personally met him twice - once briefly at an office social event and once for a brief
informative session. I have spoken to him on the phone a handful of times.
my manager is very good at being understanding, knowledgeable and I feel that I can talk to him/her about almost anything
My manager is very good at recognizing good performance and is an encouraging coach. However, his workload is not manageable as are his
staff which makes times very difficult.
My manager is very knowledgeable and pragmatic. She is supportive of my career goals and takes the time to explain concepts, business
strategies etc with me
My manager is very knowledgeable in all aspects of my positions. Her knowledge has helped me perform my job better. She has offered mini
learning sessions on specifics aspects of my job. I know she has others that she could offer but we just don't have time.

my manager is very open and honest, and has no difficulty in providing feedback, positive or negative, but is respectful and mindful of
approaching negative feedback in a constructive manner
My manager is very open to any suggestions that I make concerning bettering my job and always has an open door policy if his staff need to
speak with him.
My manager is very open to sharing experience and insights - and very open to discussing new ideas and differing views, all in the interest of
developing the best ways to meet the objectives and priorities of our team and this division.
My manager is very supportive and creates a great work environment or as best he can within the restrictions he has to deal with.
My manager is very supportive and does everything possible to help given the limited authority the managers now have.
My manager is very supportive and does the best he can to help me perform at my best. However due to the current workload demands, I do
not feel I am performing at my best and it doesn't have anything to do with him.
My manager is very supportive and receptive to questions and suggestions, assisting me to find the answer if she knows or to research and
investigate the issue and provide me direction to find an answer.
My manager is very supportive and understands the pressure I am under to fulfill my job requirements. He is under pressure as well and
knowing that he is in the same situation is I am, helps me stay positive.
my manager is very supportive in every way but his/her hands are tied by the management above him/her. they cannot help any more than they
already are.
my manager is very supportive of all or his staff. his sleeves are rolled up with the rest of us and helps us with our work when we are short
handed, which is pretty much every day
My manager is very supportive.
my manager is very supportive. She tries to help out when she can, however up until now she was unable to given the amount of people she
managed. She gives us the tough messages she needs to yet tries her best to make us successful...again that is not something that is attainable
right now given our workload.
My manager knows that every person is different and creates an environment where mistakes can be discussed and resolved.
my manager like all line managers in this company work in fear of losing their jobs and they are stressed out.

My manager listens to our team. Unfortunately her hands are tied in most cases. She needs approval from those above her and most of the time
approval is not granted. We are to make the best with what we have and what we have is not enough. My manager makes changes where she
can to assist us in our struggles.
My manager listens well and is able to see situations clearly from multiple angles and together we can review and reach the correct decision
My manager lives by her open door policy. She is approachable and ready to help whenever needed. If she is not available there are other
supervisors and resources to axhaust as well.
My manager makes an effort to communicate with staff but time demands get in the way.
My manager makes every effort to improve performance and assist with work load with the resource provided. Unfortunately the resources
provided by the corporation are scarce.
my manager meets with me every few months or when needed to assist in performing at my best...unfortunate the conversations are
sometimes to vague to really pinpoint were any issues may of arisen from therefore feedback becomes redundant
My manager meets with me on a regular basis giving me feedback as required, my manager is supportive of my decisions and he is a role model
to look up to and motivates me to do better.
My manager never hesitates to let me know his ideas of a way that might be helpful to get through my work load.
My manager no longer has much time to spend with the group of adjusters. Their time is spent dealing with an overwhelming amount of
activities on files and make sure they get completed. There is not much "relationship" building anymore of staff as we're all driven by the
workload of Claim Center.
my manager only criticizes your mistakes & micro manages, never praises on my good work ethics. After having meeting with ops manager, very
disappointed as i have no feed back or contact after being told that I would be addressed the issues that i have concerned with.No response
back after my email.
My manager provides coaching and opportunities to excel!
My manager provides constant support when we are learning new skills/tasks. They take the time to explain new tasks and answer any
questions you have. One thing I really enjoy is when you are learning something, my manager takes a moment to explain the method behind the
task you are doing, not just show you the resolution. They take the time to ensure you are understanding why you need to perform the task,
now just how to get to the end result. I find that gives me a sense of purpose and understanding into each job that i'm doing.
My manager provides me with clear expectations of the job I am to perform, and is always willing to provide additional information, if asked.
My manager is also willing to assist, if I meet with resistance while trying to perform my job. My manager is willing to listen, when I have my
own ideas, or wish to provide feedback on any of their decisions. Unfortunately, many of the decisions are corporate directives and are not
subject to any modifications until they are proven not to work. Even then, the decisions appear to come from above, with little input from
people actually performing the job.
My manager provides me with performance feedback at my quarterly reviews. My manager is always available to assist for any questions,
issues, tasks or customers needs.

My manager provides opportunity to solve problems with outside-the-box solution. Some people are not comfortable entertaining new ideas;
My manager is. My manager also provides appropriate support and guidance to keep efforts on track.
My manager provides positive feedback and is consistent in the support that I can expect.
My manager recognizes the importance of life/work balance and allows me to adjust my schedule at times when it is necessary. My manager
seems to care about me and treats me with respect and provides assistance when available. In turn, I respect my manager and want to perform
to the best of my ability.
My manager seems very nice and open to discussion. However, never having met in person, and knowing my manager is a middle manager
without any power/influence in our department/corporation & knowing that there is primarily a one way flow of information, makes our
meetings of little value.
My manager solidly and consistently supports my team and I to perform our best all the time.
my manager supports me 100% and it is a pleasure to work for my manager
My manager supports me with in the very limited authority he/she is given
My manager supports me, trusts me, he truly cares about my well being.
My manager supports my efforts in expanding my skills and education along with recognizing the contributions and efforts I make in my work.
My manager supports my work ethic and we do not require regular meetings. I am a "go above and beyond" type of employee. I however feel
less inclined to go above and beyond for my manager as there is a very rigid policy with respect to being able to move a break to a lunch hour or
move a break work at the end of the day in order to attend to family responsibilities or even to enjoy the occasional lunch with coworkers
outside the office. It feels like kindergarten, not like an adult working environment.
My manager supports what we do here in the best way they possibly can. They allow me the opportunity to do my job and when I need the
support and assistance, it is there for me.
My manager tells me which area that i need to improve and motivates me more on the areas she knows I excell. My manager gives as a chance
to SHINE in everything that we do.
My manager tries his best but he is stuck in a corporate structure that I am sure he finds embarrassing! Even the front end managers are having
meltdowns. He says that he brings up the work load issues at meetings and they say they are doing something and nothing!!! I actually feel
sorry for him as i am sure he is embarrassed by sending the corporate message out. Why would anyone sign up to be a manager? At least i have
a union

My manager tries to assist, however, is pulled in so many directions and into so many meetings that it is difficult. A lot of what my manager is
responding to is last minute and of a reactionary nature that I feel impacts the ability to actually manage people and assist with training and
My manager tries very hard to assist us, most times it falls upon deaf ears. Someone has a vision, how we get there seems unimportant - my
manager tries to provide us with the necessary info, tools and training but we keep hearing 'there is no money in the budget for that'.
My Manager trust's me to make the right decisions, they are not 100% all the time and those that aren't he uses as coaching opportunities.
Under the circumstances of being so short staffed, he pitches in and helps where ever he can. Without his help we would be much further
My manager understands that we need to get the job done correctly and in a timely manner. My manager is very knowledgeable but if he
doesn't know the answer, he finds it. His decisions are in line with mine...customer service oriented, efficient, logical. He never sends me away
with a to do list of useless steps that get me no where. He and I look at the bottom line and do it. He is also accommodating to our personal
needs as well. His greatness makes me want to do the best I can do to help him in his work. He is the saving grace in an environment that is
almost impossible to function in.
My manager will always try to help with anything that we have difficulties with. They have an open door policy. They make sure they support us
if we have difficulties and always does what they say. Very trustworthy
My managers are aware of the high work demand we are under. He is fair dealing with me when not able to achieve the ridiculous metrics we
are expected to achieve.
My managers contribution to my performance is mainly to send out e-mail bulletins for changes in procedures and to help resolve questions that
are over the authority of my immediate supervisor.
My manager's door is always open. She fosters a feeling of trust and acts immediately on situations needing her attention. She understands and
acknowledges that we are busy and inundated. All she ever asks is for me to do my best. She provides good file direction and sees things
objectively. Even though she cannot change the way ICBC is managing its company and employees, it makes it so much easier to come to work
knowing that she acknowledges our workload and often praises us for a job well done. I am fortunate to have such support.
my managers encourages me and tells me i am doing a good job. makes me feel good.
My managers has provided constructive criticism regarding my job performance and interpersonal skills and this has enabled me to perform
better at my job and will assist me in working towards future job prospects.

my manger doesn't contribute to this , my manager avoids dealing with any problem either from co-workers or customers , he is negative at best
he does nothing in my work environment that helps me do my job
My manger is always open to discussing files when needed. She is aware of the frustration that has come up from the difficulties with the new
My manger provides valuable feedback and information. Keeps my updated on a changing workplace. Provides direction when needed on how
to handle certain situations which arise.
My manger was not very helpful. My manager does not know the job and does not know the systems and did not know where to get to correct
information. My manager could not make any decisions or provide any direction without asking for direction from a manager above. My
manager reviewed files and it was not helpful. I have a new manager as of a few weeks ago and I look forward to working with a more senior
My manger(s) value my opinion and my work ethic, I have been engaged in several high profile claims that needed my experience to achieve
reasonable outcomes. his confidence in me plays to my strengths
My mgr stops by and asks how things are going, if I need help. Have only had my manager for a few weeks, can't really tell much but so far so
My new manager allows me to be open with my thoughts and will sometimes agree, and sometimes play devils advocate to open my eyes to
another side of things. He trusts my judgement when evaluating a claim and understands my reasoning. My previous mgr wrote me up for
not agreeing with her on certain files.
My new manager is amazing. She is very helpful and has continually noted that she is here to help guide me into my career path. She continually
encourages me to keep pursuing my C.I.P. designation and that this will keep me on track to achieve my career aspirations.
My new manager is very easy to deal with and has lots of knowledge and skills he likes to share which creates a confident environment.
my own manager is very supportive
My previous manager offered no support or ideas on how to improve. My new manager however is very supportive and encouraging, offering
advice from personal experience of doing the job in the past. This new manager's insight has been very valuable.
My previous manager was totally supportive in anything I wanted to do. She encouraged me to apply for a promotion. I have only had my
present manager for 4 weeks
my supervisor always has an open door for me and deals fairly and patiently with me and my mistakes
My supervisor explains details about the company with transparency at times and communicates with me well so we can ask each other
questions and I really respect that so it makes me want to perform well.
-my supervisor is FANTASTIC. I know I can find her and talk anytime. She makes time for me no matter what she is doing. Definitely open door
policy there. Very supportive and instills confidence. -my manager -don't know her very well, however, 1. she always acknowledges people in
the hallway and says hello 2. she goes into action right away the few times I have had to seek her out -she does not push the issue back onto me
and feeling helpless. You come away with things resolved....not to wait for later.

My supervisor is very friendly and approachable with any types of questions.

My supervisor says things like I need to work on "critical thinking" (kind of insulting) and "attention to detail". After meeting with my supervisor,
I lost a lot of confidence and did not know where I stand, as I was told that they are hard on me because they want to push me. That made me
question everything that was told to me about my performance prior to that.
Never provides positive feedback. Only tells you when you have done something wrong.
not a lot of contact from my manager
Not a lot of contact with my manager. But my supervisor does provide feedback and let's me know of any errors i have made and let's me know
the correct way of approaching similar situations in the future.
Not much.
Not much. We barely get any coaching.
Nothing - feedback is encouraged but is used against you if the manager has an opposing viewpoint. It is best to avoid the manager if you want
to perform at your best. For example, if you don't know how to do something and ask for help, the manager or supervisor will make you feel
stupid as if it is something you should know and that it is a crime that you don't know something.
Nothing - the managers are so afraid of getting fired they just do what their superiors want them to do. and if that means ignoring our needs then so be it.
Nothing as it is always negative from my manager....do more, find a better way.......nothing positive
Nothing at all...period
Nothing identifiable. Corporate guidelines dictate that all bargaining unit staff be micro-managed regardless of skills and abilities which slows
down work progress.
nothing we barely hear from the managers.
Nothing, absolutely nothing
Nothing. Management actively hinders our performance.
nothing. more and more processes are being introduced to track our work rather than providing a resource to allow better performance.
Nothing. My manager barely has time to register my existence. She is as overworked as we are.

Nothing. Plain and simple.

Nothing. Managers are too over worked to see what is happening around them.
Nothing. My manager is basically helpless & powerless.
Offers frank, direct and honest feedback
On a day-to-day basis its the Supervisors we deal with, not the Manager.
only reviewing performance plan,
open door policy, he is there when I need him. I feel I can trust him I can be myself and ask question. He takes the time to ensure I understand
the business. He provides just the right amount of good jobs comments not over the top so it never comes off as fake. He makes sure we all
know what is expected of us and as a team what we need to do. He has our back and we have his. He helps to keep my motivation going in fact I
want to work harder so we our entire team is success.
open door policy. Available to discuss my ideas and provide guidance in technical areas.
Open door policy. Makes the time to spend with me when needed.
Open door, very accommodating with my many questions.
Open, honest, trustworthy, DOESN'T micromanage the employees!
Open/receptive to provide feedback and encouragement as needed or indicated.
open-ended communication. door is always opened.
Our direct line manager continues to do as much as they can to help but with their hands tied behind their back which is extremely hard. Our
direct managers are fantastic as keeping us going. Expectation are put forward to us from levels above without the reasoning or logic or
financial support behind it.
Our manager does not micro-manage. Our manager trusts that the staff here are very experienced but is always available to help out anyone in
the office. That helps everyone perform the best they can, considering the unmanageable workload.
Our manager does what she can to support and encourage us. She rolls up her sleeves and helps to service our customers but all she can really
do is help. Senior management and the board have stripped front line managers of their authority and ability to assist and make decisions. No
decisions are made at the front line level any longer and the delay in getting answers from senior managers just impedes the process of resolving
customer issues and claims
Our manager is always encouraging and supportive. She has an open door policy, and uses much of her time to make sure we are comfortable
with the job we are required to complete
Our manager is very supportive and understanding. She will always appreciate our work and encourage us. It is really helpful when you know
that efforts are appreciated. She is always friendly and the atmosphere in the office is great! I am happy that I am working with her!


our managers are always open to new ideas to help us better manage the amount of work needing to be done. they are constantly shifting the
team in order to make better use of each individual's strenghths.
Our team is constantly (daily!) sent emails reminding us of our weekly targets that we need to achieve.
Performance Plan meetings and monthly administrative meetings.
Performance plans, monthly meetings to update progress/feedback/troubleshoot issues/action plans/round table, emails to provide feedback
on issues that may arise.
Performing at my best is not related to my manager, it is part n parcel of my work ethic.
Periodic one on one meetings in between employer performance management reviews help with keeping me on track.
Please see previous comment section.
positive attitude
positive influence, very good communication provided, good team work
Positive reinforcement. Clear and ongoing communication. Constructive approach to addressing challenges.
Previous manager was very approachable whatever the issue New manager appears to be as well
provides a positive environment for the team
Provides empathy sometimes to the unbelievable work demands, and has recently made changes in their own scheduling in order to have
regular 1-1 meetings for authority.
provides feedback as to how I can improve, different ways to look at things and different things to consider.
Provides feedback that is useful. Points out training opportunities where available.
Provides feedback through my claim review.
Provides me the flexibility to make decisions and provide input on business decisions.
Provides positive feedback regularly.
provides support with file mgmt to ensure it keeps moving forward
Providing leadership, coaching, mentoring and the flexibility to be creative when solving issues that could have a negative impact on our
strategic objectives and goals.
Providing support and constant feedback on my performance.
quick to respond to questions and guides us to the correct location for the information required
Quite frankly, I don't talk to my manager much, usually not even sure if they are in our office if I missed an email. Everything seems to be by
email. I try to perform my best no matter what.
Rarely see Manager
rarely see or talk to my manager. he is not at my work location.

Recent management changes, at this time it is too early to provide an answer.

Recognition and constant feedback
Recognition of doing things properly and advice when I need help
recognizes efforts and strengths and identifies weakness'.
Regular communication. Active listening skills. Works to identify roadblocks. Does what is possible, within the constraints of limited
autonomy provided, to support direct reports.
regular feed back
Regular general meetings He/she attempts to help manage and distribute even workload. Exercises understanding and empathy within our
current working conditions with regards to workload.
Regular meetings.
Regular One on Ones, encourages open dialogue around all aspects of work.
Regular quarterly feedback and discussing what can be improved and what is doing well.
reminds us of New processes/changes
routinely follows up on work tasks and checks in on progress, offering assistance to remove obstacles and provides direction to keep work
activities moving.
Seeks out my opinion on matters, values my input
setting achievable targets & coaching to reach those targets
Shares corporate information with the team. Recognizes each member of the team for specific accomplishments. Informs me of the purpose
and goal of the task.
She actually makes time to find out questions she doesn't know the answer to.
She always sends ideas with shortcuts or common issues that she has solutions to, she is very polite and encouraging, very positive. not micro
She asks how we're doing.
she believes I can do a great job, and I dont want to let her down. she designates a senior clerk to go over work and talk to the person about
their mistakes.
she encourages me to think outside the box.
She encourages me to work out solutions and supports my decisions
She gives me positive feedback which helps me to want to work harder.
She goes above and beyond to try and help her staff and the whole office understand this new system.


She indicates what I should do by pointing out the negative result only, and don't see I have been trying to overcome my weakness/weak points
by doing extra work and effort.
She is a great communicator & team player. She has an open door policy, if she doesn't know the answer to something she'll find out and get
back to us and she is dependable. We weren't too sure about her when she came into our office as she had no experience in our dept but she
has surpassed all our expectations.
She is doing the best she can with the work load/lack of support for the department that we are experiencing.
She is supportive and available when I need her.
She is supportive and encouraging and takes a calm level headed approach to things. She is open to creative solutions. She is not stressed and
consequently does not stress out her staff.
She is there for me ... period
She is very encouraging and quick to response to questions.
She listens and encourages
She listens, she shares her knowledge
She provides a lot of coaching along the way and encourages me to learn through listening and guidance of my peers.
she provides me with feedback as situations arise. she follows up with me occasionally to see if recommendations have been followed up
She provides understanding of the business and engages us in teamwork for best performance.
She seems to be working as hard as I am.
She supports and recognizes the challenges between my home life and work.
She supports us in trying to improve the customer experience, but also tries to relieve our workload when she feels we are being asked to do
things that aren't within our job description.
she welcomes any suggestions and tries her best to see it through
She's supportive and does all within her authorities to assist me in doing my job.
sorry running out of time to complete this survey
space to do my job and trust in my abilities; asks for my opinion
Stays engaged with all of us - asks lots of questions - organizes little "thank you's" - time that lets us get together as a department for 1/2 hour
and have a treat (ice cream, salad some kind of food usually). Encourages my goals with tips about how to succeed and how she got to where
she is.
stays out of my way
Supplies information that is constantly changing.
support coupled with fair and honest feedback


Support decision making and helps achieve goals

Supportive on my file management/strategies.
Supportive, understanding of the amount of workload that I have currently and that it prevents me being able to get to all my customers needs
per day.
Supports me. Listens to me and allows me to throw out suggestions and ideas
Supports my actions and correct me when needed.
Takes the time to listen to my concerns and ideas
Tasks me assignments that challenges myself.
Technical assistance.
Technical knowledge
tells me what I am doing wrong and how to change it
the door is always open if i have a concern
The fact that I have a manager who is so approachable and supportive contributes greatly. My manager is easy to talk to and provides
suggestions that will better enable me to reach some of the goals I have set for myself within the Corporation. ON ANOTHER NOTE UNRELATED
TO MY MANAGER'S ROLE..... The Corporation has asked its employees to complete a survey, the answers to which will be strictly confidential.
That said, I have had to complete this survey in a work space that affords me little to no privacy. Not the best environment to complete a survey
about the Corporation you work for. To give myself some sort of privacy I have had to turn my computer screen and keyboard in such an
awkward manner that it is difficult to type and I have to strain my neck to view the screen. THAT IS NOT CONDUCIVE TO A PRODUCTIVE WORK
The freedom to communicate openly.
The manager does nothing. The best thing would be is to leave us alone.
The manager has neither the authority nor the power to grant me or my fellow colleagues the tools required to perform our job. Some days i
fell lucky to be inside a building with running water.
The manager I have now talks to me, where meany others have not
the manager is available to discuss issues and concerns, but I feel that my performance would improve and I would be a better asset if I had the
knowledge I lack.
The most important thing is being available for discussions etc.
The odd time he/she will leave me alone to do my job and work out of my own diary, but for the most part he/she has me chasing my tail to get
things done on his/her diary or some other idiot thing that comes down from senior management.


The only thing my manager has done is update my performance management with criticism quarterly. My supervisor is great at coaching when
needed & encouraging/positively commenting when something is done well.
the trust and confidence he has in me empowers me to perform at my best.
The workload is exceptionally heavy and if necessary, she will move work around so that we can meet timelines. I realize this is to her own
benefit as well.
their input does not mean much to me. i know more about the actual work i do than my manger does.
There is a huge emphasis on settling claims. There are a number of claims in our case loads that haven't been looked at in months. Some of
these files have "slipped through the cracks" We seemed to have lost our ability to properly 'adjust' claims to conclusion which is unfortunate.
Some of these claims that have not been looked at turn out to be very expensive claims. This unreal expectation of the number of settlments
that are required has caused other aspects of the job to be neglected therefore, making it more expensive to settle a claim at the conclusion.
There is little that my direct manager can do to control the volume of work intake. There are no solutions offered such as overtime. It creates
stress and anxiety to try to meet the volume of work within the working hours.
There isn't much interaction between managers and staff, we have supervisors and they have the conversations with the employees. We have
open conversations with the supervisors, but managers are a step back. Regardless I strive to do the best I can in my work environment.
they allow me to do my job without micro-managing me
They are always there to listen be it questions about my tasks, ICBC questions in general, or just frustrations as we all try to figure out the new
system. I never feel I'm a bother to them which makes me feel more comfortable coming back again and again.
They are barely around, and don't know what we do or how we do things so we take the initiative to do everything ourselves, and learn
everything ourselves.
They don't.
They foster a collaborative approach amongst the team and create a supportive environment. They nurture the learning and development of our
team, and show how much they value our team. It means a lot to be so deeply respected and valued. To have this kind of environment at work is
very motivating and I feel very lucky to be part of such a great team.
They try to keep things manageable and positive but they get very little support from above , too.
This isn't to do with the Manager but i didn't know where else to put this in the survey. - CC (Claim Center) doesn't flow.. you ask where the mva
happened, then where they live, then what happened in the accident.. no flow - Cannot believe the adjuster in the field do not have access to
open a xfile like they used to. Sometimes you send a file to an adjuster not knowing if it will be 1 or 2 claims... If it is 2, the Adjuster has to call
CCC back to open a claim.. ridiculous - Also, someone today called asking who their adjuster was.. looked up the claim # and the file was 'no
access' - i understand if we can't look at everything on the file, but i should be able to tell the person who their adjuster is. I felt embarassed
saying i didn't know - insd would just have to wait for the adjuster to contact them again


this survey keeps referring to my manager - i have never had any direct contact with any of the managers that have been assigned to me (which
have changed several times)- i believe that this survey should be referring to my supervisor. my supervisor does sit down with me on a quarterly
basis & is available to assist me when required.
to be honest I'm not impressed with my manager, the only time I hear from her is when I've made an error, and she's not very personable!!!!!!
Touch base meetings. Provides feedback and directions. Welcomes my input.
Transparency. I appreciate my manager being honest and up front about what will happen if I achieve certain results. I also appreciate being
heard and action being taken if I am not particularly happy with my current role.
Understanding a realistic work load, and we can only do so much. Fight for our workload issues.
Unfortunately my manager does not help me all that much. My manager is located at a different location and does not come out to see me or
my fellow co-workers very often. When my manager is here my manager does not discuss any work related issues. My opinion is that my
manager comes out here just to say that they have seen us recently.
Unfortunately my manager is more quantity focused than quality. I find it extremely difficult to perform at my best when I am not provided the
time necessary. The outcome is poor service to the customer as corners have to be cut to ensure the work load is dealt with.
Unfortunately, the manager of my department does not provide a sufficient amount of support in my performance. The manager does not look
to open the communication channels within the team and does not look to assist the team, when around. The communication is limited and
assistance is not offered, until numerous requests are put forward. It would make a world of difference if the manager would implement weekly
briefings with the team, to address any day-to-day challenges that arise. Similarly, it would be appreciated if all team members, regardless of
seniority, were treated equal.
Unsure. Barely have interactions with the Manager. Only contacted when there is an issue.
until senior leadership pays attention to what is happening in their departments, front line managers hands are tied. less staff, less resources, no
ability for them to help.
Very accommodating to work/life balance. Quick to thank and show appreciation of work.
Very difficult when one manager, is managing, too many people and not available in person.
-Very encouraging -Does not micro manage
very quick to respond to concerns about claims and makes suggestions that are very helpful and also doesn't hesitate to tell me when a job is
well done
very supportive;straight forward;available;easy to approach;knowledgeable about work we do;excellent manager
-walks me through problems -takes the time to listen to my ideas and concerns
we are very heavily monitored since the implementation of claim centre, and so management advice is constant. This is as detrimental as it is
helpful in that it creates something of an atmosphere of mistrust. Our own manager is very knowledgeable and i do appreciate that
We do not see our Manager very often, and I feel they do not have the time to coach us in our job performance, we have had one team meeting

in the past year.

We have a "thought box" at our dept. I do not feel comfortable to make comments in the thought box, due to the manager's responses to earlier
comments made by other employees. I have felt that the managers responses to the comments were "rude" & "disrespectful" in nature.
We have been provided with temporary workers in our office to assist with legacy file settlements, however, they have now been given a
working caseload, which pulls them away from what they were brought in to do. Giving them a workload was not initiated by my manager and
so the help she attempted to put into place is now greatly reduced. My manager is supportive of us in every way she can be but where most of
our issues arise, her hands are tied with respect to what she can do to help us.
We have good discussions involving some of more complex files.
We have monthly manager meetings plus frequent 1:1 discussions
We have our face to face meetings to discuss overall performance which is effective & encouraging.
We have very little inter-action between us. As our manager is in another office altogether and a visit hasn't been done since July 2013, we
don't have much in the way of access although, if needed, we have the ability to phone, e-mail or i.m. although e-mailing and I.M.'ing don't work
as well as a face to face discussion. The manager is definitely there when needed though, even if not in person.
we meet every few weeks to touch base as to what is going on in my unit
Weekly meetings with our team.
What i would like to say is what a manager CAN, SHOULD DO to contribute to an emlployee performing at his/her best. A manager can provide
training, tools for the job and trust us to do our job to the best of our ability. The manager can listen and empathize with the challenges faced by
our adjusters and sincerely try to acknowledge their challenges and make changes (if possible) to help or tackle the challanges, this in turn will
translate to better customer experience (customer retention and lower rep rates)
what my manager does to contribute to my performance is being truly invested in his staff, department and customers - i work hard because of
my direct manager, that is what keeps me going
What my supervisor does to contribute to me performing my best is to have her treat me with dignity and respect and for her/him to remember
that he/she doesn't do this job, I do, and I need my supervisor to support me, in a "kind fashion" as oppose to pointing out every little error and
making a big deal out of little things. I'm always "live" with my customers, often it is stressful when not only do I have to deal with anything and
everything that gets thrown at me by my customer, my job, etc. but then also have to get critiqued/reviewed to make me go faster and better.
The above is just my general feeling as well as my co-workers who have told me how they feel about their supervisors. My current supervisor is
wonderful, I'm very grateful to have her as my supervisor, but I'm always worried about being but into another supervisor care as some
supervisors are not very ideal to have.
when I am answering questions about my manager I am referring to my supervisor
When I am at a loss, I go to my manager for advice and she has helped in directing a new path to help the customer and to also help me perform
to my best.

When I have a question, whether on a technical issue or claims handling issue, I have compete confidence that the answer that I receive is the
right one.
When there is more than one manager in a year, it is difficult to answer these questions. One Manager may excel at something while another
does not.
When they are available they are a great resource for information and provide guidance as to where to source additional information.
When your manager also strives to perform at their best that helps ensure the department performs at its best as well.
will help out when needed with claimcentre. always at hand to provide assistance
Wish I could offer something up but it comes from within and not my manager. The manager does not focus on us as individuals


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