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How to debate theists

1. If god knows future, then we dont have free will. If we do have free
will, god cant see future and therefore he is not all powerful and
shouldnt be called god.
2. If god can see future and knows what will happen then he doesnt have
free will.
3. The consistent replacement of supernatural explanation by natural
ones suggests that we can find explanation for everything. Some
phenomena that were thought to be supernatural in the past are
perfectly normal now. The same thing is happening right now. The
number of these happenings is over 1000 and counting. The number of
normal things turned to be actually supernatural is 0.
4. If god is real and people heard or saw him, how come so many people
see him different than the other. Almost every single religion has
different perception of god. So only one can be true. That means just
one religion could be true and rest is rubbish.
5. If theists are so sure that god is real and that their beliefs are true, why
are their arguments so weak? Its a really small number of times when
a theist beat an atheist in a debate.
6. For christians. How come that so many things in bible were proven to
be wrong and yet christians continue believing in bible? And how can
you pray to god that according to bible is jealous, and proud of it;
unforgiving control freak; bloodthirsty ethnic cleaner; homophopic;
racist; genocidal and sadist bully. That doesnt make you a normal
7. One of main reasons that make people to believe in god are miracles
that only god could have done. Like floods, sickness, health, etc. Well
that was a thing in that past. Now we know the reason why that
happens. Now theists say that consciousness can only be made and
given to us by god. Well science is slowly understanding what exactly
is consciousness and somewhere in the future we will have full
understanding of it. Now where are god actions there?
8. The strongest reason that someone is christian or muslim is because it
is a family tradition. Kids are thought the way of family religion from
very young age, and its not actually their will.
9. Any supernatural thing that came out of religion and can be tested has
turned out to be false. Like astrology, praying, etc. Others havent

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turned out to be false simply because they cant be tested. Some,

though, did have effect, but only as placebo.
While atheists are mostly also agnostic, most theists arent. And
yet they dont have any proof of gods existence. And they still do
terrible things to non-believers, and also believers who just happen not
to believe the same way they do.
Why is there so much suffering in world if god is all-powerful,
benevolent creature. If he can and is willing to erase evil from world
why is there evil in world? If he is willing but cant or reverse, why call
him god?
For christians. There are so many religions in this world. Isnt it
narrow-minded and arrogant to suggest that the only way to god is to
accept Christ?
For Christians. You do not deserve to go to heaven if the only
reason that stops you from doing crimes is faith in afterlife. That makes
you a very, very evil person. Ateists dont do that because we dont
want to do anything that will harm others simply because we have
Miracles dont happen. Why? Universe works by laws of nature
and physics and they can not be broken. The things that people call
coincidences are not actually coincidences. You can go deep into the
past and see something that can lead to present and show you why
something happened. Nothing strange there.
Its been told that god creates people. So he makes us evil or
good? No,, the theist will say, because god gave us free will so we
can choose what we want!. That is actually a very good argument, but
there is a slight problem. Well you see, god created us and our brain,
right? So he is responsible for the way our brain works. So it is actually
his fault that some people are evil and will go to hell for eternity. It is
very disturbing to worship a god like that.
For christians. If some people didnt heard of Christ will they go
to hell? Most will say no, because that is not their fault. But if
christianity was never taught to us we would all go to heaven. So
actually church is responsible that non-believers that are aware of
Christ go to hell. Wow
For christians .Church all over the world hides paedophiles, liars,
murderers, abusers. Its really disturbing to follow these people..
For christians. Christians say that they dont approve gay
marriage or gay people at all because it says so in the bible. I also says
that incest, racism, torture and raping are allowed, but they ignore it.
Why? Because that on the other hand can affect their life.

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For Christians. Christians say that bad people go to hell and good
ones to heaven. The problem is that it is not all black and white. If
person has done both good and bad things how to know where to send
him? So if a person is in the middle, a simple stealing of bubble gum
can mean difference between heaven and hell. That is just disturbing.
Many theists say that evolution is fake. But how to prove it is
not? Well, a lot years ago every human had wisdom teeth. Now some
people dont because we dont need it. And again how is that process
called? Ammm, yes! Its called evolution!
So I will bring out a reason why I hate christianity so much.

This is actually very accurate. We could have reached third millennia with
science and technology. We could have lived in a perfect world and perhaps
create something like heaven. So, yea thank you jesus for this crappy world I
live in. I was a christian before I became agnostic and eventually atheist. Im
so happy Im not any more.

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For muslims. Many things in quran were copied from bible. How
can people believe you and not Christians from whom you were made
For violent muslims. You say that islam is a religion of peace and
tolerance and yet you kill every member of other religion, you rape
kids and women and you forbid leaving islam. It is not exactly peace.
Christians say that women were made from men. How can you
explain the thing that testosterone has evolved from estrogen?
People say that god gave them this and that while kids in Africa
are starving to death. God is actually picking his favorites and leaving
others to suffer.

26. Oh, yes also this.

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Not really following god

If we are only meant to live a short life on earth and then go to
heaven, why did god created such monstrously huge universe? Its a
huge waste of space.
For Christians. Bible said that god created everything in 7 days.
Why did he need so much time? He could do it in a moment.
Can god kill himself? If he can then he is not immortal. If he cant
than he is not all-powerful. In both cases he should not be called god.
Can god create a stone so heavy that he cant lift it? Its the
same paradox as above. If he can or cant he is still not all-powerful.
Its been confirmed that faith in god is actually a brain disease.
People who say I know that god exists because I can feel it in
my heart are wrong. That feeling is caused by few chemical reactions
in brain that trigger these feelings.
Church has been killing or sentencing all kinds of scientists
during middle age ( dark age ) that turned out to be right about beliefs
that differed for church ones
Way has god always talked with people, done miracles in the
past? Why has he done doing that since the moment we can write
down and save those sightings?
Did Gandhi went to heaven? He knew about jesus and didnt
become Christian, but was still better than 99.99 christians that ever
lived. If not then god is a psychopath. And if yes, why do believers
have problem with atheists who are good persons?
For believers that say that universe and earth are not billions of
years old. Please one night go outside and look at the sky. What do you
see? Stars, of course (if its not cloudy). Some stars are billions of light
years away from earth. And light from those stars needs billions of
years to reach earth. And that light did come. But how if universe and
earth are not billions of years old?
99.99 species that ever lived on earth are extinct. How many do
overs does god need?
Believers often say how can universe come from nothing, what
was before big bang, it is not logical . Before big bang there was no
time or space so it does not need cause or specific explanation. But
believers should ask them self: from what did god come to life; when
did he come to life; what existed before him? There is way less logics in
Big bang theory and evolution theory have lots of evidence.
Unlike creationism which doesnt have a single one.

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Unlike what theists say, universe is a very nasty place and even
on earth there is no harmony. We only survived so long on this planet
thanks to evolution. An also on earth only a bit of surface is habitable.
If god created us using himself as model, why are some people
ugly, deformed or have more than normal number of limbs and such
Believers claim that life is a structure that is really complex and
it needs a designer. A god that created such complex universe is also a
complex structure and he also needs a designer. You can go to infinity
like that. A solution to this problem is simple. It can all be explained
with science and doesnt require god.
Another paradox. Can god create alternate future that is
unknown to him? In both yes and no answers, god is not omnipotent or
omniscience or even both. Number of these paradoxes is infinite.
Less than 10% of people in America are atheists. More than 90%
of scientists in America are atheists. This shows us that the more
intelligent person is, the less chance there is for the person to be
It says in the bible that people with blindness or weak eyesight
cant go to heaven and yet many blind people and people with glasses
follow christianity. Hypocrites
There are hundreds different evidences of evolution. The only
evidence for creationism is a holy book.
Beat your slaves! Exodus 21;21 Dislike your Jews! I
Thessalonians 2.14-16 Obey your slavemaster! - Ephesians 6:5
Desert your family! Mark 10:29 Hate your wife! Luke 14:26
Stone your children! Deuteronomy 21:18-21 Mary your rapist!
Deuteronomy 22:28-29.
Some peaceful rules in Bible
Christianity in a nutshell. The belief that some cosmic Jew can
make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and
telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can
remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity
because a rib-woman convinced by a talking snake to eat from a
magical tree.
What kind of god can let holocaust happen?
For muslims. You force women to cover themselves so you dont
get unholy desires. But it doesnt matter that you want to get 72 naked
virgins in heaven? Because you know, fuck logic
The oldest version of bible in the world is the Sinai bible, housed
in the British museum. There are over 14 800 differences between this
bible and the standard King James version. Just how much proof do

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Christians need to understand that the word of god is nothing, but

the word of men?
Humans never requested to be created. They never begged for
existence. So, why should they own anything to god? If life is a gift,
why is there a payment expected? Why is that payment in form of
There is someone that saves life to someone that is sick and of
course people thank him for that. That someone also has power to
save 9 million children each year, but doesnt. Well, people call him
If god is infinitely good, why fear him? If god is infinitely wise,
why concern our future? If good knows everything, why warn him
about our needs with prayers? Just, why?
There are two very powerful characters in bible. One is most
unpleasant character in all fiction works ever. Jealous, petty, unjust,
unforgiving control-freak; bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic,
homophobic, racist, genocidal, megalomaniacal, sadist, malevolent
bully. The other one? The other one is Satan
For muslims. Muhammad and ISIS share these: 1. Murdering
people; 2. Executing prisoners; 3. Committing genocides; 4. Targeting
women and children; 5. Proceeding convert or die policy; 6.
Demanding Jizya (unbeliever tax); 7. Raping women; 8. Having sex
slaves (including young girls). If Muhammad was alive today he would
most definitely be part of ISIS.
For Christians. Story of Gilgamesh. 2600 BC. A flood under of
order from God. A bark with saved animals.
India. 1000 BC. A man named Krishna was given birth
by a virgin. He got baptized in a river. He resurrected three days after
he died. It happened on Sunday.
Persia. 1200 BC. God Mithru, born on 25th December,
miracle man, resurrected three days after he died, had 12 followers. He
was given names such as Path, Truth, Light, Lamb, Messiah, etc
Greece. 500 BC. Dionysus (god of wine), child of a
virgin, father is God of sky, rose from the dead, turned water to wine,
symbolically ate flesh and drank blood of his father, traveled with his
students (followers), did miracles, etc
Egypt. 3000 BC. Horus, son of Osiris, was born on 25th
December by a virgin mother in a group Eastern Star. He was baptized
at age of thirty, had 12 followers, have cured sick people. He
resurrected three days after his death. Was given names Path, Truth,
Light, Savior, Messiah.

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Greece. 1200 BC. God Attis, got born from virgin

mother on 25 December. He also died like Jesus, he was placed in a
tomb and was resurrected three days after he died.
Not a single thing in story of Jesus was original. Everything was copied.
There are 33 vertebrae in spine. 33 was considered to be the
ultimate number years before Jesus. Jesus was 33 when he died and
got resurrected. Coincidence? I dont think so
Bible was written out of 4 gospels. There are actually a lot more
gospels. And only in these 4 Jesus was considered a gods son and a
healer, etc.
The Council of Nicea took place in AD 325 by order of Roman
Emperor Constantine. There was a vote about naming Jesus gods son,
and naming the bible as a word of god. I think that these things
shouldnt have been discussed if they were real.
Jesus had wife. Her name was Mary Magdalene. He also had kids.
That is a lot different from what the bible told us. There werent 12
apostles with Jesus in the Last Supper painting. There were 11
apostles and Mary Magdalene. It is believed that bloodline of Jesus still
Do murdering psychopaths go to hell or heaven if they commit
terrible crimes? Well they cant control their lust for killing (some dont,
some do). Its wrong to let that kind of person in heaven, but it is even
worse to send him to hell, because its not their fault.
Why do Adam and Eve have belly button on paintings? Have can
you trust those who wrote these books and paint the paintings if they
couldnt figure out that they shouldnt have belly buttons? Also if they
were real, the story of Adam not having nipples would exist, because
every fetus at beginning is female, but since Adam wasnt born that
way he shouldnt have had them.
Explain three different races if we originated from Adam and Eve
and if Earth is only few thousands of years old. It takes a lot longer
than few thousand of years for mankind to evolve in three different
The bible was written at time when people thought the earth was
flat and wheelbarrow was considered high tech. Are those teachings
applicable to the challenges we face now as civilization? (Note- this is
quote from Sam Harris)
In 2 kings 2:24 god sent 2 bears to tear apart 42 children. What a
benevolent creature the god is

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For Christians. The ideology that churches are protected by (or
from) God has stopped the moment when people put lightning rod on
For believers who do animal slaughter to please their god/gods. If
animal slaughter makes your god/gods happy then your god is a
bloodthirsty psychopath. Seriously, what kind of sadist, bloodthirsty,
psychopath god allows animal torture?!
There is something beautiful in seeing the poor accept their lot,
to suffer it like Christs passion, the world gains much from their
suffering. Mother Teresa of Calcutta.
She is extremely disturbing and obviously mentally sick person. Should
people follow teachings that this kind of persons make?

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