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͞Fear is just a state of mind͙ You attract to your reality what you fear the most. ͟

John D. kept repeating this bizarre mantra to himself. It felt like a lifeline to his Sanity.

It was getting late. He tucked in the twins, his two precious four-year-old boys, Sean and
Andrew. Went to bed to his beautiful wife Sarah, already soundly asleep. His family meant
the world to him. The one constant thing as his reality around him shattered thru one
paradigm shift after another.

John D. lay in bed wide awake. As a man ͞in the know͟ one thing he knew for sure - WHAT
HE KNEW interfered heavily with his sleeping patterns.

Stationed for four years in a Deep Underground Military Base, one of those officially non-
existent government installations, he was positioned as a security technician with a high-
level security clearance.

He was now painfully aware that much of the conspiratorial stuff out there was actually
true: Yes, there is a worldwide Illuminati conspiracy where top people in positions of power
are actually Luciferian control freaks manipulating people and world events to their ends.
Yes, the Extraterrestrials are here and the Secret Government is in cahoots with them,
serving their agendas and selling out the human race.

John D. broke into a cold sweat as he thought about the Aliens.

He thought about his first encounter.

It was like a regular military meeting, only the head of the table was occupied by this
hideous creature. He sat there mesmerized as the Alien communicated with the officers
around the table. The only thing occupying his mind for awhile was the fact that he had
soiled his pants.

The Alien was a heavily built reptilian creature, like an upright alligator, with vertically slit
luminous eyes and a mouth full of sharp teeth that could have leapt straight out of a
nightmare. He could almost taste his negative energy and his loathing for the entire human
race. And yes, he witnessed that the being could actually SHAPESHIFT.

After that first encounter, where he felt like he was actually being tested for fortitude he
gradually got more and more involved with the joint Military/Alien projects and was briefed
on the lower Alien Levels, off-limits to the human personnel.

It was nearly dawn when John D. did manage to get some sleep.
The next day, during his shift at the Base, he was ordered to report ASAP along with his boss
to a deeper level, a place he had never seen before.

They both got into an elevator going down and entered this huge dimly illuminated area.
He stared at some strange boxlike containers.

͞You know what these are, John?͟

͞No sir, I don͛t͟ said John D.

͞These are just leftovers.͟ said his boss with a strange look on his face.

͞Leftovers from what, sir?͟ John D. managed to ask.

͞John, do you know what these things eat? I mean the Aliens.͟

͞Waiting for a new batch any time now, you͛ll see.͟

John D. felt a sinking feeling in his stomach as a cart carrying a batch of some twenty cages
loomed into view. He was shocked to realize there were small children in the cages.

͞Yep, they ͛ve got a taste for small human children͙͟ muttered the boss.
͞And we have to provide them!͟

John D.͛s mind was now racing. Inside the cages in the front row there were two familiar
small figures: Sean and Andrew, his own twin sons. Sean actually looked at him and
managed a faint ͙͞Daddy?͟

The exact moment John D. was ready to explode his boss calmly issued his trigger phrase.
John D. switched alters in a split second and assumed total robotic compliance. He was
ordered to drive the cart all the way to the entrance of the elevator for the Alien Section.

There, a tall Alien waited.

He wore a grimace of a reptilian smile.

A row of sharp teeth showing in his mouth͙

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