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Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico

Facultad de Estudios Superiores Aragn.


Comprension de lectura II y III

Lectura Global
Sandra Avendao Cruz

Guillermo Molina Ayala

Categoras gramaticales ...................................................................................................................... 3
Adjetivos:......................................................................................................................................... 3
Para indicar posesin ...................................................................................................................... 4
Pronombres posesivos: ................................................................................................................... 4
El artculo:........................................................................................................................................ 5
Nombres y pronombres: ................................................................................................................. 6
Pronombres demostrativos: ........................................................................................................... 7
Los adverbios:.................................................................................................................................. 7
Las formas fundamentales para la conjugacin de los verbos: ...................................................... 8
El verbo auxiliar can: ..................................................................................................................... 10
Afijos:............................................................................................................................................. 11
Verbos regulares: .......................................................................................................................... 16
Verbos irregulares: ........................................................................................................................ 18
Textos analizados: ............................................................................................................................. 21
Texto 1. U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter Doesnt Believe in Encryption Back Doors ......... 21
Texto 2. Judge sides with Apple over feds in New York ............................................................... 25
Texto 3. Mark Zuckerberg Backs Apple in Its Refusal to Unlock iPhone ....................................... 28
Texto 4. Are LAUSD students really ready for college? ................................................................ 32
Texto 5. Anthony Rizzo looks beyond personal success to ultimate team achievement ............ 36
Texto 6. Meet the World's First Truly Universal Cable................................................................. 40
Texto 7. Yahoo signals 'bring it on' to activists with board additions ........................................... 44
Texto 8. Marshmallow Men and One-Hit Wonders ...................................................................... 47
Texto 9. A fossil fuels-arts world divorce is 'the way the world is moving' .................................. 51
Texto 10. U.S. Stocks Set to Rise for Fourth Consecutive Week ................................................... 55
TEXTO 11. More Americans Now View Supreme Court Through Partisan Lens ........................... 59
TEXTO 12. Controversial New Push to Tie Microbes to Alzheimer's Disease ............................... 62
TEXTO 13. The Case of the Missing Pension ................................................................................. 67
TEXTO 14. Editorial: The children of Fukushima: When medical tests ......................................... 71
Texto 15. Will Home Genetic Tests Become Commonplace? ....................................................... 75
Texto 16. A Narrow Escape for Public-Sector Unions ................................................................... 80

Categoras gramaticales
Los adjetivos en ingles, tienen tres grados de comparacin: positivos, comparativos y superlativos.
Hay adjetivos regulares e irregulares.
Los regulares forman su comparativo aadiendo er al positivo1 y superlativo aadiendo est.







(ms pequeo)






(ms palido)

(el ms palido)

Los adjetivos regulares que terminan en y, la cambian por la i antes de aadir er y est




(ms fcil)

(el ms fcil)





(ms ocupado)

(el ms ocupado)

Generalmente para formas el comparativo y superlativo de los adjetivos que tienen tres o ms
silabas se usan las palabras more y most.

More excited

Most excited


(ms enojado)


Para formar el comparativo y el superlativo en la escala descendete, usamos las palabras less y

Less fine

Least fine


(menos fino)

(el menos fino)

El adjetivo es invariable en ingls. Se usa el mismo para singular y plural; femenino y masculino y
generalmente se pone antes de nombres

Nota: si el positivo termina en e, solo aadiremos r y st



(The adjetive)

(El adjetivo)

She had a fine necklace

Ella tena un collar fino

The lighter of John

El encendedor de Juan

The garters of my flather

Las ligas de mi padre

Para indicar posesin

Los posesivos masculinos y femeninos son:
Para l se usa: his
Para ella se usa: her
1. Is Charlie in his class now?
Est Carlos en su clase ahora?
2. Is Miss clars in her office?
Est la seorita Clark en su oficina?
Posesivos para: yo, T, Nosotros y ellos
Yo- My (mi, mis)
T- Your (su, sus, tu, tus)
Nosotros- Ours (nuestro, nuestra)
La posesin tambin se puede indicar en Ingls aadiendo un apostrofo () y una s al nombre.


Johns lighter

El encendedor de Juan

My fathers garters

Las ligas de mi padre

Pronombres posesivos:

Mo, mios


Tuyo, tuyos (de Ud.)


Suyo, suyos (de l)


Suyo, suyos (de ella)


De ello


Nuestra, os, as


Vuestro, a, os, as ( de Uds.)


Suyo, a, os,as (de ellos)

Los pronombres posesivos nunca van precedidos del articulo the cuando los usamos al principio
de la oracin en vez del nombre.
1. My shoes are Brown
(Mis zapatos son cafs)
2. Mine are black
(Los mos son negros)

Si el nombre termina en s ya sea singular o plural solamente se le aade un apostrofo ()2 y una (s)
al nombre.
James billfold

La billetera de Jaime

Our parents home

La casa de nuestros padres

Charles pipe

La pipa de Carlos

El artculo:
Artculos indeterminados
A: un, una
An: un, una
El artculo indeterminado a, se usa para el masculino y para el femenino cuando la palabra que lo
sigue empieza con consonante. Cuando empieza con vocal o h muda, se usa an.
I am a mexican laborerYo soy un jornalero mexicano
You are an american citizen.T eres un ciudadano americano
She is a good witress..Ella es una buena mesera
A brotherUn hermano
A sister.Una hermana
A glass..Un vaso
An eveningUna tarde

El apstrofo tambin indica la supresin de letras en una palabra y aveces la supresin de una palabra

And old woman.Una mujer vieja

An italian restaurant.Un restaurante italiano
El artculo determinado: The
En ingls solo hay un articulo definido o determinado: the que significa: el, la, los, las; y se usa para
masculino y femenino; singular y plural.
The men: el hombre o los hombres
The woman: la mujer, las mujeres

Nombres y pronombres:




















Tu, usted






l o lo




Vosotros, ustedes


Ellos, ellas.

Adjetivos posesivos3

Pronombres personales
Quin?/ Qu?

A quin/qu?

De quin?

I (yo)

Me (mi, me)

My (mio, mi)

You (t)

You (ti, te)

Yours (tuyo)

He (l)

Him (le, lo)

His (suyo, su)

She (ella)

Her (la, le)

Her (suyo, su)

It (l/ella)

It (lo)

Its (suyo, su)

We (nosotros)

Us (nos)

Ours (nuestro)

You (vosotros)

You (os)

Your (vuestro)

They (ellos, as)

Them (les, los, las)

Their (suyo)



Pronombres demostrativos:

Menos prximo


This (este, esta, esto)

That (se,eso/ aquel, aquella,



These (estos, estas)

Those (sos, esas/aquellos,


Los adverbios:
Las reglas para la comparacin de los adverbios son iguales que las de los adjetivos.

(ms cerca)

(lo ms cerca)

Para los terminados en ly, que tengan tres o mas silabas, generalmente se usa more y most.

More earnestly

Most earnestly


(ms seriamente)

(lo ms seriamente)

Los adjetivos posesivos tienen una forma nica e invariable.

Las formas fundamentales para la conjugacin de los verbos:

Para conjugar todos los tiempos de los verbos ingleses hay cuatro formas que son: pretrito,
participio pasado y participio presente. Con estas formas y los verbos auxiliares se conjugan todos
los tiempos.
El infinitivo (sin To) sirve para los tiempos presente afirmativo, interrogativo y negativo; y el
pretrito interrogativo y negativo.
Hay verbos regulares e irregulares4. Los primeros forman su pretrito aadiendo ed o d al
To ask (preguntar)
I asked (pregunte)
El participio pasado se hace como el pretrito aadiendo ed y el participio presente (gerundio)
aadiendo ing al infinitivo.

To open





Part. pasado



Prat. presente



El presente negativo de todos los verbos ingleses, exeptuando To Be, To Have y los verbos
defectivos (May, Might, Can, Could, etc.) se forman poniendo does not (en la tercera persona) del
singular y do not (en todas las dems personas), entre el sujeto y el infinitivo del verbo que se est
conjugando, sin la particula To.
I do not buy..yo no compro
You do not sellt no vendes
He does not ask.l no pregunta
En ingls es ms comn usar las contradicciones dont y doesnt en vez de la forma negativa Do
not y Does not, poniendo un apstrofe en vez de las letras suprimidas
I dont like this brand..no me gusta esta marca
It doesnt tastegood..no sabe bien
We dont neen winesno necesitamos vinos
Pretrito negativo e interrogativo:
El pretrito negativo de todos los verbos en ingls exceptuando los verbos to be, to have y los
defectivos can, could, may, might, etc., se forman poniendo las palabras did not entre el sujeto y
el infinitivo sin to.

Los verbos irregulares cambian en el pretrito y participio pasado y hay que aprenderlos de memoria.

Did5 es el pretrito del auxiliar to do por lo tanto, se usan como auxiliares en el pretrito de los
verbos como do se usan en presente.
I did not ask.yo no pregunte
You did not comet no veniste
He, she it did not go.l, ella, ello no fue
Pretrito interrogativo:
Did I ask?........................................................Pregunt yo?
Did he, she, it go?...........................................Fue l, ella, ello?
El futuro de los verbos ingleses se forma con el auxiliar shall para las primeras personas, singular y
plural, y will para las otras personas y con el infinitivo del verbo que se conjugue, sin la particula
I shall take .yo tomar
You will take.t tomars
Futuro interrogativo:
El futuro interrogativo se forma poniendo el auxiliar shall para la primer y segunda persona del
singular y plural y will para la tercera antes del sujeto y del infinitivo (sin To).
Shall I take th small hou?..............................tomare la casa chica?
Will he give us a receipt?..............................nos dar el un recibo?
Futuro negativo:
En el futuro negativo se usa shall para las primeras personas y will para las segundas y terceras
I shall not live here, it is too far from my office..no vivir aqu, es muy lejos de mi oficina.
You will not forget the adressno olvidaras la direccin.
Participio pasado:
La tercera forma de la conjugacin es el participio pasado. Para hacerlo, en los verbos regulares
aadimos ed al infinitivo sin to. En los verbos irregulares cambia completamente la palabra y hay
que memorizarlos.
To eat-------eaten
To work-----worked
To cook-----cooked

Por lo general este auxiliar se contrae, como en el presente y solo se dice didnt.

Tiempos compuestos de los verbos:

Para formas los tiempos compuestos de los verbos, tales como antepresente (he trabajado),
antepretrito (hube trabajado), antecopretrito (haba trabajado), etc., basta el auxiliar
correspondiente: he, hube, haba, (to have) en presente o pretrito.
Present perfect
Antepresente (afirmativo, negativo e interrogativo)
I have cookedyo he cocinado
I have not cooked.yo no he cocinado
Have i cooked?.....................he cocinado yo?
Past perfect
Antepretrito y Antecopretrito (afirmativo, negativo e interrogativo)
I had boiledyo hube o haba hervido
I had not boiled...yo no habra hervido
Had I boiled?..................haba yo conocido?
Participio presente o gerundio:
La cuarta forma fundamental de la conjugacin es el Present participle, Particioio Presente o
Gerundio que se forma aadiendo ing6 al infinitivo sin to.
To take-------to taking
El gerundio se usa para formas los tiempos progresivos que expresan accin continua. Para formar
el presente progresivo usamos el verbo to be en presente y el participio presente del verbo
Presente progresivo
I am makingyo estoy haciendo
You are makingt ests haciendo
Tiempo pretrito progresivo7
I was making.yo estaba haciendo
You were cleaningt estabas limpiando
He, she, it was sewing..l, ella, ello estaba cosiendo

El verbo auxiliar can:

El verbo auxiliar can se usa en el presente para expresar poder y saber, seguido del infinitivo del
verbo principal, sin to. El pretrito de can es could, que significa: pude
I can answer this question.yo puedo responder a esa pregunta
You can speak now if you want.t puedes hablar ahora si quieres
Para formar el negativo se pone not entre el auxiliar y el verbo principal.


La terminacin ing corresponde a: ando, iendo, to, so y cho en espaol.

Se forma usando el pretrito de to be.

I can not go home now..no puedo ir a casa ahora
Mary can not leave the class.Mara no puede salir del saln
Para el interrogativo ponemos: el auxiliar, el sujeto y el verbo principal
Can you make this work?.................puede Ud. Hacer este trabajo?
Could you study your lesson?...........pudieron Uds. Estudiar su leccin?
Como este verbo auxiliar no tiene futuro, para expresar este tiempo usamos el futuro del verbo to
be able que significa poder.
I shall be able to study physics to night.podre estudiar fsica esta noche

Prefijos ms usados




1) transformar en

abase = degradar
afloat = a flote; flotante
atypical = atpico
asymetrical = asimtrico
antedating = retrotraccin
anteversion = anteroversipon
antemetic = antiemtico
antepilleptic = antipilctico
becalm = sosegar; encalmarse (el tiempo o el viento)
beset = obstruir; engastar; rodear
byproduct = subproducto; producto derivado.
by-pass = derivacin
counterclockwise = en el sentido contrario a las agujas del reloj.
counteract = contrarrestar; oponer
crosspiece = travesao
cross-section = seccion transversal
dehydrate = deshidratar
desquemation = exfoliacin; descamacin.
disengage = soltar; desembragar
dismantle = desmontar; desarmar
elongate = alargar
enclose = encerrar
embrittle = hacer quebradizo
exchange = intercambiar; cambio
excorticate = descortezar; descascarar
extract = extraer;sacar

2) negativo

1) anterior
2) contrario


transformar en




contrario; opuesto


a travs


despojado de




transformar en


1) recprocamente
2) privar de


3) exterior a, exponer al exterior

1) anterior


2) hacia adelante

foregoing = precedente; anterior

forecastle = castillo de proa
hindmost = postrero; ultimo


errneamente, mal


1) mal


2) negativo
1) errado


2) mal


1) en exeso


2) exterior
1) en exceso


2) superior
(auto-) por s mismo


1) negativo


2) (anti-) contrario
1) insuficiente

hindbraind = cerebelo; parte posterior del encfalo

illdefined = mal definido
illmatched = desigual; incompatible
malformation = mal definido
malcontent = descontento
misreport = informar errneamente
misfit = ajustar o entallar mal
nonconductor = no conductor; aislador
noneffective = ineficaz
outmeasure = exceder en medida
outlying = extrnseco
overdose = dosis excesiva
overbridge = puente o paso superior
selfgoverning = autnomo; autodireccional
selfpropelled = con impulso propio; autopropulsado
uncouple = desconectar; desengranar
unbusinesslike = contrario a la prctica comercial
underdeveloped = subdesarrollado
undersea = submarino

2) inferior; por debajo

Sufijos ms usados en ingles




-able o -ible

que se puede

exchangeable = intercambiable

(con frecuencia se usa en

conbinacin con el prefijo
negativo UN)

reliable = confiable
responsible = responsable
intangible = intangible
unforgettable = inolvidable
unobjectable = inobjetable


1) cantidad de conjunto de

mileage = recorrido en millas (kilometraje)

2) accin de

percentage = porcentaje
shortage = deficit; merma
drainage = drenaje


1) la condicin de
perteneciente a

thermal = trmico
electrical = elctrico

2) la accin de

renewal = renovacin


La accin de

utterance = pronunciacin, expresin

disturbance = disturbio; desorden

-ant o -ent

formacin de adjetivos y
sustantivos derivados de

resistant = resistente
determinant = determinante
dependent = subordinado
deterrent = disuasivo; impeditivo


en forma de; que posee

dentate = dentado
nucleate = nuclear (en forma de ncleo); nucleado


la accin de

operation = operacin
sedimentation = sedimentacin


la calidad de

accuracy = exactitud
bankruptcy = bancarrota; quiebra


1) la condicin de

wisdom = sabidura

2) dominio / grupo de

freedom = libertad
kingdom = reino
filmdom = el mundo del cine


la persona que recibe la


employee = empleado
biographee = persona sobre quien se escribe una biografa.


lo que est provisto de

cultured = culto

se usa frecuentemente
combinado con el prefijo

skilled = experto
unskiled = inexpertok
undissociated = no disociado


1) lo hecho de

wooden = de madera

2) formacin de verbos

woollen = de lana
lengthen = alargar
strengthen = fortalecer, reforzar


(ver -ant)
la persona o cosa que realiza
la accin o se ocupa de

bricklayer = albail
boiler = caldera


lo que se agrega a los

numerales cardinales para

twofold = dobre; duplicado


significar multiplicado por

threefold = triple

calidad de

doubtful = dudoso
powerful = poderoso


formacin de verbos

glorify = glorificar
intensify = intensificar


que se ocupa en alguna

ciencia o disciplina

physician = fisico
mathematician = matemtico


formacin de adjetivos

energetic = energtico
systematic = sistemtico


semejanza o caracterstica

blueish = azulado
feverish = afiebrado




la persona que practica una

ciencia, profesin, oficio,
arte, etc.

scientist = cientfico

trminos cientficos de
minerales, fsiles, explosivos,

dynamite = dinamita

calidad de

stability = estabilidad

typist = dactilgrafo/a

anthracite = antracita

identity = identidad


formacin de verbos
derivados del griego, latn o

organize = organizar

carente de; falto de; sin

numberless = innumerable, incontable

macadamize = pavimentar (con macadam)

doubtless = cierto, indudable


diminutivo para cosas

booklet = cuadernillo, folleto

droplet = gotita


parecido o semejante a

disklike = discoidal
fishlike = pisciforme


"-mente"; terminacin

slowly = lentamente
instantly = instantneamente


la accin de

pavement = pavimentacin; pavimento

shipment = embarque


estado o condicin

brittleness = fragilidad; friabilidad

toughness = tenacidad; resistencia

-(e) ry


1) ciencia u ocupacin

chemistry = qumica

2) lugar donde se vende

fabrica, etc
formacin de sustantivos
(condicin o calidad de)

brewery = cervecera, fbrica de cerveza

craftsmanship = artesana
workmanship = gravoso; pesado; oneroso


lo que produce

troublesome = penoso, molesto

burdensome = gravoso, pesado, oneroso


formacin de nmeros

thirteenth = dcimo tercero

twenty-sixth = vigsimo sexto


la direccin de un

forward = hacia adelante

downward = descendente


en el mismo sentido que

clockwise = en el sentido de las agujas del reloj

sunwise = en el sentido del movimiento aparente del sol


lo que est compuesto de

stony = ptreo
earthy = terroso

Verbos regulares:

Verbos irregulares:



convertirse en




haber, tener
hacer dao
saber, conocer




pasar, gastar
estar de pie
contar, decir
llevar (puesto)

Textos analizados:
Texto 1. U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter Doesnt Believe in
Encryption Back Doors
By Seung Lee On 3/2/16 at 6:30 PM

U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter speaks during a news conference with his
British counterpart Michael Fallon at Lancaster House in London, Britain on
October 9. He says that "for the Department of Defense, data security, including
encryption, is absolutely essential to us. We are for strong encryption."
Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter came out against encryption back doors in a
panel discussion at the RSA information security conference in San Francisco on
Carter told a packed room that he supported strong encryption and thought
backdoor access to encrypted communication as unrealistic. During his talk on the
Apple-vs.-the-FBI case, in which he shied away from the details because it is a
law enforcement issue, Carter received scattered applause from the crowd of
security professionals after he stated that position.
I think, first of all, that for the Department of Defense, data security, including
encryption, is absolutely essential to us. We are for strong encryption, Carter says.
Im not a believer in back doors or a single technical approach. I dont think its

At the conference, Carter joined Attorney General Loretta Lynch in supporting

encryption. In a stage interview with Bloomberg on Tuesday, Lynch called for a
middle ground between national security and privacy.
In the 50-odd minute talk with Ted Schlein, general partner for venture capital firm
Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, Carter focused his talk on how to bridge the gap
between the Pentagon and Silicon Valley.
Carter, who was appointed secretary of defense in February 2015 by President
Barack Obama, spoke about two initiatives in particular: the Defense Innovation
Unit-Experimental (DIUx) and the Defense Innovation Advisory Board. Both serve
to make the department more agile and tech savvy in the age of cyberwarfare with
competitors like Russia and China, Carter says.
DIUx is a place to connect. It is down the road [from Silicon Valley]. Ive given it a
very open charter, Carter says. We need to be very hawkish on the idea of
Earlier on Wednesday, the Defense Department announced that former Google
CEO Eric Schmidt will chair the Defense Innovation Advisory Board. There is
going to be some technical minds who come in and giving me advice to be more
innovative, Carter says. I am so grateful to Eric Schmidt for his willingness to do
this. Hes the perfect chairman for this.
He also announced a new competition called Hack the Pentagon. in which ethical,
or white hat, hackers find vulnerabilities in the Pentagons systems and boost the
overall cybersecurity of the department. You would rather find the vulnerabilities in
your networks that way than the other way of pilfering information, Carter says.
Hackers must be American citizens, Carter added.
While the Pentagon is bolstering its defenses in protecting its own data, it is also
aggressively attacking the Islamic State militant group, also known as ISIS, Carter
says. Similar to the radio-jamming tactics during the Cold War, the Pentagon has
been disrupting the groups online channels of communications. We will and must
defeat [ISIS]. Im looking for all the ways to accelerate that, Carter says. We are
using cyber to disrupt communication. Now that enemies use cyber, thats
another way to shut them down.
Ficha informativa
Tema: Estados Unidos. El Secretario de Defensa, Ashton Carter no cree en la
seguridad cifrada
rea: Ciencia y Tecnologa
A quien va dirigido: Profesionales
Tipo de texto: Informativo
Idea general: la seguridad de datos y el refuerzo del pentgono para que no
entren a su sistema
Autor: Seung, Lee.
Fecha de publicacin: 03 de febrero de 2016.
Fuente: Newsweek
Incluir la URL de la publicacin: http://www.newsweek.com/us-defensesecretary-ashton-carter-doesnt-believe-encryption-backdoors-432811

Actividades de lectura:
1. Identificar: Nombres, lugares, fechas, nmeros (indicar qu relacin tienen
con el tema).
Ashton Carter: El Secretario de Defensa
Michael Fallon: compaero homlogo britnico de Carter
Lancaster House en Londres, Gran Bretaa: lugar donde se da la conferencia
9 de octubre: da de la conferencia
San Francisco: se dio una conferencia de seguridad de la informacin
Apple-contra-el-FBI: el secretario de defensa dio una charla en donde dijo que
apoyaba el cifrado
Procurador General Loretta Lynch: Carter se uni en apoyo de cifrado.
50 minutos: en los ms de cincuenta minutos de hablar con Ted Schlein, Carter
centr su charla sobre cmo salvar la brecha entre el Pentgono y el Silicon
Ted Schlein: socio general de firma de capital riesgo Kleiner Perkins Caufield &
Febrero de 2015: fue nombrado Carter como Secretario de Defensa
Presidente Barack Obama: nombro a Carter como Secretario de la Defensa
Rusia y Chiina: competidores
DIUx: lugar para conectarse
El mircoles: el Departamento de Defensa anunci que el ex CEO de Google,
Eric Schmidt presidir el Consejo Asesor de innovacin de defensa.
Eric Schmidt: ex CEO de google
ISIS: Estado islmico
Carter habla en una conferencia: l dice que para el departamento de defensa,
seguridad de datos, incluido el cifrado, es absolutamente esencial. Apoya el
cifrado pues es de seguridad nacional y privado. Carter centr su charla sobre
cmo salvar la brecha entre el Pentgono y el Silicon Valley. Habl sobre dos
iniciativas en particular que sirven para ser ms competitivos que Rusia y China.
Tambin anunci un nuevo concurso llamado hackear el Pentgono. La tica, en
el cual, los hackers de sombrero blanco encuentren vulnerabilidades en los
sistemas del Pentgono y as aumentar la seguridad ciberntica global del
Opinin crtica:
En el campo de la seguridad de la informacin esta realidad se refleja en la
necesidad de comprender las fallas que se presentan en el da a da, junto a la
presin cotidiana que sienten los profesionales para solucionarlas. Este panorama
dificulta la posibilidad de una visin integral de la proteccin de la informacin y los
sistemas. Muchas veces no se dimensionan ciertos conceptos fundamentales

como son los de amenaza, vulnerabilidad y riesgo, los cuales constituyen la base
de la gestin de riesgos y de cualquier programa o actividad que se lleve adelante
respecto a la proteccin de la informacin.
En efecto, cualquiera que sea el tamao, finalidad, complejidad del negocio o de la
plataforma tecnolgica, ninguna organizacin debe desconocer los riesgos que se
plantean para cada uno de los procesos que constituyen su actividad y, una vez
identificados, no debe dejar de gestionarlos.

Texto 2. Judge sides with Apple over feds in New York

by Jose Pagliery
February 29, 2016: 9:11 PM
A federal magistrate-judge in New York City has ruled that the U.S. government
can't force Apple to hack an iPhone to investigate a drug dealer.
It's a win for Apple, which is being pressured by federal law enforcement agents to
help it break into iPhones in at least 13 instances across the country. Apple says
doing the federal government's bidding would undermine the security features in
hundreds of millions of iPhones around the world.
So far, the Department of Justice is relying on the All Writs Act, passed in 1789,
which gives judges broad discretion in carrying out the law.
Related: DOJ says Apple had routinely helped law enforcement
But on Monday, Judge James Orenstein said federal investigators can't use that
law to pull this off.
The U.S. government's argument doesn't justify "imposing on Apple the obligation
to assist the government's investigation against its will," the judge wrote.
Orenstein said law enforcement is inappropriately trying to use powers that it hasn't
been given by Congress.
"[T]he question to be answered in this matter, and in others like it across the
country, is not whether the government should be able to force Apple to help it
unlock a specific device," Orenstein wrote. "[I]t is instead whether the All Writs Act
resolves that issue and many others like it yet to come. ... I conclude that it does
This particular criminal case involves a methamphetamine dealer, Jun Feng, who
was arrested in 2014 and cut a plea deal with prosecutors. Last year, the Drug
Enforcement Agency got a search warrant to look through Feng's iPhone 5C to
track down his fellow drug dealers and customers. But the device is running the
iOS 7, and agents couldn't crack the passcode to see the data inside.
The DEA asked for Apple's help. Apple initially said it would help -- but now it's
unwilling. The U.S. Department of Justice claims Apple is being inconsistent.
"Apple ... only changed course when the government's application for assistance
was made public by the court," the department said in a statement on Monday,
implying that Apple is merely doing this to save face and seem protective of
customers' privacy.
On a call with reporters, an Apple senior executive said Monday the company did
offer to help -- but only if the U.S. government makes a lawful request.
"We will produce information when there is a lawful order to do so," the executive
said. "But Judge Orenstein, on his own behalf, said he would not issue this order."
Federal prosecutors plan to object to Orenstein's decision and take it up with the
U.S. district judge overseeing the case.
"This phone may contain evidence that will assist us in an active criminal
investigation and we will continue to use the judicial system in our attempt to obtain
it," the department said.

American Civil Liberties Union staff attorney Alex Abdo called the ruling "a victory
for privacy, security, and common sense."
Apple (AAPL, Tech30) is facing pressure in 10 other cases nationwide to help
agents break into 13 phones.
These cases are being closely watched, because they pit the federal government
against the richest tech company on the globe. They raise serious questions about
the authority of law enforcement to force companies to help in hunting down
In a well-publicized case involving the FBI trying to break into an iPhone 5C
belonging to one of the San Bernardino shooters, Apple is arguing the U.S.
government can't force it to write code
Ficha informativa
Tema: Juzgan seguridad de Apple por agentes federales en Nueva York
rea: Dinero
A quien va dirigido: sociedad
Tipo de texto: informativo
Idea general: Defensa de la privacidad de los clientes de Apple es fundamental
Autor: Pagliery, Jos.
Fecha de publicacin: 29 de febrero de 2016
Fuente: CNN
Incluir la URL de la publicacin:
Actividades de lectura:
1. Identificar: falsos cognados y las palabras que por el contexto es posible
establecer su significado.
Las palabras que por el contexto es posible establecer su significado.
magistrate-judge: juez magistrado
government: gobierno
agents: agentes
security: seguridad
millions: millones
investigators: investigadores
argument: argumento
justify: justificar
obligation: obligacin
investigation: investigacin
specific: especfico
Agency: agencia
Inconsistent: inconsistente
Reporters: reporteros

Company: compaa
Executive: ejecutivo
System: sistema
Victory: victoria
Privacy: privacidad
Serious: serios
Authority: autoridad
Un magistrado federal de Nueva York dictamino que el gobierno estadounidense
no puede obligar a Apple a hackear iPhone para investigaciones de drogas. No
puede ayudar en contra de su voluntad. A travs de iPhone buscar localizar
traficantes de drogas y los clientes, pero este aparato esta ejecutado por Ios 7, y
no pueden romper la contrasea para ver los datos. Apple no quiere ayudar ya
que irrumpira con la privacidad de los clientes y Apple solo ayudara cuando exista
una orden legal para hacerlo
Opinin crtica:
Bien es cierto que los organismos pblicos y legislativos desempean un papel
fundamental a la hora de desarrollar y aplicar normativas que protejan el honor y la
privacidad de los usuarios de telefonias, as como sobre sus datos pero dar
proteccin eficiente a la vida privada en el mbito de las telefonias conlleva la
necesidad de reinterpretar, adecuar y fortalecer el concepto de proteccin
existente hasta el momento, no slo al uso ms responsable por parte de los
usuarios, sino tambin a que los proveedores de servicios ofrezcan un mayor nivel
de proteccin de los datos personales que tratan y un cumplimiento eficaz de los
principios y derechos de la proteccin de dichos datos acorde con una adecuada
poltica de privacidad.

Texto 3. Mark Zuckerberg Backs Apple in Its Refusal to Unlock iPhone

By MARK SCOTTFEB. 22, 2016

Mark Zuckerberg expressed sympathy for Apple in a speech at the Mobile World
BARCELONA, Spain Mark Zuckerberg on Monday threw his support behind
Apple in its bitter battle with the United States government over attempts to gain
access to information protected by the companys sophisticated encryption
Speaking at the Mobile World Congress, an annual tech and telecommunications
conference here, Mr. Zuckerberg said that Facebook would play its part in the fight
against global terrorism, but that weakening the digital security of technology
companies was a bad idea.
A federal magistrate judge, at the Justice Departments request, recently ordered
Apple to bypass security functions on the phone of a gunman in the December
mass shooting in San Bernardino, Calif. But the company has refused to comply
with that order, fearful that it could be forced to create a so-called back door to its
encryption technology that could be misused by government agencies.
I dont think building back doors is the way to go, so were pretty sympathetic to
Tim and Apple, said Mr. Zuckerberg, in reference to Apples chief executive,
Timothy D. Cook.
Mr. Zuckerbergs comments mirror previous statements that Facebook and other
global tech companies have made in support of Apples standoff with the

While these companies have said they would comply, when legally obliged to, with
handing over information on their users, they say they believe that creating
technological back doors to their digital systems can lead to potential abuse by
governments worldwide.
For Facebook, which has almost 1.6 billion global users, the encryption debate is
only one of the growing number of policy hurdles that the company needs to
overcome as it expands its global presence.
In India, one of the companys largest markets, the countrys national regulators
this month banned free mobile data programs that favor some Internet services
over others. Facebook had introduced Free Basics, which offered people no-fee
access to a text-only mobile version of the companys social network, as well as to
certain news, health, job and other services.
Speaking on Monday, Mr. Zuckerberg said his company wanted to offer Internet
connectivity to the developing world that did not have digital access and that
Facebook would look for ways to continue doing that in India and beyond.
Its disappointing to the mission that were trying to do, Mr. Zuckerberg said about
the recent decision in India that outlawed Free Basics. What works in one country
may not work in another.
Despite his attempts to downplay the setback, the recent decision by Indian
regulators has put Facebook and its 31-year-old chief executive in an unusual
position in the debate over net neutrality, which says that Internet providers should
provide equal access to all web content. In the United States, Facebook has been
a proponent of net neutrality.
Internet giants like Facebook and Google can expect more scrutiny around the
world as they continue to expand, said Pierre Louette, a deputy chief executive of
Orange, the former French telecommunications monopoly. When confronted with
this scrutiny, he added, tech companies may look to build bridges with traditional
telecom operators that have faced similar regulatory challenges for decades.
They need more friends than before, said Mr. Louette, in reference to global tech
Ficha informativa:
Tema: Mark Zuckerberg en su negativa a desbloquear iPhone
rea: Tecnologa
A quien va dirigido: sociedad
Tipo de texto: informativo
Idea general: la batalla de Apple contra el gobierno estadounidense para proteger
la privacidad de los usuarios
Autor: Scottfeb, Mark.
Fecha de publicacin: 22 de febrero de 2016
Fuente: The New York Times
Incluir la URL de la publicacin: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/23/technology/markzuckerberg-backs-apple-in-its-refusal-to-unlock-


Actividades de lectura:
1. Identificar palabras con diferente categora gramatical utilizando afijos.
Government: gobierno
Against: en contra
Recently: recientemente
Bypass: derivacin
Refused: negado
Fearful: temeroso
Sympathetic: simptico
Statements: declaraciones
Legally: legalmente
connectivity: conectividad
neutrality: neutralidad
proponent: defensor
Apple lanzo su respaldo en su dura batalla contra el gobierno estadounidense
sobre intentos de obtener acceso a la informacin protegida de la empresa,
Zuckerberg dice que facebook pudiera desempear su papel en la lucha contra el
terrorismo global, pero que el debilitamiento de la seguridad digital de las
empresas de tecnologa fue una muy mala idea. Cree que dar informacin de los
usuarios puede conducir a posibles abusos por parte de los gobiernos de todo el
mundo. Gigantes del internet como Facebook y Google puede esperar mayor
escrutinio de todo el mundo a medida que siguen creciendo.
Opinin crtica:
Actualmente existen ms de mil millones de usuarios de iPhone y de redes
sociales en todo el mundo. En los ltimos aos, el nmero de internautas ha ido
creciendo de modo que la pertenencia a una red social es casi algo comn para
todos los usuarios de Internet. Sin embargo y a pesar de los muchos beneficios
que permiten las redes sociales y la coneccion telefonica, tambin estn
cambiando la forma en la que interactan muchos individuos, y poniendo en
evidencia la necesidad de prestar mayor atencin a los riesgos a los que estn
expuestos. Uno de los principales riesgos de seguridad que se identifican en las
redes sociales hace referencia a la informacin personal que los usuarios exponen
en ellas y la prdida de anonimato existente. De hecho, son muchos los casos que
se han detectado de perfiles falsos o de suplantacin de la identidad de otros
usuarios que, en no pocas ocasiones, cometen delitos bajo un supuesto
anonimato. redes sociales privacidad

Adems de estos problemas, los referentes a los contenidos que se publican en

las redes sociales tambin dejan al descubierto la necesidad de prestar atencin a
todo lo que compartimos y exponemos pblicamente. A pesar de la legislacin
existente en muchos pases que intenta controlar la proteccin de dichos
contenidos con normativas sobre propiedad intelectual y derechos de autor, lo
cierto es que se practica el libre intercambio de informacin, por lo general, de
forma incontrolada. Pero a pesar de ello no pueden irrumpir en nuestra privacidad
sin el consentimiento del usuario, es por esto que Zuckerberg no ha permitido que
entren en la privacidad de los usuarios de iPhone.

Texto 4. Are LAUSD students really ready for college?

By The Times Editorial Board
February 26, 2016, 5:00 AM

Students check their new schedules and head off to first day of classes at Jefferson High School in
Los Angeles on Aug. 18, 2015.

In a burst of opti
mism, the Los Angeles Unified school board voted in 2005 to
require all students in the district to pass a full set of college-prep courses in order
to graduate high school. Recognizing that it would be difficult and time consuming
to prepare for such a change, the board announced that the rule wouldn't take
effect for 12 years. That time is now up; beginning this school year, every student
who hopes to graduate must for the first time earn a grade of D or better in a set of
courses that includes four years of English and three years of math.
But it was a poorly conceived mandate from the start. It wasn't a surprise to most
observers that this ruling from on high didn't magically improve instruction,
curriculum or learning. Nor was it terribly surprising when the district announced in
December that because of the new rules, it expected to face a huge dip in its
graduation rate this year from the 74% it had reached after years of trying, down
to a gloomy 54%. And it would have been a lot worse than that if the board hadn't
previously dropped an even more onerous requirement that students get a C or
better in all those courses, which would qualify them for admission to the California
State University system.
That was where things stood until last week, when the seemingly magical
happened. Although there have been only a few weeks of school since the
December report, L.A. Unified announced that suddenly the expected graduation
rate is up to 63% and might go as high as 80%.
How did this come about? Thanks largely to the online credit-recovery courses
that students were allowed to take in order to pass courses they previously had
failed. And though the district probably had no choice but to allow this lest its own
bad policymaking unfairly rob students of a diploma, some legitimate questions are
now being raised about whether all these students have truly mastered the material
that had previously eluded them.

Probably no one frets about dropouts more than Russell Rumberger, director of the
California Dropout Research Project at UC Santa Barbara, and he takes a
skeptical view of online credit-recovery programs. Not that there aren't good ones,
he says, and he acknowledges that there are online courses that suit the learning
styles of some students. But there are also quick-fix models that do not impose the
kind of rigor and standards that students would find in a classroom. He's seen
online English courses that conferred an A grade after requiring a single book and
about 12 hours of computer work, as opposed to the five books and more than 100
hours of instructional time that a regular English class would have required.
L.A. Unified says that's not what's happening and that it has done quality control to
ensure that its credit-recovery classes are meaningful. Students spend about 60
hours on the courses, officials say, and must pass unit tests to get credit. Students
are overseen in their work by teachers.
Still, there's some apparent concern even on the board about the speed with which
the district turned the numbers around. I love the progress that has been made,
said board member Monica Ratliff at a meeting this week. But are these creditrecovery courses really rigorous courses? How do we know? What is our
Setting high standards for graduation is a fine idea, but they must be achievable or
else they can be counterproductive. And once they're set, students must be helped
to meet them fair and square. Not through shortcuts or last minute brush-ups. That
means building a solid scaffold of curriculum, instruction and other programs that
improve actual learning, which was supposed to be the goal all along.

Ficha informativa
Tema: Los estudiantes de LAUSD estn realmente preparados para la universidad
rea: opinin
A quien va dirigido: sociedad
Tipo de texto: critico
Idea general: cursos para que los estudiantes puedan graduarse y aumente asi la
tasa de graduados
Autor: The Times
Fecha de publicacin: 26 de febrero de 2016
Fuente: Los Angeles Time
Incluir la URL de la publicacin: http://www.latimes.com/opinion/editorials/la-edcredit-recovery-schools-20160226-story.html

Actividades de lectura:
1. Localizar conectores y las ideas que stos unen o relacionan, indicando la
funcin de stos (adicin, contraste, explicacin, causa-efecto, conclusin,
Pasar un conjunto de cursos ser difcil y consume mucho tiempo para prepararse
para este cambio
Un conjunto de cursos que incluyen cuatro aos de ingls y tres aos de
Pero fue un mal concebido desde el inicio del mandato, no fue una sorpresa para
la mayora
No mgicamente mejorara la instruccin, el plan de estudios o el aprendizaje.
Tampoco es terriblemente sorprendente cuando el distrito anunci en diciembre
que, debido a las nuevas reglas, se espera hacer frente a un enorme descenso en
su tasa de graduacin
Aunque ha habido pocas semanas de escuela desde el informe de diciembre, L.A.
Unified anunci que de repente la esperada tasa de graduacin es de hasta el
63% y podra ir tan alto como 80%.
Y aunque el distrito probablemente no tena ms remedio que permitir que este no
sea su propia mala formulacin de polticas
Russell Rumberger, director del proyecto de investigacin de desercin de
California en la UC de Santa Barbara, y l tiene una visin escptica de los
programas de recuperacin de crdito en lnea
No es que no haya buenos, dice y reconoce que existen cursos en linea que se
adapten a los estilos de aprendizaje de algunos alumnos
Pero tambin hay modelos de solucin rpida que no imponen el tipo de rigor y las
normas que los estudiantes se encontraran en un aula.

l ha visto cursos de ingls en linea que conferian un grado A despus de que
requieran un solo libro y aproximadamente 12 horas de trabajar con el ordenador
Un solo libro y aproximadamente 12 hrs. en contraposicin a los cinco libros y ms
de 100 horas de tiempo de instruccin que una clase de ingls normal habra
Pero "son estos cursos de recuperacin de crdito realmente rigurosos cursos
Cmo lo sabemos? Cul es nuestra pruebas"?
Se exigi a los estudiantes pasar un conjunto de cursos de preparacin para
graduarse en la escuela secundaria, con ello se desea hacer frente a un enorme
descenso en su tasa de graduacin. Y sucedi algo inesperado la tasa de
graduacin es de hasta 63% y podra ir tan alto como 80% y esto gracias a la
recuperacin de crdito en lnea de los cursos que los estudiantes haban
fracasado. Rusell Rumberger hace mencin que existen cursos en lnea que se
adaptan a los estilos de aprendizaje de algunos alumnos y que no todos los cursos
son malos. Sin embargo los estudiantes pasan alrededor de 60 horas en los
cursos, dicen las autoridades y deben pasar pruebas unitarias para obtener crdito
y son supervisados por los maestros.
Opinin crtica:
Tanto los profesores como los estudiantes necesitan de retroalimentacin efectivo
para construir un mtodo de buena enseanza, establecer un objetivo claro
permite saber hacia donde se esta yendo, elegir los procedimientos que tendrn
mayor impacto en la meta final, utilizar esa informacin para comprender que esta
funcionando y que no. La buena enseanza es una oportunidad de recibir
retrioalimentacion sobre las habilidades y tcnicas que pueden ayudarles a
sobresalir en sus carreras. Para los estudiantes es una mejor oportunidad de
graduarse el tomar cursos que mejor se acomoden a su rutina, sean cursos
presenciales o en linea

Texto 5. Anthony Rizzo looks beyond personal success to ultimate team

By Mark Gonzales. Chicago Tribune
March 5, 2016, 6:15 AM
At some point this spring, Anthony Rizzo will make sure his swing is refined to the
point that he's able to hit any pitch to all fields with authority.
But that currently is taking a back seat to making sure his array of teammates
from first-time invitees to veteran newcomers possess the singular mindset for
"The best part about him is that he wants to be great, and the bottom line for him is
winning," assistant hitting coach Eric Hinske said. "That's all he's talking about right
now. He's not talking about hitting mechanics; it's about winning. He checks his
ego at the door and does whatever he can to help the team win.
"It's cool to get a player to that point. A lot of them, at first they're happy to be
there. Then they want to make some money. Once they get to when it's all about
winning, then it's good."
The 2016 season represents the latest and biggest challenge to Rizzo since joining
the Cubs before the 2012 season as one of Theo Epstein's first acquisitions as
team president. In his first three seasons with the Cubs, Rizzo, 26, has endured a
101-loss season, a .233 batting average in 2013 and the departure of several
But Rizzo's faith in Epstein's plan never wavered, nor did his intensity. That was
evident in July 2014 when he challenged the entire Reds dugout after several
pitches from closer Aroldis Chapman sailed too close to teammates' heads.

Photos of the Cubs at spring training.

Rizzo acknowledges his relationship with Epstein and general manager Jed Hoyer
dating to their days together in the Red Sox organization gave him faith in the
rebuilding effort. Now, he's impressed with the blend of character and talent
bonding in the Cubs' clubhouse.

"When you're not good, you want to get better," Rizzo said. "When you're better,
you want to be great. (Epstein) always is working on something."
Two consecutive All-Star seasons, combined with the Cubs' sudden ascent to the
National League playoffs last year and the offseason addition of three prized free
agents, have only whetted the first baseman's appetite for more success.
"The last two years I hit really well in spring, and one year I hit terrible in spring,"
Rizzo said. "So for me, I don't look into too much. I'm just making sure everyone is
on the right page and on board and ready for (the Angels on April 4)."
Rizzo's self-confidence never wavered in 2015 when he hit .172 in 58 springtraining at-bats. The main reason was that he had moved closer to home plate in
an effort to foil opposing teams' shifts.
The move paid off when Rizzo batted .324 with a .478 on-base percentage in April.
He finished the season at .278 with a .387 OBP in helping the Cubs to their first
postseason appearance since 2008.
"It's just a matter of getting smarter," Rizzo said. "It's a cat-and-mouse game. With
pitchers, they know who I am. I know who most of them are, especially in our
"It's a matter of knowing if they're going to attack me this way or that way enough
to realize what they're doing with me. It comes with time and hopefully raises the
level of my game."
Teammate Jake Arrieta said Rizzo, like himself, has rebounded positively from
past struggles. Rizzo overcame Hodgkin lymphoma as an 18-year-old in the Red
Sox organization in 2008.
Rizzo later was traded to the Padres and received a midseason promotion in 2011,
only to return to Triple-A Tucson six weeks later after batting .143.
"Riz really evaluates himself on a yearly basis," Arrieta said. "He has goals he sets
for himself coming into camp, but he's not worried about the end result. He's more
focused on the process of preparing his body and mind for the regular season.
That rubs off on guys."
With his gradual success and the Cubs' national popularity, Rizzo would seem a
prime candidate for at least regional endorsements. But he's not too interested
because when he isn't spending time with his baby nephew or training for the 2016
season, Rizzo devotes much of his time to his foundation that raises funds for
cancer research and families battling the disease.
"I have some (endorsements)," said Rizzo, who promotes a swing-tracking
company with the likes of Mike Trout, David Ortiz, Josh Donaldson and Giancarlo
Stanton. "When the time comes, the time comes."
Ficha Informativa
Tema: Anthony Rizzo se ve ms all del xito personal para el logro definitivo del
rea: Deportes
A quien va dirigido: sociedad
Tipo de texto: narrativo
Idea general: el desempeo y crecimiento de Anthony Rizzo en su deporte y con
su equipo.

Autor: Gonzalez Mark

Fecha de publicacin: 5 de marzo de 2016
Fuente: Chicago Tribune
Incluir la URL de la publicacin:
Actividades de lectura:
1. Referencias contextuales.
This: la primavera
His: su swing de Rizzo
He: Eric Hinske
That: ganar
They: jugadores
His: Rizzo
When: julio de 2014
Their: sus das junto con Epstein y Jed Hoyer
Hes: Rizzo
When: desea ser mejor
When: siempre trabaja en algo
Their: ayudar a su equipo
This: la forma en que lo atacan
He: Riz
His: el xito gradual deRiz
When: Rizzo
His: dedica su tiempo a la fundacin que recauda fondos para la investigacin del
Who: Rizzo promueve una empresa de seguimiento
Se habla del desempeo de Rizzo, la mejor parte de el es que quiere ser grande y
quiere ganar, segn su entrenador Rizzo solo habla de ganar y hace lo que puede
para ayudar al equipo a ganar. La temporada 2016 representa el ultimo y mayor
desafio para Rizzo, ya que Epstein tiene fe en el. Cuando el no se encuentra bien
desea ser mejor y siempre trabaja en ello para cambiar. Rizzo nunca vacila es
muy confiado en su desempeo, el ayudo con sus bateos a su equipo desde 2008.
Hace mencin de que es cuestion de saber si van a atacar de una o de otra
manera para darse cuenta de lo que quieren hacer con el. El compaero Arrieta
hace mencin que Rizzo ha repuntado positivamente de las luchas anteriores.
Rizzo tiene objetivos que establece para si mismo y no se preocupa por el
resultado final, esta ms enfocado en el proceso de prepara su cuerpo y mente
para la temporada regular. Dedica gran parte de su tiempo a su fundacin que
recauda fondos para la investigacio del cncer.

Opinin crtica:
La capacidad de trabajo en equipo, constancia, dedicacin y vivencias de un
deportista es fundamental en su vida y en el mundo laboral de hoy en da. Cuando
se habla con personas con objetivos firmes, se nota que saben qu quieren
conseguir en esta etapa de sus vidas. Tal vez quieran un trabajo mejor, hacer
ejercicio dos veces por semana, aprender un idioma nuevo, trasladarse a una
ciudad o recuperar el contacto con parientes lejanos. Algunos incluso escriben sus
objetivos y hablan de ellos con amigos y familiares. En el trabajo en conjunto se
proporciona un apoyo mutuo que permite alcanzar los objetivos individuales.

Texto 6. Meet the World's First Truly Universal Cable

Theres a new USB. Its mission: to kill proprietary plugs
By David Pogue on March 1, 2016

Chris Whetzel
The best new technology of the past year wasn't some phone or an app.
Believe it or not, it was a new kind of USB cable.
Now, before you suspect that I've inhaled a bit too much of that new-tablet smell,
The new cable, called USB Type-C (or USB-C), is the same on both ends, so you
never have to fiddle with it. The connector is also identical on both sidesthere's
no upside down.
USB-C can replace four different jacks on your gadget: data, video, power and,
soon, audio. That's right: A single connector can handle flash drives, hard drives,
screens, projectors, charging and headphones (simultaneously, if you have a
splitter). Yet the connector is tiny enough for phones and tablets and sturdy
enough for laptops and PCs.
Every device from every brand can use the same cable. You can use the charger
from my Google phone to charge your Apple laptop or someone else's Microsoft
tablet. No more drawers full of mismatched power bricks.
In other words, USB-C represents the dawning of the universal cable.
That USB-C even exists at all is something of a miracle, considering what a big
business accessories have become. Apple, for example, makes a staggering
amount of money selling cables. Cynical observers accuse it of changing
connector types deliberately, just to drum up accessory sales. For example, good
luck using a 2009 power cord with a 2013 MacBook.
Apple's not alone. A typical charger for a Windows laptop costs $60 to $80.
Several of these big companies worked together to come up with the USB Type-C
standard, and even more have adopted it.
The question is: Why? Why would these archrivals work together to create a
charger that works interchangeably across devices and brands, wiping out the
proprietary-charger industry in one fell swoop?
Brad Saunders, who works for Intel, is chair of the USB 3.0 Promoter Group, a
group of six companies that designed USB Type-C (including Intel, HewlettPackard and Microsoft). He says that the original reason to design it was speed;
the 20-year-old regular USB connector couldn't be made any faster.

At the same time, he says, PCs were changing, becoming thinner and lighter.
The existing USB connector was just way too big. And it's not as user-friendly as
we'd like: you can plug it in the wrong way.
But surely, I asked him, these companies knew that designing One Cable to Rule
Them All meant that they'd lose big bucks in sales of their proprietary chargers.
Well, job one is making money for your company, he admits. But over time we
became motivated by the fact that we could change the world from a green
perspective. If we could standardize all these power supplies, we could reduce
waste. We started to realize we could have a real impact.
It's weird to imagine all these blood rivals working together, side by side, to create
a new standard for everyone's mutual benefit. How often does the world work that
Standards work is kind of odd, says Jeff Ravencraft, president of the USB
Implementers Forum. Companies work together to bake a bigger pie, to expand
the market for their products. But once it's over, they have to compete for how big a
piece of the pie they'll get. You cooperate at the beginning, and then you compete
like hell at the end.
And the cable is already here. Some of the latest phones, tablets and laptops from
Google, Apple, Microsoft, Samsung and others come with USB-C jacks built in.
You might think that only the nerdiest nerds could get excited about USB-C. And
yet in the coming years this invention could save you hundreds of dollars in
duplicate cords, adapters and chargers. It will permit our gadgets to get smaller
and faster. It will save space in our drawers, packages, purses and laptop bags. It
will keep tons of e-waste out of the landfills.
If that doesn't qualify USB-C as the invention of the year, I don't know what does.
Ficha informativa
Tema: satisface el primer cable verdaderamente universal
rea: tecnologa
A quien va dirigido: sociedad
Tipo de texto: informativo
Idea general: el diseo de un cable universal resitente y pequeo
Autor: Pogue, David
Fecha de publicacin: 01 de marzo de 2016
Fuente: Scientific American
Incluir la URL de la publicacin:

Actividades de lectura:
1. Las ideas principales contenidas en el texto y las ideas secundarias o de
apoyo en cada prrafo.
Ideas principales:
La nueva tecnologa es un tipo de cable USB universal que sutituye tomas como:
datos, video, alimentacin y audio.
El nuevo cable, llamado USB Tipo-C es la misma en ambos extremos, de modo
que nunca se equuivocara.
El diseo de un solo cable para representarlos a todos significaba que perderan
mucho dinero en la venta de sus cargadores especiales.
Ideas secundarias:
Este cable maneja unidades flash, discos duros, pantallas, proyectores, carga y
Es suficientemente resistente y pequeo
Cada dispositivo de cada marca puede utilizar el mismo cable.
Se puede utilizar para cargar tu porttil de Apple o Microsoft, telfonos y PC
Un tpico cargador para un porttil Windows cuesta de $60 a $80.
La razn original para el diseo era la velocidad
Ahorrar espacio en nuestros cajones, paquetes, bolsos y bolsas para porttiles.
El conector USB existente era simplemente demasiado grande. Y no es tan fcil
como nos gustara: puede conectarlo en el lado equivocado
La mejor nueva tecnologa del ao pasado se trataba de un nuevo tipp de cable
USB, este cable puede sustituir datos, video, alimentacin y pronto el audio, un
nico conector que puede manejar unidades flash, discos duros, pantallas,
proyectores, carga y auriculares, este es suficientemente resistente y pequeo.
Representa el cable universal. Brand Saunders, que trabaja en intel dice que la
razn original para el diseo era la velocidad, el hace mencin que puede cambiar
al mundo de una manera ecolgica, si pudieran normalizar todas esas fuentes de
alimentacin, se podra reducir la generacin de residuos. En los prximos aos
este invento podra ahorrar cientos de dlares en duplicar los cables, adaptadores

y cargadores, ahorrara espacio en nuestros cajones, paquetes, bolsillos y bolsas

para porttiles.
Opinin crtica:
Normalmente se piensa que por ser micro-USB, cualquier cable vale para cargar
nuestro smartphone o tablet, ya que cualquier cable inyecta energa a la batera de
nuestro telfono. El problema es pensar que cargar a la misma velocidad, es el
caso de este cable universal ya que lo que lo caracteriza es la velocidad, con esta
puede cargar cualquier nueva tecnologa pudiendo sustituir a los especficos. Los
cables se diferneican en su composicin ya que se mide en calibre de alambre
cuanto ms alto es el es el nmero, ms delgado es el alambre, un cable de ms
de 2 metros suministrar mucha menos energa que uno de menor longitud es por
ello que se centraron en la velocidad de este cable que es pequeo y resistente.

Texto 7. Yahoo signals 'bring it on' to activists with board additions

Kaja Whitehouse, USA TODAY 6:38 p.m. March 10, 2016

(Photo: Eric Risberg, AP)

NEW YORK Beleaguered Internet company Yahoo appears to be thumbing its
nose at threats of a board battle Thursday by adding two new directors to its
slimmed down board.
The Sunnyvale, Calif., company increased the board to nine directors from seven
by adding Catherine Friedman, a former Morgan Stanley executive, and Eric
Brandt, former chief financial officer of Broadcom Corp. The new directors will take
seats that were vacated in recent months by tech entrepreneur Max Levchin and
brokerage founder Charles Schwab.
Yahoo shares (YHOO) closed down 2% at $32.82. They've rebounded 25% from a
one-year low hit in February but are down nearly 30% from a peak last year.
By replacing the empty seats, Yahoo is signaling that it controls the board, and not
shareholders threatening to replace the directors with their own candidates,
experts said.
"They are saying, 'bring it on because we are not going to wait to see what you
want to say and we are not interested in your suggestions,'" said Eleanor Bloxham,
CEO of The Value Alliance and Corporate Governance Alliance, a board and
senior executive advisory firm.
"I'm not sure how wise that is because Starboard can cause some headache,"
Bloxham added.
Bloxham is referring to Starboard Value, the Yahoo shareholder and hedge fund
that has threatened to campaign for seats when the board faces re-election later
this year. The deadline for nominating dissenting candidates is later this month.
Last year, Starboard asked Yahoo to sell its core Web assets, like Yahoo Sports
and Yahoo Mail, to the highest bidder. Potential suitors are expected to
include telecom companies like Verizon, which recently bought Yahoo competitor
The hedge fund which successfully overthrew the entire board of Darden
Restaurants, which owns the Olive Garden, in 2014 has warned Yahoo in letters
that failure to do so could result in an ugly and costly board battle.
"Why these directors would want to join ahead of a potential messy proxy
battle has us a little perplexed," said SunTrust Robinson Humphrey analyst Robert

Peck in research note. Peck called Yahoo's board additions a "negotiating move"
ahead of a reported meeting between the two sides this week.
To be sure, Thursday's move does not preclude Yahoo from agreeing to add a
Starboard nominee to the board as well.
In late February, people with direct knowledge of Starboard's plans told USA
TODAY that CEO Jeff Smith was still prepared to nominate opposing candidates
to the board at the end of March. They said Smith would not likely back down from
a fight unless Yahoo voluntarily agreed to add some of his candidates to the board.
Smith didn't return a request for comment Thursday. Yahoo declined to comment.
Amid pressure from shareholders, Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer recently dropped
her previous ambitions to grow the company and instead has said she will pursue a
$400 million cost-cutting plan to simplify the company and reduce Yahoo's staff by
about 15%.
Mayer and the board have also vowed to set up a special committee to review a
sale. At the same time, they are pursing a tax-free spin off of the core Web assets
from Yahoo's massive stake in Chinese Internet company Alibaba.
A spin-off would delay any sale by at least a year.
Ficha informativa
Tema: Yahoo 'que continue adiciones en junta
rea: Tecnologia
A quien va dirigido: sociedad
Tipo de texto: informativo
Idea general: la propuesta de nuevos integrantes de la directiva de laa compaa
Yahoo y el crecimiento en sus acciones
Autor: Whitehouse, Kaja.
Fecha de publicacin: 10 de marzo de 2016
Fuente: USA Today
Incluir la URL de la publicacin:
Actividades de lectura:
1. Identificar: Nombres, lugares, fechas, nmeros (indicar qu relacin tienen
con el tema).
Siete y nueve: La compaa increment la junta de siete directores a nueve
Catherine Friedman: ex ejecutivo de Morgan Stanley
Eric Brandt: ex jefe financiero de Broadcom Corp.
Max Levchin: empresario y fundador de corretaje Charles Schwab
2% a $32.82: Las acciones de Yahoo cerraron en 2% a $32.82
25%: han recuperaron el 25% en febrero
30%: se han reducido casi un 30% desde su mximo del ao pasado
Eleanor Bloxham: CEO de la Alianza de valor y Gobierno Corporativo Alliance

Verizon: potenciales postores se espera incluir a las compaas de

telecomunicaciones como Verizon
2014: derrib con xito toda la junta de Darden Restaurants, que posee el Olive
Robert Peck: analista
Jeff Smith: CEO quien esta preparado para proponer candidatos a la junta
Marissa Mayer: dijo que llevar a cabo un plan de reduccin de costos
$ 400 millones: para simplificar la empresa
15%: reducir el personal de Yahoo
Se incremento la junta de siete directores a nueve, agregando a Friedman y Eric,
la fecha lmite para la nomminacion de candidatos es a finales de mes. Se pidi el
ao pasado a Yahoo vender sus activos web bsicos, Yahoo Sports y Yahoo Mail
al mejor postor y se espera incluir a las compaas de telecomunicaciones como
Verizon que recientemente compro Yahoo AOL. Yahoo no excluye ponerse de
acuerdo para agregar un candidato a la junta. Mayer y la junta han prometido
tambin establecer un comit especial para examinar ventas.
Opinin crtica:
El capital accionario de una compaa es la mejor moneda de intercambio para
realizar cualquier negocio, la capacidad de trabajar en grandes grupos para lograr
resultados ms grandes que la suma de sus partes. Las empresas deben dejar de
concentrarse en ser las mejores, sino en ser nicas, en tiempos tan competitivos
como los actuales, algunas marcas logran sobresalir en el mercado por algn
elemento que las hace diferentes, no por intentar copiar los modelos de negocio
ya existentes que obviamente no generaran los mismos resultado. Una empresa
que se mantiene a la vanguarida, vale mas que una compaa que practica lo
mismo desde hace aos, por lo que poco a poco se va quedando obsoleta. Innova
noo solo en sus productos o servicios, sino que tambein en la forma de
comunicarse con los clientes, de tratar con sus empleados he incluso en la forma
en que elige a sus directores.

Texto 8. Marshmallow Men and One-Hit Wonders

Things that go "pop" in the mind
Hal McDonald Ph.D., Mar 10, 2016

Source: "brain anatomy medical head skull digital 3 d x ray xray psychedelic 6343
x3171" by John Voo / Flickr / CC BY 2.0
In the original 1984 Ghostbusters, Dan Aykroyds character Ray Stantz unwittingly
invokes the destructor by thinking of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man instead of
clearing his mind as he has been instructed to do. When Bill Murrays character
Peter Venkman chides Ray for his mental carelessness, Ray explains, I couldnt
help it. It just popped in there. While it is unlikely that any of us has ever
inadvertently summoned an apocalyptic marshmallow creature into existence, most
of us are familiar with the experience of a stray random thought or image popping
into our heads seemingly out of nowhere. A few days ago, for instance, as I was
heaving a fifty pound bag of dog food out of the trunk of my car the title of a
Somerset Maugham novel, The Moon and Sixpence spontaneously flickered
before my minds eye. On another occasion, I was four miles into a six-mile run
when the image of the cartoon character Fred Flintstone suddenly materialized in
my head. Such stray snippets of free-floating information as I have experienced on
these and other occasions have always struck me as matters of amusement and
curiosity, but some psychologists and neuroscientists have lately begun to view
them as the subject of serious research.
A pioneering study (link is external) of the phenomenon in 2004, and a more recent
one (link is external) in 2015, showed that involuntary semantic memories, or
more colloquially mind pops, occur with a fair degree of regularity as a part of
peoples everyday lives. Defined as the involuntary occurrence of brief items in
ones network of semantic knowledge, involuntary semantic memories are not to
be confused with the more familiarand more thoroughly researchedmemory
phenomenon involuntary autobiographical memories (or IAMs). If, for example,
you catch a whiff of candle smoke and are suddenly transported back to your fifth
birthday party, you have experienced an involuntary autobiographical memory. If,

on the other hand, you are brushing your teeth and the quadratic formula pops into
your head, it is an involuntary semantic memory that you have had.
Because of their seeming lack of relevance to the immediate context in which they
occur, involuntary semantic memories might strike us as meaningless bits of
cognitive flotsam drifting briefly to the surface of our consciousness before
disappearing once again into the depths from which they emerged. And while it is
true that, compared to IAMs, for which triggers are identifiable approximately 80%
of the time, mind pops often seem completely random and spontaneous, a little
introspective detective work can quite often track down a specific trigger. In the
case of my Moon and Sixpence visitation, I unearthed the trigger when I later
returned to the supermarket where I buy dog food and heard the song Kiss Me,
by the 1990s one-hit-wonder Sixpence None the Richer, playing on the stores
canned music loop. Even though I had not been consciously aware of it, the song
had likely been playing when I had bought dog food in the store several days
earlier, and lifting the bag from the trunk had triggered the memory of hearing the
song on the dog food aisle of the store. The unusual name of the artist had in turn
triggered a memory of the Maugham title. (As for the image of Fred
Flintstonealas, Ive had no luck tracking that one down.)
The subtle, elusive connection between involuntary semantic memories and their
triggers is suggestive of a potential benefit of mind-popping. Researchers
speculate that mind pops are the result of long-term semantic priming, with an
initial exposure to a source of information (hearing Kiss Me in the supermarket)
activating a web of representations in the mind that stay activated until a relevant
stimulus in our environment (lifting the dog food out of the trunk) triggers the
semantic memory. The tenuous relationship between some of these initial
activation experiences and the semantic memories that result from them minutes,
hours, and even days later hints at a correlation between mind-popping and
creative thinkingan ability to perceive connections between seemingly unrelated
concepts. Indeed, the 2015 study included creativity tests measuring fluency,
flexibility and originality and found a positive correlation between mid-popping and
creativity scores. People who experience a higher than average frequency of
mind-popssuper-primersmay be especially creative because they can
perceive conceptual relations in their world that other people miss.
Seeing the face of Fred Flintstone during a six-mile run doesnt necessarily make
one an Archimedes or an Einstein, but the possible connection between such
seemingly random thoughts and the ability to see the world in ways that no one
has ever seen it before suggests that we should all pay a little more attention when
they pop into our heads.

Ficha informativa
Tema: Los hombres de un solo xito
rea: Neurociencia
A quien va dirigido: sociedad
Tipo de texto: informativo
Idea general: las ideas o imgenes que llegan a nuestra memoria de la nada

Autor: Hal McDonald Ph.D.,

Fecha de publicacin: 10 de marzo de 2016
Fuente: Psicology Today
Incluir la URL de la publicacin:
Actividades de lectura:
1. Referencias contextuales.
His: su mente (Dan Aykroyd Ray Stantz)
It: descuido mental
Our: pensamiento o imagen que vuelve a nuestras cabezas de la nada.
My: mi auto
When: la imagen del personaje de dibujos animados Pedro Picapiedra se
materializ de repente en mi cabeza.
These: ocasiones en las que se le vieje informacin a la mente, siempre le han
parecido materia de diversin y curiosidad
That: un estudio pionero demostr que "los recuerdos semnticos involuntarios"
se producen con un buen grado de regularidad como parte de la vida cotidiana de
las personas
Their: memorias semnticas involuntarios
Their: factores desencadenantes de las memorias semnticas involuntarios
That: los estallidos de la mente son el resultado de la preparacin semntica a
largo plazo
Who: personas que experimentan una frecuencia superior a la media, puede ser
especialmente creativos
They: las personas
El personaje de Ray Stanz invoca al personaje en lugar de despejar su mente
como le ha sido encomendado, aunque el dice que no ha podido evitarlo, ya que
es improbable que nosotros convoquemos criaturas en nuestra cabeza, hace
mencin que se le vienen a la mente fragmentos de novelas que se le hacen
divertidos y curiosos, pero para investigadores son visto como sujetos de
investigacin seria. Un estudio en 2004 y mas recientemente 2015 demostr que
la memoria involuntaria ocurren con un buen grado de regularidad como una parte
de la vida cotidiana de la gente. Que se define como la aparificion involuntaria de
breves artculos, recuerdos semnticos, por ejemplo si te estas cepillando los
dientes y la frmula cuadrtica surge en tu cabeza, esto es una memoria
involuntaria. Las personas que experimentan con mas frecuencia la mente
involuntaria pueden ser especialmente creativos.

Opinin crtica:
La memoria no es ni buena ni mala; no podemos decidir si tener o no tener
memoria y slo parcialmente podemos controlar su contenido y su funcionamiento.
En gran medida la memoria funciona como un msculo involuntario, independiente
de nuestras rdenes conscientes. Es la reconstruccin de una vida por medio de
la memoria involuntaria que devuelve del pasado el recuerdo en el que el tiempo
es un choque constante entre los momentos del pasado y del presente porque son
de una realidad igual.

Texto 9. A fossil fuels-arts world divorce is 'the way the world is moving'
Arthur Neslen
Friday 11 March 2016 12.56

I: While BP say the decision to ends its Tate sponsorship is unrelated to climate
protests, museum industry insiders say campaigners are having an effect as they
turn the spotlight on the ethics of corporate funding BPs decision to pull the plug
on their sponsorship of the Tate is a milestone in the campaign to make fossil fuels
a toxic brand, and not the first.
II: Last November, the Science Museum announced that it would not renew an
agreement with Shell, after revelations that the firm had tried to influence its
presentation on climate change.
III: Corporate sponsors have become more important for museums and arts
institutes since the economic crisis began cutting off public funding sources. Some
410m a year of museum funding now comes from wealthy patrons, with the Tate
gallery group alone taking a 180m slice of that pie in the UK.
IV: Sources in the museum industry say that this can pose an ethical dilemma,
especially when it is augmented by the more practical problem of brownwash.
Fossil fuel firms may hope to gain an image boost from associating with the arts
scene but this can all too easily come with a nosedive in reputation for the arts
institutions themselves.
V: The protests have gradually had a grinding-down effect on the Tate, one
source in the museums industry said. The campaign was targeting the kinds of
people who go to the museum so-called special audiences - and I would
imagine that these protests will have got to them and thrown doubt into their
VI: A fossil fuels-arts world divorce was the way the world is moving, the source
said. Although the decision to end the Tates sponsorship arrangement was
reportedly taken by BP because of an extremely challenging business
environment, campaigners and arts industry sources believe it was also influenced
by war-weariness at the Tate.
VII: BPs donations to the gallery were embarrassingly small no more than
224,000 a year on average and the Tate group may have felt that they no
longer offset the baggage that came in tow. If so, the writing could be on the wall of
other well-known tourist attractions.
VIII:Campaigners say that most big cultural institutions in London now take funding
from fossil fuel firms and three big names the British Museum, Royal Opera
House and National Portrait Gallery will be deciding whether to renew contracts
with Shell and BP in the year ahead.
IX: In 2011, BP agreed to give these three institutions and the Tate - 10m over
five years. Anna Galkina, a campaigner with Platform London, said that the next
protests would target the British Museum.
X: She told the Guardian: There will be all sort of interventions there, and the
campaign on the other two institutions will definitely ramp up too, now that we know
that it is winnable.

XI: The Liberate Tate campaign is a model for these pushes, and was born out of a
workshop that the arts activist John Jordan gave at the Tate called Disobedience
makes history in 2009. Folklore has it that he was told he could speak about
anything except actions against the Tates sponsorship arrangements and so
turned the workshop into a discussion of whether to confront the Tate.
XII: There is always a turning point when a certain form of culture is seen as toxic
and unacceptable, Jordan told the Guardian. At some point in the early 19th
century the slave trade was no longer perceived as business as usual but a violent
inhuman practice. Our cultural perception of the fossil fuel industry is now at a
similar turning point - and not a minute too soon!
Ficha informativa
Tema: Un divorcio mundial de combustibles fsiles es "La forma en que el mundo
se est moviendo
rea: Medio ambiente
A quien va dirigido: sociedad
Tipo de texto: narrativo
Idea general: protestasta y la toma de decisiones sobre patrocinio de la galera
Autor: Neslen, Arthur
Fecha de publicacin: 11 de marzo de 2016
Fuente: The Guardian
Incluir la URL de la publicacin:
Actividades de lectura:
1. Las ideas principales contenidas en el texto y las ideas secundarias o de
apoyo en cada prrafo.
I: Tate (galera) no est relacionada con las protestas del clima, de la
Segn activistas estn teniendo un efecto a medida que se vuelven el centro de
atencin en la tica de la decisin de financiacin corporativa
Tate es un hito en la campaa
II: En noviembre pasado el Museo de las Ciencias anunci que no renovara
un acuerdo con Shell
La empresa ha tratado de influir en su presentacin sobre el cambio climtico

III: Los patrocinadores corporativos se han vuelto ms importante para los

museos y las institutos de artes
Algunos 410m de los fondos del museo proviene ahora de los clientes ricos.
El grupo galera Tate toma una rebanada de 180 m de ese pastel en el Reino
IV: Fuentes de la industria dicen que para el museo esto puede plantear un
dilema tico
Empresas de combustibles fsiles pueden esperar obtener un impulso de imagen
a partir de la asociacin con las artes, pero esto puede llegar muy fcilmente con
una cada en picado de la reputacin de las instituciones de arte en s.
V: Las protestas han tenido un efecto gradual
La campaa se dirige a la clase de personas que acuden al museo. Estas
protestas se han llegado a ellos y puesto en duda en sus mentes
VI: La decisin de poner fin a acuerdo de patrocinio de la Tate
A sido conducido por BP debido a un "entorno empresarial extremadamente
Activistas y fuentes de la industria de artes creen que tambin fue influenciado
VII: donaciones de BP a la galera eran "vergonzosamente pequeas"
El grupo Tate pueden haber sentido que ya no compensan el gasto que lleg
VIII: Los activistas dicen que la mayora de las grandes instituciones
culturales en Londres ahora toman la financiacin a partir de combustibles
Las tres grandes empresas son: el Museo Britnico, la Royal Opera House y la
National Portrait Gallery
Decidir si renovar contratos con Shell y BP en el ao venidero.
IX: En 2011, BP acord dar a estas tres instituciones 10 millones en cinco
Anna Galkina, un defensor de la Plataforma de Londres, dijo que las prximas
protestas tendran como objetivo el Museo Britnico.
X: Anna Galkina hace comentarios a The Guardian

Habr todo tipo de intervenciones all, y la campaa en las otras dos instituciones
definitivamente, ahora que sabemos que se puede ganar.
XI: La campaa Libera Tate es un modelo para estos empujes, y naci de un
taller del activista John Jordan lo llamo 'La desobediencia hace historia' en
Hablaba de acciones contra acuerdos de patrocinio de la Tate
Se volvieron el taller para hacer frente a la Tate
XII: Siempre hay un punto de inflexin cuando una determinada forma de
cultura es vista como txica e inaceptable
En algn momento de principios del siglo 19 la trata de esclavos ya no se percibe
como negocio como de costumbre, sino una prctica inhumana violenta.
Nuestra percepcin cultural de la industria de los combustibles fsiles est ahora
en un punto de inflexin similar
Tate (galera) no est relacionada con las protestas del clima, de la industria, etc..
Los patrocinadores corporativos se han vuelto ms importante para los museos y
los institutos de artes. Empresas de combustibles fsiles pueden esperar obtener
un impulso de imagen a partir de la asociacin con las artes, pero esto puede
llegar muy fcilmente con una cada en picado de la reputacin de las instituciones
de arte en s. La decisin de poner fin a acuerdo de patrocinio de la Tate a sido
conducido por BP debido a un "entorno empresarial extremadamente desafiante".
Los activistas dicen que la mayora de las grandes instituciones culturales en
Londres ahora toman la financiacin a partir de combustibles fsiles
Opinin crtica:
Aunque se espera que la parte de la energa mundial suministrada por
combustibles fsiles disminuya, seguir sobrepasando a todas las dems formas
de energa. El petrleo y el carbn siguen dominando la categora de los
combustibles fsiles, a pesar de toda el habla de un aumento masivo en el
suministro de gas natural. La continuacin de la supremaca del petrleo puede
ser atribuida, en parte al interminable aumento de la demanda de coches,
camionetas y camiones. La contina dominacin de los combustibles fsiles en el
mundo no solo asegurar la continua dominacin de las grandes compaas de
combustibles fsiles. A medida que la severidad y destructividad del cambio
climtico se haga cada vez ms evidente en nuestras vidas cada vez ms gente
presionar a los gobiernos en todo el mundo para que emprendan cambios
radicales en la conducta energtica global y limiten el poder de las gigantescas
compaas energticas

Texto 10. U.S. Stocks Set to Rise for Fourth Consecutive Week
Shares recover after investors weigh ECBs earlier stimulus measures
By Riva Gold and Leslie Josephs
March 11, 2016 1:11 p.m.

U.S. stocks rallied Friday as investors reassessed the impact of the European
Central Banks latest stimulus measures and the health of the U.S. economy.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 209 points, or 1.2%, to 17204. The S&P
500 added 1.4%, while the Nasdaq Composite gained 1.4%. The moves put U.S.
stocks on track for their fourth consecutive week of gains.
An index of energy companies in the S&P 500 gained 2.3% as oil prices rose.
Investors sold assets perceived as havens, such as gold and U.S. government
Recent U.S. economic data have pointed to improvements in consumer spending
and employment, helping ease investors concerns about weak corporate earnings
and worries that the country could be headed toward a recession.
Theres no bad [U.S. economic] news thats out there right now, said Jonathan
Corpina, senior managing partner at Meridian Equity Partners.
The Stoxx Europe 600 rose 2.6%, led by banks, after the ECB on Thursday
announced cheaper funding for the sector through new long-term loans. Spanish
and Italian banks led gains, sending the broader banking sector up close to 5%.
The ECB has created a framework within which banks can rebuild profitability,
said Stephen Macklow-Smith, head of European equities strategy at J.P. Morgan
Asset Management. The new measures make funds available to banks at
attractive rates, he said.
The euro fell 0.2% against the dollar to $1.1155, boosting shares of such exporters
as auto makers, after the common currency ended sharply higher in the previous
On Thursday, stocks initially had gained as the euro fell sharply against the dollar
after the ECB outlined a broad package of easing measures, including a cut to key
interest rates and an expansion of its asset-purchase program. But those markets
quickly reversed, sending the euro higher and European stocks lower, after ECB

President Mario Draghi said the central bank didnt anticipate that it will be
necessary to reduce rates further. Lower interest rates tend to weaken the euro
and boost stocks.
Earlier Friday, stocks in Asia gained slightly in choppy trade. Japans Nikkei Stock
Average gained 0.5%, while Australias S&P ASX 200 added 0.3% and Chinas
Shanghai Composite Index ended 0.2% higher.
In European credit markets, the buoyant mood continued Friday following the
ECBs surprise announcement. High-yield debt markets also rallied, while financialdefault protection fell back to levels last seen in early January.
While the ECBs easing measures broadly exceeded investors expectations, the
markets mixed reaction underscores doubts among investors about how much
further central banks can go to lift inflation in the face of slowing global growth.
Next week, investors will turn their attention to the Federal Reserve. The Fed is
widely expected to hold off on interest-rate increases at its meeting on March 15
and 16, but a spate of stronger U.S. data recently has kept a move later in the year
on the table.
Georgi Kantchev contributed to this article.
Ficha informativa
Tema: Las acciones de Estados Unidos prevn un aumento por cuarta semana
rea: Mercado
A quien va dirigido: sociedad
Tipo de texto: informativo
Idea general: el crecimiento de las acciones de Estados Unidos y la venta de sus
acciones los coloca por cuarta semana consecutiva con ganancias
Autor: Riva Gold y Leslie Josephs
Fecha de publicacin: 11 de marzo de 2016
Fuente: The Wall Street Journal
Incluir la URL de la publicacin: http://www.wsj.com/articles/global-stocksrebound-1457687038
Actividades de lectura:
1. Presente, pasado, futuro y sus tres aspectos: simple, progresivo o continuo,
y perfecto.
Rallied: se recuper
Reassessed: reevaluado
Added: adicional
Gained: ganado
Perceived: percibido
Have: tener
Spending: gasto
Helping: racin

Could: podra
Announced: anunciado
Created: creado
Rebuild: reconstruir
Make: hacer
Bossting: impulsar
Fell: cay
Easing: aliviando
Cut: cortar
Reversed: revertido
Reduce: reducir
Tend: tender
Weaken: debilitar
Boost: aumentar
Ended: terminado
Rallied: repuntado
Last: ultimo
Seen: visto
Exceded: sobresalir
Further: promover
Slowing: desaceleracin
Contributed: contribuido
Las acciones de los estados unidos, inversores se reunieron para tomar las
medidad de estimulo y salud de la economa estadounidense. El ndice Dow Jones
subi 209 puntos, mientras que el Nasdaq bajo 1.4%, esto coloca a estados
unidos en la cuarta semana consecutiva de ganancias. Los inversores vendieron
activos como parasos fiscales (como el oro). Los ltimos datos econmicos de
Estados Unidos han sealado que las mejoras en el gasto de consumo y el
empleo ayudan a aliviar las preocupaciones de los inversores acerca de la
debilidad de los ingresos corporativos. Los bancos espaoles e italianos llevaron
ganancias, enviando el amplio sector bancario hasta cerca de un 5%. El euro cay
0,2% frente al dlar a $1.1155, impulsando acciones de esos exportadores como
los fabricantes de automviles, despus de la moneda comn. Mientras que las
medidas de flexibilizacin del BCE super ampliamente las expectativas de los
inversionistas, el mercado pone de manifiesto dudas entre los inversionistas
acerca de cunto pueden elevar la inflacin en la desaceleracin del crecimiento

Opinin crtica:
Dado el tamao de Estados Unidos y la potencia econmica que es, todos los
pases estn muy interesados en saber cmo est su economa. La mayor parte
de la tecnologa y del resto del capital fsico de Estados Unidos pertenece a
individuos o corporaciones. La economa nacional es especialmente rica en el
rubro de la tecnologa de la informacin, el cual reditua grandes ganancias de
productividad. Estados unidos es el principal pas industrial del mundo, han
crecido las zonas manufacturas y con mayor presencia los equipos de transporte
que esta compuesto de automviles, camiones, aviones, vehculos espaciales y
barcos, es por esto que la economa mundial se ve afectada por cambios en su

TEXTO 11. More Americans Now View Supreme Court Through Partisan
By. Aaron Zitner
March 17, 2016.
President Barack Obama didnt ignore the political challenge ahead of him as he
introduced Judge Merrick Garland as his nominee to the Supreme Court on
Wednesday. Republican leaders in Congress have vowed to ignore the
nomination, arguing that the pick should be left to the next president so that voters
have a voice in the matter with this Novembers election.
Mr. Obama suggested that Senate Republicans were showing excessive
partisanship. It is tempting to make this confirmation process simply an extension
of our divided politics, the squabbling thats going on in the news every day, he
said in urging a confirmation hearing and vote for Mr. Garland. But to go down that
path would be wrong.
A Supreme Court nomination is supposed to be above politics. It has to be, the
president said.
But its a bit late in the nations political life to ask the Supreme Court to be
removed from politics. To many Americans, the court has lost its status as
separate from the other institutions in a Washington that inspires cynicism and
draws little confidence.
The court, in being asked to settle many of the nations partisan battles, has
become part of the partisan fight.
This has long been the case, though it accelerated when the court stepped in
during the Florida vote recount in the 2000 presidential election. More recently,
many Americans came to view the court through a partisan lens when the political
system put some the most heated fights of the Obama era before the justices the
fate of the Affordable Care Act and gay marriage, to name just two.

Federal appeals court judge Merrick Garland shakes hands with President Barack
Obama as he is introduced as Obama Photo: Andrew Harnik/Associated Press

Confidence in the court is at or near an all-time low, polling shows. In 1985a

different era in American politicssome 56% of adults told Gallup pollsters that
they had a great deal or a lot of confidence in the Supreme Court. Even in the
post-Florida recount years of 2001 and 2002, half of adults were telling Gallup that
they had high confidence in the high court.
By the Obama era, views of the court had changed substantially. In 2014,
confidence in the court stood at 30% in Gallup polling, with one-quarter of adults
holding little or no confidence, a higher share than early in Mr. Obamas term or
under prior presidents.
Wall Street Journal/NBC News polling shows a similar trend. Some 33% of adults
had high confidence in the court in a December survey, far lower than the 52% in a
survey 15 years earlier.
Importantly for Mr. Merricks nomination prospects, views of the court have take a
partisan skew: Some 44% of Democrats had high confidence in the court in
Decembers Journal/NBC News survey, compared with only 23% of Republicans.
Moreover, among Republicans, unfavorable views of the court outnumbered
favorable views by 26 percentage points in a Journal/NBC News survey last July,
shortly after the Supreme Court legalized gay marriage nationally. Among
Democrats, favorable views outnumbered negative ones by 35 percentage points.
The court is increasingly seen as part of the nations political clatter, not above it.
Given those views and the prospect of a change in control of the White House to
the GOP, its not surprising that Republican leaders want to hold back on a
nominationeven if the nominee has previously received bipartisan support and is
viewed widely as a judge who has avoided strong ideological opinionswhile
Democrats want to press ahead.
Mr. Obama said that Judge Garland on Thursday would go to Capitol Hill to start
meeting with senators. Senate refusal to hold confirmation hearings and an up-ordown vote, he said, will indicate a process for nominating and confirming judges
that is beyond repair. It will mean everything is subject to the most partisan of
politicseverything, he said.
The cost, Mr. Obama said, is that faith in our justice system will inevitably suffer.
For some Americans, that faith has already eroded.
Ficha informativa
Tema: Ms estadounidenses ahora ven a Corte Suprema a travs de la lente
rea: Politica
A quien va dirigido: Sociedad
Tipo de texto: Informativo
Idea general: La confianza en el tribunal est en o cerca de un nivel ms bajo de
todos los tiempos
Autor: Aaron Zitner
Fecha de publicacin: 17 de marzo de 2016
Fuente: The Wall Street Journal
Incluir la URL de la publicacin: http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2016/03/17/moreamericans-now-view-supreme-court-through-partisan-lens/

Actividades de lectura:
Referencias contextuales.
Him: Presidente Barack Obama
His: Juez Merrick Garland
That: electores
This: eleccin
It: partidismo excesivo tentador
This: proceso de confirmacin
That: ese camino
This: este caso de recuento de votos
He: Barack Obama
That: lideres republicanos
Who: juez
He: Capitol Hill
That: la fe ha erocionado
El presidente Barack Obama no ignorar el desafo poltico por delante de l. El Sr.
Obama sugiri que los senadores republicanos estaban mostrando partidismo
excesivo. Una nominacin al Tribunal Supremo "se supone que debe estar por
encima de la poltica. Tiene que ser", dijo el presidente, Pero es un poco tarde en
la vida poltica de la nacin para pedir a la Corte Suprema para ser retirado de la
poltica. El tribunal, en la que se pregunt a resolver muchas de las luchas
partidistas de la nacin, se ha convertido en parte de la lucha partidista. La
confianza en el tribunal est en o cerca de un nivel ms bajo de todos los tiempos,
el sondeo muestra. En la era de Obama, las opiniones de la Corte ha cambiado
Opinin crtica:
Prcticamente todo el que ha opinado sobre la situacin precaria de la Autoridad
ha sealado la influencia nefasta que ha tenido la poltica, con frecuencia tambin
se oyen lamentos sobre la cantidad de nombramientos a la Rama Judicial
presididos por el criterio poltico partidista ms que por consideraciones de mrito,
con el consiguiente deterioro de la calidad y la confianza pblica en esa institucin.
La injerencia poltico partidista dificulta el cumplimiento de los objetivos tanto de
instituciones como del orden social. En momentos en que se perfila el inicio de la
prxima campaa electoral no estara mal que las personas con criterio
independiente, las organizaciones no gubernamentales, las comunidades y los
integrantes de organismos como los mencionados formen un frente comn slido
que les requiera a los partidos polticos que tomen posiciones sobre este mal
endmico del Pas

TEXTO 12. Controversial New Push to Tie Microbes to Alzheimer's Disease

A journal article says herpes virus and Lyme disease bacteria are behind the mindrobbing illness, but not all researchers are convinced
By Melinda Wenner Moyer on March 21, 2016

Credit: BSIP / Contributor

Scientists have long puzzled over the root causes of Alzheimer's disease, a
devastating and typically fatal condition that currently denies more than five million
Americans their cognition and memory. But in a provocative editorial soon to be
published in the Journal of Alzheimers Disease, a cadre of scientists argue that
the complex disease may have a surprisingly simple trigger: tiny brain-infecting
microbes. This controversial view, which is not new, has long been dismissed as
outlandish, but a growing body of work suggests it may be worth considering and
further studying. If researchers can prove the theory and iron out the many arguedover detailsboth formidable tasks, as brain infections are difficult to study
Alzheimer's could become a preventable illness.
The editorial, signed by 31 scientists around the world, argues that in certain
vulnerable individualssuch as those with the APOE 4 gene variant, a known
Alzheimers risk factorcommon microbial infections can infect the aging brain and
cause debilitating damage. These microbes may include herpes simplex virus 1
(HSV-1), the ubiquitous virus that causes cold sores as well as Chlamydophila
pneumoniae and Borrelia burgdorferi, the bacteria that cause pneumonia and
Lyme disease, respectively.
The controversial idea butts heads with the long-standing theory that amyloid-beta
proteins and tau tangles, both of which build up inside the brains of those with
Alzheimers, are the main drivers of disease-induced cell death. Instead,
supporters of the pathogen hypothesis, as it is called, posit that either pathogens
induce brain cells to produce the amyloid proteins and tau tangles or that nerve
cells that have been damaged by infection produce them as part of an immune
response. We think the amyloid story does come into play, but its secondary to
the initial inflammation, says editorial co-author Brian Balin, who directs the Center
for Chronic Disorders of Aging at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic

Critics of the pathogen theory point out that much of the supportive human
research does not establish cause and effect. In a study published in The Lancet in
1997, a team led by Ruth Itzhaki, one of the editorials co-authors and a molecular
neurobiologist at the University of Manchester in England, reported that people
whose brains were infected with HSV-1 and who also had the APOE 4 gene
variant were 12 times more likely to develop Alzheimers than those with either the
gene variant or the infection alone. One hypothesis is that the APOE 4 variant
makes it easier for HSV-1 to infect brain cellsbut, critics say, it could also be that
the gene variant and the infection are associated with Alzheimers in ways that are
not causal.
Scientists have tried to nail down the mechanics of the relationship using animals.
Researchers in Spain have found, for instance, that mice whose brains have been
infected with HSV-1 produce nearly 14 times as much viral DNA when they have
the APOE 4 variant compared with when they do not. And after infecting the
brains of mice with HSV-1, Itzhakis group showed that their brains accumulated
amyloid plaques. But these studies are criticized, tooafter all, what happens in a
mouses brain may not happen in a humans.
The burden of proof is formidable for this theory, in part because it is impossible to
detect infections like HSV-1 in the brains of living peoplethey can only be seen
postmortem. Proof of causation is a major, critical and very complex issue, says
David Relman, an infectious disease specialist at Stanford University. Itzhaki
agrees, noting that one cannot just inject people with the virus and wait to see if
they develop Alzheimers. (That said, Australian microbiologist Barry Marshall
finally convinced skeptics that Heliobactor pylori bacteria cause gastric ulcers by
infecting himself.) Itzhaki says that one potential solution would be to conduct a
pilot clinical trial that evaluates whether HSV-1-infected individuals with mild
Alzheimers and the APOE 4 variant improve if they are treated with antiviral
drugs. They have already shown in the lab that these drugs inhibit amyloid plaque
production in HSV-1 infected cells. But she has applied for funding for a human
study multiple times and has so far has been unsuccessful.
Rudolph Tanzi, a neurologist at Harvard University who directs the Genetics and
Aging Research Unit at Massachusetts General Hospital, agrees that microbes
likely play a role in Alzheimersbut his work suggests that the brains response to
the infection is more dangerous than the infection itself. We do need to take the
role of microbes in the brain seriously, but its going to be a lot more involved than
simply saying infection causes Alzheimers disease, he notes. (He was not
involved in the editorial.) In a 2010 study Tanzi and his colleagues reported that the
amyloid protein strongly inhibits microbial growth in the brain, which suggests that
it accumulates as a protective response to infection. Over the last five years,
following up from that 2010 paper, weve showed that in every Alzheimers model
testedfrom cells to flies to dirt worms to micebeta amyloid potently protects
from infection, he explains. The presence of even just a few microbes in the brain,
he says, triggers its accumulation.
Infections induce potent immune responses, too, and they likely worsen the
problem. Normally, brain immune cells called microglia clear amyloid proteins from
the brain. But when these cells get fired up in response to infection, they stop,
causing the proteins to build up even faster. As Tanzis team showed in a 2014

Nature paper, the amyloid proteins that fill up the brain then spark the creation of
tau tangles, which cause more brain cell death. And now, you have the full-blown
disease, he says. (Scientific American is part of Springer Nature.)
As for which pathogens might be triggers, HSV-1 is a contender, Tanzi says, but it
is too soon to know for sure. I think we have to take a couple of steps back and
say, What types of bacteria, viruses and fungus accumulate in the brain as we
age? and study this systematically in an unbiased, agnostic way, he says. He is
leading a consortium funded by the nonprofit Cure Alzheimers Fund to map the
microbiome of the human brain; once potentially important microbes are identified,
it might be possible to develop neuroimaging techniques to track them in the brains
of living individuals, he says.
Other Alzheimers scientists still are not convinced, however. David Holtzman,
chair of the department of neurology at Washington University School of Medicine
in St. Louis and associate director of its Knight Alzheimer's Disease Research
Center, told Scientific American that although more research on the idea is
warranted, there is not clear or conclusive evidence of whether or how different
infections influence risk for Alzheimers disease. Tanzi says that when he presents
his findings and ideas at scientific meetings, reactions are indeed mixed. One
comment Itzhaki often hears is that HSV-1 cannot cause Alzheimers if it is also
found, as it is, in the brains of elderly healthy people. But she points out that other
pathogens, including tuberculosis, only cause symptoms in subset of vulnerable
individuals, too.
If microbes do turn out to be a potential trigger for Alzheimersand to most in the
field, this is still a big ifthe implications would be huge: It might be possible to
vaccinate against the debilitating disease simply by inoculating against offending
infections. At the very least, doctors might be able to treat infections with
antimicrobial drugs before they harm the brain. But building enough evidence to
prove the theory could take decades. Among other challenges, researchers
working in the area complain of funding woes. Over the 50-plus years that Ive
been doing the work, our group has had extreme difficulties nearly all the time
weve been working on a shoestring, Itzhaki says.
But given that hundreds of clinical trials for Alzheimers drugs have failed based on
the prevailing dogma, those working on the various versions of the pathogen
theory believe it is worth pushing forward. More than anything, they hope their
editorial will encourage skeptics to at least consider the possibility that microbes
could play a role in Alzheimers disease and support their desire to study it more.
Were saying wait a minute, folkswe have a body of evidence here from
decades of work that we have to stop ignoring, Balin says.

Ficha informativa
Tema: Controversial nuevo impulso para atar los microbios a la enfermedad de
rea: Neurological Health
A quien va dirigido: Sociedad
Tipo de texto: Informativo
Idea general:
Autor: Melinda Wenner Moyer
Fecha de publicacin: 21 de marzo de 2016
Fuente: Scientific american
Incluir la URL de la publicacin:
Actividades de lectura:
Presente, pasado, futuro y sus tres aspectos: simple, progresivo o continuo, y

Los cientficos se han preguntado desde hace tiempo las causas de la enfermedad
de Alzheimer, el estudio de la enfermedad de Alzheimer podra ser una
enfermedad prevenible. Infecciones microbianas pueden infectar el envejecimiento

cerebral y causar daos debilitantes. Los crticos de la teora del patgeno sealar
que gran parte de la investigacin humana solidaria no establecer la causa y el
efecto. Rudolph Tanzi, un neurlogo de la Universidad de Harvard que dirige la
Unidad de Investigacin de Gentica y envejecimiento en el Hospital General de
Massachusetts, conviene que los microbios probablemente juegan un papel en la
enfermedad de Alzheimer, pero su trabajo sugiere que la respuesta del cerebro a
la infeccin es ms peligrosa que la infeccin en s. Las infecciones inducen
potentes respuestas inmunitarias, demasiado, y pueden empeorar el problema.
Pero dado que cientos de ensayos clnicos para la enfermedad de Alzheimer
medicamentos han fallado basado en el dogma imperante, quienes trabajan en las
distintas versiones de la teora del patgeno, creo que vale la pena impulsar.
Opinin crtica:
En pocos aos se ha avanzado mucho en el conocimiento social de la enfermedad
de Alzheimer. Antes su significado slo era accesible para los expertos, pero se ha
extendido a gran parte de las personas que leen o escuchan notocias
habitualmente. Se trata de la causa de demencia ms frecuente con un nmero de
enfermos que aumenta. Sin olvidar lo importante que es transmitir a la sociedad lo
mucho que se puede hacer en la prevencin de la salud, hay que involucrarla, a
travs de los profesionales y las organizaciones sociales de familiares de
enfermos, en el compromiso de los sistemas pblicos de salud tienen con la

TEXTO 13. The Case of the Missing Pension

Tracking down a plan from a former employer can be difficult.
By. Carol Matlack
From. Bloomberg Businessweek
March 24, 2016

As a baby boomer, I joined the labor force when many jobs still came with an oldstyle pension, the kind that pays a fixed monthly sum in retirement. Although
pension plans have been largely phased out in favor of 401(k) and individual
retirement accounts, those of us who paid into them are entitled to the benefits we
Getting our hands on the money may not be easy, as I recently learned when I
decided to take inventory of my retirement assets. Job-hopping workers, corporate
upheaval, and spotty record keeping have left billions of dollars owed to Americans
in limbo. Its a vast problem that has a huge impact on retirement security, says
Jeanne Medeiros, director of the Pension Action Center, a research group at the
University of Massachusetts Boston. She estimates unclaimed pension benefits
could total as much as $8 billion annually.
When I left a job at National Journal magazine in Washington in 1995, I was
offered a choice between staying in the company pension plan or taking a $19,100
lump-sum payment. I opted for the pension, carefully filing away the paperwork I
got from HR, which estimated Id get $436 a month starting at age 65. That doesnt
sound like much, but it would total more than $100,000 if I lived 20 years after
National Journal had been owned by the Times Mirror media group when I worked
there, but was sold in 1997. I figured the new owners HR department would still
have the pension records. It didnt and had no idea who did. Times Mirror was

eventually acquired by the Tribune Co., which split into two companies in 2014.
News reports at the time said Tribune had more than $90 million in unfunded
pension liabilities. Oh dear.
Number of 401(k) plans abandoned each year, according to the U.S. Labor
I tried the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp., a federal agency that takes over
pension plans if they go bankrupt. Its also a repository for unclaimed benefits
owed to people whose former employers have terminated their plans. The PBGC
has an online database of some 35,200 people who are collectively owed
$351.5 million. I wasnt in the databasewhich was frustrating, but also good
news, since it meant my pension plan hadnt gone bust or shut down.
I then turned to the Pension Rights Center, a nonprofit that has counseling centers
in 30 states to help people with retirement-benefit problems. Bad luck: Neither the
District of Columbia, where I had worked, nor Virginia, where I lived at the time, are
among the areas it serves. Next stop was the Department of Labors Employment
Benefits Security Administration, which helps people locate pensions and 401(k)
accounts. I filled out a request form on its website. A few weeks later, a
representative left a message saying she was still searching.
In the meantime, though, Id had a breakthrough: A former colleague remembered
that another co-worker had opted to remain in the old pension plan back in 1997. I
located him, and he told me he was now receiving monthly retirement benefits via
fund management giant Vanguard. I called Vanguard, provided my Social Security
number, andbingo!
Later, I learned that my pension had been folded into a Times Mirror plan after the
1997 sale. Tribune, after acquiring Times Mirror, had kept that plan separate from
its troubled pension holdings (what luck!) and hired Vanguard to administer it. A
letter apprising me of all these changes was mailed to an address where I hadnt
lived for 17 years. Such situations are not uncommon, Emily Farrell, a Vanguard
spokeswoman, told me, noting that plan participants move, marry, change names,
etc., and often dont notify the plan sponsor.
Tracking down an errant 401(k) can be even more challenging, according to John
Turner, director of the Pension Policy Center, an advocacy group in Washington.
The Labor Department says employers abandon some 1,650 401(k) plans every
year. Over the past decade, thats left in limbo more than $8 billion owed to people
who left their accounts behind when they changed jobs. Even when plans remain
active, people sometimes forget about their accounts or die without leaving records
for heirs. The Labor Department can sometimes help locate missing 401(k)
savings, but not always. Unclaimed 401(k) accounts often sit in financial institutions
for years and eventually are turned over to state abandoned-property agencies,
Turner says. Its kind of a black hole.
Turners group has urged the government to set up a searchable registry of
unclaimed pensions and retirement accounts nationwide, as Britain and Australia
have done.
One easy way to keep tabs on a pension or 401(k) when you change jobs is to roll
the money over into an IRA or your current employers 401(k). Theres a downside,
though. A study last year by the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College

found that annual returns on IRAs averaged only 2.2 percent from 1999 to 2012,
compared with 3.1 percent for 401(k)s and 4.7 percent for traditional pension
plans. Higher management fees account for at least some of the difference, the
study found.
The bottom line: Unclaimed U.S. pension benefits may total as much as $8 billion
annually. Abandoned 401(k)s leave billions more in limbo.
Ficha informativa
Tema: El caso de la pension que falta
rea: Finanzas
A quien va dirigido: Sociedad
Tipo de texto: informativo
Idea general: asesoramiento por empresas a personas con problemas de
prestaciones de jubilacion
Autor: Carol Matlack
Fecha de publicacin: 24 de marzo de 2016
Fuente: Business week
Incluir la URL de la publicacin: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/201603-24/the-case-of-the-missing-pension
Actividades de lectura:
Identificar: Nombres, lugares, fechas, nmeros (indicar qu relacin tienen con el
401: los planes de pensiones han sido en gran parte eliminado en favor de 401
Jeanne Medeiros: director del Centro de Accin de pensiones
$8 mil millones: prestaciones de pensiones suman 8 mil millones anuales
Washington en 1995: dejo un trabjo en el peridico nacional
19.100: se le ofreci permanecer en el plan de pensiones o tomar 19.100 dolares
de la suma global
$436: cantidad que desea obtener mensualmente
65 aos: la edad a la que desea obtener supension
$100,000: un total de su jubilacin si vive 20 aos despus de jubilarse
1997: el Diario nacional fue adquirido por Times Mirror.
2014: Times Mirror fue finalmente adquirida por el Tribune Co., que se dividi en
dos compaas
$ 90: Tribune tena ms de $ 90 mil millones en pasivos por pensiones sin
35.200: La PBGC tiene una base de datos en lnea de algunos de 35.200
$ 351.5: personas que se adeudan colectivamente por $ 351.5 millones.
Centro de los derechos de pensin: una organizacin no lucrativa
30: Centro de los derechos de pension tiene centros de asesoramiento en 30

Distrito de Columbia: donde haba trabajado

Virginia: donde viva en el momento
Departamento de Empleo de Trabajo de Administracin de Beneficios de
Seguridad: ayuda a las personas a localizar las pensiones y las cuentas
17 aos: Una carta se envi por correo a una direccin donde no haba vivido
durante 17 aos
Emily Farrell: portavoz de Vanguard
John Turner: Director del Centro de Polticas de Pensiones, un grupo de defensa
en Washington

Aquellos que ingresan a trabajar tienen derecho a los beneficios acumulados.
Cuando dej un trabajo en el peridico nacional revista en Washington en 1995,
se me ofreci una opcin entre permanecer en el plan de pensiones de empresa o
tomar unos 19.100 dlares de la suma global. la pensin Rights Center, una
organizacin sin fines de lucro que tiene centros de asesoramiento en 30 estados
para ayudar a las personas con problemas de prestaciones de jubilacin. Los
honorarios de gestin superiores representan al menos algunas de las diferencias,
descubri el estudio.
Opinin crtica:
En esas actividades juega un papel decisorio para la salud la edad de jubilacin, y
que de poder jubilarse cinco aos antes de los 65 aos, a hacerlo a los 67 aos
como se pretende, va un abismo que implica que estas personas en su mayora se
jubilarn con unas condiciones de salud muy mermadas a causa de ese
sobreesfuerzo, que no solo les limitar para el disfrute de aquellas cosas que
siempre desearon hacer y no pudieron, sino incluso supondr un alto coste para la
sanidad, por las precarias condiciones de salud que padecern durante su tercera
edad. Por eso no comprendo como a estas alturas del Siglo XXI, en el que la
sociedad deberamos avanzar hacia una mejor calidad de vida y bienestar, se
lleve a cabo tal regresin social. Ojala recapaciten todos nuestros polticos y
busquen otra formula para solucionar la crisis econmica y financiera que no
consista en hacer retroceder el lgico progreso y evolucin de los seres humanos
hacia un mayor bienestar.

TEXTO 14. Editorial: The children of Fukushima: When medical tests

By. editorial board, march 25
Five years ago, the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster spread deadly
radiation by land and by sea. In the years since, Japan and the rest of the world
have learned many lessons about why the reactor failed and how to prevent
another such catastrophe.
But one of the most intriguing lessons of Fukushima involves hundreds of
thousands of Japanese children potentially exposed to excessive radiation.
Japanese public health officials were aware of an increased incidence of thyroid
cancer in Russian children after the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear accident. So
researchers screened more than 300,000 Fukushima-area children 18 and under
for thyroid irregularities that could turn into cancer.
The scientists' initial findings set off alarms. Tests detected some 30 times more
cases of early thyroid cancer in Fukushima children than in children elsewhere in
Japan who weren't exposed to the reactor radiation. Many children underwent
biopsies, and some even had their thyroid glands removed, a procedure that
carries risks and means a child must take thyroid pills for the rest of his or her life.

March 11, 2016 marks the fifth anniversary of the 9.0-magnitude earthquake and
subsequent tsunami that devastated northeastern Japan and triggered a nuclear
disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.
But a follow-up dive into the data led many epidemiologists to doubt those early
findings for several reasons:
Children living closer to the accident in areas of greatest contamination had no
greater rate of early cancer than those living farther away.
Younger children and infants, whose thyroids are more likely to be affected than
those of older children, did not show an expected higher rate of abnormal findings.

Some cancers were observed less than a year after the meltdown. It generally
takes years for thyroid cancer to develop after radiation exposure.
The epidemiologists' explanation: The cancer findings weren't largely attributable to
the increased radiation risk, but instead occurred because tens of thousands more
children were screened for thyroid cancer using sensitive ultrasound devices.
Typically, those children would not have been screened and the abnormalities
wouldn't have been found.
Initially scientists had compared results from Fukushima children with all children in
Japan. But when the same sensitive ultrasound was used to screen children in
other parts of Japan, more thyroid cancer was found in them, too, and that 30-fold
difference disappeared.
Put simply, greater screening led to more cases of early thyroid cancer diagnosed
in all children. South Korean health officials report a similar finding since the
government adopted widespread ultrasound screening for cancer in 1999.
Therein lies a cautionary lesson about the pros and cons of testing.
Thyroid cancer is a rare disease and usually develops slowly. Many of the
ultrasound findings in the Fukushima children may never progress to full-blown
cancer. An epidemic of childhood thyroid cancer deaths tied to the reactor
meltdown is unlikely. Some of the children whose thyroid glands were removed
might have been better off had they been placed under long-term medical
observation instead.
The lesson of the Fukushima children is that intensive screening will reveal more
disease but not necessarily more disease that must be treated.
This phenomenon is called overdiagnosis. Screenings find cancers that did not
need to be treated because they would grow slowly, if at all. Left alone, they would
probably never cause problems. But it can be difficult to distinguish between trivial
abnormalities and those that ultimately cause disease.
The message to all patients even those an ocean away from Japan who are
contemplating health screenings: Testing can save lives. But it can also lead to
overdiagnosis and, most damaging, overtreatment. Ask your doctor, because
sometimes what you don't know may not hurt you. But what you do know might.
Ficha informativa
Tema: Los nios de Fukushima: Cuando las pruebas mdicas engaar
rea: Opinin
A quien va dirigido: Sociedad
Tipo de texto: Opinion
Idea general: El cncer no era atribuible en gran medida al aumento de riesgo de
Autor: Chicago tribune
Fecha de publicacin: 25 de marzo de 2016
Fuente: Chicago Tribune
Incluir la URL de la publicacin:

Actividades de lectura:
Localizar conectores y las ideas que stos unen o relacionan, indicando la funcin
de stos (adicin, contraste, explicacin, causa-efecto, conclusin, etc.).
En los aos siguientes, Japn y el resto del mundo han aprendido muchas
lecciones acerca de por qu el reactor fall y cmo evitar otra catstrofe tal. Pero
una de las lecciones ms interesantes de Fukushima involucra a cientos de miles
de nios japoneses que podran estar expuestos a la radiacin excesiva.
Funcionarios de salud pblica japonesas estaban al tanto de una mayor incidencia
de cncer de tiroides en nios rusos despus del accidente nuclear de Chernobyl
de 1986.
Muchos nios se sometieron a biopsias. Pero una inmersin de seguimiento en
los datos llev a muchos epidemilogos para dudar de esos primeros hallazgos.
Los resultados de cncer no fueron atribuibles en gran medida al aumento del
riesgo de radiacin, pero en cambio se deba a decenas de miles de nios fueron
seleccionados para el uso de dispositivos de ultrasonido.
Inicialmente los cientficos habran de comparar los resultados de los nios de
Fukushima con todos los nios en Japn. Pero cuando se utiliz el mismo
ultrasonido sensible para detectar nios en otras partes de Japn, ms cncer de
tiroides se encontr en ellas
La leccin de los nios de Fukushima es que las radiografas intensivas revelar
ms enfermedades pero no necesariamente ms la enfermedad que debe ser
Una vez solo, probablemente no causar problemas. Pero puede ser difcil
distinguir entre las anomalas triviales y las que en ltima instancia causan la
Las pruebas pueden salvar vidas. Pero tambin puede conducir a exceso de
diagnstico y, ms perjudicial, sobretratamiento.

Hace cinco aos, la planta de energa nuclear de Fukushima fue un desastre
propagando radiacin mortal por tierra y por mar. Pero una de las ms intrigantes
lecciones de Fukushima involucra a cientos de miles de nios japoneses
potencialmente expuesto a una radiacin excesiva. Los funcionarios de salud
pblica japonesa eran conscientes de un aumento de la incidencia de cncer de
tiroides en los nios rusos tras el accidente nuclear. El cncer no era atribuible en
gran medida al aumento de riesgo de radiacin, sino que ocurrieron debido a que
decenas de miles de nios ms se hicieron pruebas para detectar el cncer de
tiroides mediante ultrasonido.
Opinin crtica:
Los efectos que puede producir la radiacin en nuestra salud dependen de
multitud de factores como la dosis y el tipo de radiacin, la edad del individuo en el
momento de la irradiacin. Las consecuencias por exposicin a la radioactividad
en los humanos son infinitas y van a depender de qu tan expuestos hayamos
estado y por cuanto tiempo. Recordemos que la radiacin afecta directamente a
los seres humanos, daando diversos rganos del cuerpo y causando cncer y
mutaciones al procrear. Por otro lado, cuando suceden estas catstrofes, siempre
se espera que la contaminacin se disperse, con lo que se logra descontaminar
un pedacito del planeta, cierto, pero acumulando contaminacin en el planeta
entero. Quisiera decir que existe una cura para todo esto, pero no la hay.

Texto 15. Will Home Genetic Tests Become Commonplace?

Posted Mar 28, 2016
Theodora Ross M. D. PhD.
Will home genetic tests become as useful as home pregnancy tests and cram
drugstore shelves?
With the ability to sequence genomes, the interpretation of genetic tests has
become complex. The field of genetics has been turned on its head. Mutated
genes we once thought certain to cause a disease are deemed innocent. More and
more genes are joining the lineup. The complex interpretation of genetic results
and the decisions that follow have made home testing more challenged than ever.
The twists and turns in the world of genetics are just beginning.
Home genetic tests can fill the needs of those curious about their ancestry and why
their DNA sequences gave them funny earlobes, freckles or brown eyes. Its the
medically challenged who wont find what they need in a home genetic test. Even
with the assistance of their primary doctor and genetic counselor, the current test
results are not part of standard prevention or health care plans.
What are the DTC tests?
The way home tests work is the companies sell you a testing kit via the Internet
(this is what we call a direct-to-consumer test, or DTC, test). You then spit into a
tube and mail the tube to the company. The company runs the test and sends you
the results. The DTC genetic testing companies only tell you which gene changes
theyve found. Rarely do they tell you something that impacts your health and if it
does, it will need to be readdressed with your doctor.
A couple years ago 23andMe, a DTC service, was outlawed by the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) from returning health reports associated with their $99 test to
consumers. Prior to this, attempts to understand if there were health implications
buried in the multi-page 23andMe reports for our clinic patients were exercises in
Similarly, a newly revamped test (now costing $199) from 23andMe is approved to
analyze for carrier status. This tests for mutations that could lead to a specific
disease in offspring if the other parent has a mutation in the same gene and the
child inherits both mutated genes. These types of syndromes are cystic fibrosis,
sickle cell anemia and many more diseases few of us have heard of. Doctors have
the ability to test patients for carrier status too and the tests they order, not
home DTC tests, are the tests they use for patient care.
Even for medical professionals, genetic confusion is common. Genetics has always
been a difficult topic for lay people and doctors alike. In the 1990s we began to
discover the mutated genes like MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, PMS2, BRCA1, BRCA2 and
TP53 in people with family cancer syndromes but we didnt know what to do with
the information. Although we now know more, its still a difficult topic -- even for
geneticists and even more with the tsunami of data from genome sequencing.
What are the pros and cons of DTC tests?
There are certainly positive aspects to DTC tests. Their mere existence gives you
the courage to get a genetic analysis in privacy. Going through this process can
bestow a feeling of responsibility and take charge empowerment. After all, you

know how you are doing more than anybody else does. Furthermore, its relatively
cheap (with prices ranging from $99 to $999) and your insurance company need
not weigh in about whether or not the test is indicated.
And the cons? A negative test allows us to put our heads in the sand and not have
a complete genetic analysis. Genetic analysis is not a single event, its a process.
Genetic progress has led to updated testing. Over time new genetic information is
acquired and a need for new discussions with your doctor and counselor arise.
The biological significance of what is reported on DTC tests can be unclear
(statistical and biological significance are different). What parts of
your DNA are sequenced and what parts are not, can be hard to verify. This puts
DTC and other genetic tests at risk for garden variety chicanery, false leads, hypes
and data misrepresentation.
Finally, since the doctor and genetic counselor dont order the DTC test, theres
nobody sitting next to you to objectively explain what it means, to prod you to
obtain accurate family information and to help you make healthy decisions.
Why input from the patient, the doctor and the counselor is still a need.
Few of us want to revert to the old days of paternal care when the doctor was allknowing and information gathering and input from the patient were ignored. But
doctors dont go to medical school and genetic counselors dont go to graduate
school only for the fun. The truth remains theyve acquired the knowledge,
experience, and wisdom of education and practice to share with you. A good
genetic counselor is likely to have the biggest wealth of genetic knowledge and
your doctor the biggest wealth of medical knowledge.
Patients who dont understand their genetic situation are not able to make the next
decision and frequently take no action. With this in mind a shift to home genetic
tests has been touted as valuable patient tool of involvement and responsibility.
The concept of informed consent is less the consent and more the informed.
Patients who understand and are deeply involved in each decision feel better about
their decisions. But to make these decisions, experts are required. Even as a
trained oncologist, I lean on my genetic counselors when choosing what tests to
order and what do when test results come back.
Your doctor and geneticist work together to help you with medical decisions. The
geneticist has the genetic education, as well as a high emotional IQ to be
empathetic and objective at the same time. To make the best decisions about what
to do with test results, the geneticist, the doctor and the patient can form a team
and complement each others strengths.
One day, the home genetic test may occupy the shelves of our drug stores like
home pregnancy tests do now, but the reality of the genetic situation is messier
than a simple pregnancy test. Genetics has gone from difficult to very difficult. The
interpretation of genetic test results is fraught with caveats. We have 20,000 genes
and many sequences in between. Most genetic material is yet to be understood.
And as rule of thumb, when a genetic test is sold for a price ending in a 9 -- $199
or $99 or a recent $999 for your full genome -- theres probably more than your
health at stake. Appropriately, the sellers of these tests are selling. Their genetic
counselors, the ones that are paid by the company that makes the test, are not
yours. Your counselor is the one your doctor refers you to or you can find from the

National Society of Genetic Counselors website (link is external). Your counselor

and doctors will seek only to know your genetic inheritance and help you manage
its outcomes.
Without a good doctor, a good genetic counselor and good amounts of back and
forth, the home genetic test wont help you and your family stay healthy or become
Ficha informativa
Tema: Las pruebas genticas en casa, ser convertido en un lugar comn?
rea: Ciencia
A quien va dirigido: Sociedad
Tipo de texto: Informativo
Idea general: La situacin gentica es ms complicado que una simple prueba
Autor: Theodora Ross M. D. PhD.
Fecha de publicacin: marzo 28 del 2016
Fuente: Psychology Today
Incluir la URL de la publicacin:
Actividades de lectura:
Las ideas principales contenidas en el texto y las ideas secundarias o de apoyo en
cada prrafo.

Con la capacidad de secuenciar genomas, la interpretacin de las

pruebas genticas se ha vuelto compleja.
Los genes mutados que antes pensbamos determinados para causar una
enfermedad, son considerados inocentes.
La compleja interpretacin de resultados genticos y las decisiones que siguen
han hecho pruebas caseras un desafo cada vez mayor.

Las pruebas genticas pueden llenar las necesidades de esos

curiosos acerca de sus ancestros y por qu sus secuencias de
ADN les dio:, pecas o los ojos marrones.
Es el desafi mdicamente que no encuentran lo que necesitan en un hogar con
test genticos.
Compaas venden un kit de pruebas a travs de Internet
La empresa ejecuta la prueba y enva los resultados.
Raramente se le dice algo que afecta su salud y si lo hace, tendr que ser dirigido
con su mdico.

un servicio de DTC, fue prohibida por la Administracin de Drogas

y Alimentos (FDA)

Antes de esto, los intentos de comprender si hay implicaciones de salud fueron


Una prueba recientemente, es aprobado para analizar "el estado de

Son las pruebas que utilizan para el cuidado del paciente.
Confusin gentica es comn.
La gentica ha sido siempre un tema difcil para los mdicos.
Dcada de 1990 empezaron a descubrir los genes mutados
VII. Aspectos positivos a las pruebas DTC.
Obtener un anlisis gentico en la intimidad.
Otorgar un sentimiento de responsabilidad
Es relativamente barato
VIII. Los Contras
El anlisis gentico no es un hecho aislado, es un proceso.
Se adquiere nueva informacin gentica y la necesidad de nuevas conversaciones
con su mdico

La importancia biolgica de lo que se informa en las pruebas DTC

puede ser poco claro
Qu partes de tu ADN son secuenciados y qu partes no lo son, puede ser difcil
de verificar
Pistas falsas y datos targiversados
Volver a los viejos das de cuidado paterno
Los mdicos no pueden ir a la escuela de medicina y los asesores genticos no
van a la escuela de posgrado solamente para la diversin.

Adquirido los conocimientos, la experiencia, educacin y la

Un buen consejero gentico es probablemente la mayor riqueza de conocimientos
genticos y su mdico la mayor riqueza de conocimientos mdicos.

Los pacientes que no entienden su situacin gentica no son

capaces de tomar decisiones.
Los pacientes que comprenden y estn profundamente involucrados en cada
decisin se sienten mejor acerca de sus decisiones

La situacin gentica es ms complicado que una simple prueba de

La gentica ha pasado de difcil a muy difcil.
La interpretacin de los resultados de la prueba gentica est plagada de

Con la capacidad de secuenciar genomas, la interpretacin de las pruebas
genticas se ha vuelto compleja. Las pruebas genticas pueden llenar las
necesidades de esos curiosos acerca de sus ancestros y por qu sus secuencias
de ADN les dio: pecas o los ojos marrones. Compaas venden un kit de pruebas
a travs de Internet. Un servicio de DTC, fue prohibida por la Administracin de
Drogas y Alimentos (FDA). Una prueba recientemente, es aprobada para analizar
"el estado de portador." Con estas pruebas la confusin gentica es comn. La
gentica ha sido siempre un tema difcil para los mdicos. Aspectos positivos a las
pruebas DTC: Obtener un anlisis gentico en la intimidad y otorgar un
sentimiento de responsabilidad. El anlisis gentico no es un hecho aislado, es un
proceso, se adquiere nueva informacin gentica y la necesidad de nuevas
conversaciones con su mdico. La situacin gentica es ms complicada que una
simple prueba de embarazo.La gentica ha pasado de difcil a muy difcil. La
interpretacin de los resultados de la prueba gentica est plagada de
Opinin crtica:
Los resultados a veces generan ms ansiedad que soluciones. No es lo mismo
confirmar un diagnstico, o averiguar que hay un riesgo que se puede combatir
con medidas preventivas o cambios de hbitos. Tambin te puedes enterar a
tiempo de que hay determinados frmacos que no te convienen. Los anlisis
genticos directos al consumidor han generado una enorme controversia sobre
sus potenciales beneficios y perjuicios para los usuarios desde que se pusieron en
el mercado. Aunque el acceso a este tipo de anlisis puede hacerse a travs de
un sistema de venta directa en farmacias u otro tipo de establecimientos, el
principal canal de venta es Internet

Texto 16. A Narrow Escape for Public-Sector Unions

Matt Ford. 29/03/2016
The justices split 4-4 in Friedrichs v. CTA, leaving a pro-union ruling in the lower
courts intact.

The U.S. Supreme Court split 4-4 in Friedrichs v. CTA on Tuesday, thwarting a
legal challenge that labor activists feared would deal a crippling blow to publicsector unions throughout the country.
The judgment is affirmed by an equally divided Court, the justices wrote in a brief,
unsigned ruling.
The case was closely watched not only because of the implications for organized
labor, but also how the court would rule following Justice Antonin Scalias death on
February 13. Scalia was seen as likely to have ruled against the unions, and his
death deprived the courts conservatives of a tie-breaking fifth vote.
Tuesdays deadlock means that the Ninth Circuits ruling in favor of the teachers
union will stand. But it also signaled that Justice Anthony Kennedy, who almost
certainly joined Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Samuel Alito and
Clarence Thomas on one side of the split, would be willing to overturn Abood v.
Detroit Board of Education, the decision that became the basis for public-employee
contracts. (The Court did not disclose how each justice voted in todays decision.)
That tosses the precedents ultimate fate to the next justice who serves on the
Rebecca Friedrichs and nine other California teachers who brought the suit argued
the states agency-fee system violated the First Amendment by forcing them to
subsidize political activities they dont support. Under California labor law, public
employeesteachers, police officers, firefighters, and so forthvote to designate
a union as their exclusive representative for collective-bargaining purposes. These
employees cant be forced to join a union, but many of them do. Those who do join
pay dues to support the unions activities, which range from collective bargaining
itself to broader political advocacy.

Those who dont join are still required to pay a smaller agency fee, also known as
a fair-share fee, to the union to help fund its collective-bargaining functions. Unlike
member dues, funds from the agency fees cant be used for the unions political
purposes. The lesser fee helps avoid a free-rider problem where employees benefit
from the unions representation without paying to support it. Twenty-two other
states and the District of Columbia have similar labor laws on the books.
The Supreme Court upheld agency fees in the 1977 decision in Abood and,
theoretically, that would have been the end of Friedrichs. The Ninth Circuit Court of
Appeals ruled for the teachers union with a two-page opinion, describing the
teachers case as so insubstantial as to not require further argument.
But a majority of justices indicated in 2014 they could be willing to overturn it, and
granted certiorari to the Friedrichs plaintiffs when the case reached the Court. In
Harris v. Quinn, a 5-4 case that struck down fair-share fees for home-health care
providers in Illinois, the majority laid siege to Abood at length. Justice Samuel Alito
and the other four conservatives criticized the 1977 case for purportedly
misunderstanding the previous cases it cited as precedent, for failing to understand
the differences between public- and private-sector unions, for practical
administrative problems, for burdening public employees who dont join a union, for
shoddy statistical analysis, and for other perceived sins.
The Abood Courts analysis is questionable on several grounds, Alito wrote for
the Court. Some of these were noted or apparent at or before the time of the
decision, but several have become more evident and troubling in the years since
then. He and the other justices declined to overrule Abood, however, arguing
instead that it didnt apply in Harris at all.
The message was clear nonetheless. Readers of todays decision will know that
Abood does not rank on the majoritys top-ten list of favorite precedentsand that
the majority could not restrain itself from saying (and saying and saying) so,
Justice Elena Kagan replied in dissent. Yet they will also know that the majority
could not, even after receiving full-dress briefing and argument, come up with
reasons anywhere near sufficient to reverse the decision.
During oral arguments in Friedrichs, the courts five conservative judges seemed
poised to overturn Abood. The teachers made the expansive claim that all publicsector union activities, even negotiating health benefits and pay raises, are
inherently political. Scalia seemed to embrace this point at oral arguments. The
problem is that everything that is collectively bargained with the government is
within the political sphere, almost by definition, he told the advocates.
A decision that struck down agency fees would not deal a fatal blow to American
organized labor, but it would leave a grievous wound. As my colleague Alana
Semuels noted in January, states that ended the agency-fee system through
legislative action saw declines in union membership, including in former labor
strongholds like Michigan and Wisconsin. More than one-third of U.S. public-sector
employees belong to a union.

Ficha informativa
Tema: Un escape de los sindicatos del sector publico
rea: Poltica
A quien va dirigido: Sociedad
Tipo de texto: Informativo
Idea general: Una decisin que abati a honorarios de agencias no sera un golpe
fatal para los trabajadores organizados
Autor: Matt Ford.
Fecha de publicacin: 29 de marzo de 2016
Fuente: The Atlantic
Incluir la URL de la publicacin:
Actividades de lectura:
Identificar palabras con diferente categora gramatical utilizando afijos.


Desafio legal que los activistas laborales temian asentaria el Tribunal Supremo de
los Estados Unidos los sindicatos del sector publico en todo el pas. "La sentencia
es confirmada por un tribunal igualmente dividido", El caso fue estrechamente
vigilado no slo por las consecuencias para los trabajadores organizados, sino
tambin la forma en que el tribunal fallara a raz de la muerte de Antonin Scalia. El
martes significa que el estancamiento del Noveno Circuito fall a favor del
sindicato de profesores se mantenga en pie. Rebecca Friedrichs California y otros
nueve profesores que inici la demanda adujo el estado del sistema de honorarios
de agencia violaba la Primera Enmienda, obligndoles a subvencionar actividades
polticas que no tienen soporte. Aquellos que no se unen an estn obligados a
pagar una pequea cuota de "agencia", tambin conocido como una participacin
equitativa en la cuota, a la Unin Europea para ayudar a financiar sus funciones
de negociacin colectiva. Una decisin que abati a honorarios de agencia no
sera un golpe fatal para los trabajadores organizados, Americana pero dejara una
grave herida.
Opinin crtica:
Sus objetivos concretos, en cambio, pueden ser varios: el de hacer visible ante la
opinin pblica las prcticas irresponsables que la empresa est llevando a cabo,
esperando que dicha repercusin negativa provoque en los accionistas la
necesidad de forzar un cambio de rumbo en las polticas de la compaa. Tambin
puede servir para intentar que la empresa incorpore un departamento de
responsabilidad social corporativa y un cdigo tico. Es efectivo, puesto que se
consiguen avances a largo plazo en el mayor compromiso social y ambiental de
las grandes corporaciones

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