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Muhammad Amaluddin Amran

Nashriq Bin Md Idris


Date :


Time :

11.00AM - 1.00PM

Venue :

Intec Great Hall


1) To inform the history of education

2) Diversity in learning
3) Comparison between education systems of the 21st century with 20th
Description :
The title of session is Current MOE Policies in School presented by Tuan Haji
Khalid bin Mohd Yusof. The session starts with some history background on
Malaysian education system. According to him, Malaysias first education act is
Ordinan Pelajaran which was introduced during 1952. At that moment there
education only divided into two which is Malay and English. That is until Fen Wu
report which later create SJK(T) and SJK(C). Around 1956 till 1960 Malaysian
education system is focused on two main themes that are unity and vocational.
Later on, from 1956 to 1981 Malaysia starts to practice a co-curriculum which is
now known as old co-curriculum. Then they introduced a new system known as
KBSM/R starting 1982 to 2010. The old education system was practiced around
25 years while the KBSM/R education system was practiced around 28 years.
Both of these systems have created a good environment and relationship
between students and teachers. At that time students are more loyal, discipline
and respect their teacher. Anything that teacher teaches during that time is
always right. Then in the year 2011 to 2015, Malaysia has implement PPPM to the
students. Among the reason on why the education system is always changing is
because Malaysian students are too exam oriented. Tun Haji Khalid also stress
out that teaching nowadays is different than the previous days. Now teaching is
no longer base on teacher-centered but it is more towards two ways
communication and interactive. Teacher need to at least master learning skills,
literacy skills and life skills. Teacher these days need make some changes
regarding preparation of classroom, schools environment, teacher preparation
and preparation for leadership. He also highlights the differences between
education systems of the 21st century with 20th century. Most of the
comparisons that he shares with us is interesting. One of the things that he
shares is the basic of pedagogy nowadays is no longer the same. Nowadays in
21st century the basic pedagogy is creates information compare to the 20 th
century which is giving information. The goal of learning also changes from being
in control during 20th century to autonomy in 21st century. What is more
interesting is that teacher in 21st century is not only as instructor but more
towards facilitator.

Muhammad Amaluddin Amran

Nashriq Bin Md Idris



We get to learn more about our education history and would be able to
implement it better in our teaching in the future.

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