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9th Month Pregnancy Care What To Expect,

Dos & Donts


Image : Shutterstock

Mommy, you are this close to completing your term! This is the time that all kinds of
feelings tend to set in.
By the time you enter the ninth month, you are completely prepped to deliver. Nature
has its ways working through your mind and body sending signals about your

motherhood. While the discomfort takes a toll on your patience and energy, you will
still want to cherish every moment from now on as the deadline is near.
You would have formed a special relationship with your baby inside your womb that
is hard to explain to the world. 9 month pregnancy care is all about feeling and seeing
things like a mommy!
9th Month Pregnancy Care What To Expect?

There are some remarkable changes in the way you think and operate. You will feel
wonderful during this time despite the usual discomforts caused due to the stretching

While you are eager to see your baby, you will begin to feel the
sense of separation. You will miss feeling your baby and the
bump that you have been carrying around for so long.
Your vaginal discharge will increase now. Make sure you have
extra padding during this time. Do not panic at the occasional
rush of discharge. This is completely normal unless it is itchy,
smelly and out of the ordinary.
There is a sharp pain in your bladder that causes alarm. You
are likely to feel that you will wet yourself any moment.
Get ready for the real contractions coming and going. Your
body is fast prepping for the labor.
Some women lose their mucous plug from the cervix area
during this time. Though this looks like a signal that labor has
started, do not jump to conclusions unless you see other signals
You will understand the difference between the short
contractions and the actual ones by the end of this month.
[ Read: Foods To Eat During 9th Month Of Pregnancy ]

Changes In Your Body:

This time too there will be some significant changes happening to your pregnant

You will suffer with perpetual backache as the pressure

increases on your sciatic nerve.
Your pelvis has expanded to an extent that you feel you may
crack wide open.
Stress incontinence continues, making you leak often.
Increased vaginal discharge becomes usual now.
You will suddenly start looking all blossomed yet tired. Your
face may have stress lines but there is a certain glow that
cannot be missed.
Lying down in a comfortable position gets more impossible by
each passing day.
There is more leakage from your breasts as the colostrum
continues to be produced. Better to start using the breast pads
to conceal the lactating bosom.
The overwhelming mood swings continue to grip you as you
brace for the childbirth.
You will suddenly start feeling all hairy, with more hair seen on
your face and nipples.
The shape of your eyeballs will change due to the extra fluid
circulating around your body.
You will be more alert with your labor signals. Paying close
attention to the signs helps.

Changes In Your Baby:

Your baby is almost close to ready for delivery now. Here are some key developments
happening during the month:

Your baby will weigh anywhere between 2.5 to 3.5 kilograms

and measures about 53 centimeters long.
The lungs are now fully developed, functional and breathing
through the amniotic fluid.
Your babys brain is now complete with development.
All the vital organs are now fully developed and functional.
Your babys movements will slow down as there is no room
inside the womb.

Precautions During 9th Month Of Pregnancy:

Below are some useful pointers that you can look at to ease the feeling of discomfort
in ninth month of pregnancy care:

1. Have A Dip:
You can head to the nearest swimming pool to enjoy a dip especially during summers.

The feeling of weightlessness will help you relax.

Swimming is also an excellent workout to prep your body for
the labor.

2. Warm Baths:
You will find great relief in taking warm showers during this time.

Having a warm bath provides great comfort to your aching


Make sure that the water is not very hot.

[ Read: Hot Water Bath During Pregnancy ]

3. Kegel Exercises:
Despite the approaching deadline, continue to do your Kegel exercises. You will have
an advantage during labor with stronger pelvis muscles.

4. Quality Time with Family:

Spend some quality time with family before the big day. Soak in the excitement and
joy that surrounds you.

5. Have A Positive Mind:

It is vital to carry a positive and happy mind before delivery.

You would have gone through a crazy emotional ride thanks to

the hormonal kick all these months.

Finally, you are this close to holding your baby in your arms.
Think of a smooth delivery in your mind.

6. Books, Friends, Movies:

Catch up on movies, hang out with friends, read a book do all that you want to do

You will not get any time for yourself later on after the arrival of
your baby.

Indulge in some self-pampering; get a facial, manicure and

pedicure. You will feel happy and uplifted.
[ Read: Books To Read During Pregnancy ]

7. Tackle Older Children:

If this is your second pregnancy and you have older children, prep them up about what
is about to happen.

Delegate baby related activities to them so that they feel a

part of everything.

Manage their expectations about your hospital stay during

delivery and the people who will manage them in your absence.

It is also important to express love to them and secure them of

your undivided attention even after the new baby arrives.

8. Baby Names:
You will want to keep a list of names on your mind, both for boys and girls.

Deciding on the baby name varies on an individual basis.

If you are at the liberty of choosing a special name earlier,
please do so.

9. Arrangements For Your Baby:

Making small arrangements like buying a car seat, getting a crib ready, stocking up on
baby necessities have to be done now.

Make sure you keep your hospital bag ready as well.

This should contain both your and babys essentials during the
hospital stay. Toiletries, set of clothes, towels, baby essentials
etc., should be kept in the bag.
[ Read: Things To Do Before Baby Arrives ]

10. Labor and Childbirth:

Read up on the process of labor and childbirth despite having a pre-existing
If this is your first pregnancy, talk to your partner and manage his expectations about
what will transpire in the labor room. You do not want a shocked dad who will faint at
the sight of delivery.

11. Sex During Pregnancy:

This is one question that has been in debate for long and should best be answered by
your doctor.

While you may fear having sex during the last trimester of your
pregnancy, there is no confirmed evidence that intimacy has to
be avoided.

Sex is absolutely okay in a normal pregnancy as long as there

is no pressure applied on your womb. Furthermore, sex also
triggers the required contractions in the last two weeks when
you are ready to deliver.

If you have any special conditions like high blood pressure, HIV
or other medical complications, speak to your doctor to
understand what is appropriate.

12. Sleep and Sitting Posture:

Continue to sleep on the left side till the last week of delivery.

You will now have a great urge to move around in sleep but
hang in there; you are just around the corner.

Sitting straight with a good back support should be continued.

Make your chair soft and cushioned at work. It is important that

you continue to maintain healthy reflexes.

[ Read: Sleeping Position During Pregnancy Third Trimester ]

1. Mental Stress:
As you continue to follow the necessary precautions as listed in month 8 of
pregnancy, make sure that you also implement a relaxed routine.

The thoughts of nesting, preparation of the babys arrival and

questions about unforeseen tomorrow will haunt your mind.

Taking a mental burden on the same is not at all advisable.

This is the time for you to indulge, unwind, rest and relax. Wait
for things to happen as time unfolds.
[ Read: Stress During Pregnancy ]

2. Physical Activity:
Engaging in strenuous physical activities is a complete NO.

Take a step back while others take care of things at home. Try
not to be pushy about being involved in everything.

You have to take extra precaution from here on before applying

any kind of body pressure on yourself.

3. Sudden Reflexes:
Do not sit or stand suddenly as this will lower your blood sugar.

You may also have cramps at times with a heavy bump on the

Continue with those slow and steady movements while

performing the daily activities.

Embrace yourself with a joyful feeling about the oncoming

labor and delivery.

Remind yourself that childbirth is a natural process.

Do not take stress in imagining it beyond measure as people fill

in your mind with their mythical and eventful tales.

Wait for it to happen with the flow.

Hope you will follow these precautions during 9th month pregnancy to stay safe. All
the while, your body will be preparing you to steer ahead for the labor. Keep an open
mind about the process. Do not worry in excess. Enjoy the ride.
Dont forget to share your experiences of your 9th month pregnancy care with us.

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