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Temporary Fix For Windows Users
1) Download http://www.wampserver.com/
WampServer will be used to create a local server on your PC.
Click on Downdload.

Click on appropriate download link based on type of system you have - 64/32 bit.

Click on download directly.

Download and Instal the WampServer. Since I already have it installed, I wont be
providing any screen captures, but during the installation it will ask for your default
browser and code editor - no need to change anything.
2) Configuration

After you have installed WampServer the icon in Taskbar should be green. If not
left click on it, and click Start All Services. If it its still Orange/Red - left click on it, and
click Restart All Services.
If its still Orange/Red and youre using Skype: open Skype, click Tools ->
Options -> Advanced ( left side ) -> Connection -> Uncheck Use Port 80 and 443

Sign out and Close Skype. Restart WampServer (Restart All Services) left
clicking on the Icon.
Assuming your Icon is green proceed from here on. If not Google is your friend.
Navigate to wamp64 directory, in my case C:\wamp64.

Inside the directory click on the www folder.

Create a new Text Document / Notepad file, double click on it, write something
inside the document, like, NAS hates DN.
Click File -> Save As - > write index.html without quotation marks in File
Name entry, and below it from the Save as type dropdown menu select All Files and
click Save.
Open your browser and copy paste the following:
you should be seeing the text you wrote inside the index.html. If Not, well, too bad.

Assuming everything is working return to the wamp64 folder.

Left click on the green WampServer icon, click on Appache , click on .httpd.
When the text document opens click Control + F, copy pase mod_include.so
without quotations . You should be seeing:
LoadModule include_module modules/mod_include.so
Confirm that it does not contain # at the beginning, if it does, remove it.
Control + F again and copy paste Options Indexes FollowSymLinks.
Replace the following line:
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
To Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes MultiViews
Save the document and close it.
Navigate to the following folder:

Open the .htaccess file with notepad.

Replace the following All text with the following:

# 1 -ErrorDocument 404 /filenotfound.php

# 2 -IndexIgnore *
# 3 -Options +MultiViews
Save the file and close it.

Navigate to the folder:

Open the file httpd http once again with notepad or better yet Movie Maker if
you fancy so, I dont care.
Control F and find and replace all
AllowOverride None to AllowOverride All
Save the document and close it.
Navigate back to folder

Insert any image inside the directory and rename it to 1 without the quotation
Open your Browser and paste the following link and verify that
you can see the added image. If you cant, well, I guess it was never meant to be.
Assuming you were able to view the picture, go to the following link:

Log into your account, go to Deck Constructor and click on search (Using
Alpha order)

First card should match the image you added to your www directory.

Adding custom image to your desired card.

Go to the http://duelingnetwork.com/cardlist/ and Control F , enter the card you

want to find. Copy Paste its code, say 3436 (Quickdraw Synchron).
Add an image to your www directory and rename it to the code that you found, in
my case 3436.

WampServer by default does not start automatically, so whenever you want to

play DN you have to manually start it.


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