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Roll No:

Assignment 1


Instructions: please create a directory on the Desktop of your computer; the directory should be
named MM655_Your-RollNo_220115; all your files should be stored in this directory. Only
contents in the directory will be evaluated.

1) In a perfect environment (exponential growth), the increase in a population of rats is by a factor
of e each year. Model this growth by a differential equation. What is the growth rate constant

(2 points)

2) In a limited environment, the growth is given by the logistic equation; = (1 ) . Solve

the ODE (use value of k from answer of 1). What is the physical meaning of R?

(3 points)

3) Suppose a pest control service intends to control these rats by killing them at a constant rate of
A rats per year. If it wants to limit the rat population to 75% of the maximum sustainable
population, what rate A should it aim for (in rats per year)? (take R=1600)

(3 points)

4) Using the values of R and A solve the eqn in question 3) numerically (using MATLAB). Check
if the equilibrium solution is same as that in q. 3. Save the plot as *.bmp
(2 points)


Roll No:

Time: 1.5 hrs



Instructions: please create a directory on the Desktop of your computer; the directory should be named
MM655_Your-RollNo_160315; all your files should be stored in this directory. Only contents in the
directory will be evaluated.



(5 points)

(a) Set up a mathematical model to represent the motion of this system (neglecting any
friction). (2)
(b) Given m1=1, m2=1, k1=1, k2=4, k3=1. Initial condition: x(0)=x(0)=y(0)=y(0)=0. Solve the
model numerically using matlab for two different values of f(t)=cos(t) and cos(3t) (Create
and save the function files). Plot the position functions vs. t for both the cases (Use subplot).
Save the plot as ans1.pdf. Give your interpretation. (take your x axis to vary from 0 to 20) (3)


(5 points)

(a) The mass-spring-dashpot system (m=1,k=2,c=3) is acted upon by a discontinuous external

force f(t) which is an unit box function uab(t) (a=1,b=2) . Set up a mathematical model to
represent the motion of this system (neglecting any friction).
(b) Solve the model using Laplace Transforms (given x(0)=x(0)=0).
(c) Plot the position function vs. t using matlab. Save the plot as ans2.pdf take your x axis to
vary from 0 to 5)


Roll No:

Time: 1.5 hrs



Instructions: please create a directory on the Desktop of your computer; the directory should be named
MM655_Your-RollNo_130415; all your files should be stored in this directory. Only contents in the
directory will be evaluated.
1) A non-isothermal reactor with constant holdup is shown in the figure

(10 points)

Additional Information
1) Constant holdup and perfect mixing are assumed in the cooling jacket.

2) Rate constant : =
3) Initial Conditions: CA(0)= 6 mol/l, T(0)=400 K, TC(0)= 300 K
4) Given data:
m=5 kg/s

T0C= 300 K

= 1.97 x 1020 s-1

VC = 1000 l

CA0= 6 mol/l

V=3000 l

U.AH = 7000 J/s

CPC= 1000 J/kg.K

CP = 1000 J/kg.K

= 1 kg/l

T0= 400 K

mC= 5 kg/s

E= 166000 J/mol

C= 1kg/l

= -200 J/mol

R= 8.314 J/mol.K

(a) Write the equations to represent the dynamic response of the CSTR. Solve numerically using
matlab (save the script and function files as ans1script.m and ans1function.m). Plot the time
variation of CA,T,TC (use subplot, take x-axis 0:1:5000, save plot as ans1plot.pdf). From the plot
find the steady state values of CA,T,TC.

(5 points)

(b) The CSTR after reaching steady state has a step change in the coolant mass flow rate (mC=4). Find
the new steady values of CA,T,TC. Save the script and function files as ans2script.m and
ans2function.m. Save plot as ans2plot.pdf.

(2 points)

(c) Find the required step change in T0C along with mC=4 to maintain the same CA as the steady state
value of (a). Save the script file as ans3script.m and the plot as ans3plot.pdf. Using the obtained
T0C, solve and plot the time variation of CA,T,TC. Save the plot as ans32plot.pdf.

(3 points)


Roll No:

Quiz 1


Instructions: please create a directory on the Desktop of your computer; the directory should be named
MM655_Your-RollNo_090215; all your files should be stored in this directory. Only contents in the
directory will be evaluated.


1) Given the IVP, = 1+2

, y(0)=1


Calculate the following using step size of 0.1 for steps=0,1,2
(a) Using Euler method (1)
(b) Comment on the nature of the solution curve in the neighborhood of (0,1) (1)
(c) Using RK2 method (2)
(d) Using Matlab (ode23). Save the script and function files in the directory (1)







(7 points)



(c) Set up a mathematical model to represent the motion of this system (neglecting any
friction) and solve it given k1=140 N/m, k2=86 N/m, m= 25 kg, c= 10 Ns/m, x(0)=20 m,
x(0)=41 m/s.
(d) Find the pseudo period and pseudo frequency of the oscillations
(e) Solve the model numerically using MATLAB and plot the graph of the position function
vs. t (both obtained from (c) and (a)). Save the plot as *.pdf


Roll No:

Time: 1.5 hrs

Quiz 2


Instructions: please create a directory on the Desktop of your computer; the directory should be named
MM655_Your-RollNo_020415; all your files should be stored in this directory. Only contents in the
directory will be evaluated.


A closed system of brine tanks consists of three tanks

with volume V1, V2 ,V3 and flow rate of r as shown in
the figure.

(6 points)

(a) Set up a mathematical model to represent the amount of salt (x1(t), x2(t), x3(t)) as a function of time
in each of the tanks.


(b) Given, V1=50 gal, V2= 25 gal, V3= 50 gal, r =10 gal/min and initial conditions x1(0)=50, x2(0)=0,
x3(0)=0. Solve the model numerically using matlab (Create and save the script and function

files). Plot the amount of salt vs. t in the different tanks (single plot). Save the plot as
ans1.pdf. (take your x axis to vary from 0 to 20)



(6 points)

h1 A1


h2 A2


h3 A3


Three interacting gravity tanks are connected in series as shown.

(f) Set up a mathematical model to represent the time variation of the height of the liquid in
the tanks (neglect friction in the connecting pipes)
(g) Find the steady state liquid levels in the tanks as a function of the given parameters (1.5)
(h) Given F0=10 ft3/min, A1= 15 ft2, A2= 10 ft2, A3= 5 ft2 and the steady state values h1s=
8.34 ft, h2s= 4.34 ft, h3s= 1.56 ft. Solve the model numerically using matlab (Create and
save the script and function files). Take initial conditions of h1(0)=20 ft, h2(0)=15 ft,
h3(0)=10 ft. Plot the height of liquid vs. t in the different tanks (single plot). Save the plot
as ans2.pdf. (take your x axis to vary from 0 to 500)


Roll No:

Time: 2 hrs

Mid Semester Exam


Instructions: please create a directory on the Desktop of your computer; the directory should be named
MM655_Your-RollNo_250215; all your files should be stored in this directory. Only contents in the
directory will be evaluated.
5) Consider a room with uniform indoor temperature T(t) (T-temperature, t=time). If the outdoor
temperature, Te is given by Te=a0+a1cos(t) and the heat exchange across the walls governed by
Newtons law of cooling;
(10 points)
(e) Setup a model to represent the time variation of the indoor temperature
(f) Find the transient and steady state solutions
(g) Given a0=30, a1=5, =/12, proportionality constant k=0.2, solve the model numerically using
MATLAB for two different initial conditions T(0)=15, 45. Plot the obtained indoor temperature
variations vs. t along with the external temperature (take your x axis to vary from 0 to 100). Save
the plot as ans1.pdf (3)
(h) In the above plot, if the time is in hrs and temperature in 0C, and peaks in the outdoor temperature
correspond to 2 p.m. At what time of the day is the indoor temperature maximum?


(10 points)


(i) The above system is acted upon by an external Force, F=F0 cos(t). Set up a mathematical
model to represent the motion of this system (neglecting any friction). (1)
(j) Find the steady state solution.
(k) Investigate the possibility of practical resonance for this system (plot using matlab and save
the plot as ans21.pdf). (k1=10, k2=90, m= 1, c=2, F0=10) ((take your x axis to vary from 0 to
(l) Solve the model numerically using MATLAB (x(0)=2, x(0)=0, take to be value of practical
resonance) and plot the graph of the position function vs. t. ((take your x axis to vary from 0 to
40). Save the plot as ans22.pdf. What is the interpretation of the obtained graph

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