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Some Terms In Research - Questionnaire

open-ended response questions : A question that poses some problem and asks the
respondents to answer is their own words
fixed-alternative questions : A question in which the respondent is given specific,
limited-alternative responses and asked to choose the one closest to his own
simple-dichotomy (dichotomous) question :
A fixed-alternative question that
requires the respondent to choose one of two alternatives.
determinant-choice question : A fixed alternative question that requires the
respondent to choose one response from among multiple alternatives
frequency-determination question : A fixed-alternative question that asks for an
answer about general frequency of occurrence
checklist question : A fixed-alternative question that allows the respondents to
provide multiple answers to a single question by checking of items
totally exhaustive : A category exists for every respondent among the fixed
alternative categories
mutually exclusive : No overlap exists among the fixed-alternative categories
leading question : A question that suggests or implies certain answers
loaded question : a question that suggests a socially desirable answer or is
emotionally charged
counter biasing statement : An introductory statement or preamble to a potentially
embarrassing question that reduces a respondent's reluctance to answer by
suggesting that certain behavior is not unusual
split-ballot technique : Using two alternative phrasings of the same questions for
respective halves of a sample to elicit a more accurate total response than would a
single phrasing
double-barreled question : a question that may induce bias because it covers two
issues at once
order bias : Bias caused by the influence of earlier questions in a questionnaire or
by an answer's position in a set of answers
funnel technique : asking general questions before specific questions in order to
obtain unbiased responses

filter question : a question that screens out respondents who are not qualified to
answer a second question
pivot question : a filter question used to determine which version of a second
question will be asked
multiple-grid question : Several similar questions arranged in a grid format
push button : In a dialog box on an Internet questionnaire, a small outlined area,
such as a rectangle or an arrow, that the respondent clicks on to select an option or
perform a function, such as submit.
status bar : In an Internet questionnaire, a visual indicator that tells the respondent
what portion of the survey he or she has completed
radio button:
In an Internet questionnaire, a circular icon, resembling a button, that activates one
response choice and deactivates others when a respondent clicks on it.
drop-down box : In an Internet questionnaire, a space-saving device that reveals
responses when they are needed but otherwise hides them from view.
checkboxes : In an Internet questionnaire, small graphics boxes, next to answers,
that a respondent clicks on to choose an answer; typically, a check mart or an X
appears in the box when the respondent clicks on it
open-ended boxes : In an Internet questionnaire, boxes where respondent can type
in their own answers to open-ended questions
pop-up boxes : In an Internet questionnaire, boxes that appear at selected points
and contain information or instructions for respondents
variable piping software : Software that allows variables to be inserted into an
internet questionnaire as a respondent is completing it
error trapping : Using software to control the flow of an internet questionnaire - for
example, to prevent respondents from backing up or failing to answer a question
forced answering software : Software that prevents respondents from continuing
with a internet questionnaire if they fail to answer a question
interactive help desk : In an internet questionnaire, a live real-time support feature
that solves problems or answers questions respondents may encounter in
completing the questionnaire
preliminary tabulation:

A tabulation of the results of a pretest to help determine whether the questionnaire

will meet the objectives of the research
back translation : Taking a questionnaire that has previously been translated into
another language and having a second, independent translator translate it back to
the original language

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