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The slant height of a frustum of a regular pyramid is the altitude of the face. The lateral edges of a frustum of
a regular pyramid are equal, and the faces are equal isosceles trapezoids. The bases of a frustum of aregular
pyramid are similar regular polygons.



Calculate the lateral area, surface area and volume of the truncated square pyramid whose larger base edge is 24,
smaller base edge is 14 cm and whose lateral edge is 13 cm.


Calculate the lateral area, surface area and volume of the truncated square pyramid whose larger base edge is 24,
smaller base edge is 14 cm and whose lateral edge is 13 cm.


Frustum of a right circular cone is that portion of right circular cone included between the base and a section
parallel to the base not passing through the vertex.

Properties of Frustum of Right Circular Cone

The altitude of a frustum of a right circular cone is the perpendicular distance between the two bases. It is denoted by
All elements of a frustum of a right circular cone are equal. It is denoted by L.
Formulas for Frustum of Right Circular Cone
Area of lower base, A1

Area of upper base, A2


Lateral Area, AL
The lateral area of the frustum of a right circular cone is equal to one-half the sum of the circumference of the bases
multiplied by slant height. See the derivation of the formula for lateral area of frustum of a right
circular cone.
Let C and c, the circumference of lower and upper bases, respectively.

A more convenient formula is when we substitute C = 2R and c = 2r, giving us


Volume, V
The volume of a frustum of any cone is equal to one-third of the product of the altitude and the sum of the upper
base, the lower base, and the mean proportional between the two bases. See the derivation of formula for the
volume of any frustum.
For any Frustum, the volume is V=13(A1+A2+A1A2)hV=13(A1+A2+A1A2)h. For frustum of right circular
cone, A1=R2A1=R2 and A2=r2A2=r2. Thus,

The surface area, not including the top and bottom circles, is


This article is about the concept in three-dimensional solid geometry. For other uses, see Sphere
(disambiguation)"Globose" redirects here. For the neuroanatomic structure, see Globose nucleus
r radius of the sphere
A sphere (from Greek sphaira, "globe, ball"[1]) is a perfectly round geometrical object in threedimensional space that is the surface of a completely round ball, (viz., analogous to a circular object in two
dimensions).[2] Like a circle, which geometrically is a two-dimensional object, a sphere is defined mathematically
as the set of points that are all at the same distance r from a given point, but in three-dimensional space. This
distance r is the radius of the ball, and the given point is the center of the mathematical ball. The longest straight
line through the ball, connecting two points of the sphere, passes through the center and its length is thus twice the
radius; it is adiameter of the ball.
While outside mathematics the terms "sphere" and "ball" are sometimes used interchangeably, in mathematics a
distinction is made between the sphere (a two-dimensional closed surface embedded in threedimensional Euclidean space) and the ball (a three-dimensional shape that includes the sphere as well as
everything inside the sphere). The ball and the sphere share the same radius, diameter, and center.
Surface area
The surface area of a sphere is:

Archimedes first derived this formula[3] from the fact that the projection to the lateral surface of
a circumscribed cylinder (for example, the Lambert cylindrical equal-area projection) is areapreserving; it equals the derivative of the formula for the volume with respect to r because the total volume inside
a sphere of radius r can be thought of as the summation of the surface area of an infinite number of spherical shells
of infinitesimal thickness concentrically stacked inside one another from radius 0 to radius r. At infinitesimal
thickness the discrepancy between the inner and outer surface area of any given shell is infinitesimal, and the
elemental volume at radius r is simply the product of the surface area at radius r and the infinitesimal thickness.
At any given radius r, the incremental volume (V) equals the product of the surface area at radius r (A(r)) and the
thickness of a shell (r):

The total volume is the summation of all shell volumes:

In the limit as r approaches zero[4] this equation becomes:

Substitute V:

Differentiating both sides of this equation with respect to r yields A as a function of r:

Which is generally abbreviated as:

Alternatively, the area element on the sphere is given in spherical coordinates by dA = r2 sin d d. In
cartesian coordinates, the area element is

For more generality, see area element.

The total area can thus be obtained by integration:


Circumscribed cylinder to a sphere

In 3 dimensions, the volume inside a sphere (that is the volume of a ball) is derived to be

where r is the radius of the sphere and is the constant pi. Archimedes first derived this formula, which shows
that the volume inside a sphere is 2/3 that of a circumscribed cylinder. (This assertion follows
from Cavalieri's principle.) In modern mathematics, this formula can be derived using integral calculus,
i.e. disk integration to sum the volumes of an infinite number of circular disks of infinitesimally small
thickness stacked centered side by side along the x axis from x = 0 where the disk has radius r (i.e. y = r)
to x = r where the disk has radius 0 (i.e. y = 0).
At any given x, the incremental volume (V) equals the product of the cross-sectional area of the disk at x and its
thickness (x):

The total volume is the summation of all incremental volumes:

In the limit as x approaches zero[4] this equation becomes:

At any given x, a right-angled triangle connects x, y and r to the origin; hence, applying the Pythagorean
theorem yields:

Thus, substituting y with a function of x gives:

Which can now be evaluated as follows:

Therefore the volume of a sphere is:

Alternatively this formula is found using spherical coordinates, with volume element


For most practical purposes, the volume inside a sphere inscribed in a cube can be approximated as 52.4% of the
volume of the cube, since

. For example, a sphere with diameter 1m has 52.4% the volume of a cube with

edge length 1m, or about 0.524m3.

In higher dimensions, the analog of a sphere is called a hypersphere, which encloses an n-ball. General recursive
and non-recursive formulas exist for the volume of ann-ball.




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