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Schizophrenia ( Disorganized Type / Hebephrenic )

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Wed, December 02, 2015

By Dr. Cheryl Lane, PhD

Disorganized schizophrenia is one of five subtypes of schizophrenia. Also known as hebephrenic
schizophrenia, this particular subtype often has a poor prognosis. As the name suggests, it is
characterized by disorganized behavior and speech, as well as disturbances in emotional

Symptoms of disorganized schizophrenia

Individuals diagnosed with disorganized schizophrenia typically display three distinctive symptoms.
These are:

Disorganized speech (which must be severe enough to significantly interfere with their ability
to communicate effectively)

Disorganized behavior

Blunted or inappropriate affect

Disorganized speech
Disorganized speech is actually caused by the individuals severely impaired thought processes.
This makes it extremely difficult and often impossible for patients with this diagnosis to speak in a
way that is coherent and meaningful. They simply cannot organize their thoughts. If you try to
converse with them, they may constantly jump from one subject to another. They may also
experience thought blocking, which causes them to abruptly stop mid-sentence as if their thoughts
were suddenly gone.
Individuals with disorganized schizophrenia will often answer questions with a vague response or
one that is completely unrelated to the question. Its not uncommon for them to actually make up
words, referred to as neologisms. When their cognitive disorganization is severe, their speech will
usually be impossible to understand. When this occurs it is often referred to as word salad.

Disorganized Behavior
Disorganized behavior may be exhibited in a variety of ways. Patients with this type of schizophrenia
are unable to start a specific task (e.g. taking a shower or cooking a meal) or finish it once they
begin. This is one of the reasons that the prognosis is especially poor for this type of schizophrenia.
Their severe disorganization makes it impossible to function on their own. As a result of their gross
disorganization, they often neglect their personal hygiene and appear disheveled.
Individuals with this type of schizophrenia may become agitated for no apparent reason. They may
engage in very inappropriate sexual behavior, such as touching themselves while in a public place.
Bizarre dress is also not uncommon, such as piling on layers of clothing even though the weather is
very warm.

Blunted or Inappropriate Affect

The term affect refers to a persons emotional response (e.g. smiling when happy), including the
way it is expressed (e.g. with their body language and tone of voice). In disorganized schizophrenia,
individuals often have a blunted or flat affect; in other words, they show little or no emotion in their
facial expression, mannerisms, or their tone of voice. If they do show emotion it may be completely
inappropriate to the situation, such as laughing hysterically at a sad story.

Additional characteristics
Unlike paranoid schizophrenia, in which hallucinations and / or delusions are primary symptoms,
people with disorganized schizophrenia may not have hallucinations or delusions. If they do, they
arent prominent, nor do they revolve around a specific theme (such as religion or persecution).
In order to meet the criteria for a diagnosis of disorganized schizophrenia, the patient must not
exhibit symptoms that meet the criteria for catatonic schizophrenia (another one of the five
Other characteristics of this particular subtype include odd or bizarre behaviors. The person may
have strange mannerisms, stand or sit in an unusual position, or grimace frequently. They are also
often socially withdrawn.

Disorganized schizophrenia usually requires lifelong treatment. Antipsychotic medications can help
reduce and control some of the symptoms, enabling the person to live a more functional and fulfilling
life. If the medication is effective, he/she may be well enough to participate in individual, group,
family, or other types of therapy. Vocational skills training may also be very beneficial.

Other Related Aspects

The signs of disorganized schizophrenia often begin to appear at an earlier age than they do for
other types of schizophrenia. Personality disturbances are often noticeable early on. The
development of this subtype is usually very gradual, unlike paranoid schizophrenia in which there is
usually a distinctive initial psychotic break.
Unfortunately, the symptoms of disorganized schizophrenia are less likely to subside significantly like
they do with some of the other types. However, with appropriate and ongoing treatment, some
individuals with this type of schizophrenia are able to function relatively well.

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