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0 Introduction
1.1 Background of the study
1.1.1 Historical Background
Brands are not new to this world. Historically, the concept of brand
was first used by Greek and Romans at this time, due to illiteracy
shopkeepers identified their shops using symbols. Moreover, in the MiddleAges, craftsmen marked their goods with stamps as a trademark by which
to differentiate their skills. The next milestone of brand evolved in North
America with the growth of cattle farming as a kind of legal protection,
proof of ownership and quality signals (Chernatony & McDonald, 2003).
The concept of brand was also used by the ancient Egyptian brickmakers who drew symbols on bricks for identification (Farquhar, 1990).
Other examples of the use of brands were found in.
To the best knowledge of my experience in Somalia there is no
accurate article or document written related to my topic or research.
1.1.2 Conceptual framework
Brand equity is defined as a set of brand assets and liabilities linked
to a brand, its name and symbol that add to or subtract from the value
provided by a product or service to a firm and/or to the firm's customers
(Aaker, 1991).
According to (Keller, 1993) offered a cognitive psychology
perspective, defining customer-based brand equity as the differential
effect that brand knowledge has on consumer response to the marketing
of that brand.
More generally, brand equity is often referred to as the added value
to the firm, the trade, or the consumer with which a brand endows a
product (Farquhar, 1989); or similarly, as the difference between the value
of the branded product to the consumer and the value of the product
without that branding (McQueen, 1991).
1.1.3 Contextual framework
Brand equity
There are a lot Suggest and Classification for dimensions of brand
equity That first and most famous of them presented by (Aaker, 1991)
that it can be said :it is a model purely psychological that equity can be
measured from the perspective of consumer and includes 5 dimension
brand awareness, brand associations, perceived quality, brand loyalty and

other assets associated brand equity relate to a company That has been
raised that Practically 3 dimensions first will be considered to analyze the
consumer-based brand equity that even Aaker have used from this
4factors in other theories and fifth factor is discussed As a communication
channel between the company and other factors. (Keller, 2003).Brand
image raised as an indicator of brand equity.
Model of brand equity (Aaker)

Brand Equity

Perceived quality

Brand image

Brand awareness

Definition of perceived quality

Quality is set of characteristics and features of a product or service
that provides satisfaction and needs of consumer. (Zeithaml, 1996)
perceived quality know customer perception from superior quality of
goods or services to competitors that does not include technical
dimension. He also makes clear that perceived quality is component of
brand equity. Indicators such as brand performance, employee behaviour,
and reliability, service quality and physical appearance are measured in
this variable.
Definition of Brand image
Brand image is customer perception and a description of brand
identity (Geuens & Weijters, 2009). It is a set of perceptions, beliefs and
inference of tangible and intangible of consumers about brand. In fact
brand image is brand associations in consumer memory (Keller, Measuring
and Managing customer-based brand equity, 1996). Mental images,
"symbols and objects," are one of the many aspects that can as a basis of
relationship (Johnson & Johnson, 1994). Brand image is image that people
have about the company or its products. Company with design and
drawing of Identity or status is form mental images of people. Of course
there are other factors that are involved in determining mental image of
each company (Kolter, 2006), brand image is a strong associations,
favourable and unique in memory that is caused perceived quality,
positive attitude and an overall positive impact(Esch,2006).
Definition of brand awareness:
The brand Awareness can be defined Consumer's ability to identify
or remember a brand in specific product category (Aaker., 1996).
Reminder of the name, symbol and advertising slogan and brand

attributes and brand recognition in this variable is measured. According to

Keller view, brand awareness is a fundamental condition for creation of
the brand image. When a brand is well established in the memory,
Relating association to brand and their right settling in memory, it is
easier. As shown shevelig and kapender and Kapndr have showed
Significantly In fact knowledge is related to many of valuable dimensions
of image (Eaxh, Echmittm, & Geus, 2006) that According Aaker view,brand
awareness is composed two parts of brand recognition and brand
reminder (Aaker, Managing brand equity, 1991).
1.2 Problem Statement
Due to the fast change in the global market and increase competition,
management of brand has become of importance.
Building of strong brand equity is the top most priority of many Mobile
Phone Reseller Companies, but attaining this objective is not always an
easy task due to the fact that the products and services of many Mobile
Phone Reseller Companies are similar and their means of distributions
are alike. Price in the form of discount and brand equity is the only
possible means by which customers can differentiate one brand from
another. Indeed, price promotion has been one of the most important
marketing strategy relied upon by most Mobile Phone Reseller
Companies firms and this has lead to constant war price that have
reduced revenue and weaken customers loyalty.
When reading through literatures, we found limited researches
regarding customer based brand equity in service industry and most of
them focus on the relationship between brand equity and firm
performance using brand awareness and image as moderating effect.
Also we noticed that most researches {Aaker (1991), Keller (1993),
cob-walgren et al (1995), Lasser et al (1995), Yoo et al (2000), Yoo and
Donthun (2001), Lin and Chang (2003) etc} that surveyed these four
dimensions of customer based-brand equity (brand awareness,
perceived quality, brand loyalty and brand image) have suggested that
they all have influence on consumer.
Therefore, we have chosen to carry out a research to indicate the
importance of these four dimensions of brand equity (brand awareness,
brand loyalty brand image, perceived quality) on consumer perceptions
of a brand and to find out which among them those not really have
much influence on consumer perceptions of a brand.
1.3 Research Purpose
The purpose of the study is to investigate if the brand equity of the
company has an impact to the customers buying behaviour.
1.4 Research Objectives
The aim of this research is to:

1) To find out the significant of brand equity on customer buying

2) Determine whether there is a correlation between consumers
perception of a brand and his or her purchases.
3) To find out the relationship between brand equity and customer
buying behaviour.
1.5 Research Questions
1. What is the significant of brand equity on customer buying
2. Is there a correlation between consumers perception of a brand
and their purchases?
3. Does brand equity have any impact on customer buying behaviour?
1.6 Research hypothesis
There is a significant relationship between Band equity and
customer buying behaviour.
1.7 Scope of the study
1.7.1 Geographical scope
This study is concerned with investigating the role of brand goodwill on
customer buying behaviour in some selected Electronics in Mogadishu.
The study will be conducted using cross sectional survey design. This
study is limited in Mogadishu because Mogadishu is the largest city and
where the most electronic companies in Somalia are available.
1.7.2 Time scope
The study time ranges from January 2016 to February 2016.
1.8 Significant of the study
This study is concerned with the impact of brand goodwill on
customer buying behaviour. It will contribute to the body of knowledge
about the impact of brand goodwill on Socio-economic development. The
findings may also contribute literature for the academicians who are
interesting to carry out for further study in this field.

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