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that the owner or custodian thereof refrain from
rolling same. Keeping the Abstract flat prQivnJQI
makes it much easier for the Attorney, Realtor and
to examine. They will appreciate this courtesy. THANK




Do not accept thia ab.tract of title

if the aboe aeal i. broken



~ --




No.. _?.9.5J..i __

Tax Certificate
any year
{No exception)
and that said land was
not sold for unpaid taxes ol any year
except as shown on the wi thin Abstract of Title. ----------------------

WE HEREBY CERTIFY. 'That the land herein abstracted is


now delinquent for unpaid taxes of

~et ~nty,

so far as we are able to find after careful search of the books in the office of the Treasurer of

Jan. 18 1949,





The foregoing certificate so f a r as the taxes of 1927 to 1947 botH inclusive arA concerned, is based uoon the of f icial certificate of the
Treasurer of Emmet County on file in our office which we pr e sume to be
correct, but tor the accuracy of which we assume no liability.
See Township Treasurer for 1948 taxe s,

Abatr_ac! of Title

Southeast Quart er of Southwest Quarter of Sect ion Sixte en {16 ), Tot~

Thirty-seven {37} North , Range Five (5) West, containing forty (40)
Acre s according to the Government Survey thereof . -----------------=~

HEREBY CERTIFY. That the following is all there is on file or of record in the office of the Register of Deeds, in
and for Emmet County, State of Michigan, affecting the title to the property above described, and is a correct abstract
of every such instrument, record or writing, including recitals, of any-and that all instruments are properly witnessed and acknowledged to entiUe the same to record except as otherwise noted.

Jan. 20 1949 .

/, .



(_,U(/7d .

Instrument No. 1

Patent .
Dated Aug. 12 1902.
Rec'd. Dec . 3 1902 .
In Liber 30 Page 3
Consid: $100 . 00 .

Stat e of Michigan
Al exander Lark.


Descriotion: Southeast 1/4 of Southwest 1/4 of Section 16 , Town 37 North,

Range Five West.
Cert ifi cate #28582 tor Primary School Land

. ~




~.f4. SHEETS




Instrument No. 2
Alexander Lark and wife Pearl
Belding Hall Manufacturing
Company, a Michigan Corporation .

Dated Mar ch 2 1904.
Ack 1 d. March 2 1904.
Rec'd. March 8 1904.
In Liber 15 Page 52 .
Amt: $185-

Descriotion: Southeast 1/4 of Southwest 1/4 of Section 16, Town 37

North, Range 5 West .
Payable on or before March 2 1905 .
Instrument No . 3
Alexander Lark and wife Pearl
Mary Wegemer .

Mortgage .
Dated May 20 1905 .
Ack 1 d. May 20 1905 .
Rec'd. May 27 1905 .
In Liber 15 Page 280.
Amt: $150.00.

Description: Southeast 1/4 of Southwest 1/4 of Section 16, Town 37

North, Range 5 West.
Instrument No. 4
Mary Wegemer
Al exander Lark and wif e Pearl .

Dischar ge .
Dated April 20 1908.
Ack'd. April 20 1908.
Rec'd. April 21 1908 .
In Liber 8 Page 527 .

Discharge of Mortga.g e, Liber 15 Page 280 .

Instrument No . 5
Alexander Lark and wif e Pearl
William F. Kennedy .

Mortgage .
Dated Jan . 10 1906 .
Ack'd. Jan. 10 1906.
Rec'd. Jan. 12 1906.
In Liber 15 Page 367 .
Amt: $181-

Des cription : Southeast 1/4 of Southwest 1/4 of Section 16 , Town 37

North, Range 5 West . Other Land.


2053~ -




Instrument No. 6
Wm . F.Kennedy

Power of Attorney.
Dated April 7 1902.
Ack 1 d. April 7 1902.
Rec 1 d. June 16 1902.
In Liber 27 Page 457

Robert C.Ames .

Grants power to second party to sell, assign and discharge all mortgages
and notes owned by first party and standing in his name in State of Michigan.
Instrument No. 7
William F.Kennedy by Robert
C.Ames his Attorney of Record
Alexander Lark and wife Pearl .

Discharge .
Dated April 20 1908.
Ack 1 d. April 20 1908.
Rec 1 d . April 21 1908.
In Liber 1e Page 189.

Discharge of Mortgage, Liber 15 Page 367.

Instrument No. 8
Dated June 19 1907.
Ack 1 d . June 19 1907 .
Rec'd. June 19 1907.
In Liber 46 Page 2.
Consid: $700. 00.

Alexander Lark
Will iam H. Frey.

Description: All timber Southeast 1 / 4 of Southwest 1/4 of Section 16,

Town 37 North, Range 5 West, which timber is to be removed on or before
December 1 1911, or revert to first .

~ Due on or before August 1 1907.

Instrument No. 9
William H. Frey and Mary
E. Frey
Alexander Lark.

Quit Claim Deed.

Dated June 8 1908.
Ack'd. June 19 1908 .
Rec 1 d . J une 24 1908.
In Liber 42 Page 340.
Consid: $1-

Descriution: Southeast 1/4 of Southwest 1/4 of Section 16, Town 37

North, Range 5 West.
Signed and acknowledged as abstracted but heading of instrument reads as
follows: "William H. Frey of Calhoun County Michigan .






J ._

Instrument No. 10
Alexander Lark and wife Pearl
Edward A. Burnet t .

Cont ract.
Dated June 29 1908 .
Ack 1 d . June 29 1908.
Rec'd. July 3 1908 .
In Liber 46 Page 434.
Consid: $700 . 00 .

DescriPt ion: All timber on Southeast 1/4 of Southwe s t 1/4 of Section 16,
Town 37 North, Range 5 West, which timber is to be r emov ed by J uly 1 1911 .
Timber remaining after that date to revert to first partie s.
Instrument No. 11
Deputy Auditor General

Tax Deed.
Dated July 9 1908.
Ack 1 d. July 9 1908.
Rec 1 d. July 25 1908.
In Liber 44 Page 18.
Amt: $4.79

Nicholas Gales .

Description: Southeast 1/4 of Southwest 1/4 of Section 16, Town 37

North, Range 5 West .
Taxe s of 1904.
Instrument No . 12
St ate Bid.
Dated May 5 1908.
Amt: $6 . 20 .

Treasurer of Emmet County

State of Michigan .

Land Abstracted.

Taxes of 1905 .
Inst rument No. 13
Tax Certificate.
Dated J uly 14 1908.
Amt: $6 . 39

Auditor General
Nicholas Gales .

Land abstracted.

Taxes of 1905 .



-_T ___




Instrument No . 14
Nicholas Gales
Belding & Hall Mfg.Co . Mortgagee.

Tax Notice #297.

Filed April 30 1909
Office of County Clerk of
Emmet County.

Description: Southeast 1/4 of Southwest 1/4 of Section 16, Town 37

North, Range 5 West.
Taxes of 1904, 1905 and 1906 .
Amount necessary to redeem, $37 -98 plus fees of Sheriff .
Instrument No. 15
Attached is proof of service by Sheriff of Emmet County that on October
23 1908 he served a Notice of which the within is a true Copyon Alexander
Lark; that on October 24 1908 he served notice on E.A.Burnett .
(No mention is made of above mortgagee.)
Instrument No . 16
Alexander Lark and wife

Mortgage .
Dated June 21 1909 .
Ack'd. June 21 1909 .
Rec 1 d. June 22 1909
In Liber 21 Page 298 .
Amt: $450. 00 .

Adolph Hammel of Chicago,
Ill . ,

Description: Southeast 1/4 of Southwest 1/4, Section 16, Town 37 North,

Range 5 West . Other Land.
Payable $150 . 00 March 1 1910; $150.00 March 1 1911; $150.00 March 1 1912 .
Instrument No . 17
Treasurer of Emmet County

State Bid.
Dated May 1 1923 .
Amt: $10 . 35

State of Michigan .

Land abstracted.

Taxes of 1920 .
Redeemed Anril 14 1924 by Alexander Lark .






Instrument No . 18
Treasurer of Emmet County

Tax Certificate.
Dated May 5 1925 .
Amt: $9.79

W. C.F oster, Chicago, Ill.,

Land abs t r act ed.

Taxes of 1922 .
Redeemed August 17 1925 by Alexander Lark.
I nstrument No. 19
Treasurer of Emmet County

Tax Certificate.
Dated May 3 1927 .
Amt: $8.27 .

Arthur B. Backus and Eder
C.Matthews .

Land abstracted.

Taxes of 1924.
Instrument No. 20
Auditor General

Tax Deed.
Dated June 8 1929 .


Arthur B.Backus and Eder C.
De scr iption:

Land abstrac ted .

Taxes of 1925.
Instrument No. 21
Tr easur er of Emmet County

State Bid.
Dated May 6 1930.

Amt: $8.18.

State of Michigan .

Land abstracted.

Taxes of 1927.
Rede ~m ed



by Alexander Lark .

2 0 .2.:32.




Instrument No. 22
Treasurer of Emmet County

State Bid .
Dated May 3 1938.
Amt: $33 93

State of Michigan.

Land abstracted.

Taxe s of 1929, 1930, 1931, 1934 and 1935 .

Redeemed August 31 1939 by Alexander Lark.

Instrument No. 23
Pearl Lark, complainant
Alexander Lark, Defendant.

Decree of Divorce. (copy) .

Dated April 21 1911 .
Rec'd. Oct. 18 1920 .
In Liber 66 Page 471.

Emmet County Circuit Court in Chancer y .

Ordered, adjudged and Decreed, that the marriage between the said complainant Pearl La rk and said defendant Alexander Lark be dissolved,and
the same is h ereby dissolved accordingly, and a Divorce from the Bonds
of matrimony between said parties is also adjudged and decreed.
And it is further ordered, adjudged and decreed that the provision made
for the said Pearl Lark herein shall be in lieu of her dower in the pr operty of her husband, the said Alexander Lark, and in full satisfaction
of all claims that she may have in any property which the s aid Alexander
Lark owns or may hereafter own, or in which he has or may hereafter have
any int erest and that he shall hold his remaining real est ate free, clear
and discharged f r om any such dower right or claims .
Instrument No . 24
E.W.Grewett of Pellston,

Tax Notice (copy) .

Rec 1 d. Feb . 12 1923.
In 3MR Page 213.

Alexander Lark .
Descript ion : Southeast 1/4 of Southwest 1/4 of Section 16, Town 37 North,
Range 5 West .
Amount paid $6.77.

Tax fo r year 1917 .

Served June 26 1922 (personal service) upon Alexander Lark of Emmet County by Nicholas Sage, Deputy Sheriff, Emmet County Michigan .
Certified Feb. 12 1923.
Filed in Count y Clerke office July 7 1922.

lX' H HO.

20535 -




Instrument No. 25
Deputy Auditor General

Tax Deed .
Dated J uly 21 1921 .
Ack ' d . July 21 1921 .
Rec ' d. May 2 1923.
In Liber 43 Page 360 .
Amt: $6 . 77 -

The Crown Land Company
Incorporated of Petoskey,
Michigan .

Description: Southe ast 1/4 of Southwest 1/4

Range 5 West .


Section 16, Town 37 North,

Purchased May 4 1920 for tax of 1917 under provisions of Act 229 Public
Acts of 1897
I nstrument No . 26
The Crown Land Company, a
Corooration of Peto skey,
Michigan by Will Kingsley,
Vice President

Quit Claim Deed.

Dated April 13 1922.
Ack'd . April 13 1922 .
Rec 1 d. May 2 1923 .
In Liber 70 Page 503.
Consid: $1 & other val.con s .

E.W . Grewett of Pel lston,
Michigan .

Description: Southeast 1/4 of Southwest 1/4 of Section 16, Town 37 North,

Range 5 West. Other Land.
The intent of this deed is to convey all right, title and interest in
above described or emises which first party acquired by virtue of 3 certain tax deeds for the del inquent taxes of the year 1917 and tax certificatE
for the year 1918.
(Coroora te Seal) .
I ns t r ument No . 27
E.W.Grewett and Abbie Grewett
husband and wife of Pellston,
Al exander Lark .

Quit Claim Deed.

Dated April 27 1923 .
Ack'd. April 27 1923 .
Rec ' d . May 2 1923 .
In Liber 70 Page 504.
Consid: $20 . 79

Descr iption: Southeast 1/4 of Southwest 1/4 of Section 16 , Town 37 North,

Range 5 West .

lX' H HO.






Instrument No . 28
Alexander Lark (signs and acknowledges Alex Lark) a divorced
person and not remarried of Pellston, Michigan


Oil and Gas Lease.

Dated Aug. 19 1929.
Ack 1 d . Aug. 19 1929 .
Rec ' d . Aug. 19 1929 .
In Liber 86 Page 370 .
Amt: $85-

North St ate s Oil Company, a Michigan cornoration of 212 Howard

Stre et, Petoskey ,Michigan .
Grant, demise, lease and let unto the said lessee for the sole and only
purpose of Mining and operating for oil and gas and of laying or p i pe lines
and of building tanks, powers , stations and structures thereon to nroduce,
save and take care of said products, all that certain tract of land described as follows, to-wit: Southeast 1/4 of Southwest 1/4 of Section 16 ,
Town 37 North, Range 5 West .
It is agreed that this lease shall remain in forcefor a term of 2 ye ars
from this date , and a s long thereafter as oil or either of them is produced from s aid land by lessee .
In consideration of the premises t~e said lessee covenants and agrees:
let . To deliver to the credit of lessor, free of cost, in the p i p e line
t o which they may connect their wells, the equal one- eighth nart of all
oil produced and saved from the leased premise s .
2nd. To pay to l e ssor, as royalty for gas f r om each well where gas only
is found, while the same is being sold or us ed off of the pr emises, one eighth of the market price at the wells of the amount so sold or used,
the lessor to have gas free of charge from any gas well on the leas ed
premises for all stoves and inside lights i n the principal dwelling house
on s aid land by making h is own connections with the well at his own risk
and exnense .
)rd. To nay to lessor as royalty for gas produced from any oil well and
used by lessee for the manufacture of gasoline, one-eighth of the mar ket
value of such gas . If such gas i s sold by lessee, then lessee agrees to
pay lessor, as royalty, one-eighth of the net nroceeds deri ved from the
sale of s aid cas inghead gas at the wells.
If no wel l be commenced on said l a nd on or before Aug. 18 1930, this lease
shall terminate as to both parties, unless the lessee shall on or before
that date pay or tender to the lessor or to the lessor ' s credit in the
Peonles State Bank at Pellston, Michigan or its successors, which shall
continue as the depository regardless of changes i n the ownership of said
land, the sum ot $85 . 00 which shall operate a s a rent al and cover the privilege of deferring the commencement of a well for 12 months from said
date .
In like manner and upon like payments or tenders the commencement of a
well may be further deterred tor like ueriods of the same number of months
successively . And it is understood and agr eed that the considerat ion
f irst recited herein, the down payment, covers not only the privilege
granted to the date when s aid first rental is uayable as aforesaid, but
also the lessee's option of extending that period as aforesai d, and any
and all other rights conferred . Should the first well drilled on the above
described land be a dry hole, then, and in that event, if a second well
is not commenc ed on s aid land within 12 months from the expiration of the
las t renta l ueriod for which renta l has been paid, this lease shall ter minate as to both parties, Unless the lessee on or beforP the expiration
of s a id 12 months shall r e sume the nayment of rentals, in the same amount

l X'H


205 35






Inst . No. 28 Cont 1 d .

and in the s ame manner as hereinbefore nrovided. And it is agreed that upon
the resumption of the payment of r ent als as above provided, that the las t
preceding paragraoh hereof gover n i ng the payment of rentals and the effec t
thereof, shall continue in force just as though there had been no interruption in the rent al payment s.
I f a Rid lessor owns a l ess interest in the above described land than the
entire and undivid ed fee simple estate there in, then the royalties and rental s h erein provided for shallbs paid the said lessor only in the propor t ion which lessor's i nterest be ar s to the whole and undivided fee .
Lessee shall have the right to use, free of cost , gas, oil and water produced on s a id land for l e ssee's operations thereon , except water from the
wells of lessor.
When requested by lessor, lessee shall bury lessee's pi pe lines below plow
No well shall b e drilled nearer than 200 feet to the house or barn now on
said pr emises without writte n consent of lessor.
Lessee shall pay for damage s caused by lessee's operations to growing
crops on s aid land.
Le s s ee shal l have the right at any t ime to remove all machinery and fixtures place on said pr emi ses, including the right to draw and remove casing.
If the esta ~ e of either party h ereto is a s signed- and the privilege of
assigning in whole or in part is expressly allowed - the convenant s hereof
shal l ext end to their heirs, executors, administ rators, successors or
assigns, but no change in the ownership of the land or assignments of
rent al or royalties shall be binding on the lessee until after t he lessee
has been fur nished with a wri tten transfer or assignment or a true copy
thereof, and i t is hereby agreed that in the event this lease shall be
assigned as to a part or as to parts of the above described lands and the
assignee or assignees of such part or parts shall fail or make default
i n the payment of the proportiona te uart of the rents due from h i m or
them, such default shall not operate t o defeat or affect this lease in so
far as it covers a part or parts of said lands upon which the s aid lessee
or any assignee thereof shall make due payment of s a i d r ental .
Lessor hereby warrants and agrees to defend the title to the lands herein
described, and agrees that the lessee sh all have the right at any time
to redeem for l essor by uayment, any mortgages, taxes or other liens on
the above described lands, in the event of default of payment by lessor,
and be subrogated to the right s of the holder thereof .
As a further consideration for the execution of this lease by the lessor,
the lessee agrees to sink a test oil wel l a t Larks i n Section 16 Center
Township, Emmet County Michigan to a depth of 2000 feet unless oil or gas
in oaying quant ities is f ound at a lese depth.

Instrument No . 29
Articles of Association

In Office of County Clerk,

Emmet County, Michigan.


North States Oil Co.

Articles of Association, dated July 31,1929, under Act 84 , Public Acts
of 1921 (Sec. 1, Chap . 1, Part I) filed Sept . 6, 1929, in the office of
the County Clerk, Emmet County, Michigan . Ter m of corporation fixed at
30 years .
Amendment of Article 3 filed Sept. 16 , 1929 .
IX' H HO. ~Q,2J5




Inst . No . 29 Cont 1 d .
Amendment ofArticle 3 filed Jan . 23 , 1930, Reade: The purpose or purposes
of this corporation are as follows : To prospect for , sink and operate wells
for the production of oil and gas and to lease, own and hold lands for oil
and gas production ourposes, to own and operate pipe lines, and to buy,
sell and deal in oil , gss and mineral lea ses.
Instrument No. 30
Iris Skanes, one of the
heirs at l aw of Alex Lark,
decea sed

Quit Claim Deed.

Dated July 5 1947 .
Ack'd. July 5 1947.
Rec 1 d. Oct. 25 1947 .
In Liber 125 Page 172.
Consid: $1 & other val . cons.

Corvis Lark of Oden,Michigan .

Descriptlon: Southeast 1/4 of Southwe st 1/4 of Section 16, Town 37 North,

Range 5 West .
Granting and Habendum clauses r ead: xxx unto the s aid party of the second
part, and to his heirs and assigns, Forever.
One witness .
Instrument No. 31
Durward Lark, one of the heirs
at law of Alex Lark, deceased,
and Ruth Lark, his wife
Corvi s Lark of Oden, Michigan .

Quit Claim Deed.

Dated Oct. 25 1947 .
Ack'd . Oct. 25 1947.
Rec 1 d. Oct . 25 1947 .
In Liber 125 Page 173
Consid: $1 & other val . cons.

Description: Southee st 1/4 of Southwest 1/4 of Section 16, Town 37 North,

Range 5 West.
GrRnting and Habendum clauses read: xxx unto t he said party of the second
part, and to his heirs and assigns, Forever.
We Further Certify, That there are no Federal tax liens filed or recorded
in t he office of the Register of Deeds, Emmet County, Michigan, against
any grant ee or owner named in the foregoing chain of title or against any
portion of abstracted property,- it being understood that this matter is
fully covered by our original cert ificate appearing on sheet #1 of our
examinations .
Our certificate on sheet #1 of this examination and on following examinations does not cover any instrument in the form of a chattel mortgage ,
bill of s ale or title r e t a ining contract, filed or re corded, or any other
instrument filed a s a chattel in the office of the Register of Deeds.
Many of these paoers cover growing crops, heating and refrigerating equipment, machinery and fixtures of various kinds.
IX' H HO_?_Q

235.. _


Instrument No . 32
Corbi s Lark and Evelyn Lark ,
his-wife, of Oden, Michigan ,
John Wiklanski, 3907 W. 47th Street,
Chicago, Illinois.

Warranty Deed
Dated May 4 1948
Recorded May 4 1948
Libe r 130 Page 9
Consid . $600 . 00
Ack ' d May 4 1948

Description: The Southeast 1/4 of Southwest 1/4 of Section 16,

Town 37 North, Range 5 West . ----------------------------------------~

lX'H HO .

.-Q5J5.. --



12 .. ..

The EMMET COUNTY ABSTRACT & TITLE COMPANY hereby certttlea that the foUowt.q Ia a true and complete
abstract of all conveyances and other lnatrumenta, tiled and recorded 1n the Office of the RecUter of Deeda for the
County of Emmet (except any l.n strument tued as a Chattel only), affecting the title to the followt.q dellc:rlbed real
estate situate 1n tbe

Township of

County of Emmet, State of :Micblgan to wtt: -

Center - -

The Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Qua rter of

Sec t ion 16, Town 37 No r th , Ran ~ e 5 Vies t.

- - - -

- from January 20, 1 949 - - - - - -

- to the date hereof, so far as appears from

the recorda In the office of the Register of Deeds of said County; further that all matters fUed l.n the offtces of the County
Clerk and Judge of Probate In said County, affecting title to said land, are set forth herein Insofar as notice of the existence of such matters appear 1n any instrument In the chain of UUe.

The EMMET COUNTY ABSTRACT &J TITLE COMPANY further certifies, that the land herein abstracted Is not
now delinquent for the unpaid taxes of any
sold for the unpaid taxes of



year -


and that said land was

sinoe January 1 8 , 1 949

according to the records In the Office of the Treasurer of Emmet County, Michigan.



ASSOCIATION and baa a complete, Independent set of abstracts of the records In the office of the Register of Deeda
for said Codbty of Emmet.
Dated at Petoskey, Michigan, th1s

Ei t;h t een th Day o f Au g ust

19 59 , at Eight A. M.

1Jimmet OJ:ounJltt~tract &

... ~....~.....O.nA ....~- ... ( 1 ) INSTRUKENTS and



:t~ . -.TilO.-.~ < 2) SHEETS IN TIDS EX.nfiN

itle Q!o.


In s trum en t
John Wi k len ski , of 3906 We s t
55 Street , Chica go , Illinois ,
Ray Beckon and Ruby Beckon , husband
and wife , of Pe ll ston , Route 1 ,
Michigan .

No. 1
Qu it Cl aim De e d
Dated Au gust 24 1 95 4
Ack ' d Septembe r 2 1 954
Re co r ded Sept 1 6 l 954
Liber 1 40 Page 443
Consi dt $ 1 . 00

Desc ri p tions A ri ght of way 10 feet in width a lon g the Nor th and
Sout h Qua r te r line , commencing a t the Southeast
corner o f l and described as the Northeast Qu w ter of
the fractional Southwest Quarte r exce p ting that part
in Larks La ke being approximate l y 1 . 42 acres in
Se ction 16 , Town 37 No rth , Ra n ge 5 11es t , and extendin g
So uthe rly a l ong said qua r t er line , bein g the Easter l y
1 0 Fe et of t he So u theast Qu arter of the Southwest
Qua r te r of Section 1 6 , Town 37 North , Ran g e 5 West .
Sa id ri ght - of - way being a private ri g ht- or - way fo r
the use of second p a rties , their hei r s , r epresentatives and
ass i gns and not a pub l 1c road .

EX ' N NO . ..5.3.2..":'!'..5.9........


S H EET N O . ......TJILo ................

Tile EMMET COUNTY ABSTRACT 1: TITLE COMPANY hereby certifies that the followlq II a true nnd complete

abstract of all conveya.oces and other instrument., filed a.od recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for tbe
County of Emmet (except any lnstrume.n t fUed u
estate situate 1D the

a Chattel only), affecting the title to the following described real

Townsh i p of Center ------------------------------------------

County of Emmet, State of Michllan to wit: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Commencing at a point on the South line of Section 16 ,

Township 37 Nor th , Ran g e 5 We st , 361 . 82 fe et Wes t of the
Southea st corner of the Southeast Qua r t er of the Southwest
Quarter o f s a i d Section ~ thence along Section line Nor th 89
deg rees 57 minutes 30 seconds West 1 79 . 78 fee t~ thence North
1 , 036 . 04 f eet to t he shor e of Lark 1 s Lake~ t hence Nor t h 51 degrees
40 minu t es 30 second s Eas t 220 . 77 fee t alon g sho re~ thence North
52 d egrees 5 6 minu t es 30 seconds Ea s t 4 . 93 feet along shore,
thence South 1,1 72 . 50 feet to South Section line of sai d Secion
16 , bei ng t he place of b eg inning ~
. ------------------------------------

f rom Augu s t 18 , 1959 at 8 : 00 A. M.-------- - - - - to the date hereof, aa far as appears


the records of the office of the Register of Deeds of said County; further that all matters filed in the offices of the County
Clerk and Judge of Probate in said County, affecting title to said land, are set forth here.i n lnso.f ar as notice of the
existence of such matters appears in any instrument in the chain of title.

Tile EMMET COUNTY ABSTRACT AND TITLE COMPANY further certifies that the land herein abstracted is
now delinquent for the unpaid taxes of
not sold for the unpaid taxes of


any year ----- -------- - ------ - -- a.od that the land was

any year si nee Aug ust 18, 19 59 ------------------------

according to the records in the Office of the Treasurer of Emmet County, Michigan.






ASSOCIATION and has a complete, independent set of abstracts of the records in the office of the Register of Deeds
Cor said County of Emmet.
Dated at Petoskey, Michigan, this

Eighth day of J u l y , 19 6 6 at 8 : 0 0 A. M.---------- - ----

~mmtt ~ountp ab~ratt


& tEitlt


By ~~/~
~Gtla. s.,...,, .,
- .( 2) INSTRUMENTS a.od _,_'!:_'1Q_______ ( 2 ) SHEETS IN TIDS EXAMINATION SHEET NO. _

_1 _ _

No . 1

J ohn Wi k lanski , o f Chicag o,

I l linois, a n d Mar y Wiklan ski ,
his Wi f e , o f the s ame address

Wa rranty Deed
Dated Augu st 28 , 1 959
Ack ' d Aug u s t 28 , 1959
Rec 'd September 25 , 1 959
Con sid a $1 . 00
Li b er 168 Pag e 221

Howa r d Vorce and Ne va Vorce ,

Readmon d Townshi p , Emmet
Cou nty , Mi c h i gan
Descr ipt ion : Comme n c ing at a poi n t on t he South l i n e o f
Sec t ion 1 6 , Township 37 No r th , Ran g e 5 West , 3 61 . 8 2 f eet West
of the Southea s t c orner of the Sou the a st Quarter of t he Sout hwe s t
Qu a r ter of said Se c tion~ thenc e along Sec tion l i ne North 8 9 d eg r ee
57 minutes 30 s econds West 179 . 78 f e et ~ thence Nor th 10 36 . 04 feet
t o the s hor e of Lark ' s Lake~ t h e n ce Nor t h 51 deg rees 40 minutes
30 seconds Ea s t 220 . 77 f e et alon g s hore 1 t hence North 5 2 deg ree s
56 :oinutes 30 s econds Ea s t 4 . 93 f e e t along shore~ thence South
1172 . 50 f eet to South Section l i ne of s a i d Sec t i on 1 6 , b eing t h e
place o f beg inning :

No . 2

Howard Vorce and Neva

Vorce , h usband and wi f e
To p O ' Mi c higan Rural
Electric Company, a
corporat ion, Boy ne Ci ty ,
Mi c higan

Ri ght- of - Way Easement

Dated October 17 , 1959
Ack ' d October 17 , 1959
Rec ' d Decemb er 24, 19 60
Liber 178 Pag e 39
Consid : Rural electric
ser vi c e availability

Description s Part of the s . E. 1/4 of the

Section 16 , Township 37 North , Rang e 5 We s t .


l/4 o f

Gr ant s the r ight to enter into, u p on and a cross the l and .

To place , con s truct , oper ate , r e p ai r , mai ntain , r elocate and
r e p l a c e t hereon , and in or up on all stree t s, r oads o r highways
a b utting s aid lands, an electric t r ansmi s sion o r distribut i on
line o r system , and to c ut out and t r im t r ees and s h rubbery and
chemi c ally treat the same fifteen (15) feet on each side of the
s aid el e ctri c line or s ystem . Also to r e move dead, weak or
leaning t r ees t hat a r e tall enoug h to strike the wires i n fallinl .
The und er s i g n e d ag r ee that al l pol es , wi r e s a n d other fa c ili t i es , including main s e r vic e entrance equi pment, in s tall e d on
the above- described lands at the Comp any' s exp ense shall remain
the p r ope r ty of the Company , removable at the option of the
Comp any , u p on ter minati o n of service to o r on s aid lands .

378- 6 6


Sheet No.



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Emmet County Abstract & Title Co.

J'fl 1


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