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Casa de Cultura Britnica

Semestre IV
Data: 12 de Julho de 2015.
Durao: das 9:00 s 12:00 horas.
01. Antes de iniciar a resoluo das questes, verifique se o Caderno de Provas est completo.
Qualquer reclamao dever ser feita nos primeiros 15 (quinze) minutos aps o incio da prova.
02. Anote, na capa do Caderno de Provas, o seu nmero de inscrio e o nmero da sala.
03. Confira os dados do cabealho da Folha-Resposta. Havendo necessidade de correo de algum
dado (CPF, NOME ou RG), chame o fiscal para anotar a correo. Para marcar a resposta de uma
questo, preencha, totalmente, com caneta azul ou preta, apenas a quadrcula correspondente sua
opo. No use corretivo nem rasure a Folha-Resposta.
04. Durante a realizao das provas, ser feita a identificao dos candidatos atravs da verificao do
original do documento de identidade e da coleta da assinatura na Ata de Aplicao e na FolhaResposta, no campo destinado assinatura.
05. A durao da prova de 3 (trs) horas e o tempo mnimo de permanncia em sala de 1 (uma) hora.
06. aconselhvel reservar 30 (trinta) minutos para o preenchimento da Folha-Resposta.
07. O candidato, ao terminar a prova, s poder sair da sala aps entregar o Caderno de Prova e a
08. Os dois ltimos candidatos s podero deixar a sala simultaneamente e devero assinar a Ata de
09. A desobedincia a qualquer dessas determinaes e o desrespeito ao pessoal da superviso,
coordenao e fiscalizao so faltas que eliminam o candidato do concurso.
10. Ser eliminado do Concurso o candidato cujo celular estiver ligado durante a realizao das provas,
ou for flagrado copiando gabarito.
11. Acompanhe o Calendrio

de Atividades



atravs do endereo


Coloque, de imediato, o seu nmero de inscrio e o nmero de sua sala nos retngulos abaixo.



Casa de Cultura Britnica

30 questes

For questions 01 to 05, choose the option that completes the sentences CORRECTLY. (Note: X = no word)
01. A: How _____ sugar do you put in your coffee? B: I dont put _____ sugar in my coffee. A: Are there
_____ fruit and vegetables left? B: We have _____ apples and bananas but we need _____ watermelon
for the fruit salad. We dont have _____ carrots or tomatoes. B: Ok. Tomorrow when I go to the
supermarket, I _____ buy _____ carrots and tomatoes. We need _____ a salad.
A) many X any X X any am going X make
B) many any any some a any am going some making
C) much any any some a any am going to some make
D) much any any some a any am going to some to make
E) much much some many the any am going to some to make
02. Sally is moving to a new place and she is giving away _____ things. Her mother _____ keep _____ of
her favourite DVDs. Her sister _____ to have _____ of her recipe books. Her father wants _____ her old
clock. As she doesnt like _____ her bike ____, her nephew wants it quite _____. _____ of her friends
would like _____ her to move because Sally doesnt have _____ time.
A) lots of goes have many plans some to keep to ride a lot much Few to help many
B) a lot of is going to many plans some to take home riding much a lot A few to help much
C) lots of is going to lots wants some to have to cycle much a lot A few helping much
D) many is going a lot plans many to take riding much a lot Some helping much
E) many is going to many wants a lot to buy to cycle lots of a lot A few to help many
03. The fortune-teller _____ over a card with two rings. Now I can see everything _____. You _____ your
boyfriend and go away with the other man, with John to another country. And very soon you _____.
Married? To John? But _____ happy with him? Very happy. Lucy _____ at her watch. Oh no, look
at the time. She _____ up, _____ a 50 note on the table, and ran out of the room.
A) turns clearly re going to leave re going married am I going to be has looked standed
B) turned clearly re going to leave re going to get married am I going to be looked stood left
C) turnes clear re going to leave re going to get married am I going to be looked stood
D) turned clearly s going to leave s going to get married am I going to be looked stood left
E) turned clearly re going to leave re going to get married I am going to be has looked
standed left
04. A: Hello, John. How _____?
A: _____, thanks. Would you ____ a cup of coffee?
A: Come on. Drink it _____. Its _____.

B: Oh, hi. I _____ quite _____. And you?

B: That will be _____. But I need to be _____.

A) are you doing m doing well Fine like nice fast slow healthier
B) have you been ve been fine OK want well fastly slow healthy
C) have you been ve been well Great like fine fast slowly healthier
D) are you doing m doing fine Great want well fastly slow healthier
E) have you been ve been well Fine like wonderful fastly slowly healthier
05. Were about half way through our trip around Europe. We _____ in four countries so far and were
having a great time. We _____ to Germany, the Czech Republic, Austria, and Hungary. We _____ three days
in Berlin where we _____ on the free New Berlin walking tour which _____ us to the Brandenburg Gate
A) ve stayed ve been spent went took
B) ve stayed ve gone spent went has taken
C) ve stayed ve been spend gone has taken
D) ve stay re going are going spend are going took
E) ve stay re going are going spend are going has taken
Teste de Nvel 2015.2

Semestre IV

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For questions 06 to 10, choose the INCORRECT option.

06. A) A: Have you been to France?
B) A: Have you been to France?
C) A: Have you been to France?
D) A: Have you been to France?
E) A: Have you been to France?

B: Yes, two years ago.

B: Yes. Ive just gone.
B: Yes, many times.
B: Yes, long ago.
B: No, not yet.

07. A) I have never read Harry Potter books.

B) I havent read any Harry Potter books.
C) I havent ever read Harry Potter books.
D) I have read none of Harry Potter books.
E) I havent never read any Harry Potter books.
08. A) Skiing is more difficult than I thought it was.
B) My sister is younger than me. Shes only 18.
C) Come in the summer. The weather is better.
D) The situation is worst than it was last year.
E) Milan is farther from the sea than Rome.
09. A) Our house is the prettyest in the street.
B) July is the noisiest month in my country.
C) The driest month in my country is April.
D) For me, Saturday is the busiest day of the week.
E) The rhinoceroses are the ugliest animals in the zoo.
10. A) We are going to have English classes the next Tuesday.
B) Michael plans to go out the day after tomorrow.
C) My brother is going to be an engineer next year.
D) I want to go to the beach tomorrow morning.
E) Joanna is going to travel a week from now.

For questions 11 to 16, choose the option which has the same meaning and idea as the phrases in italics.
11. Richard has gone to the USA for his holidays.
A) Richard visited the USA and came back.
B) Richard went to the USA and came back.
C) Richard travelled to the USA and returned.
D) Richard went to the USA and he is still there.
E) Richard visited the USA but he is not there now.
12. Mary wants to dance on her birthday.
A) Mary likes dancing on her birthday.
B) Mary hopes to dance on her birthday.
C) Mary would like to dance on her birthday.
D) Mary is happy to dance on her birthday.
E) Mary enjoys dancing on her birthday.
13. Both of Peters sisters are married.
A) Peter has two single sisters.
B) Peter does not have brothers.
C) Peter has more than two sisters.
D) Peter and his sisters are married.
E) Peter has two sisters and they are married

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John: I dont eat much chocolate.

14. Ann: How much chocolate do you eat?

A) John eats some chocolate, but not much.
B) John doesnt eat any chocolate.
C) John eats chocolate very often.
D) John eats a lot of chocolate.
E) John eats lots of chocolate.
15. My mother is very bad at dancing. I can dance well.
A) dances better than me.
B) dances well, but I dont.
C) dances very often. I dont.
D) dances very badly. Me too.
E) doesnt dance better than me.
16. The Japanese are very hard workers.
A) The Japanese hardly work.
B) The Japanese work very hard.
C) The Japanese dont work hard.
D) The Japanese hardly ever work.
E) The Japanese dont work much.

For questions 17 and 18 choose the option where the verbs are in their INCORRECT forms:
17. A) It rained a lot while we were on holiday.
B) What time did you finish work yesterday?
C) Did you watch the match last weekend? Unfortunately I miss it.
D) He didnt enjoy the concert last night. He didnt arrive until very late.
E) We played basketball on Sunday. We didnt play very well but we won.
18. A) Have you told John about your new job?
B) My boyfriend gave me a ring for my last birthday.
C) Has the company taken you on any other trips recently?
D) I havent seen any of Harry Potter films. Can you believe it?
E) Our holiday costed a lot of money because we stayed in an expensive hotel.
For questions 19 to 20 select the option which belongs to THE SAME vocabulary group.
19. A) potato / mushroom / chips / meat
B) lettuce / pea / onion / aubergine
C) peach / orange / strawberry / beat
D) banana / blackberry / cherry / ham
E) pineapple / watermelon / melon / garlic
20. A) a bridge / a hospital / a castle
B) a car park / a museum / a river
C) a bus station / a mosque / a temple
D) a chemists / a pharmacy / a drugstore
E) a square / a church / a shopping centre
21. Choose the option where the use of containers is INCORRECT.
A) a packet of fizzy drinks / a carton of juice / a bottle of milk / a tin of soup
B) a box of chocolates / a tub of margarine / a packet of sugar / a bottle of Coke
C) a bottle of wine / a carton of milk / a packet of salt / a jar of peanut butter
D) a packet of rice / a bottle of wine / a bowl of sugar / a box of strawberries
E) a jar of jam / a bottle of fuel / a packet of crisps / a tin of tuna

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22. Choose the option where the numbers are spelt INCORRECTLY:
A) eight hundred and ninty-five
B) four thousand, five hundred and fifty
C) six million, two hundred and fifty thousand
D) thirty-three thousand, nine hundred and thirty
E) thirty four million, eight hundred thousand and sixty-five
23. Choose the CORRECT collocation:
A) google a name / log of / make transfers
B) log in / use internet banking / use the internet to fun
C) stay in online / find on football results online / log out
D) log of / get information in health online / download sites
E) spend time online / use online banking / book tickets for planes
Answer questions 24 to 30 according to the instructions.
24. Select the option with the synonyms of the underlined words in So I sent with the email my photo.
Please make a phone call over the internet to make comments about my photo. Then you should type
words into the search engine to find information about the website that you use to communicate. Dont
forget to move your photo from the computer to your Facebook.
A) wifi / log in / online / social network / attached
B) search for / attach / google / online / download
C) attached / skype / google / social network / upload
D) attach / search for / download / social network / log in
E) attachment /skype / search for / social network / download
25. Choose the option where the use of the verb tenses is CORRECT.
A: _____ you ever ____ a love letter?
B: Yes, I _____.
A: When _____?
B: I _____ ten years old.
A: _____ a reply?
B: No, she _____.
A) Did / wrote / did / was it / were / Has she written / hasnt
B) Have / wrote / ve / were it / was / Did she wrote / didnt
C) Have / written / have / was it / was / Did she write / didnt
D) Did / write / did / has it been / ve been / Has she written / hasnt
E) Have / write / have / has been it / ve been / Has she write / has not
26. Select the option where the suffix -ed at the end of all the verbs has THE SAME pronunciation as in
A) grilled / imagined / listened / climbed
B) smelled / watched / played / studied
C) needed / wanted / laughed / robbed
D) looked / clapped / kissed / cleaned
E) smelled / saved / played / invited
27. Choose the option where all underlined letters have THE SAME pronunciation as the s in works.
A) asks / helps / fills / pours
B) waits / enjoys / loads / roams
C) kisses / adds / rests / imagines
D) jumps / laughs / meets / looks
E) claps / misses / finishes / plays

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Semestre IV

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28. Select the option where all the words have THE SAME pronunciation of the ending es as in thieves.
A) wishes / prizes / gives / notices
B) fees / robes / comes / leaves
C) itches / agrees / arranges / taxes
D) faces / tomatoes / catches / does
E) relaxes / quizzes / presses / ashes
29. Choose the option where all underlined letters have THE SAME pronunciation of the sound /i:/ as in tree.
A) high / play / hear / beer
B) me / see / police / bread
C) year / here / peace / eight
D) fee / peas / people / niece
E) we / speak / friend / break
30. Select the option where all the words have THE SAME pronunciation of the sound / / as in watch.
A) choose / much / mixture / measure
B) chef / chest / pitch / relationship
C) sheriff / patch / machine / wash
D) cheap / church / match / picture
E) chess / bridge / judge / catch

Teste de Nvel 2015.2

Semestre IV

Pg. 6 de 6

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