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Materia Medica
Homeopathic Journal :: Volume: 5, Issue: 2, Dec 2011 (New Papers) - from Homeorizon.com




Aconite Napellus, Aethusa cynapium, Aloes socotrina, Ambra grisea,

Anacardium, Antim crudum
Antim Tart, Apis mellifica, Argentum nitricum, Arnica montana,
Arsenic album
Baryta carb, Belladona, Bryonia alba, Calcarea carb, Calcarea phos






autumnale, Hepar sulph, Ignatia amera, Lachesis

Lycopodium clavatum, Natrum muriaticum, Nux vomica, Phosphorus
Podophyllum peltatum, Pulsatilla nigricans, Ruta graveolens, Rhus
toxicodendron, Sangunaria Canadensis, Silicea



Aconite Napellus or Monkshood is a poisonous plant called Dakra in Hindi, one of the five species of Aconite plant cultivated in America but also
found in Europe and the mountains of Himalaya. This homoeopathic medicine is given to those who suffer from sudden and violent inflammatory
conditions of the brain, lungs, heart, kidneys, and other organs of the body along with a state of anxiety of mind and great nervous excitability
generally reflected in the form of fear.
In diseased condition the fear is so marked that the patient starts predicting the time of his death. He may call his family members around to take a
leave of them or, say "Doctor, there is no use of taking medicine as I am going to die." Such disturbance may be triggered of by the exposure of the
dry cold air particularly in autumn when the days are still hot but the nights have become cold or, vice versa specially when the persons though
seem healthy but are actually sensitive to heat and cold. The mind too is like the body i.e. extremely sensitive and that's why the patient
exaggerates the complaints to such an extent that his own imagination of the enormity of his complaints overpowers him. Even in a most trifling
ailment like inflammation of the eyes or body temperature, the patient has uncomfortable anguish and anxiety along with fear in the mind.
Aconite is an effective medicine when there is fear among the children and others for the dark places as they have been frightened by their elders
or because of wrong perceptions and stories, etc., when the objects had looked ghosts, fearful images watched at night while awake or asleep. On
account of news or sights of the accidents, arson, riots, violence, etc., these sensitive persons develop fear of going out in the crowded place like
cinema hall, fair, market and crossing the roads, etc. At times, they may have actually come across such situation of violence, destruction, shoot
out or threat to their life from their enemies.
The fear and fright may lead to abortion in a sensitive pregnant woman or menses may get suppressed in others. For the same reason Aconite is an
excellent medicine for the prima gravida when she thinks about her parturition or when the process has become really difficult.
During epidemics of various tropical diseases like cholera, when the atmosphere is surcharged with fear, Aconite acts as preventive drug. It not only
removes the fear from the mind of the people but actually cures the victims. At time, it comes to the rescue of the doctor when there is
anaphylactic shock i.e. serum reaction and the patient's life is too short especially when the patient says, "save me doctor, save me doctor, I shall
die." He may get hold of the doctor of the fear of death in his mind.
It is also the life saviour medicine for the newborn babies when they have difficulty of breathing especially after the use of forceps or from tedious
labor. It is good medicine for the school going children who are occasionally punished either by the parents at home or by the teachers at school for
not pulling well, for not doing home work or doing some mischief in the class, leave either the school or run out of the home for ever.
A good medicine for bowel trouble when the days are hot and nights are cold.
The most notable feature of this remedy is that; on many occasions when one needs its help, already there is enough delay as either the trouble is
over or the disease has passed to the next stage or the patient is no more. The actions are thus like a fearful storm that sweeps and passes over.


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Aethusa cynapium is a European weed, commonly known as Fool's parsley. This homoeopathic medicine is prescribed to persons who have
intolerance of milk or milk preparations in any form due to irritability of the stomach particularly noticed in infants and children during dentition in
summer months. As a consequence no sooner the child finishes the feed, it comes up either with a great gush and in big quantity or when it is
retained for a while in stomach, the milk is vomited in the form of big, thick, greenish, partly in curds and partly in liquid form.
Owing to exertion in vomiting and weakness thereafter, the child falls into a sort of helpless slumber from which it makes up crying with violent
hunger to eat and vomit again. Very often vomiting is accompanied with diarrhoea of light yellow, slimy and bilious colour. Such conditions if not
checked with the timely administration of this medicine runs on to cholera infantum, where child cannot stand,
unable to hold up the head and is prostrated and sleepy.
The child may have the appearance as if it were dying with pale, Hippocratic face. There appears whitish blue hue around the lips of all that portion
of the face bounded by the upper lip and two distinct lines drawn from two orifices of the nose to the angles of the moth called the linea nasalis.
Aethusa cynapium is a good medicine for brain trouble with a hot head, vomiting, exhaustion, sweat and prolonged sleep. At times, the brain
trouble does not affect the stomach but the child goes into convulsions where the eyes of the child turn downwards with dilated pupils and the
thumbs get clenched.
Aethusa cynapium has been found an effective remedy to overcome examination funk when the patients, generally students are unable to read
anything after over taxation (brain fag) of mental faculties. Some times there may occur inability to think or fix attention from want of the power of
concentration. The result may be confusion and idiocy.

Aloes socotrina is a succulent plant. The medicine is prepared from the gummy leaves.
This homoeopathic medicine is recommended to persons who lead sedentary life and consequently suffer from excessive fullness (engorgement) of
the veins especially of the porta l system. As a result the liver area (right hypochondrium) is felt heavy, hot and burning.
Sometimes the veins become engorged and tortuous (varicose) and may ooze venous blood particularly from the nose, bowel, bladder, and
genitalia. The skin and other orifices of the body like the eyes, mouth, throat and anus may also become hot and burn. The soles too burn and the
patient keeps them uncovered.
Owing to portal congestion, the muscles of the rectum get relaxed leading to protrusion of the mucosa of the anus like a bunch of the grapes,
commonly known as piles or haemorrhoids. These to may be felt hot, sore and burn preventing sleep. At times, itch is so violent that the patient is
compelled to bore the finger into the anus.
Concurrently, there may be great rumbling in the abdomen so much so that it may be heard anyone in the room due to accumulation of flatus,
which generally passes downward causing distress in lower bowel.
The abdomen many be much distended as ever even after great quantity of flatus has been passed out without any relief. A great feeling of fullness
and weight in the pelvis specially in rectum as though it were full of faecal matter.
The urging for the stool is so great that he rushes for the toilet but even before his clothes are all soiled. Generally the stools are passed
involuntarily while expelling flatus or passing the urine. Sometimes, when there is urge to clear the bowel the patient passes only hot flatus and
gets relief for a short time but the urge soon returns compelling him to go again for evacuation. At times, the patient holds the stool with great
difficulty and even not dare to take his mind off the sphincter owing to the fear of escaping faeces.
Normally the stool gurgles out like water runs out of the bottle when it is passed out. Sometimes children may go round dropping involuntarily
hard, round marble like pieces of the stool. They don't even know the stool has been passed out or, these little nodules remain in the rectum for a
long time without any urge to evacuate them. It ultimately escapes unconsciously and are found in the clothings. At times, the patient may pass a
cup full of thick jelly like mucus before having stool which may have occupied the lower part of the rectum.
Aloes is a good medicine for diarrhoea when it may be brought on by drinking beer and eating oysters in the hot summer season. It is worse after
eating or drinking anything else. Useful in dysentery when there may be violent tenesmus, heat in the rectum, perspiration even to fanting and
profuse clammy sweat.
The stool may be yellow, bloody or transparent jelly like mucus, comes in great masses or 'gobes' which drops out of the anus unnoticed.
Sometimes, stool is watery, hard lumps mingled with faecal fluid or hard lumps looking like marbles or sheep during stool.
It has also been found effective medicine in curing prolapse of the uterus of long standing when there is dragging down feeling due to its outward
pressure. It is accompanied with fullness, heat on the body surface and feeling of the wedge in between symphysis pubis and coccyx along with the
tendency of morning diarrhoea. The patient may at times experience funnelling sensation in the vagina.

Ambra Grisea is also known as Ambergris, a fat like morbid secretion found in the intestine and in the excreta of the spermwhale.
This homoeopathic medicine is prescribed to the persons who are intensely shy and blush easily. They cannot do anything in presence of others. At
times, they cannot even defecate when somebody is present nearby. The result is inverterate constipation specially experienced by the children,
bedridden and old people.

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Useful medicine for those who go among strangers and become nervous. The result is cough which may be often followed by eructation of wind. At
times, there occurs particularly from little exertion like attempting to sexual intercourse.
Ambra is a superb medicine for domestic shock especially after repeated deaths in the family. There seems to be nothing remaining. The patient
takes on dreaminess and wonders whether life is worth living. In great business loss, the result may be sleeplessness, where the patient feels
sleepy but as soon as the head touches the pillow, he wakes up.
Such patients may dwell upon unpleasant happenings of the past, which they cannot take rid of. While concentration of mind is difficult, he has to
make an unusual effort every time to bring his thoughts back to place before he can concentrate over the present subject.
When there is perversion in the ability to heart the music which brings on congestion to head, it sometimes aggravates the cough and often makes
the patient to weep.
Ambra is a good medicine for the bleeding from the nose of such persons especially in the morning. Also, for the slightest show of blood between
menstrual periods of the females, every little accident or exertion such as straining at stool or after little longer walk than usual brings the
bleeding. During menses the left leg becomes quite blue and distended and tortuous veins (varices). At times, menses may appear seven days
before time which may be followed by soreness, itching, and swelling of genitalia.

Anacardium orientale is a homoeopathic medicine prepared from the seeds of the marking nut (used by washerman for identification marking on
clothes). The Indian name for this plant is "bhilava."
It is a remedy for mental fatigue, when a slight mental exercise brings on a dull pressing headache.
Also, for those who suffer from sudden loss of memory, when things told at a given moment are forgotten minutes later.
Anacardium is prescribed to overcome memory weakness after an exhausting disease, or due to old age.
Impaired memory may lead to depression or irritability or aversion to work, lack of self-confidence. Also, fear of examinations, interviews or public
Confusion reigns supreme in such persons. They may also become suspicious that they are being observed. They cannot easily take a decision.
A patient may also become violent, and suffer from profound melancholy and hypochondriasis. He may cause bodily injury to others without any
cruel, malicious or wicked intention.
It is also suitable for those who are hypersensitive when it comes to religious issues.
It acts as "smiriti sudha" for the students, if taken 10 to 15 days before the examination in 200 potency doses weekly.
This dose is also advised for patients mentioned above.

Antim crudum is a chemical compound also known as black sulphide of antimony. This homoeopathic remedy is commonly prescribed for the gastric
derangement due to sluggish stomach in normal eaters but mostly for those who overload their stomach from fat food, milk, meat, pasty and sweet,
etc., of recent origin. As a result, there may be thick milky white or dirty coating on the tongue with or without cutting colic in abdomen along with
a feeling of oppression in the stomach.
Diarrhoea often follows such dietic errors where the stool is linteric and partly hard solid lumps remain mixed with watery faecal discharge. Even
sometimes loose motions may alternate with constipation particularly noticed in old people.
Antium crudum is also given to those long standing cases that dates the beginning of the present trouble e.g. after going on swimming, falling into
water or after cold bathing. Headache is one such problem, commonly noticed after cold bathing particularly in the river or the canal water in the
chilly winter. Tender abdomen in the flanks (ovarian region) along with many other female problems are also found after indiscriminate cold
A good medicine for the Gout or Rheumatoid arthritis of fingers where the swelling and pains are worse from cold damp weather or cold bathing and
relieved by heat or hot bating.
An excellent medicine for the corns on the soles most often and occasionally on the palms. Very painful when walking especially on the hard
ground. The nails may also be found brittle and growing out of shape.
Antim crudum has been found efficacious in toothache or decayed teeth (stumps) where there is unbearable pain after eating anything or after cold
drinks. The gums may be receding from the teeth and bleed on touch.
For the hysteric or other sentimental patients who are down hearted (sad) and loathsome nature often become impulsive to commit suicide in
desperation by drowning. At times, they may have an irresistible desire to talk in rhymes and verses particularly in moon night.
Young children, who may be irritable and fretful when touched or looked at, some times become obese, it is their remedy too.

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Materia Medica
Homeopathic Journal :: Volume: 5, Issue: 2, Dec 2011 (New Papers) - from Homeorizon.com

Antim tart or Tartar emetic is an indispensable life saving homoeopathic medicine.
Owing to its marked action on respiratory system particularly the lungs where it not only helps in the absorption of mucus secretion but also
strengthens the lungs to expel the mucus and builds resistance for subsequent attacks of cold.
This drug is mostly prescribed for the bronchitis, bronchopneumonia (cold in the chest), asthma and various other chest complaints.
Although it can be prescribed for all age groups but its special affinity is for the young children and the old rundown people who easily become
victims of the exposure to sharp cold spell in winter and suffer from chest congestion. The patients cough and cough but are unable to raise the
phlegm and throw it out due to weakness of the lungs. Thus, there appears large accumulation of the mucus in the chest while coughing with
peculiar sound called "rattle."
Owing to chest congestion, the victims feels difficulty in breathing while lying in bed thus compelled to sit up erect in the bed or is carried by the
mother in her lap in order to have easy breathing.
The new born and other infants may have had their first attack at the time of their birth generally due to cold bathing or, by any other way even in
summer months but such children become prone for the subsequent exposure to cold later in life until they reach to adolescence, when they are not
treated judiciously.
During such attacks, the face becomes cold and darkish blue owing to lack of oxygen supply. They may have low or high fever with their tongue
thickly white coated. The nostrils may be dilated and in flapping condition, the child coughs and coughs with a loud rattling for a long time but
cannot raise the mucus. Thus he becomes dull, drowsy and unconscious before the impending death.
Antim tart is also used to relieve asphyxia from drowning, swallowings foreign bodies such as buttons, seeds, pebbles or marbles sticking in the
trachea or bronchi, or may be due to paralysis of lungs where the victim is almost breathless and gasps for air. It not only removes the rattles; the
impending death signal but brings the patient to normal life.

Apis mellefica is the common honey bee. The medicine is prepared from the poison of this bee.
This homoepathic medicine is prescribed to persons who show awkwardness and drop thins out of their hands despite careful handling. Such persons
generally the widows may keep themselves "very busy" by constantly changing one kind of work to another.
Also, for the paralysis particularly the left side after hearing bad news, severe shock, fright, vexation or jealousy.
Apis is the leading medicine for the swelling of the skin after insect bite when there occurs sudden puffing of the part. The swelling most commonly
is urticarial (dhappar) in nature which appears and disappears here and there over the skin.
At times, swelling develops all over the body(anasarca) where the face is greatly swollen, lower eyelid and uvula hang down like transparent sac
filled with water. Sometimes there may be intensely violent and rapid or insidious painful or painless throat problem, such as diphtheria etc, where
the patient seems in imminent danger of death by suffocation from actual closure of throat owing to oedema of larynx accompanying hoarseness,
short dry cough, difficult or hurried breathing. The patient may have a feeling as if every breath would be his last.
Apis is splendid remedy in inflammation of the abdominal viscera particularly the ovary, uterus and genitals commencing from he right side of the
body extending to the left side. The inflamed area is pale, waxy and hydrocephalus, ascites, hydrothorax, and hydrocele etc. (owing to abnormal
accumulation of the cerebrospinal or serous fluid in these body cavities).
It is the most suitable medicine for the congestion of the brain, may be due to hot weather etc. leading to meningitis where the patient mostly the
child bores his head into the pillow or rolls and tosses in the bed. The child gnashes the teeth, has squint of eyes with body convulsions or is in
semiconscious state and carries his hands frequently to the head. Very often the child cries out with a piercing shriek (brain cry) with sudden startle
from sleep.
Apis is effective in trachoma (Rohain), chemosis (oedema of whites), staphyloma (protrusion of cornea and sclera) etc. When there is deep burning,
stinging or stitching pain in eyes. The patient wants something cold applied in the eyes. These troubles get worse from looking at white things like
the snow. It is effective medicine in acute nephritis (Bright's disease) as a sequel of acute throat trouble when there is ineffectual urging for
urination owing to irritability of the bladder. The patient scarcely retains the urine. There is much straining in voiding the urine which comes in
drops. The urine may be scantly, fetid and contains albumen or the blood. At times, there is retension or suppression of the urine specially noticed
in nursing infants. They scream while passing urine.

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Apis is equally effective in stopping fecal matter or fluid that oozes from the anus owing to loose sphincter. It also removes the fear of body parts
would break if he strains at stool.
It has often cured tumors and stopped the progress of cystic growth of ovary and uterus.
Apis is useful in malarial fever when chill starts at 3PM and brain fever which occurs due to suppression of skin eruptions.

Argenticum nitricum is the common Silver nitrate, generally used for cauterization.
This homoeopathic medicine is recommended to shrivelled (dried up) children who often look like withered old men.
Also, to those persons who are irrational in their reasonings and do things in hurry in order to pass the time fastly. Since the are nervous and
anxious, they apprehend lest delay will spoil everything specially when about to go to audience, to meet an engagement, when going to a wedding,
office or school etc. The anxiety (over excitability of mind) is often attended with fear and diarrhoea.
Such persons may be intrusive to jump off into water or kill themselves from a height particularly while crossing the bridge or looking out of the
window or a high building. At times, these patients actually jump from these places and commit suicides.
Sometimes they may also become the victims of perceptive errors i.e. the long or short sightedness owing to imperfect coordination of eye muscles.
The result is; while walking through the street they dread of the corners as these seem to be projecting out and afraid on being bumped against
them. Likewise the houses on both sides of the street would approach and crush them.
It is an effective medicine for the giddiness when it is accompanied with buzzing in the ears, great weakness and trembling either when the patient
closes the eyes or looks up or down.
Argentum nitricum is a great remedy for the removal of examination funk of students owing to apprehension of getting failed and terror of
apprehension of others.
It also removes the fear of being in an enclosed place (claustrophobia) and the patient always wants to be near the door whether in a bus, rail or
any other overcrowded place in order to have an easy escape.
It is an useful medicine for nightmares when dreams are full of all sorts of strange, horrible, vicious and violent things especially of a departed
friend, the patient wakes up in excitement and with a start.
Argentum nitricum is very much effective medicine for the inflamed eyes particularly purulent conjunctivitis of new born and others when there is
profuse, thick mucus discharge from the eyes. The whites of the eyes look beefy red. The lids may be swollen and normally found stuck
(agglutinated) together waking up in the morning. The trouble gets worse from light, noise and heat and better from cold application of water and
ice. Also, when cornea is found ulcerated and opaque in patients having history of suppressed gonorrhoeal discharge.
It is a good medicine for sore throat when there is a feeling of splinter (sticks) like pain in the gullet accompanying slight hoarseness. Thick and
sticky mucus is normally expectorated out when patient is obliged to hawk up.
Argentum nitricum is an exceptionally good medicine for gastric ulcer particularly of sugar and juggery eaters. Rather such patients have irresistible
craving for these dainties. The pain is felt in a spot at the pit of the stomach and radiates from this place to all directions. The onset of the pain may
be gradual, so is the decline but when it is of severe intensity the patient vomits the ingesta, mucus, bile or the blood.
At times, sweetmeat makes the nursing infants sick as they cannot digest it. Sometimes, this indigestion is through the mother's milk who is fond of
such tings and taking them regularly. The child passes loose motions (diarrhoea) where the stool is generally green colour like chopped flakes of
spinach or it turns green when allowed to remain on diaper for a while.
For the same reason it is an effective medicine for stopping recurrent attacks of Angina pectoris particularly when patient experiences intermittent
and irregular throbbings all over the body which are worse on lying right side and at night.
Argentum nitricum is a good medicine for dyspepsia when there is much gas formation and enormous distension of the belly especially in the
afternoon and at night. The wind rumbles in the abdomen. The patient is scarcely able to release it either by passing flatus downward or through
belching (eructations) upward.
It is useful medicine in epilepsy and other convulsive disease when attacks are preceded by dilatation of pupils for hours or days and the patient
feels great restlessness and trembling of hands following attack.

Arnica Montana "fall herb" or Panacea lapsorum is a herb which grows plentifully in the mountains of Europe. The tincture is prepared from the
whole flowering plant. Because of its wider use in the injuries of the muscles, fractures of the bones and haemorrhage due to mechanical injuries or
fall, it is called the king of traumatic remedies.
This homoeopathic medicine suits to those diseases where any injury of any duration seem to have caused the present trouble. The acute
manifestations are soreness, lame, bruised feeling all over the body as if beaten and there is aching all over the body. The patient does not like
lying down as every thing on which he rests seems hard and uncomfortable. He therefore constantly keeps on changing position from one side to
another in search of soft place (provided the bed is soft or cosy). There may be ecchymosis (black and blue spot) caused by the fall or the accident

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or without fever. It has been found effective when there is intracranial haemorrhage due to fall or blows and has a tendency to absorb the clot.
Also, for the ailments where the patient avoids anyone to touch, strike or approach him on account of pains and intense agony particularly in the
inflammatory conditions of gout and arthritis.
Arnica is a great muscular tonic for the sports persons, farmers, labourers and cyclists etc, who are doing heavy physical work and when they feel
limbs and whole body sore and aching. The joints are also felt sprained. It simply relieves discomfort when people have been knocked up after day's
shopping, travelling, and other physical activities.
Arnica along with other sports medicines if taken under the guidance of experienced physician may replace the use of the drugs (anabolic steroids)
generally taken for building up the stamina.
It is a great standby for threatened abortion due to fall or shock. It removes the bad effects of labor, promotes contraction of the uterus and expels
retained portions of the placenta or the membranes.
A good drug for uterine haemorrhage from mechanical injuries particularly after coition, prevents mastitis and formation of tumors in a sore bruised
breast of the female which may at times lead to cancerous affections. It also removes soreness of pelvic parts after labor, stops post partum (after
delivery) haemorrhage, puerperal complications and septic fever. If the urine is retained or there is incontinence after labor Arnica corrects that
It is an excellent medicine for soreness of gums and useful to stop haemorrhage and pain after tooth extraction.
After rail or road accident when there is a horror of instant death with cardiac distress night after night and patient calls for the doctor's help but
there is no problem during day time, is also removed by Arnica.
There may be strange mental condition of the patient when he or she is desperately ill but when asked, says "I am not ill, I do not need the help of
the doctor." At times, when there is involuntary discharge of urine and stool in an unconscious patient or when the patient is asleep in any disease
condition, Arnica is the remedy.
It also removes the ill effects of charcoal gas poisoning during winter season when the occupants have become unconscious due to lack of oxygen.
Locally Arnica has produced extraordinary growth of hair and has also been considered useful in baldness.
For external use Q or IC potency used as liniment in a ratio of 15 or 20 drops to a pint of water.
For internal use 1M or higher potency dose, required to be repeated as per situation.
N.B.:- It should be kept in every house and everybody should know its use at the time of emergency.

Arsenic album is trioxide of Arsenic, a tasteless, highly brittle metal of steel grey colour, commonly known as Sankhavisha or Sankhiya,
occasionally misused for homicidal purpose. Therapeutic power of this drug was visualised by its power to irritate various mucous linings of the body
organs during poisoning state and the same was harnessed by Dr. Hahnemann, the founder of Homoeopathy in the treatment of sick people.
This homoeopathic medicine is generally recommended to those weak and anaemic persons whose troubles whatsoever, are either arising or getting
worse during cold of winter, or after taking any cold substance in any form but they get relief in all such complaints from warmth, warm applications
like heat of the sun during daytime or in the summer months. Such patients may be feeling freezing all the time and hover around the fire or
remain in bed all the time to keep them warm.
When such people get sickness, they may show great anxiety and restlessness in diseased state owing to really critical state of the illness, the
patient may become despair and depressive. At times thinks; it is useless to take the medicine as his disease is incurable and shall prove fatal to
him. So he is disgusted for life and develops suicidal ideas to kill himself by hanging.
Occasionally these persons may be found misers, malicious, and timid but exceptionally fastidious nature.
Arsenic album is very much effective in acute gastric disorders, may it be the food poisoning, gastroenteritis or the cholera resulting after taking
cold drinks, dainties like ice cream, ice candy, ice water, sour beer, bad sausages and alcoholic drinks etc. Owing to irritability of the stomach and
the intestine, the patient vomits the food and water whenever taken in whatever amount. He may pass loose motions where the stool may be
brownish or dark in colour but emits very foul smell like that of carrion which weakens the patient. It is also a good medicine for overcoming
ill-effects from taking decayed food, vegetables, melons and other watery fruits.
Arsenic album is an effective medicine for those persons who take excessive tea and smoke a lot. The result is cardiac irritability and other heart
problems leading to ascitis and generalised body swelling.
It is an excellent medicine for the gangrenous condition of mouth and throat, noma, aphthae and diphtheria etc. Also, of the internal organs and
external body parts after injury when there is sudden redness and shrivelled condition of the mucous lining and the skin shows ashen grey or black
colour. The patient may like to keep the affected part covered. It is found useful in carbuncles and other spreading ulcers which ooze watery
Arsenic album acts wonderfully as a palliative medicine for those intolerable cancerous problems where patient writhes with burning and stinging
pains along with great mental and physical agony. It is the chief remedy for the angina when it is of purely neurotic origin.
Arsenic album is the prime medicine for acute or chronic asthma which may often be associated with emphysema and other cardiac problems. The

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suffocative attacks come at about midnight. The patient sits in the bed and holds the chest. There may be wheezing and panting respiration along
with sweat over the face and the forehead. Owing to difficult breathing, the patient may be anxious and fearful for the fatal outcome of the disease.
It is also a good medicine for nocturnal stuffy cold, which threatens suffocation and difficult breathing at night whether in children or grown up
In tuberculosis of the upper one-third of the right lung where the patient feels frequent but sharp stitches under the right clavicle (collar bone). It
may be accompanied with a sense of constriction in the chest particularly noticeable on going to upstairs, or uphill.
Arsenic album is invaluable medicine for malarial fever when the patient gets attacks between 1 to 2 a.m. or p.m. Occasionally the attacks are
preceding in nature by one hour every time. There may or may not be the chill stage but the patient desires tumbler full of hot water during heat
stage. It is an excellent medicine for those lingering cases of malarial fever taking typhoid form.
In skin trouble like dry itch, dandruff of the head or the psoriasis of any part of the body when there is severe itching and smarting afterwards, the
patient scratches the affected part until it is raw and bleeds. At times, scratches may lead to anxiety (dil kala panda) Arseni album has been found

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Materia Medica
Homeopathic Journal :: Volume: 5, Issue: 2, Dec 2011 (New Papers) - from Homeorizon.com

Baryta carb is also known as Barium carbonate.
This homoeopathic medicine is particularly recommended to children who are mentally backward (idiots) and at the same time intensely shy and
timid. They hide themselves somewhere in the house or outside places on being afraid when some stranger comes in the house. Sometimes they
keep the hands over their faces and peep out through fingers when brought to doctors.
Such children generally do not grow properly as they ought to have grown, the result is sort stature or the stunted body growth (dwarfish) with
swollen belly, bloated face, ematiated limbs and enlarged glands of the neck and groin. They cannot be taught as they cannot comprehend owing to
weak intellectual faculty.
Also, for old people who are physically torn with weak memory and childish behaviour owing to mental retardation (senile dementia).
Baryta carb is an effective medicine for the enlargement of prostate gland (gadud) of males at advanced age. At times, this ageing process leads to
premature wasting (atrophic degeneration) of body organs especially the brain and genital organs of both sexes. Big artery (the aorta) may also
show these changes and becomes dilated (aneurism).
It is an excellent remedy for cerebral haemorrhage (apoplexy) of old persons resulting one-sided paralysis (hemiplegia) etc.
Baryta carb is said to act wonderfully as curative as well as preventive medicine for the enlarged tonsils and cough owing to it thereafter in children
who are sensitive to cold and get frequent attacks of tonsillitis after getting exposed to cold.
It overcomes the difficulty in swallowing the bolus of food specially in old, nervous or broken down people when it goes down a little way and then
causes chocking of food-pipe and gagging in the mouth. However, the patient is able to swallow the liquid or soft food without any problem.
Good medicine for hardness of hearing of these persons when they feel reverberating (re-echo) sound in the ear while blowing the nose.
Baryta carb has been found effective in curing fatty tumors (lipomas), cysts, lumps, tuberculosis outgrowth and sarcoma etc. and often prolongs the
life of the patient by mitigating pains of cancerous growth.
It is useful medicine for long-established constipation of the aged persons due to sluggish rectum where the stool is hard and knotty. Piles may
sometimes protrude while evacuating the bowel or the bladder.

Belladona is a perennial herb which grows in the sandy parts of Europe and Asia. The tincture is extracted from the entire plant before flowering
time. It was used as cosmetic to brighten the eyes and flush the cheeks by Venetian ladies of olden times. The medicinal value of this plant is due to
its alkaloids, Atropin, and Belladonin.
This is the principal homoeopathic medicine used for relieving the blood congestion, may it be head, chest, uterus, joints or skin, etc. Owing to
congestion of the brain, there is a sudden and violent throbbing (pudpudi) pain on stooping forward, bending down and lying down.
Belladona is especially prescribed to plethoric and vigorous persons particularly the young children who are sensitive to changing atmospheric
temperature after having the hair cut. They go to bed hale and hearty but wake up with sudden body temperature, may it be very high i.e. 104 or
105 degree Fahrenheit with the flushed face, red eyes, widely dilated pupils and rolling of the head from side to side. At times, the child may be
delirious and may have fear of all sorts of imaginary things or, performs all sorts of violent acts. There may be convulsions due to high temperature
along with strabismus (squinting of eyes). Some times, the child starts in sleeps as if frightened and wakes up with shudders when just falls asleep
after a feeing as if he was falling down deep.
Belladona is exceptionally good medicine for the pregnant women who marry late in life and during labor the uterus does not relax owing to
deficient, ineffectual and spasmodic nature of labor pains hindering the expulsion of the foetus. It also checks the bleeding after delivery when
blood feels hot. In the caking up of the breast (mastitis) of nursing women when red streaks like radii run from a central point and the pains are
Belladona is helpful in sore throat with inflamed tonsils, the swallowing is difficult particularly for the liquids owing to dryness and spasmodic
constriction of the throat. There may be feeling of a lump in the throat.
Belladona is also useful in acute inflammatory condition of stomach and bowel when there is burning pain, great distress and distension. Inflamed
part is sensitive to slightest motion, touch and pressure, may it be the appendicitis or anything else.
Belladona is equally useful in irritation of the bladder and urinary tract when there is retention of the urine. Dribbling of urine in brain trouble. The
patient dreams that he is passing the urine at right place and involuntarily passes it.

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Belladona is effective in the acute inflammatory rheumatism with the swelling of the joints, redness and great sensitiveness on motion and to a jar.

Bryonia alba is also called as white bryony or wild hops.
This homoepathic remedy is prescribed to those ailments which develop insidiously as well as passively, may these be the chest(bronchitis, pleurisy
and pneumonia), bowel, (thirst, dryness, dyspepsia, diarrhoea, and constipation) and locomotion ( soreness and synovitis) which mostly occur in
warm weather following cold days, from cold drinks or ice in hot weather, when overheated, after taking cold or getting hot in summer or after
exposure to cold dry east wind.
Such complaints generally get worse from any kind of movement of the affected parts. So these patients want to keep tem absolutely quiet, they
may even apply pressure to retort movement or lie down in painful side of the part.
Very often, the internal bodily sluggishness is due to lack of secretion of the mucous glands of alimentary canal thereby leading to dryness of lips,
mouth, throat, intestine, and rectum.
Consequently, there is constipation and the patient expels the hard, brown or black knotted, burnt pieces of faecal matter with great straining.
Sometimes, after prolonged absence specially on being exposed to heat of summer by the residents of cold climate.
At times, these patients pass loose motions generally in the morning on beginning to move in bed or after getting up and moving about. The bowel
may become distended causing colic and driving him out of bed for evacuations. Sometimes loose motions may be several in the morning and very
few in the afternoon and no stool at night as he keeps quiet in bed.
There is thirst for large amount of cold water at long interval or very often for little quantity owing to dryness of the whole alimentary canal.
However, he may loose the taste for water and does not want it anymore, may be due to dirty brown or yellow thickly coated tongue.
Such patients may also be dyspeptic and feel pressure as of a stone in the stomach after eating which is relieved by eructations.
The dryness of serious membrane of lung (pleura) and bronchi causes dry, hacking and shaking cough with hoarseness and soreness in the chest
due to irritation in the upper part of trachea compelling the patient to sit up in bed mostly at night. The cough is generally worse after eating or
drinking anything. He may even press his chest with his hand as a sort of protection against the pain especially experienced by the patient who
suffer from dry pleurisy and pneumonia; lobar (croupous) or the catarrhal (pleuro pneumonia) with full tense and quick pulse, chill with external
coldness. Rapid and panting breathing with frequent desire to take deep breath in order to expand lungs but he cannot do so owing to stitching like
needle pricks being mostly in right lung, compelling the victim to lie on the inflamed and painful side or on the back to keep affected part still.
There may also be constrictive feeling in chest, scanty expectoration, high or low grade fever, profuse sweat, intense thirst and bloody sputa, etc. as
other features.
It is equally efficacious in asthmatic attacks with dry spasmodic cough from overheating and worse in a warm room. The patient may want cool air
to breathe. The cough compels the patient to spring out of bed.
Bryonia is an excellent medicine in the absorption of effusion of the synovial fluid of an inflamed knee joints (synovitis) when it is red, swollen and
stiff and is worse by the least movement so painful that patient uses knee cap.
It is particularly useful remedy when menstrual flow gets suppressed upon (amenorrhea) by the slightest provocation, like on her being overheated,
from exertion such as ironing or cold washing a few days before the menses begins, giving way to certain other varieties of discharges like bleeding
from the nose (epistaxis), flow of the milk from the breast, running of the ear or blood spitting. Also, congestion of the head splitting headache
which gets worse even by the movement of eyes, light or shadow, etc.
Bryonia removes severe stitching pains as from a sore spot caused by injury in the region of ovary which may extend to thigh. The pain is worse by
taking deep breath.
It is an excellent medicine for inflamed mamma owing to stoppage of milk flow particularly in the lying in period of the female (the puerperal or
post delivery period). As a result, the breasts become stony hard, hot, heavily swollen and painful leading to milk fever and abscess formation. At
times, the patient may be compelled to support them with hands.
Bryonia alba is a good medicine for low-grade delirium, which usually commences at about 9 p.m. especially in rheumatic, pneumonic or typhoid
fever. The patient picks his dry and parched lips making them to bleed. At times dry and parched condition of lips is due to frequent seminal loss
especially in winter or, heat of summer in the males.
He may even find confused specially after having been aroused from stupefaction. The patient talks irrationally about his day's business and
frequently gets up in bed and tries to get out to go home, although he is very much at home.
The patient particularly the children may demand things immediately, when offered, are refused as they want something else which they don't
know what. At times, they desire things which are not to be had. These patients may even dream about their household affairs and business which
they may have done during day. They may also show irritability when disturbed and compelled to answer the questions. Such patients may
normally be found anxious about their future and at every day's concern of life.

Calcarea carb is the common Calcium carbonate. This homoeopathic medicine is prepared by triturating middle layer of the oyster shell (the Pearl
Sipi) wit sugar of milk.

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This medicine is generally prescribed for delayed development and maturation of bones. As a result, there is late learning to stand and walk by the
infants and growing children. At times, bones are nourished irregularly and unevenly leading to rickets (crooked bones). Knock knees, bowing of the
legs, spinal curvature, delayed dentition, exostosis, osteomalacia (adult rickets) and laryngomalacia (poor development of the voice owing to weak
voice box). It is useful when fontanellies and sutures take long time to close up. The head seems enlarged in relation to the size of the body and at
times child is unable to hold the head up. The enlargement may be due to hydrocephalus.
Calcarea carb is an excellent medicine for the obese children and other grownup persons owing to accumulation of undue and disproportionate fat
making them weak, fragile and incapable to sustain exertions. Also, for women who become corpulent after parturition.
Such persons may be fair skinned or the blonds but are flabby and sweat profusely all over the body, more pronounced over the head, nape of the
neck, chest, axillae and sexual organs. The sweat rolls down the head and face wetting pillows far around. It may smell sour odour.
It is useful for the reasons who have great liability to take cold and where there is feeling of coldness in general or in particular part, subjective or
objective, particularly in head, abdomen, feet and legs since the patient is also sensitive to cold damp air, at times. The body gets swollen after
bathing and worn clothes are felt tight on account of swelling. The feet too are cold at night as if had on cold damp stocking, when walking in cold
air or in very cold weather, but then the feet become warm and burn. So he puts them out of bed at night. At times, he may experience burning in
vertex too.
Calcarea carb removes great intolerance of milk in breastfed babies. As soon as the milk is taken, it is either vomited out in sour curds or passed
out in stool as white curded lumps.
It is good medicine for the children who long eggs and are better after eating them, may be during sickness or convalescence. Very often children
crave indigestible things like chalk, charcoal, slate pencils, earth, clay, etc. They may have fermentation which favors the worms. The abdomen may
thus be much distended like an inverted saucer and painful to pressure owing to accumulation of the wind or, from hard and swollen mesentery
with tubercular deposits. Rest of the body may be seen ematiated with the glands of the neck and lower jaw swollen sometime as big as hen's egg.
Calcarea carb is useful in difficult dentition of the children. They dread in dreams, screech out at night and may have fever, convulsions and pain in
the belly.
It is also good medicine for polyps of the nose, ears, vagina, uterus, and bladder, cystic growth and papillomata (an abnormal benign epithelial
tumor). At times, there is bleeding from these orifices owing to polyps.
Calcarea carb removes cramps of calves, fingers and toes, etc. while stretching limbs in bed specially when the bed is cold.
It is an excellent medicine for the deafness, fever, painful limbs, and paralysis, etc. from working in water or potters, brick makers, gardeners, fruit
growers and those whose occupation in life makes exposure a matter of every day's necessity. It is useful in so called asthmatic problem of the
persons who are devoid of sunlight owing to shady location of their houses in the winter.
They may look healthy but in fact are so tired in legs and chest that they faint and suffocate from going upstairs. They may also get dizziness when
climbing high places. Women who are anaemic, chlorotic or pernicious, have late menses or no menses at all, thus are rendered sterile. Calcarea
carb removes not only anaemic condition but also corrects delayed menses and favours conception.
Calcarea carb acts like panacea in all such disorders arising out of excessive or deficient secretion of milk. It checks galactorrhea (continuous
discharge of milk from the breast even after nursing the child), as well as helps to remove scanty flow of the milk owing to want of vitality to
secrete milk.
It is effective for the males where there are involuntary nocturnal emissions. It also removes the ill-effects of masturbations and too frequent
sexual indulgence where coition is followed b weakness, lassitude, irritability, frequent and profuse urination.
Calcarea carb is beneficial in ulceration and opacity of the cornea. It is also an excellent medicine for kidney and gallstones trouble where there
occurs profuse perspiration on the hands and feet during pain. Calcarea carb is the chronic of Belladona i.e. when Belladona has again and again
helped the acute trouble, Calcarea carb will be curative and prevent recurrences.

Calcarea phos is the calcium phosphate.
This homoeopathic remedy is often prescribed to children who are slow to grow despite being well-fed owing to defective assimilation. Normally they
are pot bellied and slow in learning to walk due to weak legs to support the body.
Calcarea phos is specially recommended to ematiated infants with or without sweat over the head where the bones generally remain soft and thin
as they take long time to close. Such children manifest pigeon chest (ricket), bow legs, bifid spine, spinal curvature or the pott's disease, etc. in due
course of time.
It is a good medicine when teeth start decaying soon after getting erupted. Also given to infants and young children during first and second
dentition for cutting the teeth in time and without any simultaneous complaint like persistent vomiting of milk, whether the infant is breastfed or
brought upon artificial food. Young children sometimes experience pain in stomach while attempting to take food. Thus they may restrain
themselves and remain hungry all the time.
At times, these children suffer from diarrhoea particularly during summer months, owing to gastroenteritis or enterocolitis, etc., the stool may be
green, watery, offensive, slimy or contains undigested food particles but always profuse, hot and spluttering owing to emission of much flatus during
evacuation, generally worse after eating fruits, ice-cream, cold drinks, etc.

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It is a good medicine for long-standing loose motions of moribund (critical) children when persistent purging leads to enlargement of head. Thus
becomes a curative as well as preventive medicine for well-established cases of hydrocephalus or the hydrocephaloid.
Calcarea phos is an effective medicine for anaemia of children who are peevish, flabby with cold extremities and with weak digestion. Their neck is
so thin and weak that it cannot support the head despite strong appetite where infants want to be nursed all the times, even then look old and
wrinkled. At times, they have strong desire for indigestible food like the smoked and saltish meat, etc.
It is useful medicine when a rapidly growing young married males and females are weakened by night pollutions (seminal emission) and by rapid
child bearing, prolonged suckling, excessive menstruation or leucorrhoeal discharge respectively. Such problems if not checked may lead to
Calcarea phos is an excellent medicine for the headache of school-going children who may be in their second teething time. The child holds the
head with hands and screams out at pain felt at the region of joints (sutures) of head bones. Generally these children are dull and feeble minded,
they cannot sustain mental exertion. Thus dread of going to school or shirk at study whether at school or the home.
It is particularly helpful in relieving menstrual pain of slow maturing girls at puberty which otherwise may contribute throughout reproductive life of
the female, such pains are mostly violent, crampy and unbearable, commonly felt in the small of the back and the groins several hours before the
flow starts, making the patient to cry out. Relief is obtained when flow starts.
This medicine should be given those medicines who are still in nursing periods, (lactating) but gets menstruation well in advance. The result may be
spoiled or bad milk formation: (saltish and bluish milk) which the child refuses to take. Also, to women who become debilitated and develop weak
voice, cough, and pain between shoulders owing to prolonged feeding.
Calcarea phos is considered an effective medicine in Biochemic system (Digitalisers in Homoeopathic system for closing foramen ovale (the patent
interventricular or interatrial septum) of the heart in the new born babies. It stops oozing of the bloody discharge from the navel (umblicus) of the
It is an useful medicine for involuntary urination (incontinence and enuresis) in old people and young debilitated children. It has been found
effective in diabetes mellitus when lungs also get involved.
Calcarea phos is found curative medicine in fistula of anus when acute symptoms like the fistulous discharge alternates with chest problems
particularly observed in rheumatic patients who may at other times suffer from faceache, headache or earache in cold weather specially during
autumn or the fall but feels better during spring.
This is an effective medicine for congenital dim eyesight of Rachitic or the Tubecular children. At times, the vision is weak after the inflammation of
the eye is over.

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Materia Medica
Homeopathic Journal :: Volume: 5, Issue: 2, Dec 2011 (New Papers) - from Homeorizon.com

Chamomilla matricaria is a wild plant commonly known as 'Corn-fever-few' that grows in sandy areas all over Europe.
This homoeopathic remedy is prescribed to persons who are exceedingly irritable, discontented (fretful), ill-tempered (peevish) and easily
quarrelsome (snappish).
These patients, mostly the infants and young children, become quite stiff, bend backward, kick and scream particularly during teething time,
sometimes without reasons and seasons. They would only be pacified on being carried in the lap or on the shoulder.
They may demand this or that, become angry and moans most piteously when refused anything. When anything is offered, reject it unreasonably or
impatiently (petulantly). At times, they want such things that are not to be had, when procured and offered, are refused with disdain and
discourteously. Thus, it is very difficult to please such children as they don't know what they want, why they are unhappy and making every else
around them so. The children at times, will go into convulsions when punished.
The child whines (low and long-lasting cry) and is confused, sputters about everything. It wants something new every time. It refuses everything
that he has asked for whether it is something to eat, for something to play with for its toys. When these are handed over to the child it throws them
away with a force across the room, strikes the nurse or anybody else present around him in the face.
The grownup persons too howl and mourns continuously on account of time of some trifling displeasure like slight insult which arose out of mere
triviality and quite a long time ago.
Chamomilla is an excellent medicine when the patient cannot tolerate himself, other people near him, the pains and any other thins. He cannot
bear to be spoken to and thus may be averse of talking (taciturnity). The answer from both the adults and the children are harsh (snappish) and
ill-mannered. Also, when complaints come on from bad effects of having the feeling wounded (mortification), contradiction and from anger.
It is an effective medicine in gastralgia when constrictive pain or as if a stone were in the stomach particularly felt in coffee drinkers, morphine and
opium eaters. It stops in first dose in a few minutes vomiting or violent retching when it seems that it would tear the stomach specially after crude
effect of morphine has passed away and vomiting comes.
Chamomilla is a good medicine for wind colic when abdomen is distended like a drum with gripping pains accompanying urge to go to stool, cramps
in the bowel specially in infants and little ones when they double up, scream and kick due to pain. Such attacks generally come in the evening from
9 p.m. till midnight. At times, colic may be experienced while urinating.
It is an excellent medicine for toothache mostly of left side and lower teeth worse at night, when anything warm is taken into mouth, by talking, in
open air, in room getting warm in bed, during menstruation and pregnancy. The teeth feel too long with swollen gum.
Chamomilla is a good medicine for diarrhoea during dentition specially in summer season when stool is grass or eggs and spinach mixed and
chopped together. Sometimes yellow and white intermingled with mucus, felt hot when passed and smells like rotten eggs (sulphuretted hydrogen),
may be copious and watery but mostly 6 to 8 passages daily. At times, scanty brown watery stool after much straining specially in dysentery which
may be accompanied with fever, crankiness, twitching of the muscles and colic: indeed show desperate condition. Also, for diarrhoea from cold,
anger, chagrin and after tobacco.
It is great standby in some of those difficult labor cases when there occur irregular hour glass contractions owing to rigidity of os uteri. The pain
may be cutting or tearing in nature making the patient so irritable that she not only scolds the pain, the doctor, the nurse or whoever else is
present near to her but drives them out of the room, when realises her folly, calls them again inside and apologizes. At times, when the patient is
put to breast, cramps occur in the womb, back and the belly of the mother.
Also, when the mother flies into fury resulting bleeding from the genitalia and jaundice, such fits of anger in nursing mother sometimes makes her
milk unfit for the baby.
Chamomilla is the remedy of young children when they catch cold in winter and get dry, rough and scraping cough during sleep without waking
them, arising from suprasternal fossa and worse from 9 o'clock to midnight. The child may have fever with one side of the face flushed. At times,
the patient is sleepy but cannot sleep owing to irritability of the mind. In whooping cough of such patients whohave spells of spasmodic cough from
being irritated.
It is one of the best pain reliever remedies when the pain may be in tooth, the ear, the belly and heart, etc. The pain is unendurable often causes
screams. The patient seems to be driven to frenzy and to despair, worse at night, may be accompanied with unquenchable thirst, profuse and warm
sweat on the covered parts especially the head and face. When the child has the pain, the nurse or the parents are compelled to carry him all the
time as it seems to do in good.

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The adults too cannot keep still, get up at night and toss in bed owing to severe pain with or without getting relief. In those violent pains where the
patient prefers to die rather than suffer so much, may often as paralyzing pains and are generally the rheumatics. When such pains occur in limbs,
not only they drive the patient to desperation and maddened state but also give rise to almost complete loss of sensation of the skin and benumbed
feelings. At times, the limbs ache as a result of the over sensitiveness to pain. The patient ma sometime feel as though she were walking around on
the ends of the bones of her legs and did not have any foot, as though the feet were gone.
Chamomilla antidotes bad effects of coffee when taken in excess specially the nurses who are tired and drink it to keep up at night to look after the
It is also a remedy for bad effects of violent emotions resulting headache, colic or jaundice.
In the nutshell, whatsoever are the ailments when anger is the cause, chamomilla is the remedy.
A typical patient needing a dose of chamomilla, is the ugliest in the sense that nobody likes the company of such person. If he is the husband, the
wife soon gets tired of him, if he is the father, the child is afraid to approach him, if he is the child, everybody else in the house except the parents
rather have him dead.

Chelidonium majus is also known calendine, a perennial herb found in Germany, France and other European countries. This homoeopathic drug is
prescribed to the patients who suffer from jaundice and other liver disorders where the skin and whites of the eyes are yellow in colour, the stool is
white, clay or yellow in colour but pasty, which may float in water. The urine may be highly pale and stains the linen or the floor yellow. Such
patients may have a desire for very hot drinks almost boiling.
These patients may be dyspeptic and the taste of the mouth may be bitter, the tongue may be coated. At times, they may have disgust for food. In
gall stone colic, the pain may be dull or severe like shooting, stabbing, tearing or lancinating, fixed or extending to left flank (hypochondrium) but
generally through to back at lower angle of right shoulder blade.
Chelidonium is useful in pneumonia when the patient feels tightness in the chest, difficult breathing, dry spasmodic paroxysmal cough especially at
night and due to change of weather or in the spring season as found in humid asthma owing to liver disorder.
It is effective in neuralgia of the right side of the face, eyes and ears when there is excessive gushing of tears from the eyes on account of pain. At
times, the neuralgia may be preceded with pain in liver. The pain may extend from right cheek to the teeth or the eyes.
Such patients may also experience icy coldness on the tip of the fingers. At times right foot may be felt cold while the left remains normal.

Cina is also known as worm seed (basically an unopened bud). The active principle of this drug is santonine.
This homoeopathic remedy is often prescribed to young children and grownup persons who actually suffer from worms particularly the Ascaris i.e
round worm (Mulap in Punajabi) or worm like complaints. In such cases the child is generally cross, ugly and cries when touched, looked at or
approached. He even frets, kicks, gnashes and strikes everyone around him especially when try to be held or carried owing to great irritability of
the mind and naughtiness. The child weeps pitifully when awake. It may not lay awake even for a while without crying, so must be rocked, carried
or dangled upon (swinging) the knees constantly day and night. Sometimes it cannot be quietened as he is proof against all caresses.
The child grinds the teeth in sleep, it may be restless and tosses about in bed, whining and crying as if delirious in sleep. It may love to sleep on his
belly, sometimes sleeps on his hands and knees. The child cries (screams) and talks in sleep and may awake frightened owing to night terrors.
Very often he is obstinate, wilful and extremely touchy. Slightest provoking matter offends him. He wants many things which it refuses when
offered, rather this act goads him to further fury. Thus uncosy and distressed all the time, the child is not pleased or satisfied at anything.
There occurs itching of the nose and anus owing to reflex irritation compelling the child to have constant desire to rub, pick or bore the finger into
these parts all the time. At times, the child rubs the nose on pillow, on the shoulder of the mother or the attendant.
The child turns his head from side to side. Eyes too roll during sleep with dilated pupils. Twitching of the eyelids with dim eyesight. Dark rings
around the eyes. All sorts of colours may be noticed before the eyes particularly the blue, violet, yellow or green. Sometimes the objects look
yellow. Squint (strabismus) from abdominal irritation owing to worms, is also observed in such patients. At times, there is intense localised
(circumscribed) redness of the cheek alternating with cold and paleness with or without fever. Face too, looks sickly pale with white and bluish
appearance of mouth.
All this is there despite excessive (ravenous) appetite, as these children generally feel hungry immediately after the meal is over. Thus they want
to eat all the time and may be passing linteric stools (containing undigested food particles).
The child may be have gnawing or pinching pain in abdomen. Sometimes twitching pain is left in and about navel. Such victims may occasionally
have night convulsions, jerking movement of fingers of the right hand. The child stretches and frets spasmodically left foot may be in constant
motion. At times, choreic movements (stiffens out straight) of the face and hands are also noticed whenever the child yawns due to worm spasm.
Sometimes there is trembling and shouldering of the body while yawning.
The child may be afraid to speak or move for fear of bringing on an attack (paroxysm) or cough where it may be so violent as to bring tears in eyes
and pain in and under the chest bone (sternum). Gurgling or clucking noise from throat down to stomach after coughing may also be experienced
by these patients. Cough is normally dry but with occasional spasmodic sneezing.

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Such children very often pass involuntary urine at night (bed wetting). At times, urine turns milky and turbid after standing for a while casually
noticed on the floor of the room where the child has voided the urine.
Dose 200 or 1M potency, single dose once in a week or two, is sufficient to annihilate the worms and other wormy symptoms.

Colchicum autumnale is commonly called meadow saffron. The active principal of this plant is colchicine.
This homoepathic medicine is prescribed to persons who are extremely sensitive to strong odour of raw or cooked food as it causes fainting nausea,
gagging, retching and great weakness. Thus, an effective medicine for the pregnants who despite great hunger for different things, nauseate by
mere thought or sight of food. Ultimately leading to loathing and disgust for food as it becomes impossible to eat. At times, such patients are not
able to take food for a month or so, the result is almost critical condition of the patient owing to want of food.
It is good remedy for great drum like distension (meteorism) of the abdomen and one is afraid that is may be going to explode particularly noticed
in cows, goats and other cattle after eating too much clover patch (Tinpatia grass).
Colchicum is valuable medicine for diarrhoea and dysentery especially during autumn when the stools are bloody and full of scrapings from the
intestine which may lead to protrusion of the anus. Sometimes stools may be full of glarry jelly like mucus of variable characters. The patient may
feel tingling, itching, burning or tearing pain in the anus. At times, he may have a shudder owing to extreme constriction of sphincters of the anus.
The patient may fall asleep at the place of evacuation owing to great relief from the tenesmus after passing stool.
It is splendid remedy for acute rheumatism and gout when trouble starts in small joints of the fingers or the toes. The joints are not often
accompanied with swelling or the redness but are excessively painful. The patient may scream with pain when fingers and toes get stub. Sometimes
the trouble moves from one joint to another, from below upwards or vice versa. The pain generally gets worse by cold exposure, due to dampness,
towards evening and particularly during fall.
Good medicine for the rheumatism of the summer when heat may slack up the flow of urine or the quantity of solids in the urine. Thus the urine
becomes black or ink like having albumen in it.
Colchicum is useful in wryneck (torticollis) when there occurs severe pressing pain in the neck and the muscles become tense. At times, swallowing
may be difficult owing to severe pain in throat.
A good remedy when rheumatism and gout leave the joints and attack the heart, producing pericarditis and valvular defects along with muffled
heart sounds and tight feeling of the chest with breathing difficulty or, inflammatory irritation of abdominal viscera leading to colitis, the result is
diarrhoea, and dysentery of above said characteristics.
Dose: 30 potency dose may be repeated 4 to 6 hours interval. For distension 200 or 1M dose may be repeated 5-10 minutes interval until
improvement starts.

Hepar sulph is also known as Hahnemann's Calcium sulphide. It is prepared by mixing powdered oysters shell with pure flowers of Sulphur in equal
parts by trituration.
This homoeopathic drug is suited to the patients who are inherently very irritable and whose speech and actions are hasty. They may finish long
sentences in one breath. Every little thing that disturbs these patients make them intensely angry, abusive, and impulsive to kill their best friend or
dear ones instantly. At times, they have the impulse to set themselves on fire, to do violence or destruction.
Also, suited to dyspeptic patients who have great longing for vinegar, wine, sour and strong tasting things. Such patients are oversensitive to pain.
Slight pain may make them to faint, can't bear even touch of the clothes. Hence useful in boils, abscesses, ulcers, felons and many other
inflammatory and suppurative conditions of glands like the tonsils.
This drug is effective to the babies who are irritable and are always smelling sour despite of much wasting. They may have sour smelling diarrhoea
It is an excellent medicine for the cough and cold of oversensitive and chilly patients when there is sudden fall of atmospheric temperature owing to
snowfall on the mountains and blowing of the icy cold winds thereafter. The patients cough with great soreness of the chest. It is worse in the cold
air and keeping the body parts uncovered. There may be stuffy feeling in the head, face and chest with the blocked nose and hoarseness of the
voice in the beginning but profuse nasal and throat discharges subsequently accompanying pricking pain in throat with or without swelling. The
cough and soreness may be worse after eating anything cold. There may be anxious wheezing in asthmatic due to dry cold air and the patients want
to be wrapped up warmly even in hot weather.
Hepar sulph removes weakness of the bladder when urine is voided slowly without any force, it drops vertically with a feeling as if some urine has
always remained in the end. The patient is obliged for a while before any urine passes. This may be accompanied with obstinate gonorrhea where
there is thick, white, cheesy discharge (gleet), of long standing. Due to inflammatory conditions and ulcers of urethra, there is sense of sticking and
splinters like pain in the urethra while passing urine.

Lachesis is also known as Bushmaster of Surukuku, a deadly poisonous snake of South America. The venom of this snake is being utilized as
medicine. This homoeopathic medicine is mostly prescribed to new and old inflammatory conditions and other troubles which generally begin on the
left side of the body and later spread to the right side whether it is sore throat, tonsils, mumps, headache, eye, ear, kidney or ovary's problems,
even arthritis, paralysis, etc.

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Also, for the persons who are often unable to swallow warm liquids like tea, etc. owing to chocking or clutching at the throat. Normally empty
swallowing or swallowing liquids is more painful than the solids.
They may have sensitiveness of the body for touch and light pressure of clothes while hard pressure may be agreeable. Such persons cannot bear
collars, scarfs, ties around their neck.
Lachesis is effective in dry hacking cough of the children caused by tickling in throat particularly the voice box. The cough is always worse on going,
during or after sleep but it does not wake the child from sleep. At times, there may be loss of voice (aphonia) owing to paralysis or the oedematous
swelling of the vocal cords.
Lachesis proves the life saviour in very bad cases of heart diseases when there is purple and bloated face. As soon as the patient goes into sleep he
rouses up with palpitation, difficult breathing and suffocation. So the patient is afraid of going to sleep for fear that he will die before he wakes up.
The palpitation of the heart may also come after going to warm room or after warm bath.
Lachesis is very much effective in overcoming insane jealousy and suspicion. The patient suspects every one without reason; the servant, wife and
the children. He may not take medicine even from the doctor owing to suspicion that he would be poisoned.
Sometimes, the husband suspects the fidelity of his wife. The wife too may have the suspicion about her husband, children or friends that they are
trying to damage her, that they are going to put her in a mental asylum.
In most extraordinary talkativeness when one word often leads into the midst of another story, jumping off to most heterogenous subject. At times,
the patient is compelled to hurry in everything. He does and wants everybody else to hurry. Sentences are sometimes only half finished.
It is good medicine for pressing, bursting headache particularly of left temple, may be due to heat of the sun in summer months but mostly due to
stopped body's natural discharges like the menses, nasal discharge or the sweat. The headache may also be experienced in the morning after walk
on from sleep especially in heart and chest problems.
Lachesis is useful in erysipelas gangrene, the affected part is purple or mottled in appearance. If there is ulceration, it bleeds black charred straw
colour blood owing to false granulation, the blood coagulates soon. In gangrene of the parts that have been injured, the tissue turns black and
starts sloughing with great offensive smelling discharge. It is effective in fistulous opening, fissures and piles when associated with a feeling of being
continually hammered.
It is equally useful in whitlow (felon), carbuncles, abscesses, malignant pustules, pemphigus, herpes, chickenpox, malignant ulcer such as
epithelioma etc. The discharge is watery but putrid (offensive) and there is burning pain. The patient has to rise at night to bathe it with water in
order to get relief in pain.
The eyes too may be inflamed and congested. They are sensitive to light (photophobia), violent pain in eyes from touching the throat. The vision
may be dim or flickering. It may be lost either during headache or, chest and heart problems. Lachesis stops the progress of optic disc vasculitis
(O.D.V.) beginning from the left eye and improves the lost vision.
The passage of the external ear (meatus) is also very much sensitive when anything is introduced into it, there will be violent spasmodic coughing
and tickling in the throat. It is useful for old drunkard who have red rose. At times, the nose may be red owing to heart problem.
It is also effective in paresis (semi-paralysis) of the tongue when the tongue is dry, leathery and the patient is unable to articulate the words. It is
so swollen that it leaves little room in the mouth and protrudes very slowly. At times, the tongue may be frequently protruding in and out from the
mouth like that of a snake.
Lachesis is a leading medicine for the menopausal disorders of melancholic females when the periods stop and all sorts of troubles make their
appearance, such as hot flushes, headache or mania etc. In painful menstruation where pains are relieved by the flow of the blood, the suffering
may be more before and after the flow. The menses flow for one hour every day, the discharge may be generally black. At times, the ovaries may
be swollen. It has also cured suppurative condition of the ovaries, fallopian tubes etc. Where the uterine region is very sensitive to touch or the
slightest contact of the clothes over the wasteline is unbearable.
It removes the putridity from the stools when the patient has suffered for a long time from bowel trouble.
In general, troubles needing Lachesis have aggravation in spring season.

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Materia Medica
Homeopathic Journal :: Volume: 5, Issue: 2, Dec 2011 (New Papers) - from Homeorizon.com

Lycopodium clavatum is a low creeping perennial herb which grows every where in Europe and Asia. The medicine is prepared from the fine, mobile,
yellow powdery spores of the herb.
This homoeopathic medicine is recommended to all age groups particularly for the persons of low body vigour owing to feeble muscular
development. They may be dark complexioned, lean, shallow, with sunken face, wrinkles may at times be seen over the face and the forehead may
be frowned. The patient may look older than he actually is.
It is useful for the persons who are very nervous and emotional. They may often weep in the act of receiving a friend or meeting an acquaintance,
in receiving a gift, at the slightest joy or when thanked.
Lycopodium is beneficial in the failure of intellectual functions (sensorium) of so called old men as their memory fails. They may use wrong words to
express themselves, mix up things generally in writing spellings on account of failing brain power. There may be aversion to undertake anything
new, aversion to appear in any new role and aversion for his work. The patient dreads lest something wrong would happen, lest he will forget
something or unable to reach his destination. A continually increasing dread of appearing in public comes on. There may be feeling of
incompetence, a feeling of inability to undertake the task although he has been accustomed to it for many years. Thus, a good medicine for the
lawyers, lecturers and other public men like ministers owing to lack of confidence on themselves. The subordinates too may have lack of courage in
meeting with their boss or the high-ups in the office.
Lycopodium is an effective medicine for children who dread Mathematics. Also, for dyspepsia resulting from recent or old liver trouble. The patient
may have insatiable hunger (bulimia) with much bloating after eating particularly after, lunch hours or in the evening. There may be burning,
eructations rising only up to the gullet and there it burns for hours. At times, there may be the feeling of satiety which may alternate with a feeling
of hunger of peculiar kind, where the patient sits down to the table very hungry but few morsels fill him right up to throat pit and he feels
distressing afterward. Sometimes, the patient starts keeping fast or missing one or two times meal. Such condition has generally been observed in
those patients who are either suffering from diseases like arthritis, gout or stone problem or, likely to develop such things in near future.
Rolling of flatulence due to fermentation in abdomen with loud grumbling, croaking especially lower abdomen, the fullness is relieved by passing
flatus out. The rumbles of flatulence may often be observed particularly in the region of left flank (hypochondrium).
At times, the patient feels pain in the back, hips, legs owing to blocked gas in these parts or in diseases where symptoms run from right to left side,
like inflammation of the throat, including tonsillitis, chest, abdomen, liver and ovaries. It has cured many cases of hernia in children. At times, the
trouble descends downward as seen in the ematiation where the victim ematiates about the neck while the lower limbs are well nourished
particularly seen in the pinning boys and the old people owing to liver complaints. It is also helpful in the swelling of the legs which may sometime
lead to ulcerations.
Lycopodium is effective in snuffles (obstruction of nose) of the children and youth where the breath frequently stops during sleep sometime for
about 15 seconds or so even when the mouth is open. The eyes may at times remain half open during sleep. Also, in the dim vision or the night
blindness of the children and other people.
Lycopodium helps the patient of neglected pneumonia when there is difficult breathing from accumulation of serum in the pleura. It cures cases of
pneumonia where the disease is at the right lung and when liver complications arise.
It has been found useful in all types of fevers particularly the Malaria where attacks of chill may come in between 8 to 9
and 4 to 8 p.m. in evening with shaking chill and incessant yawning and nausea, the patient feels as if lying on a piece of ice. Between chill and
heat he vomits extremely sour fluid.
Lycopodium has been found an excellent medicine in kidney stones where the pains occur in kidney area, whether right or left and the patient may
have bubbling sensation generally in the left lumbus and red sediment in the urine owing to calcium oxalate or other crystals that settle at the
bottom of otherwise clear urine which is occasionally passed after terrible attack of renal colic. In children this gritty sediment may sometimes be
found in their diapers after severe crying spells before urination. The colic in many times is relieved after urination.
It is one of the best remedies for the impotency of young men due to masturbations or exhausting night pollution or due to sexual excesses leading
to cold and relaxed penis. The desire may be strong as ever or perhaps more but cannot perform the act. Since erections are feeble, at times the
patient falls asleep during embrace. It has actually produced impotency when it was taken simply as an aphrodisiac (sex stimulant) by the males.
Equally useful for the females when they have dryness of vagina leading to burning pain during and after coition. Sometimes bleeding takes place
after evacuating bowel. At times, gas emits from vagina (physometra) owing to fermentation of its secretion.
Lycopodium has been found effective when there is greying of hair in early age and for the baldness of the top of the vertex in males and falling of

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hair after delivery in women. Foetus seems to be turning somersault within the womb of the pregnant mother, may at times be in need of a dose of

Natrum muriaticum or sodium chloride is the common table salt. This homoeopathic medicine is recommended to persons who are highly anaemic
and ematiated from the neck and downward despite eating nutricious and fattening food. Their collar bones become prominent but the lower partsof
the body; the hips and limbs may still be normal or flabby. Owing to such body state, the patient acquires irritability when spoken to. They dislike
fuss, caress etc. They may even cry out and go into a passion on being consoled. At times, weep miserably and continuously without any cause or
may indulge in sad and painful thoughts which render them more aggrieved and mentally tortured specially remembering and brooding over the
past unpleasant and disagreeable insults, misdeeds, mishappenings like death of near and dear in the family or in relation. Seldom the patient may
find happiness over such matters (in hysterical affections).
It is a remedy for various hysterical complaints when the patient weeps with tears in eyes, laughs, goes in rage or curses and blaspheming. The
patient is unable to control affections and reciprocrates them knowing well that it is unwise to fall in love with a married person but cannot help and
lies awake with love for the beloved.
Natrum mur is an excellent medicine for the ill-effects of anger caused by offence, grief, fright, humiliation (vexation) and mortification etc. that
makes these patients disheartened, gloomy, apprehensive and taciturn. Sometimes, they acquire malicious attitude and plan to take revenge. They
are thus the most disagreeable companions.
At times, these patients are found confused. They commit many mistakes and thus become nervous, drop the things from hands and break them up.
Owing to impairment of mental faculty, they don't have inclination to undertake any kind of mental work. The growing children may be slow in
learning to talk and have difficult speech.
It is good medicine for the bad effects of acids, bread and rich food, quinine, excessive craving for the salt when patient salts everything he eats and
all kinds of cauterization with silver nitrate.
Natrum mur goes deep into the life to restore the pink complexion of highly anaemic; pernicious or chlorotic patients who bleed only watery
discharge from the cuts made either on the fingers or any other body part. Even the menstrual flow is like white leucorrhoeal discharge.
Persons particularly living on sea shore or those who have been on long ocean voyage frequently suffer from such anaemic conditions. They may be
found waning and be spattered with numerous brown spots over the sickly and dirty looking skin and particularly exposed to sun heat. The face may
look greasy (oily), shiny and shallow but full of black heads (comedones) and boils. There may be swollen upper and lower lips with pearly blisters
(herpes) around the corners of the mouth and baldness of the head with falling of the whiskers.
In scorbutic state of the system where crack develops on the lower lip, ulcers in the mouth and swollen gums with peculiar appearance of the
mapped (geographical) tongue. Owing to anaemic condition there may be coldness of the legs and numbness and tingling in the fingers, toes, lips
and tongue. The ankles are so weak that they turn easily specially in children who are late in learning to walk. These patients may experience
painful contractions of hamstrings (calf muscles), pain and cracking are felt in joints on motion. There may be cracks about the fingers and nails
may be deeply inserted in the flesh ( hang nails).
The above noted symptoms constitute diagnostic signs of SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythomatosus) where such patients are advised either for the
change of the occupation or the place far away from the sea shore.
Natrum mur is specially efficacious to those patients who suffer from severe anemia from abuse of quinine, from loss of body fluids like the blood or
semen and menstrual irregularities after grief or worry and from other debilitating diseases.
It is an effective medicine for the utter want of secretion in the gut leading to dryness of mouth and down to rectum. Tickling or fish bone (splinter)
sensation, gagging of the entire food pipe (oesophagus). The patient may not be able to swallow food without washing it with water. The result is
obstinate constipation where stool is hard and dry absolutely devoid of moisture and crumbles when passed. Consequently gives rise to fissures in
the anus and every act of evacuation may be followed by bleeding and smarting. Such constipation further aggravates irritability of the mind in
these patients.
Natrum mur has been considered infallible remedy to stop with fluent watery discharge at the start accompanying violent attacks of sneezing, loss
of smell and taste. The patient may frequent hawk up mucus from the throat particularly in the morning like that of egg white chucking the throat
and plugging the nose generally for one to three days but sometime for a week or more specially in the summer months.
All other body discharges viz the mucus from the eyes, leucorrhoea and gonorrhea may also be of same nature.
It is an alternate remedy in periodic throbbing headache of the girls at puberty (generally the school going girls) when they feel as if thousand little
hammers knocking against the brain rendering it worse by moving the head and the eyes. Sometimes the headache starts in the morning and lasts
until 3 p.m. or till evening with the rise and setting of the sun. At times, it is so violent that the patient becomes maniacal and speaks foul language
(blasphemy). During such headache the tongue becomes excessively dry and clings to the roof of the mouth and the patient is compelled to take
large amount of cold water frequently. Generally these headaches are apt to occur after menses are over and due to loss of blood.
The headache is most often brought on by eye as in long continued study, close and fine needle work, gazing TV and pictures etc. for a long time,
manifests weakness in the muscles of the eyes as a consequence of which they suffer from weakness of eyes (asthenopia), dim vision (amblyopia)
and blindness (amaurosis). It particularly becomes indicated medicine when internal recti muscles of the eyes are affected. Also, for stricture of
lachrymal duct, pus escapes when pressed upon.

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In malarial fever headache begins with chill at 10 to 11 a.m. everyday, every third or fourth day. The chill is almost unbearable and begins in limbs
especially hands and feet, the teeth chatter, lips and nails turn blue. The patient tosses side to side in the bed. The bones ache and felt as if they
would break. Vomiting of bile occurs between chill and heat stages. Pain in the head with excessive thirst before and during chill but no thirst
during fever. Patient's face becomes flushed when in delirium and he talks of everything with constant maniacal actions. All symptoms except
headache are normally relieved after sweating which may directly be proportional to the severity of headache. Sometimes the headache is also
relieved on sweating.
Natrum mur not only takes away the tendency to malaria susceptibility to cold and periodic headaches but restores the patient to health. It cures
ailments like pernicious (fatal) malaria, malarial cachexia, kala ajar etc. when remedies like crude Arsenic and Quinine prove ineffective in coping
with these maladies.
It is the remedy par excellence in sexual weakness of males when seminal emissions occur involuntarily on every night or after coitus with
increased desire. Also, for weak erections (impotency), retarded or too late discharge followed by great physical weakness, paralysis and great loss
of pubic hair as a result of sexual excesses.
It is also useful in decided diminution in sexual appetite of females. Sometimes, there is aversion to sexual intercourse owing to great dryness of
the vagina rendering sexual congress painful. At times, the patient feels smarting and burning after the act.
Natrum mur is a splendid remedy in late menstruation of young exceedingly anaemic; chlorotic and pernicious girls at puberty who are anxious, sad
and irritable before menses and suffer from headache colic and palpitations afterwards. At times, menses are too early, too profuse and long lasting
rendering the patient more anaemic. The blood may be dark and flows day and night. The pulse is weak and intermittent consequent to irregular
heart beats. There occurs faint feelings worse lying down specially on the left side. Sometimes palpitations are so violent (fluttering) that it shakes
the whole body.
It is a remedy to correct weakness of the bladder, as a result the patient suffers from involuntary escape of urine every time he coughs, sneezes or
exerts any other way. When the weakness becomes more pronounced there occurs incontinence (bed wetting) and the urine flows instantly
necessatiting frequent change of clothes.
At times, the patient may have to wait ever so long and press over so hard to set the flow started, may be due to nervousness specially when
somebody is present near him.
It is an excellent medicine for the cough from a tickle in the pit of stomach accompanying stitches in liver and spurting of urine. The cough is
accompanied with burning pain in head and short breathing. Tears roll down the face while coughing.
Natrum mur is a remedy of great value in patients who constantly dream about robbers and get so terrified about it that they don't feel satisfied
until they make a thorough search. Sometimes the patient gets up from the bed and walks about in sleep (somnambulism).
It is also an useful medicine in eczema and vesicular eruptions (tetters) of bends of elbow and knee joints and sometimes of head oozing an acrid
fluid that dries up and forms white crust with deep fissures and cracks about them. Urticaria (nettle rash), herpes (shingle), corns and warts on
palm have also been cured by this remedy.
A typical Natrum mur patient sweats while eating and feels tired after taking food and sleep unconqueringly for a long time specially the school
going children who have to exert physically in going and coming back from school in the hot weather of summer months.

Nux vomica is known as poison nut, "kuchla" in Hindi. This homoeopathic medicine is prepared from "poison but" seeds. One third of all the diseases
are reportedly cured by this medicine alone.
It is said "if you do not know what should be prescribed, then give Nux vomica." It is often used as an antidote for overdrugging.
Nux vomica, is generally prescribed for males who are thin, irritable and lose temper by slight provocation. Also, for those who do a good deal of
mental work, study a lot or handle business affairs and lead indoor life.
Because of mental strain, such people often seek the help of stimulants, such as coffee, liquor, or use sedatives like opium or any other cannabis
People who take rich food, attend parties and generally overindulge themselves until late at night, often have irregular bowel movements (or have
constipation). They often take laxatives like Hajmola, liver tonics, etc.
Nux vomica soothes and calms overexcited nervous system and improves digestion and bowel movement. It increases appetite, vigour and gives
potency to males who have ruined themselves by excessive use of stimulants. That is why it is called the medicine of "bigrey Nawab (spoilt men).
It may be taken in low potency of 6 or 30 (in case of irritable, overexcited persons), and above 200 or more potency in case of habitually
constipated and hard drinkers. It is one of the best remedy for mania-a-potu (acute alcoholism).
Nux vomica of 6 and 30 potency should be taken once a day before going to sleep at night. If it is 200 potency then it should be taken once a week.
If it is still higher then once a fortnight.

Phosphorus is a poisonous substance found abundantly in bones, flesh, cheese, peas, etc. beside as a mineral in rock phosphate. Therapeutic value
of this element lies in its inherent power to irritate mucus membranes of various body systems.

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This homoeopathic medicine is selectively prescribed for delicate; lean and thin but active, intelligent often genius and sensitive young persons
whose growth is precocious owing to early and rapid body growth. Such persons are inclined to stoop and have great tendency for phthisical
ailments if they are not cared properly.
Since these young persons have low vitality, they are easy victims of common cold which may be protracted dry, teasing hoarse cough, worse in the
evening, after drinking, eating, talking or laughing or, persistent thin nasal discharge that dates from pneumonia or bronchitis attack.
Phosphorus is the prime medicine simulating recurrent bronchial diseases which follow common cold. The two most commonly observed complaints
being bronchitis and bronchopneumonia (pasli chalna in common terms).
Phosphorus is also the top medicine for the bleeders where slight needle prick, abrasion, cut, wound, polyps, wart, tooth extraction, fibroids and
fungoid cancer growth bleed profusely, may even ex-sanguine the victim owing to persistent bleeding. The blood is bright red and non-coagulable in
nature. Thus, it should be used to stop bleeding of haemophilics and haemophiloids, besides that it has marked power to stop haemorrhage from
any mucous outlet, may it be the mouth, nose, vagina, or anus on the said characteristics.
Phosphorus is the only homoeopathic medicine for the constriction (achalasia) and spasm (scleroderma) of cardiac splinter of oesophagus where not
only there is difficulty in the act of deglutition but swallowing is also almost impossible. The result is, food comes out immediately after swallowing.
It is useful in blindness, either due to paralysis of optic nerve or after electric shock or after stroke of lightening, is removed by the timely use of
phosphorus. It is also useful in incipient cataract where the vision is misty but patient looks better either by shading the eyes with hands or in the
A good medicine for acute or chronic diarrhoea when stools are passed involuntarily and as if from a hydrant (water pipe) immediately after eating
or drinking with a sense of gurgling in stomach and down to intestine. The stools may contain grease or sago like particles of tallow. At times, there
may be oozing of fetid or painless stool from the wide open anus.
The most notable feature the patient may have, is the desire for cold drinks even in the extreme chilly weather and the patient is unable to lie on
the left side as it causes anxiety, pain in heart and palpitation. Thus useful in various heart problems particularly the fatty heart, liver, and the
kidney. At times, the patient may have marked fidgety (restless) of the hands and feet.
Phosphorus is excellent medicine for the necrosis of the lower jaw of the people working in match factory. It is also the antidote for the bad effects
of Chloroform, Iodine and excess use of the common table salt.
Dose: 1M or higher potency, one to three doses only once could be sufficient with very little need of repetition for the whole trouble.

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Materia Medica
Homeopathic Journal :: Volume: 5, Issue: 2, Dec 2011 (New Papers) - from Homeorizon.com

Podophyllum peltatum also known as May Apple, is a herb that grows primarily in America plentifully.
This homoeopathic remedy is specially prescribed to infants for their teething and bowel troubles which generally occur during summer months.
The baby child may or may not have temperature but the tongue is broad and moist, the face may be found hot with occasional cold sweat over the
forehead and rolling movement of the head from side to side. He frequently moans and sleeps on belly with half open eyes.
As a result, the baby begins to pass loose motions on waking in the morning which may continue till night. The evacuations are mostly pale, very
foul smelling, gushing out profusely and painless. The stool may contain undigested food particles and often there is redness around the anus, may
be due to acrid faecal discharges or by frequent cleanings.
If such kind of diarrhoea slackens suddenly, it may produce headache especially when the patients are grownup persons. These patients may at
times be feeling an awful, empty weakness (sinking) in the pit of the stomach after every motion, which may ultimately lead to weakness
(relaxation of the ligaments) of the bowel and as a consequence protrusion of the anus during passage of the stool specially in long standing
diarrhoea cases.
For the same reason uterus (womb) may also get protruded in females on the pretext of over-lifting or after delivery etc.
Podophyllum has been found an effective medicine for the tumors, fibroids or cystic growths when pain occurs in right ovarian area and down to
thigh of that side which may sometimes make that area numb.
It is also considered a good remedy for malaria and jaundice, etc. when patient becomes highly talkative (loquacious) in fever.

Pulsatilla nigricans is commonly known as pasque or wind flower which grows plentifully in Europe.
This homoeopathic medicine is generally recommended to mild gentle, tearful, and timid persons particularly the females. Due to this type of nature
they may dread of the opposite sex, hence averse to marriage.
A medicine for the children who are fussy and like loving touch (caress) but easily get discouraged when snubbed or punished.
Also for the patients who have aversion for fat or fried food such as snacks, omelette, eggs, kari, channa bhatura, puri-parantha, meat, pork, etc.
owing to slow digestion by the bowel.
As a result, the smell and taste of food eaten remains for long time in the mouth. Often taste of the mouth is bad in early morning. The tongue may
be coated white or yellow and there may not be thirst at all despite dry mouth and dry lips.
A sense of fullness as from a stone in stomach hours after eating, may generally be experienced by the patients. At times, they may have a desire
for sour, refreshing things like lemonade, pungent things and tonics, etc. If they are tea drinkers, they may experience empty feeling in stomach.
Sometimes pain occurs in stomach an hour after eating and vomiting of food eaten long before.
On slightest dereliction in eating, the patient may have loose motions of varying characters of stool each time particularly found in enterocolitis and
cholera-like condition of the infants during hot weather. Seldom 2 or 3 normal stools may be passed by these patients daily. At times, urticaria may
develop accompanying loose motions especially after taking rich food.
Pulsatilla is an effective medicine in Rheumatoid arthritis when the pain shifts rapidly from places from one joint to another and from one part to
other. Such wandering pain may also be experienced in the form of annoying pricks by the patients after quinine course when the fever is over in
It is an excellent medicine for toothache when pain is almost unendurable towards the evening and early hours of the night particularly in a warm
room. The patient feels relieved after holding tap water in the mouth.
In earache of children and other growing persons when the pain appears in the evening or at night compelling the patient to get up from the sleep
and move slowly in the room. The ear may be seen red and puffed and the child cries pitifully owing to severe pain.
It is good medicine for the cold that primarily settles in the nose and later to chest. The discharge is thick, yellowish green, bland and stuffs the
nose at night. Sometime the discharge may be stinking particularly in the morning.

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It is helpful in bronchitis owing to cold with loose cough. There is thick copious mucus expectoration in the morning and dry cough in the evening
and night. The patient sits up in the bed to get relief. Asthma of children from suppressed rash of measles or, of women from suppressed menses.
It is much effective in recurrent styes especially on the upper eyelids.
Pulsatilla is an excellent medicine for the eye problems when the patient is always rubbing the eyes owing to sensation of gauze before the eyes.
The vision may be dim due to early stage of paralysis of optic nerve.
Delayed menses at puberty which may be due to nervous debility or severe anaemia or menses get suppressed on getting feet wet. At times, violent
headache may be felt by the girls owing to non-commencement of menses. In other cases, menses may be irregular, delayed, and scanty once in 2
or 3 months. The face, lips, belly become puffed. The eyes may be red. The patient can't wear shoes owing to puffed (bloated) feet.
Pulsatilla is effective as an emmenagogue (drug which promotes menstruation) when there is false conception owing to moles or fibroid growth, etc.
If used injudiciously during pregnancy it may even induce abortion. Useful in difficult labor or lachrymose females when the pains are frantic and
ineffectual. These may appear suddenly and disappear gradually but are always accompanied with nervous chill running up and down her back.
Also, when the labor is delayed and difficult due to wrong position of the foetus in the womb.
Pulsatilla is equally effective in leucorrhoea when it is thick, milky white or creamy, may be associated with low backache.
It is useful when there is milk in the breasts of the girls at puberty and non-pregnant women during menstrual flow.
It is the most commonly used remedy when mumps metastasize to mammae in the girls and testicles in the boys. These organs get inflamed and
swollen enormously afterwards.
It is an effective medicine in the suppression of the gonorrhoea which later on gives rise to orchitis, epididymitis and prostatitis in males and
ovaritis, salingitis, metritis, etc. in females. Normally such patients are afraid to lie down as they get irresistible urge to pass urine frequently.
Sometimes they feel spasmodic pain in the neck of urinary bladder which may extend to pelvis and down to thighs.
Little girl child who kicks covers off and have involuntary urination at night, is helped by Pulsatilla.
It is helpful in malarial fever arising from disorders of stomach and generally preceded by gastric disturbances like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea.
The chill is one sided and associated with pain in limbs. The fever and sweat may also be on one side of the body.
Pulsatilla patient sleeps on the back with hands over the head and wants the head high as she feels uncomfortable with one pillow. Though sleep is
stupid and slumbering but does not refresh the patient in the morning on waking.
In varicose veins of lower limbs when there is burning in the veins and these seem purple in colour.
The sciatic pain, when it is worse in the evening and better by slow movement is, also under the purview of Pulsatilla.

Rhus tox is also known as poison oak. This plant grows in fields, woods and along fences in America and Europe. The tincture is prepared from the
fresh leaves. This homoeopathic medicine is prescribed to ailments arising from spraining or straining of the muscles or tendons. This can be caused
over-lifting heavy objects or from spraining high up to reach things.
It is the routine homoeopathic remedy for removing weakness of joints following sprains after Arnica has already removed the first and utmost
painful symptom. In cause of women, they may have prolapse of uterus or uterine haemorrhage due to weakness of pelvic muscles from straining
or lifting heavy loads.
Rhus tox also cures complaints such as fevers and paralysis of the limbs coming on from damp weather or from being exposed to cold damp air
when perspiring or working in cold water or when the person is bare footed.
There may also be frequent dribbling of urine on becoming cold day and night. Also, useful in involuntary urination (bed wetting) by children
particularly the boys at night owing to weakness of the bladder.
Good medicine for the enlargement of the heart from regular but violent exercise (athlete's heart) or in any other organic heart disease where the
pulse is quick, irregular, weak, and intermittent with numbness of the left arm.
Inflammation and redness of the skin with intense itching particularly of the fingers or toes owing to cold weather or due to frost bite. There is may
be vesicles, herpes or eczematous condition of the skin particularly during rainy season where the areola (base) is red or purple in colour.
Rhus tox is suitable in chronic rheumatoid arthritis, spondylosis and spondylitis where the patient is lame and stiff with a desire to stretch the body
parts or move the joints. There may be aching pain on beginning to move but patient feels better from walking or warming up for sometime,
thereafter gets exhausted and thus refrains himself.
Excellent medicine for the eye complaints during rainy season when there is excessive dampness due to persistent raining. There may be redness of
the eyes with profuse gush of hot tears on opening the swollen and agglutinated lids (eye flue).
Occasionally there may be a queer sign of red triangular tip of the tongue in some common and infectious fevers.

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N.B. It sometime acts as an abortifacient, hence forbidden in cases of early pregnancies. It was given to a housewife who consulted me for her
erythematous swelling of the toes in winter season without disclosing her being in first trimester. She was given Rhus tox 1M 3 doses with some
placebo. After some days her husband who happened to be a friend of mine complained about his wife's abortion.
In other case, the lady was in her early pregnancy and wanted to get rid of it. She used to work as a roadside vendor even in extreme winter chill.
She was given Rhus tox 1M 6 doses which relieved her from pregnancy verification and (confirmation of the accidental proving).
Dose: 200 or 1M potency doses in acute effects of damp cold 1M or high potency dose for chronic effects of the sprains or straining as well as in

Ruta Graveolens is the Milton's angel eye wash: Rue, a native plan of South Europe. The tincture is prepared from fresh herb gathered shortly
before blooming.
This homoeopathic drug is prescribed for the healing of the wounds of the periosteum of the bones, may be caused by a blow, accident or a fall.
The patient may complain soreness and aching pain at the fractured site even after the repair process has been taken place long ago. There may
develop indurations (hard masses) over the surface of the bones and tendons for months or years after healing process has been over.
Ruta is also known to have corrected contraction of hands and feet after injuries of the flexor muscles, tendons.
Good medicine for the tubercular outgrowth
(scrofulous exostosis) of the bones and repeated dislocations particularly the knees, ankles and the wrist joints with or without history of injuries.
A perfect medicine for farmers, carpenters, gardeners, labourers, cobblers, tailors and the mechanics who are holding the hammers or other iron
instruments with the result of formation of hard nodules in the palms and the fingers. Also, for the students and other people who hold their pens
tightly while writing.
An excellent medicine for the ganglion (the cystic tumor) particularly of the right hand.
Aching in and over the eyes with blurred vision from too much reading or after using the eyes at fine needle work, such as watch making,
engraving, watching T.V. picture intently. The patient may feel pain when attempting to use the vision from looking at the fine prints, fine sewing,
when copying is done in poor light. The weakness of the eyes may be observed in frequent winking of the eyes. With the use of this remedy alone
under the guidance of the expert physician nearly one third of non-cataractal cases of weak eyesight can be cured and the useof spectacles can be
made unnecessary.
A valuable medicine for the prolapse of rectum specially after parturition where it occurs every time when the bowel moves.

Sangunaria canadensis commonly known as the blood root, is a perennial plant that grows abundantly in the United States of America. The tincture
is prepared from the fresh root.
This homoeopathic medicine is prescribed mainly to young children who are weak either by birth or afterwards and do not feel hungry as the
healthy children generally do. They are very much fond of piquant things like toffees, ice creams, golgappe and other sweet, sour or saltish things.
They show reluctance for the meal. At times, their appetite vanishes on seeing the food or after taking few morsels. "The child brings his only
chapatti back home in tiffin" may be the complaint of the mothers of these sick children. Grinding of the teeth at night along with salivation while
asleep may also be found in such children.
Children with pinworms (chalune) cry out at night due to irritation in anus and the surrounding area making them and their parents sleepless at
night, or they may have a casual complaint of mild pain in their bellies. They are often sensitive to cold and sour things and may have
circumscribed redness of cheeks in febrile or non-febrile state owing to circulatory disturbance in chest affection viz acute or chronic bronchitis,
bronchopneumonia or phthsis, etc.
It may particularly be required in pneumonia when lungs are impacted with blood(consolidation) and the sputum (if raised by grownup persons)
may look rust colour and of offensive smell (especially when Phosphorus cannot either be given or repeated).
Sangunaria, is an excellent medicine for the periodic or regular sick headache of the women in their menopause. It begins in the morning on
waking up, at times with the rays of sunrise, continues to get worse during noon and then diminishes with the waning sun. The headache may be
bursting in nature, begins at or below the back of the head (occiput) and thence over the right eye. It generally gets aggravated by light, noise, and
the odour, so the patient is driven into dark room and compelled to lie down. Sometimes when the headache is severe, the patient vomits food, bile
or the slime and gets relief in pain.
Sangunaria is effective in rheumatoid arthritis of the parts where bones are least covered with flesh particularly right shoulder, the elbow or the
knee. Also, good medicine for the stiffness of the neck or the back where the pains are either extending to the head on right side or to the right
arm specially in spondylosis.
Dose: 3X or 6X potency dose 3 to 4 times a day in pneumonia. For rest of the troubles 6 or 30 potency dose 2 to 3 times a day until improvement


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Silicea is silicon dioxide commonly known silicious earth, flint or quartz.

This homoeopathic medicine is specially prescribed to fair complexion, cross, puny and pot-bellied children with large head and open fontanelles,
whose limbs are shrunken, face pinched and old looking who don't grow in size and strength and learn to walk late but sweat profusely particularly
in the head from where it descends to neck. Very often these infants can't tolerate mother's feed or any kind of food as it leads to sour vomiting and
sour curds in the stool. Thus, they go on ematiating despite abundant nourishment until they die of inanition. If they survive, lack both mental and
physical grit and thus get easily fatigued on reading, writing, and thinking. They may experience great difficulty in fixing attention on any subject
as a consequence, commit mistakes on being confused.
The patients suffer from headache on fasting or due to excessive study or any other mental exertion owing to congestion of the head. The pain
normally starts from the nape of the neck ascends to vertex and finally settles over the right eye with occasional swelling of glabella. It may start in
the morning or towards noon, worse towards night, by light, noise, talking, motion, cold air, jarring from footstep stooping and is relieved by
profuse urination, pressing and wrapping up the head warmly. At the height of the paroxysm there apts to be nausea and vomiting. Such kind of
headache is called the sick headache and may be associated with vertigo, which may be due to after-suppression of foot sweat. The vertigo rises
from the spine to the head and patient feels as if he would fall forward, worse from motion or looking upward, better wrapping up warmly or when
lying on the left side.
Such patients may also suffer from certain kind of fixed ideas like, the pins are scattered all over the place and they are in constant dread of
stepping on them, search them, count them carefully but it does not help them to realise their mistake. They may believe as if they are divided into
halves, that a hair is on the tip of their tongues, that their fingertips were made of papers, etc.
Silicea prevents dreaded recurrence of the inflammation of connective tissue, mucous membrane, skin, nerves and glands viz parotid, sublingual,
submaxillary, cervical and the tonsils, which easily matures into suppuration and is generally indolent and sluggish but deep-seated, may extend to
joints, ligaments, tendons and bones. The pus may be copious, watery, thin, gelatinous or putrid and either absorbed or let loosened as it does not
otherwise evacuate easily and perpetuates into a long drawn-out process, which may ebb and flow for months.
It is widely used in curing abscesses, carbuncles, boils, sinuses and fistulae which don't respond to other treatment and drag on eternally, whether
about the rectum that break inside or out and form complete or incomplete opening particularly in those subjects who have a tendency to phthisis
or, about vulva, which heal in a hard nodule that break out again in the same nidus or does not heal at all.
It helps in the expulsion of foreign or quasi-foreign substances like fish bones, needles, bones, splinters etc. impeded in the connective tissue or in
the eyes where it gives rise to inflammation.
The timely administration of Silicea aborts threatened abscess of breast when there is throbbing pain, tenderness and weight. Its use hastens the
natural opening, discharges a little and ceases at once.
It has the reputation of dissolving fibrotic conditions, scar tissue, keloid growth and cold induration especially of testis or cervix uteri owing to
plastic exudation during inflammatory process by stimulating the organism to reabsorb these aftergrowths.
It removes blood tumors, cephalaematoma neonatrum, enchondromata, caries of the head and shaft of the long bones, the cartilaginous portions,
abscesses in cartilage, necrosis of the jaw, the hip joint, tibia and spine, so that there is no lateral curvature of the spine (scoliosis).
Silicea is useful in eczema, intertrigo, impetigo, herpetic eruptions, pemphigus, warty growths on skin, moist eruptions, pimples, pustules,
abscesses and suppurating cavities.
Also, when a simple scratch festers, suppurates and turns into an ugly sore. At times, these simple ulcers become phagedenic and extends in depth
and keep on secreting a characteristic discharge but particularly that of the scalp of syphilitic nature, are flat, bluish and white at the base. The
edges are high, hard or spongy but bleed most readily. Thereis a feeling of coldness in the ulcers.
It is useful in trachoma when there is great hyperaemia, swelling of conjunctiva, copious secretion of tears and mucus accompanying violent
supraorbital pain and intense photophobia.
Also, in keratitis; ophthalmia, dim vision, letters run together, black spots or sparks before the eyes, haziness of retina, opacity of the humours,
posterior synechia, etc. and scrofulous cases with sore eyes. Perforating or sloughing ulcer, cicatrix in the cornea, fungus haematoids, abscesses,
boils around the eyes and lids, tarsal tumors, styes, fistula, lachrymalic and stricture of the lachrymal duct.
The remedy is especially useful in catarrh of middle ear when there occurs roaring that of steam engine or cars in the ear, may be due to
mechanical or nervous cause.
It is helpful in all sorts of abnormalities in hearing or even deafness which goes on for sometime and the hearing returns with a snap or reports like
a canon in the ear owing the escape of accumulated fluid.
Silicea is an excellent medicine for inveterate otorrhoea where the discharge is offensive, thick, yellow, curdy or water may be associated with
scabs behind the ear, rupture of the drum of the ear, catarrhal condition of internal ear and eustachian tube with sudden stoppage of the ear, which
is better by swallowing or gulping. At times, when there is caries of the small bones of the ear, mastoid process. It also cures horribly foetid ozaena
of old syphilitic cases where nasal bones are destroyed and the nose becomes a flabby bag, shrunken or ulcerated away leaving an opening, may be
associated with soreness in the nose and crust on the upper lip.
It is an effective medicine when feet perspire excessively and smell very offensive may become sore and blistered between toes. The nails of fingers
and toes are crippled and ingrowing in nature.
It is useful in complaints like stiff back from sudden suppression of sweat coming on to cold places after having violently exerted in the warm.
Removes complaints like indurations, tumors, chronic gastritis, brain fag, otorrhoea, fistula that have lasted since the suppression of foot sweat etc.

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and brings back sweat or any other suppressed body discharge.

It also removes bad effect of vaccination like abscesses, convulsions or keloid growth.
Silicea is an excellent remedy for constipation when the stool is in small balls or large and soft or large and hard, may not be covered with slime but
remains for a long in rectum owing to inability of the rectum with or without urge to expel it. The patient strains with all his strength to force the
stool. When partly expelled at the verge of the rectum it slips back again. At times, the patient strains so violently that the abdominal wall becomes
sore and the patient breaks out into a pool of sweat and gives up in despair. Ultimately he removes it by inserting his finger into the rectum. Such
type of constipation may occur before and during menses and if continued may bring on haemorrhoids.
This remedy suits the early stage of phthisis when there is dry, teasing catarrhal cough with hoarseness, peculiar cracked voice from thickening of
the laryngeal mucous membrane and soreness of the chest which is aggravated from cold and ameliorated from warm drinks.
In established case of phthisis when there is thick, yellow, green, foetid sputa, pronounced coldness and stitching pain in the lungs. The patient
begins to sweat as soon as he falls asleep specially on the head.
Also, in inveterate cases of catarrh of the chest after the violent exertion and overheating, the patient gets in a draft or takes cold from a bath and
becomes chilled.
Silicea specially suits to later stage of pneumonia when there is slow recovery and old complaints following pneumonia like asthma with coarse
rattling, where the chest is filled with mucus. It seems as if he would suffocate specially in the old sycotic persons from suppressed gonorrhoea or
children of such patients.

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