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Time: 3 Hours Max.Marks: 75

" -
SECTION A (1x15=15)
1. What is cultural shock? What are its consequences? How can you control the
consequences of cultural Shock?

SECTION - B (5x9=45)
Answer any FIVE questions. Each question carries 9 marks.
2. Define the term organizattonal behavior. Explain the need for studying 08. -
3. What is learning? Discuss the managerial implications of learning.
4. As a manager how do you motivate the women employees, casual workers, and the
" beginners. .

5. Define group dynamics. How can group cohesiveness be achieved?

6. What is a barrier to communication? Suggest measures to overcome the barriers to
communication. .
7. Differentiate between positive and bad news messages. Support your answers with
appropriate examples.
8. What is perception? Explain the various factors influencing perception.
9. Discuss the various steps involved in preparing"a proposal and writing a report.

SECTION - C (1x15=15)
10. Read the following Case and answer the questions given at the end:
Mr. Gautam Ghosh founded a small radio manufacturing plant in Western India
in the late sixties. From this small beginning came one of the country's largest radio,
television and allied products companies. 8y 1996, it had recorded annual sales of.
Rs.800 million, with 25,000 employees and 8 manufacturing locations. Throughout
its growth, the founder remained an active imaginative and driving force behind his
company. In earlier days, every manager and worker knew him, and he was able to

Contd... 2
call most of them by their first names; so even after the company grew fairly large,
peoplefelt they knew the founder and chief executive,and their strong feeling of ....
p~rsonalloyalty had much to.do with the fact that the company's workers.never forme9
a union. However, as the company prospered and grew, Mr. Ghosh through that it
was losing its,"Small company" spirit. He also felt that communications were suffering,
that his objectives and philosophy were not being understood in the company, that
.much wasteful duplication was product development and marketing were suffering
as a result. Likewise, he was concerned that he lost touch with the peopl~. To solve
the communication problem, he hired a Director of communications reporting directly
to him. The issues were discussed in detail between the two.. They then put into
effect every . communication device
they found in other large companies, namely:
a) Bulletin boards in every office and plant throughout the country.
, b) A revitalizedcompanynewslettercarryingdetailedcompanyand. personalnews '

affecting all locations. '

'c) Regular profit-sharing letters.

d) Company-sponsored courses to teach communication

e) Monthly on,e-daymeetings at headquarters for the top 100 executives.

f) Annual three-day meetings of 900 executives at all levels, at a resort town and
g) A large number of special committee to discuss company matters.
After much time, effort and expense spread over a year, Mr. Ghosh was
disappointed to find that his problems of communication and of the "small company"
feelingstill existed and that the resultsof his programmes did not seem to be significant.
Readthe above case carefully and answer the following questions after analyzing
it in the light of your knowledge about the subject matter of communication.
1. Why do you think Mr. Ghosh was disappointed? Should he have been?
2. What do you see as the company's real communication problem?
3. What would you suggest to improve communication in the company?
4. .
Was Mr. Ghosh right in believing that communication would help him
the 'small company' spirit? '

* *,*

Second .semesterM,;,B'~'A~~PegreeExamination
, " Apti,I/J\IIaY2()Oe;') , " :., ,

. r . .


M~x. Marks .:75

, .
, ,', ",.
, , '

1. Why do people resist change? Whatkindof~nvironmefu1isi,mostconduciveto the, ,

,accommodationof change in an organisation? "

~ECTION"Bt5X9=45M8rks) '\

Answer any FIVEof. the foUowing.,.Each,'question,pa.Jries

- ' 9 marks.
2. Discuss the basic philqsophical'conc.epts that, form ,thee!foundations of °13.'
.' '
3. Analyse Jhe natur~ and importallce of motivation i~.an' organisation.
4. Criticallyexamine the different approaches to the study of leader behaviour.
5. Briefly explain different phases by which organisation! development programme
6. Point out major cultu~alissues in communication. Suggast measures to overcome
such 'issues. -,

7. Howdo you differentiateproposals from'that of reports? Describe differenttypes

'of reports. '

, ' i
~. ,Comment on technological advancement in the -field of busi~ess communication;
9. What is persuasive message? Howdo,you go about in planning and developing
the same? ;

" SECTION..C (1x15=15 Marks) ,

, . .'.10. Analyse-'fHefolloWingcase and give answbrs to the ques!ions given at the end of
the case. '

, ,

Kshama and Anuradha were colleagues} Kshama yvasefficient and competent.

always up-to-date with hes work a~9 enjoyed the ~Of)SISconfidence; but she was
. content in her positionwhichshe could balance wellwithher familyresponsibilities.
Anuradha was ambitious,eager to prove her ability;andhoping to be considered
for a new positi.on.with a much highe~p,ayin the office~
Contd... 2
'J' +
,, f.
...VI Pa9~ / 1

r .' " ',

Kshama had ju~t)be~,n'jv~R a' prpjeptt>Y t~~J,r:bQ~s.Anuradha' was eager to \

the project and'KShama~,e~dUy del~Qa~~d'it ,.t«?Anurc!dha wh~n'~helS'aw'she ,wa~

,eager to qo it. A few day~tater. the b6~fuadeitgnlfjcantch~nges in,what he wanted
as the outqom~pf ,th~qrpject~,' " '. .', : "

~shama walkedo~~r to A~ur~d~aand said. 'IIHave you siart~d ,on:thit project yet?"
. ' , '. '),
AnuradhaabtuptJyrespop~edwith",lit didn't'really, have to take ont!1at .pr()ject. "m
doing yous big, favour~,~a~ing it whefllhav~so p1uchto dqmyself". Kshama
was surprisedand hurt; ihe becamedefensive'and said. "You,didn't h~ve to take ~

it on. You said you wanted it because itwoutdprGbably make,the boss consider
you for a, new position vfJh a much' higher pay. Forget iU ,I'UJt:'st
" " po it myself'.
Questions: /'

a) What 'might have, m~de Anurad&8:reSJjooosharpl~? "

b) Are there a~Y'detectsjn,thelisteAfng .skill:of thepersQns?

,c) Rs-write 'the~iat()gue;;as youthlAk ;'itshoutdbe.' ,

, /,
'VI Psg,-

r .' , ',

Kshama had lu~tJbe~,n'jYeRa' proleptby thejr.:bQ~s.Anuradha'W8seager to \

the project and' KShama~,eadUydel~ga~~dit ,.t«?, AAuradha wh&n'~h~isaw 'she ,wa~
,eager to etait. A few day~,fater,the bo~madeStg'pJfjcantch~nges in what he wanted
as the outqom~pf .th~qrpject~,' , " ",' :' ,

~shama walked;~~ to 'ur~d~a and said, 'uHaveyou siart~d ,on:fhit praiec; yet?U
. ' ,'). /

Anuradhaab-ruptJy respot)~ed with/lit didn'freaUy, have to take ontf1atproject. 1'm

doing you a big,favour~,~a~ingit whef'llhav~so much ,to dq myself'''. Kshama
was surprised and hurt; the became defensive'and said, "Youdidn'th~ve to take,
it on. Yousaid you wanted it because it.woutdprGbabtymake the boss consider
you for a, new position WlJh.a much' higher pay. Forget iU J'Ujust do it myself'.
, ~ '" ,," .1

Questions: \ '

a) What 'might have, m~de Anuradh~reSJJoridsharpl~? "

b) Arethers a~Y'dete*jn 'thetistenfng.skin:of thepersQns?

,c) , Re-write'thedialogue,as you think;'Itshoutdbe. '

~ *,**,


: 3 H(jurs
" .', .'


Answer all sections.

APRil/ MAV2005

. '.


' .'



"' 'Max.




Section A

, (1
x 15::..15 iv,Iarks)
L "ChaIig~ is inevitable. But normally peopleresistchange'~. Discwss.
, ,I

fection B
=15 Marks)
(1 x 15
"Organis'ational bel)aviour has become a strong discipli11e~n the changing busin.~ss

environment", Discuss..' ." ' " ,"'~ . ,

, :j:
3. Discuss thl;:importance of group cohesiveness in an organisatibn.
, ,

4. Discuss the'role of inrer-personal communication in ~n or!~anisation.

, , . .' , -, .~

5. , Explain the various ~heories of leaqership. .'


6. Diicuss the various, barriers to communi~ation and'suggestmeasur~s- to ov~r caine such

barriers. .' ' ",1

, 7. What aloethe different types of-reports?


.' ,8. Explain "the various techJi\iques of Motivating employ~esin t.he present business

9, ~xplain the inethods of organisational development.

(1~~il~>:t~ ...'.'

.. .. "

10.' ,Analys~ 'the case 'and, answ~r the ~tions~~,,~;bet6w. ,

Mr. Anil founded a small radio"anufaet1!ri~ttJi:m';n"'~rft.tn<ijaIi\i'fifti~~;

, "',,:','; .,," ;", .. ""'"-,""
";"",",,'" ,f ,',-

small beginning came one Qfthe :copntri~sl,~gest i'~digt't~l~vi$io:o,ap4I,~niep

,::prgp'ijc~s "

c0mpani~s. By 1980 it h~dappt~aphed Rs: 500'fuHH9ri-~rt~~ny~Wiih.i50P'~fupi~&~

and 5 manufacturing IO,cations't~rQugbout,itsgrowth.tfte'foitrtger'l:em~~~~d 't.tl~~aJi.v~,.
ve and,drivingfofce oftas'cOtl1pany:'~~e~1iet;caay~,~~ery.I1i~~gci"a~d,::W:(jt.ke .'
knew him, and:he was' able t9 call' trtost Qf:thp$,byih~iffirst;,pan1~;'~,',eve~,-~{t~~?U1e .
co.ripan~ grew fairly large, peQpJefelt th~yk~~~ih~'f6uri~~,'and'~hief;exec~iiv~;,:~I1
,tbeir strongfeelings ofper.sonal~9yaltYhlld.mU(;11,~Q.q~with'~~e
, , ,
fact that tbe,c,o~p:aoy's' ' ' ,,' , ' , ' , ',' , ,
' '

workers never formed a union') , , ," 'co.. ,", "', - '

. ..
" ,

, :' Ii ',,' . , " :',,: """" ", ' " ' , ".; " ,,'

However, as the com~any proSpr~dandgreW:Mt'.Anfl':W()ld~d that it wa..s,tosing;its

"sITlallcompany" spirit. ~e alsor,lt t~atcomrn\1~icatioR'Were suffering,thathisobje9~ives
and philosophy were notbeiQg u]jleistooci,in tJ.lf?'POtnpany~'thatmuch

was occurring through poor 'kn~tledge :of \\Thatotbers,J~'thecompany~ere';99iQ~rai1d .'

that new product developmefjran~"inar~etirtjiw~j:~$uf(~.ti~gas.~res\,llt.t.ikewi~,.~;WaS\;:':,
concerned that he had'lost t{)Udi~ith 'tl1e'p~~pt~:-:,Tisblt~tti("~o~muni~~iib~'~;;f6bf~ni/:.'
he hired' a Pi rector of comn:t~oichtiori,sreWrtin.gdi(~pt1Y't9)~iJll.8~t~eentPe two,~th~>,:::,.
put int().effect ev~ry commllnication ,ijt}"~c~'th'ey:to~jj<iin.'o~erlarge 'con1~rti~s.;A:ftfbr'
, "~. ." ,', ",c,'.;"",.". ';;'" "i'/""';,'. ' , "', ,',' , '. "",

l1iuchtime, effoi"tand expense, Mt Anil-was'4is~pp.gint~~~t6'find .that;h;is"p~oblemsof;' ,

communi,cationand of the"smaltc6mpany'~:t~elini,~ti1l e~Jsted and tha~,th~'results 'of his"
programmes did not seem to be~1gnificani.;-' "", " "', '


\Vhy do you thir1kMr. Anil wa~.disappoiilt~d?:

, '"

-' ~
2. What do you,see as the company~sreal cormnunication,prqblem? "

I ,

3. \Vhat would you sugge~tto improve communicatipnin the company?

+++'+++ '
r ~~~"




Time: 3 How;S , MaX.Marks: 75
Note: Answer al16ections.

S'EcrION~A ' .:
Compu1So~, (1x15=15Marks)
, . ~ . .

IIOrgani~ational' B~our" is built upon various behavioural disciplines"

, SECfION-B, '

, Note: Answer any FIVE,Questions; Each cairiesNine:marks

. ,

, "', ...,,1

2.", Explain briefly the Trait theory of Personality and,J'stfiveimporlant traits.

3., Write notes on any THREE of the following: , ' " , '.

a) Type A Personality 'b) Eustress and :Distress

c) Co-Operative Counselling, d), ~rustration '
4. What'is Perception? How 'is it,'useful in the ~tudy pf behavioural process in

5. What are thef1Inctions of counSeling ,in industries? State and explain different types
of counseling, "

6. Why do people form into grOlJPs?, Whftt is the role of formal and informal groups in
organization?' / '

7. Explain Trait Theory of Leadership and compare if'wit1t the behavioural thepry.

8., What is tr@.nsactionalanalysis? How does it help in improving interpersonal

, '

9. , '),
"Yhat is grOt~pdynamics?' Explain- how the group takes birth and, function. Also
.explain the role of group norms~ . '
" i.

Compul,sory '(1x15=15-Marks)
As a "part of company's management' dev~lopment programme,a'group of
managers fromvariousfuncti0nalareC)shave devoted several class room sessions to
it study of .motivation theotles and the; relevaI\ce ,of such:, knowledge. to the
manager's respoIl$ibiHty for directing and controlling theoperatio~' of his
organizational unit One oft;e participants in the prog~ammeMr. Suresh who has
, been a supervisor in . thePrpduction D~arto:tent for about a year.. During the
session he ,made the observation-,
': "Motivationtheories ,make
sense in
general, but thereis really no opportunity for me to apply those .conceptsjn my job
situations. 'After all, {)ur shop employees are unionized and have Job secu,rity and,
wage scales that are negotiated and are not under my control. The study of
motivation concepts has giv~n me some ideas ~pout how, to get my ~ons to do their
chOI:esand their .homework, but it has not given hie anything I,cannse, on.the job.
Furthermore, ,in a working $ituation we are all dealing with adults, and it seems to
me this rewa~d and punishtnent theory smacks of personal manipulation that ,just
won't go over with p~ople".'

. .' , .

i) , In what sense M~ -Sdresh iscorr,ect in his comment about 'not having ,any
opportunity to apply"motivational concepts in his job situatiQns? '

ii) Offer practical suggestions to apply motivation concepts in,job situations..


:' r,nl\.,::). ..-.------..-
Note: Answer aU sections.


(Compulsory) 15 Marks. '

, '

Critically examine the necessity of. studying the 'personality' of employees by" .
manager in work organizations. How does the personality work?

Note: Answer ariy FIVE questions. Each question carries 9 Marks.

2. Explain briefly theJoundations of individual behaviour.

4. Discuss the factors that influence perception.

5. Evaluate the sources, of ifiter-personal conflict and suggest suitable' strategies to
resolve such conflict. ','

6. What, are the characteristics of a democratic leader? .Are such leaders always
desirable? Explain. " "

7. Bring out the bases of power. Discuss briefly the power,acqui$ition strategies. '

8. Do you think that Herzberg s two factor theoxy of motivation has made a
contribution to the better understanding of motivation in the work place? Defend.

9. Critically examine the causes and consequences of excentric stress. Suggest a

prescrip~on to overcome stress at wo!k setti;ngs. '

CASE STUDY (CompuJsoxy) 15 Marks.

10. 'Anaiysethe foUowptgcase and answer the poser given at the end.'
, , '

Jacob Arnold is an engineer iri filarge oesign engijleering office. Jacob comes
, from a rural background and his family had a low income and stem rules. In order
to earn ~
college degree, he had to work, and he paid most of his OWllexpenses.
, ,

Jacob is an intelligent and capable worker.' His m~ fault is that he doesno,t

want to t4kerisks. He hesitated to 'makedecisions£0)"himself,often bringing petty
and routhte, problems to his supervisor or to other engineers for a decision. '
Whenever he does a design job, he brings ,it in rough draft to ~, supervisor for
approval before he finalizes it. ' ' -

Since Jacob isa capable person, his'supervisor wants to motivate him to be more
independent in his work. The supervisor believes that this approach' will improve
Jacob's performance, relieve the supervisor from extra routine, and give Jacob
more self-confidence. However, the supervisor is not sure how to go about
motiva~g Jacob to iinprove his performance. ' ' ,

, QUESTION: .In the role of supervisor, explain how you would IDQtivate]acp1?,
using at least three different motivational models. Be as specific as possible.
, '*1fIt , '
. '"',,, . ' , ", ~~1

,second $emesterM~~A2 ~~r~e .Exa,~:ri~~ti~::;,;~,

, ,,'
'. '.' ,
\,'~n V


, iT,:,:::'
,Time:3 Hours' Max. Marks: 75
'. '
NOTE: Answer ALL sections.
~,., ""\;;: :,,"j:,: ;', : 'j,,:, ,',",:' .,', '" ,::,' ,\:: .:;;~~ '

SECTION. A ", ',!" ':" ': '.' ;i:",(;~:

;:,,:,..,j;:n~ :'~ (., i ;. ,:;'" (Compulsory 1x15=1,5 marks) n: '?ldj.,:,:::j'H'nr~,': i~"\~'n,~~'

" ,..,", ,'.: :"':',,-1..1 "~"':':"".,Hr;i

\.._, 1:,'~1':,WhatlsOrganlsatlonal Behaviout? Why is it importantto:study Organisatiom:il

, ' . '
. ;:,,;,;r Behav.iour 7. :Explain. ",,';' "',:,I",,'\i,.'11.)""h',) (;:;I)':'I!!!
''', ";'/.1;1 "",~,,;'hnq
, ; , ,'I ,",'{",\ b ".,'"'' .,,-': , ., ' ,.' f' \,,"-

.. ':')''',';'' ' " SECTI9N -,~,. .' , ' ,"., ,:., !"<C ~'~ ~.q,:..\ ;'!lmi

F'''',),'!::,' 'c"

", :

(5x9=45 n)arksL..
' ",'
"..., ,:. ,-:-<,
:"",;"",: ",""r<'t"'\
1 .. "" c, '., " .'"

Answe~ A~Y FIVE questio~s. Each"questio~ carries nine rnarks,;'!!,y.tn ::11\13 ~..
. " '., , , , ':";, ..",,":'~ '!,. ,", ,'I \":,f~l")r"'::"','H\! '

, 2: "''.=Whywould it be difficult:for a managerto determine~he'pe~son~lity; be.b,aviour, , " " '," ',.. ' . " .', ' "

:' " and' pertorrT1a~ce reh:iti9nship~

, for his subordinat~s 7 '~\
. " '"" "..,:~:;
'".. "'~';~'1

3. I "Being too cencerned with individual differences can ca~se ch,nos ,In aJ:1

"6rganisation". Do 'you 8gree ? Why? '. .;',~'~, . ,',~,'J' "':11'1 ...

,4. / De yeu think Herzi:>erg.'s
theory is too complex fo,r,direct~sT..i':l.
,or~~r1i:~,~ion~\ '

L ' settings? Why er why nct ? "

, , , '

, 5. "Acertain degree cf stre{)s is necessary to,induce an employee's energy and

motivation", Do you' agree? / 1/
/ I

6. What are the factors that affect cohesiveness in a group? How dees
cohesiveness affect productivity?

, 7/' What Is transactional analysis? How does it help in improvinginterpersonal


~ontd... 2
, , Page No\
. .

8. . Whatare;lthe'ty'esahd sources''of,power?ExplaJnlhe power acquisition

- strategies.

9.' What doyoum~an by'MiEina:geriatiGrid.'

? WtIatare tDeconclusions ob!aine~
from lhis model?

(Cor:npuls~:>ry1x15=15 marks)
One division ora firm consi$ted of four departments, withthe supervisor of ,

each reporting '. tothedivisiQn General'Mlihager

, (GM),' The, four departments
ranged.consider~bt'insize, from two-employees in thesmallesf(A) to fourteen
intheJargest (D)~The other twodepartments (8 and C) each hadeightemploYees.
Intense.. interdepartmental rivalryarose over the
. aUocationof resources.
' This
problem was compQunded byfavouritjsm that the GMallegedly showed toward
units A and B and his reliance on majorityrule d.~cision-makingat staff meetings.
This complicated~he supervisors of C and D, often resulting in the leaders of
A and B fot'Tning,~',coalition
with.theGM to make ,a decision evootpough they only
, ..
ten (>1the thirty-twoemployees. ,.' In response, unitsCand D were
charged with empire
:", building, power plays and a narrow view of the mission of
" ,

the division.

a) . 'YouaTea.c~l1.sultant,caUedin bytheGM to help resolve the problem. Outline

the appr<>a6hyouwouJdrecommend~ ',

b) Analyse the case in the light of groups in conflict.

." ." ."
r Time: 3 Hours

...' \.1 . ~[\,N~liJ~.QR& PJfIy'.ltR~_AAX




APRIL/MAY, 2001.


~ ~ ~------------------------

SECTION-~ (15 Marks)

L .Describa leadership styles~ Which one doe~ yow£eel is th~

most'appropriate style for Indian Industry? Why?

SECTIOH-B (5x9=45 Marks)

Answer any FIVE of the following. Eachquestioncarrios' "NINE' marks..

./ "Behaviour is'generally Predictable". Give, your. viewPoint.
r .
." --
3,. . What is attr~bution theory? Whcit are'.~ts' applications in
L Organisational behaviour ?, .
" . . i

".. 4.
:: ' Explain
.. Adam's Equity theory
", of . Motivation dl.
§.,. What are 'called crossed and Complementary tt'lmsac:tions'? I
6. :I
Differentiate betw~en perception and attitude. DO you think
that it is posSible to change attitudes? .If yes, what ar~
the w~ys.? '
7. How are"small groups form.ed 1 What are the ways to bring II
group cohesiveness? . ,
!},., 1j:xplain the typos and sources of pO\.terand dJCplaln tl1e power !
acquisition strategies. I
. ,
~. .Examinetl:1e importance of organisational behaviour in the
changing industrial scenario. .
',' ,;.5EC'l'XON-C (1'5 "l-1urJcs)

The workshop ofta small area factory functions 'in t,.,oshifts

'a' and 'b'. Mr. R~mu, a mechaI1ical enginee'r has recently been.'
promoted as in charge of shift. He has trained his workers in ,

their jOb<t resulting in abandoning of

the critic'al'as3;tectS,O,f
r,uleof thumb "pract~;ceBand increase in the productivlty. l'Jr.
Ramu has become popu1.aramong workers. '

The increas.ein the efficiency has resulted in ',e:xtni
being given to/ shif~,.,hi;tewor.kers resent it; Mr. Ramu deems it 1~j
recognition of'the efficiency of'shift. Some workers have ,also
sought transfer to o~her shift.' '

, '

Recently, one '}norningshift supervisor informed Nr Ramu:, .

that all his workers rdecided, to attend the funeral of the, father'
of a cO,lJ"eagueand t'11e management should p'rovide'the conveyance
for this purpose, as has been the past practice in such cases.,
Mr. Ramunot,only refUse'd to provide conveyance but also objected
" " " ,,'

to all his '\'lorker~abstaining from the ,worJt. 'The workers did not
relent ,and Nr. Ramu flrranged gate pass for all those who "ranted
to go to the'funeral put did not arrange'conveyance. '

, ,

,l1r. RaViu ,came to know'that 7596of the~rorkers ' had

Next day,
gone to a cinema inst~ad of the funeral. He issued memos to so~e
of them. Theworkefswere angered by this and approach~dthe'
.union for intervention. The news of th~ event .caused protests
in almost all places in the factory.


1. Critically evalua17e the stand of Mr. Ramu.

2. How would you have' tackle, the, situation, if you were Mr.Ramu?

******** i
, .
201: OrganlsaUonalBehavlour' ".! ..:.':~,/.', I

, (New Sche'me)'I:'{ , " , " ";i~i"';'"
/ ','; ,f..." , " )" .I"c';'

Time: 3l-1rs.

Note: Answer aJI Sections. ,',

,. !', ,," i, ,:
, , "
. SECTION':;'; A
(Compulsory). " (lx15=15)
Discuss the nature' and scope of "6rgan~satioria1B~~ayiourn,as, a discipline of. :rr
study. ,', ;" '. ; '.. ,ii";" :::,,:!~'\~t: (.' ", ;;).:~<~;t,;:-{ ~;\ "''', , ! A I""",

" " . SE<;'II.(jN~1i~:;~,' ,!,~::. :,~;~, , '<.'!:J:!!~:{',:;:,;;':',':i,'",' ;,'~~,i?'~:,:';,:,',

Answer any EJr.E. ,questions;
, "
" " questlon.'c'ames9
' 10, ,,, ' , , . ,',
"J ..'.,', "
" ,'"

2. Briefly discuss the variousmodelsp~pe.~s,?nal~~1\;;;" !,tY' ~;, i Hli;":~ ',,~,;] ../' ,I " ",;,ih ,";,
: ,": ""ll .-.;~;(". ,:\i ';.,V) :''',: '~;'",: '»;~ ::,'

3. De~me the c~ricept 'social percep'~?n"'~',j~xgl~~,;~¥;-~~?bl~~~,}l!-,;,?1;ved

socIal Perce 'iIl'{~I\"'~!(' ,(
ption' "",", ,>y, ..-,: . ,', ,: "",:: " ,
'- ' . .. , ,.., , ,,, " ,(' I ", '.' ,.' ... '
, ,,' '. ,"': ") ;~..:, ,",',:J",'; - , :' : ';""';i;'~f:"~j' ':' ,; ,::,; :,1'" ,
\~. Statethe impact orco~fliCt~ll j~l?iv~?~~l~,:_~?~P~
an4,,?~~~i~,ati9~:; .";;"",, ',',' ,)<1 ./",

,5: Why
. .'lills the Maslow TheorYn~eds'been~ritid!~~d?,
" ", - " "" ,; .. ,I,!"...:
..' "J .I,..~. d
1 t vall d? " ,"

, .. ' ,

. " " . " '. ' ,:J,,\ "J ' ..,', ',,';,;! " ' :, '"":-,,
6. How does 'Transactional ',analysis' help in ,i~proving iD,tcr~personal . '

relationshi p 57 ' ' , ,', ,,',

~: .
" ,"',
" ,', ,,','
, , , ...,'".,..
' ,J,. .

, , .
, . '..,' ,,. '0',,' , "'1 ','t'O , ,\ "

:]. What are the characteristics,ofademocrati?)ead~r?:iAre such l~ders,always :' .,;:, ,,;', ,
desirable? Explain.' , , .. " :" :'" . . ' " , ;,
.. ",
, " " , .. ..~,'"...! ," /',,,,[: ,.,(j,-"

.. 8: What do youundersta11d by 'power'? Explail,1the v*i~~s so~~es ,ofpqwer.: 'I".' \ ' , , . f

'/ . ' , ',',' .',." ..., ,. ,.,', ,:,:.':;"-p,)!'. :,',',':'...:;;;\;':r;i:\~! r;,:' ,", "., " ,',

9. Define the conce~t 'Group j)ynamics'. vvp~\~~~eof~~),:,in,.g~?¥p$?"';'j": .. "::i,,

. '.,,I ..'"" i-, :!~
, , . ' ' " " , ~f'''' " , .
'"' " ~ , ,

, SECTION..;.' C -.;:,',,' ".,


' "", ",';

,', " ' , " ""J '. "..',!:)')!!i ~j; ;'.. I .,',', ,

. " " C~seStlJ,dy(C?m~~~sory)~ ,,'J, ~>-1~"'I',"""'; f,': ,,{lxJ5=15)

10. JIm Murray had w.9rked as a cost 'accountantatiTodd B!othersChevrolet
for nearlythreeyears. vVlienhis boss retired in 1!heSpringof 1997,Ross ,''':,

Todd, the company's p~esident, asked JiJ:.I1t~ .~~e ,~:ver th~i' accqWlting ,

department. As the compariy controller, ~iil:isupe#V~$~s.

four. p~~ple;': SteJla ,;
McCarthy, Judy Lawless, Tin~R~thschildJ and Mike ~opal.J","'r.:i"::" "!' ','
, ' , "c, ' " , " ..', . ," " '" "",'
, " .. '" -, " , " I,

,i~ }{~:k~pccted;
Six mpnths ~ave passed since Jim took Oy~r'li~S_ji1ewJ~b:, ,

Judy, Tina and Mike -h,:lVebeen easy to work-,wit1j1.'/\llhave 1jeen~,in their

jobs for at least four years. They know their jobs ~ackward and forWard and
they require very Uttle of Jim's time. ' i
,\ " \,.,

, , ,~, '" , , , '

Stcl!aMr::Carthy, mifurtun~~cly, is acom'pletel)'~ifferel1t stOlY. Stella

was hired about three lYloths~efore .Jinigot his promotion. Her. ~geand
!;dl.icat1l)naren't significantly d,tferent .from hIS other three employees~~he's
in her '-~ar1y305 with anundertraduatc dcgreein accounting. But ill recent
weeks she ha&becomehism.~1'~r~or.ehea~acJlei ' , "

.' ~ - . ','-',' ~~ .:, ';'" '~:,:

, .'S'tella'g job is 10handle geheralaccounting,rec9rds. She alsoa.cts -as the
~ccol1riting's Jiilk to ,thescrvfcic\cRar1.t»ent. $te).la provides, advice. and
support to service 011anything baving to do with ~~re4it,'cost control, the
computej:syst~ni and the like. :, ' " ", :',' ;;:: , , , . , '

The first SigIl'of a ~robien1 bcg~;l th~:e~"wey~,jago. St~lla call~d 'i~'sick

0;:1both Monday & Tuesday. Mrhenshe -showed up for wbrk on 'Wedner-day
\motl1ing, she lOQkedlLk~ She ,~~adn't sleJ>t'in ,days. / jim called her-into his
,OffkC a'n d,'in a1\ihfurnia.l,~nap g O.in g on"
'". r,,?~ ',antrri~g \ci'PtldP~t Wha~W~~, g
StcEa was open,' She ~dmltte ,',she nadn',t, ,9~el~11~~S~ecalkd

f: In slck because
, ,

, , , "
, , ,
, , , '

~he didn't have ..theen1otiom(strengt,b. to come to work. She volui1teered '


a~I"l her n1Urriag~;wag- iri'itr~ublc.. ~-Ierl1ushand, had, a serio~s ,drInking

pro'blcm 1?u~",ouI(}n'l seekh~p.t' He'bad lost bis thirdjob in as many m::>ntns
that la.sfFri~aY:,..She wa~fdilcemed 1.lbo\,lt-h~rchildnn and her fiJ1ances.
~tclin has a seven-ycar-~ld. sQln.from a PCrviO:1Sm:uringe' an.d,t"\-yin-daughters
"Nho mo';:tim~c-YGl1ro.o'ld.: Jini tried to consok Stdi". He e11cou.raged her to
c' Yo"'"" !1<,,,,1' . an(~ :e111hj~e,dhertha~
l"lY ""' S "" oos'.!'-' I1:.
,,','v,,1 'I::;")"'" ..1, J,..,"
t> "fu,,~,'}'c>'
Si! 'boY"
",', S 1l
l l " "'" oI l<:°;,der USl n ",
plan provided
. <J.i::;them ,

~,:ir.:.:.(' ::>:11' ir;i+';1 tirH:'<tt!t~J~:,r).I;;.i~,=;s~":;n~ b(~,re; d:,ar(,:!:d '.v;~h ,Stella,

She's u::i,~dup tbree morc
si:;k rlay:;.V'/hcn
she comes to the office, it's clear
hcr mind is somewhere ~!sd SllP is spcnding an inordinate amount of time
on 1h~tckphtn~, nud Jitn,&u~pectsit'salmost
I. all r:~latedto pe+sonal matters. ,'", "

T~lId',:',cin:hc)?Qst vmek, Jim h~dnoticedS'.ellf.~ cryiilg~t l1c1'dc~k

," f":' '"
YC8te~d?,y'\vustbe third'~or1cing day:ofthe new m.onth, andSteHa should
have completed th'e dosing ~~)fthe lRst.mi,'tnth's books. That is an important
; par~or StGHa'sj()b. This' TI101JJ1lJg;soon
anf,rSt~na ~rrived, Jim asked her for
J theIdod~I~tiur::tbeir:1.U
St~llJ~ot,l.lP fltld;),/itli t~ais wellit1g in her eyes, went
to thf.fladics~ rQbnl.liJ.ini';sa~.tast month'sh()(~k.5"on Stdla's desk,' He opened
StGnn~ia )nisscd her deadlil1ct, and',Jim ,
W~tSI1'i:s14re the finalfigure~to give to Ross Todd.
when1ie:'~'{:I\lld~ave '

, " "i ri'<")';{;. ,,", ,'"," ,

' '

QO,E 'f"'T" , -~ A 1 C11\.I

,L" S "
. , 'r,
"', ' ,',

, I. tnGth;ution!J~chj1jqut?,sappearrelevant to hdping Jim deal

Do any
witl1StcIla?lfs'b, \~;li~\tare they? , "

2. Prom'anet:hic<\rpet.spectiv~, how ::ardo'you think Jim should go in'

dealing with Stdla'spcrsonal problems? . "

3, F YQU'wereJim, what \\'ouIdYDU

dc)? '

,'(,',*.\ -:t"'t~:*;(k
Reg. No.
Second Semester M.B.A Degree Examination
AprilI May 2007
Time: 3 Hours Max.Marks: 75

SECTION - A (1x1?=15)
1. Describe the reasons for the emergence of Rural Marketing and explain the
. and challenges for marketing in Rural India.

SECTION - B (5x9=45)
Answer any FIVE questions. Each question carries 9 marks.
2. What is a brand? Describe the benefits of branding for both the buyer and seller.
3. Describe the process of buying decision making.
4. Discuss impact of Socio-cultural factors in consumption behavior.
5. Define, Promotion mix and explain its various components.
6. What do you mean by New products? Explain the process of new product
development. '

7. What do you mean by competitive advantage? How it can be created for newly
formed company?
8. Explain the factors influencing the distribution strategy of a firm.
9. "~arketing is an act of matching the expectations of the market with offerings of the
company" - Discuss. '

SECTION - C (1x15=15)
10. Read the following Case and answer the questions given below:
L'Oreal is the only company in India which markets hair colours. It had launched
Excellence Crime, a hair colour before launching the brand (Rs.239 for a 40 ml pack)
which has a proposition of hair colour and vitamin-enriched shampoo. It is available
in six shades and these are adapted ,for Indian skin and hair types. The pack ha~
directions to help the consumer choose the rightshade. The brand has low levels of
peroxide which is believed to damage hair. The effect (hair colour) is likely to last for
about 20 washes. The brand will be available in about 1500 retailers in metros and
mini-metros. The target segment will be women in middle class and upper middle
class who would like to have a change of hair colour.
. What do you think'will be the,target segment for the brand in terms of specific
demographic andpsychographic details? What kind of trends in the environment
do you think would be favourable to this brand? Comment on the timing of the
product in the Indian context.
* * *

t (J)
2 Reg. No.

I -
Second Semester .M.B~A~
Degree Examination'
. it. .i:.!AprillMay.200~'" ." . - SRI.NIVAscJLlEGE OF
. . t . . . . ,p.G.. MA_fJA~E~Ef4T STUDIES
nme :.3 Hours ,', Max~' Marks: 75
. .. .

, -'$ECTiO~;,A,{1xt5;:15I\.1ark!;)
1. Define Consumer behaviour and explaihthe determinants arid its. significance in #

Marketing Strategy formulation.

SECTION-B (5x9=45 Marks)

. Answerany FIVE Questi~ns. Each questioncarries NINE marks.

2. Explainthe aJternativeconcepts under which organisationsdesig~ and carryout their
marketing strategies.

V3. . What do yemmean by product positioning? How are the new products positioned?
4. Discuss the various strategies -of market segmentation.
5. Define advertising and explain its' various forms.
~ . Marketing. channels and the vertical marketing'
Distinguish between the conventional
systems. .

7. Describethe impact of digitalisationand connectivityon Marketing Management.

. .
8. Define de-marketingand explain the reasonsfor 'its emergence.
. . - .-
90'. IIGood Packaging is an unpaid advertisement arid silent salesman" -critically examine
this statement. . .

. (1x15=15 Marks)

10. Read the followingcase and answer the questionsgiven below:.

Amultinationalcompanyhascomeoutwitha newbrandof softdrink. Marketsurvey
resultsshowedthat there was good potentialfor this product. . The. company is
.finalishig its promotional campaign tobe launched through television and newspapers.
. . '. .
, , ..

,202 Page ~Q~ ,2

As the existingsoft drink manufaclurersare using*{)elebrlti,e$:as;.models

In their
promotional-campaign, this company is also planning to, follow the same .strategy.

a) Whomdo you suggest, as the OOJ~es to be used by the company?
, . ' .

b) What do you think'are reasons thatfavourthese1ection of these celebrities?

c) What is your opinionabout the qualitiesto be present in a celebrityto be used
as model? ' .
* * *"
..'~ 'J:
...1; . . E X AMIN~TI,O '.N$.~ '~~ .
.. . , , . , EGE
, '.

.'. .-.

,:",~..>:;.' '.., "':":satNWAS COlt'

, ',' . APRILl'~~Y'2~5\..: '.".. . . 'P~G~':MAtU,GE~ENT ST
- .,
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 7

",' "
Se~tionA )'

(Compulsory)'- (1 xIS::; 1S:Marl(S)

How does RuraJcustomer differ,from.an

:' '/' .urbanc~$foIri~rvfrom
',"", , a'marketipg
, '. manager's'

point of view. Also explain tqe 4iffereot STJ>mQdet~f~r each cate,gory of customers. '


(S x 9::::45 Marks)::

, .

, " . t, ."./ " .i

7' AnsweranyFIY&que!*)~~Eachqnesti~ncarriosl1ine m::rks.

2. Whatarethemajorchalleng~sin settingthepricefora newprod~ct!
3. What is the iinportanceof Branding, Packaging and Labelling for a product in the market?

What is a 'new product' and what are the various steps involved in developing a new
product? .

5. Define MIS. How doys MIS helps the marketer's of 21st century?

Define the terms "value" and "satisfaction" foraconimmer. Ho.wto achieve customer life
time value?

. ,.' t
Wh~ltare the differences between industrial marketing and consumer marketing ?:
8. '''Dot Com companies pose threat to ~hetraditional.retailers" - substantiate.

9. Defirte the term 'marketing audit'. What are the different methods of marketing control?
2 "'8.9";\


(Compulsory) (Ix 15:= IS'Marks)

i. Read the following case and ansviel',the questions given 'at theeIid.


" ,

They claim they are waging a.Wat-against artifiCiaUyhigh prices. But when supermarket
, chainsadvertisedesignerprOducts~treducedp~ices -llgain~t th~ wisbes pf-the brand's
ownet - they'a,resendingoutsubtlemessagesabout,tl.1eircQre
that everything else you buy in the stor~.is sold at,'competitive prices:'lSays a,supermarket
executive, who co-ordinates purchasesonthe~gtey mar~~t',;whetc stores.obtainbrand~
name advantages of using tllismarket. As4a reinfprCesii,s:low-priceJma.g~Hyselli6kfine ,, '".

fragrances up to 50% less than departmenfstofesanddahlls to bealeadingcfl\npa..i,gner

for consumer interestSas aresult. Recently,Tescosaid ithad gone to'extrenie len~ths? to
find Ralph Lauren shirts and T-shirts to sell.at less thaitb~lf price. 'Bqt.hstressJ~eY,9annot"
promise a com;jsteritsupply of such prodllcts,siqce;mfmark~t,brarld'pwner$ref~seto
distribute to mass - marketfood retailers.'It is difficultfor
" .
a retailerto,g~tacl~ticleaof' ,'''','' ',' '

how the grey ina!'ketworks,' says a large chain,'becausetraders'keept11eir sourcesclos~',

to their chests.' The marketer's secrecy makes it difficult for anyo~e 'J
to"" gauge
the grey economy. Tesco estimates last year it sold a~out$ 20nr,ofgrey market~products.

Questions: ..

, .. - , ..

t 1. ;
What is a grey market in your view and hqw it".aff~ctsthe brapdeq productreta~le~~2
I' .. ;"" " " :
, '''',.'

What measures you would, like,to under takeif,your b~si~es.sis affeqted:~y'grtiy';111at:~t," "
,,~ctivity ?, ,," ,; ',,'.,', '-.. '''':-';",'':''//'if;>:',''

3. ", Suggest sonle ways to check the grey market activity in India.

, ,

~~ ~o/J'
r~~' Reg.No.' . .
.. ..



Time: 3 Hours ,. . Max. Marks: 75
Note: Answer all sections.
~-~~.~ , ---, ,---

"SECfION;.A (1x15=15 Marks)


1. Discuss the impact of Information Technology and Globalisation on Marketing

in India. IDustrate your answer. . / .'

SECTION-B (5x9=45Marks)
Note: Answer any rtvE Questions. Each carries Nine marks.

2. Do you s~ any compatibility between marketing and societal concepts of

marketing? Why? Elaborate. ..' ' .

3. Briefly explain and illustrah? 'Social Man' model of constUner behaviour.

4. Discuss how 'Life Style' influeI).cesconsumerbehavi?ur.
5. Examine the .strategies -adopted by marketers during introduction and decline'
. in the prod uet life eydle. .'
"-,' '
, . , ' . >

6. Why is audience analysis important in the.communication' promoi;i.onstrategy?

illustrate your answer.' -

7. What factors guide the pricing strategy of the marketers?

8. Discuss how- custQmer -and product characteristics determine trade channels.

illustrate your answer.

9. Write short notes an a). Marketing ethics b) Marketing control


SECfION-C (1x15=15Marks)

10., .American express introduced its optima card as an addition to its existing line of
green, gold and platinum credit cards. Optima was designed to serve those who
wanted resolving credit like, that offered by VISA and Mastercard rather than to
serve those who payoff their balances each month. Moreover, optima was made
available only topeople holding another American Express Card.

Questions: '

. a) Discuss the different ways in.which American Express might have de..fined
- relevant markpt.
, , '~\:'~,::~~r,~:'~,:c~~S:
~\O{.Y' " Reg. No.

r'j. f;

',- SeconchSeme~ter MBA Oe.9ree .Examhla~ion,

',\ ,:
\ '1 k' May 2002 .
":' , '

, .' :;'" , ,':"',."", ' /' " \';';', (" :" ., ",,', ,,'

,Chut$~N'O.:2p2i"MARK~TtNG:MANAGI::~~NT ,"',"!' ,., '

. j~:;~ " ~.," ", ' ;.' ',,'" ,.

Jjme': ,3' Hours ! c, , Max;,Marks: 75

,-, -.'

NcrdE':Answer AlL'sectiOI1S. ...

," - . 'e,
, Ii:
",' '/..
. ,{ SECTI°t;' - A "
(Cor;npulsory lx15=15 , marks). ,
1:' "Marketing concept is a myth and/given only superficial attention by the
, ,

marketers ,in India". Evaluate the statement.


f (5x9=45, marks)
Answer ANY FiVe: q\.lestion~.
, '
Each question carries nine marks~ ,

2:r/Di~cusssorne of the emerging cultural values that are changing the face of '

the, market place inlri~ia. ' ,

, 3. Why do new pro?uctst,aW? How,can a marketer reduce the 'risk involved

in new product develo~nient ? '

4.r What factors cause c09niHve

. dissonance? How does a-consumer reduce
5. What do you meanqy market segmentation? Indicate, some ways of
segmenting the market for ready-made garments.
6. Discuss the factorsthqt need to be consIderedwhiledevelopingcomrnunic~tion-
promotion program.
7. Discuss the conditionsthat favour pepetration pricing. Illustrateyour answer;
, 8'. Describe b~;iefly
the factorsthatneed tobe consid,eredwhiledesigning a trade
channel. :'

i '

9. Write short notes on :' a) Niche MMketing; b) 'Marketing Audit

Contd... 2
, (Compulsory 1x15=1Smarks).

One of the erstwhile leaders in the !eature :filmp~~ductlonindustry has hired

you as a marketing consultantto advise on pos~ibledlversif.ication. The.company
has been considering several
\ .
products for diversification;.one
, .
of these'1s the
establishment of amusement parks in some,of thel1'lajor pities in-.lndia. Evaluate
the opportunities for this new product. What do ,yo!Jthink are the strengths and
weaknesses of the erstwhile leader? Does his experIence in film productlon>mean
. anyaQvantage? Give yourrecommendationto the'c(>mp~nywithpropefjustification.
. ..., 0 . . '. \
. . '"


, -


" -,' ,

., iIIe : 3 brs. i Mo:. marks:

NOTE: Answer all sections.
~ ~ ~
r- /'

I. / SECTION = A ( 1x.15=15 )
1. Discuss the;change$..taking -place in the Indian Marketing
EnviromDent.;Hlgh1ilght the d;mpact of these changes ~n the
marketers. !..
. -
. t . SECTION> = B (5x9=45)
NOTE~ Anlwer a~y FIVE questipns.

~2. Highlight the significance of marketing concept. What

implications does ~e' concept has for, a firm adopting it?
, /
~-3. 'What is "Niche Marketing"? 'Disc~ss .the-concept .with

4. . What ,is
cogniti~e 'Dissonance.?Discuss how dis,sonance can
be reduced.' Ill~strate your answer.

,,5. Discuss the strategy options available for marketers during

tbe growth and maturity stages of the'PLC.

6. .Brierly examine, the primary objectives of the pricing

strategy of a marketer of FMCP.

. 7. What factors influence the promotion-mix of, th~ company

introducing anew brand' of toilet soap in India. .

- .
8: Su~gest asuitab1e distributionstrategy for marketing of
Industrial products. . Jus,tify your answer.

9. Write short notes on:

jIJ-- "Morph" Marketing
bJ Marketing ethics.

contd ... . .2

SEC'rION- ~ (lx15=15)

10. Case Problem:

It is found during the survey on washing machines conducted

among housewives that most of thel!1belonged to newly emerging
middle income households, were generally working, had growing-up
children andi>referred ,a c()Dlpa~t,-eas:¥-~o-use!, top-!oac!ing
washing machine.' 'rhey wa~ted, a machine thft'.gets clothes c~n,
mild on clothes and with a trouble-free se~vice.

'Posers: i) If you were to be.the marketing manager

. "of a. new
multinational entering In4ian mark~t, bow wll~ you
use this, informationforp~alm~J19 your marketing,
strategy? '

ii) What ~dditional info~matlon.iwill you look ,for

before evolving the. strategy?
' , , Why? Elaborate,.
****** -.,.,'
P.!~. MM!r\::,~,:(-::!::~rr:;;: ~~O:f:::.
'. '.
tt Dnr,"""..11..
'~,r-" .-.<'.".
,I",..'Jh;:. . "



Th-ne: 3Hrs.
. .r- Max.Mark,s:75

Note: Answer all Sections. ,


SECTION- A "(Compulsory

1. "",>"Theconsumer can choose any color' .he .wants, so long ~

it's black." .

/. "', Critically examine the statement in the -context of modern philosophy of

Marketing. '

SECTION - B (5 x 9 = 45)

Notc: Answ.erany Five questions. Each question carries nine marks.

2. What factors cause.cognitive ~issonan.ce? 'Ho'v~does a consumer reduce it? (A/


3. Discuss bricl1y the role oH'cference groups in consumer behaviour..

4. 'Por each of the fol1o~ing products, indicate with reasons the stage of the
product life cycle that best describes where it is located - a) ready-to-eat
cereals; and b) mut';1atfunds " "

5. Assuming that you are' in clothing business !dentify some of the emerging of...

market segmentsin India.
'" ,! ' .....
,. 6. What conditions favor Price 'skimming strategy? Illustrat~ your ~wer.
7. ;
Examine the r~lationship between aWareness level of consumers and,
r advertising strategy.

8. Suggest with reasons suitable trade channel for consumer durable product like

9. 1
Write short notes on: a) Diffusion of.innovation; and b) e-marketing
(Compulsory) (bJ.Sd15)

10. Case Problem:

A leading consumer company wishes to diversify into} fO.odproducts and has

identified potato, com and cheese smick foods for the urbanmarkets.pbviously., none of these
prod~cts are new to these markets~ yet the newness in the proposed products is the state-of.;.the-.
art technology, which -win ensure consistent quality of the finished product. The major
competition to .this firm is expected to. come from unorganised small firms and major
transnational giants like Pepsi Foods. Assume that you are the product manager of this film.
Evolve a marketing strategy for a successful launch of the snacks food line.
NOTE: Answer, ALL Sections.
SECTION A (Complilsory1x15=15)
.~ , '

1. "Marl<eter.$operating with marketing Goncept as guiding philosophy induce frivolous and

excessive buying and make people materialistic."Evalyate the statement. '

. - SECTION - e (5X9~45) " -.

Note: Answer'any FIVE questions. Ea;ch questioncarri~s .NINE marks. 'ES

2. ~7.Why ~o new products fail? H.owcan a marketer reduce the risk involved in new product
, ' development? '- , . , , .

3", What factors you'think would have influericed1he willingnessC\nd'ability of consumers to

buy color televisiQnand encyclopaedia?Why?! , ' . ,

4. Whatdo you mean'bymarketsegmentation?Indicatesomewaysof segmentingthe market

f.orprintersused withpersonalcomputers. - , ,
5. Discuss the importance of audience analysis ili developing an effective cornmunicatioil:-

6. \<'-Discussthe conditions that favour penetration pricing. Illustrate your answer.

7. What effect does the productlife cycle have on the advertising acompanyemploys?
8. Describe briefly the factors that need to be considered whil~ designing a trade' charmJI.
9. Write short notes on : a) Bran~ing strategy; bYEthicsin-marketing.
C (COMPULSORY.'rX15:::15)
10. Case Problem:
In the late 1980s, ready-fo-eatc,ereal market leader Kellogg dorninatedthe adult cereal
business with over a dozen brands;.During the early 19808, I<el!oggdoubled sp8ndjn~1on R &
0 and on advertising. This resulted,in a string ofsuccessfill new productssuch as Nutri"Grain,
(Kellog'g'sfirstcerealwithwholegrain,nosugar,andnopreservatives),Nutr!fic(combining barley,
bran, almonds, and raisins), and f'ro~Grain (another multigrain cereal). Along with traditional
mainstayslike RaisinBran,Product19,'and All Bran, Kell6gg's seemed to have the adult coreals
market blanketed-especially in the bran/fiber varieties., Six firms competed in the 'cereal mmket.
Of theseonly Kellogg'$and, GeneralMillsreliedon this business for a dominant shareof earnings
and sales. In 1986,Kelloggwas estimatedto have 48 percentof the fiber and adult nutritional
cereal marketGenemlFoods's 29 ~percent share.GeneralMiiJs,Nabisco,Quaker,and Ralston- '

Purina trailedwith 16,3, 2 and2 percent, respectively. Overall,I<ellogg'stotalshare'of the cereal

marketwas arounc'41 percent.. HoweverKellogg'ssharedeclinedto 39 percent,overtheensuing
, three years, as General Mills expanded its adult lines with en especially heavy emphasis on oat
br~n, a substance that'had been the subject of numerous positive health,claims.
Posers: " ,

a) What are the key 'positional advantages and sources of advantage in this industry?
b) How strong is the pioneering advantHgein this market? '

c) 'Why do you think Kellogg lost its share to competitors? What should kel1099have done to

" defend its share?

- ...

Reg. No.

Second Semester M.B.A Degree Examination

April I May 2007
Time: 3 Hours Max.Marks: 75
SECTION A (1x15=15)
1. What are the different types of Production Systems? Where would each one of them.
be applicable? Give practical examples.
SECTION B (5x9:::45)
Answer any FIVE questions. Each question carries 9 marks.
2. Explain the different types of plant layout wiJhthe help of suitable examples.
3. What is line balancing? What are the methods to line balance?
4. What do you understand by material requirement planning?
5. Briefly explain the six basic ways of establishing a time (work) standard.
6. What is meant by aggregate planning? In a plant which makes 8 to 10 types of a
product,how do you plan the capacity of the plant and schedule these types of product?
7. What are the objectives of production planning and control?
8. What is meant by scheduled maintenance?
9. Illustrate the usefulness of ABC analysis for a manufacturing organisation.
SECTION - C (1x15=15)

10. You are given the following data regarding the processing times of.some jobs on
three machines. The order of processing is 1-2-3. Determine the sequence that
minimises the total elapsed time (T) required to complete the jobs: Also evaluate T
and the idle time of 2 and 3.
. Processing Time (Hours)
Job Machine
1 2 3
A 3 4 6
B 8 3 7
C 7 . 2 5
D 4 5 11
E 9 1 5
F 8 4 6
G 7 3 12

Reg. No.

Second Semester M.B.A Degree Examination

April I May 2007
. Time: 3 Hours Max.Marks: 75
SECTION - A (1x15=15)
1. What are the different types of Production Systems? Where would each one of them
be applicable? Give practical examples.
SECTION - B (5x9=45)
Answer any FIVE questions. Each question carries 9 marks.
2. Explain the different types of plant layout wlth the help of suitable examples.
3. What is line balancing? What are the methods to line balance?
4. What do you understand by material requirement planning?
5. Briefly explain the six basic ways of establishing a time (work) standard.
6. . What is meant by aggregate planning? In a plant which makes 8 to 10 types of a
product,how do you plan the capacity of the plant and schedule these types of product?
7. What are the objectives of production planning and control?
8. What is meant by scheduled maintenance?
9. Illustrate the usefulness of ABC analysis for a manufacturing organisation.
SECTION - C (1x15=15)
10. You are given the following data regarding the processing times of. some jobs on
three machines. The order of processing is 1-2-3. Determine the sequence that
minimises the total elapsed time (T) required to complete the jobs: Also evaluate T
and the idle time of 2 and 3.
. Processing Time (Hours)
Job Machine
1 2 3
A 3 4 6
B 8 3 7
C 7 . 2 5
D 4 5 11
E 9 1 5
F 8 4 6
G 7 3 12

Second Semester M.B.A. Degree Examination
April/May2006 L-./

203 : Production and Operations Management
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75
SECTION -A (1x15=15 Marks)
Note: Compulsory
1. "The concept of product and process life cycle has implications for technological
changes,employeebehaviour and organizationalstructure". Explainthe Implications.
SECTION -8 (5x9=45 Marks) .
Note: Answer any FIVE questions. Each,question.carries 9 marks.
2. Explain Material Requirement Planning (MRP)' and its compon~nts. .
3. What is aggregate planning? What are the objectives of aggregate planning?
4. Distinguish between product and process layout.. list their merits.and demerits.
5. What are the different techniques of forecasting? Explain.
6. Explainthe various factors that affect the sel.ectionof materials handling equipment.
7. Distinguish between 'time study' and 'motion study'. What are the objectives of .
motion study?
8. Find the sequence that minimizes the total elapsed time (in hours) required to
complete the following jobs on 3 machines M1' M2and M3 in the order M1' M2' M3'
Also find the total minimum elapsed time .
Jobs/Machines A 8 C D E

M1 5 7 6 9 5
M2 2 1 .4 5 3
M3 3 7 ., 5 6 7

9. Critically evaluate the quality control techniques that are used in organisatlons.
S~CTION -C (1x5=15 Marks)
Note: Compulsory
10. Read the follo~ing case and answer the question given at the end. .

The hospital for which data are given bel~w. is attempting to Improve :Its n~rse
schedulingsystem. Initially,it is concentratingon broadplanningfor the aggregate .
levels of nursing pers~nnel needed. .
Contd... .2
Job U) ~....
0; ";.'
2 3 .;;.2\ ..
Machine A 5
5 \. \
1. L4. '"
Mac/line B
9 3 11"\
'- "

203 P~ge No.2.

In the past, the number of nursing personnel had been determined for the peal<
demand expected during the year Under heavy pressure to reduce costs, the
hospital administrator is now considering alternatives that take account.of shorter
term variatiohs in the patient load. An exponential smoothing model was applied
to the 5.5-year historical record, using a smoothing constant of tX=0.2.This model
resultedin forecasting error measurementsof MAD= 31.9. The hospital administrator
felt that the error was too large, stating that he could do almost as well based on
his knowledgeof patientfluctuations~. For example,he expectsa relativelysmall
number of patients in December because those with elective" medical problems
avoid the holiday season; elective cases usually come in the spring.
The administrator is contemplating the use of f{}Oresophisticatedforecasting models
and wonders whether a model that accounts for trends and seasonals would result
in greater forecasting accuracy. He also wants advice concerning the possible use
of a regression model.
Finally, the hospital administrator is deeply concerned about the 1986 data. The
hospital had a record average of 890 patients in April of that year but a record low
. of only 705 patients in December. He feels that the situation is explainable by the
fact that the patient load built up because of the increase in population in the
community and that the low in December reflects the opening of enlarged facilities
at the nearby county hospital. He wonders, however, what plan~, he should make
for the balance of 1987 and for 1988. '


Month 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987
Jan 795 780 815 830 820 820
Feb 810 820 865 840 880 835
Mar 840 825 850 825 875 830
April 820 815 845 845 890 815
May 800 825 840 830 775 '800
June 765 780 825 810 865

July 745 785 820 770 795

Aug 740 750 800 795 770
Sep 750 745 810 805 805 ,
Oct 820 830 870 815 810
Nov 840 810 850 850 805
Dec 755 770 745 790 705 J

Q,uestion: What recommendations would you submit to the hospital administrator?

*.* *
Time: 3'Hours Max. Marks: 75

Note: Answer all Questions.

Section A

(Compulsory) (1 x 15 =15 Marks)

1. Describe the role of production and Operations Manager in the present business
Organisations. /

Section B

(5 x 9 =45 MarkS)

Note: Answer any FIVE questions. Each question carries nine marks.
2. Explain the various dimensions of Maintenance' Management.

3. Discuss the principles of Mechanical handling of Materials.

4. Distinguish between Multistage and multie-chelow inventories and explain their


5. Out line the contributions of Japan to World Class Manufacturing. r,

Describe the imporlance of time and Motfon study in evolving an effective B~¥uction
control system.

What are the different metl~ods of Forecasting?
8. Star Co., has five Jobs each of which must go through two machines 'A' and 'B' in the
order AB. Processing time in hours are given in the table.
\. \
Job. 1 2 3 4' 5

Machine A 5 1 9 3 10 "-
Machine B 2 6 7 8 4

Determine a sequence for the five Jobs that will minimise the time.
9. Explain the different Modes of Material requirement planning.


10. Read the following case and answer the questions given.

Casclet: Process Vs.Product

Though iUs well-knownthat product developmentR &D isvery heavy,the Asian countries
piggy-backon successfulproductsby adoptinga differentprocessof manufacturingwithout.
compensating the product patent holder for what is now known as intellectual property
rights. It has happened glaI~inglyin phanna industry,which took advantage<ofour process
patent laws. Ciprofloxacin took Rs. 400 crores for development on the part of Bayer.
Twenty-four Indian companies make this product. Nifedipine for cardiovascular use from
Bayer has 15Indian clones. Ranbaxy,Cipla and Cadilahave many such products for which
t~ere was no ro.yaltyoutflow. MIMS estimated out of 900 molecules, only 28 are being
paidforrights. . . .

As soon as new drug is discovered, a marginally different process is adopted.by Indian. .

companies to produce and market it. It is so far legal in India because the act here patents
the process and not the product.The process-differentproduct clones are naturally cheaper.
as there are no R & D costs involved.

India has been a signatory to GATT.and India is now moving from process patents to
product patents. A transitional period of 10 years has been given to us to shift to a new
regime of product patents.

We would like you to appreciate the changing scenario. What strategi~s are available to
. us? Should we not develop more new products now rather than living off parasitically on
productsdeveloped elsewhere? Should we concentrate on selling bulk products which go
off.,patent? What steps should we take to protect our vast reservoir of herbal me.dicines
fromproductpatentsharksfromabroad? Will not the Indianconsumerpay higherprices
formanyproductsbecauseofa shiftin our patentlaw? Pleaseconsidertheissueobjectively
from the view-points of both the sides.

APRIL 2003 v
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75
Note: Answer all sections.
, -----
Compulsory (lx15=15l'tfarks)

1. What are the different types of production and operation systems? Where would each
one of them be applicable? Give practical example~' .

(5 * 9 = 45 marks)
Answer any five questions

2. Discuss the concept of Total Quality Control and explain its salient features.
3. Distinguish between product layout and process layout.
4. Assume Ulat 20 half litre milk bottles are selected at random from a process. The
number of air bubbles observed from the bottles are given in the table below:

Sample order Defects Sample order Defects

1 4 11 "-'
2 5 12 5
-'., 7 13 4
4 "-' 14
5 -'.., . 15 4
6 5 16 5
7 6 17 3
8 2 18 7
9 4 19 6
10 8 20 13
Draw a suitable control chart for the above data.

5. Discuss the importance of PERT and CPM in production management.

6. Explain the objectives of ppc. How do you measure the effectiveness of PPC?
7. What are the areas of computer applications in production control? Explain the role of
computers in achieving the highest productivity.
8. Wha~does an operator understand from a job schedule? Why it is prepared? Illustrate
the preparation of a job schedule 0;) .

e,) f11J4vul' ~~ 0 ~~
. 0 Q 1. ~WJA I~ . .>~~..J- ,'t-' ,
-- - 2
OL- tv') {u.-.~ ~ l-vj C0L ht>J-- ~ -

9. Critically analyse the assumptions of EOQ. What measures do you sugge~t if these
assumptions do not hold good. '

(Compulsof"Y.l * 15 = 15 marks)

10. Case:

Uncle Otto started his plastic inJection molding business forty years ago with a $ 450
loan from his father. Now, Marquis Plastics was a $ 40 million business specializing in
the manufacture of tubs and lids for the butter substitute industry, like those used for the'
"I Can't Believe It's not Butter!" brand. Even though the business is highly competitive,
Uncle Otto eked out net profits from 3 to 5 percent through his tight-fisted management.

Uncle Otto always seemed to be focused on the past. His was not the type of business the
Big Five accounting firms I worked for was likely to target. Uncle Otto used to call me
"Little David", his sliCknephew-management consultant. Thus, I was surprised to learn
that he had named me managing director of the firm moments before he slipped into
coma. He died four days later.

Being a market oriented person, the first thing I did was spend some time with Otto's
sales force and his customers. I was struck by their loyalty, which was based on years of
high quality, reliable service. On the other .hand, the sales force seemed quite content
simply to continue servicing the firm's existing customer. Most of Marquis's sales growth
had been the result of its customers' groWth.

The next stage of my orientatiop led me the order entry department. This department
seemed somewhat antiquated. but it had a fine record for accurately estimating each job's
run times and production costs. When I asked how an order's due date was set. the order
entry derkjust pointed to "The Wall".

"What is that?" I asked:

"It is our order board". she responded.
The wall consisted of 12 sliding panel doors, each representing one week's production
schedule. It was the biggest Gantt chart that I have ever seen. Each machine in the plant
was designated by a horizontal bar. Each bar was calibrated in hourly increments. As job
inquiries were made, they were "tentatively scheduled" using a red felt marker on the
order board. The earliest feasible due date was then communicated back to the customer.
If the inquiry was converted into a firm purchas~ order. the colour of the order was
changed from red to blue on the wall.

The wall also served as a communications vehicle for the factory. When production
wanted to know what was scheduled, they went "around the wall" to see their projected
workload. When purchasing needed to know ,",'hat and wllen plastic raw materials were
needed. they too just checked the wall.

When I entered the plOduction area. I was expecting to find antiquated equipment. Quite
the contrary. what I observed was a neat, well-laid-out factory equipped with the most
up-to-date equipment. The workers were qualified and well motivated. and they too \-vere
saddened by the unexpected death of Uncle Otto.

The production system was fairly simple. One line transformed plastic beads into tubs.
The second stage printed company's labels on the sides. Many of the orders used one of
the five basic tub designs. but our cu~tomers increasingly elected to use of distinctive
tubs. The second line made the lids for the tubs, also printed. The final stage of the
operations was packaging. To save space. lids and tubs were shipped separately in
corrugated containers. Finished goods were stored by customers in the small but adequate
warehouse adjacent to the loading dock. Most of the customers were local and picked up
their supplies, usually on a weekly basis.

As I left to go home that night. I noticed my Porsche ~tanding out in a sea of Chevy
Caprices. Even Uncle Otto had driven a 5 year old Chevy Wagon just in casehe had to
make a rush pick up or delivery.

Most of all. I thought about that wall! How could Marquis control a $ 40 million business'
with 2 colours of felt pens and 12 sliding doors with Gantt charts?

The next morning I called a meeting of those whom I felt are the. key persons.
Complimented them for their excellent contribution and asked them t~ tell me what do
they think are the areas in which we should improve. There was plenty of dialogue and
arguments. Things that bothered me were:

Fluctuatingdemand but growing

Inventory shortages and excesses
Overtime sometimes and idling other items
Frequent cash flow problems
Intermittentcustomer complaints on delivery.

I felt I should put down things in black and white and call another meeting when I present
everyone a concept paper of what all we should do and what techniques to use. I also
realized. 1 need to collect a lot of detailed information.

Assume you are Little David and answer the folloWing:

1. What all information you need? .

2. What all Techniques you have learnt. you want use in stream lining the production
function in the factory? .

...; ("1"( Ar'

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.J.<~', I ;a>!l>R:t..MANGAll\Ar,
" . .t'r;.,.. \.:-" ,,,..i':'\J;:;', Reg_No.[~

Second Semester MBA Degree Examin:1tion,

May 2002


Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75

NOTE: Answer ALL sections.

(Compulsory 1x15=15)

1. What is production function? . Discuss lhe different types of production

""4' systems with suitable examples.


Answer ANY FIVE questions. Each question carries nine marks.

2. Explain with neat sketches the process layout.

3. Make a list of regional factors affecting a company's location decision.

4. Explain Gantt Charts. Give two examples where Gantt Charts or network
diagrams can be used.

5. What is the relationship of the economic order quantity to demand? To the

holding cost? To the set-up cost?
~. "No handling is best handling." comment.

7. Name and briefly explaifl the five categories of scheduling.,

8. What do you mean by 'Quality circle'? Explain the working of quality circles
in India.

9. Explain the concepts 'CAD' and 'CAM' with suitable examples.

Contd... 2
r<lye H(I.


10. Given in the PERT Chart below are the optimistic, most likely, and pelsimistic
for the activities in a project.

14, 17, zo


a) Compute the mean. and standarq . deviation for each activity t1me.
,. - . . .~
b) Compute the mean and standard deviation for each path iri the project. - .

b) Find. the probability that the project is completed within 70 days.




Note: Answer all sections.

(Compulsory) 15 Marks.
1. Explain the guiding principies of material handling and the factors influencing
material handling devices selection.

Note: Answer any FIVE questions. Each question carries 9 Marks.

2. What relationships exist between the layout and location decisions 7

3. What are thc major distincLions betwccn a production organisation and a service
organization 7 .

4. Explain clearly the procedure of time study.

5. Why i.,work sampling some times preferred to a time and motion study?

6. Describe the four inspection areas, and what quality control tools might be used in
each case.

7. Define the term 'Maintenance'. Outline the various types of mainterumc.e.

8. Compare the U.S. 'Push' rescheduling/inventory system to the Japanese 'pull'

system. What is the role of Kanban in the Japanese system?

9. Explain the use of computers in production management with suitable examples.

Compulsory. 15 Marks.

10. Given below is a table of data that includes the tasks, times and precedences for a
a) Draw the CPM network for this project.
b) Find the expected project cOIQpletiontime and the critical'path.
c) Find .theamount of slack for each activity. . .
Task Immediate
, 'redecessors
B. A
C. A
D A~
E- B£
F. B,C;,D
G' 'E,f ..
............ ')
'I Paper 203 - Productionand MaterialManagement(New Schemen
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75
Note: Answer all Sections

SECfION - A (lxlS...lS Marks)

1. Distinguish between job, batch and Mass Production. In what Indusbies these
methods are used and why?

B (Sx9x45 Marks)
Answer any FIVE of the following questions. Each question carries NINE Marks.

2. Enumerate the guiding Principles of Materials handling.

3. What is quality circle? Comment on the formation and working of quality circles
in India.

4. Distinguish between product layout and proceSs layout? What are their merits
and demerits?

5. Define Automation. Bring out the merits and demerits of Automation.

6. 'Routing in Industries depends upon the nature and type of Industry', Explain.
7. Explain the uses of CAD, CAM in Production Management.
8. What is ISO? Explain the process invol"\ledin getting ISO certification. Name few
companies having ISO certification in India.
9. Explain the need of proper factoty lighting. What are the effects of poor
illumination? '

SE<.TION C (1xlS=lS Marks)
10. 'Thenumber of customer complaints received daily by an organization is given ~-

Day Complaints Day Complaints ,

1 2 \ 9 4
2 3 10 2
3 0 \ 11 0
4 1 12 7
5 9 \
13 0
6 2 14 2
7 0 15 4
8 0

. a) Does this mean that the number of complaints are under control?

b) Assume that you have'~en' approached by this organization to establish

conh'olmechani..mf9r future use. Help the company.
-'\, **"*"*,,,,, ./I
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3. Discuss uricH)' the role of\v(\rk-0tudy in inci'ci1sing industrial produclivity.

4. 'HI,,:': do :,'OU \l!calJ by P1:oc;uc:ti'.JilFlz,:'J.lll1g? l;rieI1y d~~scribe it~ o:)j~cti'.'(;:;

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Second Semester ~.B.A Degree Examination\ ~~,f ,ntl

April I May 2007 ;, ~/.'

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Time: 3 Hours Max.Marks: 75

SECTION - A (1x15=15)
1. Discuss the various types of operating support systems with examples.

SECTION - B (5x9=45)
Answer any FIVE questions. Each question carries 9 marks.
2. Define MIS. Explain the various functions of MIS.
3. Explain the strategic use of information system.
4. Describe the information needs in planning of an information
, - system.
5. Explain the key tasks performed during high-level design.
6. Discuss the importance of computerised information system for marketing
7. Discuss the emerging concepts and issues in information system.
8. Explain the purpose and Syntax of each of the following MS DOS command.
c) MEM d) DIR/W
e) REN
9. How can a system approach help in developing MIS?

SECTION C (1x15=15)
10. Case study:
Reebok International Ltd. has turned to collaboration software to transform its
World Wide Website into an interactive experience and keep its customers coming
back. Along the way, it has reducedthe hassles involved in updatingthe ever-changing
contents of the Web site.
The Stoughton, Massachusetts-based sport shoe and sports apparel
manufacturer recently redesigned their Website at www.reebok.com using Radnet
Contd... 2
WebShare, a WebShare, a Web-based groupware system. Reebok is using the
built-in electronic-mailhooks, discussiongroups, bulletin boards, and E-mail postcards
to make the site far more interactive than when it debuted in 1994, according to
Marvin Show, Reebok's director of interactive marketing.
The goal was to create a Web site that fostered a community of users, Chow
said. "If you just try and use the Web to sen them products, something is missing," he
said, Reebok.com gets about 800,000 hits per day, and the company has signed up
about 25,000 site members.
Reebok currently offers four microsites, each devoted to a particular fitness
category,where customers can get profiles of athletes and training tips from coaches.
But visitors who fill out a profile form in which they list their favorite sports will get
customized workout tips, news updates about their sport, and other information on
future visits., Site members also can send E-mail postcards to their favorite athletes.
A Java-based sports ticker component that will let Reebok push game scores and
sports stories to visitors is al&o in development.
"Delivering customized content via Web sites is still pretty rare but extremely
valuable to companies like Reebok that sell to a mass market," said Mark Cecere, an
analyst at Giga Information Group. It is particularlykey for Reebok, ,"whichis probably
marketing to a younger audience that is looking for a fair amount of glitz," Cecere
Reebok chose WebShare because it provides the capability for Reebok
employees to update the contents of a Web page -Jor.example,modifying the address
of a distributor or adding a recent interview with asports figure - using a Web browser.
And the workflow features in WebShare help Reebok manage'the con~entsof its site.
Reebok's marketers can update informati~m and pass those changes to the
appropriate people automatically using a workflow program. Previously, updates to
the site had to be coordinated through Reebok's Internet service provider. The kind
of do-'it-yourself updating that Reebo~ now enjoys is one of the main advantages of
using a Web-based collaboration development tool such as WebShare.
Case Study Questions:
1. Why is Reebok redesigning their Web site? '

2. Do you agree with Reebok's changes

, ,
to theirWeb site? Why or why not? ' ,

3. How does information technology help Reebok's business end users make
improvements to their Web sites?

~econd Semester M.B.A Degree Examination
April/May 2006


Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75
Note: Answer all Sections

SECTION- A (1X15=15 Marks)

1. What are the various types of informationsystem? Explainwith an example.

SECTION- B (5x9=45 Marks)

Note: Answer any FIVEquestions. Each question carries 9 marks
2. What do you understand by NOLANstage models?
3. Discuss the importance of computerised information system for financial related
4. What are points to be considered in the design of forms? What is forms control?
5. What are the importantuses of a network?
6. Developa work breakdownstructure of any major project.
7. Explain briefly the key tasks performed d~ring ~onceptual design.
8. Explain the purpose and syntax of each of the following MS DOS Command.
9. Explain in detail the steps to be used to use spreadsheet for doing a sales analysis
for a marketing department selling over 50 products being sold to over 15 customers.

SECTION - C (1X15=15 Marks)


10. Case Study:

National Telephone, a leading independent carrier, has developed over the past six
years a large data base that they called NMOS(NationalMarketingData Base).
This 30 billionscharacter file is the basis for a diversifiednumber of marketing
analyses and reports used by sales managers, product managers, administrators,
Contd... 2
forecasters and planners. The reports range from a simple request for s~tlesby
particular customers to complex modeling, projecting a full P&L statement for a
proposed new product line. Users of the data base range from clerical personnel
to departmentvice presidents. '.

Input to NMSO emanates from the billing file, which records individual sales
transactions. The billing file is organized by customer, since billing is its principal
application.The billing system was the first to be computerized by National Telephone.
Over the years it has evolved from a batch/tape to an on-line system; however, the
original system design has been carried forward through the series of conversions
that have taken place. While the billing data base satisfied the order processing
and accounts receivable functions quite well, the marketing and planning departments
have found it progressively more difficult to reformat the data base into NMOS. One
major reason is that the company's strategy is placing more emphasis on product
line performance. Therefore, sales by product and product line are essential. NMOS
is oriented to product but can also produce analyses keyed by customer. Current
billing procedures result in a considerable time lag between the time a transaction
occurs and the time it can be transferred to NMOS by the required product categories.
'. Foryearsthe systemsanalystsof NMOShavebeentrying to havethe billingsystem
analysts rectify the situation, but without success. They know that maintaining two
huge and somewhat redundant files is an expensive proposition, but somehow they
have been unable to reach a solution.

The problem would soon surface new, be9ause the new vice president of product
marketing, Ralph Lesser, was preparing a presentation for the president of National
that would indicate it was becoming impossible to manage a product line without
current and accurate product line results. Les~er knew this was going to irritate
. the vice presidentof IS, Sob-Frank,but he felt also that Frank's people had not
been able to resolve the problem and hadn't given it the priority he knew it warrant.ed.


1. How did this problem come about? Do you think it could have been avoided?
2. Could Sob Frank have recognised the problem and put a plan in place to rectify
it before Lesser brought the issue to the president?
3. Should the billing file have been constructed with the flexibility to effectively
handle product information or any information required by management?
4. What should Frank do to resolve the problem? Is a redesign necessary, a new ,
data base structure, faster data base reporting, or what?
* * *


Time: 3 Hours Max. Mar

Note: Answer all Sections

Section A

(Compulsory) (1 x 15 = 15 Marl{s)

1. Explain the various types of information system for each level of Management.

Section B

(5 x 9 =45 Marks)

Note: Answer any FIVE questions. Each question carries nine marks.
2. What is a network? Explain the relevance of networks in MIS.
1. How do information needs in planning differ at different,levels of management?
4. Explain the various generations of computers.
5. Write a brief note on Implementation and Maintenance of MIS.
6. With the help of system flowchart explain the marketing information system useful for a
large industry.
7. What are different mechanical aids available in a modern office? How have they improved
productivity? Explain.
8. Explain the future trends in MIS.
9. Explain the key tasks performed during conceptual design of MIS.

(Compulsory) (1 x 15 = 15 Marks)
10. CaseStudy: Midwest Bank decidedto launch a comprehensive review of their IS operations.'
An eight-person team spent ten weeks, full time, to review the basic business processes,
organisation, information users, information systems, data classes, and data processing
organization. The information was then synthesized into a report to management, recom-
mending an overall systems architecture and strategy ~d application development based
on user priority assessment. The effort at Midwest had top management commitment; the
resultant document was well received and, in essence, was accepted as the statement of the
IS direction of Midwest Bank for the next Five years.

It was apparent to Midwest that they had developed applications ina fragmentary way,
lacked an integrated data base, didn't know in what direction they should be headed, and
were facing increasing demands on the part of their ,users. This scenario was typical of
many operations the size of Midwest.

An initial recommendation was to evaluate, and select a data base system that would enable.
Midwest tQ integrate its data files, so that Operating management could derive the
management information they said was imperative. A Data-Base Selection Committee
was formed, selection criteria quickly agreed upon, and the following letter sent to three
leading vendors of data-base management systems.

Dear Vendor:

I am pleased to announce the approval of the Data-Base Management System Selection

Projectfor Midwest Corporation.This project will select theData-Base Management System
software that will become the basis for data-base development within Midwest. Your Data
Management ~ystem has been selected as one of the three products that will be evaluated
by this project.

Enclosed you will find a copy of the project plan document, which describes the project
tasks, the methodologies to be used, and the project participants. There are several formal
vendor intelface points such as:
- .'
--Review and respond to the Criteria Document.

-Supply detailed technical information to be used to evaluate your project.

_Supply product - User names for us to contact in our data gathering.

_Review.and comment on the findings document.


Yourprompt response at these interface points will be necessary for us to meet the projecJ
schedule. However, your contributions throughout the project are invited, and we will be
happy to consider any pertinent input at any time.



1. Do you think Midwest was wise in conducting the comprehensive IS review? Do

you think the study team size and time frame excessive?

2. Would you anticipate that data fragmentation would be a finding in a study conducted
by a bank?

3. How would you evaluate the way Midwest is gOilig about selecting a data base

4. What should be the criteria for bid invitations in view of the fact there are more than
50 competent data-base systems on the market?



Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75
Note: Answer all sections.
SECTION-A (lx15=15 Marks)

1. Explain the various forms of presenting the information to management to make

decision making more effective and meaningful.

SECTION-B (5x9=45 Marks)

r Note: Answer any FIVE Questions. Each question carries Nine marks.

2. Explain the major information needs of the management process.

3. With the help of a system flow chart explain the financial information system.
4. Describe the project planning of MIS in detail.

5. Explain the key tasks performed during conceptual design of MIS.

6. How would you go about in selecting computer hardware and software?

7. What are different mechanical aids available in a modem office? How have they
.. improved productivity? Explain.
8. - Differentiate the following:
a) DSSand structured decision rilles.
b) Transaction processing system and Executive Support Systems.
c) Mainframe computer and Mini Computer.
9. Explain the future trends in MIS.

SECTION.C (lx15=15Marks)

10. An employee has a database involving four types of entities: Engineer, Manager,
trainee and helper. Identity some of the important attributes of each type of entity.
Sketch out an Entity-relationship diagram and a set of relations that might be
applicable in this case.
~.. ",,111 ~ ''!Ii!'' '




Note: Answer all sections.

15 Marks.
1. a) What are the charact~tics of a good inf~rmation system?
gyDescribe the componen,tsof a decisionsupport system.
sYExplainsalient features,of Analog, Digitaland Hybrid Computers.

Note: Answer any FIVEquestions.
Each question carries 9 Marks.
,,,,*,' . ''''I

2. Describe the type of informatiori~needs at t:4e Qtree levels of management.oJ!

3. What are the major objectives of a computerized inventory control system?

Describe the inputs and outputs of a typical inventory control system.

4. Oassify the 'different office automation systems. Briefly explain the importance of
each system.

5. What are the various .~teps involved in i:!'eh,implementation of an MIS of any

organization? Explaineach step in brief. ' .

6. Discuss the latest trends in MIS.

7. Differentiate between system and application software. Give two examples of


8. Discuss the imp'ortance o(word processors..,in generating documents. Give some

examples of DOS-based and Windows-based ~ord processing packages.

9. Compare and contrast the following .

a) Feedback control system and feed forward control system

b) .Mainframe Computer and Mini Computer
c) RQM,and RAM-- "','.
d) MS-DOS and UNIX
f /",,'ij,
:'h. ~'
.~ ~ "' '

(Compulsory)15 Marks.

10. Assume you are designing a registration system for a University and has a
database involving various types of entities like courses, professors, students,
classrooms and many qttwrs. Identify some of the important attributes of each
type of entity. Sketch ouf an en6ty-re1atio~hip diagram and a set of relations that
might be applicable in this case.

'3Der 204 - Mana2ement Information System and Com IIcatloo

: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75

Note: Answer all Sections

SECTION -A (1x15=15 Marks) (9+6=15)

a) How can information systems support a company's business operations, decision

making by their managers, and give them a competitive advantage?

b) What are some of the most important applications of Artificial Intelligence in

business? Defend your choices.

SECTION - B (5x9=45Marks

Answer any FIVE of the following questions. Each question carries NINE Marks.

How does information need vary according to different levels of management?

illustrate your answer.

Explain project planning in detail.

What points need to be considered in the design of forms? Explain forms control.

Give detail~d specifications, design and formats for the Human Resource
Management information system.

Explain the purpose and syntax of each of the following MS-DOScommand.


Differentiate between Real time system and Batch processing system with an

'. Explain the various steps in the conceptual system design of MIS of any
organization; EXpJaineach step in brief.
'. Explain the functions of basic data processing elements.

SECTION - C (1x15=15~arksl

10. Assume you are in charge of Computerizing a super bazaar which receives on an
average 100 male, 200 female and 50 children. You have been asked to maintain a
database of customers including some basic information like Name, address,
income etc. You have to send a bill every month for reguJar customer for
payment, and also announce new schemes for promoting the products purchases.

204: Management Information Systems and Computer Application.

(New Scheme)

Time: 3Hrs. Max.Marks:75

Note: Answer all Sections. srUNWAS C['I !..f:GE OF

P.G./ MiJ.H4Cf?ifErrt S7'~>n!F.S
U8PAfY( M.'{h:.J,L
r- ~;,-'.

1. a. Define system. What is a general model of a system? What are the types
of systems? Explain them in detail.
b. Explain with an organizational example the Information System as a
c. Compare and contrast the utility of application softwares LOTUS 123 and
Answerany E.l.EE questions. Each question carries 9 marks. (5x9=45)
2. What is a Net work? Explain the relevance of Protocols in network.

3. Assume you are in charge of implementing a Decision Support System(DSS)

in a materials management department. Explain how the characteristics of a
computer based DSS would be effective for you.

4. What do you understand by NOLAN stage Models?

5. What are the various steps involved in design of an MIS of any organization?
Explain each step in brief.

6. How do information need vary according to different levels of management?

Explain with an example.

7. Vv'hatare different mechanical aids available in a Modem Office? How have

they improvedproductivity? Explain.

8. Explain the purpose and syntax of each of the following MS-DOS command.
a. COpy

9. List out in detail the steps to be followed for using mail merge for sending
letters to all customers indicating their due.

10. Assume you are in charge of computerizing a Petrol Bunk on NH4 which
receives on the average 500 trucks, 200 cars and 400 two wheelers. The
bunk also supplies Oil, Spares and Consumables in addition to fuel. Prepare
a detailed information system plan assuming that you are a part of a network
of few hundred outlets and also you are required to give your daily sales
analysis report. Maintain a data base of vehicles and announce promotion
schemes for Top 20 vehicles in each category which consume maximum fuel
and consumables every month, qualier and year.
p. G. ~1A I.r "r'.-
J~1C~r;ULLfGf A
M.B.A. DEGREE EXAlunATIOIiS APRIL/11AY z'dtji1AHY';"ll~'t .iT STlJ{
! IV 1'1 ~GII



Ml\x. Mnrk.fI:"
'j X
SECTION-A (lx15=15Marks) lmRARY,MANGAlORE.
a) Explain bri~fly the fundamental components and characteristics
of a system.

b) ~ow can transaction processing systems playa strategic

role in gaining competitive advantages for a business?

c) What is the role of a database management system in a

business information system.

SECTION-D (5x9=45 Marks)

Answer any FIVE of the following questions.

Explain the planning information needs of any Organization.

I. What are the various steps involved in detailed design of an

MIS of any Organization? Explain each step in brief.

L What are different mechanical aids available in a modern

office? How have they improved productivity? Explain.

5. With the help of a system flow chart explain the marketing

information system useful for a large engineering industry. -

6. Explain the purpose and syntax,of each of the following

MS DOS command. a) EDIT b) DISKCOMP c) MEM

7. How would you go about in selecting Computer hardware and

software for a large IT industry?

8. Explain the major implementation tasks of an MIS.

9. Explain the future trends in MIS.


SECTION-C (15 Marks)


10. Assume you are in charge of computerizing production control

system of an organization. Prepare a detailed information
system plan assuming that you are a part of a network of
industries. You are required to give your daily Resource
status and schedule status."- Maintain a database of
resources, and materials consumed every month, quarter and

Second Semester MBA Deb ee Examination,
May 2002



Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75
NOTE: Answer ALL sections.

(Compulsory 1x15::.:15 marks)
1. . a) What are the three key elements of MIS? How are they important in
a management system?

b) How is MIS different from EDP system?

c) What is a Micro Computer? Explain the differences among va.rious
models of microcomputers. (5 + 5 + 5 = 15)

(5x9=45 marks)

Answer ANY FIVE questions. Each que,:;Urmcarries nine marks.

2. Describe the business organisation as a system.

3. Discuss the importance of computerised information system for human resource


4. What do you understand by NOLAN Stage Models?

5. What are the points to be considered in the design of forms? What is forms

6. What are the important uses of a Network?

7. Develop a work breakdown structure for any major project.

Contd... '2
- .....

8. Explain briefly the key tasks performed during high-level design. :

9. Differentiate the following:

a) Open system and closed system

b) .. Interpreter and compiler
c) Impact and non-impact printers

d). Schema and Sub-Schema

(Compulsory. 15 marks)

10. A distributor of building supplies for contractors has a database involving three -.--""
" types of entities : Suppliers, products and customers. Identify some of the/"
important attributes of each type of entity. Sketch out an entity-relationship
diagram and a set of relations that might be applicable in this case.

.. .. ..
Second Semester

M.B.A Degree Examinatio
April I May 2007
~ cJ)\p~~\)t;~...


Time: 3 Hours Max.Marks: 75
Note: Answer all sections.
SECTION - A (2x12=24 marks)
Note: Answer any TWO questions. Each questions 12 marks.
1. Discuss the research process and explain each of the steps in detail.
2. 'Discuss different approaches to probabilities and give e~amples for calculating the'
probabilities in each of these approaches.
3. Discuss the various methods of sampling and discuss the circumstances in which
each of these can be used. . '.

SECTION -B (3x12=36 marks)

Note: Answer any THREE questions. Each questions 12 marks.
4. A manufacturingfirm producesthe switch gears in five different plants with daily'
productionvolumesof 2000, 2200,1800,2250 and 1750from plants 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
respectively.Fromth~ pastexperienceit is knownthat the percentagesof defective
output from these plants are 5, 4, 8, 10 and 12 respectively. For t~e purpose of
qualitycontrolthe productionof all the plants are pooledtogetherand inspected. A
quality control inspectorselects a.pipe from a days productionand finds it to be
defective. . .

. Findthe probabilitythat the switchgear comesfrom:

a) Plant 1
b) Plant 2
c) Plant 4
d) From which plant th~ defective item is most likely to come?
5. Mr. Harry D'Souza is in charge of the Electronics section of a large departmental
store at Bangalore. He has noticed that the probability that a customer who is just
browsing will buy something is 0.3. From the past experience h~ knows' that this
processfollows Bernouli process. Suppose that 15 customers browse at the electronic
.section each hour. Find the probability that the .

a) at least one browsing customer will buy 'sometl1in~during a specified hour.

b) at least 4 browsing customer will buy something during a specified hour.
c) No browsing customer will buy anything
during a specified
d) No morethan 4 browsingcustomerwill buysomethingduring a specifiedhour.
Contd... 2
.. '.,'~\
t"tY.o\Pl " \. ,',
j .:'-1
'"-'4 , " .
\f .: ,
Page No. ~.2
..... "

~;-~. A l1}arlpowerdevelopment statistician is asked to determine whether the hourly wages

~:' "~-'"'Of;semi-skilledworkers are the same in two Gities. The results of the survey are:
'~~";'-'.' -
"'City Mean hoLirly Standard deviation of hourly Sample
earnings from Sample earnings from Sample size
1 Rs.8.95 Rs.0.40 , 200
2 Rs.9.10 Rs.0.60 175

Test the hypothesis with 5 percent level of significance using the detailed steps for
testingthe hypothesis. - -

7. A developer of food for animals would like to determine what relationship exists among
the age of the animals when it starts receiving a newly developed food supplements,
the initial weiQht ofthe animal and the amount of weight it gains in a.week period with
the food supplement. The following information is the results of eight animals.
\ (Initial Weight Kg.) 39 52 49" 46 61 35 25 ' .55

X2 (Initial age, weeks) 8 6 7 12 9 6 7 4

Weight gain (Xs) 7 6 8 10 9 5 3 4

a) Calculate the least square equation that best describes these three variables.
b) How much might we expect a animal to gain in a w~ek with food supplement if
it were 9 weeks old and weighed 49 Kgs~
8. Discuss the utility of Chi-square test. How is this test different from other tests of
hypothesis that you have le~Hnt.

SECTION -C (1x15=15 marks)

Note: Compulsory. This question 15 marks.
9. In order to determine how women respond to brand$ of business attire on the job an
area boutique surveyed groups of realtors, secretaries, entrepreneurs and account
executives about what fashion, style they wore most .often (A, 8, C and D). The
following data were collected.
Occupation Style .
Realtor 5 7 6 8
Secretary 10 15 12 8
Entrepreneur 8 12 21 25
Account Executive 12 14 20 25
With 10 percent level of significance test whether the style a women prefers depends
on her occupation. Would your results be different at 5 per cent level of significance?

l Second Semester M.B.A Degree Examination

April/May 2006


Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75
Note: Answer all Sections

SECTION - A (2X12=24 Marks) ,

Note: Answer any TWO questions. Each question carries 12 marks.

1. Briefly describe the problems encountered by the researchers in India.

2. Briefly explain the different types of sampling designs.
3. Describe the precautions that the researcher should take while writing research"

SECTION - B . (3x12=36 Marks)

Note: Answer any THREE questions. Each question carries 9 marks
4. Discuss the characteristic features of binomial and Poisson distributions. "

How do you compute mean and standard deviations of these distributions.

5. "The following information has been 'gathered from a random sample of lodges in
Bangalore. We are trying to predict rent (in Rs. per day) based on the size of the
lodge (number of rooms) and the distance from Kempegowda Bus Stop (in miles)
Rent 500 2000 1500 1000 400 300
Number of
Rooms 2 6 3 4 2' 1
Distance from
Bus Stop 1 1 2 3. 10 4

a) Calculate the least - squares equation that best relates these three variables.
b) If some one is looking for a two-room lodge, 2 miles from Kempegowda Bus
Stop, what rent should he expect to pay?
6. A news paper publisher, trying to pinpoint his markets characteristics, wondered
whether news paper readership in the community is related to readers' educational
qualification. A survey questioned adults in the area on their level of education and
their frequency of readership. The results are shown in the following table.
Contd... 2

Level of Educational achievements

Frequency of
High School Did not Complete
readership I Postgraduate I Graduate I
Grade High School
Never 10 17 11 21
Sometimes 12 23 I 8 I 5
Morning or Evening 35 38 16 I 7
Both edition 28 19 6 I 13

a) State the null and alternativehypotheses. .

b) Calculate the sample X2 (Chi-Square) values.
c) At 0.10 significance level, what is your conclusion?
7. A manufacturing firm produces steel pipes in three plants with daily production
volumes of 500, 1000 and 2000 units respectively. According to past experience,
it is known that the fraction of defective outputs produced by the three plants are
respectively 0.005, O.OO&and0.010. If a pipe is selected from a days total production
and found to be defective find out
a) From which plant the pipe comes?
b) What is the probability that it came from the first plant?
8, The income of a group of 10,000 persons was found to be normally distributed with
mean of Rs. 750 P.M. and standard deviation of Rs. 50. Show that of this group
about 95% had income exceeding Rs. 668 and only 5% had income exceeding Rs.
832. What was the lowest income among the richest 100? What is the highest
income of the poorest .250?

. SECTION - C (1X15=15 Marks)

9. The following data represent the number of units of production per day turned out
by 5 different workers using 4 different types of machines:
Machine Type
. Workers
1 44
38 47 36
5 46 40 52 43
3 34 36 44 .32
4 43 38 46 33
5 38 42 49 39

Test whether the mean productivity is same for the different machine types and
different workers. State the detailed steps for hypotheses testing while answering
this question.
* * *

205 ,..

, ,.;
y - I
6 - 10 15 12 11 " J
11-15 5 8 7

16 - 20 3 4
' -
21 - 25 2 4 5 3
Morethan 25 2
-5 4 2

45 45 45 4S
What is the probability that in a year selected at random, the number of escapes was between
16 and 20 during tfieWiTHer"'!

b) What is the probability that more than 10escapes were attempted during a randomly chosen
summerseason? .

c) What is the probability that between 11and 20 escapes were attempted during a randomiy
chosen season?

5. If 5% of the electric bulbs manufactured by a company are defective (mean - 5) use Poisson
distribution to find the probability that in a sample of 100 bulbs.
(i) None is defective

(ii) atleast one is defective

'" =
(iii) 5 bulbs wi!1 be defcctive

(iv) More than 5 will be defective

(Given e-' =0.007)

6. A company has a training program for supervisors. Because the program is self -
administered, supervisors require different number of hours to complete the progean. A
study of past panicipants indicates that the mean length of time spent on the program is
500 hours and that this normally distributed variable has a standard deviation of 100

a) What is the probability that a participant sele,:ted at random wi]] require more than 500
hours to complete the program?
Whatis the prolJabitjtythat a candidate selected at random will take between 500 and 650
hours to complete the training program?
') What is the probability that a candidate selected at random will require less than 580 hours
to complete the program?
7. The training director of a company is trying to evaluate three different methods of training
new employes. The training director chooses 16 new employes assigned at random to
three training methods and records their daily production after they complete the programs
as given below:

Method 1 15 18 19 22 11

Method 2 22 27 18 21 17

Method 3 18 24 19 16 22 15

The director wonders whether there are differences in effectiveness among the methods.
At 0.05 level of significance, do the three training programs lead to different levels of
8. Given the following data,
a) Estimate the multiple regression line.
b) Predicty when XI =3.0 and x, =2.7

Y XI x,
25 3.5 5.0
130 6.7 4.2 I
Ii1 1.5 8.5
22- . 0.3 1.4
,- 3.6
27 4.6
19 2.0 I 1.3 ;

Section - C
(!xIS = 15 Marl{s)
9. a. Write a brief note on chi-square distribution.
b. A brand manager is concerned about her brand's share may be unevenly distributed
throughout the country. In a survey in which the country was divided into four
geographic regions, a random sampling of 100 consumers in each region was
surveyed, with the following results:

Purchase the brand 55 45 ]90

Do not purchase 45 55 210

I:: :: I

TOTAL 100 100 100 100 400

i) Develop a table of observed and expected frequencies for the above problem.

ii) Calculate the sample chi-square value

iii) State the null &.a alternate hypothesis

iv) At ex =0.05, test whether brand share is same across the four regions.

Find the confidence level associated with the interval.
6. Do the results of a survey given below suggest that the efficiency of the management has
a bearing on the efficiency of the employees (Use 5% level of significance)
Condition of Condition of Management

Employees Efficient Poor Total

Efficient 75 25 100

Average 30 20 50

Inefficient 20 50 70
Total 125 95 220

7. Find the multiple regression equations of X on Y and Z from the date relating to three
variables given below.

Estimate X when Y =10 and Z= 16.

8. A tube light producer claims that the life of the light produced by him is more than 1000
hours. A sample of lights were tested in laboratory and recorded the following results.

Sl. No. 1 2 3 I
4 I 5 6 7 8 9 10
Life of
the I 0.9 0.8 0.95 I 0.875 I 0.82
! 0.7 0.775 0.81 0.95 0.1

light (000) I I

I SI.No. 12 15 16 17 18 I 19 20

Lifeof I '
I I[ I

0.60 I 0.75
0.91 0.99 0.65 0.69
I the 0.955\ 0.965
I. light (000) I
0.851 0.88 I

Can the claim be accepted at 5% level of significance?

,,"" rI ...RIu,i.U,gn., . -;;;;J

r- SECTION - C (1 x 15 = 15 Marks)
Note: Compulsory.
The following data represents the No of units of production per day turned out by five
different workers using four different types of machines.

Workers Machine types

1 44 38 47 36
2 46 40 52 43
3 34 36 44 32
4 43 38 46 33
5 38 42 49 39

a. Test whether the mean differ with respect to mean productivity.

b. Test whether the mean productivity is the same for different machine types.

.:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:.



APRIL 2004


Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75
Note: Answer all sections.
SECTION - A (2 x 12 = 24)
Note: Answer any TWO questions. Each question carries 12 marks.
1. Write a research report by choosing a research problem. ~\
? ~\
ell I Discuss the features of research design.
b) Discuss the various types of scales. . ~~~
3. Criticallyexamine the various methods of sampling highlightingtheir merits
and limitations.

SE~TION - B (3 x 12 ~ 36)
Note: Answerany THREE questions.Eachquestioncarries 12 Marks.
4. A manufacturing firm produces units of a product in four plants, 1, 2, 3, 4. The
number of units produced in these plants are 3000, 2500, 4000 and 500
respectively in 1,2,3 & 4. From the past experience it is known that plants 1,
2, 3 & 4 produce 5% 10%, 15% and 2% defectives respectively.The units of
all plants are pooled and sent to the distributors for ultimate sale to customers.
A distributor selects a unit at random and finds it to be defective.

What is the probability that the defective item will have come from plant 1, 2,
3,4? .
5. In a factory turning out optical tenses, there is a small chance of 1/500 for any
one lens to be defective. The lenses are supplied in packets having 10
lenses. Using the appropriate probability distribution, calculate the approxi-
. mate number of packets'containing no defective, one defective, two
defectives, three defectives, arid four or more defectives in a consignment of
one million packets.
6. Shipment of light bulbs meet distrributor specifications provided the mean
length of life is atleast 1000 hours. If a shipment does not meet this require-
ment, it is returned to the manufacturer. Shipments received in the past have
consistantly had a standard deviation of 50 hours and life can be assumed to
be normally distributed. A random sample of 49 bulbs is drawn from an incom-
ing shipment in order to determine whether specifications are met. The
sample arithmetic mean is 955 hours. Determine whether the distributor
should keep the shipment or return it to the manufacturer. Calculate the critical
values of light bulb life that helps in deciding.

Method 1 45 40 50 39 53 44

Three training methods are compared to see whether they led to 'greater
productivity after training. The following are productivity measures for indi-
viduals trained by each method.

Method 2 59 43 47 51 39 49

Method 3 41 37 43 40 52 37

At 0.05 level of significance, do the three training methods lead to different

levels of productivity?
8. Given the following set of data

a) Estimate the multiple regression line

b) PredictY When X1 = 10.5, X2 = 13.6

y 11.4 16.6 20.5 29.4 7.6 13.8 28.5
X1 4.5 8.7 12.6 19.7 2.9 6.7 17.4
X2 13.2 18.7 19.8 25.4 22.8 17.8 14.6

Interpret the results of regression line like the intercept and X co-efficients.

SECTION - C (1 x 15 = 15)
Note: Compulsory.
9. a) Discuss the different approaches to probability.

b) The following is an observed frequency distribution:

Observed ::; 2.6 2.6 - 3.80 3.8 - 5 - 5 - 6.20 6.2 - 7.4 ~7.4
Values of the

Frequency of 6 30 41 52 12 9

Using normal distribution with mean = 5 and standard deviation = 1.5

a) Find the probability corresponding each of observed classes.
b) From part @ compute the expected frequency of each category.
c) At 10% level of significance does this frequency distribution seem to be
well described by suggested normal distribution? .

* * * * * *




Note: Ans,ver ALL sections.

SECTION - A (2x 12=24 marks)

Note: A:lswer any nvo questions.

1. Define "Research tY'fethodology". State and explain the, major components of

research methodology. 'il
2. a) Do Business managers use hypothesis regularly in the process of ! :

111l1lH1ging? . \\ 1
b) Dispnguish between I' pure research and applied res}f',rch". ' i

3. What are the different criteria used in selecting samples? How could
sampling errors be minimized?
SECTION - B (3x 12=36 marks)
Note: Answer any THREE questions.

4. a) A R,1Il\!()[11
s,1Jnpll' of size 20 from a normal population of 100 items, give
a sample mean of 42 and a standard deviation of 6. Estimate,
i) the standard deviation of the population.
ii) The standard error of the mean for the population.
iii) The confidence interval for the population mean using 5% level of
significance. (8 marks)

b) Given the following expressions for Confidence Intervals for large

sample. Find the confidence level associated with the interval,
i) X:t 2.15 ..Jx:
ii) X:I: 1.78 ..Jx:I .i
I.i .. .

5. Two types of batteries X & Yare tested for their length of life and the:
following results are obtained.

Battenl Sa11lpl~si:e ft.1emt /tollrs S.D.

X 100 50 I
Y 150 51 ,I 5

Can you conclude thZltthe two types of batteries are having the Sl1memean
life. Use a = 0.01

6. In the accounting department of a bank 100 accounts are selected at random

l1nd examined for errors. The followin(7 rocl1hr 1~ L-
7. An electronic company rcvcals the following
advertising expenditure for their goods.
data of profits, sales and
Profit(Rs. [aklzs) Sa[es(Rs. [aklzs) Advertisi1lg expe1lditure
(Rs. Thousands)
4 15 30
6 12 24
7 8 20
9 6 14
13 -1 10
15 3 4

Fit a regression equation for the data. Estimate the profit of the company
when the sales are 20 lakhs and advertising expenditure is Rs. 45 thousand.

8. A movie producer is bringing out a new movie. In order to map out his
advertising campaign, he wants to determine whether the movie will appeal
most to a particular age group or whether it will appeal equally to all age
groups. The producer takes random sample from persons attending a pre-
view of the movie and obtains the following results. Use a suitable test to
draw the conclusion at 5% level of significance.
Age Group

; UlIder 20 20-40 40-60 60 and above

Liked thc rllovic 320 30 110 200
Disliked the movie 50 15 70 60
Indifferent 30 05 20 40

(Compulsory. 1x 15=15 marks)

9. To study the performance of three detergents and three different water

temperatures, the ,following "whiteners" readings 'were obtained with
specially designed equipment.

Water temp. Detergent A Detergent B I ' Detergent C

Cold water 57 67,
55 I

Warm water 49 52 !
Hot water 5-1 46 i 58
Carry out a suitable statistical analysis to draw conch.isions.


Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75

Note: Answer all sectiolls.

Answer any TWO questions. (2x12=24Marks)
1. "The basic qualities of good research report are accuracy and clarity". Elucidate.
2. a) Discuss the steps to be taken to make the sample useful and reliable?
b) What preparation should be made before administrating interview schedule
for collecting data on personal habits of consumers of alcohol?

3. a) Discuss the characteristics of Normal Distribution.

b) What are the chief characteristics of Experimental Design?
Note: Allswer allY IHREE Questiolls. (3x12=36 Marks)

4. a) 400 labourers were selected at random from a certain district. Their 8

mean income was 140.5 rupees per month, wilh S.D. 25.2 rupees. Set
up 95% confidence interval for mean and S.D. of the labour
community of the district.
b) Given the following expressions for the confidence interval for small 4
sample. Find the confidence level associated with the interval.
i) X-2.06f:fO.~+2.06t

ii) ~--1.44-t to~+1.44t

5. Do the results of a survey given below suggest that the conditio'n of the home has a
bearil1g on the condition of the child? (Use a =0.05).
Condition of Child Condition of home
Clean Not Clear Total
76 43 119
Fairly Clean 38 17 55
Dirty 25 47 72
ToLaI 139 107 246

6. A dietician claims that estimates of fat content in ice cream made by the factory is
less than 14 grms. A sample of ice creams were tested in laboratory and recorded
the followin results.
S1.No. . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
~ . "--I.,.,~ /;n /Hrn<;) . 8 7 - 3 ., 8 6- --.9 7 7 8
10 10 ?O
7. Determine the regression equation of Xl on X2and X3 from the data given below.

Xl 4 6 7 '9 13 15
X2 ---
1--- 15 12
---- --- 8 6 4
--- --- 3
X:1 -- 30
'---- 24 20 14 10 4

Estimate Xl when X2is 20 and X3is 30.

8. Two different areas of a large city are being considered as sites for day-care centres
of 200 households surveyed in one section, the proportion in which the mother
worked full time was 52 percent. In other section, 40 percent of the 150 households
surveyed had mothers working at full time jobs. At 4% level of significance is
there a significant difference in the proportion of working mothers in the two areas
of the city. You are required to ans\""er this question by writing detailed steps
involved in hypothesis testing.

SECTION-C (lx15=15 Marks)

9. The following table gives the number of units of production per day turned out by 4
different types of machines.

Employees Types of Machines

Ml M2 M3 M4
---------.----------- 40
---------- 36
------ 45
------- ---. 30_-_n-
E2 38 42 50 41
-----------------.-.-.- -- 36
------------ ---
30 48.---
n- on----- ------. --- 35-----
-----. E, 46 47 --- J-
t? 44

Test for the significant difference in the productivity due to employees and to
n~achines at 5% and 1% level of significance.



Note: Answer any TWO questions. Each question carries 12 Marks.
1. By giving some illustrations, discuss the types of basic research designs that can be
used to solve business problems. Mention their advantages and disadvantages.

2. Discuss the probability and non probability sampling schemes. You have been
approached to suggest a sampling scheme to study the relative strengths and
weaknesses of different shampoos in Mangalore City. What sampling method
would you suggest? Justify.

3. Discuss the relevance of hypothesis testing in business research. What are the ba&ic
steps in hypothesis testing? What are the likely errors in hypotheses testing?
illustrate these errors using an example.

Note: Answer any THREE questions. Each question carries 12 Marks.

4. A local management association wants to estimate the mean annual salary for 1200
MBAs graduating from local institutions. A random sample of 45 of these
graduates revealed an average monthly salary of ~.12,150 and a standard
deviation of Rs.2,250. Estimate (i) the standard deviation of the population salary
(ii) the standard error of the mean salary .

(ill) the 90% and 95% confidence intervais for the mean salary.
(iv) Suppose, you want to develop a 95% confidence interval for the mean in
such a way that the sample mean and the population mean differ by no
more than Rs. 600, how large should the sample size be to satisfy this

5. The marketing manager of a FMCG company wants to study the impact of sales
promotional campaign on the actual sales of the product For this purpose, he
identified 15 dealers around the city and collected the following data:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
60 65 71 90 88 84 89

65 68 78 86 90 88 92

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
83 83 81 93 51 78 65 90

90 89 80 90 54 82 68 90

Can the sales promotion campaign be judged to be a success? Use a =0.01. Can
you change your conclusion? Give reasons.
.. .'
6. a) A local soft drinks manufacturer wants to know whether there is a differeI'ice'
product acceptance by sex. In a market survey 58 percent of 200 men questione~:
liked the product and 50 percent of 150 women questioned liked the product. Is
there a significant difference in product acceptance by men and women? (06)

b) A market research executive conducted a study to understand the relationship

between sex and the use of shampoo. A sample of 200 (above the age of 30 years)
was randomly selected and the following is the result:

Use shampoo Don't use shampoo

Male 40 60
Female 70 30

What do you conclude in terms of use of shampoo and the sex? use a = 0.05 (06)

7. a) A drug research center carried out tests to study the effect of two drugs newly
developed to reduce the blood pressure levels. The drugs were administered to
two different sets of animals. In the first group of 700 animals, 450 animals
responded favow'ably, while in the second group of 600 animals, 350 responded
favourably. Do you consider that the effect of two drugs is alike? Use a =0.01
b) Following data give the number of units produced per day by two operators A
Operator A : 40, 30, 38, 41, 38, 35
Operator B : 39, 38, 41, 33, 32, 49, 49, 34
Does the sample result indicate a higher variability in output by operator B ?
a = 0.05 (06)

8. Following data relate to the Yield of rice (in quintals), the fertilizer used (kgs per
acre) and the amount of rainfall (inches) for a sample of seven selected plots:

Yield: 45 50 55 70 75 75 85
Fertilizer: 25 35 45 55 65 75 85
Rainfall: 31 28 32 32 29 27 31 ~

Using the regression analysis, estimate the rice Yield when the rainfall is 25 incl!.es
and the fertilizer used is 60kgs per acre. Which independent variable has a higher
influence on rice Yield? Why?

Compulsory. 15 Marks.
9. Following data give the daily average number of units produced by five workers
each using four different machines:
Machines 1 2 3 4 5
A 44 48 37 45 40
B 36 40 38 34 44
C 48 50 40 45 50
D 38 44 36 32 40
Second Semester MBA Degree Examination,
May 2002 ./"


Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75
Note: Answer ALL Sections.


Answer ANY TWO questions. (2x12= 24 marks)

\~)1. Describe fully the different steps involved in a research process. What are
. the criteria of a good research?
2. a) What points should be taken into consideration by a researcher in
developing a sampling design?
b) Under what circumstances stratified random sampling is considered
appropriate? How would you select such a sample?
3. Explain the significance of a research report and give the various steps
involved in writing such a report.


AnSWer~NY THREE questions. (3x12= 36 marks)

4. a) ~er marl<et recently purchased a truck load of 1000 bags of rice.
'-- A random sample of 5°. of these bags revealed an average net weight
of 24.2 kgs and a variance of 0.16 kg2.. Estimate
i) The standard deviation of th~ population
ii) The standard error of the mean for this pop~lation.
iii) The confidence interval f?r the populati?n m~an us.ing 1% lev:elof
significance. [8 marks]

b) Given the following expressions for the confidence interval, find the
confidence level associated with the interval:

i) x - 1.35 (Jx to x+ 1.35 (Jx

ii) X+ 1.78 (Jx and x - 1.78 (Jx (4 marks)
Gontd... 2
- -:r:"'

5. In a large manufacturing concern, an opinion survey was conducted regardil\1

three types of bonus schemes. Employees were divided into four groups',
: Labour, Clerical, technical and executives. The results of the opinion survey
is given below:
Bonus Scheme

Employees Type I Type II Type III

Labour 190 243 197
Clerical 82 44 44
Technical 23 78 34
Executive 5 12 8
. i )
Using a detailed procedure of hypothesis testing, determine whether the' ,
opinion about the bonus schemes is independent of the employee categories.
Use a = 0.05. Is it possible to change your conclusion? Give reasons.
6. a) A breeder claims that his variety of cotton contains at the most, 40
percent lint in seed cotton. Eighteen samples of 100 gms each were
taken, and after ginning the following quantity of lint was found in each

Sample Oty. of lint Sample Oty. of lint

No. in 100 gm sample No. in 100 gm sample
1 36.3 10 38.5
2 37.0 11 37.9
3 36.6 12 38.8
4 37.5 13 37.5 ..-....

5 37.5 14 37.1
6 37.9 '
15 37.0
7 37.8 16' 36.3
8 36.9 17 36.7
9 36.7 \ 18 35.7

On the basis of the sample data, would you accept breeder's

claim? Use a = 0.01 [8 marks]
Contd... 3
'. ~ UBRAiH', MArt\.o-"'''--
b) If the above [0. 6(a)] 18 samples were drawn from a large population
seed, develop 99% confidence interval for the population mean.
[4 marks]
7. A modulation study on R. Trifoli yield the following data:
Dry weight Root length Shoot length
of plants (gm)y (inches) x1 (inches) x2
41 2.8 2.1
22 1.3 1.1
29 1.4 1.2
32 1.8 1.5

( \
23 1.2 1.1
36 2.3 1.9
24 1.3 1.1
38 3.0 2.3
22 1.2 1.1
21 1.2 1.0

Considering the dry weight of plants depend on shoot length and root
length, fit a linear regression equation of y on x1 and x2. Estimate the dry
weight of a plant when the shoot length is 1.0 inch and root length is 1.2
8. a) In order to study the salary structure in two industry sectors - electronics
and fertilizer, following details were compiled:
Electronics Fertilizer
'-' industry industry

Sample Size I 16 25

Av. monthly income

for the sample I Rs. 8,600 I Rs. 9,400

Std. deviation I 36 I 42

Carryout a test that the variability in salary in the two industry

sectors are the same. What conclusions would you draw about the
average salary in the two industry sectors? [8 marks]
Contd... 3
Pa~~.~,No. 4"
" "" " - "..
.. '

of employ~~s selected to represent the bank in an ~\i'eHI:

',' f ' , ~

included 1OexecutivG§,

,;. 20 officers and 34 clerical staff. According to

, the union-Management agreement, this number should be in the ratio

,~~~~..., . of 1 : '3, '::4. Is thE~V~c°!!lpositionof the employees in the sample to

repJ~,~E?n,t~eban~j.~,,\~e event is according to the agreement? Use
a = 0.05~. 'f";.l~"'f, [4 marks]
" ; ,.~", ,
"~~"'j"W~ SECTION -C
(Compulsory 1x15=15 marks)
9. A manufacturer of a .product wants to study the significant difference in the
productivity due to °Rwators and also due to the machines. He, therefore,
collects sample data :~s given below:
I!. ; ,
' ",' >-
Operators Machines '- .[

M1 M2 M3 M4 Ms

° 1;;,',

72 68 68 64 72
, ,',," ' '"
2 ",b",
66 70 ' 72 72 62

°3 68 66 '74 68 68

°4 65 64 70 66 64

Os 60 78 66 62 , ' 70

Carryout the appropriate statistical analysis to help the manufacturer to

draw conclusions. Use one and five percent level of significance.

** *
Reg. No.


Paper 201 :Organisational Behaviour and Business Communication
Time: 3 Hours Max.Marks:75

Note: Answer all sections.


1. Distinguish between positive and negative attitudes. Illustrate with relevant

in building positive attitudes? Critically evaluate.
Section -8 (5x9=45 Marks).
Answer any 'FIVE' of the following. Each question carries nine marks.
2. Explain the approaches to leadership and discuss which could be the best suitable
style of leadership.Give reasons. .

3. "Personality is an organised whole, without which an individual would have no

meaning". Comment.
various managerial implications of group dynamics.
of organisational behaviour?
6. Contrast bounded rationality with the traditional decision making model. Under what
circumstances would you use one approach versus the other?
7. Why is it important to replace reliance on intuition and personal experience with.
systematic study when attempting to understand behaviour within organizations?
9. Describe in brief the layout of a research reports covering all relevant points.
Read the following case and answer the questions given at the end.
Ajay was a M.Sc. (Electronics) degree holder along with 6 months of industrial
experience. Ganesh were intelligent, hard working and usually were able to complete
the projects assigned to them.
Contd... 2
201 Page No.2

After a few. months, at Mont. Sudhakar realised that Ganesh always perceived
himself to be more qualified than Ajay, because of his engineering background coupled
with his better communication skills. Once he had overheard Ganesh taking the full
credit for overseeing an overseas project completed in an efficient manner. Sudhakar
spoke to their (Ajay's and Ganesh's ) immediate superior Naveen, who confirmed
communication gaps, if any.
to transform his image for the good and try to mould himself into a strategic thinker.
Ganesh honed his skillsand started attending marketingand strategic planningclasses
to upgrade his knowledge. The classes opened his eyes pn how to make assumptions
helping his ~uperior to study the company data and analyse it. Seeing the change in
completed successfully.

Sudhakar had presumed that both Ajay and Ganesh would be happy on being
during an informal meeting of the various heads of departments to discuss about the
managerial problems they each grapple
this has to occur". "Why? What happened? ". Sudhakar enquired. " It is concerning
your boy Ganesh. Based on his superior's feedback and your observation of his area
head, he relasied that quite often Ganesh became, by
default, the technological fix-it person on projects because of his engineering
expreience background. Also he had to learn to communicate with non technical
asked Sudhakar whether he could
solution to the problem.
1. in his inital perception about Ganesh being
2. Which facet of socialisation is relevant in the above case? Justify your answer.
3. the problem mentioned in the case.
Reg. No.


Paper 202: Marketing Management
Time: 3 Hours . Max.Marks: 75
Note: Answer all sections.


1. "Products are what the companies produce in the factories, they sell brands in the
market but the customer buys his perception of both the product and the brand"-
Answer any FIVE questions. Each question carries NINE marks.

2. Describe briefly various target marketing strategies available for marketers.

3. What is 'Price War' ? Explain the various pricing strategies used by companies to win
the market.
. 4.
5. Discuss the recent developments in Rural marketing in India.
6. What do you mean by 'product line' stretching? Discuss the factors to be considered
while stretching the product line.
7. Explain the physiological factors that influence consumer buying decision making.
8. Suggest trade Channels with justification for the following products
a. Soft drinks
b. Computer Software.
9. What is product planning? Explain its significance"in managing the product life cycle.
. (Compulsory)

10. Read the following case and answer the questions given at the end.
century ago and the brand (Piaget) has also entered the Indian market. The price
range of this brand is between Rs. 1.5 lakhs and Rs.11.5 crores. The company
produces just 20,000 pieces every year and the watch is perceived almost as a
jew~lIery. Indian consumers have a strong liking towards gold, and gold watches'
brand during their visits abroad. The sale target is around 400 watches in India. The
oriented consumers who may be from the upper-
kind of lifestyle. There seems to be no competition for a brand of this kind in the
Indian market (grey market may be bringing in competion).
1. Analyse different distribution alternatives available for piaget.
Reg. No.

May 2008


Paper 203: Production and Operations Management
Time: 3 Hours . Max.Marks: 75
. (Compulsory)"

1. What are the objectives and functions of production planning and control?
Answer any Five questions. Each question carries nine marks.
4. What are the factors
considered for site selection? Explain.
. .

5. What is economic order quantity? Is it relevant in modern organisations.

6. Discuss the importance of material requirement planning?
7. Define maintenance. What are the objectives of maintenance management?
8. Discuss various types of control charts.
9. What is capacity planning? Explain.
(in hours) by each job on each machine is given below
Job 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
3 2 10 12 6 8
2 5 11 10 7 3
Determine the optimum sequence of jobs that minimizes the total elapsed time to .
complete the jobs. Also compute the minimum time.
* * *
. Reg. No.


Paper 204: Management Information System and Computer Applications

Time: 3 Hours Max.Marks: 75

Note: Answer all sections. Section-A(1x15=15)

(Compulsory) ,

1. Discuss a framework of information system for each level$ of management.

Answer any FIVE questions. Each question carries nine marks.
3. Define a database and a database management system. Briefly explain the
4. With the help of a block diagram, describe financial information system.

5. What are the key points to be considered in the design of forms? What is forms

6. Explain the concept of data flow diagram for student registration in a institute.
7. Differentiate the following
c. Machine level programming and high level programming.
8. Explain the various stages in implementation of a MIS.
9. ' Writeshort notes on:
b. Creating mailing lists and mail merge concept in word processing
c. Information oriented systems flow chart.

10. Case study: Analyse the following case and answer the question given at the end.
Western Chemtcal Corporation
Western Chemical has networked its computers to those of its customers and suppliers
to capture data about sales orders and purchases. Such data are processed
immediately, and inventory and other data-bases are updated. Videoconferencing
and electronic mail services are also provided. Data generated by a chemical refinery
Contd... 2
- - -- - - - - --
204 Page No.2'.

process are captures by sensors and processed by a computer that also suggests
answers to a complex refinery problem posed by an engineer. Managerial end users
receive reports on a periodic, exception, and demand basis, and use computers to ,

interactively assess the possible results of alternative decisions. Finally, top

management can access text summaries and graphics displays that identify key
elements of organizational performance and compare them to industry and competitor
performance. .

Western Chemical Corporation has started forming business alliances and using
intranets, extranets, and the Internet to build a global telecommunications network
with other chemical companies throughout the world to offer their customers worldwide
products and services. Western Chemical is in the midst of making fundamental
changes to their computer - based systems to increase the efficiencyoftheir business
operation and their managers' ability to react quickly to changing business conditions.
Make an outline that identifies:
decision making, (3) strategic advantage, (4) enterprise internetworking, (5)
globalization, and (6) business process reengineering at Western Chemical.
b. There are many different types of information systems at Western Chemical,
Identifyas many as you can in the preceding scenario.
Reg. No.

May 2008


Paper 205: Research and Quantitative Methods
3 Hours Max.Marks: 75
Note: Answer all sections.
1 . Explain brieflythe sequence of the research process'.
2. Discuss the distinctions between different styles of thinking to problems solving.
3. Define normal distribution. What are the characteristics of a normal distribution.
Section-B ( 3x12=36)
of 500, 1000 and 2000 units respectively. According to past experience it is known
that the fraction of defective outputs produced by the three plants are respectively
0.005, 0.008 and 0.91. Ifa pipe is selected from a day's total production and found to
be defective find out
i) from which plant the pipe came? .
ii) what is the probability that it came from the first plant.
5. Hertz rental firm has 2 cars, which hires out day by day. The numbers of demands for
the proportion of days on which neither car is used and the proportion of days on
which some demand is refused. If each car is used an equal amount, on what
proportion of days is one of the cars not in use? What proportion of demand has to be
First Group 18 20 36 50 49 36 34 49 41
Second Group 29 28 26 35 44 30 46
Examine the significance of difference between the arithmetic mean marks secured
7. Out of 8000 graduates in a town, 800 are females. Out of 1600 graduate employees
the basis of sex.
Contd... 2
205 Page No.2

8. Discuss the various approaches to probability. Illustrate the circumstances in which

each of these approaches is used in decision making.
Section -C ( 1x15=15)
. (Compulsory).
9. Four salesmen recorded their sales of refrigerates in three seasons. The figures are
given in the following table. Find out if there is a significant difference
i) in the sales recorded by the salesmen (ii) in the sales recorded season wise.

Seasons A B C D Season Total

Summer 360 360 210 350 . 1280

Winter 280 290 310 320 1200
Monsoon 260 280 290 290 1120
Salesmen Total 900 930 810 960 3600
, '<,, ' ,
J '.
Paper 205 - Researchand QuantitativeMethods(New Schemel

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75

Note: Answer all Sections

~ON -
A (2x12-24 Marks
Note: Answer any TWO questions
1. What are nominal and ordinal scales? What are the statistical techniques that can
be used to analyse the data measured in nominal and ordinal scales?
2. Discuss the different methods of research and their relative merits and demerits.

3. Discuss the problems a researcher may encounter while using sample rather than
population to study a problem.

SECTION - B (3x12=36Marks'
Note: Answer any THREEquestions.
L In order to determine whether two differently priced brands of flashlight batteries
are equally effective, a consumer testing bureau tests 45 batteries of each brand
for length of life. The results are presented in the following table.

~ - 1 -

~ - J
Sample mean 165 hours 177 hours
Sample standard deviations 15 hours 19 hours

Using a 0.01 level of significance, determine whether there is a significant

difference in the effectiveness of the two brands of batteries. Will your answer be
different if the confidence level is 95%?

Given a population with unknown mean and standard deviatio~ but with a
computed sample mean and standard deviation of 22 and 11 from a sample of 100
items,constmet confidence intervals for the followingconfidence levels: (i) 98[%
(ii) 95% (ill) 99% (iv) 90%. Interpret each of these results.

Suppose the probability distribution of the number of daily ship arrivals at a

loading dock has been established in the past and ~ given by the following table.

No. of Ships 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 or more

Probability 0.050 0.149 0.224 0.224 0.168 0.101 0.084

An Assistant Traffic Manager samples 100 days from current records to determine
whether the probability disbibution of arrivals is the same as the one established
in the past. The frequency distribution of arrivals based upon the sample appears
as follows.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 or more
~ No. of Ships 14
8 10 19 28 11 10
i No. of days
.. , r-
7. a) A fat!toryis producing SO,OOO
pairs of shoes daily. FrQma ~amp~e'of 590 "

pairs, 2 percent were found to be sub-standard 4.uality. ' Estimate th~ .

number of pairs that can be reasonably expected to be spoiled in the daily
production and assign limits at 95% level of confidence. (5Marks)

b) In a village' A' out of a random sample of 1000 persons 100 were to be

vegetarians while in another village 'B', out of 1500 persons 180 were found
to be vegetarians. Do you find significant differences in the food habits of
the people of two villages? (7 Marks)

8. Find the multiple linear regression equation of Xl on Xl and X3 from the data
relating to three variables given below and estimate the value of Xl when X2=9,

Xl 4 6 7 9 13 15
X2 15 12 8 6 4 3
X3 30 24 20 14 10 4

SECTION C (1x15=15Marksl
Note: Compulsory

9. The following figures relate to production in Kgs of three varieties of A,B,C of

wheat sources in 12 plots ;

A 34 36 38
B 34 33 35 42
C 38 36 39 39 40
- ~-

Perform the analysis of variance to test whether there is a significant difference in

the production of three varieties. Use 5% level of significance. Give the detailed
steps. Will your conclusions be different if the confidence level js99%.
~~~~~~~ ~...
.A researcer in social science is interested in knowing the
. influence of annual income and family size. on the annual
savings. He obtains the data for a large number of
families. Given below is a part of this daa for 9 families.

Family 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

income (Xl)
Rs. OOOs 15 12 20 10 13 14 19 17 16

Rs. OOOs 9 4 9.5 3.5 7.8 8.2 10.5 8.5 9.3
Family size
3 6 4 5 3 4 2 3 4

(i) Determine the multiple linear' regression relating

savings ~o income and family size.

'.. (ii) Find the co-efficient of multiple. determination.


SECT_ION = .c.

9. To assess the significance of possible variation in

performance in a certaIn test between the grammar schools of
a city, a common test was given to a number of students
taken at random from the senior fifth class of each of the
four schools concerned. The results are given below:
A 28 30 32 28 27

B 32 31 29 34 24

C 38 32 36 26 28

D 33 29 32 36 35

Make an analysis of variance of the data and draw

conclusions. Assume ot. = 5%.

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